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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:45 pm

    We have an example of modern day Germany sending dissidents to psychiatric institutions. Contrast to Russia
    which is smeared of all sorts of wrong doing by DW and other NATzO fake stream propaganda orifices. In Russia,
    there is actual sabotage of the effort to contain Covid-19, but not a single case of abuse of the perps has transpired.
    Instead the Russian government makes concessions when people start to bitch that control measures are "too extreme"
    when they are reasonable but whiners love to whine.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:47 pm

    kvs wrote:

    We have an example of modern day Germany sending dissidents to psychiatric institutions.   Contrast to Russia
    which is smeared of all sorts of wrong doing by DW and other NATzO fake stream propaganda orifices.    In Russia,
    there is actual sabotage of the effort to contain Covid-19, but not a single case of abuse of the perps has transpired.
    Instead the Russian government makes concessions when people start to bitch that control measures are "too extreme"
    when they are reasonable but whiners love to whine.

    DW? You mean that rag Douche Well? Wink

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:31 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    We have an example of modern day Germany sending dissidents to psychiatric institutions.   Contrast to Russia
    which is smeared of all sorts of wrong doing by DW and other NATzO fake stream propaganda orifices.    In Russia,
    there is actual sabotage of the effort to contain Covid-19, but not a single case of abuse of the perps has transpired.
    Instead the Russian government makes concessions when people start to bitch that control measures are "too extreme"
    when they are reasonable but whiners love to whine.

    DW? You mean that rag Douche Well? Wink

    Indeed. A yanqui bootlick outfit of the scummiest sort. Germany has no self-respect if it allows DW to be operated like a branch of
    Radio FE/L.

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:48 pm

    The NATzO fake stream media is jumping the shark for the Nth time.    The New York Times is claiming that Putin has undermined
    US science and medicine.   They actually attribute all the tin foil hat clowns such as the anti-vaccine loons to Putin.   Really.  
    Funny how I have been seeing such alt-medicine and anti-government-science BS since the 1980s.    Putin must be a time

    One of the prime claims by NYT lie peddlers is that Putin spread information about the US doing virus engineering for assorted
    purposes.   So Putin must have been responsible for this article in Nature:

    Then the NYT trots out a gem of inane circular logic.   Supposedly Putin himself spread false information that the US medical
    system is crap (what was his motive?  Russia is not peddling its variant as superior, it is the USA that is always bleating about
    its superiority) so now that the system has shown its failings, it's Putin's fault.   Americans are indeed imbeciles if they swallow
    such garbage.   Even Baron Munchausen lifting himself and his horse out of the swamp by pulling on his pony tail is more credible
    than this tail chasing inanity.

    And the cherry on top of this turd cake is that RT is the source of this super-effective brainwashing of the gullible yanqui masses.
    Here we see how much the NYT loves freedom of information.  They actually claim that Lindsey Graham's appearance on RT is
    Putin's propaganda. Yanquis are only supposed to get officially approved information like good little totalitarian proles.

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:41 am

    Some yanqui pundit finally admits the obvious, that sanctions against Russia are failing. Of course, being the usual western
    hater retard he proceeds to call for new ways to coerce Russia "to behave". Take a look in the mirror you exceptionalist f*ck.
    It is the rogue state USA that needs to be contained and made to play by international rules and respect human rights.
    No, supporting jihadi terrorist vermin in Syria to bring down an elected and popular government is not "spreading of democracy"
    just as it wasn't in Iran in 1953 or Latin America where the USA installed one death squad junta after another. The same
    pattern was repeated in Indonesia and other parts of the world.

    Yanquis claiming they are do-gooders is contradicted by a vast array of empirical evidence.

    Anyway, this sad f*ck goes on about how Putin has created a "fortress" out of Russia at the sacrifice of economic growth.
    Stick to other parts of your moronic hate narrative you imbecile. Russia's GDP is growing and is also restructuring for
    sustained growth via import substitution and elimination of Yeltsin era comprador distortions. Yeltsin left a slew of
    colonial legal obligations that have been choking Russia's development. His destruction of the Russian economy with
    shock therapy witch-doctor voodoo in the 1990s resulted on excessive import dependence in Russia that directly reduced
    its GDP and its sovereignty.

    As I pointed out before, the massive foreign debt pay-down which is ongoing is directly reducing the GDP growth rate.
    In the real world this shrinking of foreign debt is a plus for Russia's GDP. But in the BS world of GDP accounting it is
    considered a reduction in GDP. Naturally, the accounting is ludicrous. Any GDP growth has to be evaluated by actual
    production and consumption and not by assuming that production and consumption is reduced directly by debt repayment.
    So all you yanqui "analists", don't wank yourself silly thinking that Russia's GDP is not growing. If it wasn't, then Russian
    wages would not be increasing over 6% per year. And Covid-19 is an exogenous shock affecting the whole planet and
    is thus irrelevant to discussion of Putin and Russia.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:36 am

    Remember all the bitching about the supposed "extermination" of stray dogs before the Shochi Olympics?   Well,
    a German zoo is going to start feeding zoo animals to each other since it is losing money due to Covid-19.   Not
    a squeak from the self-anointed animal rights defenders.

    BTW, the so-called dog extermination in Sochi never happened and the scum spreading the blood libel were
    using photos from a Ukrainian anti-stray campaign to "prove" their claims.   Much like the Ukr Holodomor
    fraudsters use images from the 1920s civil war famine on the Volga.

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:38 am

    kvs wrote:

    Remember all the bitching about the supposed "extermination" of stray dogs before the Shochi Olympics?   Well,
    a German zoo is going to start feeding zoo animals to each other since it is losing money due to Covid-19.   Not
    a squeak from the self-anointed animal rights defenders.

    BTW, the so-called dog extermination in Sochi never happened and the scum spreading the blood libel were
    using photos from a Ukrainian anti-stray campaign to "prove" their claims.   Much like the Ukr Holodomor
    fraudsters use images from the 1920s civil war famine on the Volga.

    Peta euthanizes countless stray dogs and cats....not a word from those viralmentalists about that.

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  nomadski Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:06 pm

    The westerners are masters of blood sport. Other people's blood. Divide and rule, is their continued tactic. The British media. The BBC.  I was listening to Radio BBC. They explained the great battles between the  " despotic" and
    " dictatorial Muslim" regimes, and their  " unjust" oppression of  socialists !  Oh yes, the Imperialists now support socialists ! Here you must notice, how they mix the reactionary right wing elements, that they themselves support, with the  Muslim religion. Or even progressive Muslim  groups. The British and their children, the Yanks never stop. Always divide and rule. Brother killing brother. Until they put their man into power.

    So it is for all of us, not to get confused. Not to allow fights between revolutionary camps.  Socialists and progressive Muslims unite. Fight the evil British. Do not feed on each other's flesh. In their Zoo. I spit on BBC.

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:07 pm

    nomadski wrote:The westerners are masters of blood sport. Other people's blood. Divide and rule, is their continued tactic. The British media. The BBC.  I was listening to Radio BBC. They explained the great battles between the  " despotic" and
    " dictatorial Muslim" regimes, and their  " unjust" oppression of  socialists !  Oh yes, the Imperialists now support socialists ! Here you must notice, how they mix the reactionary right wing elements, that they themselves support, with the  Muslim religion. Or even progressive Muslim  groups. The British and their children, the Yanks never stop. Always divide and rule. Brother killing brother. Until they put their man into power.

    So it is for all of us, not to get confused. Not to allow fights between revolutionary camps.  Socialists and progressive Muslims unite. Fight the evil British. Do not feed on each other's flesh. In their Zoo. I spit on BBC.

    10000000% in agreement. Everywhere the Anglos have stuck their noses has left strife and genocide. Consider the Tamils and the Hindus.
    The British co-opted the Tamils as their proxies and thus created long term strife with the oppressed Hindus. The British did the same thing
    in North America. They co-opted the Iroquois aboriginals against the French Canada which resulted in the genocide of the Huron people.
    These vermin have been trying to stage the same in Russia for centuries. They have succeeded in the case of Ukraine. After WWII
    Ukrainian Nazis were trained in British military camps as insurgents against the USSR. I knew one such Ukrainian personally (no he was
    not some friend but an acquaintance of the family) and he was not making it up. The succoring of the Banderite strain of the Ukrainian
    "nationalism" has been in the USA and Canada. These are the vermin who rule Ukraine today.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:35 am

    It is currently Anzac day here in NZ so I woke up at just before 6am and sat in bed and watched a video I had on my tablet about Stalingrad.

    It showed interviews with surviving Soviets and Germans, and talked about the German soldiers going mad and practising cannibalism... it also mentioned when the Germans were taken away to camps that the Soviets were surprised... they expected 80,000 but there were three or four times that many taken into captivity and at that stage of the war they barely had the resources to feed and clothe their own people so the food options did not improve in captivity if you know what I mean.

    This documentary was a Russian documentary translated into English for the western market, but having watched British documentaries on the eastern front I can honestly say when they mentioned cannibalism in Leningrad and other places they didn't mention the people responsible were driven mad and often had the choice to survive and eat what was available or to die and they chose to survive... a sort of Bear Gryls type mentality.

    To be clear once the horses had been eaten the Soviet civilians trapped in Stalingrad had to stop asking where the meat came from too because as the lady interviewed said after the horses it was the dogs... and then the cats... and she said that with clear shame in her voice... because as she said the cats and dogs came to the people for protection from the cold... and the violence and noise of battle... eventually there were not pets left to eat... a terrible situation to be in...

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:22 am

    GarryB wrote:It is currently Anzac day here in NZ so I woke up at just before 6am and sat in bed and watched a video I had on my tablet about Stalingrad.

    It showed interviews with surviving Soviets and Germans, and talked about the German soldiers going mad and practising cannibalism... it also mentioned when the Germans were taken away to camps that the Soviets were surprised... they expected 80,000 but there were three or four times that many taken into captivity and at that stage of the war they barely had the resources to feed and clothe their own people so the food options did not improve in captivity if you know what I mean.

    This documentary was a Russian documentary translated into English for the western market, but having watched British documentaries on the eastern front I can honestly say when they mentioned cannibalism in Leningrad and other places they didn't mention the people responsible were driven mad and often had the choice to survive and eat what was available or to die and they chose to survive... a sort of Bear Gryls type mentality.

    To be clear once the horses had been eaten the Soviet civilians trapped in Stalingrad had to stop asking where the meat came from too because as the lady interviewed said after the horses it was the dogs... and then the cats... and she said that with clear shame in her voice... because as she said the cats and dogs came to the people for protection from the cold... and the violence and noise of battle... eventually there were not pets left to eat... a terrible situation to be in...

    There was a serious food shortage across the USSR in 1942 and that is when the gulag death rate hit is peak (20% of the inmates). This one time
    peak was used in NATzO propaganda to claim that every year 20% of gulag inmates died from the 1930s to the 1950s. This BS claim is one of the
    "sources" for the millions of dead at the hands of the commies lies still being spread around today. It is just as nonsensical as the claim that 14
    million "Ukrainians" died during the Holodomor. (That would be close to half of Ukraine's population based on pre-revolutionary census data which
    agrees with Soviet census data from the 1920s.).

    I recall a series of Time-Life books on the war where they noted that 20% of Germans died in soviet POW camps. This was presented as Soviet
    evil. The same hate propaganda BS. The Nazis made sure that 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in captivity by either death through exposure or
    sending them to the ovens first in Auschwitz. Auschwitz was build by Soviet POW slave labour which was then processed by the facility.

    Today it is popular in NATzO to make an equivalence between Nazi Germany and the USSR. This is pure guilt transfer. The Nazis were engaged
    in all sorts of depravity against civilians and POWs (like the Japs in China) but in the USSR these same butchers were not being exterminated
    in death camps and were being housed and fed when the food was available. If there was not food shortage in the USSR in 1942, there
    would be much fewer than 20% German POW deaths in Soviet captivity. The fault for these deaths lies with Nazi Germany and not the USSR
    for obvious reasons.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:52 am

    Notice who and how the BBC reports Covid-19 news? Wink

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    Fun Fact: London is probably the most surveilled city in the world.....With that being considered, the BBC can deep throat a stick of dynamite and have a blast!!! Embarassed Razz

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:33 am

    This is an IQ test for the NATzO sheeple and they are failing it badly. Being told two contradictory stories from the same news
    source at the same time and swallowing them up is utterly pathetic. But the educations system in the west has been corrupted
    with PC culture so this idiocy is par for the course.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:17 pm

    Excellent op-ed on the NATzO MSM propaganda campaign against Russia over Covid-19. We see the pathetic
    projection of all the failings of the NATzO medical systems on Russia.

    In addition to the above I would like to point out that the daily infection rate in Russia appears
    to have maxed out at five times less than in the USA. And the daily death rate has
    been hovering under 65 in Russia compared to around 2000 in the USA. The difference between the two
    is that Russia's Covid-19 progression is happening in Russia with a lag of about two to three weeks
    compared to the USA.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:31 pm

    CNN fails yet again!

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PhSt Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:38 am

    NATO is taking this opportunity to bring down Putin, derail his political reforms and breakup Russia. The Russian government needs to act quickly and counter NATO's brazen hostilities.

    Russians’ Trust in Putin Hits 14-Year Low – State Poll

    Russians’ trust in President Vladimir Putin has fallen to a 14-year low, the state-funded VTsIOM polling agency said Monday.

    The latest poll results come as Russian authorities — and Putin in particular — have faced criticism for their response to the coronavirus pandemic, which many see as providing insufficient support to businesses and workers. Before the coronavirus hit Russia, Putin had been pursuing a series of constitutional amendments that would allow him to stay president until 2036.

    Just 28.3% of Russians surveyed by VTsIOM in March named Putin when asked to name a politician whom they trust, the lowest percentage since the pollster began asking the question in January 2006.

    Valery Fyodorov, the head of VTsIOM, told Forbes Russia that respondents are more likely to say they trust Putin if asked the question in multiple-choice format rather than the “open-ended” format that VTsIOM normally uses.

    For example, when asked to give a yes-or-no answer to whether or not they trust Putin in April, 69.8% of respondents said yes, he said.

    “The open-ended question is more about memory and information activity than about trust, unfortunately,” Fyodorov said. “In general, I would stop asking this question at all, but if I stop asking it, they will start suspecting me of some terrible things.”

    In its May 2019 survey, VTsIOM said that trust in Putin had reached a 13-year low of 31.7%. Following criticism from the Kremlin, VTsIOM said it would change its polling methodology, and its revised results showed trust in Putin skyrocket to 72.3%.

    NATO bots are busy even on Youtube to down vote Putin videos to make an impression that he is becoming less popular.

    TV Zvezda videos RARELY get more down votes than positive ones, but this video of Putin surprisingly got a lot of negative votes. I'm sure NATO bots is behind this pathetic smear campaign. Russia needs to give NATO a powerful slap in the face. A strong retaliation needs to be in order.

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:14 am

    The events of 2011 demonstrated that NATzO regime change tricks don't work. If there was all this discontent and dislike for
    Putin, then there would have been large protests easily organized by Navalny and other trash. But they simply can't get a
    mob onto the street. Thus they have failed.

    And if you look at support numbers for western leaders they swing from around 60% to 20% or less. Nobody loses office because
    of mid-term opinion polls. The only things that matter are elections. Navalny ain't no alternative to Putin.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun May 03, 2020 9:55 pm

    NATzO propaganda orifices have gone into high gear to smear Russian nuclear power. This is a transparent attempt to
    sabotage a business competitor and to establish a new US-centered monopoly on nuclear power around the world.
    So we have the "Chernobyl" series which is an attempt to solidify in the brainwashed minds around the world that
    1986 USSR = 2020 Russia and that any system failure 34 years ago is going to happen now as well. Of course,
    the fact that RBMK reactors are not being exported by Russia and that its VVR-1200 reactors are generation 3+
    is totally ignored. Then we have the sock puppet "environmentalists" like the clowns that are attacking the Russian
    construction of a reactor in Finland while totally ignoring another reactor being built by western companies that
    is located much closer to Sweden. These fake environmentalists are also crapping all over the Academic Lomonosov
    floating power plant which Russia is negotiating to export to over a dozen countries. Yet again, transparent
    sabotage of Russian business. These lying sacks of shit make up all sorts of lies about the design of Russian
    reactors without a shred of proof or actual knowledge.

    Anyway, yanqui dirty tricks are pathetic. They are at least 40 years behind since they do not have fuel reprocessing
    technology. It will take them a good 20 years just to revitalize their domestic industry since they do not have any
    engineers that can design and build new plants as they are all retired or dead. So by 2040 the USA will a good 60
    years behind Russia, which is moving to closed fuel cycle fast neutron breeder reactors.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon May 04, 2020 4:55 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Kim is still alive, surprise! lol1

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon May 04, 2020 4:59 pm

    And they claim Federation media twists and spins Covid-19 news! Embarassed Razz lol1

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue May 05, 2020 8:06 pm

    DW has given a fake news "journalist" (Elena Milashina) who wrote a purely fabricated hate piece about the Covid-19 situation in Chechnya
    an award for freedom of speech. Yeah, in Germany they are openly considering putting people who spread non-conformant
    information about Covid-19 into psychiatric institutions, but obvious strife-generating agit-prop in Russia is "free speech".
    Clearly the Orwellian rot in the precious west is in an advanced state.

    Milashina claimed that people were being repressed by forced quarantine at home. (That in itself is absurd, two weeks of home
    stay is hardly Gulag time). But she left out a critical detail in her one-point curve extrapolation that the specific individuals
    who were "forced" into home quarantine broke voluntary quarantine and attended mass gathering events. During pandemics
    such behaviour is worthy of shoot-on-sight and not just "forced" quarantine.

    The above summarizes the nature of NATzO anti-Russian propaganda. Even the most benign events are twisted into to some
    sort of "nightmare of oppression" BS. Like we had with Pussy Riot. That these retarded chimps were slapped on the wrist
    on a dozen occasions with $17 fines was ignored and only when they really crossed the line and got jail time did they become
    martyrs of "Putin's oppression". Try to pull such stunts in the west and you will get hard jail time after a couple of tries.
    Contempt of court and police are serious crimes in the west. But in Russia they are supposed to be some sort of right.
    Of course, since the west wants regime change in Russia. This is why Russia should stop pandering to the west and
    throw the full weight of the law on seditionist perps including "journalists" such as Milashina. She can do her hate fiction prose
    writing from jail or from outside Russia.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu May 07, 2020 12:12 am

    Looks like the NY Slimes engaged in plagiarism:

    "Russian journalist Roman Badanin, of
    @wwwproektmedia , says the @nytimes 'Pulitzer Prize' winning stories ripped off his team's investigations- published months earlier - on the subject (Evgeny Prigozhin in Africa) and didn't give his outlet any credit."

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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu May 07, 2020 5:12 am

    Putin's "historic low" rating is 59%.

    attack bounce

    Do these morons even read what they write. Support collapse usually means numbers under 20%. For example,
    Yeltsin had about 2% in 1996.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu May 07, 2020 7:09 pm

    Facebook is now banning accounts that post photographs of the famous planting of the Soviet flag on the

    Revisionism in action.


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    Western propaganda - Page 3 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Thu May 07, 2020 9:19 pm

    I guess murican flag on Iwo Jima is OK.

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