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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread


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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  Austin Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:08 pm

    Saw it on Yefim Gordon book , the KH-55 AFAIK has a range of 2500 km , i think those ranges also depends a lot of profile , if it flies low for most part of its flight then range might just get reduces to half or less of that.

    The CFT is Jettisable that what Yefim Gordon mentions , I think it makes sense instead of carrying the dead weight along.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:06 pm

    The CFT is Jettisable that what Yefim Gordon mentions , I think it makes sense instead of carrying the dead weight along.

    A conformal fuel tank that can be jettisoned would weigh more than one that wouldn't.

    The enlarged tanks would not be very heavy at all, in fact the fuel they carry would be much heavier than the extra structure used.

    The added complication of making the conformal tanks jettisonable would be hard to justify, and as you can see above, they are not huge bulky tanks.

    It is hard to find decent info on Russian and Soviet cruise missiles... it wasn't that long ago that some western publications stated that the land and sea launched long range cruise missiles were based on the Kh-55.

    Conformal tanks are a drastic measure to gain a mere 500km in range.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  Austin Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:16 pm

    Garry I just told you what is there in Yefim Gordon Book , You can buy the latest Russian Air Power or even Russian Strategic Aviation and you will find it , the later is a good book for a Russian Aviation fan like you.

    I dont think adding a jetisable CFT is something hard or complicated or adds weight , specially if the cruise missile is designed to use fuel from CFT first and then its internal fuel , carrying the dead weight of CFT is a PITA for the remaining flight adds weight and drag better to jettision it.

    I really dont know if the red missile shown there is a Kh-555 or some Kh-55 variant refered to as Kh-55SM , KH-555 is a deep modernisation and is virtually a new missile in old cover.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:04 am

    Jet engines are not efficient at low altitudes, so any cruise missile with a range of over 1,000km will fly quite a lot of the first few legs of its flight at medium altitude.

    Former nuclear armed cruise missiles converted to conventional warheads either gain a lot of weight, or more commonly lose a lot of range... just the difference between having to tote a 400kg conventional warhead compared to a nuke warhead that might weigh 100kgs or so, makes a huge difference in fuel efficiency.

    Add to that the extra guidance seekers and systems needed for the greatly increased accuracy requirements and you are carrying a lot more dead weight.

    The idea of using conformal fuel tanks is to minimise drag.

    Properly designed they could actually improve performance in generating some body lift.

    The Kh-55 is the original round missile, the Kh-55SM has external fuel tanks added as conformal tanks to extend range. For a long time the Kh-555 was credited with the same range as the Kh-55SM it was based on, but because of the article above we now know it has the longer range of 3,500km.

    The Kh-55 and Kh-55SM are Soviet missiles with motors designed and built in the Ukraine. The Kh-555 is a post soviet breakup development with a new Russian engine that is more powerful and more fuel efficient than the older missiles, which probably explains the range increase. I doubt they completely redesigned the internal structure of the missile as the idea of the Kh-555 is that of a conventional weapon that is cheaper because it is a modification of a missile they have large stocks of so the idea is to use up existing air frames, so it would have to be significant increases in performance of the electronics that likely freed up a lot of internal space that was likely used for more fuel.

    Whether the Kh-55 had a range of 2,000km or 2,500km is not really important so I think it is best to agree to disagree on that, what is important is that which ever range it was, it was deemed necessary to add conformal fuel tanks to extend the flight range of the missile to the agreed upon distance of 3,000km.


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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  Austin Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:01 am

    Its really difficult to say what was the warhead weight of Kh-55 Nuclear version since it remains a very classified subject. It could easily be 400 kg with the warhead and all its fail safe electronics etc etc. And it simply got replaced by conventional warhead of 400 kg.

    Comparing electronics to dead weight of CFT is not right , Electronics is like an essential dead weight cant do without it Laughing

    While CFT dead weight is non-essential after fuel is used , it will reduce drag and make the whole thing lighter so jettsioning it makes sense.

    Any ways a range of 3500 km with the ability to hit a window or door is really good , nothing to joke about. I read in Yefim Book that Kh-555 electronics is similar to Kh-101 , so wont be surprised both have idential electronics in most respect and both certainly have idential warhead weight of 400 kg.

    With Precision GLONASS now available , one can only imagine these missile will now be as accurate as any thing the best west has there in any part of globe.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:02 pm

    Its really difficult to say what was the warhead weight of Kh-55 Nuclear version since it remains a very classified subject. It could easily be 400 kg with the warhead and all its fail safe electronics etc etc. And it simply got replaced by conventional warhead of 400 kg.

    It says in the article I posted above...

    Instead of compact nuclear charge (130 kg) it may be equipped with armor-piercing, shaped-charge, fragmentation or high-explosive warhead with the weight of over 350 kg.

    Comparing electronics to dead weight of CFT is not right , Electronics is like an essential dead weight cant do without it Laughing

    While CFT dead weight is non-essential after fuel is used , it will reduce drag and make the whole thing lighter so jettsioning it makes sense.

    The whole point about making the conformal tanks conformal is to make them low drag in the first place... what happens if one side of tanks fails to jettison properly? Or both sides jettison, but take a wing with them?

    I read in Yefim Book that Kh-555 electronics is similar to Kh-101 , so wont be surprised both have idential electronics in most respect and both certainly have idential warhead weight of 400 kg.

    That is to be expected as they were pretty much both developed at about the same time, so commonality would make sense, however the Kh-101/-102 is a much larger missile with more fuel and a much longer range.

    With Precision GLONASS now available , one can only imagine these missile will now be as accurate as any thing the best west has there in any part of globe.

    Will certainly help, but I believe the terminal homing is optical so it can target a specific window or building.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  Austin Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:38 pm

    GarryB wrote:Instead of compact nuclear charge (130 kg) it may be equipped with armor-piercing, shaped-charge, fragmentation or high-explosive warhead with the weight of over 350 kg.

    All Russian Nuclear Warhead Weight Dimension yeald figures are very highly classified , so take that with a pinch or bangful of salt.

    The whole point about making the conformal tanks conformal is to make them low drag in the first place... what happens if one side of tanks fails to jettison properly? Or both sides jettison, but take a wing with them?

    The primary purpose of CFT is to carry additional fuel at lowest possible drag and in case of aircraft free a payload station. Still CFT can add to significant drag for aerodynamic reason but its better then a drop tank.

    I am sure they must have figured out a way to Jettison it , else why would they attach a CFT , they would have simply designed a Kh-555 with fix ( not detchable ) cft type dimension , if it was aerodynamically useful.


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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:58 pm

    The Kh-55 is no longer an in service weapon, and there is no obvious reason to keep the warhead weight secret.

    Remember this is a weapon from the 1980s... they had 152mm artillery shells weighing 40kgs that had a nuclear yield of 10Kts.

    I am sure they must have figured out a way to Jettison it , else why would they attach a CFT , they would have simply designed a Kh-555 with fix ( not detchable ) cft type dimension , if it was aerodynamically useful.

    The original missile was circular and generated no lift at all.

    The conformal tanks added to the Kh-55SM actually improved aerodynamics.

    BTW conformal tanks on aircraft are never jettisoned in flight either.

    Perhaps we will have to agree to disagree on this too.

    BTW Happy New Year... 2012 is here already drunken ... here.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  Austin Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:02 pm

    GarryB wrote:The Kh-55 is no longer an in service weapon, and there is no obvious reason to keep the warhead weight secret.

    Says who ? The Kh-55 is the nuclear warhead cruise missile that is carried by Tu-160 and Tu-95 bomber

    Try to get me any official warhead weight and yeald of weapons in use and I will owe you a beer santa

    BTW Happy New Year... 2012 is here already drunken ... here.

    Happy New Year 2012 to you and your Family santa thumbsup


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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:14 am

    Try to get me any official warhead weight and yeald of weapons in use and I will owe you a beer

    Actually START documents require information of weapons and yields to be released... not sure about warhead weights as such though.

    Says who ? The Kh-55 is the nuclear warhead cruise missile that is carried by Tu-160 and Tu-95 bomber

    That is likely rapidly being replaced with Kh-101/102 missiles that are relatively cheap and easy to build.

    The Kh-55 stocks will largely be replaced by Kh-555 upgrades, while the Kh-55SM might be kept in stock for Tu-95 use, as the larger Kh-101/102 are too big to fit in the rotary launcher on the Tu-95MS, but its days will be numbered too.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  George1 Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:01 pm

    i thought that Kh-65 was the russian answer to AGM-158 JASSM standoff missile

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:03 pm

    Except that AGM-158 JASSMs development started in 1995 and there were brochures advertising the Kh-65 at the 1992 Moscow Airshow...

    If they are copied, then I guess the AGM-158 JASSM is a copy of Kh-65.

    Of course Kh-65 is, as I mentioned a concept weapon designed to use up Kh-55 and Kh-55SM strategic missiles in nonstrategic roles.

    I would rather suspect that the Kh-555 was found to be more useful and with a much greater range much more likely a use for the old missiles.

    There were reports of a Kh-SD that was supposedly a smaller, and reduced range Kh-101/-102 that could be carried internally by the Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3, but there is not a lot of information floating around about it.
    Note the Kh-101 and 102 are already stealthy long range cruise missiles with conventional and nuclear warhead options, so they are the equivalent of the Kh-55SM and Kh-555 already, but with longer range... stealthy design... and more accurate guidance.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  George1 Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:49 am

    This missile actually exists or not?

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:23 pm

    The photo clearly shows it was developed to at least mockup form, and considering it was shown in pamphlets in 1992 suggests they probably developed it in the 1980s, however who was the user?

    The Tu-160s and Bears didn't have a conventional role till after 2000, so the missile was clearly developed for the Tu-22M3 as an anti ship missile... so its likely competition was the upgraded Kh-22M.

    Now the Kh-22M is a potent missile, but also very unpopular in service as its liquid fuel is really bad stuff to work with.

    The reported replacement is the Kh-32 with increased speed and double the range of the older missile, but it looks externally the same as the Kh-22M.

    I have recent photos of Tu-22M3s flying around with what look externally like Kh-22Ms though if the above is correct they might actually be Kh-32s.

    The Kh-22M could fly at very low level or very high altitudes to fly over or under defences and had a fairly high speed of about mach 2-3. The new Kh-32 is supposed to be able to manage mach 4-5 in the diving profile.

    I rather suspect the idea behind the Kh-65 was to kill two birds with one stone... to go for an alternative attack method of low, slow but stealthy and long range, while using up existing missile airframes as replacement strategic cruise missiles were already on the drawing boards at that time (Kh-101/102).

    I rather suspect the Kh-65 was developed in competition with the Kh-32 and I suspect the Kh-32 won that competition... perhaps it uses safer to handle fuels and more powerful but more efficient rocket motors. (The original Kh-22M has two rocket motors with a high energy climb and acceleration rocket motor and a lower thrust sustainer motor that uses less fuel to extend operational range.)

    I rather doubt the Kh-65 was fully developed in 1992, but its design parameters had clearly been defined and they were likely looking for foreign partners to help fund development like many ex-Soviet projects did at that time.

    The Kh-555 probably did most to finally bury the Kh-65 as the Kh-555 uses old Kh-55 and Kh-55SM missile bodies and has a land attack capability, whereas the Kh-65 would be rather too similar to the Klub subsonic anti ship missile... which in the domestic version has a range of 2,000km.
    The idea of the Kh-65 will likely live on in the mysterious Kh-SD which is supposed to be a reduced range and lighter model of the Kh-101/102, though that could in fact actually be the Kh-555 as it likely has the guidance and conventional warhead package developed for the Kh-101. (the Kh-102 has the same guidance but a nuclear warhead).

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  George1 Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:14 pm

    Kh-65SE - tactical version announced in 1992 with 410 kg conventional warhead and restricted to the 600 km range[6] limit of the INF treaty.

    Kh-SD (средней дальности Srednei Dalnosti - 'Medium Range') - 300 km range conventional version announced in 1995, possibly for export. Shared components with the Kh-101, range reportedly increased to 600 km with a high-altitude approach, but the Kh-SD was apparently shelved in 2001.[1] An alternative active radar seeker was proposed for anti-shipping use.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:09 pm

    Wiki is not a great source... it often derives its information from different sources, and if you read them all together you would find most of the information is conflicting.

    Therefore it comes down to the assessment of the person putting the wiki page together as to how good the overall info is.

    Kh-65SE - tactical version announced in 1992 with 410 kg conventional warhead and restricted to the 600 km range[6] limit of the INF treaty.

    The INF treaty limits are 500km to 5,500km but only apply to ground launched ballistic and cruise missiles.

    The MTCR agreement limits exports of missile technology for weapons with warheads larger than 500kgs and ranges of 300km or more.

    AFAIK there is no internation agreement that would limit the flight range of Kh-65 to 600km as being air launched the INF treaty does not apply and for domestic use the MTCR does not apply either as it is for exported technology.

    Kh-SD (средней дальности Srednei Dalnosti - 'Medium Range') - 300 km range conventional version announced in 1995, possibly for export. Shared components with the Kh-101, range reportedly increased to 600 km with a high-altitude approach, but the Kh-SD was apparently shelved in 2001.[1] An alternative active radar seeker was proposed for anti-shipping use.

    The Kh-SD was likely killed by the Klub family of missiles which offer a range of performances and capabilities for export and domestic use.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:16 pm

    Keep in mind that the Klub was based on the Granat sub, ship, and land based cruise missile, which is actually rather different from the Kh-55 air launched cruise missile.

    These photos show the Klub in its air launched version, though likely only mockups at the moment:

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Kh-55 and Kh-101[Strategic Cruise missiles]

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:52 pm

    A new cruise missile has entered service with the Russian Air Force’s strategic long-range arms division, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Tuesday.

    He did not provide any details, only saying it was an air-launched long range missile.

    AF chief Col Gen Alexander Zelin previously said the new cruise missile was developed by the Taktitcheskoye Raketnoye Vooruzhenie (Tactical Missile) defense corporation and that its specifications were secret. He said the new missiles would also be installed in fifth-generation fighters.

    Douglas Barrie, an air warfare analyst at the London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies, said the new weapon was likely to be “either the Kh-555 or Kh-101/102.”

    The Kh-555 is a new conventionally-armed variant of the Kh-55 nuclear-armed cruise missile, which has been in service since the 1984 on Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers.

    Kh-101 is a stealthy nuclear armed cruise-missile under development by the Raduga design bureau, along with a conventionally-armed variant (Kh-102). claims the weapon was test-fired in October 1998. Some reports claim the weapon is itself a derivative of Kh-555.

    Serdyukov also said Russia’s fleet of Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers will be modernized.

    Defense Ministry spokesman Vladimir Drik earlier said the AF’s strategic long-range arms division will receive more than 10 modernized Tu-160M Blackjack bombers by 2020.

    The new bombers will be adapted to carry advanced cruise missiles and bombs.

    Zelin said in January the AF will soon deploy an advanced tactical air-to-air missile that will greatly enhance its operational effectiveness. The missile will be carried by MiG-31BM Foxhound supersonic interceptors/fighters and will subsequently be used by other warplanes.

    Zelin did not identify the missile but experts believe it could be the K-37M, also known as RVV-BD, or AA-X-13 Arrow as it is known to NATO.

    The K-prefix denotes a weapon in development while the M indicates a modification. An export variant of the weapon, known as RVV-BD, was shown at MAKS 2011. The BD suffix may stand for the Russian words bolshoi dalnosti, or long range.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty A new cruise missile has entered service with the Russian Air Force

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:43 pm

    It could certainly be the Kh-101/102 or the Kh-555, but it could equally be the air launched version of the Klub missile.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  George1 Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:42 pm

    In early 2013, for service far the Russian Air Force will adopt a new cruise missile X-101, told "Izvestia" a source in the Russian Air Force. According to him, it is now undergoing flight tests. According to the test firings, the radius of the target missile deviation does not exceed 10 meters with 10 thousand miles. In this case, the predecessor X-101 - X-555 missiles - a deviation of 25-30 M. Thus, X-101 actually will be the first high-precision non-nuclear missile in the arsenal of long-range aircraft.

    - U.S. Air Force adopted the first high-precision cruise missiles, air-launched back in 1980. We're still counting, mainly to the destructive power of a nuclear explosion, when the plus-minus 50-100 m large irrelevant. Now the problem has changed - you need to have a precision weapon to destroy the object of jewelry - told "Izvestia" a source in the Russian Air Force, the main command.

    According to him, the presence of such a missile will inflict long-range aircraft as high-precision strikes on terrorist bases, and on strategic targets behind enemy lines without risking the lives of pilots.

    X-101 - is a subsonic cruise missile long range. Leads to the target missile navigation system based on GLONASS. In contrast to the X-555 is the new missile can destroy as small size (from 2-3 m) and mobile objects, including driving a car, told "Izvestia", the representative of the military-industrial complex.

    In case of radio-electronic jamming and disabling satellite navigation systems are equipped with self-contained missile inertial positioning.

    Due to a new electronic database guidance system was less than in the Soviet missiles. Vacated seat took fuel and warhead. If the X-555 was flying two thousand miles with a 200-kilogram warhead, the X-101 is a 10 th with a 400 kg warhead. There is also a version of the new nuclear missiles, received index X-102.

    - However, the X-101 still got a heavy X-555 is about three or four times. Therefore, it can only carry the strategic missile Tu-160 and Tu-95. Tu-22 it will not lift. That's why "Backfire" yet remain with the old X-555 - explained "Izvestia".

    According to the president of the Institute for Strategic Assessments Alexander Konovalov, long-range cruise missiles are now vital to the Russian Air Force.

    - Due to the lack of Russian military bases abroad Russian fighters will not be able to cover the bombers during transcontinental flights. It is therefore very important that the Tu-95 and Tu-160 missiles able to release without getting in range of enemy air defenses - said Konovalov.

    The closest analogue X-101 - American long-range cruise missile, AGM-129. It is also equipped with a satellite navigation system (GPS), and inertial. Range of American missile is just over 3 thousand miles. Run the AGM-129 is possible only with a heavy bomber B-52.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  Sujoy Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:14 pm

    According to the test firings, the radius of the target missile deviation does not exceed 10 meters with 10 thousand miles.

    10 thousand miles ?? Doubtful . Probably 10,000 kms . Typo I guess.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  TR1 Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:11 am

    It's not even 10,000km.

    That article is terrible.

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Kh-55/555, Kh-101/102 LACMs: News

    Post  George1 Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:48 am

    The Russian Air Force will accept into service in 2013 the new Raduga Kh-101 cruise missile, capable of delivering precision strikes with a conventional warhead at long-distance, an Air Force source told Izvestia on Wednesday.

    The new missile, currently being flight-tested, will be able to hit targets with an accuracy of just 30 feet (10 meters) at ranges of up to 6,000 miles (10,000 km), giving Long-Range Aviation its first precision-strike long-range weapon, the paper says.

    The Russian Air Force's bombers currently deploy the Kh-555 conventionally-armed cruise missile, which only has an accuracy of 75-90 feet (25-30 meters) accuracy.

    The subsonic Kh-101 navigates primarily by using Russia's GLONASS satellite navigation system, but also has a backup intertial guidance mechanism which can take over if its SATNAV is jammed. It will also be capable of hitting small moving targets like vehicles, the paper said.

    The new missile delivers a bigger payload - 880 pounds (400 kg) than its Kh-555 predecessor (440 pounds), and over a much longer range. A nuclear-armed variant, Kh-102, will also enter service.

    The long-range capability is essential as Russia no longer has bases abroad and therefore cannot provide distant fighter escort for its bomber fleet, Alexander Konovalov of the Strategic Evaluation Institute told the paper.

    The large size of the weapon means it can only be carried by Russia's biggest bombers, the Tupolev Tu-95MS and Tu-160, and not the Tu-22M3, which will continue in service with the Kh-555, the source told Izvestia.

    Last edited by George1 on Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  TR1 Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:33 am

    Now Ria is parroting the 10,000 km number that Izvestia made up


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    Russian Cruise Missiles Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Cruise Missiles Thread

    Post  George1 Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:08 am

    TR1 wrote:Now Ria is parroting the 10,000 km number that Izvestia made up


    why not? this is not a simple cruise missile, this a super super cruise missile

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