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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  franco Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:19 am

    "It is not fair, or moral. to conddemn all people from the U.S to be part of the same monster war machine it's own government is.
    They are just treated the same as the rest of us. Silenced by the Media, thrown off social media and painted as traitors to their own country.

    I use the line that the American people are the first victims of their own state...

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:46 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    andalusia wrote:
    GarryB wrote:

    My  take on that cartoon is that the US thinks of itself as a force for good in the world but looking at the effects of their applications of military and also importantly economic sanctions, and the serious damage both inflict on countries all round the world...

    "I think the US has to change... it has to stop and think... are we doing this to make our own richest citizens richer, or are we making these places better places to live.... "

    and the streams of migrants wanting to get to Europe and the US is pretty conclusive evidence they are not making things better at all... they need to stop... and there is no point telling the US grunt on the front line... they get no say in the matter... sadly during election time the American people need to suck it up and all vote for an independent so the democrats and republicans will realise they have dropped the ball and America has noticed.

    It is the system that is the problem and it needs to be changed to be more inclusive... too many rich white old men have too much say, and I don't mean the Presidents because they have little real power as shown by Trumps inability to do very much of what he promised.

    Garry B comment:  "I think the US has to change... it has to stop and think"

    What planet do you live on Garry B? Since you have studied American Foreign Policy and the American people you should know better than to make that statement. That is not going to happen.  KVS comments about Americans fully explains my position.

    The problem is that Americans are

    1) Ignorant about the rest of the world (including Canada, which is like part of the USA).

    2) High on messianic drivel about being exceptional and having a manifest destiny given to them by God.

    The US is a pestilence on the world. They are trying to rule all of it and start endless punitive wars to achieve
    this. Nobody gave these clowns any right to do this. They give it to themselves with their claim to phony
    moral authority. Every single war they start is to spread "freedom and democracy". But they have been
    propping death squad junta tyrannies from Latin America, to Africa to Asia. So their Orwellian spew is grotesque
    and obscene. We see more of this in Ukraine, where they installed a collection of Stepan Bandera worshipping
    Nazis who are bent on ethnically cleansing the Donbass and the remaining "Russian filth" form their "sacred soil".
    The US run western fake stream media is spewing shit about some Russian invasion when the Kiev regime is
    openly talking about ethnic cleansing and passing "laws" to classify the residents of the Donbass as criminals.

    No way that America should get any sympathy for its bloody hypocrisy and war criminality. It is exceptionally

    I hope i put this right in english words, ...
    One way or another, Most of us here have our reasons for disliking the U.S.

    The U.S government and its corporations who buy politicians and run the country?. absolute evil.
    They do not care who get's hurt and what nations get destroyed in the process so a handfull can get even richer over the rest of us peasants.
    All opposition to their hegemony should be destroyed at all costs in their eyes.

    And i agree, they should pay a price for that. Prefferably by high-velocity lead.
    Biological warfare?. lets give the native americans contaminated blankets to an disease they have no resistance against.
    Chemical warfare?. Agent orange in vietnam for one, baby's are still born there with heavy birth defects.
    Nuclear warfare?. The only country in the world that has to bear the shame of obliterating two cities full of civilians.
    Warcrimes?. ...well how long do you have?. better call home to put your dinner in the fridge, you will be here for an while....

    But, ...there are people in the U.S itself that know what is going on with their own government and speak out against this.
    these people in the U.S are themselves subject to repression by their own government and warmongers.

    It is not fair, or moral. to conddemn all people from the U.S to be part of the same monster war machine it's own government is.
    They are just treated the same as the rest of us. Silenced by the Media, thrown off social media and painted as traitors to their own country.

    I attended for example this mock-nuclear missile launch in the Titan Museum in Arizona once.
    the tour guide tried to explain nuclear war in words so he did not get attacked. nobody gave a shit.
    untill i opened my big mouth and the tour operator was more than happy to let me explain the consequences of nuclear weapon exchange and effects.

    Same for the Pima Air museum where i had an discussion with one of the volunteer guides about Afghanistan. where i voiced critisism on the U.S about Afghanistan.
    The mood of the crowd switched from "oooh, an ally!" to "you two oppose the war!?. Reeeeh!" in a second.

    There, there is no dialogue. you either are for the war-machine...or you just get branded an traitor and shunned everywhere.
    George Orwell's 1984?, yes. it exists. it is the U.S.A.

    U.S Foreign policy is indeed like an terminal disease. It corrupts and brings death anything to anything it touches.
    But it should be viewed seperatly from the people itself that oppose it themselves in the U.S.

    GarryB has this view as well, if i may be so free to give my understanding on his posts.

        I'm American so I know more than you since I live here.  There are people here who write about and oppose the CIA and US Foreign Policy however, they are branded as anti-Americans, not patriotic and worst of all Marxists/Communists/Socialists.  Another big problem is that many but not all right wingers are critical and suspicious of the Federal government but do not extend that thinking to the US military and foreign policy.  

        I still think the only countries that can stop the US military is Russia and China.  I think the US with its arrogance and overconfidence is going to try to attack Russia in the future and Russia is going to have to go to war with the US.   There is simply no way of avoiding it.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:54 am

    i honestly assumed you might be from Andalusia, Spain Wink.

    You are right, you would know better than me.
    Lets just hope it does not come to conflict.


    I had this conversation with an co-worker when the Iran situation escalated and the U.S navy without any sense of self-preservation sailed into the persian gulf. with nowhere to retreat to.
    well inside ranges of various long-range weaponry Iran has.

    From an strategic standpoint: yes, take the carriers and escorts off the map.
    As an soldier?. yes, valid millitary target.
    If i was put in command of an Iranian coastal battery?. i'd engage when the order was given.
    But it would not give me pleasure.

    But there are about 3500 people on an U.S carrier, 350 per destroyer?.
    I mean, misguided perhaps but they are just dumb kids mostly.

    They are just meat-shields send by the true assholes back home.

    With China, its just the same with their anti-ship ballistic weaponry.
    Their sub's do not even need to leave china's territorial waters to launch their Ballistic missiles against U.S targets.

    The U.S millitary only looks at an snapshot comparison in simulations. They never keep in mind when russia or china start firing. The ammount of munitions thrown at you just never ends.
    You need enough forces to change eachother, one attack's, while another is in the rear re-arming/regrouping to relieve the other.

    The U.S/NATO has this mindset that one super-unit wins the war.
    When do you draw back your forces to re-arm?, re-group?.
    an destroyer with VLS is nice,...but when you are constantly assaulted with incomming missiles you never have time to reload.

    Americans should know this strategy, as they (accidentally) did the same in the battle of Midway with the japanese.
    The Japanese could not recover or launch as they had constant american aircraft incomming on attack vector.
    First the USS Nautilus going balls to the wall heading flank speed at periscope depth into the japanese fleet in an attempt to kill an carrier. Then an never-ending assault of U.S strike craft comming from everywhere forcing the Japanese carriers on constant evasion and Defense. They had no oppertunity to engage, there was no room to do so.

    Last edited by Airbornewolf on Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:19 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:i honestly assumed you might be from Andalusia, Spain Wink.

    You are right, you would know better than me.
    Lets just hope it does not come to conflict.

    I think it will come to conflict in the future.  I don't know if you believe the Bible but it predicts the US will be destroyed by Russia.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:46 am

    @ andalusia,

    Take no offense, but i am not an religious man Wink.
    i never was.

    I truly believe in self-determination personally.

    There should be accountability for one's actions for example.
    by belief or not, there should be value's and norms in society.

    And you know, trying to be an decent human being...
    i myself make mistakes on the way, but nobody is perfect.

    that said i do believe in freedom of religion and living your life as you want to.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:11 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:@ andalusia,

    Take no offense, but i am not an religious man Wink.
    i never was.

    I truly believe in self-determination personally.

    There should be accountability for one's actions for example.
    by belief or not, there should be value's and norms in society.

    And you know, trying to be an decent human being...
    i myself make mistakes on the way, but nobody is perfect.

    that said i do believe in freedom of religion and living your life as you want to.

    That is good, Well I still think that there will be a military confrontation between the United States and Russia in the future.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:32 pm


    I decided to read the latest American analytics. Not opinion columns in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal,
    or the New York Times, but serious (like) professional reports on narrow-profile websites. For example, on the website
    of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

    So cute. For example, they have a report on the Saudi war in Yemen. It describes how " the Houthis, with the support
    of Iran, are intensifying their aggressive attacks against Saudi civilian infrastructure." At the same time, not a word
    about the fact thatSaudi Arabia attacked Yemen, and these people are just defending their country from a foreign invasion.
    These evil terrorists treacherously dare to defend their Homeland instead of dying democratically. (Joseph) Goebbels from
    the depths of hell asks "Why, it was possible?".


    To begin with, analytics does not tolerate value judgments, emotions, or propaganda cliches. The language of analysis and
    the language of propaganda are two different languages. And when people who claim to be strictly analyzed write that
    "Russia is resisting the world liberal order" (as it is written, "world liberal order"), then this is, sorry, "get out of the profession".

    Similarly, attempts to tell readers that " Russia is creating pockets of instability along its borders." I'm sorry, what? Or rather,
    SHTA? Why?! Exactly Russia? Was it Moscow that organized the "color" coups in Ukraine and Georgia? Is it Medvedev who
    forced Saakashvili to shell Tskhinvali and try to organize ethnic cleansing?


    Western analysis is total propaganda excrement. The lack of objectivity and full bore bias is not hidden.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:55 am

    You know better about the American people, but having been a witness to their entertainment for quite a few decades, I can see both good and bad... and of course the bad in charge will claim any criticism is bad... bad for them... but perhaps what they need is someone to show them a better path.

    I am not religious, but I am an optimist... I don't want my enemies to die or suffer to make me feel better... that would actually make me feel sad.

    I can dislike the Taliban but think they are the only show in town so don't make them an enemy... deal with them and at least they might be decent and reasonable... and so far they seem to have been.

    The US government on the other hand are bastards and will screw even allies if they get the chance of if it suits them...

    Clearly they got the UK to spend 200+ billion pounds on upgraded their Trident programmes which are pretty much useless and wont make much difference anyway... the targets they will hit if used will also be hit by American missiles too so at best they will shift debris around... at a time of a pandemic when the UK is relying heavily on its NHS and nurses who are getting a thank you and a 1% pay increase after years of no increases at all.

    They will give themselves higher pay increases no doubt in the wee small hours when they think no one is watching.

    This trident deal of course was the UK buying themselves into the nuclear submarine deal with Australia, and in doing so screwing the French... this 60 billion SSK deal with France will turn into a 120 billion SSN deal with the UK and US and it will take them 10-15 years before anything is anywhere near service... but the US MIC don't care because the US MIC will be making sub propulsion systems for UK and Australian subs... so they will be happy.

    An SSN only makes sense for Australia for attack... defensively it is too expensive and has capabilities a defensive sub does not need.... but we all know it will be cannon fodder the US will send to test the waters near Taiwan when they don't want to risk their own subs... and the Aussie taxpayer gets to pay for it and their children become the meat shields for American economic interests...

    I don't want the US and the west to collapse and suffer the way the Soviet Union did in the 1990s or the Ukraine is suffering now, but I also want them to stop doing so much damage to countries around the entire planet.

    I understand when the US says Russia is worse than ISIS.... Russia can end western civilisation... ISIS can't... Russia is more of a threat to the west... but the fundamental ignorance in that is that it is ISIS that wants to destroy the west... Russia... under Putin... wants to be trade partners with the west... not best buddies... they are not idiots... but they want mutual respect and mutually beneficial trade and relations to stimulate growth and development for both sides.

    The US wants another bitch that will do as the US tells it to do and with all those resources it wants to binge and get really really fat and wealthy on Russian resources and cheap energy... and Russia is saying no... that is ours... MAKE your own resources... or buy it with your existing enormous wealth.

    China is happy to buy and treats Russia as an equal worthy of respect and Russia treats China with respect too.... that is normal for countries... but not the west... which you might be right... maybe it needs a kick up the arse to wake it up... but just a kick... no limbs need to be severed.

    Maybe if everyone dumps the US dollar and America starts needing to offer something else to buy the things it needs...

    The US government might be forced to go to a few of their multi billionaires and start getting them to shell out for new bridges and new roads and generally upgrading things for everybody instead of looking after their own interests...

    Do you guys think it is an accident that the US government acts like the richest people in the US... hoarding their own money or only out for everything they can get and squandering everyone elses money on themselves...

    Almost like the 1% are in control there.... Twisted Evil

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:44 pm

    Western propaganda routinely claims that there is freedom of expression and thought in the west.
    In reality it is turning into a totalitarian toilet. The Canadian RCMP Commissioner (aka Commissar)
    has called for people ("stukachi") to report anyone who does not agree with the government and
    the system.

    Why would "freedom loving" Kanada need to gather such information? This falls in line with Turdo's
    characterization of the unvaxxed as misogynists and racists. If you do not conform, then you are
    an "enemy of the people".

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:57 pm

    When this is all over and done, most in Canada will want Trudeaus head.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:02 am

    But what do you get if you shop your neighbours... is Nuland going to give you a cookie or is it just your patriotic duty to do so...

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  ALAMO Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:29 am

    Rebooting the spirit of Pavka Morozov Rolling Eyes - what is there not to like? Laughing

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  TMA1 Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:59 pm

    andalusia wrote:
    Airbornewolf wrote:
    andalusia wrote:
    GarryB wrote:

    My  take on that cartoon is that the US thinks of itself as a force for good in the world but looking at the effects of their applications of military and also importantly economic sanctions, and the serious damage both inflict on countries all round the world...

    "I think the US has to change... it has to stop and think... are we doing this to make our own richest citizens richer, or are we making these places better places to live.... "

    and the streams of migrants wanting to get to Europe and the US is pretty conclusive evidence they are not making things better at all... they need to stop... and there is no point telling the US grunt on the front line... they get no say in the matter... sadly during election time the American people need to suck it up and all vote for an independent so the democrats and republicans will realise they have dropped the ball and America has noticed.

    It is the system that is the problem and it needs to be changed to be more inclusive... too many rich white old men have too much say, and I don't mean the Presidents because they have little real power as shown by Trumps inability to do very much of what he promised.

    Garry B comment:  "I think the US has to change... it has to stop and think"

    What planet do you live on Garry B? Since you have studied American Foreign Policy and the American people you should know better than to make that statement. That is not going to happen.  KVS comments about Americans fully explains my position.

    The problem is that Americans are

    1) Ignorant about the rest of the world (including Canada, which is like part of the USA).

    2) High on messianic drivel about being exceptional and having a manifest destiny given to them by God.

    The US is a pestilence on the world. They are trying to rule all of it and start endless punitive wars to achieve
    this. Nobody gave these clowns any right to do this. They give it to themselves with their claim to phony
    moral authority. Every single war they start is to spread "freedom and democracy". But they have been
    propping death squad junta tyrannies from Latin America, to Africa to Asia. So their Orwellian spew is grotesque
    and obscene. We see more of this in Ukraine, where they installed a collection of Stepan Bandera worshipping
    Nazis who are bent on ethnically cleansing the Donbass and the remaining "Russian filth" form their "sacred soil".
    The US run western fake stream media is spewing shit about some Russian invasion when the Kiev regime is
    openly talking about ethnic cleansing and passing "laws" to classify the residents of the Donbass as criminals.

    No way that America should get any sympathy for its bloody hypocrisy and war criminality. It is exceptionally

    I hope i put this right in english words, ...
    One way or another, Most of us here have our reasons for disliking the U.S.

    The U.S government and its corporations who buy politicians and run the country?. absolute evil.
    They do not care who get's hurt and what nations get destroyed in the process so a handfull can get even richer over the rest of us peasants.
    All opposition to their hegemony should be destroyed at all costs in their eyes.

    And i agree, they should pay a price for that. Prefferably by high-velocity lead.
    Biological warfare?. lets give the native americans contaminated blankets to an disease they have no resistance against.
    Chemical warfare?. Agent orange in vietnam for one, baby's are still born there with heavy birth defects.
    Nuclear warfare?. The only country in the world that has to bear the shame of obliterating two cities full of civilians.
    Warcrimes?. ...well how long do you have?. better call home to put your dinner in the fridge, you will be here for an while....

    But, ...there are people in the U.S itself that know what is going on with their own government and speak out against this.
    these people in the U.S are themselves subject to repression by their own government and warmongers.

    It is not fair, or moral. to conddemn all people from the U.S to be part of the same monster war machine it's own government is.
    They are just treated the same as the rest of us. Silenced by the Media, thrown off social media and painted as traitors to their own country.

    I attended for example this mock-nuclear missile launch in the Titan Museum in Arizona once.
    the tour guide tried to explain nuclear war in words so he did not get attacked. nobody gave a shit.
    untill i opened my big mouth and the tour operator was more than happy to let me explain the consequences of nuclear weapon exchange and effects.

    Same for the Pima Air museum where i had an discussion with one of the volunteer guides about Afghanistan. where i voiced critisism on the U.S about Afghanistan.
    The mood of the crowd switched from "oooh, an ally!" to "you two oppose the war!?. Reeeeh!" in a second.

    There, there is no dialogue. you either are for the war-machine...or you just get branded an traitor and shunned everywhere.
    George Orwell's 1984?, yes. it exists. it is the U.S.A.

    U.S Foreign policy is indeed like an terminal disease. It corrupts and brings death anything to anything it touches.
    But it should be viewed seperatly from the people itself that oppose it themselves in the U.S.

    GarryB has this view as well, if i may be so free to give my understanding on his posts.

        I'm American so I know more than you since I live here.  There are people here who write about and oppose the CIA and US Foreign Policy however, they are branded as anti-Americans, not patriotic and worst of all Marxists/Communists/Socialists.  Another big problem is that many but not all right wingers are critical and suspicious of the Federal government but do not extend that thinking to the US military and foreign policy.  

        I still think the only countries that can stop the US military is Russia and China.  I think the US with its arrogance and overconfidence is going to try to attack Russia in the future and Russia is going to have to go to war with the US.   There is simply no way of avoiding it.

    Quickly changing, bro. Younger conservatives are most often anti meddling and anti neocon as well as neolib.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:55 am

    This is aimed mostly at KVS as he is also Canadian too like myself but this may be interesting for all others.

    So one of my kids is attending grade 4. And my wife and I were talking regarding about her study books needed as my wife wants to get a head start on all her curriculum. Anyway, in the Social studies book, what they teach kids about Ukraine is abysmal. It is pure revisionism of history. They did so with India too mind you and my wife was pissed regarding that (claiming that people in India dont really have furniture.....).

    Anyway, I noticed a few statements they made: "Ukraine gain independence from Russia in 1993". What? From Russia? They clearly make mention that USSR was a Russian construct. Other thing they comment is how the current Ukrainian state is hundreds of years old.

    Revisionism of history for Ukrainians here in Canada is absurd. But then it makes sense since majority of the Ukrainians who fled to Canada did so just after their SS brothers were demolished in Ukraine. I cant remember official figures, but it was at least well over a million Ukrainians.

    They dont even mention how western Ukraine is a byproduct of Austro-Hungarian empire. But then again, I dont even think Canadians even are aware such an empire existed. My great grandfather was a commander in the Austro-Hungarian military.

    Anyway, they are pushing hard on revisionism of Ukrainian history so they can push the idea that we must "help" them. Help them in exterminating Russian speaking people I guess cause Canadians hate them so much for no reason at all (seriously, Canada has zero excuse or reason to hate Russians, especially since major Russian companies own our agriculture businesses).

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:18 am

    I recall a teacher, way back in the day decades ago, claim that Russians killed millions of Jews. During the infamous pogroms.
    This was before the whole stink about the Holocaust denier teacher (Keegstra, if I recall correctly). I would put both teachers
    in the same category. Fictional history peddlers.

    I am not surprised that the curriculum is being steered by Ukr Nazis. Canada is a safe refuge for terrorists. This includes Tamil
    Tigers, Sikh Calistanis, and other cutthroats. Canada is keeping a menagerie of future agents of influence for the west's imperial
    meddling. Canada's Ukr Nazi community successfully f*cked over Ukraine starting long before the collapse of the USSR and
    especially after.

    The funny thing is that people who manage to find old historical atlases and history books by western authors will not see any
    of this fakery that they are being taught. This means that old books need to be purged from libraries to make way for the new
    fiction. So Kanada must be effectively engaged in book burning.

    BTW, I have an old historical atlas. Libraries do sell of their old (and intact books). I got some nice calculus and algebra textbooks
    a long time ago that used to be standard for Canadian high schools during the 1950s. They were on a whole higher plane than the
    dumbed down, Mickey mouse crap being taught even during the 1980s.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jan 20, 2022 5:28 am

    kvs wrote:I recall a teacher, way back in the day decades ago, claim that Russians killed millions of Jews.   During the infamous pogroms.
    This was before the whole stink about the Holocaust denier teacher (Keegstra, if I recall correctly).   I would put both teachers
    in the same category.   Fictional history peddlers.  

    I am not surprised that the curriculum is being steered by Ukr Nazis.   Canada is a safe refuge for terrorists.   This includes Tamil
    Tigers, Sikh Calistanis, and other cutthroats.    Canada is keeping a menagerie of future agents of influence for the west's imperial
    meddling.   Canada's Ukr Nazi community successfully f*cked over Ukraine starting long before the collapse of the USSR and
    especially after.  

    The funny thing is that people who manage to find old historical atlases and history books by western authors will not see any
    of this fakery that they are being taught.  This means that old books need to be purged from libraries to make way for the new
    fiction.   So Kanada must be effectively engaged in book burning.

    BTW, I have an old historical atlas.   Libraries do sell of their old (and intact books).   I got some nice calculus and algebra textbooks
    a long time ago that used to be standard for Canadian high schools during the 1950s.   They were on a whole higher plane than the
    dumbed down, Mickey mouse crap being taught even during the 1980s.

    If you come into any online pages to purchase older books and atlases so I can also have a record copy, please DM me.  I would really appreciate it.

    Speaking of refuge for terrorists, two of the Air India bombers used to live close to where I lived. You know Arar or whatever his name is, the Syrian who sued the Canadian government for $10M back in the day? was my neighbor. He came over for dinner (him and his wife) and I was kind of sickened honestly with his presents. A lot of them live in British Columbia. For "Ukrainians" (western Ukrainian - Polish knockoffs. I like to call them PUkes (Polish Ukrainians)), most live in Manitoba and Northern Alberta (Edmonton). Mind you, I have seen some drivers around here with the Trident symbol on the back of their car. I called them a bunch of fucking losers. Since I am bigger than they were, they didn't bother to say anything other than get in their car and fucked off. But I gotta watch my mouth, I may get myself into trouble one day with these people.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:17 am

    More western propaganda about Putin and his obsession with wanting war with NATO:

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:15 pm

    Western propaganda - Page 39 Fjsj5u10

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat Jan 22, 2022 9:41 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:I recall a teacher, way back in the day decades ago, claim that Russians killed millions of Jews.   During the infamous pogroms.
    This was before the whole stink about the Holocaust denier teacher (Keegstra, if I recall correctly).   I would put both teachers
    in the same category.   Fictional history peddlers.  

    I am not surprised that the curriculum is being steered by Ukr Nazis.   Canada is a safe refuge for terrorists.   This includes Tamil
    Tigers, Sikh Calistanis, and other cutthroats.    Canada is keeping a menagerie of future agents of influence for the west's imperial
    meddling.   Canada's Ukr Nazi community successfully f*cked over Ukraine starting long before the collapse of the USSR and
    especially after.  

    The funny thing is that people who manage to find old historical atlases and history books by western authors will not see any
    of this fakery that they are being taught.  This means that old books need to be purged from libraries to make way for the new
    fiction.   So Kanada must be effectively engaged in book burning.

    BTW, I have an old historical atlas.   Libraries do sell of their old (and intact books).   I got some nice calculus and algebra textbooks
    a long time ago that used to be standard for Canadian high schools during the 1950s.   They were on a whole higher plane than the
    dumbed down, Mickey mouse crap being taught even during the 1980s.

    If you come into any online pages to purchase older books and atlases so I can also have a record copy, please DM me.  I would really appreciate it.

    Speaking of refuge for terrorists, two of the Air India bombers used to live close to where I lived.  You know Arar or whatever his name is, the Syrian who sued the Canadian government for $10M back in the day? was my neighbor.  He came over for dinner (him and his wife) and I was kind of sickened honestly with his presents.  A lot of them live in British Columbia.  For "Ukrainians" (western Ukrainian - Polish knockoffs.  I like to call them PUkes (Polish Ukrainians)), most live in Manitoba and Northern Alberta (Edmonton).  Mind you, I have seen some drivers around here with the Trident symbol on the back of their car.  I called them a bunch of fucking losers.  Since I am bigger than they were, they didn't bother to say anything other than get in their car and fucked off.  But I gotta watch my mouth, I may get myself into trouble one day with these people.

    The claim that western Ukrainians are "Polish" is false myth. They are your long-lost Varangian brothers who moved to the west as colonists starting in 981 (after you know who invaded a portion of south-eastern Poland), or later to escape the raids and invasions by the various nomadic people from the steppes like the Pechengs, Cumans, and Mongols.

    I have seen them even in Poland, they looked nothing like me, and they were hateful towards us.

    And yes, they are often a bunch of cowards who attack others when they are in a larger group. I think you were fortunate with the encounter you had with them.

    In Poland now I read they often walk around in a group of at least four men. You do not often see Poles in Poland (or elsewhere) walking around in fours, fives, or sixes (or more).

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Jan 23, 2022 11:47 pm

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 24, 2022 7:34 am

    British newspaper exclusive... photos released of the next leader of the Ukraine and his defence minister.... fully confirmed by Bellingcat...

    Western propaganda - Page 39 Novich10

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Jan 24, 2022 2:13 pm

    These two have achieved the impossible. They are in every NATzO country rigging elections and spreading novichoke all at the same
    time. Also, Russia can't afford more than two spy saboteurs. It is a pauper state that is an existential threat to hyper-rich NATzO.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:30 am

    They do seem to be very successful... almost good enough to start their own James Bond Franchise... almost a James Bond and Jason Bourne pairing perhaps...

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:34 am

    OK there are no NATO bases in the countries that this author has listed but the West is still trying to move NATO close to Russia's border.,NATO%E2%80%99s%20eastward%20march%20as%20a%20matter%20of%20self-defense.

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    Western propaganda - Page 39 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  ALAMO Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:07 am

    Not even sure how to comment on that "debunking" shit, as the author must be retarded beyond all the scale.

    No NATO base in US occupied Japan? Laughing
    No NATO base in Australia, a NATO member? Laughing
    Another memberstate Norway? Laughing Laughing
    US occupied South Korea??!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
    No NATO in a whole Poti port made for NATO naval presence Georgia?!? Laughing Laughing Laughing
    No base in Saudi Arabia, whose Patriot batteries are directly manned by the US troops, and half of air staff is a mercenary, you are saying? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
    Turkmenistan? It used to be a supply hub for Afghan operations, so I guess this presence is fading away indeed.
    Somalia? They operate Baledogle Airfield.
    Philliphines? Laughing Bitch, please ... Laughing Laughing
    Pakistan ... yeah, yeah, take your pills ...

    The only two that might be disputable are Marocco and Egypt.
    But of course, there is a NATO base in Marocco. Actually two, in Ceuta and Melilla enclaves. Both staffed, with existing naval infrastructure, and a fully operational airfield in Melilla and a helipad in Ceuta.
    And there is a US operational structure in Cairo, some medical research base if I remember correctly.

    Debunking my ass ... what a bloody morons ...

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