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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri May 19, 2023 7:57 pm

    mr_hd wrote:Yes Russia is totally overshadowed by Ukraine diplomatically or more precisely it is getting huge slaps right and left straight to its face past few days.

    Past few days?

    More like decades:

    Putin has been easy on Ukraine for a long time.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  TMA1 Fri May 19, 2023 8:07 pm

    mr_hd wrote:We are witnessing huge Ukrainian diplomatic offensive right now.
    Zelensky was last week in Germany, Italy, France and UK. His wife was in S. Korea at the same time. Huge deals are made, not only for further supply of advanced weapons, trainings etc. but also cooperation and new export orders for Ukrainian defense sector that is going through massive technological transfer and expansion... And now Zelensky is touring Arab league and G7. He is also reaching to India, China and African countries...

    Ukraine is making sure to go after Russian interests and prestige globally. It is also turning itself in bastion of NATO and thus making sure to do exactly opposite against Russian military interests long term. They will get western jets too. So after 1 year Ukraine is getting all strategic weapons requested, no one could predict such development when war started.

    Russia can not achieve strategic goals in Ukraine anymore, Russian solders are dying for nothing there.

    Crimea and the new territories will never be retaken. Some controversy about Odessa but I think its clear Russia would be retarded now not to take it all. As long as the black sea is a Russian sea and Russia holds a firm grasp of the Caucasian underbelly thry are pretty much immovable. It is Russia's war to win. Ukraine as it was is no more.

    Just think about it from an American perspective. If Cuba was regime changed by China, defense pacts were written between both countries or were in the process to go through, and Cuba was getting more military support, was preparing for offensives, and started seriously discussing openly the retaking of Guantanamo bay, what do you think America would do? Well the first legit regime change America has done in many generations. I'd be proud.

    Those outside the western world are not under thr same kind of matrix or umbrella of total signals domination. The propaganda here is incredible to witness, as somehow a relatively small amount of cliques have come together and a once massive and decentralized network of private companies has become a unified voice for what some call the deep state. It boggles the mind to try and see how some powerful interests have hijacked a former organic and highly dynamic republic and its private sphere of industry. I cannot stress this enough. We are under a unified front of propaganda.

    The world outside of the west can see what the west is up to. They have the same technologies and are up to date on the geopolitics as much as anyone here in the west. Most importantly most, not all by any means but most are aware of the modus operandi of the western world. Thry know what Ukraine now is. No "charm offensive" backed by western threats is going to work everywhere.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  JohninMK Fri May 19, 2023 8:12 pm

    Jewish Russophile

    ⚡ 🇷🇺 Russia at UN: “Supplies of increasingly powerful weapons systems, combined with the continued transfer of data to Kiev for strikes and training of APU soldiers on their territory, make these states not only parties to the armed conflict with Russia in accordance with the Hague Conventions of 1907 on the Rights and Obligations of Neutral Powers in Naval and Land War, but also accomplices to war crimes of the nationalistic battalions.”

    Dagny Taggart
    Prigozhin commented on the rumors about the death of the Valery Zaluzhny

    “he does not have accurate information. However, “on May 10, 11 and 12, when he (Zaluzhny) was within the reach of our artillery,we carried out a number of measures. How successful they were is not clear “

    How successful they are, today is unclear.

    Also, on May 2, events were held on Tantsyure (Commander of the Forces of the Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). We don't know if they were successful or not. Time will show. I don't have any other information."

    GEROMAN -- time will tell - 👀 --
    remember all those idiots telling us:
    NATO has no boots on the ground in Ukraine?


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  mnztr Fri May 19, 2023 8:43 pm

    Isos wrote:The Dniepr offers a good protection to Ukrainians. It will be bloody hard to cross for Russians. I doubt they will go for the western part.

    If they go they will have to push from Belarus and make a landing in that half island part under Moldova under the threat of Harpoon missiles.

    For the eastern part they won't let any land to ukraine so Kiev will at least be on the border (Dniepr). So once the russian army comes there the fighting will probably destroy Kiev.

    On the other hand, having the Dniepr as a border will strenghten Ukrainian position and will be a natural obstacle in any future war if Ukraine goes into NATO. And ukrainians will keep harassing them with artillery accross the river so the fighting will continue 10 years at least.

    Russia has no other choice than take all Ukraine. So IMO the plan is right now is to kill as many ukros as possible and let just the normal peopke that refuse the war who either hide or leave the country because once they are the only ones left they will be easy to rule over if they annexe the country.

    With the fanatics they will have attacks every day if they annexe it just like US in afghanistan or Iraq. So until they kill at least 80% of them they won't push to take territory.

    The have a large protected crossing. Its called Belarus in case you didn't hear.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Podlodka77 Fri May 19, 2023 8:49 pm

    To FP.....

    I agree with you, so I also wrote that if Russia takes/liberates Odessa or Kharkov again, a large population will leave those cities.
    Remember only one thing and that is that a country WITHOUT a national identity is a country that has been lost in the long run. When I hear that a Westerner writes here that he is an atheist - I don't give a ****. However, when a Russian writes that, I immediately KNOW that some Westerner will try to recruit that Russian against the Russian state.
    As long as Russia keeps Lenin's mausoleum, there is no happiness for Russia. To this day, Russians are dying because of all the evil brought by the red rats.

    I have written countless times who is to blame for why Odessa, Nikolaev and Kharkov are in today's Ukroshitstan.
    However, those who celebrate red rats like that disgusting bolshevik Firebird and others like him (atheists and liberals and similar side effects of Western civilization transferred to Eastern Europe) are people without a national identity.

    I am in favor of Russia using the given weapon to strike the West (not Ukroshitstan) with nuclear weapons, if necessary.
    Russia's greatest enemy and the only real one is the West.
    Russia does not need Kharkov or Odessa, Russia needs victory against the West.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Isos Fri May 19, 2023 8:56 pm

    The have a large protected crossing. Its called Belarus in case you didn't hear.

    That's what I said, genius...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Firebird Fri May 19, 2023 9:22 pm


    You know even by the standard of retards you are pathetic.
    Besides, how exactly is someone who has run his own successful business in the financial markets for the last 15 yrs a "Bolshevik"?
    How is someone who is actually a modern democratic style Socialist a "Bolshevik"?
    How is someone who, unlike you, actually considers ALL of Russia's history a "Bolshevik"?

    You have as much brains, and morals as 'elensky!

    The "disgusting" ones are your kind. Those who suck up to the internationalist evil that was feudalism.
    If there weren't monarcucks like you, Russia would never have had ANY of its currently problems which stemmed from Tsarism, WW1, the Gr Patriotic War and 1991's sell out to the United Snakes by your heroes like Yeltsin.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Manov Fri May 19, 2023 9:47 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:To FP.....

    I agree with you, so I also wrote that if Russia takes/liberates Odessa or Kharkov again, a large population will leave those cities.
    Remember only one thing and that is that a country WITHOUT a national identity is a country that has been lost in the long run. When I hear that a Westerner writes here that he is an atheist - I don't give a ****. However, when a Russian writes that, I immediately KNOW that some Westerner will try to recruit that Russian against the Russian state.
    As long as Russia keeps Lenin's mausoleum, there is no happiness for Russia. To this day, Russians are dying because of all the evil brought by the red rats.

    I have written countless times who is to blame for why Odessa, Nikolaev and Kharkov are in today's Ukroshitstan.
    However, those who celebrate red rats like that disgusting bolshevik Firebird and others like him (atheists and liberals and similar side effects of Western civilization transferred to Eastern Europe) are people without a national identity.

    I am in favor of Russia using the given weapon to strike the West (not Ukroshitstan) with nuclear weapons, if necessary.
    Russia's greatest enemy and the only real one is the West.
    Russia does not need Kharkov or Odessa, Russia needs victory against the West.

    Pathetic, your warmongering is silly and fantastic. Very glad that the Russian leadership dos not think like you. So much trigger happy people here...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Broski Fri May 19, 2023 10:19 pm

    flamming_python wrote:What Russia needs is a neutral Ukraine, that won't invite NATO onto its territory, won't block Russian access to Pridnestrovie, and won't push claims on the parts that broke off from it where the people don't want anything to do with it.
    And how do you suggest Russia achieves that without conquering the whole of Ukraine and turning it into a Russian protectorate, landlocked without Black Sea access and a standing military? Or would you rather sign Minsk 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively?
    On these terms it's possible to come to agreements with many forces in the Ukraine that would be ready to oppose Zelensky if the conditions are right.
    Which forces? The only people that had the power and coordination to oppose the nazi scum joined the LDPR resistance from 2014 onwards. All other opposition groups are either in jail, dead or hiding in fear.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Hole Fri May 19, 2023 10:21 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Fwgbov10
    Very Happy
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Fwgijp10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Fwgl8y10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  JohninMK Fri May 19, 2023 10:28 pm

    You have to wonder why, after all this time, this building was still standing.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Fri May 19, 2023 10:39 pm

    Broski wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:What Russia needs is a neutral Ukraine, that won't invite NATO onto its territory, won't block Russian access to Pridnestrovie, and won't push claims on the parts that broke off from it where the people don't want anything to do with it.
    And how do you suggest Russia achieves that without conquering the whole of Ukraine and turning it into a Russian protectorate, landlocked without Black Sea access and a standing military? Or would you rather sign Minsk 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively?
    Broski, I agree with you.

    Flamming Python, that is what Russia tried to do for years and was available to do until April 2022.

    Now that is not possible anymore. And would make the dead till now useless.
     Minimum objective is current hold territories plus full Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk oblasts (so that they are not able to shell or try strange games against the nuclear power plant in energodar) plus the whole southwestern coast until the Danube, while the rest of 404 will be kept as a puppet state without army and without western embassies allowed.
    Less than that will be a defeat for Russia and will restart the problems soon.

    Ukraine cannot be allowed exist as independent country if EU and USA exists in their current form.

    And about Bielorussia as protected crossing... Only until next colored revolution. If Russia does not make a stop to this tumor in its historical lands which is country 404, Belarus is the next.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  JohninMK Fri May 19, 2023 11:06 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  ucmvulcan Fri May 19, 2023 11:07 pm

    mr_hd wrote:Yes Russia is totally overshadowed by Ukraine diplomatically or more precisely it is getting huge slaps right and left straight to its face past few days.

    No Ms. Low Def, that's the bearded whore you celebrste.  She had to take lots of loads to the face or her daddies in Kiev won't get those big billions coming in. The ho's problem is that most Arabs don't want anything to do with Zelensky because prostitution is a capital crime in southwest Asia.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty They Are

    Post  calripson Fri May 19, 2023 11:10 pm

    mnztr wrote:
    calripson wrote:
    mnztr wrote:

    Its going to be on corps and people making over 400K.

    400k a year for a couple in states like California or New York is upper middle class. They are already paying about 50% of their income in taxes when you add federal, state, local, and sales tax. More pertinently, most of those people making 400k are producing productive income. That's not the problem. The problem is not income disparity it is wealth disparity: intergenerational wealth measured in hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. They love taxing the slumps making 400k because that just limits their future competition.

    Death taxes are also part of the equation, i seriously doubt anyone making 400K is paying 50% tax in the USA. Yes I agree that wealth transfers need to be heavily taxed above a certain threshold.

    Top federal marginal tax rate on income in the US is 37%. Top state income tax rate in California is 12.3%, in New York it is 10.9%. Sales tax in California is 7.25% and in New York 4%. Additional wage tax 1.5% in San Francisco and 3.8% in NYC. This doesn't include property tax, gas tax, excise taxes on utilities, phone service, alcohol, tobacco, automobiles, insurance ect. Still think no one pays 50%?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Podlodka77 Fri May 19, 2023 11:16 pm

    То Firebird

    Listen to me carefully, red Bolshevik...
    I am an Orthodox Christian who would NEVER allow an inferior pig (Satan Lenin) to come and impose what Lenin imposed on the Russians..
    You stupid idiot, the West played tricks on the Russians by the red Bolshevik vermin to disunite Russia.

    No dinner is older than faith, remember that antichrist.
    I hate the Bolsheviks as much as the Nazis.
    Because of those vermin, Russians are dying even today.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Kiko Fri May 19, 2023 11:20 pm

    US involved in assassination of Russian public figures – Moscow, 05.19.2023.

    The number of domestic terrorist incidents increased greatly since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, Nikolay Patrushev says.

    The most high-profile Ukrainian “terrorist acts” in Russia were carried out with the assistance of Washington, the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, has claimed.

    Speaking at a government meeting on Friday, Patrushev said that Russia has information that “the murders of Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky, the bombing of Zakhar Prilepin’s car, the explosion at the Crimean Bridge,” the Nord Stream pipelines sabotage, and other “terrorists acts” were “planned and carried out under the coordination of US special services”.

    Those attacks were “accompanied by an information campaign prepared in advance in Washington and London, designed to destabilize the social and political situation, [and to] undermine the constitutional foundations and sovereignty of Russia,” the security chief stressed.

    “The intensity of terrorist attacks has vastly increased” since Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine over a year ago, he added.

    According to Patrushev, Ukrainian saboteur groups, who are trained by NATO instructors, have been actively trying to target important infrastructure inside Russia, including with drones.

    In view of those events additional measures should be implemented to protect key facilities and places where people gather in large numbers, he said.  

    Earlier this week, the chief of Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) General Kirill Budanov was asked about attacks on prominent Russian public figures and replied that his agency has “already gotten many” of them. However, he declined to mention any names. In an earlier interview, Budanov vowed to “keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine.”

    Journalist and activist Darya Dugina, the daughter of Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin, died after her car exploded on a highway outside Moscow last summer. Russia’s Security Service (FSB) said the murder of the 29-year-old was carried out by Ukrainian nationals, who managed to flee the country.

    In late April, Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky was killed in St Petersburg after a statue that had been handed to him during an event with his followers exploded. A dozen people were also wounded. The FSB has blamed the blast on “Ukrainian special services and their agents, including fugitive members of the Russian opposition.”

    Earlier this month, prominent Russian author and political activist Zakhar Prilepin was severely injured in a car bomb near the city of Nizhny Novgorod. His driver was killed. A suspect has admitted to Russian law enforcement that he’d been hired by an unspecified Ukrainian intelligence service.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  flamming_python Fri May 19, 2023 11:26 pm

    Hole wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Fwgl8y10

    An interesting development to be sure

    If he is dead, then it makes me wonder why the Ukrainians did not report it immediately - it can't be hidden indefinately. What are they hoping for, that he will return from the dead?
    Well then again, we're talking about the same people who refused to order a withdrawal from Bakhmut after their defensive position there became compromised.

    Now if that's the case, then how about some theories about why he was taken out

    A). In retaliation to the drone attack on the Kremlin. The timeline fits well, with the attack on the Kremlin only taking place a few days before Zaluzhny is speculated to have been taken out. And Zelensky is still out and about traveling the world since that little incident, so clearly something has him spooked strong. I consider this to be the most likely explanation.

    B). Accidentally. There are so many missiles, shells, rockets flying about hitting things, including command posts and various bunkers, that it's just a hazardous trade visiting anywhere near the front and Zaluzhny got unlucky during his latest trip. I'd actually put this as the 2nd most likely explanation.

    C). Russian command figured that Sirsky is less competent than Zaluzhny and so now would be a good time to promote the former. This would seem to be borne out by Sirksy's recent attacks on the flanks of Bakhmut, that produced minimal territorial gains but by some accounts led to the bloodiest single day of the war so far for the Ukrainians. However, arguing against that is the fact that Zaluzhny is/was somewhat of a rash, fanatic nationalist figure, who even if he does push back against plans for offensives sometimes, nevertheless has been responsible for the very battle of Bakhmut in the first place, which has so sapped Ukrainian manpower, and ordered the offensives in Kharkov and Kherson that got so many experienced Ukrainian troops killed for territory that didn't mean much. Sirsky meanwhile is older, and may prove to be more conservative in his war-fighting strategy, that would actually disadvantage Russia. Still though, I'd say it's quite a plausible explanation too.

    D). The Russian political leadership figured that Zaluzhny was too much a darling of the US, too well connected to them, too committed to the current course and ideological in his nationalism - to ever be able to serve as anything more than a barrier to any sort of Russian end-game in the Ukraine, as much as Zelensky is himself. And that removing him may start to shift things around and potentially create an opening for Russia somehow. The least likely theory on its own IMO, as the question that inevitably follows on from it is "why now?", that we can't answer.. however it could serve as a contributing consideration to the decision to liquidate Zaluzhny at least.

    JohninMK wrote:You have to wonder why, after all this time, this building was still standing.

    More than likely, Ukrainian troops only recently occupied it.

    JohninMK wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 FwgJiYCWwAEEAb_?format=jpg&name=small

    It's just so comical

    "Hitting Russian railroads, fuel supplies"

    Do they suppose they're fighting against Nazi Germany circa 1944, with its steel shortage and growing fuel crisis, which needed to run logistics networks by rail over thousands of kilometers of occupied territory?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  PapaDragon Fri May 19, 2023 11:35 pm

    mr_hd wrote:We are witnessing huge Ukrainian diplomatic offensive right now.
    Zelensky was last week in Germany, Italy, France and UK. His wife was in S. Korea at the same time. Huge deals are made, not only for further supply of advanced weapons, trainings etc....

    F*ck yeah, this is what I want to hear thumbsup

    Last thing anyone wants is those Russian bleeding heart sissies to pussy out and agree to peace just because they got emotional over ''poor innocent dead brotherly Ukrainians'' and pull the plug before they are done exterminating them

    And you can bet your sweet ass that they are getting sentimental like emo pussies that they have been since forever

    Kill everything, end of story

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  flamming_python Fri May 19, 2023 11:42 pm

    Assad's face during Zelensky's speech at the Arab League Laughing Apparently took off his earpiece too

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Assadz10

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri May 19, 2023 11:42 pm

    Kiko wrote:US involved in assassination of Russian public figures – Moscow, 05.19.2023.

    The number of domestic terrorist incidents increased greatly since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, Nikolay Patrushev says....

    Cry harder, I'm sure that will solve the problem

    Either shit or get off the shitter

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  JohninMK Sat May 20, 2023 12:25 am

    Defense Politics Asia
    What are the chances of the missile hitting yourself....

    General Surovikin 🖤💛🤍
    It is possible that 2 Launchers and a radar was hit, since this launcher committed seppuku and 2 9-A-7660 hit other targets.

    It is also quite hilarious that out of all chub accounts this one admits it 😁…

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 FwfdBiJXgAAq6tn?format=jpg&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  JohninMK Sat May 20, 2023 12:30 am

    Hell on Earth tonight

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Belisarius Sat May 20, 2023 1:00 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 6f4b9310

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    Eugenio Argentina
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sat May 20, 2023 1:08 am

    There are several reports that the US has authorized the shipment of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine and the training of pilots from that country.

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