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    Decline of the western society #2


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:07 pm

    Garry the white knight??

    Not at all, you don't help a gambler by lending them more money and you don't help a drug addict by giving them hard drugs.

    You want to slap around your girlfriend or wife... I don't care, but one day you will take a swing and instead of just taking it she will get a knife and **** you up... or her brother or father will.

    After a few visits to A & E and she can build a case for spouse abuse and probably murder you by stabbing you when you are not ready... with a good life insurance policy she could probably do rather well... with you dead most juries will believe her story that you torment her every day and she honestly feared for her life when she stabbed you in the back 25 times carrying two bags of groceries into the kitchen past the kitchen knife block.

    Or maybe she will put a sedative in your water bottle and make it look like an accidental house fire.

    If the B gets into a fight where she knows she's gonna end up on the floor, then she only have herself to blame.

    And many really are that stupid... but eventually your promises that you really love them and it will never happen again will wear thin.

    Women can be frustrating, but they are human beings too and can be as nasty and vindictive as any men.

    Not saying women are perfect and men are the problem, but people who feel trapped can do all sorts of shit... they invested time and money and effort and don't want to start again on their own, and in their minds if you hit them then you owe them...

    Every case is different.

    As for your example, there are plenty of women who get themselves into those bad boy relationships, oddly enough they don't use the feminist state to end it, weird?

    No of course... the murder rate for women on men is rather low, because self defence doesn't count as murder, and not everyone can kill... certainly not premeditated killing.

    But you often read about cases where a woman kills a man in the US and it turns out the guy bought the woman a self defence gun and showed her how to use it and the next time he got drunk and hit her she shot him... obviously the reality is tragic all round, but there is that funny side that the prick got what he deserved... but of course as usual it totally ignores what the fight was about... does he get punchy when he drinks or did she nag and nag and nag and when he formed his hands into a fist she shot him...

    A history of injuries makes their case stronger... all his friends will say they were great together... because maybe they were and she just wanted to move on with all his stuff without messy divorce proceedings where they take so much money in Lawyers fees... but as I said... not everyone can kill.

    Anyway, i find the stupid belief that women should never get hurt, utterly ridiculous, get out of line or do stupid sh%t (as you stated) win stupid prizes.

    They want to be treated as equals, but you can't hit them like you would another man, so they really don't want equality.

    Sri Lanka is one of the classic example showing that who is being accused of planting "debt traps" and who is actually planting these debt traps.

    A BRICS bank that can lend the money to pay their debts to other countries and then allow them to pay off their debts.... the west wants to keep them in debt and will keep them in debt so they continually pay them an income on the money they lent.

    BRICS could help them pay off the original debt and then look at measures to help them build their economy so the debt can be paid back so that the BRICS bank can then lend to another country so they can pay off their debts as well.

    Women walks at night into dark alley with skimpy outfit, the F is she looking for?... answer, trouble.

    Let her carry a 357 magnum revolver. Why can't she wear what she likes. If some guy can't control himself then a couple of slugs through his head will stop him bothering anyone ever again.

    Read my lips, WOMEN are not above violence.

    Some women can be violent of course, but the reason they get abused is almost never because they hit the guy first... it is normally mind games...

    Do a search for a guy called Christopher Titus, an American comedian who tells about his own life experience... he had a TV show till it was cancelled, but in one episode he talks about a girlfriend he had that used to hit him but she was hot so he put up with it. Quite an interesting episode that explores quite a few aspects of the situation that are amusing... he is a 6ft plus guy and she was a little jewish woman so when the police were called regarding a domestic it was always him ending in cuffs...

    Another person who might tickle your fancy would be Bill Burr... he as actually in the Mandelorian in a couple of episodes, but he is hilarious and not politically correct at all.

    I agree with him on most of what he says but he does have anger issues too... which he admits to.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:07 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    A history of injuries makes their case stronger... all his friends will say they were great together... because maybe they were and she just wanted to move on with all his stuff without messy divorce proceedings where they take so much money in Lawyers fees... but as I said... not everyone can kill..

    Meh, nowaday killing men isn't even a crime for women, i remember this one case where the b%tch stabbed a guy in the heart just becuase he denied her advances, then the judge be like "i dont wanba hurt this queen's future" and dismissed the case.

    Thats why i dont take western feminist courts remotely serious anymore.
    Especially in Britain.

    They want to be treated as equals, but you can't hit them like you would another man, so they really don't want equality.

    Yap, and they get some some crazy spoiled princess ego as well.
    Made worse by all the retarded white knights roaming around, desperate to defend ma'lady in some phatetic attemped to get their peepee wet.


    Let her carry a 357 magnum revolver. Why can't she wear what she likes. If some guy can't control himself then a couple of slugs through his head will stop him bothering anyone ever again.

    Whats she doing there garry?
    The hell is she looking for?? Razz

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 17, 2023 3:57 am

    Whats she doing there garry?
    The hell is she looking for??

    Of course... half of human society are not allowed to go out after dark... and if they go out they are not allowed to look nice.

    Of course the rapists can't help themselves but speaking as someone who couldn't be bothered raping, I must admit I do like the eye candy even if I can't be bothered with all the shit that goes with chasing the tail.

    If you want a **** pay for it... of course I live in New Zealand where prostitution is not illegal so if you want sex then pay for it.

    If you are a backwards conservative prick then do it the old fashioned way... marry her and let her take half your stuff... otherwise masturbate... I hear VR has come a long way along with those various latex sex toys.

    If walking at night looking pretty means you can rape them then I guess having a nice car parked anywhere any time means it can be stolen or keyed...

    In both cases a fitting punishment for cock teasing...

    Of course I can't relate to not being able to walk around at night... when you are not good looking and weigh over 120kgs you don't get approached much.

    Girls with crazy princess syndrome are easy to spot... don't complain about only being allowed apples if you hang out in an apple orchard.

    But of course I am not giving out any advice regarding women... most of the guys I know who think they know what they are talking about in that regard are single.


    Actually I mentioned Christopher Titus before... in one of his standup acts he says you need to live with someone for a bare minimum of 8 years before you can decide whether to marry them or not... which results in a few gasps from the crowd... to which he says... yeah, I know what you girls are thinking... I can't hold the crazy in for 8 years... and that is his point... anyone can be nice on a date or a dirty weekend, but 8 years with someone you stop being nice... you fart in front of them... it is long enough for some really bad things to happen so they can see how you react in a crisis... your real character is exposed... do you panic and bomb countries like a western colonial politician, or do you calmly take it all in and make sensible decisions that don't bite you in the arse later on like Putin or Xi.

    (It is a long story... he managed to get a TV series on Fox that showed his life story except by the time it was cancelled he had separated from his partner because she cheated on him, so this TV show made her look good and his post event standup sessions reveal a different side of her from his perspective...)

    TV show is called Titus and he is an anti Russia white trash redneck... he went ape shit over claims Putin put up bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan, but never realised those claims were false... but he is funny anyway.

    During Covid he posted his TV shows on Youtube for free and his standup routines because he owns them.


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:01 am

    Phisical violence is not the solution.

    However many women put their husband into profound psychological violence and that is much more insidious and difficult to evaluate. Also some men do the same with their spouses, but in proportion the number is lower and most of those also use phisical violence.

    By the way, history is also full of women that killed their husbands for their money or in order to get together with their new boyfriend.

    It is just that in their cases they used other means than physical violence: mostly poison or they had their new boyfriend or other men do the deed for them.
    Garry B wrote:If you are a backwards conservative prick then do it the old fashioned way... marry her and let her take half your stuff... otherwise masturbate...

    Garry I do not know if you are joking but that is not funny (let her take half of your stuff).

    Of course there are assholes and criminals that do not accept that their girlfriend or wife can decide to leave them and decide so to threaten her or even kill her. That is absolutely crazy.

    However if you have a crazy and psychological abusing wife in many countries is very difficult to prove it. And if you request the divorce in most cases you will be ruined for life.

    I believe family and divorce laws must be changed.

    Furthermore we need a good education and good role models (both female and male) from the families from which kids and teenagers can learn to be responsible adults (and what to look for in the opposite sex), who do not resort to physical or psychological violence (or blackmail and/or  crazy mind games with their partners.

    Of course that is not enough if laws, media and general culture instead incentivate certain behaviours

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Sprut-B Tue Jun 20, 2023 1:46 pm

    A British schoolteacher has accused her Year 8 students of holding “despicable” views and threatened to report them, after they suggested that there can only be two genders, according to a recording posted online.

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    Post  Sprut-B Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:33 pm

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:56 pm

    The woke insanity in the west is a manifestation of systemic panic as the west enters its long term decline phase. The rest of the
    world is breaking free and the west is losing its colonies. Most of the developing world was colonized even if it had no colonial administrations.
    But the tribute stream to the west is starting to wane as resources are diverted to local needs and as countries become independent
    economically. We are living in interesting times as even weak developing world countries are showing real backbone and spitting in the
    face of the self-anointed masters of the planet and the universe.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Werewolf Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:56 pm

    Western countries are the dumbest nations world wide with the US leading.

    We are a god damn mammal species with sexual dimorphism coded into our genome, that can only have a successful reproduction with the offspring from male with female genetic material.

    The very fact that adults of western countries trying to challenge this fact disqualifies the entire western world from an educated and civilized world. I understand that it is a mechanism for population control by globalists, but what I do not understand how such a species like ours can build such sophisticated technology but at the same time has over 60-70 percent of the population to stupid to exist on their own.

    Take away all the comfortable technologies and through the masses of adults into the wilderness and they would die.

    This is a perverted and dangerous politics they are engaging in and it will end as the globalists plan. At some point the masses will walk on the streets and burn everything that supports or abuses power to touch our children. Then they will get what they want a mob on emotions that can be offered a solution to the problem the globalists have created by a pseudo alternative site/political party.

    I see this trend in Germany with the Green and AfD party.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:15 pm

    You are right, things can go south fast since the masses are in dumb and can be triggered. The cunning plan by the rotten elites
    to turn the masses into serfs (taking us back to the aristocratic good old days) is likely to blow up in their faces. But these stellar
    intellects don't understand effects such as hysteresis. Society is too complex of a dynamical system to reverse the clock and take
    us back to where we were 200 years ago. We are vastly more likely to undergo full collapse and have to spend centuries or longer
    crawling back up.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Sprut-B Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:31 pm

    Laughing  Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 21, 2023 3:47 am

    Garry I do not know if you are joking but that is not funny (let her take half of your stuff).

    Not joking at all.

    If you are a catholic, you marry before you go on any of the rides at the amusement park.... marriage is the price of admission... but once you are through the doors the rules change and the rides look different... and sometimes it lets itself go now that there is a customer....

    Not like men don't do something similar... before marriage it was flowers and chocolates and dinner in expensive places, afterwards... what is for dinner and why isn't it hot and ready on the table when I am ready to eat...

    However if you have a crazy and psychological abusing wife in many countries is very difficult to prove it. And if you request the divorce in most cases you will be ruined for life.

    I believe family and divorce laws must be changed.

    It is rather funny because in most other areas women want equality, but when it comes to divorce they are victims that need to be supported and they want the kids because that way they get the child support money too.

    Women are people and they can be just as big of a bastard than any man can be... and they get away with shit men could never get away with by pretending to be the victim.

    This is a good video in that regard:

    When you marry someone you take them into your confidence and they see you. They see all your strengths and all your weaknesses. All the things you like and all the things that set you off. When it comes to a fight that can lead to serious psychological damage... she knows exactly where to hit you so to speak and sometimes your only response is to actually hit back because she really hurt you and you have nothing verbal to hurt her back with.

    Call it a lack of vocabulary... dress it up anyway you like... maybe it is a gender thing... men are more likely to physically protect and physically attack whether it is loved ones or threats respectively... we may never know because the results of those tests might be too controversial and non PC to be released.

    You are right, things can go south fast since the masses are in dumb and can be triggered.

    It is a pack mentality... stay with the pack or get isolated and killed by the predators chasing you.

    Conform or die... no room to think for yourself... which is ironic for the US because it always prided itself on independence and individuality... heading out west to make your fortune... the pioneer spirit is gone and now they are circling the wagons and firing their weapons at the trees and the rocks seeing the mirage of indians everywhere they look.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:41 pm

    At least one of these Billionaires has to be a member of the "Inner Circle" for this crazy reaction from both the American and Canadian coastguards.
    I am certian the U.S navy is somewhere in there as well.

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:31 pm

    It is said that the bandits make robberies at night and the companies and corporation make robberies at broad daylights.

    Workers in the US have an estimated $50bn-plus stolen from them every year, according to the Economic Policy Institute, surpassing all robberies, burglaries and motor vehicle thefts combined. The majority of these stolen wages are never recovered by workers.

    Between 2017 to 2020, $3.24bn in stolen wages were recovered by the US Department of Labor, state labor departments and attorney generals, and through class- and collective-action litigation.

    Wage theft disproportionately affects lower-wage workers, women, people of color and immigrant workers, and negatively affects local economies and tax revenues.

    Despite the state of New York’s worker protections and laws aimed at curtailing wage theft, the Center for Popular Democracy estimated in 2019 that wage theft may affect 2.1 million workers in New York every year, exceeding $3bn annually.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:34 pm

    It looks like there was severe corner cutting building this tourist submarine and it failed catastrophically on descent.

    Rah, rah for American woke entrepreneurs and their exceptional skill.

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    Post  Hole Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:25 pm

    Cameron used russian submersibles for his trips to the Titanic.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:50 am

    kvs wrote:It looks like there was severe corner cutting building this tourist submarine and it failed catastrophically on descent.  

    Rah, rah for American woke entrepreneurs and their exceptional skill.

    And these same woke engineers are the future of American industries, the MIC included.
    This is just the beginning, as the old designers and engineers retire, the consequences of a certain ideology's "Long March" through the institutions is now beginning to be felt.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Sprut-B Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:59 am


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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:00 am

    Using carbon fiber hulls (with titanium or not) is retarded. Microfractures in metals do not lead to catastrophic crack propagation.
    They do in carbon fiber. People routinely talk about carbon fiber being stronger than steel. As if this is some sort of silver bullet
    metric that is the only one that matters. Take a sledge hammer to some steel plate and then do the same to the "stronger than
    steel" carbon fiber equivalent and see what happens.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:27 am

    kvs wrote:It looks like there was severe corner cutting building this tourist submarine and it failed catastrophically on descent.  

    Rah, rah for American woke entrepreneurs and their exceptional skill.

    The submarine didn't crash because of wokeness. It crashed because the engineers had below average materials on a limited budget. They also weren't well educated. This story has nothing to do with DEI since majority of the men were White. Regardless I do feel especially sorry for that 19-year-old kid.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 24, 2023 3:17 am

    White does not mean much. I am sure it was a Democrap circle jerk club.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 24, 2023 5:39 am

    The guy that had the sub built was reported to be boasting that he wasn't interested in white male engineers over 50 and that he was hiring based on diversity rules because they had the best ideas and were more innovative.

    I guess he mistook innovation for a lack of experience...

    Price paid I supposed... harsh price though.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Sprut-B Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:51 am


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    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Jun 27, 2023 11:21 pm

    Looks like i was wrong, it didn't have anything to do with the "Inner Circle", it was all media misdirection to protect Biden.
    As per usual, though on a slightly larger scale.  Rolling Eyes
    Wagner "coup" also seems to be involved. Razz

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    Post  kvs Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:03 am

    The Prigozhin coup was engineered to damage Russia and to distract Americans from Biden's corruption. It is really disappointing
    how his rotten offspring managed to get a slap on the wrist. I recall the owners of Adelphia Cable got sent to slammer for basically
    the rest of their lives for some two bit fraud. They look like saints compared to Hunter. Hunter is also much worse since he is
    corruption at the top administration level where the damage can be much worse.


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    Post  franco Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:38 am

    Read yesterday or today an article from a British newspaper about Canada being a Super Woke country lead by super woke leadership affraid

    cry or angry

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