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    Decline of the western society #2


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  LMFS Thu May 13, 2021 9:30 pm

    Wow that was unnecessary guys censored

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  bitcointrader70 Thu May 13, 2021 10:08 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:Americas sharp decline over the last 30 years has been a direct result of importing too many colored  3rd worlders and brainwashing the population toward ultra liberal ideals.

    Yet the white noble citizens do not want to do the dirty, heavy, dangerous jobs that the 3rd worlders are doing and for many reasons the white citizens not only in the US but also other "developed" countries prefer to hire illegal immigrants or outsourcing their manufacture line into the sweatshops in 3rd world countries, or hiring contracted "partners" to avoid using unionized workers.

    Racism and fascism has the economic reasons behind if you lower your ego enough to dig the issue deep enough. But in most of the cases, you don't.

    Keep your racist anti white horseshit to your self fucktard. Middle class working class whites have no problem working those dirty jobs you claim no one wants. The problem is western liberal elites decided that they don’t want to pay a fair wage and would rather important millions of colored people legally and illegally for cheap labor. White people are hard to govern and the western elites figured they can control dumb colored 3rd worlders and stay in power forever.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  elconquistador Thu May 13, 2021 11:27 pm

    LMFS wrote:Wow that was unnecessary guys censored

    At some point you will have to start pushing back LMFS

    I don't know in which part of the woods you hang out but the whole 'ignore them, we are better than that' shtick has been tried and it leads nowhere

    I find it incredible telling that the vast majority of Russians living in the West (on this forum) quickly come to realize how f-ed up things are when they get lumped in with WASP-ies and held accountable for heavily distorted and politicised events 400 to 60 years ago - all the whilst certain minorities don't even get held accountable for their own actions

    'but my grandparents lived through the second world war and nearly starved and I am a recent immigra-' shut up whitey yo' opinion do'n mattah cracker no get on yo' knees and hand me yo' wallet

    Like I said earlier, at some point you will have to start pushing back against this pilpul. Both on the Internet and in real life.

    Last edited by elconquistador on Thu May 13, 2021 11:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  elconquistador Thu May 13, 2021 11:36 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:Why don't just keep it to Vietnam or whatever third world rodent infested shithole you are from?

    Being beaten by the ones you think as "rodent infested shithole" does not feel good, does it ?

    Shit, I was right.

    Imagine being from Vietnam and having the guts to call others racist*

    Clown World in óptima forma.

    *Vietnam, great country bytheway. And racism anno 2021 is nothing but in group preference and pattern recognition, which are primary tribal features.

    Vietnamese, amazing people. First generation immigrants were hardworking pull yourself up by your bootstrap tier people. Its the second and third generation US immigrants that are cancer though, brainwashed libtard simpletons with a huge inferiority complex buying into intersectionalism and victimhood. insufferable Californian pinkhaired weirdos that keep on yapping about how oppressed they are. That's what the circumcised US education system does to you.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  kvs Thu May 13, 2021 11:58 pm

    Those "dirty" jobs are not even available to Americans, Canadians, etc. They have been offshored.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  thegopnik Fri May 14, 2021 12:42 am

    elconquistador wrote:BROOOOOS they got new videos!!

    WOKE US army recruitment video

    After last week's WOKE CIA video, which featured a chubby intersectional single-supermom-of-two Latina with anxiety problems and a rather deluded self image (and who was wearing feminist symbols on the job - which is forbidden) we now have a new video

    WOKE FBI is hiring. White people need not apply

    Unless your a faggot or a jew they will hire.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  LMFS Fri May 14, 2021 1:47 am

    elconquistador wrote:At some point you will have to start pushing back LMFS

    I don't know in which part of the woods you hang out but the whole 'ignore them, we are better than that' shtick has been tried and it leads nowhere

    I find it incredible telling that the vast majority of Russians living in the West (on this forum) quickly come to realize how f-ed up things are when they get lumped in with WASP-ies and held accountable for heavily distorted and politicised events 400 to 60 years ago - all the whilst certain minorities don't even get held accountable for their own actions

    'but my grandparents lived through the second world war and nearly starved and I am a recent immigra-' shut up whitey yo' opinion do'n mattah cracker no get on yo' knees and hand me yo' wallet

    Like I said earlier, at some point you will have to start pushing back against this pilpul. Both on the Internet and in real life.

    Happy to push back, I have been few days ago calling to weed idiots and blatant trolls out of this forum in the relevant thread, which is the right thing to do to steer the forum away from retarded, useless discussions and back into the production of good content. I missed some support then, I tell you.

    The discussion above IMHO just completely misses the point and follows the lines prescribed by our beloved owners, which in essence consists in getting some poor idiots to fight eachother. It is obvious that the immigration and offshoring has been driven by the Western elites for pure greed and fuelled with the lives of local and foreign people. But he is right that in the West the people from poor countries do many jobs no locals wants to do, and I know this by heart so nobody needs to teach me how it goes. That people brought to compete with us is in dire need of escaping misery so you cannot blame them. Push back against your leaders for deliberately screwing us and our countries instead of insulting people in difficulties, it is the morally right thing to do and on top of that it is much more intelligent.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  elconquistador Fri May 14, 2021 3:15 am

    Don't agree. Your depiction bears the hallmark off 'the noble savage' narrative wherein many assumptions of the rules of low expectations lie. I simply don't understand why you are holding someone like me (native European) to different standards than a non-native European living in the West

    The whole stagnation of spendable income itself shows that the vast majority of natives in the West do want to do dirty inconvenient work. They simply can't, because illegals (in the US) and Central Europeans/ Eastern Europeans (in the EU) work for half the price illegally, with the authorities turning a blind eye - and dare I add that in the case of a native not paying his taxes he'll get trashed to the max.

    I also don't agree with the assertion that one should not call out anti-White libtard propaganda because it's unproductive. Just because daddy government takes 50+ percent of my paycheck doesn't mean that I am not allowed to speak up when I find a Gypsy screwing my car radio out of its frame under the pretext that 50 percent of my paycheck is worth more than an obsolete car radio.

    If something's wrong, something's wrong.

    Another line that i simply can't follow is the 'they are just escaping their misery' trope. So what? What do we have to do with this? Why should the White man constantly bear the burden of other nation's inability to cook their own soup? Why should I sacrifice my future for his, or the future of my culture for his wellbeing?

    This abovementioned line of reasoning has been nothing but a psyop, a devious play that goes hand in hand with the concept of White Guilt and that has tricked most European nations into accepting tens of millions of hostile drains into their society - whilst gaining nothing.

    Also don't know what 'people in difficulties' mean. Migrants in Europe and the US have a better life than the bottom 50 percent of the natives, which hardly ever gets mentioned but is cold hard fact.

    Things I do agree on is how the globalists use divisions (which was one of the main reasons behind open borders) to create a divided people that's is easily distracted by petty things and extremely easily manipulated to turn on its neighbors.

    However, I do feel like you are barking up the wrong tree. The divisive ideology in this case is not a watered down Christian based conservatism/ traditionalism, but hardcore Trotskyist intersectionalism. I'd happily except (small amounts) of migrants on the condition of having a positive net-value, high IQ and coming from agreeable cultures

    What I do not except is migrant simpletons badmouthing my heritage, people, culture and religion whilst living off our backs. This gets accepted nowhere but in the aforementioned White Guilt ridden societies. It needs to stop

    To add: I don't know which thread you are referring to.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  LMFS Fri May 14, 2021 4:06 am

    elconquistador wrote:Don't agree. Your depiction bears the hallmark off 'the noble savage' narrative wherein many assumptions of the rules of low expectations lie. I simply don't understand why you are holding someone like me (native European) to different standards than a non-native European living in the West

    Not holding you to any different standard. I don't think they have right to be in the West or be used as an unfair competition against us, I am just saying many (most) of them are just held hostages by the fact that they too have bellies they need to fill. I am just trying to make the point that the root of the problem lies somewhere else, specifically in our elites that use people in need for illegitimate interests.

    The whole stagnation of spendable income itself shows that the vast majority of natives in the West do want to do dirty inconvenient work. They simply can't, because illegals (in the US) and  Central Europeans/ Eastern Europeans (in the EU) work for half the price illegally, with the authorities turning a blind eye - and dare I add that in the case of a native not paying his taxes he'll get trashed to the max.

    It depends, in some countries the locals are offered subsidies and will not break their backs to go to harvest for instance, leaving it to people that have wars at home or that has been taken hostage by mafias and are simply enslaved, or simply are hardened by a very low living standard. But again I am not against your argument, I am saying the illegal is between a rock and a hard place, while the motherfucker bringing it to your country to screw you is drowning in money and walking freely without anybody saying or doing anything. That is what I find disturbing, how we attack the weak instead of the powerful, because they are easier and more convenient.

    I also don't agree with the assertion that one should not call out anti-White libtard propaganda because it's unproductive. Just because daddy government takes 50+ percent of my paycheck doesn't mean that I am not allowed to speak up when I find a Gypsy screwing my car radio out of its frame under the pretext that 50 percent of my paycheck is worth more than an obsolete car radio.

    A criminal is a criminal and if foreigner, they should be sent back.

    To be clear: I am against illegal immigration and even against legal one done against the interests of the local population. Only small amounts of people can be admitted and integrated in a society without disrupting it.

    Another line that i simply can't follow is the 'they are just escaping their misery' trope. So what? What do we have to do with this? Why should the White man constantly bear the burden of other nation's inability to cook their own soup? Why should I sacrifice my future for his, or the future of my culture for his wellbeing?

    There is the convenient fact that Western elite is very good at turning countries into shitholes where living is essentially impossible. They are guilty, not you and not the guys in other countries that are raped even harder than us.

    This abovementioned line of reasoning has been nothing but a psyop, a devious play that goes hand in hand with the concept of White Guilt and that has tricked most European nations into accepting tens of millions of hostile drains into their society - whilst gaining nothing.

    You are barking up the wrong tree with that, I have no white guilt complex at all. I have not done anything in my life but working like an animal and I owe nothing to no-one. Not assuming any immigrant is entitled to come to my country for the fact that some bastards are screwing them even harder than me. First let them share their trillions, then I may think about sharing what little I have.

    Also don't know what 'people in difficulties' mean. Migrants in Europe and the US have a better life than the bottom 50 percent of the natives, which hardly ever gets mentioned but is cold hard fact.

    I don't live in US so I cannot make an assessment on that.

    Things I do agree on is how the globalists use divisions (which was one of the main reasons behind open borders) to create a divided people that's is easily distracted by petty things and extremely easily manipulated to turn on its neighbors.

    That is pretty much what I mean.

    However, I do feel like you are barking up the wrong tree. The divisive ideology in this case is not a watered down Christian based conservatism/ traditionalism, but hardcore Trotskyist intersectionalism. I'd happily except (small amounts) of migrants on the condition of having a positive net-value, high IQ and coming from agreeable cultures

    What I do not except is migrant simpletons badmouthing my heritage, people, culture and religion whilst living off our backs. This gets accepted nowhere but in the aforementioned White Guilt ridden societies. It needs to stop

    I knew we essentially agree.

    To add: I don't know which thread you are referring to.

    Forum non technical issues. There was a discussion there for some days about the right approach to deal with trolls here that only create stupid discussions and never contribute with a simple decent piece of news or intelligent comments. But maybe I misjudged what you meant by pushing back, I assumed you were referring to the forum specifically.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  lyle6 Fri May 14, 2021 5:59 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Yet the white noble citizens do not want to do the dirty, heavy, dangerous jobs that the 3rd worlders are doing and for many reasons the white citizens not only in the US but also other "developed" countries prefer to hire illegal immigrants or outsourcing their manufacture line into the sweatshops in 3rd world countries, or hiring contracted "partners" to avoid using unionized workers.

    Racism and fascism has the economic reasons behind if you lower your ego enough to dig the issue deep enough. But in most of the cases, you don't.

    Advertising that you are willing to work for a pittance and subsist on cat food is not the own you think it is. Ho Chi Minh didn't fight long and hard just to watch his people be willing slaves to yet another group of foreign overlords, and neither should you bat for the fuckers. You're acting like the house negro telling on the slaves planning to escape the plantation when instead you should be helping them.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  GarryB Fri May 14, 2021 7:32 am

    You think blacks people are hunted down by police like rats in the streets of US. Nothing could be further from the truth. But you believe western libtard propaganda about their racial narratives.

    I have read of multiple cases where people calling the police end up getting shot by police, so I would think they would stop calling the police.

    A neighbour calls the police because it is 3am and their next door neighbours front door is open... police arrive and see someone with a gun through a window and shoot him dead. 15 year old boy playing an Xbox game.

    Police called to a trailer park... approach a trailer... large dog at the door... they feel afraid and shoot the dog dead through the door. Half naked man opens the door to ask why they shot his dog and gets shot twice in the chest. Find out they approached the wrong trailer, the place they were after was three rows away.

    The US police are scared of the people of America and the people of America are afraid of the police.

    Americas sharp decline over the last 30 years has been a direct result of importing too many colored 3rd worlders and brainwashing the population toward ultra liberal ideals.

    Yeah, because it has always been the poor people at the bottom of society that control everything and choose the direction of the country... nothing to do with the ultra rich getting rich and the middle class getting poor.

    Why don't just keep it to Vietnam or whatever third world rodent infested shithole you are from?

    He was giving his opinion, just like you did...

    GarryB is a colonial product of the violent and systemic racism system that puts whites (no capital letter) above New Zealanders of Color - I mean Aotearoans of Color

    People of colour here are barely a decent tan... most white people I know have darker skins than the Maori and Pacific Islanders I know.

    You can make it about skin colour all you want but I never stole any land from anyone so I don't owe anyone any apology....

    This generational burden of guilt that every Maori descended feels on a daily basis needs to be paid off by non stop gibs, a two-tier judicial system, the victimisation of an entire people and eventually their extermination

    Ahh bullshit... they are made victims by this crap... there were plenty of Chinese immigrants here who didn't have anything at all and they worked hard and put their kids through education and pushed them hard and they have things and they have futures.... sitting around complaining that some people 100 years ago stole your stuff is just pathetic, no wonder you are a fucking loser.

    Right now Maori is taught in schools despite them being 15% of the population.... I am a 5th gen new zealander so if I am still a european because of my ethnicity then they are Pacific Islanders, there is no such thing as Moriori or Maori.

    Everybody who doesn't agree with me is a racist and needs to educate himself

    Everybody is therefore racist...

    Being beaten by the ones you think as "rodent infested shithole" does not feel good, does it ?

    Your country paid an enormous price to say no to America, it is amusing that I have read a few articles about US Vietnam War Vets moving to Vietnam and other countries in the region because of the low living costs and better healthcare.

    Wow that was unnecessary guys

    Explained by the title of the topic though... no respect for anyone else it seems.

    Keep your racist anti white horseshit to your self fucktard.

    He is right though... white people complain about all the coloured people coming in to their countries both legally and illegally, but they are ignoring the fact that many jobs simply don't pay enough for white people to want to do them. Babysitting, fruit picking, manual labour jobs where there are no margins like recycling where you have to separate specific types of plastic into the correct piles... no legal citizen volunteers for that...

    Middle class working class whites have no problem working those dirty jobs you claim no one wants.

    These jobs are not just dirty or hard... they are very low paid... middle class people would not be middle class if they did these jobs...

    The problem is western liberal elites decided that they don’t want to pay a fair wage and would rather important millions of colored people legally and illegally for cheap labor.

    That is very true, so why are you blaming all your problems on those poor desperate coloured foreign people who will do the work for shit pay and shit conditions and ignore the fact that it is the rich normally white people who run those companies who make an enormous profit because on the books they pay much better than they actually pay the people working for them. You could pay illegals anything you want... who are they going to complain to?

    White people are hard to govern and the western elites figured they can control dumb colored 3rd worlders and stay in power forever.

    Well that is just crap... white people are totally under control.... it is the coloured people that are stirring up with white people to protest that black lives matter, or they are virtue signalling...

    - all the whilst certain minorities don't even get held accountable for their own actions

    The white 1% make the rules... if they didn't want it this way it wouldn't be this way.

    Or do you think your vote counts.

    'but my grandparents lived through the second world war and nearly starved and I am a recent immigra-' shut up whitey yo' opinion do'n mattah cracker no get on yo' knees and hand me yo' wallet

    World is a hard place. But lets make it about skin colour shall we?

    Like I said earlier, at some point you will have to start pushing back against this pilpul. Both on the Internet and in real life.

    Of course... when he starts rocking the boat everyone will realise what stupid idiots they have been and everyone will group hug and then everything will be fine.

    The west has done a lot of nasty shit and it needs to be held accountable for that... people are still losing limbs and having deformed children because of the bombs and poisons the US sprayed Asia with, but you want to call them scum because they come to America and take jobs you don't want to do...

    Most of the world would just like America to **** off and leave them alone.

    No compensation, just **** off.

    Shit, I was right.

    Imagine being from Vietnam and having the guts to call others racist*

    Clown World in óptima forma.

    *Vietnam, great country bytheway. And racism anno 2021 is nothing but in group preference and pattern recognition, which are primary tribal features.

    Vietnamese, amazing people. First generation immigrants were hardworking pull yourself up by your bootstrap tier people. Its the second and third generation US immigrants that are cancer though, brainwashed libtard simpletons with a huge inferiority complex buying into intersectionalism and victimhood. insufferable Californian pinkhaired weirdos that keep on yapping about how oppressed they are. That's what the circumcised US education system does to you.

    Fantastic... recently heard a local nazi say the same about Chinese people here in New Zealand... but I love the irony.... western society fucks up the minds of Vietnamese people but the problem is Vietnamese people.

    The problem is not western society?


    The whole stagnation of spendable income itself shows that the vast majority of natives in the West do want to do dirty inconvenient work. They simply can't, because illegals (in the US) and Central Europeans/ Eastern Europeans (in the EU) work for half the price illegally, with the authorities turning a blind eye - and dare I add that in the case of a native not paying his taxes he'll get trashed to the max.

    So the guy desperate for work is the bad guy... not the people who pay them half what they should be paying them by law... the reality is that the money they would have paid you goes through the system, and normal taxes are paid, but the guy doing the work gets half what he should and the person who set it up will be pocketing the difference.

    That is not an immigrant problem, that is corruption and tax fraud.

    Another line that i simply can't follow is the 'they are just escaping their misery' trope. So what? What do we have to do with this? Why should the White man constantly bear the burden of other nation's inability to cook their own soup? Why should I sacrifice my future for his, or the future of my culture for his wellbeing?

    When the west is screwing their countries, why not go to live with daddy...

    The divisive ideology in this case is not a watered down Christian based conservatism/ traditionalism, but hardcore Trotskyist intersectionalism.

    Yeah, waste some time talking about what label to use.... that is important...

    What I do not except is migrant simpletons badmouthing my heritage, people, culture and religion whilst living off our backs. This gets accepted nowhere but in the aforementioned White Guilt ridden societies. It needs to stop

    Doing your job for half the money you will do it for... that is just market forces and entrepreneurial spirit... getting a job and getting experience so they can move up and improve their situation... that is what everyone should be doing...

    Advertising that you are willing to work for a pittance and subsist on cat food is not the own you think it is

    In a third world country you either work, survive off family or you starve to death.... or steal and eventually go to jail which would probably make starving to death seem like a blessing.

    In the west cats and dogs and prisoners eat better than the elderly...

    You're acting like the house negro telling on the slaves planning to escape the plantation when instead you should be helping them.

    Funny all these warm comfortable people sitting in front of computers telling us how it was when slavery was open and honest... tell us what bad people everyone was.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  elconquistador Fri May 14, 2021 8:45 am

    @GarryB I am not quite sure you got my point. Furthermore noone had mentioned the words 'skin color' before you did


    Very interesting article from The Saker, very coincidental too just when we had this discussion here

    The comments are absolutely spot on.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 14, 2021 4:54 pm

    elconquistador wrote:Another line that i simply can't follow is the 'they are just escaping their misery' trope. So what? What do we have to do with this? Why should the White man constantly bear the burden of other nation's inability to cook their own soup? Why should I sacrifice my future for his, or the future of my culture for his wellbeing?

    Oh dear me does the Western propaganda managed to damage human conciousness to such a terrible level ?

    They escaping misery by GETTING A JOB, i.e. get a paid FROM WORKING.

    Even a person with elementary education level can comprehend that.

    Do you honestly believe that all the millions of immigrants go to your country just to eat and do nothing ? Which government are pathetically too dumb to allow that ?

    May be you can try to persuade the businessmen in your country to stop hiring illegal immigrant or outsourcing the manufacture line to exploit cheap labour and dump down wages.

    Or may be you can tell your civilized governments to stop creating "democracy" shits like what is happening and had happened in Syria, Lybia, Ucraina so that people in there could live in peace and have a stable job in their home hence no longer need to risk their lives to escape their situation.

    Or may be you can try to do something about the pro-West dictatorships or plutocratic states where the immigrants come from.

    elconquistador wrote:Imagine being from Vietnam and having the guts to call others racist.

    Why not.

    We experienced all kinds of racial and cultural discrimination from the invaders, we fought our way to break it and we have full rights to condemn you people who arbitrarily named other races as "rodent" or "dumb" or whatever.

    These people had or have to live like rodents, and their homeland used to be or are being a shithole, thanks to certain "civilized" governments who is getting rich at the expense of others. Wealth and civilization of one side coupled with, actually causes, poverty and backwardness of the other.

    Parasites who pretend to be angelic. That is what "civilized" or "democratic" governments are.

    I have no issue against white skin in general. But I do have severe issue with white people who pretend that no discrimination against minorities is happening, and with some people who actually get the clue of why immigrants are coming or jobs are outsourcing but still blame the coloured people for being "dumb" and "weak" rather than admit that the "wise" and "strong" animals with human face are living on the despair of other.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  GarryB Sat May 15, 2021 3:05 am

    Imagine being from Vietnam and having the guts to call others racist.

    In most of the western world Vietnam is a war and not a country... why can't they be racist?

    I am not quite sure you got my point.

    I didn't realise you had one... just thought it was an incomprehensible rant...

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  elconquistador Sat May 15, 2021 4:11 am

    Joke's on you, as always

    I suggest that from now on you only talk about stuff you have affinity with or knowledge about. All your ramblings on race relations in the USA, coronavirus related issues or general economic statements just make you look silly.

    Last edited by elconquistador on Sat May 15, 2021 4:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  elconquistador Sat May 15, 2021 4:53 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:Another line that i simply can't follow is the 'they are just escaping their misery' trope. So what? What do we have to do with this? Why should the White man constantly bear the burden of other nation's inability to cook their own soup? Why should I sacrifice my future for his, or the future of my culture for his wellbeing?

    Oh dear me does the Western propaganda managed to damage human conciousness to such a terrible level ?

    They escaping misery by GETTING A JOB, i.e. get a paid FROM WORKING.

    Even a person with elementary education level can comprehend that.

    Do you honestly believe that all the millions of immigrants go to your country just to eat and do nothing ? Which government are pathetically too dumb to allow that ?

    May be you can try to persuade the businessmen in your country to stop hiring illegal immigrant or outsourcing the manufacture line to exploit cheap labour and dump down wages.

    Or may be you can tell your civilized governments to stop creating "democracy" shits like what is happening and had happened in Syria, Lybia, Ucraina so that people in there could live in peace and have a stable job in their home hence no longer need to risk their lives to escape their situation.

    Or may be you can try to do something about the pro-West dictatorships or plutocratic states where the immigrants come from.

    elconquistador wrote:Imagine being from Vietnam and having the guts to call others racist.

    Why not.

    We experienced all kinds of racial and cultural discrimination from the invaders, we fought our way to break it and we have full rights to condemn you people who arbitrarily named other races as "rodent" or "dumb" or whatever.

    These people had or have to live like rodents, and their homeland used to be or are being a shithole, thanks to certain "civilized" governments who is getting rich at the expense of others. Wealth and civilization of one side coupled with, actually causes, poverty and backwardness of the other.

    Parasites who pretend to be angelic. That is what "civilized" or "democratic" governments are.

    I have no issue against white skin in general. But I do have severe issue with white people who pretend that no discrimination against minorities is happening, and with some people who actually get the clue of why immigrants are coming or jobs are outsourcing but still blame the coloured people for being "dumb" and "weak" rather than admit that the "wise" and "strong" animals with human face are living on the despair of other.

    This deluded individual above is why you don't bring your children to libtard Fourth International Trotskyist countries. Moreover, people like this individual should serve as a dire warning to any and all who still have the idea of 'creating a better life for their offspring across the pond'.

    If this applies to you and you are reading it, don't do it. Stay where you are. There is a big possibility they'll turn out like this deranged, identity deprived very confused and frustrated individual who keeps on yapping about imaginary ray-cissum, imaginary economic net-value of migrants and imaginary oppression, empty what-about-isms, a bastardised understanding of history and wrongdoings that happened 84 generations ago

    The key to understanding this mindset is acknowledging that deep down they know the ugly reality. He knows that people like him were brought in as weaponised colonisers to break down the social fabric of previously healthy and heterogenic societies and speed up the process towards authoritarianism and financial debt based slavery (ie. usury). Keep wages down, dilute the general population (ie. bring numbers of European descent down), speed up the moral degeneration (past first generation their bug-mentality leaves no place for conservatism, just look at California) and be used as a voting block for a Democratic Party/Deep State  that has long since been taken over by Enemies of the American people (or any Western European People for that manner)

    The rationalisation that you'll see afterwards is usually extreme strong. As can be observed here.

    A personal observation of me is that East Asians usually turn out the worst (in terms of producing anti-social, driftless and frustrated individuals). Therefore I will repeat myself, do not come. East Asians are too status obsessed to not resist (heck they even encourage it) the whitewashing of their youth and too big on conformity to hang on to their own culture and ethnic pride. On the other side of the coin there are their handlers who have  degraded them to the misnomer 'Asians' and are now misusing them as a token chip - like the obvious race hustlers of all sorts.

    As a result many of the young Asian Americans (Hapas included) have insane identity problems. Many of them suffer from low self esteem, and some of them hate themselves with a vigor. They have no Tribe, no Country and hardly a Culture.

    Dare I mention the sexual market value of your male offspring. Not a nice subject, but it has to be said. Nearly half of the men are incels. Yes, it's that bad, just look at the statistics . 'Asian' women date out of their culture/race at astonishing rates but the same can't be said about their brothers and cousins. I'll leave it up to others to decide why, but many say it has to do with aforementioned low self esteem and self-hatred.

    Life in the USA is a sad and empty life where the only Gods are USD and Status.

    Again, don't do it. Stay where you are. Things are turning around. You are basically betting on a losing horse anyway. Hollywood is not a proper depiction of American life. Bad things are going to happen in the USA. Do not come.

    One more thing. Nowhere did I say that Vietnamese are rodents, I said that Vietnam is a rodent infested country - which it, as a (sub) tropical country with low levels of hygiene, is. You, you dirty wanker, knew I meant that but decided to frame my comment as if I was talking about the Vietnamese people

    That's fucking low. Wanker.

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    Post  kvs Sat May 15, 2021 5:17 am

    The current social re-engineering of the west with cultural Trostskyist tools is not motivated by any righting of historical wrongs. It
    is all about deleting the good parts of western society. The D. Party is the most rabid imperialist, "humanitarian" droning and bombing
    party in the USA. That some PC "professors" go on about colonialism and the associated wars is not a sign that something better
    is emerging from the ashes of the old. It is all a big confidence act designed to hook the gullible youth into acting against their own
    interests by being useful idiots and wreckers. We already saw these 1930s style USSR youth denouncing their parents for being
    Trump supporters. The revolution of sexual depravity and privileged minority terrorists.

    The US cops shooting blacks and getting away with it is not an obvious "white privilege" issue. It smells more like a certain agenda
    where different groups in US society are agitated to hate on whitey. Those same cops also kill whites without any punishment.
    I would like to see the distribution of US black death by cop between blue and red political zones. US partisan politics extends to
    the level of the cops since the DAs and the police force bosses are not going to be R. Party loyalists in D. Party controlled cities and counties.
    The D. Party has a long history of acting to keep blacks on the plantation. They went from slavery, to Jim Crow apartheid, to the
    post WWII welfare state rot that has destroyed black families and given rise to the ghetto gangster life. BLM and "racism" were
    clearly used against Trump by the D. Party. Even though on Trump's watch there was record low black unemployment. Funny time
    to get all concerned about injustices. Where was BLM over 60 years ago? It clearly serves no useful purpose today and fits
    well the alternative label of burn-loot-murder.

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    Post  GarryB Sat May 15, 2021 1:28 pm

    Bad things are going to happen in the USA. Do not come.

    Sounds like a party... I will bring the beer, because as Monty Python said... American beer is like making love in a canoe.... Fucking close to water...

    One more thing. Nowhere did I say that Vietnamese are rodents, I said that Vietnam is a rodent infested country -

    Every country has vermin... only in America can they be elected president though. Razz

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    Post  kvs Sat May 15, 2021 1:39 pm

    Note how the nonsense of "identification as a gender or mythical creature" has become an acceptable behaviour in western society
    and is being actively pushed in academic institutions. This is not sane. Society cannot be bent to accommodate some lunatic
    fringe and expect to last.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  franco Sat May 15, 2021 1:39 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Sounds like a party... I will bring the beer, because as Monty Python said... American beer is like making love in a canoe.... Fucking close to water...

    One of my favorites is that their beer is a byproduct of the dairy industry... cow's piss!

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    Post  kvs Sat May 15, 2021 9:46 pm

    Sowell is a historical great. His comments in the above video are universal and apply to former Yugoslavia, where the ethno-patriot
    politicians instigated war and hate to advance their careers. This rotten opportunism applies on all scales.


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    Post  kvs Sun May 16, 2021 1:03 am

    In Chaos Monkeys, Martínez compares Bay Area women in tech to a 'broad-shouldered' British woman he met who "made Bob Vila of This Old House look like a fucking pussy." In comparison, Bay Area women in tech are soft and weak, cosseted and naive despite their claims of worldliness, and generally full of shit. They have their self-regarding entitlement feminism, and ceaselessly vaunt their independence, but the reality is, come the epidemic plague or foreign invasion, they’d become precisely the sort of useless baggage you’d trade for a box of shotgun shells or a jerry can of diesel." Unlike, we assume, broad-shouldered, self-sufficient women.

    In the brave new Orwell world of PC puritans, speaking the truth is both a sin and a crime. This is the same shit we have seen in the
    past, for example the Great Inquisition. That it is not based on Christianity or communism or Nazism does not matter. It is the same
    human excrement.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  LMFS Tue May 18, 2021 1:46 am

    These are supposedly high ranking NATO people?
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    Post  thegopnik Tue May 18, 2021 3:18 am

    "Under the settlement, the university agreed not to consider test scores in admissions or in scholarship decisions for fall 2022.
    "The Board of Regents had already decided in May 2020 that SAT or ACT scores would not be considered for fall 2023 admissions and beyond," UC said. "And all the UC campuses have announced plans not to consider SAT or ACT scores for fall 2022 admissions."
    Many universities suspended using SAT and ACT test scores for admission last year because of the coronavirus pandemic. But activists who view the tests as unfairly favoring privileged students and as an inaccurate reflection of a student's academic ability had expressed hope that that would lead to permanent change.
    The College Board, which develops standardized tests, said it supports "introducing more flexibility and choice" in making the tests optional, but said using SAT scores can increase diversity, and defended the test as a way for students to stand out from others."

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    Post  kvs Tue May 18, 2021 4:39 am

    LMFS wrote:These are supposedly high ranking NATO people?
    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 4 7e023efa705c1f85e34bf353b75e2e5088a970cc6906de438a4be8f1c216f146

    The man in green is clearly a tranny. Everyone in the precious west is to believe that he is a woman.

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