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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Regular Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:27 pm

    Nato? More like US Globohomo empire. No US, no NATO, no zionism, lgbt propaganda, no terrorism in middle east, no racegender mixing, nigga music, thug culture.

    Nato is just a symptom of US Aids. An Empire of lust, degeneracy and perversion. Pozzed to the bones.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 09, 2019 6:41 pm

    The US is crapping its pants accusing Russia of totalitarian repression of dissident voices.   Why?  Because the law on foreign agent
    activity is being tightened.   Oh, my.   Looks like the changes in the law are hitting right on target.    Foreign paid anti-Russian
    propaganda inside Russia is not "freedom of thought and expression".   It is a class of hate speech.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty The US is crapping its pants accusing Russia of totalitarian repression of dissident voices.

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 10, 2019 2:08 am

    Hahahahaha... if the US is squealing then Putin is doing the right thing... I am happy... Smile

    What it is actually dealing a blow to is Americas right to freedom of regime change any where it likes, which is something that needs to stop now.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:44 pm

    Russia has upgraded a helicopter base on the small island Gogland in the Gulf of Finland and NATO's fake stream media is
    crapping its pants like there is no tomorrow. My God what a collection of bloody hypocrites. When NATO deploys its
    military right up to the Russian border that's fine and dandy. But my oh my when Russia deploys defensive military assets
    on its own territory well removed from any NATO border, that's epic aggression. GTFO, NATO swine.


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:14 pm

    Russia should follow suit with an S-400 and an Bastion system.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:58 pm

    Hole wrote:Russia should follow suit with an S-400 and an Bastion system.

    I agree since NATO is openly talking about invading former-Koenigsberg. Once again, when NATO talks open aggression it
    is the same as angels singing, but Russia just has to move a military helicopter from one part of its territory to another to
    get NATO propaganda orifices squealing with indignation.


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 23, 2019 2:25 am

    Well it is worse than that really... from what I could tell the Russians tested a new temporary helicopter base system that can be deployed presumably anywhere from a single Mi-26... it was tested on this remote island because it was a remote island not set up for helicopter operations... effectively they flew in one Mi-26 which set up a modern capable forward helicopter air base from which helicopters of all types could operate effectively and then after they did their exercise they took it all away with them.

    Putin was there to see this, and he also had a helicopter ride and a sub ride, and that was it.

    The resulting western articles suggest that Russia is expanding its military to territory it has every right to have military forces on BTW and that Sweden and Finland need to join NATO as fast as they can so they are protected from big aggressive Russia... imagine the very idea of the expanding their military forces up north and out east and now to islands they own... the aggressive bastards... you better join NATO while you can or there will be no chance for you...

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:31 am

    Interesting read Russia should be careful of American spies :

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:12 pm

    Oh please... what is this shit... putin directly ordered for the US election to be rigged did he?

    And how the fuck did they do that?

    There is no evidence a single vote was influenced by anything Putin said or Russia did, RT spent a tiny fraction on advertising during the period on platforms like facebook...

    The problem is not that western spies have been compromised, the problem is that the spies know exactly what sort of excuses the leadership needs to cover its ass and avoid prison time so they will hint at an suggest enough to create the illusion of evidence that will get them bonus payments and promotion, and for the Clintons they get hints and innuendo that what they are claiming could be true as long as you don't check their facts and hold them to their word because they are a bunch of lying censored .

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:30 pm

    OMG, Russians like cats and use them for propaganda against the west. If you wanted an example of the intellectual bankruptcy of
    the western Russia haters, here you have it. Trying to make the Kerch Strait bridge mascot cat into something nefarious takes the
    cake. Your retarded paranoia can't account for the love of cats in Japan and the routine use of them as mascots such as this case:


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:42 pm

    Remember the recent MSM splash about a "masive" radiation leak from a sunken Soviet nuclear submarine near Norway?
    Here is the truth on the hysteria.

    No wonder nuclear power is being deprecated and thus making global warming worse. Thanks you f*cking fake stream
    media whores!


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:43 pm

    nomadski wrote:
    NATO is not a nation. EU is not a nation. Yet Russia was attacked by Napoleon and Hitler. Both nations. I think it is the fate of  coastal nations to be at odds with continental nations. But NATO is falling apart.

    You are insinuating that there is no coherence and coordination in NATO. The is obviously not true. NATO is part of the US empire and the deciders in
    Washington and its NATO quislings are goose-stepping to greater glory.


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Big_Gazza Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:53 pm

    kvs wrote:Remember the recent MSM splash about a "masive" radiation leak from a sunken Soviet nuclear submarine near Norway?  
    Here is the truth on the hysteria.  

    No wonder nuclear power is being deprecated and thus making global warming worse.   Thanks you f*cking fake stream
    media whores!

    When was the last time you ever read an article from a Western source that talks about radiation releases from either the USS Scorpion or Thresher?  Both SSNs catastrophically imploded at depth and they are both now little more than a pair of dispersed debris fields. Their reactor compartments are wrecked so radiation release to the environment is a certainty yet the USN claims they have not leaked radiation...  Utter nonsense but our corrupt media sock-puppets all parrot the company line.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:20 am

    It is all about the spin... you get freedom gas and freedom radiation...

    Chernobyl was an evil commie blight on the whole world with its radiation, but now that it is in the peace and democracy centre of europe... the Ukraine and not the evil commie Soviet Union it hardly gets a mention any more...

    Is it ironic that United States is US and Soviet Union is SU, but the proper name for the SU is USSR...

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:39 am

    I want to know what is the truth regarding General Quessen Soleimani? Here in America he is betrayed as this evil guy that killed Americans. I read a post by Garry B that he protected Iraqi Christians.  Was he as bad as portrayed or is it more complex?

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:31 pm

    He prevented ISIS from destroying Syria totally and turning it in to Libya.

    The US wanted Syria to turn into another Libya because broken countries in the middle east suit them... they can covertly steal their oil and make money, and with lots of different factions it makes bribing easier... just give them old worn out weapons you don't need any more and they are grateful to you.

    Whether US companies eventually get the contracts to pump oil or they have to do it themselves the fact that everything is broken and needs to be rebuilt means they will pump as much oil as they can because that is where their money comes from and how they pay the bills and cheap oil is what the US needs because it is dependent on oil.

    The terrorism the west accuses Iran of is simply opposition to Israeli occupation and total disregard for international laws and ability to avoid sanctions because they control the US veto and I am anti semetic for saying anything against them even if it is for their own good.
    The real terrorists you find in every other corner of the planet that are muslims tend to be Sunni... ie saudi arabian... the other branch of the religion that thinks suicide bombers and dying and killing for your religion is a good thing with all sorts of rewards... except the higher ups seem to be so wonderful that they deny themselves that honour and let new recruits get all the best virgins in heaven.

    Of course it is complex but the fact that there are Iraqis that support this guy makes you wonder how bad he could be because most people by western definition who are bad are bad to western people and not each other... Pinochet and all the nutters the west supported who brutalised entire countries are good guys till they do something against western interests than that is what makes them bad. Saddam was a good guy in the 1980s... he was fighting the good fight against Iran... and Iran was bad because in 1979 they overthrew the CIA puppet leadership... it is complex... but only if you assume the west is telling the truth. When you accept that the US and the west are lying censored then it is pretty straight forward and simple... saddam was doing something useful for us in the 1980s so he was OK... we even turned a blind eye to him gassing Kurdish seperatists... when he invaded Kuwaite and riskes invading Saudi Arabia and unifying oil in the middle east potentially creating a monopoly where he could negotiate the price of oil from a position of strength he was the devil incarnate and remained so until they murdered him. Not complex at all.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PhSt Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:07 am

    As usual, US and NATO continue to spit on Russia's face with these provocative gimmicks and then use their powerful propaganda tools to turn the story upside down and blame Russia for such incidents.


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:41 am

    Russia needs to continue to build up its military forces and to isolate its economy from NATzO blackmail and sabotage. NATzO can do
    f*ck all about Russia's growth in power and economy. Their propaganda stunts serve only as preaching to the choir. Russia does
    not need to win over brainwashed western hearts and minds. If NATzO lunatics think that they can take out Russia with a drang nach
    osten like Napoleon and Hitler, they will suffer the same fate. Total defeat.

    NATzO is just hoping that Russians themselves will crack under the propaganda attack. They think the liberast fringe in Russia has
    potential to take over. They are sadly mistaken.


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Jan 11, 2020 12:31 pm

    I love how you didn't mention that DD was a carrier escort and was keeping that Russian Intel vessel away from the carrier. Do you think we just going to let some strange ship sail up to a carrier?.

    Do you think the Russians would not do the same in that case? cause they 100 percent would. The Russian ship was probing the TF to see how they would react.

    This is normal between navies.


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty As usual, US and NATO continue to spit on Russia's face

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:49 am

    I love how you didn't mention that DD was a carrier escort and was keeping that Russian Intel vessel away from the carrier. Do you think we just going to let some strange ship sail up to a carrier?.

    The Russian ship was obeying the international rules of navigation... the US ship violated those rules, but it wasn't the Russians that made this public... this was the US military complaining about Russian behaviour and then showing a video that clearly shows the American ship was in the wrong all along.

    Do you think the Russians would not do the same in that case? cause they 100 percent would. The Russian ship was probing the TF to see how they would react.

    I have seen an enormous number of very close up photos of new Russian and Soviet ships and planes... american ex bombers with RB in their designation were shot down on a regular basis inside Soviet territory, but Russia does it too... really?

    When was the last time a Bear bomber actually aggressively flew directly up to US Airspace appearing to enter and then veering away at the last second... until that didn't work and you stopped turning on all your radars so then they started flying in to US airspace in places that were far from US air bases so they had some time to get back out before the cavalry arrived and pretend they were in international airspace all the time... didn't work every time though...

    This is normal between navies.

    This is normal between navies and the US navy... other navies tend to follow the rules.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:22 pm

    The western media is full bore spewing propaganda fiction. The usual orifices such as "The Economist" see
    tinfoil hat conspiracy where none exists. Supposedly Putin has murdered too many people to leave office so
    he is maneuvering to be leader for life. Yo, Economist swine, do the thousands of civilians butchered by Obama
    during US drone operations in the Middle East (84% bystander to 16% target kill ratio) count? Putin is smeared
    by you fake stream turds with the tin foil hat murder of Litvinenko and a handful of other "regime critics" without
    a shred of actual proof. Shove your brain dead conjectures where the sun don't shine.

    Another western fake stream media orifice is bemoaning the failure of Medvedev to move Russia away from its
    supposed dependence on oil an gas exports. Wow. Some journalism there. Oil and gas account for around 7%
    of Russia's GDP and this fraction as been systematically falling over the last 20 years, including under Medvedev's
    tenure as president and prime minister. When will I see so much concern about oil and gas export dependence
    in the case of Canada? Compared to Russia, Canada is actually dependent on oil and gas extraction and exports.


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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:03 am

    It's not that he has murdered too many people

    But he is concerned that whoever the next President is will pull a Putin-Khodorkovsky on him or rather a Khruschev and destroy his legacy and powerbase, perhaps even order some investigations.

    So he's enacting some contingencies.
    However the contingencies he's enacting will have the effect of tying the hands of the next president in favour of some unelected national security council.

    I don't know how competent the next president will be, but that's for the Russian people to decide upon, who they elect. And he should have as much opportunity to enact his vision of Russia as Putin had in his time.
    Putin is playing the unliving vampire here that wants to keep a finger on the pulse of Russia indefinitely. However that's against the Russian national interest.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:24 am

    flamming_python wrote:It's not that he has murdered too many people

    But he is concerned that whoever the next President is will pull a Putin-Khodorkovsky on him or rather a Khruschev and destroy his legacy and powerbase, perhaps even order some investigations.

    So he's enacting some contingencies.
    However the contingencies he's enacting will have the effect of tying the hands of the next president in favour of some unelected national security council.

    I don't know how competent the next president will be, but that's for the Russian people to decide upon, who they elect. And he should have as much opportunity to enact his vision of Russia as Putin had in his time.
    Putin is playing the unliving vampire here that wants to keep a finger on the pulse of Russia indefinitely. However that's against the Russian national interest.

    Arent you in Russia? So it also counts your vote too.

    I would say having the national security council to decide Russias fate way better than some liberal party that would flush it down the toilet for an iphone. These rules prevent that.

    Putin has been far better for Russia than anyone could be. There is really no other option. People are stupid in general and judging by what I read of Russians decisions on a lot of people to run for their other parties, shows the people are not much smarter than the rest of us.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:09 pm

    flamming_python wrote:It's not that he has murdered too many people

    But he is concerned that whoever the next President is will pull a Putin-Khodorkovsky on him or rather a Khruschev and destroy his legacy and powerbase, perhaps even order some investigations.

    So he's enacting some contingencies.
    However the contingencies he's enacting will have the effect of tying the hands of the next president in favour of some unelected national security council.

    I don't know how competent the next president will be, but that's for the Russian people to decide upon, who they elect. And he should have as much opportunity to enact his vision of Russia as Putin had in his time.
    Putin is playing the unliving vampire here that wants to keep a finger on the pulse of Russia indefinitely. However that's against the Russian national interest.

    Russia needs electoral council.

    People are too stupid to vote for the right candidate. Populists are the real danger. Russia should focus more on having strong government as what Putin is doing. He looks too bored to deal with domestic affairs and will take on international stage full time and this is great for Russia. He shines there and domestic affairs could be run by vetted people like Medveded and etc.

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    Western propaganda - Page 37 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Jan 20, 2020 7:05 pm

    A sample of the actual revisionism in the NATO west in the guise of a critique of "Russian revisionism"

    A diplomatic row has emerged between Russia and Poland, after scandalous comments by Russian President Vladimir Putin emerged, in which he claimed that the invasion of Poland on the 17th of September 1939 was “necessary because the Polish government lost control of the country” and bizarrely claimed that the Soviet invasion “saved many lives”.

    He further went on to accuse Poles of “negotiating with Hitler” and complained that the Poles have been dismantling Red Army memorials.

    These comments are part of an increasingly worrying trend in Russian politics, which seeks to minimise and whitewash the crimes of the USSR, in particular their post war occupation of Central and Eastern Europe and their implementation of puppet governments which kept the region under the yolk of communism for almost half a century.

    Pure spin and cherry picked quoting.

    1) The "invasion" of "Poland" by the USSR in 1939 was the retaking of lands grabbed by the Poles in their 1920 military campaign that
    actually invaded and annexed Soviet territory (eastern Belarus and Ukraine). Any discussion of the events without this context
    is pure propaganda.

    2) It is quite true that the Poland's regime was in a very weak state in 1939 and was not in any position to secure its territory in the
    face of a Nazi invasion. The USSR knew that the Nazis were planning an invasion and thereby moved pre-emptively to create
    land buffers for defense. Hitler had established a campaign of genocide so every target country was in a fight for
    survival. So being "diplomatic" and worrying about Poland's territorial integrity (over illegally seize lands) was the last
    thing on the list of concerns.

    3) The Polish regime had no intention of allying with the USSR against the Nazis so the USSR could not be expected to support
    it in 1939 in the face of a German invasion. Any support or "meddling" would have led to a military conflict with the Polish regime.
    That would be an insane waste of men and munitions in the face of a Nazi drang nach osten.

    4) The Polish regime had a non-aggression pact with Germany and did in fact negotiate with Hitler in Munich in 1938 where
    Czechoslovakia was sold down the river and Poland invaded and grabbed a piece of its territory. So, in many ways, the
    Poles were actual allies of Hitler in 1938 even this ally was preparing to invade them in 1939. How could the USSR be
    expected to respect this Nazi ally regime?

    5) The USSR's non-aggression pact with Germany was quite distinct from that of Poland. The USSR never supplied the
    Nazis any industrial and military supplies. The prime exports were grain and food and similar civilian goods. Since it
    was clear to anyone with a functional brain that Hitler was a nutjob bent on genocide and was planning to invade the
    USSR, any "pact" that would buy time for the USSR to move its factories to the Urals and to build up its military potential
    was not only sane but necessary.

    6) The so-called carve up of "Poland" by the USSR and the Nazis was nothing of the sort. Stalin had managed to secure
    a large territorial buffer by re-taking the lands annexed by Poland in 1920. That is a fail by Hitler who should have made
    conditions in the non-aggression pact for Poland's territorial integrity. The fate of Poland-proper was none of the USSR's
    concern because it was governed by a hostile regime that was playing footsie with Hitler.

    7) The USSR did in fact save many lives (in the USSR) by creating land buffers since it prevented Hitler's success. This
    is a stone hard fact that no amount of BS like the article above can obscure. All such propaganda pieces make it seem
    that it would be no big deal if Hitler had won in the east. Thus they reveal their cryptic pro-Nazis agenda.

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