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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  JohninMK Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:36 pm

    A ten-day military exercise using US and EU-supplied weapons to Kiev begins on Thursday in Ukraine.

    The firing will use Bayraktar strike drones, Javelin man-portable anti-tank missile systems and NLAW man-portable guided anti-tank missiles.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  JohninMK Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:43 pm

    This will get some headlines

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 FLL9Z_KXwAEMGh7?format=jpg&name=medium

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:05 am

    The drone with WWII symbols was being used to surveil civilian targets for artillery attacks.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:37 am

    As expected. The landing ships have now arrived in the black sea. This is also militarily a landing in Odessa now possible. Almost all military building blocks for a satisfaction operation in Ukraine are available.

    Shows the west they mean business, and screwing with Russia again like they did in South Ossetia or Crimea or Syria is going to cost them... possibly more than just the breakaway regions this time.

    Putin has to know how soft medvedev near Libya was with his stupid abstention.

    It wasn't Russias fault, but the people of Libya and the people of the EU paid for that decision on the part of the west to do that.

    EU immigration started when the barriers to immigration in Libya were ripped down... and Europe has not thanked its military for that stroke of genius... if they ever actually work out what happened they might blame Medvedev of course for not saving the world from the west... Rolling Eyes

    Putin isn't the type to use Military force unless he believes is absolutely necessary and has an ultimate last resort, this attitude has bit him in the ass at times and also helped him at times.

    He responds to violence with violence, but he does not use violence as a matter of course like the west does... and all that has done is actually earn him a bit of respect for actually being intelligent, instead of evil and vindictive, like the west is.

    That's thing with matters like these, you're not always going to win and you're not always going to get your way all the time.

    In his position he should never have won, yet his smart use of the real rules of the game has allowed Russia to get to a point where they don't even need a seat at the wests table... soon they wont have to play with the west at all.

    As of right now, I don't see him invading, those military forces are there has intimidation nothing more.

    Yeah, western people only need something repeated 10,000 times before they start to understand it.

    His military forces are mobilised because Kievs forces are mobilised and on the border ready for an attack. Russian forces appear to now be ready to fully respond if Kiev does something stupid.

    The west is ignoring what Kiev is doing and claiming what Russia is doing is what they normally do... invade.... attack... regime change... so that is why we hear the usual bullshit from the western media.... they will commit a false flag (like we do), they will murder the Kiev leadership and replace them in a coup (like we did), they have built up forces for an invasion (like we do).

    It is getting boring.

    The only tension is Bidens Borat thongkini... you are not supposed to wear it when you balls drag on the ground.

    Occupying Ukraine all of it, will cost russian lives and lots of them.

    Nah it wont... they will be talking with people in the Ukraine... they wont occupy territory hostile to their presence.

    They might use landing forces if a civil war breaks out across Ukraine and they need to go in to create peace, but they will otherwise be there to train and practise and to be seen training and practising... just like HATO forces are in the region training and practising... they are more of a back off to HATO than Kiev... saying to HATO if you thought losing Crimea was bad... go ahead make our day...

    Tbf the Russian public doesn't really want war with Ukraine either.

    They probably don't want HATO in the Ukraine either... or nazis.

    Putin isn't looking to gain more territory, now maybe in the future this will change and there will be a war but IMO based on all I know its very unlikely atm.

    If only HATO advisers were as smart as you. He could have been the wests best friend but the west are a bunch of souless censored and they don't have friends, they have drones, and Russia wont be any ones drone.

    Let see how dumb they are... can they make him an actual enemy...

    They are going to have to invest a lot in their military because it is a bit shabby in a lot of areas... how much are they going to be prepared to spend?

    That would be a terrible option if Russian forces do that, it will ensure one thing. Ukraine will enter NATO, you need to have rose tinted glasses to think Russian forces attempting to remove the government will go that way for them.

    And if they do Russia can simply develop and anti HATO missile intended for firing at dangerous neighbours... armed with multiple dumb nuclear warheads designed to level cities and area targets... three warheads per missile and 50 missiles per hostile country... all ready to fire, all aimed at Ukraine or the Baltic countries or any other country that thinks HATO membership makes anyone safe at all.

    Basically Germany and France are willing to accept a neutral Ukraine and Georgia. Therefore Russia has no further argument with them, so long as they reign in Zelensky.

    Any HATO member can veto a new country getting membership, so as long as a few don't want the Ukraine or Georgia then there is no problem.

    I doubt Putin can pull off a Coup at this stage, not feasible plan for him at all.

    It is funny you say that because Putin of the past wouldn't even try, but current Putin is realising being nice and being fair and not fighting fire with fire has not helped him in any way... maybe a bit of regime change and interference in other countries might become necessary... well they get blamed for it anyway so why not?

    There won't be any war because Russia won't gain anything by annexing Ukraine whose condition today is at par with 3rd world Asian and African countries.

    There are countries in Asia and Africa that are probably much better off than Ukraine today. In many ways the weakest countries in those two regions are weak and broken for the same reason... western colonialism.

    I'd say the place is about 45-55 split right now. (Given that the Crimea and most of the Donbass are already gone).

    The problem is power and control... in the US the split is 99% vs 1% but the 1% call the shots and start the wars and make the rules and the 99% are artificially split on skin colour and political groups to make them all weak and ineffective... you can't win a war when you don't realise who your real enemy actually is and end up just fighting your neighbour.

    Funny in french "léche" which sound like Lech, his name, means lick

    What is French for testicles?

    The annual event

    But if we keep saying it eventually it might be right...

    The drone with WWII symbols was being used to surveil civilian targets for artillery attacks.

    They are so classy.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  owais.usmani Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:43 am

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Sujoy Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:57 am

    It is extremely difficult to negotiate with Anglo-Saxons, especially their governments because according to them,  whatever belongs to them is theirs but whatever belongs to you is also theirs. Of late Kremlin must have realized that given this mentality it is impossible to negotiate with Anglo Saxon states.

    On a separate note, U.K's foreign secretary is in Moscow. Generally speaking politicians/VIPs use the front exit to disembark but she seems to have used the tradesman's entrance.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:13 pm

    Russia plays the game correctly.

    Russia has not made any comments notice,  

    Not one definitive statement has been made by high Russian leadership

    In fact what we see is Russia forking the west with diplomatic niceties and all the while, the entire russian army and navy mass on euro border

    Meanwhile the west is jumping back and forth, is he invading? Is he calling it off? Did we pack underwear today?

    It's hilarious to watch the west flip and flop like fish out of water

    They have no clue what Russia is up to, and they are scaring their allies and populations with their hysteria

    Russia has the upper hand de facto with this result, the advantage is the potentialities for any scale of operation that observers try to decode in their crystal ball

    Will Putin make a grab of Novorossiya? Will he enter DLNR? Will he take Kiev?

    All the kings horses and all the kings men are flying to Moscow to gauge Putin. 

    Talking to the steely eyed chess master wont give you any hint though,

    Like it or not, You will have to wait and see the result my beauties

    Last edited by Arkanghelsk on Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  flamming_python Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:17 pm

    Sujoy wrote:It is extremely difficult to negotiate with Anglo-Saxons, especially their governments because according to them,  whatever belongs to them is theirs but whatever belongs to you is also theirs. Of late Kremlin must have realized that given this mentality it is impossible to negotiate with Anglo Saxon states.

    On a separate note, U.K's foreign secretary is in Moscow. Generally speaking politicians/VIPs use the front exit to disembark but she seems to have used the tradesman's entrance.

    What's the point of Lavrov meeting with this woman?

    She's just using it to score political points, and if Russia doesn't end up invading, then she will claim it to her credit as having 'intimidated' Moscow

    This meeting only harms Russian interests

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:19 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:It is extremely difficult to negotiate with Anglo-Saxons, especially their governments because according to them,  whatever belongs to them is theirs but whatever belongs to you is also theirs. Of late Kremlin must have realized that given this mentality it is impossible to negotiate with Anglo Saxon states.

    On a separate note, U.K's foreign secretary is in Moscow. Generally speaking politicians/VIPs use the front exit to disembark but she seems to have used the tradesman's entrance.

    What's the point of Lavrov meeting with this woman?

    She's just using it to score political points, and if Russia doesn't end up invading, then she will claim it to her credit as having 'intimidated' Moscow

    This meeting only harms Russian interests
    Not at all, this is an excellent flanking maneuver. 

    The west parasympathetic reflex is falling into Moscow reflexive control. 

    They ease up in talks, but they cannot help but feel that sinking feeling watching the buildup

    In their minds there is a dissonance

    Shouldnt they be talking to shoigu or gerasimov? 

    They're the ones in charge of this rodeo now

    Truss, Macron, and all other western observers feel a "guarantee" made by the wrong party

    They get the usual promises, but the situation on Europe I feel will not change anytime soon 

    We have long entered into a different room of the stalkerzone 

    There is no going back to normal

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  flamming_python Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:31 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:It is extremely difficult to negotiate with Anglo-Saxons, especially their governments because according to them,  whatever belongs to them is theirs but whatever belongs to you is also theirs. Of late Kremlin must have realized that given this mentality it is impossible to negotiate with Anglo Saxon states.

    On a separate note, U.K's foreign secretary is in Moscow. Generally speaking politicians/VIPs use the front exit to disembark but she seems to have used the tradesman's entrance.

    What's the point of Lavrov meeting with this woman?

    She's just using it to score political points, and if Russia doesn't end up invading, then she will claim it to her credit as having 'intimidated' Moscow

    This meeting only harms Russian interests
    Not at all, this is an excellent flanking maneuver. 

    The west parasympathetic reflex is falling into Moscow reflexive control. 

    They ease up in talks, but they cannot help but feel that sinking feeling watching the buildup

    In their minds there is a dissonance

    Shouldnt they be talking to shoigu or gerasimov? 

    They're the ones in charge of this rodeo now

    Truss, Macron, and all other western observers feel a "guarantee" made by the wrong party

    They get the usual promises, but the situation on Europe I feel will not change anytime soon 

    We have long entered into a different room of the stalkerzone 

    There is no going back to normal

    Well they're paying a visit to Shoigu tommorow apparently

    Which is good.
    Still feel Russia could have done w/o Truss's visit though. That it would be of no value whatsoever was obvious from the start.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 10, 2022 3:56 pm

    He trolled her sooo bad lol1  lol1  lol1  lol1 .

    max seddon


    Things behind the scenes were even worse, according to
    @ElenaChernenko. Lavrov said, "Do you recognize Russia's sovereignty over Rostov and Voronezh oblasts?" Truss said the UK would "never" do so – before the ambassador told her they're not in Ukraine

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:00 pm

    Russia should not tolerate visits from yapping chihuahuas. They can do their yapping in their own yard.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:15 pm

    kvs wrote:Russia should not tolerate visits from yapping chihuahuas.   They can do their yapping in their own yard.  

    Well it was worth letying her come. I laugh so bad hahaha. Now they are sending her home humiliated.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  flamming_python Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:39 pm

    Isos wrote:
    kvs wrote:Russia should not tolerate visits from yapping chihuahuas.   They can do their yapping in their own yard.  

    Well it was worth letying her come. I laugh so bad hahaha. Now they are sending her home humiliated.

    I can't agree

    The entire British political class holds Russia in sovereign contempt and any visit of theirs to Russia will just be used for their own domestic political ends.
    They have nothing to share other than demagogy, hence there is no need to give them an outlet.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:18 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    kvs wrote:Russia should not tolerate visits from yapping chihuahuas.   They can do their yapping in their own yard.  

    Well it was worth letying her come. I laugh so bad hahaha. Now they are sending her home humiliated.

    I can't agree

    The entire British political class holds Russia in sovereign contempt and any visit of theirs to Russia will just be used for their own domestic political ends.
    They have nothing to share other than demagogy, hence there is no need to give them an outlet.

    They fool no one.

    Everybody knows they are just US 51st state. Nothing more.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Firebird Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:19 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    kvs wrote:Russia should not tolerate visits from yapping chihuahuas.   They can do their yapping in their own yard.  

    Well it was worth letying her come. I laugh so bad hahaha. Now they are sending her home humiliated.

    I can't agree

    The entire British political class holds Russia in sovereign contempt and any visit of theirs to Russia will just be used for their own domestic political ends.
    They have nothing to share other than demagogy, hence there is no need to give them an outlet.

    I think its partly down to Communism and the abolition of the so called "class structure" that the scummy British Establishment loves so much.
    (Their favourite TV programmes are shit from the 19th century with lots of bowing servants etc and "imperial possessions").

    And also because that prick Nicholas Romanov who was "Queen" Victoria's cousin got smoked.

    I'm half British+W European and half Slavic Russian.
    I'm firmly in the Russia camp.
    Lots of British people know the media talk shite about Russia.
    But the ones who consider themselves "educated"/"informed" talk out of their arseholes on Russia.

    Russia should only have given her an audience with the other chihuahuas like Baltic statelets.
    In Britain she's seen as a possible next PM (her or a smarmy Indian bloke who's father in law is worth 20 bn).
    But she's also seen as a joke. And lots of people think she only went to add pics to her Instagram (literally).

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Sujoy Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:24 pm

    flamming_python wrote: What's the point of Lavrov meeting with this woman?

    She's just using it to score political points, and if Russia doesn't end up invading, then she will claim it to her credit as having 'intimidated' Moscow

    This meeting only harms Russian interests
    Yes you are correct, she is using this visit to score brownie points at home especially now that she is the frontrunner to replace Boris Johnson.

    However, this meeting doesn't harm Russia's interest because the U.K is a nothing power.

    They can play dirty though by instigating Ukranian forces to target Russian troops, but beyond that they can't do a thing. Russia needs to be careful about UK's skullduggery.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  owais.usmani Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:19 pm


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  Krepost Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:24 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:


    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 30245210

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  owais.usmani Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:25 pm

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Flpw0_10

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:31 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:

    Very reminiscent of White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claiming Russia was hiding secret submarine bases in landlocked Belarus lol! lol1 clown

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  par far Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:13 pm

    Sujoy wrote:It is extremely difficult to negotiate with Anglo-Saxons, especially their governments because according to them,  whatever belongs to them is theirs but whatever belongs to you is also theirs. Of late Kremlin must have realized that given this mentality it is impossible to negotiate with Anglo Saxon states.

    On a separate note, U.K's foreign secretary is in Moscow. Generally speaking politicians/VIPs use the front exit to disembark but she seems to have used the tradesman's entrance.

    This bitch is going to get ragged and bagged in Moscow.
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  par far Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:04 pm

    The head of Russian intelligence, Sergei Naryshkin, has just declared that:

    The SBU and the UAF are preparing provocations at the contact line in Donbass and their ‘reporting’ a la ‘White Helmets’ fakes news in Syria. The contingent of the ‘rapid response propaganda forces’ of the Western media has been increased there multifold as well,” Ukrainian preparations are going “full steam ahead” and they cannot be hidden”.  “All even partially combat ready Ukrainian Armed Forces units have been concentrated at the Donbass border. Hundreds of tonnes of military equipment and ammunition are being transported en masse from US bases in Europe, from the UK, from Canada. The contingent of advisors and instructors from NATO Special Operations forces is being increased. We even have reports about the emergence of multinational jihadist militant squads“.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty The Fact You Think that Means They Fooled You

    Post  calripson Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:55 pm

    Isos wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    kvs wrote:Russia should not tolerate visits from yapping chihuahuas.   They can do their yapping in their own yard.  

    Well it was worth letying her come. I laugh so bad hahaha. Now they are sending her home humiliated.

    I can't agree

    The entire British political class holds Russia in sovereign contempt and any visit of theirs to Russia will just be used for their own domestic political ends.
    They have nothing to share other than demagogy, hence there is no need to give them an outlet.

    They fool no one.

    Everybody knows they are just US 51st state. Nothing more.

    Who do you think actually determines policy in DC? Do you think it is the result of the will of the American voters? Are you cynical enough to realize that policy is actually determined by a shadowy group of billionaires? Do you think all those billionaires determining public policy are Americans? Or are they global? Do you think nation states really matter to them or are they just a means to an end? Do you think the CIA or MI6 are calling the shots, or are they just the operative mechanism to the decision makers? The financial center of the world for 300 years was the City of London. Every dynastic American family from the Rockefellers to the Morgans made their money in the industrial revolution from capital provided by the banking families of Europe. Every major American "institution" - Fed, CFR, CIA is directly modelled on their British analogue. The last reported wealth of one family over a hundred years ago - the Rothschilds - would conservatively be in the trillions today. Do you believe the narrative that all those dynastic banking families saw their wealth waste away due to progressive taxation? Not coincidentally, with the advent of progressive taxation came the explosion of offshore banking - now estimated to hold over $28 trillion in assets. Ever stop to wonder who established this secret banking system - the purpose of which is anonymity and tax avoidance? The Russians? the Chinese? The top offshore domiciles happen to be in British Commonwealth Territory - Caymans, Bermuda, BVI, Jersey, (formerly) Hong Kong. Hmm, that might be a clue. America is simply the extension of the British Empire. It is at its heart a global financial system. The old Empire of territory and conquest was replaced by a post-modern version where the conquests are as much psychological (Churchill's famous 1947 quip that "all future Empires will be empires of the mind") as physical. Tavistock was as important to that equation as Los Alamos. To view politics through the prism of the superficially obvious is to miss the truth.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #32 - Page 3 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #32

    Post  JohninMK Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:02 pm

    GEROMAN -- Eyes -
    Negotiations of political advisers to the leaders of the countries of the Normandy Four began in Berlin. The Ukrainian delegation at the talks is represented by the head of the presidential office Andriy Yermak

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