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    Politics and Government of Russia

    par far

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Sergey Furgal

    Post  par far Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:35 am

    What is the situation here?

    This is a speech made by Vladimir Zhirinovsky(who is looking like a west agent.)

    "In a speech at the State Duma, LDPR party head Vladimir Zhirinovsky condemned the arrest of fellow party member Khabarovsk Governor Sergey Furgal, who’s accused of organizing multiple contract killings more than a decade ago. Zhirinovsky even threatened to stage mass resignations by all LDPR members in response to what he says is the unjust case against Furgal.

    “Let the whole world know about the mess in this country. Is it a constitution you need? We gave you a constitution! And in return, you put handcuffs on our hands! You’ve no shame! You sit there in high offices and, like under Stalin, you take action. But [FSB head Alexander] Bortnikov is no [Stalinist secret police czar Lavrentiy] Beria. And you don’t have enough KGB vans [to take us all away],” Zhirinovsky said.

    The LDPR head also questioned why Furgal was arrested so many years after his supposed crimes, speculating that one of the reasons for the investigation is that the Khabarovsk governor “refused to carry boxes [of money] to Moscow.”

    “The time will come when we will quarantine you and your authorities! It’s us who will have a revolution, and not the one the Bolsheviks or Yeltsin screwed up. A new generation has risen that won’t forgive you for anything and will punish all of you. [...] Plenty of resources and plenty of people, but some of you’ve got dirty hands and rotten thoughts,” Zhirinovsky concluded his remarks.

    After the speech, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin urged the chamber to remain “guided by the law and only the law” and avoid any talk of “blackmail,” “revolution,” or “threats.” “That’s how states collapse,” Volodin warned.


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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:40 am

    He is an idiot. That's plain to see. He wants to back a criminal, so be it. If he disavowed him instead then he could make himself look good. But since the evidence exists and if it comes out that he was indeed involved in murder, it will destroy the head of LDPR.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:14 pm

    BTW, the lies spread of tens of thousands is a hilarious and bad joke.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  PhSt Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:29 pm

    Russia needs to be on alert, this is the kind of situation that NATO is waiting for, I'm positive that NATO has already activated their sleeper agents and 5th column collaborators inside Russia to further fan the current protests and cause as much damage and destabilization to the country. IMO, Russia will need to do more to improve patriotic education across all school levels and learning institutions. As I have observed throughout the internet, there is a small but significant numbers of young Russians who are brainwashed by NATO media to hate their country and have been led to believe that the West is superior and Russia is inferior. Such low level of patriotism in Russia needs an urgent and prompt action by the authorities.
    par far

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  par far Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:11 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:He is an idiot.  That's plain to see.  He wants to back a criminal, so be it. If he disavowed him instead then he could make himself look good. But since the evidence exists and if it comes out that he was indeed involved in murder, it will destroy the head of LDPR.

    What is the LDPR?
    par far

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  par far Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:13 pm

    PhSt wrote:Russia needs to be on alert, this is the kind of situation that NATO is waiting for, I'm positive that NATO has already activated their sleeper agents and 5th column collaborators inside Russia to further fan the current protests and cause as much damage and destabilization to the country. IMO, Russia will need to do more to improve patriotic education across all school levels and learning institutions. As I have observed throughout the internet, there is a small but significant numbers of young Russians who are brainwashed by NATO media to hate their country and have been led to believe that the West is superior and Russia is inferior. Such low level of patriotism in Russia needs an urgent and prompt action by the authorities.

    This is what I am scared of, NATO assholes are always doing shit like this, so Russia needs to be ready.

    It makes me so mad that people that still exist in Russia.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:38 pm

    par far wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:He is an idiot.  That's plain to see.  He wants to back a criminal, so be it. If he disavowed him instead then he could make himself look good. But since the evidence exists and if it comes out that he was indeed involved in murder, it will destroy the head of LDPR.

    What is the LDPR?

    It is a nominally right wing party in Russia. It is not some tiny fringe party but does not have enough votes to win. Zhirinovsky has been
    acting as a clown since the 1990s. Like with the KPRF (Communist Party), the LDPR has had the same leader for around 30 years.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:40 pm

    par far wrote:
    PhSt wrote:Russia needs to be on alert, this is the kind of situation that NATO is waiting for, I'm positive that NATO has already activated their sleeper agents and 5th column collaborators inside Russia to further fan the current protests and cause as much damage and destabilization to the country. IMO, Russia will need to do more to improve patriotic education across all school levels and learning institutions. As I have observed throughout the internet, there is a small but significant numbers of young Russians who are brainwashed by NATO media to hate their country and have been led to believe that the West is superior and Russia is inferior. Such low level of patriotism in Russia needs an urgent and prompt action by the authorities.

    This is what I am scared of, NATO assholes are always doing shit like this, so Russia needs to be ready.

    It makes me so mad that people that still exist in Russia.

    Soft power tricks are not working in Russia. Navalny and similar have been a flop and have become the object of jokes by the average
    Russian. This is why NATzO is ratcheting up the talk of war. NATzO is cruising for a bruising.


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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:08 pm

    Zhirinovsky is a hard anti west nationalist sort of guy.... I doubt he would be supporting foreign interests...

    It is probably more likely he has a few skeletons in his closet and it is easier to come out against it now and pretend when his dead bodies are found that it is just an attack on him for standing up for his colleague...


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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:22 am

    GarryB wrote:Zhirinovsky is a hard anti west nationalist sort of guy.... I doubt he would be supporting foreign interests...

    It is probably more likely he has a few skeletons in his closet and it is easier to come out against it now and pretend when his dead bodies are found that it is just an attack on him for standing up for his colleague...

    Last year it was exposed that his son has a huge mansion in Miami, FL or something like that around those lines.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:09 am

    He is an opportunist. Much like everyone else. He hates the west because he knows they would control him if he was buddies with them and he had power. But he also acts like a mafioso.  Yeah, his son obtain lots of money and I doubt through legitimate means. And yes, owns a mansion outside of Russia.  So he will do what he can to also protect his sons interest.

    No, Zhirinovsky isn't a US stooge. He is his own stooge. He at least does push for nationalism which I support. He is just a shitty leader.  LDPR could do wonders if it had a young and smart leader. Instead it has a loud mouth idiot who appeared in some kind of soft core porn back in the 90's. Now try to get that image out of your head.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:41 am

    miketheterrible wrote:He is an opportunist. Much like everyone else. He hates the west because he knows they would control him if he was buddies with them and he had power. But he also acts like a mafioso.  Yeah, his son obtain lots of money and I doubt through legitimate means. And yes, owns a mansion outside of Russia.  So he will do what he can to also protect his sons interest.

    No, Zhirinovsky isn't a US stooge. He is his own stooge. He at least does push for nationalism which I support. He is just a shitty leader.  LDPR could do wonders if it had a young and smart leader. Instead it has a loud mouth idiot who appeared in some kind of soft core porn back in the 90's.  Now try to get that image out of your head.

    ZeroNoNothing is such a 'nationalist' that he wanted to concede to Japan and advocated to start selling the Kurille Islands back to Japan. Because of Russian ownership of the Kurille Islands, Russia won a bid at the United Nations which acknowledged the Sea of Okhotsk as an exclusive economic zone of the Federation. Had ZeroNoNothing had his way (his island selling scheme predated the successful judgement) Russia would be fighting Japan on who could do what in the Sea of Okhotsk (with US backing no doubt).

    Putin is to de Gaulle as ZeroNoNothing is to Marshall Petain. Zero represents pseudo-patriotism, the type that makes you subservient to foreign powers, the same kind Boris Yeltsin and Donald Trump subscribes to.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:44 am

    I don't know about that. I seem to recall his live debates where he would be screaming about the notion of selling the islands. Maybe at one point he suggested it. But on channel1 he sure didn't.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  The-thing-next-door Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:53 pm

    Isn't Zhirinovsky always the first to complain about Russia not taking military action against the west (not a good idea right now but certainly not a treasonous suggestion).

    Does he care about his son at all? If I had a son who went to live in pindostan, I would disown him.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:37 pm

    The-thing-next-door wrote:Isn't Zhirinovsky always the first to complain about Russia not taking military action against the west (not a good idea right now but certainly not a treasonous suggestion)...

    Loudest nationalists are always biggest pussies

    Our latest viral nationalist for example is a fucking draft dodger who works for Soros

    The-thing-next-door wrote:
    Does he care about his son at all? If I had a son who went to live in pindostan, I would disown him.

    Why on Earth would he disown his plan B?


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    Post  The-thing-next-door Tue Jul 28, 2020 8:59 pm

    Well if all this is true then Russia needs a new nationalist candidate....

    What are the chances, if any that I could run for Russian president?

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:43 pm

    Most nationalists run for the United Russia party because they have the best chances. Now they get a lot of younger people too.

    LDPR also gets young people too. It is Communist party that gets either old people or those I dont consider people (wannabe commies).

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:00 am

    A big blow to the
    ’s quest to “change the regime” in Russia.

    From August 3, it will be impossible to add cash to unidentified e-wallets in Russia. According to the new rules, if the customer has not been identified, they can only deposit funds using a bank account.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  kvs Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:07 am

    miketheterrible wrote:A big blow to the
    ’s quest to “change the regime” in Russia.

    From August 3, it will be impossible to add cash to unidentified e-wallets in Russia. According to the new rules, if the customer has not been identified, they can only deposit funds using a bank account.

    This sort illicit funds control should have been implemented earlier. The government and legislators are always years behind the curve.
    Since we are dealing with the prime national security issue, they need to get their ignorant asses in gear.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:56 am

    Russia still has a major problem on their hands.

    Essentially, open Russia foundation which is banned in Russia still operates and works with one of the top 10 media portals in Russia and promotes fake news and protests.

    And of course, nothing is done about it.

    Laws are meaningless in Russia.

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  The-thing-next-door Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:47 am

    No one has Answered my question about the possibility of a foreigner becoming Russian president. I suppose most though I was joking, but I am genuinely curious.

    If it is possible what are the criteria?

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    Politics and Government of Russia - Page 19 Empty Re: Politics and Government of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:53 am

    The-thing-next-door wrote:No one has Answered my question about the possibility of a foreigner becoming Russian president. I suppose most though I was joking, but I am genuinely curious.

    If it is possible what are the criteria?


    As of old rules, you have to be a native Russian. New rules add in that you cannot have a dual citizenship or ever lived in a foreign country. Now to get into higher end of politics, you cannot have had dual citizenship or lived in another country for 25 years.

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    Post  The-thing-next-door Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:37 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Now to get into higher end of politics, you cannot have had dual citizenship or lived in another country for 25 years.

    So does that mean not having foreign citizenship for more than 25 years or not at all if you have ever had foreign citizenship?

    If the former what is the highest possible rank attainable?

    We are really just talking about theoretical possibilities here, I doubt a foreigner will ever become a Russian politician that would just be silly..... well it was possible in Soviet times, let us just hope that such marxist internationalist bullshit is eradicated.

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    Post  Hole Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:26 am

    That means you can´t hold a russian and a german passport at the same time. Living in a foreign country in the last 25 years is for holders of russian passports. Which means that Abramovitsch can´t become a minister or president.

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    Post  The-thing-next-door Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:56 pm

    [quote="Hole"]That means you can´t hold a russian and a german passport at the same time. Living in a foreign country in

    So wait are you saying that you only need to be a citizen of Russia for 25 years without having a non Russian passport in order to run for president?

    That seens a little too easy.

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