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    European gas imports


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    European gas imports Empty European gas imports

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:29 pm

    Iran looks into 5-6 routes to deliver gas to EU after sanctions are lifted - gas company NIGC
    Tehran is considering several gas delivery routes to Europe after Western sanctions on the country are lifted.

    “Iran is considering several routes to deliver gas to Europe, possibly around five or six routes,” Azizollah Ramezani, head of the National Iranian Gas Company’s liaison office told RIA Novosti news agency on Wednesday.

    There is the idea that Iran may join Turkstream to get some of its assets into Europe.  So there may be negotiations in the future between Iran, Turkey and Russia.

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:12 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Iran looks into 5-6 routes to deliver gas to EU after sanctions are lifted - gas company NIGC
    Tehran is considering several gas delivery routes to Europe after Western sanctions on the country are lifted.

    “Iran is considering several routes to deliver gas to Europe, possibly around five or six routes,” Azizollah Ramezani, head of the National Iranian Gas Company’s liaison office told RIA Novosti news agency on Wednesday.

    There is the idea that Iran may join Turkstream to get some of its assets into Europe.  So there may be negotiations in the future between Iran, Turkey and Russia.
    That's non-sense, Iran has already a captive market in the East, why would it risk the same kind of BS like Russia by selling its gas to the very people that want to choke it? Unless it is a cartel swap, Russia takes some Iranian shares towards the East and Iran recoups Russian shares in Europe...the second option will have big issues with the current crop of thieves in Europe and the US.

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    European gas imports Empty Iran gas supplies to europe

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:54 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Iran looks into 5-6 routes to deliver gas to EU after sanctions are lifted - gas company NIGC
    Tehran is considering several gas delivery routes to Europe after Western sanctions on the country are lifted.

    “Iran is considering several routes to deliver gas to Europe, possibly around five or six routes,” Azizollah Ramezani, head of the National Iranian Gas Company’s liaison office told RIA Novosti news agency on Wednesday.

    There is the idea that Iran may join Turkstream to get some of its assets into Europe.  So there may be negotiations in the future between Iran, Turkey and Russia.
    That's non-sense, Iran has already a captive market in the East, why would it risk the same kind of BS like Russia by selling its gas to the very people that want to choke it? Unless it is a cartel swap, Russia takes some Iranian shares towards the East and Iran recoups Russian shares in Europe...the second option will have big issues with the current crop of thieves in Europe and the US.

    Well, India is one of Irans largest consumers of oil/gas and Russia is looking to build a pipeline to India, as well, Russia acts as a medium between India and Iran for sales of oil/gas, so my guess is it will be a cartel swap of some sort.

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    European gas imports Empty European gas market

    Post  kvs Fri May 31, 2019 11:23 am

    The above article has a serious error. The USA simply does not have the LNG export capacity to "liberate Europe from Russian Nazis".

    American natural gas export capacity was 5 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2017. The US imported 80 bcm from Canada in 2018:

    The US produced (Funny how the EIA counts imports from Canada as US production)

    As of 2018, the USA produces 780 bcm of gas per year and consumes over 760 bcm. It exports 53 bcm to Mexico. The surge of production
    in 2018 has increased its export capacity to countries other than Mexico to 47 bcm.

    The Devil in the details is that the US production surge is from tight gas plays. Russia's production is conventional. Tight gas
    production requires a much larger number of wells to frack the gas and the production lifetime for these wells is much smaller than for
    conventional gas wells. They have a much thinner tail which reflects the low rock porosity and thus lack of gas flow to the well.
    Tight has reserves are, by definition, smaller than conventional ones per cubic meter of rock. Thus, the US production is a flash in
    the pan that will not give Europe a secure gas supply. A few years of high production is not what is needed. Long term supply is

    So Europe is better off with securing access to Russian and Iranian natural gas instead of US snake oil.


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    European gas imports Empty EastMed pipeline

    Post  George1 Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:48 am

    Netanyahu in Athens on Thursday to sign East Med agreement

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will pay a formal visit to Athens from January 2-4 and sign the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Greece, Israel and Cyprus for the East Med pipeline with his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades.

    According to the Israeli embassy in Athens, Netanyahu will also hold bilateral talks during his stay with Mitsotakis, Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and Anastasiades.

    In addition, he will also attend a trilateral meeting with Mitsotakis and Anastasiades, before the signing of the agreement for the pipeline which will transfer gas from Israel via Cyprus, Greece to Europe.

    A direct link to new sources for Europe

    The Eastern Mediterranean (EastMed) pipeline project relates to an offshore/onshore natural gas pipeline, directly connecting East Mediterranean resources to Greece via Cyprus and Crete that could: i) enhance Europe’s gas security of supply via diversification of counterparts, routes and sources; ii) develop EU indigenous resources such as the offshore gas reserves around Cyprus and Greece; and iii) promote the development of a South Mediterranean Gas Hub.

    The project is currently designed to transport initially 10 Bcm/y (billion cubic meters of gas per year) from the off-shore gas reserves in the Levantine Basin (Cyprus and Israel) into Greece and, in conjunction with the Poseidon and IGB pipelines, int to Italy and other South East European countries. Furthermore, the pipeline would allow to feed Cyprus internal consumption with additional 1 Bcm/y.
    The route

    The EastMed project current design envisages a 1.300 km offshore pipeline and a 600 km onshore pipeline. The pipeline, starts from the new natural gas discoveries in the East Mediterranean region and comprises the following sections:

    200 km offshore pipeline stretching from Eastern Mediterranean sources to Cyprus;
    700 km offshore pipeline connecting Cyprus to Crete Island;
    400 km offshore pipeline from Crete to mainland Greece (Peloponnese);
    600 km onshore pipeline crossing Peloponnese and West Greece.

    The EastMed pipeline is preliminarily designed to have exit points in Cyprus, Crete, mainland Greece as well as the connection point with the Poseidon pipeline.
    European support

    In 2015, with the support of the Cypriot, Greek and Italian Governments and as a result of the benefits that the project brings to Europe, the EastMed pipeline has been confirmed as Project of Common Interest (PCI), being included by the EU Commission in the second PCI list among the Southern Gas Corridor projects.

    The EastMed project has also been included in the last Ten Years Development Plan (TYNDP), in line with the objective of the European Network Transportation System Operators of Gas (ENTSOG) to create a single European market for gas and a reliable and safe transmission network capable of meeting Europe's current and future needs.

    The project has been awarded in 2015 with European grants of 2 million euro through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program necessary for the co-finance of the Pre-FEED activities.

    In April 2017, during the Ministerial Summit held in Tel Aviv, in the presence of European Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete, the Ministers for Energy of Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Israel signed a Joint Declaration to reaffirm their support to the swift implementation of the Project.
    Development status

    During the period 2015-2016, IGI Poseidon has finalized, also thanks to EU financial contribution under the CEF program, with the support of first class international engineering (Intecsea and C&M consortium) and global consultancy (IHS-Cera) firms, the PRE-FEED studies, definitively confirming that the EastMed Pipeline Project is:

    technically feasible: relevant industry players have confirmed availability of several pipe mills and of multiple laying vessels capable of securing project realization;
    economically viable: current estimate of project capital expenditures requirements evidences that the total project cost results lower than similar-capacity import projects to EU and sustainable in view of EU gas prices scenarios;
    complementary to other export options: current discoveries from the region would sustain approximately 30 Bcm/y exports to global markets, without accounting for future discoveries in a widely underexplored region, and would therefore support multiple export schemes, including to global markets via LNG and to Europe via EastMed pipeline.

    EastMed Pipeline Project development activities are now focusing on performing marine surveys along the route, in order to improve routing accuracy and to finalize preparation of the tender packages for initiating the proper development phase, that would allow the project to reach Investment Decision status.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Jan 02, 2020 10:18 am

    Let's be serious, this pipeline will never happen, the thread can now get locked Razz .

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  George1 Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:40 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Let's be serious, this pipeline will never happen, the thread can now get locked  Razz .

    Why? Because of erdogan? 😁

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 02, 2020 12:04 pm

    Funny, the yanquis are claiming they can supply all of the EU's demand for imports. I guess they are full of sh*t.

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  George1 Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:53 am

    Berlin is ready to pay the United States to lift sanctions on Nord Stream 2

    Today, 12: 15
    The head of the Federal Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz, offered former American President Donald Trump assistance in promoting liquefied gas from the United States on the European market in exchange for lifting sanctions restrictions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. - 2 ", as it expects to receive a significant profit after its launch.

    This information was published by the German edition Deutsche Welle, referring to the German public environmental organization Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH).

    German environmentalists argue that the German government has offered Washington financial assistance in the amount of one billion euros if the Americans agree to block the imposition of sanctions or abandon the application of legislation against the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

    The DUH representatives, who are in favor of freezing the project, were outraged by such negotiations. In particular, the executive director of this environmental organization, Sasha Müller-Krenner, called the negotiations of the finance minister with the Americans "a dirty deal at the expense of third parties." In his opinion, the government has no right to dispose of the money of German taxpayers in this way.

    And although the government of Germany did not comment on this information, the publication learned that the German authorities were preparing an official statement on this issue.

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  kvs Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:17 pm

    The so-called EU environmentalists are the worst sort of scum. How is LNG "cleaner" than pipeline gas? Nobody uses renewable
    energy to liquify natural gas into LNG. So out of a given volume of extracted gas only 70% can be sold as LNG since 30% have
    to be burned to drive the refrigeration process. So LNG has the same CO2 emissions doing less work. Thus it is effectively
    a higher CO2 emitter than piped gas.

    Then we have the total CO2 emissions associated with the infrastructure for LNG. LNG requires liquefaction plants and specialized
    terminals as well as specialized tanker ships. All of these are associated with way more CO2 emissions than any pipeline, including
    a sub-sea one like Nord Stream.

    So these scumbags are not actually promoting environmental agendas but are Washington's minions in its geopolitical dirty war
    on Russia. We can see this with Greanpeace as well, which selectively targets Gazprom's Arctic extraction platforms but
    ignores the western ones. The we have the so-called Greens in France that killed its fast neutron breeder program and
    are actively working to shut down France's nuclear energy production. To be replaced with unicorn and rainbow fart
    energy. Again, the Greens are serving Washington's agenda and not anything that fights global warming and protects the

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  Arrow Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:32 pm

    Does France intend to give up nuclear energy like Germany?

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:11 pm

    I doubt it... they probably would rather Germany give up NSII so they can sell more radioactive electricity to Germany.

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  George1 Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:20 am

    Russia ready to supply hydrogen to Europe through Germany

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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:16 pm

    Arrow wrote:Does France intend to give up nuclear energy like Germany?

    There is lots of talk about getting rid of nuclear power in France. Reality does not have to play ball with people's
    ignorant desires.


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    Post  ALAMO Fri Sep 10, 2021 3:25 pm

    Well, check the AREVA saga.

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  AMCXXL Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:22 pm
    Zhirinovsky to Porochenko: You will pay 1000 euros for gas (year 2006)

    Moscow oracle
    Zhirinovsky will probably be canonized later ... I don't remember a single prediction of him that would not come true. 

    At first, everyone laughs at him (so many were blessed), and then they are surprised to read in the news the forecast of Vladimir Volfovich , which has become true. 

    Although one unfulfilled still exists: we have not yet washed our boots in the Indian Ocean. And in this light, his ability to see the future is somewhat ... to put it mildly, alarming. Maybe we don't need this Indian Ocean, huh?
    European gas imports 27034210
    the head of Naftogaz (Ukraine) says he is ready to extend the transit contract with Gazprom (Russia), but insists on maintaining the volumes

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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:54 am

    Smarmy Bulgaria and Moldova early in 2020 forced a change in their contracts with Gazprom (using EU pressure) to
    account for spot pricing of natural gas and not just track the oil price. They were drooling over the $40 per thousand
    cubic meters which the spot price crashed to in May of 2020.

    Now they are wailing as those spot prices are driving the price for Gazprom's gas to over $500 from around $120.

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  George1 Fri Oct 01, 2021 8:52 pm


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    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:12 am

    After 30 years of using economics as a weapon against Russia, now Russia is responding by not jumping when europe says jump and they are starting to fear that Russia might turn out to be total assholes like them.

    Russia wont bother with such games... it will merely look elsewhere for partnerships... Europe is not indispensible any more than the US is.

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    Post  kvs Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:19 am

    George1 wrote:

    This clown is a liar. The Baltics are the ones who forced Gazprom out in favour of yanqui LNG. They also
    cut off their link to the Russian electrical system. Ukraine is hardly some "competition" for Russia and
    has no rights to Russian gas transit.

    Stopped watching the rest, not worth my time.

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    Post  kvs Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:21 am

    GarryB wrote:After 30 years of using economics as a weapon against Russia, now Russia is responding by not jumping when europe says jump and they are starting to fear that Russia might turn out to be total assholes like them.

    Russia wont bother with such games... it will merely look elsewhere for partnerships... Europe is not indispensible any more than the US is.

    As the video demonstrates, the precious west still thinks that spewing lies and defamation at Russia will achieve their ambitions against Russia.
    Utterly delusional clowns.


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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Oct 02, 2021 9:42 am

    kvs wrote:
    George1 wrote:

    This clown is a liar.  The Baltics are the ones who forced Gazprom out in favour of yanqui LNG.   They also
    cut off their link to the Russian electrical system.   Ukraine is hardly some "competition" for Russia and
    has no rights to Russian gas transit.

    Stopped watching the rest, not worth my time.

    I'm curious where Ukraine is a competition for Russia?

    Their defense industry is dead, their space agency doesn't exist, they don't have natural resources worth a damn, their industrial base is in tatters.... I could go on.

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  Kiko Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:45 pm

    USA lost the battle for Europe to Russia, by Sergey Savchuk for RIA NOVOSTI. 01/10/2021.

    The world media reluctantly report that against the backdrop of the global energy crisis that has engulfed all leading markets, the European Union should rely only on itself in ensuring its own energy security: Stars and Stripes tankers with liquefied "molecules of freedom" - as an alternative to authoritarian Russian gas - will not come. To paraphrase a well-known phrase, the shale revolution, the need for which our American friends have been talking about all the time, failed with a deafening roar.

    To assess the tragicomic nature of the current situation, let us turn to the basic figures, which, however, were known from the first minutes of the battle for Nord Stream 2.

    American LNG sellers launched an active attack on European markets in the period 2018-2019. The production of liquefied gas in the United States increased by one hundred billion at once and reached 840 billion cubic meters. Until the fall of 2018, gas exports from the United States to Europe were at the level of statistical error, but in September of that year, assertive Donald Trump, during a personal meeting, actually forced Jean-Claude Juncker , then President of the European Commission, to give the green light to supplies, giving exporters an unprecedented preferential terms.

    The volume of supplies from a scanty 250 million in June, by December, soared immediately to one and a half billion. It was during this period that the tsunami of publications in the domestic and foreign press fell, when all kinds of experts and analysts predicted an inglorious end to Russian exports in general and Nord Stream 2 in particular.

    At that moment it seemed that everything would be exactly like this. Exactly one year later, in December 2019, the export of LNG produced in the States reached its all-time high, exceeding the three billion cubic meters mark. The American share of the European LNG market was 16 percent, that is, it doubled in just a year. LNG carriers scurried busily across the ocean, dumping the contents of their holds into regasification terminals from Cartagena in Spain to Tornio Manga in Finland . The main recipients of US fuel guarantees were Britain, Spain, Poland and Portugal.

    It is necessary to clarify here that we are talking only about liquefied gas, and not all consumption of the European Union as a whole.

    And then the coronavirus burst onto the world stage - and everything froze. Already in the first quarter of 2020, deliveries from the United States sank threefold and never returned to record heights, and given the minor tonality of publications in the American press, even Washington does not believe in repeated success .

    As soon as COVID-19 relaxed its stifling embrace, the global economy (and especially the industrialized countries) vigorously rushed to recover the pace of production. And then it suddenly became clear that politics and promises of help are one thing, but the free market is quite another. The record 914 billion cubic meters produced at American factories in 2020 either stayed in a country that was frozen all over Texas , then sat in the dark throughout California , or went to the Asia-Pacific region. Because the latter is always premium, that is, the prices for natural gas there are higher by default, and private sellers (the US government does not sell LNG) prefer to receive guaranteed and high profits.

    If European politicians had bothered to look through a school geography textbook, they would have learned that the Asia-Pacific region is 58 countries with a combined population of more than five billion people. But the main thing is that it is here that China is located , capable of absorbing almost any amount of energy resources. According to the International Energy Agency , Beijing has doubled its LNG purchases this year, and for this reason, including LNG plants around the world have increased production by 40 percent.

    The entire European Union, taken together, annually consumes 394 billion cubic meters of blue fuel, and the PRC - 330 billion , while the first market is practically static and grows very moderately, while the second is swelling at a faster pace. But on these same exchanges, buyers from India, Singapore and Japan are still fighting for cubic meters, gigacalories and thermal units.

    That is why, when the average price per thousand cubic meters in Europe lay in the region of $ 320, pleasant to the eye and the consumer's wallet, in the Asia-Pacific region it traded at $ 700.

    Today, American publications report that the country's underground storage facilities, like European ones, are underfilled compared to last year, and generation prices are rocketing into the sky, which is already guaranteed to lead to a sharp increase in electricity bills for the population.

    In fact, Washington, solving internal problems and continuing to retain its share in Asia , gives Gazprom carte blanche to seize the European market. Not by word, but by action, it is confirmed that there is no alternative to pipeline supplies, which alone can guarantee energy security and the restoration of the EU industry.

    For four years, the United States tried with all its might to wrest the notorious gas levers of influence on Europe from our hands, only to solemnly hand them back in the final, tied with a red gift ribbon.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:23 am

    I'm curious where Ukraine is a competition for Russia?

    Their defense industry is dead, their space agency doesn't exist, they don't have natural resources worth a damn, their industrial base is in tatters.... I could go on.

    The US does not want powerful friends, it wants obedient servants... the Ukraine fits the bill and in this case has one feature that the US wants above all else of an ally in Europe... a border with Russia.

    Broken countries are easier to control...

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    European gas imports Empty Re: European gas imports

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Oct 03, 2021 7:20 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    George1 wrote:

    This clown is a liar.  The Baltics are the ones who forced Gazprom out in favour of yanqui LNG.   They also
    cut off their link to the Russian electrical system.   Ukraine is hardly some "competition" for Russia and
    has no rights to Russian gas transit.

    Stopped watching the rest, not worth my time.

    I'm curious where Ukraine is a competition for Russia?

    Their defense industry is dead, their space agency doesn't exist, they don't have natural resources worth a damn, their industrial base is in tatters.... I could go on.

    A lot of bullshit in that video. As long as Ukraine was paying and not stealing too much gas, there was never the threat of an interruption of supply. Of course if one customer stop paying and start stealing you would want to stop having to deal with such nonsense. For that reason Russia probably do not want to deal with them and started building alternative routes.

    If western European countries later want to sell give for free gas to the ukraine or the Baltic states (after buying this gas from Russia, Qatar, the US or whomever) they will be free do it (also because in a few years the ukrainian pipelines may not have anymore any gas moving from east to west)

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