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    Western propaganda

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:50 pm

    The biggest propaganda in the United States, imho, is lack of Government transparency
    for example

    On Wednesday this past week, one day!!, 834 unaccompanied children came into Texas across our Southern border, if 20 % have covid, that's about 167 of those kids!

    10,188 COVID POSITIVE KIDS IN THREE MONTHS, THIS YEAR. coming across our Southern Border, and that doesn't include adults with covid!! AT 20 % of kids being positive.

    Our Federal Government is NOT TRANSPARENT!

    U.S. authorities likely picked up more than 19,000 unaccompanied children in July,

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  ALAMO Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:37 pm

    calripson wrote:
    It was revealed that the NSA accessed Tucker Carlson's emails when his staff attempted to arrange an interview with Putin. Most likely, he wanted to do a "Russia" tour instead of his "Budapest" tour, but decided compare and contrast Russia/USA was a bridge too far and settled for Hungary.

    Yeah, but this is kind of an old story, he talked about that more than a month ago.
    Why freedom-loving Murican media didn't follow that story, oh why, oh why, oh why? Laughing Laughing

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  nomadski Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:49 pm

    I post this report here. Because it seems more relevant to propaganda. The two envoys obviously took a memorial photo, without an American envoy in the middle seat. Indicating clearly that they wish for diplomatic presence by Americans in Iran, in persuit of common goals, as in WWII.

    The problem is not any mistake by them, but the misinterpretation by an opportunistic ex-Foreign minister of Iran, who knowingly and wrongly associates this photo with the  " illegal occupation of Iran by allies in WWII ! " and sings praises for the ill fated JCPOA as the apex of Iranian national achievement ! This misinterpretations is readily swallowed by the "  psudo" religious Bazzari nationalistic  Hizbollah media sources, such as Mashregh reactionary Internet news etc.

    The discredited Liberals and their catastrophic defeatist Fatwa and JCPOA story  are fed to the so called Bazzar nationalists ( bitter medicine sugar coated with sensational story ) as repentance for past sins in office. A way back into social respectability. Mr Zareef is best shut up now and teach in the university. Instead of feeding the fire of reactionary elements, jumping on the  false nationalist bandwagon...

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:22 pm

    YouCrap quickly censored a video about the Afghanistan fail produced by Ostashko. I saw the video and there were no factual
    errors in it. This is pure butthurt on the part of YouCrap and its US deep state bosses.

    In the above video we have samples of Ukrs talking in Russian and making a video of the Taliban releasing prisoners from a Kabul
    jail. Funny that other Ukrs tried to claim that they were Russian Wagner mercs. Operating in Kabul you retards?


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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:52 pm

    A few month ago the western MSM claimed that all the Taliban are paid for by Russia. Why should Russia send "Wagner" mercs there if they already own the place? Rolling Eyes Wink

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:45 am

    Hole wrote:A few month ago the western MSM claimed that all the Taliban are paid for by Russia. Why should Russia send "Wagner" mercs there if they already own the place? Rolling Eyes Wink

    You can't put logic and Ukrainian in same sentence.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:57 am

    This is pretty utterly disgusting.

    CIA gave Viagra to Afghan pedophile warlords so they could rape kids more often.

    The Taliban's rise to power was driven in part by their opposition to Afghan tribal leaders' systematic rape of young boys.

       In the 1990s, Bacha Bazi child rape was banned by the Taliban. It carried the death penalty.

       Then USA invaded, and for 20 years, USA spent $2 trillion protecting pedophile warlords and their opium poppy fields. Bacha Bazi child rape came roaring back.

       CIA bribed the pedophile warlords with Viagra to get them to fight against the Taliban.

       US soldiers were ordered by the US military to not interfere with the pedophile warlords and their child raping.

    From 2008 Reports:

    U.S. hands over Viagra pills to Afghan warlords in return for vital Taliban intelligence

    From 2012 Reports:

    Afghanistan's "Dancing Boys" Exploitation on the Rise

    A growing number of Afghan children are being coerced into a life of sexual abuse, The Washington Post reported today in a rare look at bacha bazi, which literally translates to "boy play".

    Afghan human rights researchers, Western officials and men involved in the dancing boys trade told the Post the illegal practice - which was harshly punished under the Taliban - is growing in post-Taliban Afghanistan.

    From 2015 Reports:

    Afghan pedophiles get free pass from U.S. military

    Jun 2, 2021:

    US Embassy in Kabul raises the LGBT flag to celebrate the LGBT domination of Afghanistan



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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:31 am

    As a tsunami of crocodile tears engulfs Western politicians, history is suppressed. More than a generation ago, Afghanistan won its freedom, which the United States, Britain and their “allies” destroyed.

    In 1978, a liberation movement led by the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) overthrew the dictatorship of Mohammad Daud, the cousin of King Zahir Shar. It was an immensely popular revolution that took the British and Americans by surprise.

    Foreign journalists in Kabul, reported the New York Times, were surprised to find that “nearly every Afghan they interviewed said [they were] delighted with the coup.” The Wall Street Journal reported that “150,000 persons… marched to honour the new flag… the participants appeared genuinely enthusiastic.”

    The Washington Post reported that “Afghan loyalty to the government can scarcely be questioned.” Secular, modernist and, to a considerable degree, socialist, the government declared a programme of visionary reforms that included equal rights for women and minorities. Political prisoners were freed and police files publicly burned.

    Under the monarchy, life expectancy was 35; one in three children died in infancy. Some 90% of the population was illiterate. The new government introduced free medical care. A mass literacy campaign was launched.

    For women, the gains had no precedent; by the late 1980s, half the university students were women, and women made up 40% of Afghanistan’s doctors, 70% of its teachers and 30% of its civil servants.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 28, 2021 2:44 pm

    The propaganda orifice call released an attack on critics of Biden's operations in Afghanistan who point to casualties
    because Drumpf on August 25, one day before the terror attacks at Kabul airport on the 26th. One has to ask "cui bono" from
    the terror attacks. ISIS/Daesh is a US succored pet terrorist outfit used in against Syria. Recall how even as the US claimed to
    be fighting them, they gained more and more ground. But when Russian intervened, they lost badly. The US is the prime benefactor
    of these terror attacks and it is clear that ground work was being laid to diffuse any criticism of deep state loyalist Biden and the
    Demonrat Party which is their tool.

    The US has a long history of staging deadly attacks on its own citizens as a pretext for colonial meddling and land grabs. In 1889
    the USS Maine exploded in Havana harbour. The US accused Spain of the attack even though later evidence showed that it was
    an internal explosion and not an external attack. This excused the US grab of Spanish territories. The Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964
    was repeat of the same ploy. Note that this event was staged after Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Kennedy did not want the
    US to meddle in Vietnam. The US deep state was already ticked off by his lack of enthusiasm for invading Cuba. The Bay of Pigs
    fiasco was the direct project of the US deep state and was an attempt to coerce Kennedy into "saving democracy".

    The Kabul airport terror acts distract the world from the farcical US retreat which they have been bungling at every stage. Now
    they become the "victims". These "victims" killed 5 million people in Vietnam. No we will see more drone slaughter of civilians
    (in a ratio of 5 to 1 for every alleged militant target killed).


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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 14, 2021 5:48 pm

    This belongs here. Disclaimer: I am only posting for the specific point being made and do not endorse the opinions and skills of
    this Youtuber.

    Note the Orwellian memory hole BS that is Youtube. Space-X can edit live streamed videos even though this option is not allowed.
    Rules for thee but not for me.

    The question is: why does Space-X and other western corporations need such Orwellian tools at their disposal? Aren't they just
    affirming their innate, exceptional American (and western) superiority every day? Why do they need to hoax live streams? Here
    the hoaxing is post-factum, but as will 9/11 we see real time hoaxing as well.

    The west bleats hard about being free and democratic. This reflects underlying issues since if you are so great, you do not need
    to signal it like there is no tomorrow. Signaling is the tell of a con artist or artists.


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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:46 pm

    All the retards who chirp about "state run media" in Russia can take a look at the above video. It objectively reports all
    the facts pertaining to the gas price rise in Europe. It also includes generous quotes of all the foaming at the mouth
    drivel from Russophobes like the Poolish blowhard shown.

    Again, the notion that private media (CNN, ABC, CBS, CNBC, etc.) are superior to "state run" media is BS. He who pays
    the piper calls the tune. I would rather have an elected government pay the piper than shady oligarchs like in the precious
    west. The government owned media always has to prove its objectivity. By contrast, the private outfits coast on the
    ignorant expectations of the lemmings and feed them whatever shit they please.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:58 pm

    Even though it is presented in an alternative reality format, this is an example of the cheesy anti-Russian propaganda
    routinely applied in the west for decades. The entertainment medium is very useful for brainwashing the masses.
    The perception space is not just limited to news reports.

    In the above anime we have brutality and racist theme that never applied to the USSR or Russia. Village massacres
    is something you saw in El Salvador in the 1980s and Mexico in the 1990s. The Soviets never slaughtered any village
    whereas the Nazis excelled in this regard. Russia was not based on racist ideology. Red planner brutality did not
    rest on such policy. In fact, both Russia and the USSR were over-accommodating to minorities compared to westerners
    who demonstrated their mindset with colonial brutality (New World, Africa, etc.).

    This anime is pathetic revisionist projection.

    Too bad, they could have kept it interesting without such garbage.


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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  lyle6 Sun Oct 31, 2021 11:43 pm

    >Physicist who spergs on anime
    kvs were you the culprit behind the treatise on the Sakura trick flip?

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:06 am

    lyle6 wrote:>Physicist who spergs on anime
    kvs were you the culprit behind the treatise on the Sakura trick flip?

    I had to Google that one:

    I am not quite an otaku.


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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:27 am

    There is a certain anime who depict an alternative history where Japan is divided between a "free" part in the East and an "unfree" part in the West under the influence of a certain evil "Union" - we already know what they want to mention.

    I don't expect the capitalist Japan to say anything good about socialist world.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Tue Nov 02, 2021 7:29 am

    Following his death from Covid-19, former US Secretary of State Colin Powell‘s legacy will be examined by many people for many different reasons. Some will eulogise him as one of America’s top diplomats and presidential advisers. Many more, I suspect, will remember him as the man who lied for his country again, and again, and again.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:49 pm

    The western fake stream media is fully coordinated with the Kiev regime operations in the Donbass. As soon as the
    Kiev regime starts shelling civilians the western MSM starts screeching about Russian aggression. Nobody can
    deny this is coordinated. Any reference to equipment dislocation in Russia is inane since it is hundreds of miles
    from the Donbass border (aka Ukr border). Dislocation of equipment is not aggression. Shelling of civilians is.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:55 pm

    kvs wrote:

    The western fake stream media is fully coordinated with the Kiev regime operations in the Donbass.   As soon as the
    Kiev regime starts shelling civilians the western MSM starts screeching about Russian aggression.   Nobody can
    deny this is coordinated.   Any reference to equipment dislocation in Russia is inane since it is hundreds of miles
    from the Donbass border (aka Ukr border).   Dislocation of equipment is not aggression.   Shelling of civilians is.

    This talk is useless. We are all aware of this. Most are aware of this.

    Only matters now is Russia to act, not complain about it. Russia is technically at fault for not doing anything to help the people of DNR and LNR while Ukraine uses drones.

    Thankfully, DNR and LNR retaliate and hit Ukrainians back as well.

    This should be common sense to even Russian authorities by now that bitching about it is useless. US controls the narrative, we all know it. The EU does too. The nations west of Russia dont care what the truth is. They know the truth. So why do it matter to talk about it?

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:09 pm

    The problem is that NATzO wants Russia to attack Banderastan. Then Russia gets more negative consequences. This includes
    international hostility and having to provide welfare for the morons who make up Banderastan. As Ostashko notes, the Ukr elites
    have reached the bottom of the barrel with their catabolic processing of Ukraine. Soon they will have to run away. Why should
    Russia throw them a lifeline by invading?

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:55 pm

    Russia can openly support them (DNR and LNR) thus providing better equipment.

    Remember, according to Kiev and Washington, Russia already invaded and is occupying Ukraine.  There isn't much more the west can do to Russia at this point.  Russia has the cards in her hand, EU needs Russian gas now more than ever and is crying about Russia needing to buy EU goods too.  If they do the last measure they have, throw Russia out of SWIFT, it will hurt them more than russia.

    Russia could use this to their advantage. The countries that matter to Russia won't give two shots anyway (India, China, Vietnam, etc). Only western countries claim to give a shit and they already predetermined the guilty party.

    It ain't talk of invading Kiev. It's talk about supplying newer AD systems to DNR and LNR. Supply other necessary goods too. Make it clear that Ukraine broke all agreements and so Russia will provide assistance to anyone wanting to work with her. Guess how Ukraine will act? They will be sending tears knowing that the two break away republics are far better economically than they are.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  lancelot Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:28 am

    We know what happened in the Georgian conflict. If the Ukrainian government forces attack the Donbass then the Russian Armed Forces will simply move in and mop up their resistance. There is no need to do a proper invasion or to hand hold their government. Simply pounding them into submission is enough.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:05 am

    Russia just needs to be patient... this is Ukrainians killing Ukrainians... if these rebel groups want to continue this way, then who is Russia to intervene...

    If they want to join the Russian Federation then they need to hold region wide discussions and then referendums and then make the obvious threat to Kiev that they have a mandate from their people to separate from the Ukraine because of Kievs policies against what are essentially Russian speaking Ukrainian people... they can honour the minsk agreement or they can watch them join the Russian federation in a few years time... wont be super fast like Crimea where the people essentially identified as Russian anyway, but it will be a hell of a lot faster than Ukrainian integration into the EU or HATO.

    Kiev will then have fewer more stark choices, but once the people of those regions have freely and fairly voted to join Russia or leave Kiev then Russia can openly help them on their transition to autonomy.

    Putin can't make that decision for them... they have to make it themselves and even now I rather suspect most in that region don't think of themselves as being Russian because of 30 years of indoctrination... I don't think of myself as a European either, here in New Zealand, I think of myself as an English speaking New Zealander... and there is enormous pressure to get me to speak Maori, and to be honest there are a dozen languages I would rather learn to speak before I learned Maori... especially when the Maori they demand I speak is North Island Maori and I come from the South Island.

    We know what happened in the Georgian conflict. If the Ukrainian government forces attack the Donbass then the Russian Armed Forces will simply move in and mop up their resistance. There is no need to do a proper invasion or to hand hold their government. Simply pounding them into submission is enough.

    The thing there is that Georgia was isolated and difficult to reach for HATO, but the Ukraine they have HATO forces in position already... rather more complex and dangerous.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Nov 05, 2021 1:46 pm

    Western propaganda - Page 36 253343916_4826280940750352_8358898127998950926_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_rgb565=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=TX-dmOoB0FwAX8fyhZG&_nc_ht=scontent.fsgn5-8

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Nov 05, 2021 2:08 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Western propaganda - Page 36 253343916_4826280940750352_8358898127998950926_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_rgb565=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=TX-dmOoB0FwAX8fyhZG&_nc_ht=scontent.fsgn5-8

    Dead civilians from any cause are only a war crime if the designated enemies of the USA and its minions are involved.
    When yanquis and their bootlicks murder civilians, that is all fair and square.

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    Western propaganda - Page 36 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sat Nov 06, 2021 4:50 am

    Shows us how stupid the rest of us are though doesn't it?

    All Stalin had to do was have an internal investigation into the gulags and all the criminal activity of the Soviet Union and find themselves innocent and that would have solved a lot of problems from the Cold War...

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