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Walther von Oldenburg
par far
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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  jhelb Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:26 pm

    Another attack carried out by Muslim terrorists today

    A Greek Orthodox priest has been fatally shot while closing his church in Lyon

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:42 am

    House of Windsor controls the US government through various channels - Clintons, Protestant Churches, Rothschilds, Soros, FOX, think tanks etc.

    The Clintons can't even rig an election... they rigged the candidacy for Hilary but couldn't beat Trump...  money controls US governments... but not just any money and clearly not old money of the same party would keep getting in all the time...

    It would be more consistent if there really was control there.

    Meaning you haven't seen the pictures of the Queen performing a Nazi salute? Or The Duke and Duchess of Windsor meeting Adolf Hitler? Or Prince Harry wearing a Nazi uniform?

    I haven't seen video footage of the Queen taking a piss,  but I just assume she does... what are you trying to say... you think the world is run by nazis?

    You think the british are secretly all nazis?

    If any of that were true then surely the Ukrainians and Latvians and Estonians and Lithuanians would be the most powerful force in Europe right now as they openly celebrate their nazi history and show nazi emblems on uniforms... yet those idiots are killing themselves economically by cutting themselves off from their main customer and source of income to embrace a bunch of tree hugging fags that want them to take more of their fair share of economic migrants from countries they (the EU) have bombed and they (the Baltic states and Ukraine) have not bombed... yet...

    Deep State comprises elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern any country. Snowden correctly mentioned that Presidents may come and go but the Deep State never leaves.

    Already common knowledge for anyone who watched the TV Series "Yes, Minister" and the follow on series "Yes, Prime Minister".

    Observe how bureaucrats, politicians, royal families from countries across the world send their kids, wards to study in UK regularly.

    Nothing to do with the Royals and all about ego and eliteism... which those schools encourage so they can make a large fortune on enormous fees being charged to these mindless wannabe social climbers.

    Yet Putin with his enormous powers both political and military chooses not to hit back at the UK.

    His responses are reciprocal and are gauged to damage the UK and not damage Russian interests.

    On the contrary UK based companies continue to win lucrative Oil & Gas deals in Russia. Guess why. Because Putin too is controlled by the royal family. Putin was selected to lead Russia by Yelstin - a royal family loyalist.

    If that were true then why does the UK despise Putin? Surely if he was their bitch they would be doing the opposite of what they do now and take advantage of the situation... and get into that enormous market that the rest of Europe and the US are actively blocking from their own companies...

    Assuming that income is earned legally.

    Bullshit. Most Russian billionaires made their money by asset stripping perfectly good Russian state owned companies... they fired most of the work force, pinched all the pension fund money, sold anything not bolted down and then sold the company on for enormous amounts of money with the help of assholes like Browder...  they also take in arab shieks running away from some disaster at home... caught with their dick in something they shouldn't have.... but with your money you can go and live in the UK...

    Many countries wont look too hard at where the money came from.

    In 2016 the UK's National Crime Agency estimated that £90bn of criminal money is laundered through Britain each year. Yet UK government does nothing to clamp down on these illegal practices.

    It is too important as a part of GDP to consider... I remember the Brits threatened Putin that they would investigate and seize money from Russians living in Britain... Putin laughed out loud and told them to go right ahead because most were criminals running away from tax bills or prison terms in Russia, so if the Brits want to seize that money they could go right ahead because it is already lost to Russia...

    Grooming gangs ( mostly comprising men of Pakistani descent ) are basically sex offenders who force young women into prostitution. The royal family has a long history of producing pedophiles. And UK has a long history of pedophilia coverups.

    Is the Roman Catholic Church any different... and what about in the US where directors used their positions to get young female actors to sleep with them to get parts... of course you can blame the men, but women have been using sex as a way of getting things for hundreds of thousands of years... it is modern times it is seen as bad... and of course the ones who don't want to go that far to get parts...

    Considering he is offering them a chance at a career that could earn them millions of dollars I would think most would just shut up because the sluts that slept with them got the parts... the only victims were the ones that slept with them and didn't get the parts...

    Jimmy Savile, a BBC children’s television presenter feted by the Royal Family abused 450 victims, mostly boys and girls as young as eight over 50 years

    He was a censored  and further proof that the BBC are evil.

    Another attack carried out by Muslim terrorists today

    A Greek Orthodox priest has been fatally shot while closing his church in Lyon

    The guy was targeted... this wasn't terrorism... this was revenge... he was about to be moved to another place so I suspect he was fiddling with the kids or some such thing.

    It is an extreme accusation to make and normally I would avoid making such an accusation, but to get someone to shoot you it needs to be extreme and sadly churches around the world have hidden such monsters for so long that all can be assumed to be tainted with hiding and protecting the animals and ignoring the victims , so I will not apologise.

    Last edited by GarryB on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Sujoy Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:25 pm

    The Pentagon project Operation Timber Sycamore that spawned ISIS was the brainchild of former CIA Director General David Petraeus. It is now coordinated by the investment fund KKR, established by Henry Kravis and whose military activities are led by Petraeus.

    Recently at a high level meeting at London a blueprint for the return of East India Company was drafted.

    Called Vision 2020 the scheme was a brainchild of an American consultancy firm born out of US military, McKinsey and the Big Four.

    By all means fight against Islamic terrorism in your country. Islamic terrorism is the latest tool in the hands of the royal family and the cronies they sponsor to establish their much cherished New World order through their highly successful Divide & Conquer strategy. But you can't win this war unless the major backers of Islamic terrorism are eliminated.

    All these extremists groups Islamic terrorist, White supremacist, Hindu supremacist, Buddhist supremacist, BLM are created by the royal family through their Deep State asset. They will use Islamic terrorism to create fear and hate in the minds of non Muslims, will use white/hindu/buddhist supremacist groups to create fear among people not from these communities.  The House of Windsor derive maximum mileage by keeping people of different ethnicity, faith at each others throat. While the royal family itself will act as an arbitrator in this process.

    Islamic terrorism is not just the only weapon that the royal family has. For instance, their sidekicks Rockefeller & Clinton Foundation have developed a series of COVID apps which will tightly control your post-covid life. The initiative is launched by non-profit trust Commons Project Foundation which is part of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset agenda.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  LMFS Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:47 pm


    I don't know if the proper name is the House of Windsor, Anglo-Zionist establishment or what, but you are spot on in some of your points.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Sujoy Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:46 pm

    LMFS wrote:@Sujoy:

    I don't know if the proper name is the House of Windsor, Anglo-Zionist establishment or what, but you are spot on in some of your points.
    House of Windsor is a proper noun. They are the reigning royal house not just of the United Kingdom but some other Commonwealth realms.

    Anglo-Zionist establishment is an abstract noun that defines a de facto alliance between Israel and the Anglo-Saxon states.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:47 am

    The Pentagon project Operation Timber Sycamore that spawned ISIS was the brainchild of former CIA Director General David Petraeus. It is now coordinated by the investment fund KKR, established by Henry Kravis and whose military activities are led by Petraeus.

    Everyone knows the US created ISIS... it is basically what was Saddams loyal followers and military leaders that were suddenly out of a job when the US invaded Iraq and threw them out of power but didn't lock them up.

    Just the same as an ex British intel guy created the White Helmets... big deal... the British royal family had nothing to do with either.

    By all means fight against Islamic terrorism in your country. Islamic terrorism is the latest tool in the hands of the royal family and the cronies they sponsor to establish their much cherished New World order through their highly successful Divide & Conquer strategy. But you can't win this war unless the major backers of Islamic terrorism are eliminated.

    The US and UK have long used the enemies of their enemies to fight for their interests... it backfired on them in 11/9 but they continue to do it anyway...

    All these extremists groups Islamic terrorist, White supremacist, Hindu supremacist, Buddhist supremacist, BLM are created by the royal family through their Deep State asset. They will use Islamic terrorism to create fear and hate in the minds of non Muslims, will use white/hindu/buddhist supremacist groups to create fear among people not from these communities. The House of Windsor derive maximum mileage by keeping people of different ethnicity, faith at each others throat. While the royal family itself will act as an arbitrator in this process.

    They have no control over very much at all and certainly no control over the monsters they create, but they don't care as long as the monsters mostly damage their enemies like Assad etc.

    Islamic terrorism is not just the only weapon that the royal family has. For instance, their sidekicks Rockefeller & Clinton Foundation have developed a series of COVID apps which will tightly control your post-covid life. The initiative is launched by non-profit trust Commons Project Foundation which is part of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset agenda.

    My two phones are too old to run any Covid tracking software, so they are wasting their time with me... but even if they sent me a brand new phone... I don't care if they track me that way... it is not like there are not dozens of other ways to track people generally anyway... it is not like I care about being watched...

    They are the reigning royal house not just of the United Kingdom but some other Commonwealth realms.

    Token leadership that never visits or even takes part in politics...


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Scorpius Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:31 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Fun Fact: VVP's highest approval ratings are in Chechnya, sitting at approximately 90% approval rating in any given year.

    Because people there have tried what it means to live under Sharia law in the understanding of Islamist bandits - and now there is almost a built-up infrastructure from scratch. Seriously, it is enough to see the modern city of Grozny to understand the difference.

    There is a rather funny video about a Ukrainian blogger's trip to Grozny during the 2018 world Cup and his impressions of the city.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:01 pm

    Scorpius wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:Fun Fact: VVP's highest approval ratings are in Chechnya, sitting at approximately 90% approval rating in any given year.

    Because people there have tried what it means to live under Sharia law in the understanding of Islamist bandits - and now there is almost a built-up infrastructure from scratch. Seriously, it is enough to see the modern city of Grozny to understand the difference.

    There is a rather funny video about a Ukrainian blogger's trip to Grozny during the 2018 world Cup and his impressions of the city.  

    Russia is also following the approach that it did before 1917 of leaving Chechens to live their lives like they want. Of course they
    are not as free to become part of some Saudi greater caliphate project. But if they were ruled by Turkey, then they would have
    way more micromanagement.


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Regular Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:05 am

    Muslim MMA fighters like Khabib really disappointed me and many Russians online when they supported terrorist attack in France.

    I think Russia still has to keep an eye on muslims in Russia for maybe another decade until post ISIS romanticism fades out.

    At least those muslim radicals in Russia are so domesticated that they moved to Call of Duty and Counter strike and don't lift their ass to do anything, but still Russia has to keep an eye on pro-terrorist sentiment online.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:11 am

    Regular wrote:Muslim MMA fighters like Khabib really disappointed me and many Russians online when they supported terrorist attack in France.

    I think Russia still has to keep an eye on muslims in Russia for maybe another decade until post ISIS romanticism fades out.

    At least those muslim radicals in Russia are so domesticated that they moved to Call of Duty and Counter strike and don't lift their ass to do anything, but still Russia has to keep an eye on pro-terrorist sentiment online.

    This Khabib asshole is hated in Russia, only people in Chechnya and Dagestan like him.

    He is a scum that will always support the terrorists.

    Most muslims support the terrorists, that is why they did not condemn the attacks in France but they condemned France.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Nov 08, 2020 1:35 am

    Regular wrote:Muslim MMA fighters like Khabib really disappointed me and many Russians online when they supported terrorist attack in France.

    I think Russia still has to keep an eye on muslims in Russia for maybe another decade until post ISIS romanticism fades out.

    At least those muslim radicals in Russia are so domesticated that they moved to Call of Duty and Counter strike and don't lift their ass to do anything, but still Russia has to keep an eye on pro-terrorist sentiment online.

    Why feel bothered over Khabib's opinion? France supported the Chechen and Dagastani extremist's and white washed their terror attacks, and they sent hundred's of millions (if not billions) of dollars worth of weapons for Jihadists in Syria, and how come the west never (on social media) ever show support for Russia or Syria when terror attacks happen there? Stop wasting your time feeling sorry for Western idiots, and I can't even recall one time their was a massive protest rally held in the Western world against Western govt.'s providing weapons to Jihadists in Syria. NATO had 10's (perhaps 100's) of thousands of Jihadist sleeper cells in their countries on stand by, and they refused to liquidate them (you know the reason why). No need to feel sorry for them, they brought this stupid shit on to themselves!

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:11 am

    par far wrote:...This Khabib asshole is hated in Russia, only people in Chechnya and Dagestan like him.

    He is a scum that will always support the terrorists....

    He is a superstar and a role model in Russia and you are talking out of your ass

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:50 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    par far wrote:...This Khabib asshole is hated in Russia, only people in Chechnya and Dagestan like him.

    He is a scum that will always support the terrorists....

    He is a superstar and a role model in Russia and you are talking out of your ass

    In the Muslim parts, yes but from what I have seen, not anywhere else.

    When he faced Conor McGregor, there was a soccer match in Moscow between the Moscow team and a Dagestani team. And the crowd was chanting McGregor, McGregor, McGregor.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Nov 08, 2020 2:41 pm

    I've just read an article claiming that by 2030 Muslims will make up 30% of the population in Russia and may make up 50% by 2050.

    It's a bit worrying.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:44 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I've just read an article claiming that by 2030 Muslims will make up 30% of the population in Russia and may make up 50% by 2050.

    It's a bit worrying.

    So in 10 years, somehow Muslim population will jump by 20% in Russia?

    Yeah, give me a break.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Scorpius Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:30 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I've just read an article claiming that by 2030 Muslims will make up 30% of the population in Russia and may make up 50% by 2050.

    It's a bit worrying.
    1. I do not believe that the Muslim population of 30-35% is a problem for Russia.
    2. Estimates of growth to 50% by 2050 are overly optimistic.
    3. in the next 10-15 years, the birth rate is expected to equalize between the Islamic and traditionally Orthodox regions. So I think that the real growth of the share of Muslims in Russia will be limited to about 25%.

    In any case, we will be able to talk about this in just 10 years.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:33 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I've just read an article claiming that by 2030 Muslims will make up 30% of the population in Russia and may make up 50% by 2050.

    It's a bit worrying.

    If everyone else stops procreating then yes, they will

    Do you have a link to this article? I doubt it's from anything resembling reputable source

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:39 pm

    Scorpius wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I've just read an article claiming that by 2030 Muslims will make up 30% of the population in Russia and may make up 50% by 2050.

    It's a bit worrying.
    1. I do not believe that the Muslim population of 30-35% is a problem for Russia.
    2. Estimates of growth to 50% by 2050 are overly optimistic.
    3. in the next 10-15 years, the birth rate is expected to equalize between the Islamic and traditionally Orthodox regions. So I think that the real growth of the share of Muslims in Russia will be limited to about 25%.

    In any case, we will be able to talk about this in just 10 years.

    Problem is, people were saying this about 15 years ago. Never came to fruition. Simply put, they always been stuck around the 7 - 14% population mark.

    People just equate non Russians (guests in the country and not actual citizens) in the equation too. And that is just wrong.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:41 pm

    Russia is making sure that places like Chechnya develop and do not remain agrarian breeding grounds. Urbanization
    and increased standards of living naturally attenuate birth rates since children become a major expense instead of
    a free source of labour needed for family survival.

    So in 10 years, somehow Muslim population will jump by 20% in Russia?

    Even 1.025^10 = 1.28 which is nowhere near 3.0. I think the morons took the 20% from natural growth
    of this subset of the national population and interpreted it as 20% of the total population. They also
    assumed that the rest of the population would not change. This intellectually insulting drivel passes for

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:45 pm

    kvs wrote:Russia is making sure that places like Chechnya develop and do not remain agrarian breeding grounds.   Urbanization
    and increased standards of living naturally attenuate birth rates since children become a major expense instead of
    a free source of labour needed for family survival.

    So in 10 years, somehow Muslim population will jump by 20% in Russia?

    Even 1.025^10 = 1.28 which is nowhere near 3.0.    I think the morons took the 20% from natural growth
    of this subset of the national population and interpreted it as 20% of the total population.   They also
    assumed that the rest of the population would not change.   This intellectually insulting drivel passes for

    And members on this forum who cannot think beyond what is told to them.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Scorpius Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:58 pm

    kvs wrote:Russia is making sure that places like Chechnya develop and do not remain agrarian breeding grounds.   Urbanization
    and increased standards of living naturally attenuate birth rates since children become a major expense instead of
    a free source of labour needed for family survival.

    So in 10 years, somehow Muslim population will jump by 20% in Russia?

    Even 1.025^10 = 1.28 which is nowhere near 3.0.    I think the morons took the 20% from natural growth
    of this subset of the national population and interpreted it as 20% of the total population.   They also
    assumed that the rest of the population would not change.   This intellectually insulting drivel passes for

    The most recent source of this data, which is discussed here, is the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Ravil Gainutdin. Tellingly, this article appeared in such a "trusted source" as RBC.

    According to official data, there were only 16 million Muslims in Russia in 2019. Thus, in order to achieve a share of 30% of the population by 2030, they would need to increase their number at least 3 times. Undoubtedly, some people are willing to count migrant workers from Central Asian republics as part of the "Muslims of Russia", but I do not think that these data are worth anything at all, since no one can say exactly how many people are currently in Russia illegally. The figures may range from 3-7 million people, which still has little effect on the total number of Muslims in Russia.

    And one more thing. As for the "aggressive Muslims" that the Western media is trying to scare us with. The fact is that the main number of all sorts of criminal bastards, mistakenly posing as Muslims, quickly moved from Russia to the West after the second Chechen war and the subsequent large-scale operations to eliminate criminal Islamist groups on the territory of Russia. Someone escaped to the middle East (greetings to the Syrian campaign, during which our troops disposed of about 6-9 thousand of these "soldiers of Islam" who escaped from the Caucasian republics). Well, the West got exactly what it deserved by hosting criminal Islamists who fled retribution from Russia. And Russia warned about possible consequences back then.
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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:11 pm

    I assumed the number of Muslims in Russia is already closer to 20%. Which would make growth to 30% until 2030-35 not impossible with high migration.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:00 pm

    If you wanna slow down any population growth than all you need to do is:

    A) Empower the Women, Careers and Education have always led to fertility decline.

    B) Welfare and more Welfare, also a great way cut the dependence on Men and move it towards the Government.

    C) Give Women the Vote, so that the above 2 happen regardless over time.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:11 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I assumed the number of Muslims in Russia is already closer to 20%. Which would make growth to 30% until 2030-35 not impossible with high migration.

    Russia does not have any real immigration from Islamic countries. That would be the EU and its PC identity politics retardation.

    A 50% population increase in 10 years would require annual growth of just under 4.2%. Such growth rates are not found anywhere
    on the planet:

    None of the Muslim regions of Russia and especially none of the Muslim population living dispersed in Russian cities
    has a natural population growth of over 3% per year. The over 4% you see in Chechnya and Ingushetia is due to
    returning refugees. Daghestan gives a natural baseline and its growth is only 2.3%.

    This topic is a rehash of the propaganda during the 1980s that the USSR would be dominated by its Muslim population
    by the 2030s. So it is pathetic cold war propaganda coming back for a second try but this time as a total joke when
    the original propaganda had a grain of truth.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 4 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Nov 08, 2020 8:08 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I assumed the number of Muslims in Russia is already closer to 20%. Which would make growth to 30% until 2030-35 not impossible with high migration.

    Around 10%.

    It was 7% in 2010. 10 years it didn't rise by 13%>

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