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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  flamming_python Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:58 pm

    Got ourselves a new gem here Cool

    Although to be fair, it's more a publicity piece for this guy's new novel. Most 'serious' commentators rarely go down to this level, if for no other reason than fear of going too far and suffering a hit to their credibility.

    I also suspect that this guy's a bit butthurt about evidently being denied permission to enter Severomorsk, which is the actual home of Russia's Northern Fleet and where you'll see all these ships, not Murmansk as the article claims.
    All you'll really see in Murmansk is endless grey buildings, some smashed up bus stops, and in terms of sea presence it's really only docks, civilian shipping, offshore oil infrastructure and other boring stuff.

    Putin’s fortress city fuelling his propaganda machine REVEALED – Welcome to Murmansk

    FAR north beyond the Arctic Circle, within a 100 miles of Norway’s ­territory and the Nato defence line, is the city of Murmansk, home of Russia’s Northern Fleet. The naval complex is the jewel in the crown of Vladimir Putin’s military power. And as the President made very clear this week, he intends to be wearing that crown for many years to come, secure in an unassailable ­position, bolstered by his cult of personality and the ruthless suppression of opposition.
    By Gerald Seymour
    PUBLISHED: 08:00, Fri, Jan 17, 2020 | UPDATED: 08:00, Fri, Jan 17, 2020

    The majority of Russians have bought into his characterisation of their country as a global target with no choice but to protect itself with massive military investment. And, as their de facto dictator refashions his ­country’s constitution to ensure he never has to retire, nowhere offers a better ­demonstration of the firepower backing him up than Murmansk.

    Tucked away off the Kola fjord are the ­narrow fingers of deep water inlets where Russia’s staggeringly expensive fleet of ­submarines, battle cruisers, fast destroyers and frigates, and missile carriers are based.

    Huge national resources have been thrown towards the development of the warships. They are not defensive weapons but, in the event of war, would be used to attack the West, cut its Atlantic resupply routes, and dominate the ocean.

    Protecting the moorings is a new deployment of S-400 ground-to-air missiles designed to shoot down Nato aircraft and missiles long before they can get close to the bases, of which the most sensitive are those housing Russian submarines.

    Murmansk is a garrison city where the need for vigilance against foreign espionage has been constantly rammed down people’s throats. It is also the setting of my new novel, Beyond Recall.

    I needed to visit this fascinating city, gauge its mood and atmosphere, better to understand this remote and paranoid part of Putin’s Russia. To Western eyes, the concept of Nato forces launching a full-scale assault on modern Russia, out of the blue and ­without warning, is simply absurd.

    But the diet of propaganda fed by state-controlled media, along with the stream of TV material showing the Russian military preparedness – missiles streaking into the air, massive submarines at sea, and Sukhoi interceptor aircraft criss-crossing the skies – is aimed at convincing a population that the threat marks a real and present danger.

    The threat of future war and current spies is the glue that the regime of President Putin uses to hold on to the loyalties of his people. He needs to provide an eternal enemy and the Northern Fleet is the clearest example of the protection of the Motherland that, the drip-fed message goes, is provided by the Kremlin.

    And the danger to us, here in the West, of this incessant military build-up? An ever more pressing need to demonstrate the armed power of the state and continually ratchet up the risk, the threat, the danger.

    It’s the potential for high level mistakes that makes for anxiety. In my fictionalised portrayal of Murmansk, my central character and sometime hero, is an ex-corporal from the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, one of the UK’s most elite outfits.

    The character is a Syria veteran, expert in lying up in covert sites hour after hour, day after day, watching what is in front of him and all the time in extreme danger if spotted. A PTSD victim, invalided out of the Army, he has seen atrocities that have scarred him for life.

    But he is sent to Murmansk because he alone can do the “eyeball”, positively identify a Russian intelligence officer guilty of a war crime when a village was destroyed and its people massacred.

    Others, later, will provide a dose of rough justice and all my man has to do is make that identification, then hike back to the border and reach safety.

    In London that all seemed possible, but in reality, Murmansk is home to 300,000 people, most working for the government or the military, and the city endures the twin strains of the Arctic winter and the Arctic summer.

    For 40 days and nights the sun never rises over the horizon, and for the same number of days and nights the skies don’t darken.

    Workers are persuaded to stay by inflated wages, but they suffer from heart and lung problems. Mental disorders are commonplace. Both HIV and acute narcotics ­dependency are at the highest levels recorded inside Russia.

    By train, 36 hours to the south, is Moscow where the new Russian elite can flaunt their spending power in luxury hotels and glitzy shopping malls.

    The domes of St Petersburg, 29 hours away by train, are coated thickly in gold paint, but the wealth coming to Murmansk is for the hulls of submarines and their engines and torpedoes and cruise missiles, not for the families living here.

    No cranes rise over the city. There is no building boom here. The great majority of people live inside the concrete walls of the five-storey apartment blocks built in the Khrushchev days, and the nine-storey blocks from Brezhnev’s time. There is no longer any pretence of providing homes in a Soviet workers’ paradise. No football pitches, no gardens, nothing to make the grim tower blocks more attractive.

    But, and this is the clue to what makes President Putin’s state tick, the best-kept park in Murmansk is high on a hill ­overlooking the fjord and is the home of the huge war memorial, a 100-feet high concrete statue of a soldier.

    Mown lawns surround it and on a plinth in front of it an eternal flame burns. Fresh scones have been laid out, along with fruit and vodka bottles. The heroism of Russian society in the face of the German assault is hammered into today’s young people. In the museum detailing the Northern Fleet’s ­history there is barely a mention of the heroic British and Commonwealth Arctic convoy sailors who fought through atrocious weather and incessant German attacks to reach Murmansk with the munitions that sustained the Red Army.

    A smaller military memorial marks a ­disaster that again reflects Russian attitudes. Tucked away down a slope from drab ­housing blocks is the front section of the “sail”, the enormous conning tower of the Kursk, a state-of-the-art submarine that sunk with all hands when a torpedo exploded on board ­during an exercise in the Barents Sea in August 2000. Many European nations with diving expertise offered their help, but it seemed that it was better for the crew to die in a tiny space, suffocated and poisoned by fumes, than that the Russian navy should be seen to need foreign help.

    The main street in Murmansk is Lenin Prospekt. At its western end is the massive building that houses the FSB – a mix of UK’s MI5 and the American FBI. The size of the office complex is witness to the paranoia of the regime about espionage, and feeds the narrative of constant danger, constant threat.

    Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov recently claimed: “Employees of the US military attaché love to travel around in rental cars using local Russian registration which lessens the chance of them being noticed. Murmansk is an area of espionage activity.”

    The FSB is ruthless in exercising its authority as Greenpeace activists found when a stunt out in the Barents Sea to draw attention to Russian oil-drilling saw them arrested and locked up in a Murmansk jail: not an experience easy to forget.

    In the last presidential elections, any rallies in support of opposition leader Alexei Navalny were immediately ­broken up. I didn’t carry a Geiger counter when visiting Murmansk, but environmentalists condemn the area as a toxic cesspit because of decommissioned and dumped nuclear powered submarines.

    One sunken submarine with its reactor still on board lies on the seabed. Close to the Norwegian border is the town aptly named Nikel where smelters belch out columns of fumes from chimneys, and the prevailing wind carries pollution into Norway. Clean up requests are routinely ignored.

    But, if the military gets endless cash for its kit, the utilities struggle. A submarine base near Murmansk has one heating system for 10,000 crew and their families, but the ­boilers, local media report, regularly break down, this in a place where temperatures can plunge as low as -10C.

    One of the regular power cuts proved to be a catastrophe for Russia’s only aircraft ­carrier, the Kuznetsov, last year when it returned to Murmansk for a £2.5billion refit, after launching bombers over Syria.

    She was in the city’s largest dry dock when the electricity failed and the dock pumps stopped. The dock tilted, then started to sink and a crane collapsed on to the flight deck and holed it.

    I wouldn’t recommend Murmansk as a holiday destination, and its few visitors shouldn’t expect to a warm welcome, but as a good place to see the new Cold War becoming more glacial, it can hardly be bettered.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:29 pm

    When GreenPeace starts targeting western oil rigs like it does those of Gazprom, then it can get a bit of credibility.
    As it now stands this is yet another "soft" power outfit serving NATzO elites. Much like Human Rights Watch which
    paves the wave for "humanitarian" interventions by spinning local human rights abuse. Again, when HRW starts
    caring for all victims equally it will gain some credibility...

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Hole Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:53 am

    It seems the guy tried to set a new world record for the number of lies put into one article. Shocked

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:52 pm

    Hole wrote:It seems the guy tried to set a new world record for the number of lies put into one article. Shocked

    I would say so.

    No mention of sources, and a lot of bold claims.

    But its tabloid.  Even mention of it on wiki states its tabloid.

    So its not surprising tbh.

    BTW, here is Murmansk

    Looks better than downtown Winnipeg which is a shithole. Or Regina entirely.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:41 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Hole wrote:It seems the guy tried to set a new world record for the number of lies put into one article. Shocked

    I would say so.

    No mention of sources, and a lot of bold claims.

    But its tabloid.  Even mention of it on wiki states its tabloid.

    So its not surprising tbh.

    BTW, here is Murmansk

    Looks better than downtown Winnipeg which is a shithole.  Or Regina entirely.

    It's good they got down to repair works and painting the facades of buildings

    Because the city honestly did look really shit. Huge, and shit.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:43 am

    I am surprised that none of the major Russian Arctic cities collapsed during the events after 1991. It is not at all obvious that
    these cities had some sort of intrinsic economic viability since they were Soviet projects. Russia is exceptionally resilient and
    people should not whinge too much about lack of upkeep. It is only now that trickle down is reaching these cities due to the
    rebound in the center and real economic development. Expect Murmansk to be all shiny and new if the NSR takes off.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:44 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Hole wrote:It seems the guy tried to set a new world record for the number of lies put into one article. Shocked

    I would say so.

    No mention of sources, and a lot of bold claims.

    But its tabloid.  Even mention of it on wiki states its tabloid.

    So its not surprising tbh.

    BTW, here is Murmansk

    Looks better than downtown Winnipeg which is a shithole.  Or Regina entirely.

    Thanks for the context. Such information is gold and wipes out all the BS propaganda narratives. The Canadian hinterland and
    several of its provinces ain't so rich. But the average fake stream consumer sap in Russia and elsewhere thinks that every street
    in Canada is paved with gold and dollars are blowing around in the wind.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:37 pm

    So much for the independent western media myth. It is worse than actual state run media. State run media has to be sensitive
    to political conditions as are its government bosses. The NYT serves the interests of the corporate and deep state elites.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PhSt Fri Jan 24, 2020 4:19 am

    "im just a kid" , apparently it is a convenient excuse for a full grown 25 years old adult when he gets into trouble for breaking laws, notice how the piece of crap BBC propaganda is trying hard to push their narrative that the clown is in trouble because of a joke involving Putin, but mentioned very little about his jokes about Christianity which is considered a legal offence in Russia.

    A Russian comedian who made jokes about President Vladimir Putin and Christianity says he has fled the country over fears for his safety.

    Aleksandr Dolgopolov, 25, said he became concerned after learning that police were investigating footage from his stand-up performances.

    Authorities said they had received a complaint that Dolgopolov had been "insulting the feelings of believers".

    The interior ministry in Moscow confirmed police were investigating.

    "Police officers are conducting an audit, the results of which will be decided in accordance with the law," the ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

    On Thursday, Dolgopolov posted a photo on Instagram along with the caption: "We arrived! We are safe, bye. Thanks for the support!"

    As part of a stand-up performance at a small bar in St Petersburg last February, Dolgopolov made a joke about Mr Putin and his supporters.

    "Our population has split into two camps," he said, adding: "On one hand there are those who support Putin; on the other, there are those who can read, write, and reach logical conclusions."

    In footage of that performance, which was uploaded to YouTube, he also joked about Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.

    Under President Putin, Russia has implemented strict anti-blasphemy laws to protect religious beliefs and the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Dolgopolov later shared an image on social of what he said was a formal letter sent from Russia's interior ministry to the HopHead bar in St Petersburg, asking event organisers to confirm his February performance.

    He told Russian broadcaster Current Time that he was recently forced to cancel a performance in Moscow moments before taking to the stage after learning that someone had entered the venue and was questioning members of staff about him.

    "I didn't plan to be persecuted simply for joking," he said.

    'I'm just a kid'
    Speaking to the BBC's Sarah Rainsford in Moscow, Dolgopolov said he feared being jailed over his material.

    "I'm just a kid, I tell jokes, read comic books and play video games... how can it be that I'll be in jail!? It's totally insane and I'm scared to death," he said.

    "I can't share where I am right now because I'm afraid it can make things worse for me in some way. I will come back only if there will be a guarantee that I won't be imprisoned because of my beliefs.

    "I totally didn't see this coming, because it's told by the government that we in Russia have freedom of speech," he added. "I just want to do the only thing I can, and that's to make people laugh."

    The comedian's lawyer, Leonid Solovyov, confirmed that his client had left the country, but did not give further details.

    It seems the west has found another useful vermin to add to their collection of 5th columnist agitators. This guy needs to be slaughtered like a pig.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 24, 2020 4:44 am

    No need, he has nullified himself by running off to the west.

    BTW, Putin needs to change the constitution of Russia to enable the revocation of Russian citizenship from anyone. So this
    clown can stay in his precious west and clean toilets or die under some bridge as a homeless bum.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:27 am

    The second part of this video deals with some whiny Japanese article about Russia's commercial success in the nuclear field.
    The usual collection of lies and spin mixed in with some truth:

    1) Supposedly Rosatom "took advantage" (oh, my) of Westinghouse's bankruptcy to expand its market share in nuclear reactors.
    This is a pure lie.  Rosatom had 66% of the global market years before Westinghouse bankrupted.   Russia and the USSR have
    always had a "low" (i.e. reasonable price) while western companies such as Westinghouse engage in price gouging.   Look
    at every freaking project in the west for nuclear reactor construction.   All of them exceed $7 billion US and routinely blow up
    to $14 billion or higher.   Russia does not have such corruption and completes its reactor construction projects within reasonable
    tolerance in time and price.   The whiny Jap hit piece proceeds to claim that Russia is "subsidizing" its nuclear reactor exports.
    And the Moon is made out of green cheese.   Russia only sells its reactors to make money, the days of Soviet charity to
    assorted 3rd world countries are over.   Japan needs to stop sucking Washington's smelly cock and buy a clue about rational
    pricing of mega projects.

    2) The Lomonosov floating power plant is smeared up and down like there is no tomorrow.  They actually call it a floating Chernobyl.
    Yeah, when hate-filled retards write imbecilic screeds, facts make them look like clowns.   Suppose there was a melt-down in this
    power plant.  Then, the core would sink into the sea and freeze solid since there would be an endless supply of cooling water.
    Much like lava does not boil off the ocean.  In fact, the escape of corium from the Lomonosov would be very limited much like
    the "pillow lava" formation.   There would be some dissolution but nowhere near as bad as the Fukushima case where they
    basically dumped all the radiation into the ocean by using salt water to cool the melted reactor cores and flush the outflow back
    into the ocean.   Millions of tons of water were and still are being circulated in this fashion (hence all the yapping about storing
    this water are utter BS).   So dissolved corium is being dumped into the Pacific.  

    For bitches whinging about Chernobyl, the Japs take the hypocrisy cake.   Fukushima is actually worse than Chernobyl since
    all four reactors experienced core meltdowns and not just one.   The prime difference is that Chernobyl was a graphite reactor
    and burned for weeks releasing a lot of corium into the air (most of it fell out in the exclusion zone, but the finer aerosol drifted
    over Belarus and part over Europe).   Japan was fortunate to be able to dump the corium into the Pacific Ocean.  

    They also go on about terrorists attacking this plant.   Yeah, by that train of thought, all reactors are exposed.   As if Russia
    has no concept of security and has no under-water monitors to make sure some terrorist "Seal" team doesn't plant explosives
    on the hull.  

    3) Boiler plate claims (totally unsubstantiated) that Russia is covering up information about its nuclear industry and putting people's
    lives at risk.   Seriously, I can't take any such drivel seriously.   You can smear anyone with such lies.    The onus is on the accused
    to "prove their innocence" instead of the accuser to show a shred of evidence.   Of course they use the accident during the military
    testing of new reactors last year as their "evidence".   Since when have military activities been mixed with civilian ones.   And since
    when are military R&D projects supposed to be transparent to the global public.    This Jap hit piece is smearing Rosatom with military

    Of course, Russia is also engaging in control of foreign countries by selling them nuclear reactors.   Because when France and the USA
    sell reactors they are only doing God's holy charitable work.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:05 pm

    Yet more bloody hypocrisy from the self-anointed guiding lights of humanity called the west.

    They are bitching at Russia for daring to burn some of the garbage that it produces. Greenpeace Russia, as to be
    expected, is a fifth column mouthpiece to launder the slander. These hate propagandists totally ignore that
    Russia actually processes its own plastic waste and imports it from Turkey, Germany, Japan and others for processing.
    Compared to Canada, USA and most of the EU, Russia is a saint in terms of waste management. Unlike these
    sick hypocrites, it does not dump its plastic waste in the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean.

    Note the pseudo-science drivel spewed by western fucks, they claim that burning garbage is a big source of
    CO2. This is highly misleading since burning paper contributes precisely zero net CO2 to the atmosphere
    since paper is made from wood which is made from atmospheric CO2 by plants. Russia is clearly not burning
    the plastic which is made from fossil fuels.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:49 am

    The reality of life in the EU member Latvia. A social-Darwinian toilet where you have to pay taxes even if you are unemployed.
    That's right, we have the case of one man who paid over $9000 euro into a particular health tax and has not gotten one red cent
    of it back in health services. Health care in Latvia is semi-private in terms of endless fees for everything. So people pay taxes
    and fees totally out of the scope of sanity.

    So if you don't pay your "health tax" when you are unemployed then the state converts it in an automatic debt accumulation which
    eventually leads to the confiscation of any property the unemployed person has. At the same time this "debt" is used to deny
    access to health services.

    NATzO can take its phony "freedom" and shove it where the sun don't shine.

    BTW, may western Ukrainian family enables me to know that before WWII, the Polish occupants of western Ukraine (and Belorus)
    (after their 1920 land grab) would impose all sorts of discriminatory taxes on Ukrainians that would not be imposed on Polaks.
    This included nonsense such a special dog tax or whatever the Polish tax commissar faked up to his fancy. Funny how
    Banderastanis love to suck Polish cock today. They always forget the history of the treatment of Ukrainians at the hands of
    the Poles. This included the Polish favourite of impaling Ukrainians on sharpened poles.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:07 am

    Boston Dynamics is engaged in Moon landing style hoaxes. Their so called robot that is jumping up a series of boxes is a video
    fraud. There is no point in programming a robot to imitate human motor neuron reflexes since it is using other balancing approaches.
    Note that no robot is a muscle-equivalent of a human. It does not have the same limb joints either so it cannot be using human
    style balancing through the swaying of arms and torso.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:50 am

    The website "Russia Insider" is a western Nazi troll outfit. It started off posing as some pro-Russian alt-news source
    but has consistently drifted into Nazi apologia including this crap:

    The above article is a lie.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:57 pm

    The yanquis are whinging that Russia is "pursuing its satellites".   Hilarious butthurt from the self-anointed
    exceptionalists.  Until a yanqui satellite is actually attacked, the yanquis have no legal case to bitch and
    whine.   They are acting as if they own the LEO orbits of Earth and Russians are "trespassing".  Sod off
    you sore losers.   You are just bitter that Russia is developing leading edge space technology.   The kind
    that your shysters like Elon Musk can't.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:25 pm

    Canadian "freedom". bounce

    BTW, the political orientation of the victim of this government harassment is not relevant and I don't subscribe to it.
    We see why the western MSM is full time spewing hate at Russia. That is to divert attention from the 3rd world
    "freedom" in the west.

    I am sure some NATzO drone will chime in and claim that they are not oppressed. That is because you are a good
    little drone who does not rock the boat. So don't bitch about the "oppression" of Navalny and other 5th column
    agitators in Russia. If you behaved like them, you would be crushed under the heel of your "freedom-loving" regimes.


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PhSt Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:58 am

    Meanwhile, Liberat 5th columnist Pigs are Bitching against the arrest and conviction of several members of their Saboteur cells inside Russia. Now because of their "Experience" in influencing court decisions in relation to the case involving the 3 women who murdered their Father during his sleep, Expect the Reinvigorated 5th column Bitchers to be out in Force on the streets again. Well oiled and funded by their NATO handlers, these whores will stop at nothing to destroy all of Russia. Someone needs to step forward and do the right thing, drive a 10 wheeler truck and run over these vermins.

    Russia jails members of 'non-existent' terror group Set

    Seven Russian anarchists and anti-fascist activists have been handed lengthy jail terms on terror charges.

    A court in the city of Penza sentenced the men - said to be part of a group known as Set, meaning Network - to between six and 18 years in penal colonies.

    Russian authorities say they were plotting to overthrow the government.

    But rights groups and lawyers say the charges were fabricated, and the men were tortured into confessing.

    Prominent opposition figure Alexei Navalny described the sentences as "horrific" in a tweet, and called the Set group a "fictitious terrorist organisation".

    A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly said he was aware of the case and had ordered authorities "to make sure everything is in line with the law", but would not intervene.



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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:44 am

    PhSt wrote:Meanwhile, Liberat 5th columnist Pigs are Bitching against the arrest and conviction of several members of their Saboteur cells inside Russia. Now because of their "Experience" in influencing court decisions in relation to the case involving the 3 women who murdered their Father during his sleep, Expect the Reinvigorated 5th column Bitchers to be out in Force on the streets again. Well oiled and funded by their NATO handlers, these whores will stop at nothing to destroy all of Russia. Someone needs to step forward and do the right thing, drive a 10 wheeler truck and run over these vermins.

    Russia jails members of 'non-existent' terror group Set

    Seven Russian anarchists and anti-fascist activists have been handed lengthy jail terms on terror charges.

    A court in the city of Penza sentenced the men - said to be part of a group known as Set, meaning Network - to between six and 18 years in penal colonies.

    Russian authorities say they were plotting to overthrow the government.

    But rights groups and lawyers say the charges were fabricated, and the men were tortured into confessing.

    Prominent opposition figure Alexei Navalny described the sentences as "horrific" in a tweet, and called the Set group a "fictitious terrorist organisation".

    A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly said he was aware of the case and had ordered authorities "to make sure everything is in line with the law", but would not intervene.


    For context, note that the USA routinely jails various survivalist types that engage in much more mild "sedition" than these
    clowns. The British Bullshit Corporation won't tell you about them:


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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty BRITISH MEDIA

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:52 pm

    Friendly reminder regarding the BBC, they protected the pedophile Jimmy Saville.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PhSt Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:50 am

    Ah yes it seems NATO has found yet another useful idiot that is worthy of praise for being DEFIANT against Russian authorities. I wonder if she will get the same praise for her "Courageous" and "Heroic" act if she tried to escape quarantine in a NATO occupied country Rolling Eyes

    Russia coronavirus: Woman who fled hospital defies police

    A Russian woman who was put into a coronavirus quarantine but escaped is resisting attempts by officials to bring her back to hospital by force.

    Alla Ilyina, 32, is currently in her flat in the city of St Petersburg, refusing to open the door to police.

    Ms Ilyina, who returned from China last month, says she tested negative for the virus on 6 February but was told to remain quarantined for two weeks.

    Frustrated, she disabled an electronic lock at the hospital and fled.

    On her Instagram account, Ms Ilyina, a university graduate with a diploma in physics, says she had a sore throat soon after returning to Russia from China's holiday island of Hainan on 30 January.

    On 6 February, she decided to call an ambulance and was put in the Botkin clinical infectious disease hospital in Russia's second-largest city.

    Tests showed she had no virus, but the following day, as a precaution, she was ordered to stay in hospital for two weeks, believed to be the maximum incubation period of the Covid-19 virus.

    "All three tests showed I was completely healthy, so why the hell the quarantine?" Ms Ilyina wrote.

    Later that day, she says, she short-circuited the electronic lock and fled the hospital. She even drew a map of the building to plan her escape route.

    Ms Ilyina says the city authorities took no action for almost a week.

    But now they are seeking a court order to forcefully bring her back to hospital to stay quarantined until at least 19 February.

    The coronavirus outbreak has so far killed more than 1,350 people in China and has spread to more than 20 countries, including Russia, which has reported two cases. Both are Chinese nationals, and one of them has since recovered and left hospital.

    Russian authorities have airlifted from China at least 144 Russian nationals. They are now in a two-week quarantine in a fenced-off facility in Siberia.

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    Post  kvs Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:37 am

    Shoot on sight. If this scumbag causes one death by spreading the disease, then she is guilty of first degree murder.


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    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 14, 2020 5:55 am

    "All three tests showed I was completely healthy, so why the hell the quarantine?" Ms Ilyina wrote.

    Fucken selfish bitch... if you were completely healthy then why the fuck did you go to the hospital in the first place.

    Equally what if you are carrying the virus but are not effected by it... are you prepared to kill your family and neighbours because you feel OK you selfish bitch.

    The incubation period is 14 days so she might appear fine now but on day 13 she might die from it....

    That is the point of a quarantine period... if you have it then it will show up in 14 days... the whole purpose of quarantine is to prevent the spread of the disease... by fleeing the hospital you endanger your entire community you selfish bitch.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:33 am

    Better idea is quarantine her at home. If she refuses to open the door, cordon her off in her own home.

    She is a stupid bitch.

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    Western propaganda - Page 38 Empty Russia coronavirus: Woman who fled hospital defies police

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:37 am

    And all her neighbours as a precaution... I am sure that will make her super popular with them...

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