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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis


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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Immigration to Germany

    Post  NickM Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:37 am

    About 15,000 people have taken part in a march against "Islamisation of the West" in the east German city of Dresden.

    A large counter-demonstration of more than 5,000 people was also held. No major incidents were reported.

    Dresden is the birthplace of a movement called "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West" (Pegida), which staged a big rally a week ago.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  NickM Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:45 am

    Eventually GERMANS are realizing the dangers of allowing immigrants from Asia to enter Germany

    Record number at Germany's anti-immigrant rally

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:35 am

    Not as bad as the last time large numbers of Germans tried to migrate around Europe... Razz

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:18 am

    Wishful thinking perhaps, but it's starting to sound like the East German protests in 1989, these things.

    Protests in East German cities, starting at night, steadily increasing in participation, led by radical political factions but gradually coming to involve more and more ordinary people for a variety of reasons and discontents, on the backdrop of an economic downturn and a general loss of public confidence in their ruling politicians and ideology, anger over wide-spread foreign surveillance/intelligence activities.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  mutantsushi Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:48 pm

    Hadn't seen a thread for this yet...

    Schengen shock: Germany halts trains from Austria, introduces border controls
    Austrian train operator OeBB says Germany has stopped all trains coming in from the country, and Germany’s Interior Ministry has abruptly introduced “temporary” border controls with Austria. More than 2,100 extra police have been dispatched to secure the borders.

    Austria’s national train company OeBB also announced earlier that it is suspending services to and from Hungary, which is where most asylum seekers arrive from, on their way to Germany. It was unclear if smaller operators would follow suit.

    Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has announced that the country is immediately introducing border controls, following an internal vote between the country's ruling coalition partners.
    "At this moment Germany is temporarily introducing border controls again along [the EU's] internal borders. The focus will be on the border to Austria at first," the politician said at a news conference in Berlin.
    "The aim of these measures is to limit the current inflows to Germany and to return to orderly procedures when people enter the country."

    De Maziere called for asylum seekers to "abide by the rules" and register in the first country of arrival in the EU, and said they could not "pick and choose" where to live in Europe. Many have refused to identify themselves in transit countries, demanding passage to Germany, which accepts a higher proportion of applications than other EU countries, and has more generous welfare benefits.

    According to the Berlin tabloid Bild, and Austria’s leading newspaper Krone, German border police will examine the travel documents of those arriving through the most popular southern route into the country, to make sure they are on the list of countries eligible for asylum.
    ...So while Hungary was being vilified and Germany was the saint in the simplistic media morality tale, in the end Germany itself can't finish what it bit off...
    Now they say refugees can't pick and choose where to live, except that is exactly what they want to do, and they actively resist efforts to the contrary.

    Some even kept transiting thru Germany and Denmark on the way to Sweden, which pissed Sweden off,
    with Sweden saying Denmark needs to fulfill EU rules to register migrants on first EU country they enter into...
    Seeming to forget that Denmark clearly was NOT the first EU country they entered, thus there is no EU rules issue for Denmark.

    The part where German business leaders and EU pols openly stated the rationale behind this was cheap workers and long term demographics,
    I think probably DIDN'T help their case very much amongst anybody at all opposed or worried about the scale of events.
    Efforts to distinguish refugees from economic migrants, which already fly in face of things like Syrian refugees leaving Turkey for $ reasons,
    the apparent understanding that these people are coming here to stay doesn't square up with true refugees, who if their source country's war ends,
    should have every reason to then return to it... I mean if EU teamed up with Syria and Russia and Iraq, that war could be over in 2 years easy.
    But then those refugees wouldn't help German business by being cheap laborers, and EU demographics by boosting population etc.

    Anyways, clearly these EU countries that want to accept some refugees should do so via Embassies/Consulates in Syria/Turkey/Lebanon/etc,
    rather than giving reason for refugees to use people smugglers to violate border regimes and causing problems as seen, in fact causing deaths as seen.
    Which is strange for all the vilification of Hungary, it has not caused these deaths, Germany and Sweden have, as well as endangering Schengen etc.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  George1 Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:16 pm

    Very important thread especially these days!! My country Greece faces great problem with refugees that come from Turkey and EE leaders block any asylum given to them so as not to be transferred to other countries. Mytelene an island at sea border with Turkey with 40.000 residents has now 10.000 refugees...

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  mutantsushi Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:27 pm

    Definitely Greece's refugee crisis has been going on a long time with not nearly enough support from EU...
    But then again, hardly surprising given EU has never supported Greece when it's borders are violated by Turkish military.

    One other thing I wanted to say, the trend of posting pics of refugees and some other pic showing a jihadi seems a bit disturbing,
    just because I am simply not convinced by a significant amount of these, you can't always confirm an ID from one pic/ one angle,
    and in cases of mistaken identity they are potentially putting these people at danger from people taking that info at face value.
    Not that identifying militants is not a definite priority, but the way things are done on Twitter etc is not always the best way.
    Then the is the issue of "West approved moderate jihadis" and if they are going to be turned back or accepted...
    Of course if they do turn back militants that they were in fact funding/etc, it rather exposes the real nature of Western policy.

    Somehow I do feel that the NATO/Non-NATO countries who participated in attack on Libya, and backing Syrian jihadis,
    deserve to take refugees while those countries that did not participate in those endeavors should not pay the costs of those actions.
    Obviously that guilt in creating background for refugee crisis is hardly ever brought up, yet I'd say is 100% relevant,
    if Germany and Sweden want to posture as "angels", then the fact they participated in causing the issue in first place,
    while Austria and Hungary did not, should certainly be brought up.  Even beyond participation, many of their intelligence services
    are certainly aware in detail of NATO/GCC support of terrorist/jihadi groups, yet do not publicize such actions -> complicity.

    EDIT: Also, Germany et al seem to want to change EU rules on refugees (quotas) and border rules etc.
    Why not engage a global debate on refugees, with all signatories to Geneva Conv. which establishes responsibility for refugees in the first place?
    If there is supposed to be a global responsibility for that, why not have global quotas or sharing of costs?
    But as I mentioned, refugees are conflated with $ migrants, and somehow expected to become permanent immigrants,
    rather than temporarily having a safe home until their homeland is no longer at war and is once again safe to live in.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Regular Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:53 pm

    I agree with this pshek
    Even that Lesbo @1:00 felt hetero for a second... For me Europe in it's form is disgusting.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:41 am

    The vast majority of the refugees are economic migrants... perhaps if Europe had spent more time trying to make the whole world a better place to live instead of lining its own pockets with the worlds resources then the migrants would want to stay at home.

    Western intervention in Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, as well as sanctions on Iran have led to poverty and problems in those places... do they expect the populations of those countries to just ride it out?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:32 am

    My idea - load them on ships and send them to the US. It's not EU's mission to take care of every single poor migrant on the planet.

    Because now everyone is trying to get on the bandwagon - including Afghans, Pakistanis, even Iraqi Shias.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Regular Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:20 pm

    My take is that countries who have colonial past or those who were doing "democratic" safaris should accept them.

    Russians are filming those monkeys fight each other in Germany

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Werewolf Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:19 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:My idea - load them on ships and send them to the US. It's not EU's mission to take care of every single poor migrant on the planet.

    Because now everyone is trying to get on the bandwagon - including Afghans, Pakistanis, even Iraqi Shias.

    Still happy with germany being US bitch and doing this pro migrant policy?


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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:50 am

    Doesn't it say something on the (french) statue of liberty in NY harbour... send me your migrants or something to that effect.... I would have thought americans would love a cheap labour force to replace illegal Mexicans.... the statue of liberty is French why not keep them in France?

    Of course the real reason these migrants are going to europe is because of the state funded hand outs... unemployment benefits and health care... but not every country in Europe offers such things to all so that is why they are trying to get to the UK and Germany or other specific countries rather than staying where they hit land.

    Perhaps those countries need to change their laws regarding social welfare for illegals... and print information to be dropped over Syria and Libya etc etc.

    Of course all these new citizens will create jobs and need services and the UK includes the black market economy in their economic figures so this will be a boost anyway... send them all to the UK... Smile

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:37 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:My idea - load them on ships and send them to the US. It's not EU's mission to take care of every single poor migrant on the planet.

    Because now everyone is trying to get on the bandwagon - including Afghans, Pakistanis, even Iraqi Shias.

    Still happy with germany being US bitch and doing this pro migrant policy?

    Actually Merkel has just slapped the face of Obama - by publicly supported the cooperation with Putin against ISIL.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Werewolf Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:32 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:My idea - load them on ships and send them to the US. It's not EU's mission to take care of every single poor migrant on the planet.

    Because now everyone is trying to get on the bandwagon - including Afghans, Pakistanis, even Iraqi Shias.

    Still happy with germany being US bitch and doing this pro migrant policy?

    Actually Merkel has just slapped the face of Obama - by publicly supported the cooperation with Putin against ISIL.

    Sure...Merkel is US and private sectors bitch she does what they expect of her nothing else, Obama has no more political power than i do. Presidents of the west are just figureheads, pawns on the chessboard for people with actual political power and those people belong to mighty organisations in the private sector. We saw how much power US presidents have J.F.K tried to do something against this private sector that controlls the entire country and all secret services and he spoke openly against this private owned state and he was murdered by the CIA which is owned by the same private sector.

    One thing humanity has learned through thousands over tenthousands of years. If you want to reign over nations, do not sit on the throne, let someone else sit there, be the face the people remember while you influence and do the real politics. If shit hits the fan, who will be the guy on the chopping block?

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:46 pm

    Mother of god.... lol1 lol1 lol1 ....Please let this be a thing lol! With this migrant crisis, it may hit the Russphobic Baltic states the hardest! The Baltic states lost about 20% of their populations, low birth rates, and now with EU-mandated migrant quota's we could potentially see migrants with higher birth rates 'take over' the Baltic states lol! Could you imagine in 20 years time the Russophobic Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia with a majority population made up of Pro-Russian Syrians LMAO?!?! One can only dream:

    Juncker’s Quotas: Requiem for Baltics

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Werewolf Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:21 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Mother of god.... lol1 lol1 lol1 ....Please let this be a thing lol! With this migrant crisis, it may hit the Russphobic Baltic states the hardest! The Baltic states lost about 20% of their populations, low birth rates, and now with EU-mandated migrant quota's we could potentially see migrants with higher birth rates 'take over' the Baltic states lol! Could you imagine in 20 years time the Russophobic Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia with a majority population made up of Pro-Russian Syrians LMAO?!?! One can only dream:

    Juncker’s Quotas: Requiem for Baltics

    Well i would not shed a tear for the demize of those countries and vassals they are.
    Prince Darling

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Prince Darling Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:06 am

    slovenia standing strong in face of early invasion.
    150 illegals returned to croatia, they were trying to enter on a train (through the most guarded border crossing).

    who knows what will happen when 10k arrive and try to force through at once, but at least it seems all branches of law enforcement are being activated from police, reserve police, civil protection, military police and it seems also the military.

    Syrian military aged cowards being classy as ever also denying water to children and women in the wagons with them.

    gotta say my respect for syrians has plummeted into a sinkhole, they are on par with other arabs in my world now

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:33 am

    The EU is so full of sh*t it swims in a sea of it of its own making. Remember the ridiculous trip by the British Prime Minister and
    Sarkozy to Libya to congratulate themselves on "mission accomplished" George W. Bush style? Libya was stemming the flood
    of refugees to Europe. Now these EU f*cktards are messing up Syria and see the refugee flow and their anuses pucker up
    tighter than a 20 ton hydraulic press.

    You reap what you sow, turdballs. According to the BBC the total refugee flux into the EU in the first eight months of 2015
    is 350,000. Cry me a river! There are a over a million Ukrainian refugees in Russia and I don't hear anything about
    them. Mighty, rich EU can't handle less refugees than poor Russia. LOL.
    Prince Darling

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  Prince Darling Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:35 am

    kvs wrote:The EU is so full of sh*t it swims in a sea of it of its own making.   Remember the ridiculous trip by the British Prime Minister and
    Sarkozy to Libya to congratulate themselves on "mission accomplished" George W. Bush style?   Libya was stemming the flood
    of refugees to Europe.   Now these EU f*cktards are messing up Syria and see the refugee flow and their anuses pucker up
    tighter than a 20 ton hydraulic press.  

    You reap what you sow, turdballs.   According to the BBC the total refugee flux into the EU in the first eight months of 2015
    is 350,000.   Cry me a river!   There are a over a million Ukrainian refugees in Russia and I don't hear anything about
    them.  Mighty, rich EU can't handle less refugees than poor Russia.   LOL.    

    Slovenia is probably the most pro russian country in the EU, but with assholes like you around that might also change.


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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  flamming_python Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:38 am

    Prince Darling wrote:
    kvs wrote:The EU is so full of sh*t it swims in a sea of it of its own making.   Remember the ridiculous trip by the British Prime Minister and
    Sarkozy to Libya to congratulate themselves on "mission accomplished" George W. Bush style?   Libya was stemming the flood
    of refugees to Europe.   Now these EU f*cktards are messing up Syria and see the refugee flow and their anuses pucker up
    tighter than a 20 ton hydraulic press.  

    You reap what you sow, turdballs.   According to the BBC the total refugee flux into the EU in the first eight months of 2015
    is 350,000.   Cry me a river!   There are a over a million Ukrainian refugees in Russia and I don't hear anything about
    them.  Mighty, rich EU can't handle less refugees than poor Russia.   LOL.    

    Slovenia is probably the most pro russian country in the EU, but with assholes like you around that might also change.

    Just put that man on ignore, your future-self will thank you later.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  flamming_python Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:51 am

    GarryB wrote:Doesn't it say something on the (french) statue of liberty in NY harbour... send me your migrants or something to that effect.... I would have thought americans would love a cheap labour force to replace illegal Mexicans.... the statue of liberty is French why not keep them in France?

    Of course the real reason these migrants are going to europe is because of the state funded hand outs... unemployment benefits and health care... but not every country in Europe offers such things to all so that is why they are trying to get to the UK and Germany or other specific countries rather than staying where they hit land.

    Perhaps those countries need to change their laws regarding social welfare for illegals... and print information to be dropped over Syria and Libya etc etc.

    Of course all these new citizens will create jobs and need services and the UK includes the black market economy in their economic figures so this will be a boost anyway... send them all to the UK... Smile

    I liked how Hungary's PM Orban put it - basically saying that the migrants enter his country from Serbia - which isn't a country facing war or humanitarian disaster; therefore why should he accept the migrants as refugees?

    Indeed if refugee is what these people are after - then they better seek it in the first peaceful country they come across. Else it's not refugee, it's economic migration.

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  mutantsushi Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:01 am

    Bwhahaha... Ice-T gonna bust some jihad on yo ass with dat fishing pole... afro
    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis CPGy-0nUkAAn-kg

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:02 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Prince Darling wrote:
    kvs wrote:The EU is so full of sh*t it swims in a sea of it of its own making.   Remember the ridiculous trip by the British Prime Minister and
    Sarkozy to Libya to congratulate themselves on "mission accomplished" George W. Bush style?   Libya was stemming the flood
    of refugees to Europe.   Now these EU f*cktards are messing up Syria and see the refugee flow and their anuses pucker up
    tighter than a 20 ton hydraulic press.  

    You reap what you sow, turdballs.   According to the BBC the total refugee flux into the EU in the first eight months of 2015
    is 350,000.   Cry me a river!   There are a over a million Ukrainian refugees in Russia and I don't hear anything about
    them.  Mighty, rich EU can't handle less refugees than poor Russia.   LOL.    

    Slovenia is probably the most pro russian country in the EU, but with assholes like you around that might also change.

    Just put that man on ignore, your future-self will thank you later.

    Laughably ridiculous your saying kvs should be put a ingore list, but ironically ignoring what prince darling said:

    Prince Darling wrote:slovenia standing strong in face of early invasion.
    150 illegals returned to croatia, they were trying to enter on a train (through the most guarded border crossing).

    who knows what will happen when 10k arrive and try to force through at once, but at least it seems all branches of law enforcement are being activated from police, reserve police, civil protection, military police and it seems also the military.

    Syrian military aged cowards being classy as ever also denying water to children and women in the wagons with them.

    gotta say my respect for syrians has plummeted into a sinkhole, they are on par with other arabs in my world now

    ...Calling out blatant sanctimonious hypocrisy of the E.U. is offensive to you, not the blatant racial hatred and open xenophobia... pwnd

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    EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis Empty Re: EU Refugee & Migrant Crisis

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:03 am

    Prince Darling wrote:
    kvs wrote:The EU is so full of sh*t it swims in a sea of it of its own making.   Remember the ridiculous trip by the British Prime Minister and
    Sarkozy to Libya to congratulate themselves on "mission accomplished" George W. Bush style?   Libya was stemming the flood
    of refugees to Europe.   Now these EU f*cktards are messing up Syria and see the refugee flow and their anuses pucker up
    tighter than a 20 ton hydraulic press.  

    You reap what you sow, turdballs.   According to the BBC the total refugee flux into the EU in the first eight months of 2015
    is 350,000.   Cry me a river!   There are a over a million Ukrainian refugees in Russia and I don't hear anything about
    them.  Mighty, rich EU can't handle less refugees than poor Russia.   LOL.    

    Slovenia is probably the most pro russian country in the EU, but with assholes like you around that might also change.

    Like I care. You troll for sympathy over an issue that has no effect on your life. You are spreading EU-tard BS thick and
    rich. Poor little EU, can't handle the consequences of its actions and cries like a baby. It is quite interesting to see the true
    face of the "leftist" EU where the "shoot the refugees" and "the refugees are scum" sentiment is spouted off by various EU
    politicians. Meanwhile not a single squeak from EU-tards about the over a million refugees from the EU-sponsored Kiev regime
    war of aggression against the Donbas.

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