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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Scorpius Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:06 am

    The message to the Federal Assembly has begun.

    Putin called the current time difficult and milestone. The special operation in Ukraine was launched to protect Russia and to eliminate the Nazi threat.

    Russia will step by step, consistently solve the tasks facing it. Russia was doing everything possible to resolve the Ukrainian crisis by peaceful means, but behind its back, a "completely different scenario" was being prepared.

    Western partners played marked cards. The US carried out similar scenarios in Yugoslavia, Syria, and Libya. They have been accustomed for centuries that everything is allowed to them.

    They also treat the peoples of their countries in a lordly way. Western elites have become a symbol of total, unprincipled lies.

    Kiev made attempts to obtain nuclear weapons.

    Russia firmly defends not only its interests — there should be no division into civilized countries and others in the world.

    The whole planet is studded with American bases. NATO wants to hide from us with an umbrella.

    Russia was open to dialogue with the West on security, but in response received a hypocritical reaction and NATO expansion. By February 2022, it became clear that everything was preparing for another bloody punitive action in the Donbass.

    All this completely contradicted all the resolutions of the UN Security Council. He started the war, and we use force to stop it.

    The next blow was to be inflicted on the Crimea and Sevastopol, we knew and understood this. Now such far-reaching plans are being talked about openly. Kiev opened up where we already knew everything.

    We protect our home and people's lives, and the goal of the West is unlimited power. The West has already spent more than $150 billion on aiding Kiev and supplying it with weapons.

    It seems that the accusations against Russia are to make everyone forget what the West has done, plunging entire regions into chaos. At stake in the West are trillions of dollars and the opportunity to continue to rob everyone by imposing totalitarian principles.

    The West in the 1930-ies opened the way for the Nazis to power in Germany, and in our time does the Ukrainian anti-Russian. Ukrainian neo-Nazis do not hide whose heirs they consider themselves, putting swastikas on the equipment, as well as using Nazi names.

    The West is ready to use terrorists and the devil to realize their will. No one thinks about people, they have been turned into expendable material.

    The responsibility for inciting a conflict in Ukraine lies entirely with the West and the Kiev regime. The Ukrainian people are strangers to them.

    Russia is not at war with the people of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine have become hostages of the Kiev regime. The goal of the West is to ignite a war in Europe with someone else's hands and eliminate competitors.

    The more long-range Western systems will be delivered to Kiev, the further we will be forced to move the threat away from our borders.

    The West wants to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. They want to end us forever. It is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield. The West uses information operations to influence our youth.

    The West declares perversions, including pedophilia, the norm of life, destroys its values, priests are called to bless same-sex marriages.

    We are obliged to protect our children from degradation and degeneration and we will do it.

    The West will try to shake and split our society. We will not be like the Kiev regime, which is engaged in a witch hunt. Those who stumbled at Home - let it remain on their conscience, let them live with it. The main thing is that the residents of Russia gave them an appropriate assessment.

    Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to a spiritual catastrophe, the elites there are going crazy. I want to thank everyone, the entire people of Russia for their courage and determination.

    They will try to split Russia, the West will rely on national traitors. I thank all the representatives of the law enforcement agencies and I apologize that I could not name all those involved. I thank the volunteers and war correspondents, as well as military priests.

    Residents of Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, you have determined your own future in referendums. You made your choice despite the threats about neo-Nazism from Ukraine. You have made your choice - to be with Russia, with your Homeland!

    We have started and will continue to increase the program of new subjects of the federation, the point is to revive enterprises and create new jobs. Ports of the Sea of Azov, which again became the inland sea of Russia.

    Our warriors are fighting for the future, for the reunification of our people. During the message, Putin observed a minute of silence in memory of fallen soldiers and civilians who died at the hands of neo-Nazi punishers.

    Putin proposed to create a fund to help the families of those killed in the fighting in the SVO. I propose to create a special state fund to help the relatives of the deceased and veterans. The family of each participant of the SVO should be surrounded by care. You need to respond to their needs right away.

    Vladimir Putin on the supply of fighters: not all issues have been resolved yet, we need to understand every issue. The state Fund for the Support of Veterans of the SVO should work without bureaucracy, each family should have its own social worker assigned to it.

    It is necessary to allocate each fighter a two-week vacation without taking into account travel time.

    Speaking about equipping Russia's nuclear forces, I would like to say that at least 91% of new equipment is there.

    Officers and sergeants who have proved themselves competent, modern and resolute commanders will be promoted to higher positions as a matter of priority and sent to academies. The motherland appreciates their contribution to our future. Real combat experience during the special operation is invaluable, it should be the basis for further steps to strengthen the Russian Armed Forces.

    We will actively introduce technologies that increase the combat readiness of the army and navy, there are such technologies, the pace of their production and implementation is increasing. We will also actively introduce technologies that increase the combat readiness of the army and navy, there are such technologies, the pace of their production and implementation is increasing.

    We must do everything to Win!

    I propose to launch a program of preferential rental housing for defense industry employees.

    The West has deployed not only a military and informational, but also an economic front against Russia, but it has not achieved anything anywhere and will not achieve anything. The West wants to make us suffer. Such are the humanists, but their calculation was not crowned with success.

    The initiators of sanctions against Russia are punishing themselves, provoked price increases in their countries, and they say that the Russians are to blame.

    Russia's GDP in 2022 decreased by 2.1%, this is the most recent data, although in March 2022 we were predicted to collapse. The Russian economy turned out to be much stronger than the West expected. Russia has allocated more than 1 trillion rubles to support the economy against the background of sanctions, and not at the expense of emissions, but on a solid market basis. The share of the ruble in international settlements of the Russian Federation has doubled compared to December 2021. We do not reduce settlements in dollars - they do everything with their own hands.

    We have everything to ensure security and to ensure the confident development of the country. "Guns instead of oil" - there will be no such situation in Russia. Low bow to Russian farmers, they have harvested a record harvest, more than 150 million tons of grain and more than 100 million tons of wheat.

    The defense of Russia is the most important priority, but developing it, we cannot repeat the mistakes of the past and destroy our economy. The Russian economy has overcome all the risks. The unemployment rate before the pandemic was 4.7%, and now it is 3.7%, this is a historical minimum.

    Russia has all the opportunities for a breakthrough in many areas, and we have also achieved a reduction in unemployment. Russia is actually entering a new cycle of economic development. Domestic demand is expected to grow in 2022, I am sure that our companies will take advantage of the situation and occupy the niches of companies that have left Russia.

    Today is not only a time of new challenges, but also new opportunities. Our future depends on how we implement all the tasks. We need to remove any interdepartmental differences, we must go towards a common goal. Now the point for the Russian Federation is not to adapt, but to bring the economy to new frontiers.

    Russia will expand foreign economic relations and build new logistics corridors, we will develop the ports of the Black and Azov Seas, the North-South corridor, and we will increase the capabilities of the Northern Sea Route. This will open up new opportunities for the development of relations with India, Iran, Pakistan and the countries of the Middle East.

    It is necessary to increase the capacity of the Transsib and BAM, it is necessary to develop Siberia. Already in 2024, at least 85% of the roads in the largest agglomerations and at least half of the roads in the regions will be brought into standard condition.

    An industrial mortgage tool has been launched, and a preferential loan can be taken not only for the purchase of a production site, but also for their construction and modernization. The amount of such a loan is up to 500 million rubles. It is provided at a rate of 3% or 5% for up to 7 years.

    The program of free gasification will be continued, the government should provide stable financing. The free gasification program will be extended to social facilities and will operate for citizens on an ongoing basis

    It is necessary to invest 4.5 trillion rubles in the housing and utilities sector within 10 years. The taxation system should be holistic, without any exceptions, but a creative approach is in demand.

    In 2023, the expected amount of investments may amount to about 2 trillion rubles. If companies purchase Russian IT solutions, they can receive a tax deduction.

    Thanks to a strong balance of payments, Russia does not need to borrow abroad, bow down, beg for money.

    Inflation in Russia in 2023 will approach the target level of 4%, in the EU inflation is already 12% or more. The banking sector has withstood the tests, turning a profit, inflation is under control. In general, the banking sector last year worked with a profit of 203 billion rubles.

    It is necessary to stimulate the inflow of investments into the economy from long-term savings of citizens by creating an appropriate program. I ask the government to launch a state program that will allow citizens to invest money inside the country and in voluntary pension savings. They will be charged twice as much — up to 2.8 million rubles.

    It is necessary to protect citizens' investments in long-term investment instruments, including from bankruptcy of intermediaries. I urge you to return to the revision of the economic elements of crimes in criminal legislation, there is no need to overdo it.

    It is necessary to deoffshorize the economy, because business must operate in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Freedom of entrepreneurship is the most important element of economic sovereignty. It was private business, against the background of attempts to contain Russia, that showed that it was able to adapt. We must support the placement of shares on the domestic stock market, including tax incentives.

    A small lyrical digression. We remember what problems the late economy of the USSR faced. In many ways, Western countries were an example of building a market economy. What happened as a result? Our national economy has become oriented to the West as a source of raw materials. The reasons for this are clear, the new business was aimed at making a profit

    Instead of creating technologies and jobs in Russia, big business used to invest in yachts. And where there is wealth, there are children.

    If you remember, I, addressing big business, said that you would be tormented by swallowing dust, running around Western courts. That's how it happened. None of the ordinary citizens felt sorry for those who lost their money in foreign banks, who lost banks and palaces abroad.

    The image of the West as a safe haven turned out to be a ghost, a fake, Russian businessmen who kept funds there were simply robbed. The West did not abandon attempts to set fire to post-Soviet states and Russia, provoked conflicts and incited terrorists.

    It's time to understand that for the West, rich Russians are second-rate outsiders, with whom they do anything. And no purchased titles will help - they are second-class citizens there.

    Russian money should work in Russia. Trying to run around with an outstretched hand, humiliating yourself, begging for your money is pointless, you should not cling to the past, you need to rebuild your work, you are strong people, launch new projects, invest in Russia. There is another choice — to be with your homeland. Work for compatriots. We have a lot of such entrepreneurs, such real fighters in business. They are the future of domestic business.

    Russia is an original country and civilization, it was handed down to us by our ancestors, and we must preserve it and pass it on. It is necessary to develop cooperation with friends, but you should count only on your own potential and traditions. We know how to be friends, keep our word, we won't let anyone down. The people of Russia are the basis of the country's sovereignty, the source of power. The rights and freedoms of citizens are inviolable, we will not retreat from them.

    The presidential elections in 2024 will be held in strict accordance with the law. I would like to recall the words of Pyotr Stolypin: "In the defense of Russia, we must all unite, coordinate our duties and our rights in order to maintain one historical supreme right — the right of Russia to be strong."

    There are also deputies among the volunteers on the front line, all parties participate in the collection of humanitarian aid - thank you all again.

    The state will support all creative initiatives. Culture should lead to good and encourage the best human qualities in people. We have a very bright and talented generation that is ready to work for the good of the country. The development of the cultural sphere will become one of the priorities of restoring peaceful life in the new regions of Russia.

    It is necessary to prepare tools for direct support of the best management teams of municipalities. It is necessary to seriously improve the quality of educational courses, especially humanitarian ones. So that young people can learn more about the history and culture of Russia.

    Those who were born in Donbass and fought for it should become the mainstay of the development of new regions. There is no substitute for the school of combat operations, people come out of there with others and are ready to lay down their lives for the fatherland.

    It is necessary to develop school education and secondary-special education and to increase the quality of the work of technical schools. We must give scientists more freedom for creativity, we cannot drive everyone into a Procrustean bed. We have housing certificates for young scientists. Last year, an additional 1 billion was allocated — I instruct the government to determine reserves for expanding this program.

    Over the next 5 years, we need to train a million specialists. It is necessary to synthesize all the best of Soviet education and modern experience. We need to return to the traditional Russian education system. It is necessary to return to the basic system of training in universities for Russia, the duration of training will be 4-6 years. The transition to a new system of higher education should be smooth, everything needs to be worked out to the smallest detail. Narrow specialists after basic training at the university will be able to continue their studies in the master's degree and residency. Students who are currently studying at universities will continue their studies according to the current programs, the diplomas received will also be legitimate.

    Since February 1, matkapital has been indexed to the inflation rate of 2022 by more than 11%. Residents of the new regions of Russia will be able to receive maternity capital for children born before 2007. From January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will be increased by an additional 10%. The minimum wage in Russia will grow by 18.5% and amount to 19,242 rubles.

    I propose to increase the size of the social tax deduction from 50 thousand to 110 thousand per year, the state will return 13% of the income tax paid from these amounts. Not only the amount of the deduction will be raised, but its demand will also be increased. It will be provided in a proactive mode. The regions will be able to receive funds for national projects reserved for 2024 right now. We don't need storming and chasing volumes. We don't need figures in reports, but concrete results. This is especially important for a modernized healthcare system. The most important thing is the quality and availability of medical care.

    Almost 3,500 schools in Russia will be put in order by the end of this year. Most of them are located in rural areas. Interest-free treasury loans of the regions for the early completion of national projects will be automatically repaid in April 2023. 850 new schools have already been opened, 400 more will be introduced this year. The amount of funding for this program has already amounted to 490 billion rubles, we are not reducing these costs, we will keep it all.

    Ecology continues to be a priority, landfills will be eliminated, reservoirs and rivers will be cleaned. It is necessary to allocate an additional 50 billion rubles for the renewal of public transport in the regions, especially in small towns.

    At the beginning of February, NATO's demands were made to return to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of strategic weapons, including the admission of inspections to facilities. This is the theater of the absurd. We know that the West helped the Kiev regime in attacking objects on the territory of the Russian Federation. And they want to inspect our facilities at the same time? At the same time, we are not allowed to carry out inspections.

    The goal of NATO is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. And they are going to drive around our facilities as if nothing had happened. NATO has actually made an application to become a member of the DSNV. We cannot ignore the latest statements of Western leaders.

    A week ago, a decree was signed on putting new ground-based strategic complexes on combat duty.

    Everything is in the past, our relations have deteriorated and this is entirely the merit of the United States.

    Russia agrees that NATO should become a member of the DSNV, it was signed when the Russian Federation and the United States did not consider each other adversaries, but everything is in the past. After the collapse of the USSR, the West is trying to fix its global dominance forever, ignoring everyone in general. Russia suspends its participation in the DSNV, does not withdraw from the treaty, but suspends participation.

    No need to try to lie to everyone, we know the whole story. A new nuclear weapon is being developed in the United States. If the United States conducts nuclear weapons tests, then we will. The Ministry of Defense and Rosatom must ensure readiness for nuclear tests. Before returning to the discussion of the START, Russia should understand how to take into account the nuclear arsenals of France and Britain. No one should have dangerous illusions that global strategic parity can be destroyed.

    All prayers are in different languages - for Victory, for comrades-in-arms, for the Motherland. The front is now passing through the hearts of millions of our people. Hundreds of volunteers came to the military enlistment offices and decided to stand next to the defenders of Donbass. The fighters have a stronger understanding of what they are fighting for, who they are protecting, acting boldly and decisively.

    Last edited by Scorpius on Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:21 am

    Stolypin quote, noice.

    edit: Putin quoted this 1910 speech, on the historical right of Russia to be strong:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 16769710

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:51 am

    Well, the juicy bits came last...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  ALAMO Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:53 am

    ... still nothing that our doom/hype team expected Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Hole Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:52 pm

    not to provide Wagner PMC with ammunition
    If Wagner really had problems with ammo supply the guys on the frontline would stop posting videos
    in which they are using a truck-load of artillery shells against small groups of enemy fighters.

    there are sleeper cells
    Judging by all those "accidents" in american LNG plants and refineries, factories and all those trains flipping over
    Russia has a lot of sleeper cells in the US.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Fpbvrf10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Arrow Tue Feb 21, 2023 1:38 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Hole Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:04 pm

    “I repeat: it does not withdraw from the treaty, but it suspends its participation. But before returning to the discussion, we must understand for ourselves what countries such as France and Great Britain still claim, and how we will take into account their strategic arsenals, that is, the combined strike potential of the alliance," Putin said.
    If the west wants the treaty re-newed all NATO nuclear forces must be counted.
    This means either the number US missiles/warheads will shrink or the russian arsenal will grow.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  famschopman Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:34 pm

    Sometimes - call me dumb - I really don't get the lenient behavior of the Russian leadership.

    - Providing security guarantees for Biden's visit to Ukraine. And then they discuss the use of long range missiles to target Russian cities. Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 1f632 You are basically aiding your enemy.
    - No (kinetic) response on the NS1 or NS2 pipelines. Not everything is traceable, and accidents happen. But no response basically confirms the other side "we get away with it every time, let's find our next target".
    - Not taking out accumulation of armor but letting it reach frontlines; you have the satellite imagery; take it out. You have the standoff weaponry capable of doing so. The moment you see the ship or the train appear with undesirable cargo; have one or multiple UCAVs in the air at all times. And it's not that you need to cover large regions; you know the ports, storage hubs and rail tracks. They are not moving the material on a trailer towed by a Lada.

    The non-action just extends and lengthens the conflict and a weak response just invites US/NATO/Western into taking the next step.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  ALAMO Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:50 pm

    Do you know what I find particularly funny? Laughing
    Only yesterday, TG was full of armchair political strategists and Besserwissers who were busy writing the most hilarious scenarios of what he will say.
    Only to start whining today about how irrelevant was this speech, and how lack of balls is behind it Laughing Laughing
    The thing is hilarious, as the expose was of extremely importance from the ordinary Russian perspective.
    Putin established the direction of Russian development for a decade ahead.
    A sole declaration about the education system is turning it for some 180deg. It will mean a de facto switch from Anglosaxon-established education made for dummies toward an old, Soviet scholarship. Close coordination of the education process with the needs of a nation and country.
    Every single statement shows that yes, the war is going, yet it is only one of the spheres that boggles the Russian society - and not the most important one.
    What is important, to carry on with your lives. Educate, work, and do business. Get wealthy, for your country. The country needs new elites that are being forged now. Those will be the elites of tomorrow. A veteran soldier who lost his both legs, but will be a great MIC manager. A volunteer who collected money and supplied troops on the frontline. Started up business that fought for new supply with paws&teeths, making the industrial slowdown almost unrecognizable. The recovery speed surprised even the Russian government.
    And yes, Russia provides such people with trillions rubles of governmental support. Loans, subsidies, import substitution, secure&stable governmental orders. Family support, subsidized mortgages, kindergarten, and schools. Maternity capital, kids allowances.
    Putin established Russia as a social welfare-oriented country, set to resolve the daily issues of its citizens.
    A country of continental size.
    A country of own civilisation.
    Calling that non important one must be dumb as a rock.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  LMFS Tue Feb 21, 2023 2:55 pm

    Hole wrote:If the west wants the treaty re-newed all NATO nuclear forces must be counted.
    This means either the number US missiles/warheads will shrink or the russian arsenal will grow.

    True, using your serfs to pump up your strategic arsenal numbers and flexibility does not go anymore, and also the presence of nukes in countries like Germany and others, in outright violation of NPT, is not acceptable and may result in Russia's allies also gaining such toys on short notice. Russia is clearly telling the maggot elites to start implementing the 2021 ultimatum or put their luxury bunkers to the test...

    BTW Putin talked today about a ground based missile system he approved for operation last week, what was that? ICBM or INF related?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  ALAMO Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:03 pm

    New Avangard division was put n duty if I remember.

    Maybe nit connected with START itself, but shows the mechanics :
    Being a member of Council of Europe put some obligations towards monitoring of armed forces relocations.
    Russia was obliged to report about most of the weapon/troops transfer as a part of "openness policy".
    Just fantastic, but the US troops in Europe were not obliged to do the same.
    Those data were supplied to the US and the other countries having interest in a matter. And were used by the Georgian regime for planning 080808 war - they have used the information provided to the European bodies about weakening the southern contingent of troops relocated for some other tasks.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:07 pm

    LFMS wrote:
    BTW Putin talked today about a ground based missile system he approved for operation last week, what was that? ICBM or INF related?

    Why not both? Zircon with nukes land based? or Rubezh/Avangard tested on barely 6,000km...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Mir Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:17 pm


    Providing security guarantees for Biden's visit to Ukraine. And then they discuss the use of long range missiles to target Russian cities. Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 41 1f632 You are basically aiding your enemy.

    There is such a thing as diplomatic protocol. Despite the US braking that protocol on a good few occasions - it is the norm not to go about and assassinate world leaders and high ranking officials - even during wartime.

    - No (kinetic) response on the NS1 or NS2 pipelines.

    Russia is not the big looser here - Germany is. BUT make no mistake there will be a price to pay for these idiots. One such is the much closer ties between Russia and China. Russia is moving towards the East and the EU will feel it all the way.

    - Not taking out accumulation of armor
    What armour? There is a lot of talk and promises but I still don't see any Challengers and Leopards anywhere? These things will probably arrive in 404 in civilian container trucks anyway - like most stuff do.

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    par far

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  par far Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:38 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  nomadski Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:03 pm

    In reality the Shepard would loose the 99 Sheep , if he left them alone for too long , to get the lost Sheep . The neighbours would attack his flock . So either he must forget about his lost Sheep or give the Sheep some Nukes . Well Russia did say " ..we are out of INF ! " And station some Zircon in Serbia too . And if the Sheep remains lost still , then it was meant to be .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  JohninMK Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:16 pm

    Black Hawk down coming to a Ukrainian field soon Smile

    Ukraine Weapons Tracker
    The Black Hawk in #Ukraine: the Ukrainian Military Intelligence (GUR) Aviation forces have revealed a new helicopter type in service- at least one Sikorsky UH-60A.

    By the livery, this appears to be an ex-US Army helicopter refurbished and upgraded by Ace Aeronautics, LLC.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 FpftDGVXgAQ-QvO?format=jpg&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Regular Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:33 pm

    “ Judging by all those "accidents" in american LNG plants and refineries, factories and all those trains flipping over
    Russia has a lot of sleeper cells in the US.”

    No. US has sleeper idiots and crumbling infrastructure and barely enforced OSHA.

    I doubt there was any foul play by Russia when strategic important bridges in US look like this

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 8b017310

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Regular Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:37 pm

    Any chance China will provide some weaponry to Russia to fill the gaps in mid range systems and drones?

    Russian TGs are buzzing about China now and creating wishlists of Chinese systems…

    Surely, China would love to give a middle finger to US and that for me sounds like a perfect way to negate influx of western weaponry. Unlike Ukraine, Russia would be able to use UCAVs

    Hole wrote: If Wagner really had problems with ammo supply the guys on the frontline would stop posting videos
    in which they are using a truck-load of artillery shells against small groups of enemy fighters.

    Well, according to them, they have way more targets than there are shells. It is never enough during such intensity. It’s a whack a mole.

    Now Wager is going back to Ugledar direction and they don’t have any problems with shells there.

    Last edited by Regular on Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  George1 Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:37 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  owais.usmani Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:49 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Hole Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:06 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Fpf6ty10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Fpfxix10
    Belgorod area

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Regular Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:07 pm

    I don’t fully agree with the list, but it’s quite interesting read

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 A3271f10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  ALAMO Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:18 pm

    There is much more important info coming out of that.
    Seems that the Chinese are going to join the show.
    And guess what side?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:20 pm

    Russia has bought something from China, those An-124s that have been flying back and forth for ages aren't empty.

    edit: Wang Yi, China's top diplomat flew to Moscow today and met with Patrushev, he'll meet others tomorrow.

    "Sino-Russian relations are rock solid", he said. He mentions mutual strategic interests etc.

    The transcript of China's MFA presser today almost look like a copy paste of Putins speech in some places:

    But knowing China, they're typically not interested in any bold moves. They always talk like this, but don't do much in the way of acting.

    The only thing that I can imagine would change that are the "red lines" (Blinken) and the condescending tone (Borrell) that Chinese diplomats were met with recently. Oh, and the unilateral sanctions.

    Perhaps, just perhaps they got a bit annoyed.

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #39

    Post  ALAMO Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:22 pm

    Not only Ans.
    BAM is booming 24/7
    But we talked mostly a nonlethal aid.

    The thing seems to evolve.

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