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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Yugo90 Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:48 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:

    You can't murder your own brother

    Perhaps you should reconsider....As Ukrainians have no problem with exterminating your people.

    Those people are sick. Should be hanged.

    GarryB, Werewolf, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, zepia, Odin of Ossetia, Hole and bitch_killer like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:59 pm

    The Javelin has two engagement modes Top-Attack and Direct. If the target is to close it will not be able to be launched in Top-Attack mode. Since this is a battle within a city my guess would be that Top-Attack mode wasn't even possible unless launched from the roof of a building with clear line of sight to the tank.

    It has two firing modes... fire and forget top attack, and line of sight manual command.

    When fired in fire and forget mode it climbs up into the air to get a better view of the target to lock on to and attack. In the line of sight mode it operates like a semi automatic command to line of sight wire guided missile and just flys straight at the target... they don't normally use that because the missile is slow and will miss if anyone spots the launch and opens fire on the operator and upsets them.

    I am not going to pretend that I find it reasonable, nor that I am some kind of particularly knowledgeable person in these matters, but...

    I think you are not far wrong with your guesses, but I think Putin is more interested in freeing what used to be Ukraine from the west... now some in the west wont be interested in being freed and there is little point in trying but large areas of the Ukraine are not happy with Kiev and only followed orders because Kievs enforcers were everywhere... not to mention their main trading partner Russia was cut from them creating economic hardship too.

    Removing the nazis and allowing the people to decide for themselves is what Putin is there fore... other than Crimea which is Russian anyway, no other part of the Ukraine will be annexed... the rest of the ukraine will be allowed to vote for what they want and their choices will be respected.

    Trials for criminals will reveal what has happened in the donbass and lugansk and other regions and the more of this that is revealed the better for everyone involved... nobody thinks they are being lied to... to a degree everyone is lied to.

    Putin actually cares more about Russia and the Russian people than his own personal wealth or situation... he could be loved in the west... he just needs to sell out Russia like Yeltsen did and he refuses to do so... to his credit.

    An example of what progress and development can be achieved when smart people who are not corrupt can get into power for a good period of time.

    I never liked that operation. The Russian offensive on Nikolayevsk I mean. Not nearly enough forces, and not enough focus on protecting the flanks. A withdraw, regroup and concerted attack would work a lot better just in my arm chair general opinion. Be interesting to see the response to this.

    A counter attacking force is much easier to target than a dug in force... use helicopters and drones and artillery and smash them.

    If their smoke grenades weren't working, the the crew would e been retarded.

    They are Ukrainian rebels aren't they?

    They probably found the tank in a museum or old army open storage area... they might not even have enough full calibre ammo to fill the autoloader...

    Anyway, I really hope there is an agreement in the coming days. Russia I think is not right in pushing the Ukrainians to recognize the DNR/LNR and Crimea at the same time while insisting on demilitarization and true neutrality.

    The longer they take the more people die and the more demands Putin should come up with... that is the penalty for waiting and letting people die and that is how it should be.

    It's not fair to call it a Nazi state per say. Just an anti-Russian nationalist one. But you can argue that a lot of this nationalism has been cemented by Russia presenting itself as a threat to the Ukraine by annexing its territory.

    Crimea was never its territory, and the Crimeans themselves said as much every chance they got and they were ignored... well Putin didn't ignore them when he got the chance.

    When you don't denounce nazism and actually promote it amongst your armed forces then that makes you a nazi state... Germany and Israeli might be pussies and accept that but Russia should never accept that.

    Nukes, Bio weapons, Nazis... do you think that is an accident... some western think tank probably earned a million bucks to work out the things that will set calm intelligent careful Putin... what other button could they possibly push to get Putin to invade... they wanted this invasion and they don't want it to end because the west thinks they are the victims while ignoring their continuing war crimes... don't feel sorry for the Ukraine they are getting exactly what they wanted, and Russia should take this opportunity to eliminate as many of the hard core nazis as they possibly can, and put on trial the ones they capture alive.

    They pushed the three buttons guaranteed to make Putin attack and he attacked... get over it and stop blaming Putin... if the roles were reversed the US would have invaded in 1991.

    The thing is our regime is also nationalist Putin openly hinted about dismembering the Ukraine in his pre-operation speech. Who gives him that right?

    He is defending Russia from nuclear armed bio weapon armed Nazis, they should make him a saint... Putin the Great.

    It's time to end the war. Really. Then heads can cool and we can discuss a lasting solution with the Ukrainians, whatever regime they have.

    Turn the people who want to fight into mincemeat and then talk things over with the ones left afterwards... this turkey needs another couple of days or a week to cook properly.

    the goal is to capture and destroy most of the Ukrainian army -and most of the Banderites - in three large pincers, one near Donetsk, one near Lugansk and a larger encirclement to the west. Does this seem to be the plan?

    Capture and release the conscripts, and kill or capture and bring to trial the hard core nazis that chain up the conscripts to stop them surrendering.

    When we have an imperialist in power who talks about breaking up other states, then yes our regime is no better

    And I'm not saying that's what Putin will do. But I don't know what he will do

    If he was an imperialist the Belarus and Georgia and Kazakhstan would already be part of the Russian federation and Armenia and Azerbaijan would be too....

    He wanted Crimea back because Crimea is Russian... not because Putin says so but because Crimean people say so.

    And that is the point he does not go in heavy handed and tell people what they are and what country they have, he is going in to destroy a direct threat to Russia and once he has gotten rid of most of the bad guys he will let the locals decide what they want to do.

    If it really is just a mission to clean out the Nazis from the Ukraine and de-zombify its population, and then afterwards reattaching the Donbass to it and basically reconstituting it as a normal, sane country - then yes I can back it, if only by the virtue that this crazy, bloody operation has already started anyway.

    That is the plan... except I doubt the Donbass and Lugansk ever wants anything to do with Kiev ever again... they have been independent 8 years and with an open Russian border and a potential end to attack and shelling have a real chance at a good future as a peaceful independent neighbour of Russia.

    As a result of this many Ukrainians are terrified I'd imagine that they'll be made part of Russia and brainwashed into thinking they're Russians.

    At least it would not be a new language they would have to learn like Ukrainian...

    Putin does not want them for the Russian Federation, he just wants them to stop with their anti Russia shit and stop killing each other while claiming the Ukrainians they are killing are somehow more Russian than they are.

    They're not our enemies and we can't rob their country from them.

    The west has been there... nothing left to steal I am sure. Maybe some old Hunter Biden sketches and early paintings might be worth 20 million each... HAHAHA.

    I am glad Putin is acting fucking "crazy" he is unpredictable... exactly the leader we need for nuclear level showdown

    He is not crazy and is completely predictable, this was the last option left other than capitulation... which was never an option.

    I don't see a limited nuclear war

    Putin knows nuclear war is suicide, and there is no such thing as limited nuclear war... that is BS the west talks about.

    Putin selected Ukraine as a battlefield for a reason, just as he chose Crimea and Syria before that

    There is no need to fight HATO in a conventional war... any concentrations of conventional forces will be nuked and it will escalate from there, so why waste the conventional forces and just hit Brussels and Washington?

    What you have to realize that those same Nazis were cultivated even under Yanukovich, the ousted supposed "pro-Russian" president.
    He was planning to use them himself for something

    That is western propaganda... he was never pro Russian.... they called him pro Russian because he wasn't anti Russian enough for their tastes... a bit like Hungary at the moment with Russian vaccines and Russian long term gas contracts... it is not enough to be pragmatic and do things for your country even if it means dealing with countries you don't like... you have to join in and burn effigies of Russia and Putin or you are Putins puppet.

    Well instead his rivals turned the Nazis and nationalists against him, and the rest is history.

    More like the US which created the Coup realised if they deposed him they couldn't let his party remain or continue as a political party and of course any pro Russian party and of course any communist parties also couldn't be used, which leaves the fringe nutters like Nazis and weirdos...

    And I'm not downplaying the crimes of the neo-nazis, 'ATO veterans' or others

    Nor the character of the Ukrainian regime. It can be best compared to the Contras in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile or whatever other tinpot US-sponsored dictatorship in Latin America, maybe with a greater touch of Nazi flavour and LGBT promotion being the main differences.

    Yes you are, because it is all Putins fault... notice the pattern of US sponsored dictatorships?

    Poisoned fruit.

    Nevertheless I see the Russian task as being to heal the country and restructure it, not to destroy it or take it apart. I hope the former happens.

    You admit a small percentage of Ukrainians are warcrime level bastards and you lament that Putin didn't wait till they attacked Russia, because killing those small percentages of scum is tearing you up inside.

    Obviously the solution was hugs and cuddles and maybe a finger up the arsehole... Rolling Eyes

    In case of nuclear war, what would be Russia's objectives in Europe and the United States?

    Major military bases in Europe and nuclear weapon storage areas in Germany and Turkey for US nukes and France and the UK for their nukes as well as political centres and major economic infrastructure too, but mostly large population cities to wipe out as many people as possible... they don't expect to survive so they wont want lots of their enemies surviving either.

    . Our generations are out of touch, and mixed with this is a disturbing cocktail of ideological delusions.

    The end of the cold war led to universities in the west closing down their Russian departments, which means smart educated people stopped learning about Russia and its wants and needs and its capacities... and today the idiots portrayed as experts on Russia is very thin on the ground... the only ones worth listening to are cold war era experts like Noam Chomsky and of course Oliver Stone and a few others... most of the rest are shit... like ex US politicians.

    Can anyone explain to me the tactics used by ukrainians that allow them to shoot artillery and not be immediately neutralized? Shouldn't artillery be very hard to conceal? Would NATO have had the same trouble with not finding towed artillery positions early enough before they fire barrages' doin heavy damage?

    A single Grad vehicle hidden in a building till you want to attack something... roll it outside and launch a volley of 40 rockets and then throw a tarp over the tubes and drive off like you are a normal truck to be parked inside the next building and reloaded for the next launch.

    A single 2S1 or 2S3 vehicle and drive out of a building or out from behind some trees and fire a few rounds and then withdraw back into the building or trees... wait a while and then move somewhere else.

    These vehicles are highly mobile and have reasonable fire power and can receive target coordinates via radio to then shoot and scoot out of there.

    the 2S1 is especially good for that.... a 122mm shell is a good size and reasonably accurate... I seem to remember an accuracy test where the impact zone for a shell at 15km range was about 50m long and only about 9m wide. (most impact zones are oval shaped with distance the main variable due to weather and wind speed etc etc).

    The equivalent oval for a 122mm grad rocket was about 110m long and about 25m wide, but the volume they were fired in meant that was good enough as the number of rockets landing around the place will fill in the gaps so escape would be unlikely.

    You can't murder your own brother

    Course you can... and especially in self defence.

    You can catch him robbing some old lady, beat the shit out of him, confiscate his narcotics, put him in rehab - but even then, you yourself will pay for the treatment

    When you catch him with documents showing a hit man has been paid and has been given your photo as his target and your brother also collects poisons that can't be detected and insists on making you a cup of tea but wont let you see him stirring it then you shoot that fucker in the face.

    Why are Jews always victimized? Many of those current mega-corporations are led by Jews, globalism and the international financial system is managed by them. The Ukrainian president is Jewish and some of the leading Russophobes in Ukraine are Jewish. Ah!
    Jewish Zionism is one of the most important lobbies of US interventionism. Should look for other better examples.

    Some jews are poor and have no power, while others have power and money, but of course Israel is built on the land occupied by other peoples which zionist jews like to steal land from and have no respect for, yet they are still the victim it seems.

    Ours is claimed to be one of the best intel/security operations in the World

    Oh please... didn't your young defence minister get interrupted during a speach in parliment when his Iphone suddenly asked him to clarify what he said... it was Siri... which is an enormous breach of security if Apple are listening to the UK defence minister 24/7 through his fucking phone.

    Sad how effective Azov has been in transforming the city into an upcoming Russian Nazi colony (half the Azov members are neo-nazis from Russia, some Croatian neo-nazis as well)

    Where they came from does not matter... where they are going is what matters.... Twisted Evil

    Those people are sick. Should be hanged.

    That is Putins plan.

    FPs plan is to wait till they get viable bio weapons and nuclear weapons and invade the Donbass and kill more people first.

    Who knows what their navy and airforce would have been doing at the same time... likely mounting attacks on a certain bridge they are upset about...

    Werewolf, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, miketheterrible, Hole, Yugo90 and Broski like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  JohninMK Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:10 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:Re the second post below, I assume that this will have a big impact on food supplies over much of Ukraine.

    Not as much food as some aircraft repair possibilities.
    The Lviv State Aircraft Repair Plant is located there. "Famous" for stealing half of the aggregates of our AF MiG-29 send for repair Laughing

    So it looks like they are rolling forward with their public announcement to destroy all military related manufacturing.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:12 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:

    You can't murder your own brother

    Perhaps you should reconsider....As Ukrainians have no problem with exterminating your people.

    They're just zombified

    Weren't like that in 2014, but the best spin-doctors and propagandists on the planet ensured this result

    No matter. A decade in rehab perhaps, they'll be all good. Trust.

    While the most hardcore and stubborn dickheads will simply be taken out, along with war criminals

    Most people there did vote for Zelensky. Who did promise peace in the Donbass and better relations with Russia. It's ultimately what most people want.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:17 pm

    Can anyone explain why they are firing S-8 rockets like that?

    The rockets are area weapons designed for hitting targets spread out like troops in the open.

    For accuracy against point targets they are normally fired directly nose down towards the targets normally less than 1km away, but when the enemy is firing at you and the targets are not point targets (for which you would use ATGMs instead) or hard targets (which you would also use ATGMs) then angling the nose up and lofting the rockets means you can engage targets well outside the normal direct fire range of the rockets... depending on the rocket type it is 2km to about 4km for direct fire.

    But when the target is a group of enemy infantry or a large staging area for enemy troops or armour then lofting the rockets at 20-30 degree upwards angle means you can launch at the target from a much safer distance and still get kills, so probably lofting the rockets like that they are ballistic rockets like Grads that rely on HE payload rather than flight speed so you could engage targets at 6-8km using unguided rockets... they have ballistics computers and laser range finders and radar so they could be reasonably accurate in lobbing the rockets at an area target... especially if it is an enemy infantry counter attack or some such thing.

    The core advantage is that it means a much bigger standoff range for engaging area targets.

    Another factor of course is that they were working on laser guided 80mm rockets which would also benefit from being lofted into the air to increase their flight range... so one helicopter or drone over the target area marking targets with laser beams while these helicopters loft rockets in the direction of the target... when they get close they will detect the reflected laser energy and home in on the marked targets and hit precision targets like armoured vehicles from a diving angle which would make them rather more effective too.

    So area weapons or laser homing rockets... either way they are lofted to keep the launch helicopter away from enemy ground fire coming from the target area.

    So it looks like they are rolling forward with their public announcement to destroy all military related manufacturing.

    Not crazy at all... considered and clear...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:18 pm

    Garry, tactical nuclear weapons are not for use on strategic targets

    That is why they are called "tactical"

    The delivery systems are conventional, artillery, Anti ship, SRBM, Cruise Missile, bomb, mine , torpedo

    The yield is low

    If tactical nuclear weapon takes out your base, you do not escalate by launching a Trident or Minuteman because that invites strategic response

    Once you escalate to strategic yes there is no going back

    But at tactical level, for example European theater it is plausible

    Why else would NATO have B61?

    They know themselves what tactical nuclear weapons are for

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  ALAMO Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:18 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    So it looks like they are rolling forward with their public announcement to destroy all military related manufacturing.

    They are scaling up the pressure I would say.
    First, they wanted to keep the industrial base more or less intact, for further usage.
    Now it looks not more relevant.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:26 pm

    ALAMO wrote:

    Just as I have said, if they would be left and keep doing what they did for the past 8 years, it would become a rough state covered by all shistrea media around the globe. They would use it for any anti-Russian activity you can even imagine.
    It was a last call.


    You know I'm beginning to think it's not 1945, or even 1944

    But 1989. Putin has given his speech about the evil empire - now the empire of lies. The US has barely moved on from being pulled out of Afghanistan, and now its peripheries are being shaken; the conflict in the Ukraine is like Nagorno-Karabakh. If China makes a move on Taiwan, it will be like the Ferghana valley.
    Venezuela attacking Columbia? The Georgian conflict with Abkhazia and S. Ossetia. Serbia making a move on Kosovo - the Pridnestrovian conflict perhaps. But those will come later
    Accelerating inflation rates, shortages, record high gasoline prices in the US, and industries in trouble in the EU.
    There are already signs of anti-NATO dissent in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Turkey. When the Ukraine falls, the effect will cascade. The wall will fall, and NATO will pull out of Eastern Europe at a minimum, indeed back to 1997.

    But as yet there are still 2 years until 1991, when Trump will be elected and put an end to the globalist establishment fossils for good. There will be a globalist hardline coup against him attempted, but he won't fall for the same antics twice. The world will enter a new era

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:37 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    ALAMO wrote:

    Just as I have said, if they would be left and keep doing what they did for the past 8 years, it would become a rough state covered by all shistrea media around the globe. They would use it for any anti-Russian activity you can even imagine.
    It was a last call.


    You know I'm beginning to think it's not 1945, or even 1944

    But 1989. Putin has given his speech about the evil empire - now the empire of lies. The US has barely moved on from being pulled out of Afghanistan, and now its peripheries are being shaken; the conflict in the Ukraine is like Nagorno-Karabakh. If China makes a move on Taiwan, it will be like the Ferghana valley.
    Venezuela attacking Columbia? The Georgian conflict with Abkhazia and S. Ossetia. Serbia making a move on Kosovo - the Pridnestrovian conflict perhaps. But those will come later
    Accelerating inflation rates, shortages, record high gasoline prices in the US, and industries in trouble in the EU.
    There are already signs of anti-NATO dissent in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Turkey. When the Ukraine falls, the effect will cascade. The wall will fall, and NATO will pull out of Eastern Europe at a minimum, indeed back to 1997.

    But as yet there are still 2 years until 1991, when Trump will be elected and put an end to the globalist establishment fossils for good. There will be a globalist hardline coup against him attempted, but he won't fall for the same antics twice. The world will enter a new era

    Now you making more sense my man

    Exactly, it is 1991 with a mirror

    Ukraine is their Yugoslavia they're powerless watching helplessly

    Last edited by Arkanghelsk on Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:39 pm

    Iran will rise with the nuclear deal about to be signed

    Israel will be shaken

    The Jews will come home back to Russia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:47 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    ALAMO wrote:

    Just as I have said, if they would be left and keep doing what they did for the past 8 years, it would become a rough state covered by all shistrea media around the globe. They would use it for any anti-Russian activity you can even imagine.
    It was a last call.


    You know I'm beginning to think it's not 1945, or even 1944

    But 1989. Putin has given his speech about the evil empire - now the empire of lies. The US has barely moved on from being pulled out of Afghanistan, and now its peripheries are being shaken; the conflict in the Ukraine is like Nagorno-Karabakh. If China makes a move on Taiwan, it will be like the Ferghana valley.
    Venezuela attacking Columbia? The Georgian conflict with Abkhazia and S. Ossetia. Serbia making a move on Kosovo - the Pridnestrovian conflict perhaps. But those will come later
    Accelerating inflation rates, shortages, record high gasoline prices in the US, and industries in trouble in the EU.
    There are already signs of anti-NATO dissent in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Turkey. When the Ukraine falls, the effect will cascade. The wall will fall, and NATO will pull out of Eastern Europe at a minimum, indeed back to 1997.

    But as yet there are still 2 years until 1991, when Trump will be elected and put an end to the globalist establishment fossils for good. There will be a globalist hardline coup against him attempted, but he won't fall for the same antics twice. The world will enter a new era

    Now you making more sense my man

    Exactly, it is 1991 with a mirror

    Ukraine is their Yugoslavia they're powerless watching helplessly

    Russia's hard power versus the West's soft power. Indeed the reverse.

    Yugoslavia I think, will re-emerge. Certainly if Russia manages to connect to Serbia via the Ukraine and Hungary.

    Serbia and Croatia were always its core, and the former is giving signs about being covertly anti-NATO, while the Bosnian Croats are happy about Operation Z
    Between Serbia and Croatia they can make Bosnia do what they want - so that's now 3 republics.
    Montenegro is saying it can't impose sanctions on Russia due to internal disagreements. That means its onboard
    The Macedonians have already been humiliated with the name change and are being controlled by the Albanian mafia. I think they'll sign up.
    Slovenia might give it a pass but then they don't matter. They'll come around later maybe.
    The US might have to evacuate its base in Kosovo, if it becomes untenable. And with that Serbia's own Operation Z can begin

    Last edited by flamming_python on Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:48 pm

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed a video of the combat work of the strike group of Ka-52 helicopters. The footage shows a tactical landing at one of the military airfields in Ukraine.

    Guys land at the end, does anyone know why

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Stealthflanker Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:49 pm

    How the hell this can even exist. I thought this kind of stupidity based on pure hatred cannot exist today and at least not from someone calling himself expert.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:57 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:How the hell this can even exist.  I thought this kind of stupidity based on pure hatred cannot exist today and at least not from someone calling himself expert.

    Ignore the Agony of Panzerwaffe in the East

    Goebbels is thumbing his poison pill. Or will it be Latin America that he retreats to, like Yatsenuk did?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:04 pm

    Latvia has cancelled this year's Waffen SS celebrations. I think they're hedging bets

    Estonia of course was doing the same earlier by meeting with Putin and offering some deals on the Russian language in exchange for influence on the Finno-Ugrics in Russia. Before that is that broad began to have second thoughts during the Belarus revolution attempt, when she switched back to the anti-Russian line. But it was too late, she was replaced anyway. Or rather, she was betrayed by her own political party for being 'too polarizing' and wasn't put up as a candidate for re-election. But she or someone like her might come back.

    Poland and Lithuania will hold the line when it comes to NATO, at least for a time. They are East Germany, the most hardcore communists outside the Soviet Union itself.

    Romania would like to. But if the Ukraine submits, while Bulgaria and Hungary switch - and they will, then Romania's position becomes untenable too. It will be surrounded by non-NATO states.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:12 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Latvia has cancelled this year's Waffen SS celebrations. I think they're hedging bets

    Estonia of course was doing the same earlier by meeting with Putin and offering some deals on the Russian language in exchange for influence on the Finno-Ugrics in Russia. Before that is that broad began to have second thoughts during the Belarus revolution attempt, when she switched back to the anti-Russian line. But it was too late, she was replaced anyway. Or rather, she was betrayed by her own political party for being 'too polarizing' and wasn't put up as a candidate for re-election. But she or someone like her might come back.

    Poland and Lithuania will hold the line when it comes to NATO, at least for a time. They are East Germany, the most hardcore communists outside the Soviet Union itself.

    Romania would like to. But if the Ukraine submits, while Bulgaria and Hungary switch - and they will, then Romania's position becomes untenable too. It will be surrounded by non-NATO states.

    Those states won't switch over until Russia submits NATO in nuclear stare down

    Biden (gorbachev) and Trump(yelstin) will cause the NATO collapse but it won't happen before pressure is placed on the Americans from the nuclear side

    This is what prompted Gorbachev to back down in Germany

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Azi Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:12 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:How the hell this can even exist.  I thought this kind of stupidity based on pure hatred cannot exist today and at least not from someone calling himself expert.
    I hope russian soldiers will catch him and something like the Nürnberger trials will happen!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:15 pm

    US is asking Turkey to give s400 to Ukraine:D

    You cannot make this up!!!

    Russia needs to keep the pressure on NATO it is fracturing everywhere , the Americans don't know what else to do

    They cannot impose no fly zone, they cannot send planes, they are turning into ghost of Kiev hahahaha

    GarryB, flamming_python, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, zepia, miketheterrible and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Azi Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:16 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed a video of the combat work of the strike group of Ka-52 helicopters.  The footage shows a tactical landing at one of the military airfields in Ukraine.

    Guys land at the end, does anyone know why
    It was the first day of combat...the helicopter was hit by something (manpad?). The helicopter even appeared nearly 3 weeks ago filmed by ukrainian villagers. Was in good shape but damaged. The pilots are back in duty and bombing the shit out of the NAZIs.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:17 pm

    The funny thing is that the fall of the US empire looks to have started in the same place the Soviet Union's did

    Kazakhstan and Afghanistan.

    It was in Kazakhstan in 1986 that the first mass-manifestation against Soviet authorities occurred. In Almaty, and then later in Novyj Uzen.
    Mirrors nicely the counter-coup against the Nazarbayev clan's panturk goons this January.

    And Afghanistan was the same situation, although more of a humiliation this time around

    And during this process, we will see the process of Korean reunification too, just like the Germany's were reunited.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  mavaff Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:19 pm

    Kadyrov rulez! cheers

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  diabetus Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:20 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed a video of the combat work of the strike group of Ka-52 helicopters.  The footage shows a tactical landing at one of the military airfields in Ukraine.

    Guys land at the end, does anyone know why

    That's day 1 action at Gostomel Airport. He landed due to damage and his Ka-52 was later photographed.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Azi Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:20 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:US is asking Turkey to give s400 to Ukraine:D

    You cannot make this up!!!

    Russia needs to keep the pressure on NATO it is fracturing everywhere , the Americans don't know what else to do

    They cannot impose no fly zone, they cannot send planes, they are turning into ghost of Kiev hahahaha
    Fu*k this is great! Very Happy So Russia can have the S-400 back and of course they have the money still received. Hahahaha lol!

    And I bet my arse there is a backdoor for manipulate IFF. Like the F-35 can be deactivated from USA at any time.

    PLEASE send the S-400 to Ukraine...please! They will sell it to turks again! One system double money. lol! lol!

    Last edited by Azi on Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:20 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:US is asking Turkey to give s400 to Ukraine:D

    You cannot make this up!!!

    Russia needs to keep the pressure on NATO it is fracturing everywhere , the Americans don't know what else to do

    They cannot impose no fly zone, they cannot send planes, they are turning into ghost of Kiev hahahaha

    They asked Turkey to give up the S-400s in return for being readmitted back to the F-35 program

    You really cannot make this up

    If Turkey rejected the F-35s in lieu of the S-400 back then, then why would suddenly accept them now? The S-400 is something physical it already has especially, while the F-35 might as well be the real ghost of Kiev as far as the Turks are concerned.

    Slovakia told the US no, we only have 1 S-300 system and nothing to replace it with
    Greece told the US no, we need our S-300s
    Turkey is probably just laughing at this stage.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Regular Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:25 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed a video of the combat work of the strike group of Ka-52 helicopters.  The footage shows a tactical landing at one of the military airfields in Ukraine.

    Guys land at the end, does anyone know why

    "Ya padbit - I am hit" pilot says

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