Dickforce wrote:This is the interesting part. Not once have I insultet any one of you debating with me, but you keep calling me names and even threatening me. And you want me banned???
Ohhh I sense Dickwad here is in a state of panic
Your presence here is on borrowed time. F*ck off little Nazi
Belisarius wrote: Alexander Dugin arrived at the scene of the explosion of the car in which his daughter Daria was https://t.me/mapsukraine/1625
Oh it seems like she was deep into the Euroasian nutjob project of her father, but if you play with fire and all that...
Play with what fire?
She's a civilian, she has a right to hold and broadcast any political opinion and she's doing so in her own country. That's number one. She's a nobody as well, I never knew about Dugin's daughter or any of her political analysis or whatever. Fair bet that barely anybody has. Finally - it's not even her that the Ukrs wanted dead from what it appears
Or else maybe someone should blow you up? You're a civilian and a nobody as well.
If you support this, and you do - then you're doing nothing more than showing your true terrorist-supporting face. It's not even your country at war, but you abide by the killing of ordinary Russians.
Last edited by flamming_python on Sun Aug 21, 2022 2:43 am; edited 1 time in total
sepheronx, GarryB, Regular, Big_Gazza, kvs, Hole, lyle6 and like this post
Well at least the shills don't have to pretend anymore that Dugin is not an influential ideologist within segments of the Russian leadership.
He's not. He and his books are well-known in Russian society but the Russian elite has not done more than flirt with his concepts. He's more a curiosity really.
As for why the Ukrainians wanted him dead, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe they wanted to draw attention to themselves. Maybe for the same reason as why they murdered scores of civilians in Kramatorsk - to blame it on Russia somehow.
Regular wrote: And if you really support this terrorist act, then it's all clear with you and you are simply retarded. Mods should **** you out from here.
Well, since most of you support the killing of innocent Ukrainians in an unjustified war, just because they do not want to be a part of the corrupt Russian Mir you all seem to adore so much I do not quite see the difference. If Russia is attacking Kyiv, why can not Ukraine attack Moscow?
And your idiotic messages are aimed at what? It's pure gloating. Almost some Telegram channel level necrophilia where they post killed people from both sides and gloat.
It's a forum, not a hive mind. I am not even a sole person here who doesn't support this war nor I support killing of Ukrainians (even if I don't like them for my own reasons), be it civilians or soldiers. I simply don't want any people from both sides dead, it's not rocket science, I don't want to champion any side as I find it immoral. A shocker - not everyone likes war on military forums.
Also, you are comparing apples and testicles - Russia has yet to perform targeted assassinations on Ukrainian soil and they do have more means to carry them out. If you don't see the pandora box in this, then you are really naive.
Not to mention that plenty of Ukrainian officials have said "snappy" remarks towards genocide of Russians after 2014.
First of all, you attack my "gloating" but do not have anything to say about the NUMEROUS cases of gloating over dead Ukrainian soldiers on this forum. That is not ok. Second, she is NOT innocent in any way. She is not only supporting this war, but she is seen in numerous videos dehumanizing Ukrainians. Not ok. Third, this is not the Ukrainians, this is internal power struggles in Russia.
Dickforce wrote:This is the interesting part. Not once have I insultet any one of you debating with me, but you keep calling me names and even threatening me. And you want me banned???
Ohhh I sense Dickwad here is in a state of panic
Your presence here is on borrowed time. F*ck off little Nazi
Nah not really, I fully expect unfair treatment from a Russian forum.
Firebird wrote:Even by Western political and media mouths, the Ukrap govt is considered to be a terrorist organisation.
Russia could easily do a tit for tat reply with "plausible deniability" against the vermin who put the Nazis in power. THAT would concentrate some (scummy) minds.
Murdering an innocent daughter of a Russian political analyst is particularly evil and demands proper repercussions.
Sorry, she is not "innocent", she supports the war on Ukraine:
"The Ukrainians are not human, they all deserve to die"
Oh well.
Supporting the war is an expression of political opinion. It doesn't mean that you a legitimate target for assassination; state-sanctioned murder.
Unless you pick up a gun and fire it, you are protected by the Geneva Conventions as a non-combatant, it really is that simple
And I would advice you and your fellow nationalist Finnish fanboys not to cross that line and start murdering innocent Russians, or even advocating for that at all. Because there will be retribution and it will get ugly. And you will lose, regardless of your false bravado. Now **** off.
Big_Gazza, kvs, Hole, Mir and Broski like this post
Dforce wrote: Nah not really, I fully expect unfair treatment from a Russian forum.
What, not even the North Atlantic Fellatio Organization is willing to take you in? Poor Dforce, what a loser. Shunned by everyone, and who's only worth in life is as the RMF's ukronazi freak of the week punching bag.
Big_Gazza, kvs, Hole, Broski, Belisarius and ucmvulcan like this post
Dont let this Dickforce get away with his brazen support and gloating over the murder of a civilian by NATzO agents. Notice how the dog has quickly changed the tune in his posts and is now trying HARD to look innocent in a desperate effort to avoid a ban for his dispicable offense. Typical NAZI behavior
Big_Gazza, kvs, Broski and ucmvulcan like this post
Dickforce wrote:This is the interesting part. Not once have I insultet any one of you debating with me, but you keep calling me names and even threatening me. And you want me banned???
Ohhh I sense Dickwad here is in a state of panic
Your presence here is on borrowed time. F*ck off little Nazi
Nah not really, I fully expect unfair treatment from a Russian forum.
You have celebrated the murder of an innocent.
If I go onto a forum and start celebrating an incident of criminal violence against a young woman what would the reaction to me be?
All the more so because you are doing so with a nationalist undertone - namely it's the deaths of Russians which should be praised, and it doesn't much matter if they're fighting in the war or just living their lives in Moscow.
sepheronx, GarryB, Regular, Big_Gazza, kvs, Hole, limb and like this post
Firebird wrote:Even by Western political and media mouths, the Ukrap govt is considered to be a terrorist organisation.
Russia could easily do a tit for tat reply with "plausible deniability" against the vermin who put the Nazis in power. THAT would concentrate some (scummy) minds.
Murdering an innocent daughter of a Russian political analyst is particularly evil and demands proper repercussions.
Sorry, she is not "innocent", she supports the war on Ukraine:
"The Ukrainians are not human, they all deserve to die"
Oh well.
That's a deliberate mistranslation by Ukrainian propagandists and a very crass one.
She called for a military tribunal to investigate the crimes of the Azovites stuck in Azovstal' That's it.
GarryB, Big_Gazza, kvs, Rodion_Romanovic, Hole, Mir, Broski and like this post
First of all, you attack my "gloating" but do not have anything to say about the NUMEROUS cases of gloating over dead Ukrainian soldiers on this forum. That is not ok. Second, she is NOT innocent in any way. She is not only supporting this war, but she is seen in numerous videos dehumanizing Ukrainians. Not ok. Third, this is not the Ukrainians, this is internal power struggles in Russia.
I am not a moral guide, not here to mourn every dead person or scold the ones mocking dead soldiers. This forum is not even close to a gorefest like twitter or some crazy TG channels. I don't attack you, I could put you to ignore list and don't bother with your posts, anyway. Just find a scummy behaviour for you to dick out from woodwork and try to rub this as some good news. Only retard would do that.
And yes, Dugina was innonect, FP explains it quite well. Denying this makes you a terrorist supporter. It would be like someone would kill Arestovichs daughter, do you honestly think people would support that here? Get the fck out of here.
What power struggles, Dugin literally has no political power. Your statement is made up.
I am not a fan of Dugin and I think his ideology is stupid, many Russians either don't know his ideology or simply couldn't give a flying ****, but does that change anything?
Btw, your statements remind me of an old Soviet joke:
It didn't happen. It wasn't us who did it. They probably deserved it. And we will do it again.
GarryB, flamming_python, Big_Gazza, kvs, Broski and Belisarius like this post
Alexander Dugin's daughter was murdered. They say it was addressed to the father. Dugin is one of the most brilliant thinkers in Russia. The father of the struggle with globalism and a good person. Terrible murder of an innocent young woman, intellectual. This is cowardly, worthy of Western Jewry. We have to liquidate Soros, Zielinsky, the fucking dancer from Finland and all the globalist crap. Russia you have to REACT.
Firebird wrote:Even by Western political and media mouths, the Ukrap govt is considered to be a terrorist organisation.
Russia could easily do a tit for tat reply with "plausible deniability" against the vermin who put the Nazis in power. THAT would concentrate some (scummy) minds.
Murdering an innocent daughter of a Russian political analyst is particularly evil and demands proper repercussions.
Sorry, she is not "innocent", she supports the war on Ukraine:
"The Ukrainians are not human, they all deserve to die"
Oh well.
Ban this pro-Ukrainian trash bastard infiltrator.
The whole world knows Dugin's weight in Russia's geopolitics and in his intellectual influence. This attack has the western stamp, have no doubts.
Big_Gazza, Broski, Belisarius and ucmvulcan like this post
Telling though that the Ukro-net has nothing else to cheer about tonight other than a mistargetted terrorist act that killed a woman in Moscow. So much for the Kherson counter-offensive huh. And cheering they certainly are. Even creating fake translations to try and mask their incompetence.
GarryB, Big_Gazza, LMFS, Hole, Broski, Belisarius and ucmvulcan like this post
ArgentinaGuard wrote:Alexander Dugin's daughter was murdered. They say it was addressed to the father. Dugin is one of the most brilliant thinkers in Russia. The father of the struggle with globalism and a good person. Terrible murder of an innocent young woman, intellectual. This is cowardly, worthy of Western Jewry. We have to liquidate Soros, Zielinsky, the fucking dancer from Finland and all the globalist crap. Russia you have to REACT.
Sorry, who is "we"? Argentine should first retake Malvinas and only then talk about world reconquista.
Also, what about that thot from Finland, literally an actual empty head placeholder with 0 significance?
Soros is an old ballbag that deserves nothing good, but don't see the connection between him and Dugin.
Instead of naming some randoms - there is sober solution and Russia doesn't have to go all Mossad to do this: Hunt down sleeper cells and maybe "get intimate" with SBU officers in Ukraine.
Imagine if Saddam Hussein had planned an attack against Samuel Huntington or Kissinger or one of his sons during the Gulf War. At that level and more has this attack.
GarryB, Big_Gazza, Hole, Broski, sundoesntrise and ucmvulcan like this post
ArgentinaGuard wrote:Imagine if Saddam Hussein had planned an attack against Samuel Huntington or Kissinger or one of his sons during the Gulf War. At that level and more has this attack.
Dugin is almost of no consequence in modern Russia. You really live in your own bubble.
@Garry I believe that Dforce should get outright ban.
ArgentinaGuard wrote:Imagine if Saddam Hussein had planned an attack against Samuel Huntington or Kissinger or one of his sons during the Gulf War. At that level and more has this attack.
It wouldn't have changed anything as Americans targeted him during decapitation strikes in 91 and 03 and failed. Unlike Russia in Ukraine, US opened its wars with attacks on political and military officials on day 1. With moderate effects.
What is the latest speculation on who killed her? Was she driving her fathers car or her own? I doubt its a foreign plot. Too many western politicians have children and they cannot all be protected.
ArgentinaGuard wrote:Imagine if Saddam Hussein had planned an attack against Samuel Huntington or Kissinger or one of his sons during the Gulf War. At that level and more has this attack.
It wouldn't have changed anything as Americans targeted him during decapitation strikes in 91 and 03 and failed. Unlike Russia in Ukraine, US opened its wars with attacks on political and military officials on day 1. With moderate effects.
They never attacked American intellectuals, idiot. That's why I'm explaining it to you in a simple way. What happens is that you don't study and you have no idea of the role of intellectuals. You are ignorant. Maybe that's why you think Dugin doesn't matter. Here the attack is the cover of the newspapers.
ArgentinaGuard wrote:Imagine if Saddam Hussein had planned an attack against Samuel Huntington or Kissinger or one of his sons during the Gulf War. At that level and more has this attack.
Oh its even worse than that. It would be like if Saddam had targeted Rush Limbaugh, a loudmouth political talk radio host in America who had lots of followers amongst the American right, and killed his daughter. That's what the Ukronazis did when they killed Dugin's daughter. They targeted a guy who was not directly involved in making the decision to start the SMO or to continue it. Oh noes his daughter said things that were not nice about Ukraine. That is not a justification. A civilian whose family had nothing directly to do with the SMO is dead. That is political terrorism.
Now if Douchebag Force is saying someone should die because they said a mean thing about Ukraine, well I have said things that are not nice about Ukraine, and I will continue to say not nice things about that festering den of corruption of neonazism. If the Ukes targeted me or my family it would be exactly the same thing what this was, an unconscionable act of terrorism against an innocent. Or is free speech and free press not something that is seen as important in "democratic" Ukraine?
GarryB, flamming_python, Big_Gazza, kvs and Hole like this post
mnztr wrote:What is the latest speculation on who killed her? Was she driving her fathers car or her own? I doubt its a foreign plot. Too many western politicians have children and they cannot all be protected.
Ukrainians endorsed by Western services.
I'm not saying it for you. I mean, what world do some of you live in on this forum? Do you know the ideological foundations, the geopolitics, the intellectual networks?
Any right-wing patriot (as is my case) with some minimal philosophical reading knew who Dugin is and his importance (perhaps not within Russia since he was away from the University) but internationally.
ArgentinaGuard wrote: What does the Malvinas War have to do with it? At least we fought against the English and killed several of them who are now fertile manure on the islands.
The Russian war is a global fight, you ignorant troll. A bomb should drop on your relatives' house, you Ukrainian son of a bitch. They come to Argentina to give pity, animals.
Long live Russia, bastard..
Get sober and reread what you wrote and think for a minute.
Also, when you say "we" I imagine Argentina you are speaking on behalf of your country and doesn't it sound stupid what you just said? You are yet to join BRICS, even Belarus is not an active participant in SMO and they are literally at the border with Ukraine