flamming_python wrote:
My thoughts exactly
Russia is adopting the system of the West, a toothless president, a toothless parliament, and the grey cardinals, intelligence and other establishment holding levers of pressure if not reigns.
Not necessarily as West. Russian way will likely have its own characteristics where "toothless parliament, and the grey cardinals, intelligence and other establishment holding levers of pressure" does not need to be
Russia as a sovereign now needs strong and smart leaders to assure that when change in generation happens there are those who can attain their position confidently doing the work and passing it on to the next generation. Young leaders tend to drift away in thought and strength without even noticing change thus guidance from a wiser and more knowledgeable person is needed to achieve stability and focus.
This announcement came as a shock and no one predicted it. Level of western intelligence and its media arm completely missed and their interpretation of the political processes in Russia failed miserably. No one predicted such development meaning no one had a clue about whats really going on in Russia. Its all spam
Last edited by Viktor on Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total