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    Decline of the western society #2


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun May 21, 2023 3:36 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Bill Cosby???

    You are correct... not a pedo... just a sex criminal... more like Jimmy Savile....

    Actually, that's nonsense as well, the man did not have anything remotely close to a fare trail, the judge has basically hell bent on putting him in jail.
    And the so-called "deposition" was total BS.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  GarryB Mon May 22, 2023 1:23 am

    Until the decision is overturned he is a sex criminal.

    A problem with fame and money is that everyone will want to take some of that money from you... that is why the rich build such high fences around their gated communities.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Mon May 22, 2023 1:36 am

    GarryB wrote:Until the decision is overturned he is a sex criminal.

    A problem with fame and money is that everyone will want to take some of that money from you... that is why the rich build such high fences around their gated communities.

    As a victim of #MeToo, yes.

    Yes, especially from old gold-diggers, this is why a lot of men today do their booty hunting out of country.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  GarryB Mon May 22, 2023 3:47 am

    Western society encourages such behaviour.

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue May 23, 2023 1:35 pm

    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Price-changes-goods-services

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  GarryB Thu May 25, 2023 12:08 pm


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Werewolf Thu May 25, 2023 2:11 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Japan and South Korea have both horrible high level of gender inequality, but these country have negative birth rate. And suddenly the sexism party is dead silent, they don't want to point out the obvious fact that their male supremacy is worthless.

    It is Goddamn hilarious.

    You are taking to much out of context and ignore the other half.
    South Korea and Japan are really funny examples from Asia which no other asian country can claim to be. They are highly westernized countries which try to retain their own culture. In no other societies like in Japan and S. Korean are highly feminine men so idealized and prevalent in all forms of media. Women by nature are repulsed by feminine men as are men repulsed by overly masculine women. Combine that with a ridiculous working culture where most suicides are rooted from with the numbing abundance of opiates in form of consumerism to numb down all your natural ambitions to seek out for a partner and make a family. No amount of asian pride you might have will change human nature. Women everywhere hate and are repulsed by feminine men as everywhere men are repulsed by masculine women.
    Genders will never be equal and are not supposed to be equal. We have both traits that are supposed to be complementary for the role of raising children and making it through life. Why do you think statistics show same sex marriages have higher domestic violence levels than traditional heterosexual couples? The reason is easy - men are hardwired to protect women and we are not able to hurt women unless there are either huge abuse of alcohol, childhood traumas or reason to hit your partner involved.

    flamming_python wrote:

    Problem is AlfaT8, half of what you write might be true, but your solution is essentially to strip freedom of choice from half of humanity, in order to benefit the other half and prevent that "80% of women compete for 20% of the men" behaviour, that you allege is what's responsible for the drop in fertility rates

    I'm sorry but when it comes to sexual dynamics, men and women are equal slaves to it. You might complain that men have it tough competing with each other for the top spots, but look at it from the other side; women are judged more by their physical appearance than their hard work, personalities or other qualities compared to men, and what's more they also have a shorter window during which to find a partner. Men have all the time in the world in comparison; men's attractiveness to women doesn't even peak until about 35 years of age.

    I have to disagree with you on this.
    It is true that all these artificial created problems from such groups affect both male and female but not to equal amount. You can not lie to men with things like you can to women.
    You will never be able to lie to men to have "body positivity" that having 300kg of body weight is something positive about it and you should be loved for every pound and fat role you have. You can´t tell men that they should appreciate all diversity especially if it is against nature and our hardwired behavioral response mechanism like drag queens and trannies are cool especially in class rooms and kindergardens. It´s not men who are cheering for things like that. It is women and due to their nature of being emotional and lack of understanding of dangers and consequences a overly feminine boy will have to face in the world is the reason for it. Men know how brutal society and other men and women are towards them. A normal father would never tell his son, go to school with a purse, pink dress and everyone will cheer for your pride. Most mothers won´t do that, but the amount of females who are so far indoctrinated to absolutely ignore biological factors is so high that you can see it everywhere in the West, everywhere! I see it everywhere. I was horrified to go on campus with the amount of psychopathic woke-ist garbage that is walking here. That is 30% of all western campuses already.

    It is also very easy to offset the dating sphere by simply lying to women that being a prostitute is not a sin and has "Empowering" features for them. All social media is telling women that tiktok, instagram, twitter, snapchat and all the other nonsense. The algorithms are designed that way in the west to show half naked women or even naked women to more audience while in China the reverse is true. They have algorithms to suppress such content and show either educational or social normative underlying videos to its users on tiktok. Here the feminists have successfully indoctrinated women to become prostitutes through onlyfans and make easy money for no work that almost no man with hard work will ever be able to make. Women want someone who makes AT LEAST the same as them or more and men do not want prostitutes as partners. This financial condition is making the 80% -20% dating attraction of women towards men a fact.

    Men are not affected by social media as we are not hardwired biologically to seek out for attention and validation. Men are hardwired to seek out adrenaline (danger) and success (creating, building and destroying). This is human nature and it is set in stone and anecdotal single digit rule-breakers are not changing the big picture.

    flamming_python wrote:
    The drop in birth rates is a result of a whole load of complex dynamics and factors, not just dating patterns and the process of actually finding a partner. Although when it comes to that too, even if most women have unrealistic expectations these days - something with which I'd definitely agree - a lot of men are also limp-fisted soyboy weaklings these days too, or have no fantasies whatsoever in life that they are prepared to put in the work towards. Do you think women want to get pregnant from these types of men? No, they'll always be looking for someone better and will put off having kids until then.
    So it kind of balances out. Be masculine and you've already got a leg above half the competition. Take care of your physique and show you have a good work-ethic, and you've already got a leg above half the competition. How about putting men into camps in order to teach them some basic principles in life, and not letting them out until they get a passing grade; in addition to robbing women of some of their rights?

    What exactly do you blame these two patterns on? Why do you think women in one/two generations became delusional and men soyboy wimpy creatures?
    Most peoples true emotions and feelings can be seen on unmoderated content on all of social media. Women are not fantasizing on soyboy Tokyo Hotel men but want men like Henry Cavill. Men are not attracted to delusional women who are prostitutes, dress like ones and are just radiating masculine energy trying to challenge every men in sight.
    The artificially designed man today is dumb, fat and lazy like portrait by hollywood in all TV series and Movies. Family Guy, Simpson, Modern Family, King of Queens, Two and a Half men and many other modern TV shows or even movies. The man is always an absurd character with no positive characteristics while the mothers and daughters are usually smart, charismatic and save the day for their stupid fathers/husbands. There is also a big trope going through almost all media that children are a burden which only cost money, break things, rob you of your freedom and have zero purpose.

    Growing up in a society where you are getting bombarded with negative images, information and anecdotal stories about family life and a potential partner then you end up trying to avoid it or cherry pick the sex and financial parts of such relationships. Men and women do it. Feminism successfully "obsolved" women from taking responsibility of sleeping around by advocating for child murder (abortion) as a form of contraception, because it just a "clumb of cells". Men also get bombarded now with the reactionary red-pill movement to avoid relationships, kids and everything and just date casually. While women getting told all men are idiots and potential rapists. In such indoctrinated societies harsh measurements are necessary to avoid a cataclysm of society and economy. Long story short, some freedoms need to be cut which are not even severe. Ban all forms of social media, control what kind of TV series and movies are aired to reduce the amount of indoctrination on your society. Change conditions on men and women where women are benefiting from breaking up marriages for no reason and stop punishing men from divorce. They both swore and oath "through thick and thin, good and bad, health and sickness". This should be law and you can not leave your partner in sickness, you can´t leave your partner in financial bad times. Create the right conditions and you will return to a prosperous default where both seek each other to create a future together.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu May 25, 2023 7:15 pm


    I just don't care anymore, i know westerners have made egalitarianism their absolute sacred cow, never to be questioned.
    If it may seem like it is an issue then their must be other complex multifaceted machination at play, that's the belief.
    The people who believe this always get lost in the forest of secondary, tertiary and quaternary factors

    And they will never be able to solve the core problem, at best they just demand a "return to tradition", which turns out to not be tradition, but some 1950's leave it to beaver fever dream.
    I call that "post-modern tradition".

    You need the Realpolitik tradition / Realtraditie, which is outright patriarchal.

    Hypergamy is not gonna change, and the more welfare you give to women, the less need for men and by extension less need for family, that's why America has so many single mothers.

    Anyway, i am moving on.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 26, 2023 7:19 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:@flamming_python

    I just don't care anymore, i know westerners have made egalitarianism their absolute sacred cow, never to be questioned.

    I do not see anything wrong with egalitarianism.

    What is wrong here is a society with 1% superich manipulate media and politics and the 99% are expendable wage worker with no access to the truth.

    Or a world where the Wall Street billionaires and Washington DC government use brute force to violate the sovereignty of European, Asian and Latino countries and pay no regards to the human rights of the native people there. Which is a very anti-thesis of egalitarianism.

    Surely you will not see egalitarianism until the day you are bullied by a thug.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 31, 2023 10:40 am


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:03 am

    This is surprising:

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    Post  Kiko Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:39 pm

    Incredible as it is, I'll insert this here:

    Why Canada decided to steal the Russian An-124, by Alena Zadorozhnaya for VZGLYAD. 06.11.2023.

    Experts called the consequences of the arrest by Canada of the Russian An-124 "Ruslan".

    The Canadian government has decided to arrest the Russian An-124 Ruslan transport aircraft a year and a half after the arrest. Prior to this, the plane was transporting humanitarian cargo in the form of covid tests from China to Canada. How will such a move by Ottawa affect commercial air travel, and what conclusions will other countries draw from this?

    An-124 "Ruslan" was arrested by decision of the authorities, the Canadian Foreign Ministry said . Ottawa also determined the fate of the aircraft - as expected, it will be transferred to Ukraine to "compensate the victims of human rights violations, restore international peace and security, or restore Ukraine," RIA Novosti quotes . It is noteworthy that this decision was announced a few hours earlier by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Kiev, according to Reuters.

    Russian Senator Andrey Klimov in his Telegram channel expressed confidence that Trudeau was the main beneficiary of the meeting in Kiev - and for this meeting a decision was made to arrest the aircraft. “Such political tourism gives a visible PR effect among fools who believe that these supposed leaders, traveling to Kiev and posing there against the backdrop of ancient Russian churches, old Soviet tanks with Ukrainian ribbons and slogans like “For Ukraine”, are doing something heroic “in the name of freedom and democracy,” he remarks ironically.

    “Yes, Mr. Trudeau nevertheless paid Zelensky for participating in the Kiev political circus - he promised a “confiscated” Russian transport worker, a heavy-duty aircraft brazenly stolen from us,” the senator emphasized. “The plane arrived in Toronto on February 27, 2022, 120 minutes before the pirate authorities of Canada closed the sky for aviation flights from the Russian Federation,” Klimov concluded.

    Russian Ambassador to Ottawa Oleg Stepanov also called the incident robbery and theft. According to him, the Trudeau regime has shown that the rule of law does not exist in Canada. Recall that the An-124 was the first Russian asset on which Canada is testing the “arrest and confiscation” sanctions mechanism. A plane carrying a humanitarian cargo of COVID tests from China was chartered by the Government of Canada and arrived in Toronto on February 27, 2022.

    Later, the Russian company was forced to pay more than 100 thousand Canadian dollars (4.5 million rubles) for the parking of a cargo plane. It was noted that since the aircraft was detained, fines of more than a thousand Canadian dollars (about 50 thousand rubles) were regularly issued for each day of parking. A spokesman for Transport Canada explained that "an aircraft cannot fly into Canadian territorial airspace as it violates NOTAM [Notice to Aviators]."

    An-124 Ruslan is the world's largest serial cargo aircraft. It was developed at the Antonov design bureau, and was produced in Kyiv and Ulyanovsk. A total of 56 such aircraft were produced, 36 of which were produced by the Ulyanovsk Aviation Complex. Since 2003, Russia has stopped producing the An-124, but the existing machines continue to be repaired - these aircraft can be maintained in a state of airworthiness until the end of the 2040s, recalls RT.

    As noted in the expert community, a number of international commercial companies involved in air transportation have been monitoring the development of events around the Russian An-124 throughout the year. Now that the Canadian authorities have decided to arrest and transfer the aircraft to Ukraine, this will be a kind of signal for them -
    if the host country does not like the policy of the state, their property can simply be confiscated without any compensation.

    Moreover, the precedent can serve as an example for NATO countries, which will also be able to resort to similar actions. “The arrest of our An-124 Ruslan can only be regarded as theft of someone else's property. This is a Russian plane, there is nothing in it that would be produced in the West. He shouldn't have been sanctioned either. The ship was initially detained absolutely illegally. And now we are watching the next episode of this series – the seizure and transfer to Ukraine,” said Roman Gusarov, editor-in-chief of

    “This is made even more outrageous by the fact that we are talking about a unique machine. An-124 "Ruslan", of which there are a little more than a dozen left in the commercial sector, was built back in the Soviet Union. And now, in the literal sense of the word, they are trying to take away Russia’s national treasure,” the interlocutor emphasizes.

    “I think that in this case it is not enough for us to pay attention only to the problems of a particular Volga-Dnepr company. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs must react sharply to what has happened. I think the reaction should follow at a higher level. Canadians refer to their own invented restrictions. There are simply no legal grounds for the arrest, and even more so for the transfer of our vessel to Ukraine", the expert exclaims.

    Volga-Dnepr is not even a state company, it is a private business. Why suddenly Ottawa violates all the laws that she herself promoted, recited and promised to abide by? But what about the right to private property, the inviolability of the contract, and so on? Are no institutions functioning now?” Gusarov adds rhetorically.
    “Canadians are now acting against the humanitarian aspects as well. Let me remind you that the plane was carrying covid tests from China. The way the plane was originally chartered generally deserves special attention. At the time of the introduction of restrictions, the car was literally in the air. And he was forcibly imprisoned in Canada,” recalls the interlocutor: “We need to clearly understand who we are now forced to deal with. When Western countries need it, they can exclude any nation from the norms of international law.

    Just as Hermann Goering once excluded Jews from the economic activities of Germany, so today the United States and its allies are trying to exclude Russia from the world economy.

    “The decision on the possible transfer of the previously arrested aircraft to Ukraine could become an important precedent. So far, Russian assets and property have been frozen. The same was done earlier with other countries - the precedents of Iran and Iraq are known to us. But now we may face the confiscation of assets, which does not imply either their return to the owner or compensation for their value, ” adds Oleg Panteleev, executive director of the AviaPort agency.

    “The demonstrative sanctions policy of the West is precisely based on intimidating those who disagree. Like, if you don’t obey, you will be deprived of many opportunities and get numerous problems,” he concluded, adding that other countries of the world would probably draw appropriate conclusions from this precedent.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:55 pm

    Next time Canada is in need of humanitarian help, Russia should send them some Sarmats
    Jokes apart this move will cost them a lot. I doubt Canada will maintain the same position in the world in a few years from now and I believe that they will soon also face a lot of problems ,(most of them internal)

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    Post  kvs Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:56 pm

    Kanada is a big zero today, ruled by a narcissist woke faggot.

    The hubris and ignorance in the current crop of western "leaders" are terminal. They think that they are the center of the universe and can create reality
    on a whim. Russia should make sure that no Kanadian aircraft flies over its territory for the next 50+ years.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:06 am

    At the very least Russia should refuse to pay the parking fees then.

    I am sure there are some measures Russia can take in this regard, but as this is a privately owned company and a very serious precedent to set... I mean can Vietnam start seizing American and Canadian and New Zealand and Australian and French aircraft until all those countries pay reparations for the damage they did to that country.... including with chemical weapons...

    It is a slippery slope.

    Perhaps a no fly zone over the Ukraine where all aircraft that are not Russian will be shot down... and start targeting the trains these politicians are using to get to Kiev and back on.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Jun 12, 2023 10:48 pm

    A third of German men accept violence against women – poll

    Recent data shows that on average a woman is abused by her partner every 13 minutes in the EU country

    Separately, the poll also revealed Germany’s adherence towards more-traditional gender roles, as well as a distaste among nearly half of respondents towards public displays of affection between same-sex couples.

    52% of men, the poll suggested, believe it to be their role to be the main ‘bread-winner’ in a relationship. By comparison, the same number considered it to be the female’s job to run the household by performing tasks such as cooking and cleaning.

    48% of those polled also said they felt “disturbed” by witnessing homosexual couples being affectionate towards one another in public. The results of the survey, a Plan International Germany spokesperson said in a statement, says that “traditional gender roles are still deeply ingrained in people’s minds” in the EU country.

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    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:20 am

    Good, slap that hoe with the pimp hand, that's the only way to get these b%tches even remotely back in line.  Wink

    Anyway, i am not gonna hold my breath, knowing the feminist west the meaning of the word "abuse" has more than likely been stretched to mean whatever the hell they want it to mean.

    Saying "No" to a woman is likely already considered "abuse".

    Honestly, WTF makes women believe that they should be above getting hurt, the arrogance is surreal.
    Life isn't fare you dumb b%tch, grow the F up.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:08 pm

    Polls are interesting but don't really explore the facts of the situation... lets break that down...

    A third of German men accept violence against women – poll

    Is that because 33% of men realise human beings can be violent, and that they accept violence is normal and natural in some cases in dealing with some problems?

    Recent data shows that on average a woman is abused by her partner every 13 minutes in the EU country

    And what data do they record about what these women and the men involved were doing leading up to this abuse?

    It is funny that women want equality but they cannot be hit... have they not seen the way some men resolve disputes amongst themselves?

    They want all the good things but not the bad things about being a man.

    Separately, the poll also revealed Germany’s adherence towards more-traditional gender roles, as well as a distaste among nearly half of respondents towards public displays of affection between same-sex couples.

    I don't care about the gender... I don't like seeing any open affection between people in public... and to be honest the worst example of this is when European Soccer teams score a goal or win a game... such things are about culture and social controls... it is about conforming to society, but it seems we are to have our social beliefs forced upon us by liberal western media and the non elected toads in Brussels and Hollywood.

    52% of men, the poll suggested, believe it to be their role to be the main ‘bread-winner’ in a relationship. By comparison, the same number considered it to be the female’s job to run the household by performing tasks such as cooking and cleaning.

    And such beliefs are reinforced when marriages break up and the mans role is to continue to support the now ex wife and children while he finds somewhere else to live after working to pay for their house and coming home one day to find his wife in bed with their gardener...

    48% of those polled also said they felt “disturbed” by witnessing homosexual couples being affectionate towards one another in public. The results of the survey, a Plan International Germany spokesperson said in a statement, says that “traditional gender roles are still deeply ingrained in people’s minds” in the EU country.

    And how many of those polled would not like to see straight couples being affectionate towards one another in public... remember this poll is in Germany isn't it?

    Germans are hardly know for their public displays of affection... let alone their humour towards their fellow man.

    AlfaT8, if you think slapping your partner is OK I would be careful if I were you regarding what you ate and drank... some men have a proclivity to solving their problems with violence, well often women solve problems with poison, or getting a new young boyfriend to solve the problem of old husband or partner.

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes. pirat

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:29 pm

    I have seen female emotional abuse of males first hand (thankfully not in my case). Men react to such abuse in the simplest
    form possible considering that females do not respond to intellectual arguments. Females cannot be absolved of responsibility by
    throwing around BS such as "sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but names will never hurt me". Emotional abuse damages the
    brain. Bruises go away after a short while, brain trauma can last decades. We see here also the hypocrisy of the existing feminist
    framework, it is the emotional scarring of females from physical assault that is the core aspect of being victimized. But somehow
    men are supposed to be immune to it when females are the ones dishing it out.

    I support divorce because being forced to live under emotional terrorism is a nightmare and a crime. But the current system penalizes
    men for divorce even if they do not initiate it. The current system is pure human rights abuse.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jun 15, 2023 1:26 am

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:38 am

    GarryB wrote:
    AlfaT8, if you think slapping your partner is OK I would be careful if I were you regarding what you ate and drank... some men have a proclivity to solving their problems with violence, well often women solve problems with poison, or getting a new young boyfriend to solve the problem of old husband or partner.

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.  pirat

    Garry the white knight??

    If the B gets into a fight where she knows she's gonna end up on the floor, then she only have herself to blame.

    As for your example, there are plenty of women who get themselves into those bad boy relationships, oddly enough they don't use the feminist state to end it, weird?

    Anyway, i find the stupid belief that women should never get hurt, utterly ridiculous, get out of line or do stupid sh%t (as you stated) win stupid prizes. thumbsup

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jun 15, 2023 5:22 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:Garry the white knight??

    If the B gets into a fight where she knows she's gonna end up on the floor, then she only have herself to blame.

    As for your example, there are plenty of women who get themselves into those bad boy relationships, oddly enough they don't use the feminist state to end it, weird?

    Anyway, i find the stupid belief that women should never get hurt, utterly ridiculous, get out of line or do stupid sh%t (as you stated) win stupid prizes.   thumbsup  

    Stop the victim blaming. If you use violence against others then you are responsible for the damage they receive from such violence. In that case, whether they know or not know you are the violent type does not erase the fact that the damage is done and you are the one who cause it and have to shoulder the responsibility for what you do.

    What the court care here is whether you have evidences to prove that your violence against them is justificable. Not about whether they know you are the violent type or not.

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:57 am

    Sri Lanka is one of the classic example showing that who is being accused of planting "debt traps" and who is actually planting these debt traps.

    The Sri Lanka debt nightmare in 2021 culminated in mass protest and the fleeing of the then president from the country.  But the debts remain.  Much has been made of the debt owed to China, claiming that China is the problem by driving poor countries into a ‘debt trap’.  But just 14% of Sri Lanka’s foreign debt is owed to China, while 43% is owed to private bondholders (largely Western vulture funds like BlackRock and banks like Britain’s HSBC and France’s Crédit Agricole). Another 16% is owed to the Asian Development Bank (over which the US has significant influence) and 10% is owed to the World Bank (dominated by the US as well). So “multilateral” debt really means debt owed to US-dominated institutions.

    What is to be done?  Clearly, the first immediate measure is to cancel the huge debts built up by these poor countries.  The debts are the result of a weak world capitalist economy; corruption and mismanagement by local governments; and the rapacious squeeze on the resources and revenues by foreign lenders.

    There is a significant concentration of holdings by a few major external creditors. Back in the 1990s the top-five external creditors accounted for 60% of total external credit to low-income countries and consisted mainly of multilateral and Paris Club creditors. As of end-2021, the concentration of the top-five external creditors had further increased, accounting for 75% of total external credit to LICs.  And the share of debt owed to the private sector has approximately doubled from 8% to 19%.  So if the IMF, World Bank and just a few key creditor countries agreed, the debts of the poor countries could be removed.  Will the Paris meeting do anything about this?  I doubt it.

    Then there is the longer-term issue: the continual exploitation by the imperialist bloc, through their multi-national companies and financial institutions, of the labour of the Global South with the connivance of domestic corporations and governments of the local elite.  Without a total restructuring of the world economy towards collective ownership and planning under workers governments, the debt misery will continue.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:09 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Stop the victim blaming. If you use violence against others then you are responsible for the damage they receive from such violence. In that case, whether they know or not know you are the violent type does not erase the fact that the damage is done and you are the one who cause it and have to shoulder the responsibility for what you do.

    What the court care here is whether you have evidences to prove that your violence against them is justificable. Not about whether they know you are the violent type or not.

    "victim blaming"... Laughing

    Women walks at night into dark alley with skimpy outfit, the F is she looking for?... answer, trouble.

    Stupid things, stupid prizes.

    Courts???..... Laughing Laughing Laughing

    You sure you are from Vietnam and not California?

    Read my lips, WOMEN are not above violence.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 29 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jun 15, 2023 1:01 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:"victim blaming"... Laughing

    Women walks at night into dark alley with skimpy outfit, the F is she looking for?... answer, trouble.

    So you are wearing expensive jewelry then it is your fault to be robbed and the robber has no responsibility and should be completely innocent in such case, according to your argument ?

    It is because Iraq, Iran, Venezuela... have oil and do not hide it, not because the USA imperialist is greedy ?

    Your whitewashing argument is disgusting.

    AlfaT8 wrote:Read my lips, WOMEN are not above violence.

    Read my lips. Show me the EVIDENCES prove that your violence against other people, women, men, or third gender alike, is legal or should be justificable.

    Your violence are not above other people.

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