Hole wrote:I guess murican flag on Iwo Jima is OK.
Of course, according to the revisionist BS being pushed by NATzO, it was the USA and the UK that won WWII. All that the USSR (called
Russia by NATzO degenerates) did was take over eastern Europe to impose a totalitarian nightmare worse than anything Hitler ever did or
NATzO's main revisionist propaganda talking points include the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the supposed "partition of Poland"
and Khatyn. In 1920 when Poland invaded the USSR and actually seized control of Kiev in May the west did not make a single squeak.
But when the Soviet army started to kick their asses out, all of the sudden the west became concerned. Thanks to its 1920
invasion Poland grabbed a large chunk of Ukraine and Belorus. In 1939, the USSR restored legitimate authority over these annexed
territories. So much for the "partition of Poland" BS.
In 1938, we had the Munich conference where the west (UK, France, and their pals) sold Czechoslovakia to Hitler and Poland.
It grabbed the Teshin region of Czechoslovakia when Hitler grabbed the Sudeten. Poland also had a non-agression pact with the
Reich but it and Poland's land grabs are systematically ignored in NATzO propaganda. Poland was in such a tizzy after the Munich
conference that its ambassador to France wrote to the American ambassador that it was the start of a holy war on Bolshevism
and that Poland would fight shoulder to shoulder with the Reich against the USSR. The idiots never read Mein Kampf apparently.