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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1


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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:39 am

    Fifth-generation aircraft entered service in the Russian Air Force in 2015

    By 2015, Russia adopted the Air Force received the fifth-generation aircraft, reported to head the Air Force Colonel General Alexander Zelina.

    "In the short term (by 2015) weapons system tactical aircraft the Air Force will have a run at the present time, armed with a fourth-generation aviation systems, aviation systems modernized generation 4 + and 4 + +, as well as promising fifth-generation aircraft systems," - said head.

    Zelina also said that "in the second half of 2009, the aircraft went on test flights."

    Speaking about the main characteristics of new aircraft, Zelina stated that "it will become a reality sverhmanevrennost, intellectualization high side, the circular information field, low visibility, vserakursny firing purposes."

    "Among the qualities of military aircraft should be noted multichannel use of weapons, the possibility of a simultaneous attack of several air targets and ground precision weapons, a powerful set of on-board defense, high efficiency and safety", - said Russian military aircraft head.

    Distinctive features of prospective aviation complex of new generation will versatility (ability to meet the challenges of defeat both air and ground targets in all weather and time of day); sverhmanevrennost (possibility to make controlled flight at low speeds and high angles of attack), low visibility in the optical, infrared and radar wavelengths, the ability to take off, and sit down, using parts of runway length of 300-400 meters.

    Combat aircraft of the new generation will be able to make long flights at supersonic speeds with multiple refueling in the air, have a new electronics and maximum automation of the flight, Interfax reports.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Vladislav Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:47 pm

    Good to see they are sticking with the original schedule. I was affraid they were going to move it up two years like the USAF did with F-35.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Admin Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:00 am

    Russian fighter 5 first generation raised in the air at the end of the year

    Air Force Russia plan to fly fifth-generation fighter in November-December this year, told reporters on Tuesday the Russian air force head General-Colonel Alexander Zelina.

    "In November, we must fly, as a last resort - in December, but in any event, this year we will raise the car" - said Zelina, responding to a question on the timing of flight tests of the newest fighter aircraft.

    Fifth-generation fighter aircraft, which in Russia is also known as a promising front-line aviation aircraft complex (PAK FA), is developed from the 1990's.

    Zelina said that it is now finished assembling the first flying model.

    Three samples have already been established by the state defense order for the tests, "- he added.

    The general also said that together with India, Russia intends to create the fifth-generation fighter aircraft markings UB (military training).

    "Now we are creating a car with a single pilot, with India, we are inclined to produce Spark - Zelina said.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Russia Air Force admits problems in 5th-generation jet engines

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:17 pm

    Russia Air Force admits problems in 5th-generation jet engines

    ZHUKOVSKY, August 20 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Air Force chief acknowledged on Thursday faults in engines for a fifth-generation fighter jet currently being developed.

    The Advanced Front-Line Aviation Complex (PAK FA) plane is set to replace the Air Force's fourth-generation fighters, namely, the Su-27 Flanker and the MiG-29 Fulcrum.

    Speaking at the MAKS air show outside Moscow, Alexander Zelin said: "For the time being the aircraft will use Saturn engines. There are problems, I admit, but research is continuing."

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Weapons for fifth-generation fighter

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:07 pm

    Weapons for fifth-generation fighter

    Corporation Tactical Missiles "Russia is preparing a new plane the whole arsenal

    Stand Corporation Tactical Missiles (KTRV) at the international aerospace show MAKS-2009 in the pavilion D9 was impossible not to notice. Not only because he held the lion's total exposure area of the pavilion. But for the simple reason that pass indifferently by a half dozen offered for that site of different-sized, but very stern, and then hide in their beautiful air and naval missiles, not making out carefully each of them, carefully not asked the specialists of the company and their tactics performance characteristics and combat capabilities, certainly would have been higher than normal human strength. Especially bearing in mind that beauty is not visited by ordinary spectators, and, as a rule, experts on military technology. And for them to see something new and interesting - it is certainly a gift of fate.

    "Succumbed to this temptation, and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin of Russia. During a visit to the air show on the opening day, he specially went to the stand Corporation, a careful inspection of its exposure, and long enough (people observed a time - 12 minutes and 21 seconds. - VL) talked there with the director general Boris Obnossov KTRV.

    MISSILE "highlight"

    And to show that the corporation was. Here and new aircraft guided missile X-59MK2, intended to destroy important installations in the enemy's tactical depth. For example, a fixed well-defended ground targets such as command posts with known or explored coordinates. Including carefully camouflaged with no radar, infrared and optical contrast to the surrounding background. Although enough and photograph the area of its location. The likely rejection of penetrating warhead type (weight 320 kg) or cassette (weight 283 kg) from this point does not exceed 3.5 m. This, experts know, they say, hit the peg.

    Demonstrated at the stand KTRV new protivolokatsionnye guided missiles Kh-31PD and X-58USHKE with wide-range passive radar homing. Even better, than those in August last year during an operation to enforce peace Georgian aggressor was rendered inoperable the entire system of managing the army Saakashvili. And new anti-air high X-31AD and low-altitude X-35UE (altitude above the sea surface, 4 m), Kh-59MK, adjustable gauge aerial bombs of 500 kg and 1500 kg of satellite and laser-guided (KAB-500S-E, KAB-1500LG-S) and many other "products". Incidentally, the Kh-35UE, X-59MK2, X-59M2E, bombs KAB-500S-E, KAB-1500LG-F, as well as missiles air-to-air RVV-SD and RVV-MD at MAKS exhibited for the first time.

    Boris V. Obnossov told me later that perhaps we were wrong, they did not rename the anti-X-35UE in some X-37 that everyone understand that this is not a simple modification of its predecessor, the X-35E, and a completely new weapon. First, the new missile twice reduced the size of the engine, making it possible to increase the fuel tanks and more than twice the range of the missile. The same can be said about the X-31AD, which has improved a range of performance characteristics: increased maximum range of applications (and more than twice), the speed of its flight towards the goal and the effectiveness of the warhead. In order to ensure high-precision guidance in addition to ARGSN (active radar homing) is applied and inertia system. Twice increased technical resource products and improved reliability. Returning to the X-35UE, noting that the new combined system with inertial guidance systems, satellite navigation and active / passive homing (GOS) provides an X-35UE higher accuracy and noise immunity, and significantly expands the range of the targeted goals. Including in the face of strong enemy electronic countermeasures.

    A missile Kh-59MK at a distance of 285 km may cause critical damage to any surface targets, from boats to cruisers, at any time, in simple and adverse weather, high seas and from the coastline. It operates on the principle of "let and forget".

    There are a corporation and other "highlight". Among them modular air guided missiles like the X-38ME general purpose, designed for use on the battlefield in the nearest tactical depth. The modular principle of equipping missiles can be used as guidance systems to a variety of composite structures. Including inertial system and options for the final precision on the basis of homing laser, thermal imaging, radar type or satellite navigation. A powerful warhead weighing up to 250 kg can be equipped with high-explosive high-explosive fragmentation, penetration or cluster MS.

    Dual Mode of solid fuel rocket engine provides the X-38ME flight with a velocity exceeding the sound twice. A native missiles can be not only aircraft but also helicopters. Compared with missiles of this type of the previous generation (eg, X-25M), the thirty-eighth of the maximum range is increased four times - up to 40 km.

    Another set of missile weapons - Gadfly-ME "with the guided missile X-59M2E created at IBC" Rainbow ", is designed to attack ground and sea targets visually recognized by the operator on the multifunction display. Can be used around the clock, including at night and in low visibility conditions - in the fog, rain and snowstorms.

    The future is born today

    All these developments have told me KTRV specialists, as well as those who submit to the exhibition while it was premature - the basis for the establishment of missile and bomb weapons for the fifth generation fighter. Corporation Tactical Missiles ", uniting, in addition to the parent organization of the same name, 18 defense companies, among them such leading as ICD Vympel MKB" Raduga ", NPP" Region ", in 90 of the last century developed a comprehensive program of forming new air weapons.

    Indeed, some say in the corporation: "Fighter without weapons - this is only aerialist, and a weapon - formidable warrior." Agree on this program and sign in various high courts, remembers Boris Obnosov, it cost a lot of blood. But now with the Director General of Sukhoi's general director "MiG" and the first vice-president of United Aircraft Corporation Mikhail Pogosyan, and with President Alexei Fyodorov, UAC in KTRV full understanding. And when the media will be ready the first appearance of the fifth generation fighter, said Obnosov, while they would be willing and new high-precision air attack air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, a wide range of applications and conditions. They can be output to the state tests while promising frontline aviation aircraft complex (PAK FA).

    That KTRV cope with this task, no doubt about this. Despite the financial crisis that devastated some major companies and discouraged others, the corporation remains one of the most stable and continuously developing companies in Russia's defense industry. It is in the first hundred of the most successful manufacturers of arms of the planet. The total revenue of its integrated structure, headed by KTRV over the past year amounted to 30,5 billion rubles. With almost 10% more than the previous, 2007-d. A net profit from sales rose to 2.8 billion rubles. All these developments have enabled the corporation to extend the development, upgrading its technological machinery equipment investment, equal to 2 billion 87 million rubles, to make payments to the federal, provincial and local budgets of $ 2.6 billion. And today, according to Boris Obnosov, leading enterprises have KTRV portfolio not only this year but for years to come.

    By the way, sounded a few weeks ago in the Indian press reports that the missiles posed a corporation Delhi at the turn of 1999-2000, half defective in KTRV called "political speculation" caused by the attempts of unfair competition. In particular, attention is drawn to the following fact: "sensation" appeared in media in India exactly one month after a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the signing of the US-Indian military-technical cooperation. In addition, knowingly or not, but nobody never published the information in which conditions were kept for nine years received aircraft missiles from Russia, were observed whether the temperature and other requirements for their preservation, and other technical operating conditions. With that our partners, as is known exporters of weapons, things are not always the case in order.

    Reputation attached affair

    Well, then, that the authority of the corporation Tactical Missiles "was, is and remains very high, do not prove. This is confirmed by these figures. 95% of the Guided Missile Air Force Russia delivers exactly KTRV, and in air-to-air missiles - all 100%. The weapon, developed, tested, produced and modernized corporation (which is not only the weapons systems for aircraft and Navy ships, but also for coastal missile systems), are exported to 20 countries. It has significant advantages over their competitors on the criterion of "cost-effectiveness of combat.

    And one more superfluous evidence of the high reputation in the market KTRV weapons. Prior to the closing of the international aerospace show MAKS-2009 Air Force Chief of Russia, Colonel General Alexander Zelin and CEO KTRV Boris Obnosov signed a contract for $ 6 billion, providing for the delivery of Air Force in the coming two years, various kinds of missiles. They are designed for 48 of the newest multi-role fighters Su-35C, which should reach the troops from 2010 to 2015. In addition to the Su-35 weapon and 12 of KTRV equip the Su-27SM (they will be handed over to military pilots in 2009-2011) and Su-30m2 (transfer to be completed before the end of 2011), Sukhoi Su-34 fighter jets MiG-29SMT, MiG-35 and, of course, PAK FA, which is also called fifth-generation machine.

    The Corporation Tactical Missiles ", as we see, will be a lot of work. But no one at the company are not afraid, on the contrary - only joy.

    Viktor Litovkin

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Russia unveils AESA radar for PAK FA fighter

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:27 pm

    Russia unveils AESA radar for PAK FA fighter

    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Yourfi10

    Russia unveiled the first element of its fifth-generation Sukhoi PAK FA/T-50 fighter during the Moscow MAKS air show, with Tikhomirov's NIIP having exhibited the type's active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.

    The newly unveiled unit is intended for integration with Sukhoi's heavyweight fighter prototype, which air force commander Aleksandr Zelin says is due to fly in November or December. The aircraft was shown to President Vladimir Putin in its assembly phase during his May visit to the KnAAPO production plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

    Tikhomirov says the AESA antenna entered benchtesting in November 2008, and was mated with the radar's other blocks for an initial integration test "this summer". A second example to be produced for an operational prototype of the T-50 will be completed by mid-2010, it adds.

    NIIP has not provided any details about the new radar, beyond saying that its antenna contains more than 1,000 solid transmit/receive modules. The design is Russia's second AESA system, following the Phazotron Zhuk-AE being developed for the RSK MiG-35.

    Outwardly, the T-50 is believed to resemble the configuration of the US Air Force's Lockheed Martin F-22, and will share design features such as internally carried weapons and supercruise performance. The Russian aircraft will also have an integrated on-board sensor and flight control system which will include several radar antennas to provide a 360° coverage.

    Sukhoi will complete five prototypes for initial testing, including two to be dedicated for ground test activities. Initial trials are scheduled for completion in 2011-12, with the company expecting to produce an initial batch of aircraft for operational trials by 2015.

    Russia's initial batch of aircraft will be powered by NPO Saturn Item 117 engines, derived from the supplier's AL-31F series. A new engine will be incorporated with later production examples, with this likely to be a design proposed by MMPP Salut and based on the AL-31FM3.

    India is also seeking its own version of the T-50 under an agreement with Moscow. This is expected to feature some airframe differences and use Indian avionics equipment.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:33 pm

    Eyes and Ears of PAK FA

    He left in the history of MAKS-2009. Colleagues have told practically everything, the truth, regardless of media attention were some very important pieces, without which the development of combat aircraft, and air defense, and they also attended the salon, it seems impossible.

    The pavilion of the United Aircraft Corporation, among firms of MiG and Sukhoi at the booth of the Research Institute of Instrument Design Tikhomirova the first two days of the saloon stood a closed cover of an exhibit. It was officially opened on the third day. Only after permission to do so, the impending more than a month, writing for the president of Russia. Under cover of hiding - AFAR, active phased array radar fifth-generation fighter, or, as it is called, the PAK FA, promising aviation complex tactical aviation. Sam plane just created its first flight scheduled for the end of this year or early next. Even the appearance of the new fighter is not yet known to the general public, but here at the salon already demonstrated his "eyes and ears."

    What is the Afar and what does it do? According to experts, on-board radar (radar) with AFAR - is the basis of "intelligence" of modern fighter. It provides him with the implementation of the full range of numerous and diverse challenges facing his pilot, and weapons control system. All this is intended to help the pilot to solve many problems of air combat - from the conquest of the air and fight the enemy missiles before hitting small ground and surface targets. This dramatically increases the level of automation weapons control system (BBG). What is particularly important for multifunctional combat aircraft. Moreover, single, what the designers intended, and should become a PAK FA.

    In the prospective fighters - the author tells CEO NIIP Yuriy White - put not just the locator in the usual sense, and an integrated radio-electronic system, which includes radars at several wavelengths, as well as the identification system, electronic warfare (electronic warfare - V.L .) and other necessary equipment. And all this is linked to a single ideology, a single concept, will give, as it is now fashionable to formulate a "synergistic effect of combat."

    But, except for "synergy", the APAA has another practical advantage. It allows you to see the enemy more, and before it can make it. And the pilots have a saying "The first I saw - the first shot, and therefore won."

    We can not be said about the other features of this radar. The main components to it - modules, of which, as a hundred in a hive, is a surface radar, a thousand-odd original transceivers - are mass-produced at Moscow company "Istok". And, in automated production lines, where human involvement is practically reduced to zero. This technology, which is used in creating these modules, Russia had never been. Machines for it were purchased abroad, including in Japan. And now the radar for the fifth-generation fighter, too, can produce line method. For this purpose, Ryazan Instrument Plant - partner name Tikhomirov NIIP constructed a special box with the new equipment.

    According to Yury Bely, they will be able to equip their locators to 50 aircraft per year. And, moreover, the use of AFAR to improve safety for road, rail and other public transport. Active phased array antenna, if it is applied in this system can help automation machinery, locomotives or bus to prevent collision with other participants in the movement. She has many other virtues, which require special discussion, and while on the other "unnoticed" new salon. Including the Arms Corporation Tactical Missiles (KTRB).

    These are missile air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles and the corrected air bombs. Arms KTRV supplied almost one hundred percent of combat aviation in our country and another 20 countries around the world, in which the fly, protecting the sovereignty and independence of these states, Russia's fighter aircraft, attack aircraft and bombers. Among the two dozen rockets and bombs on display at the stand of the corporation, had seven absolute novelties. This X-35UE, X-59 MK2, X-59M2E, KAB-500S-E, KAB-1500LG-S, RMA-SD and RVV-MD. Some of such weapons in August last year during the operation in South Ossetia by force the Georgian aggressor to peace, our pilots brought down the entire system of governance Saakashvili's army, destroyed the military airfields of Tbilisi, destroyed his aircraft.

    But since then, designers KTRV able to dramatically increase the combat effectiveness of its weapons. For example, in the Kh-35UE twice reduced the size of the engine, due to what has been the same amount to increase the fuel tank, and thus the range of missiles. In addition, improved a number of other tactical and technical characteristics: increased speed to the target, increased the effectiveness of the warhead, a technical resource products and performance of its reliability. Including electronic control systems. And so almost the entire range listed in the index of industrial samples of weapons. The Director-General KTRV Boris Obnosov told me that he displayed on the cabin missiles and bombs, as well as those that show the public is not the time - the basis for the establishment of missile-bomb armament for the fifth-generation fighter PAK-FA. It will be ready for him at exactly the moment when the plane will come to the state tests. Not before and not later. Schedule develop weapons agreed with its designers, and it is strictly enforced.

    "No weapons of the most modern fighter aircraft - only aerialist, - said Boris Obnosov - and arms - is a fighter. And we understand this perfectly."

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Beautiful Pics of PAKFA.

    Post  bhramos Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:47 am

    Beautiful pics of Pakfa doing rounds on Internet,
    these are the pics calmed the western defence analysts and forum goers ,
    as all clamed that T-50 noting but a copy of F-22 or F-35.

    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 99320423

    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 1004x

    but this briliant design ,
    which has Air intakes above the wing shows its a definatly superb design.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  sepheronx Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:17 am

    But obviously artist design, and not that of the makers.

    Which brings me to the question....When? When will we get to see at least a mock up?

    Edit: Don't know if many of you remember this old picture, but yeah, it is what I still think the PAK FA will look like:
    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Pakfat50c

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Admin Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:50 am

    Rumour has it we will see pictures and a flight video early next year after the initial flights of the frame. That is just talk but it seems to fit the time frame of these things.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  sepheronx Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:09 pm

    And here I was, looking forward to the flight and pics this year, at least to the open. I would understand though, if Russia decides to do the initial flight tests in secretive.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  AJSINGH Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:59 am

    bhramos wrote:Beautiful pics of Pakfa doing rounds on Internet,
    these are the pics calmed the western defence analysts and forum goers ,
    as all clamed that T-50 noting but a copy of F-22 or F-35.

    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 99320423

    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 1004x

    but this briliant design ,
    which has Air intakes above the wing shows its a definatly superb design.

    not true T-50 will be different from F-22 .Russian should call it "raptoriski " or raptor killer .plus since INDIA also pulling its resources there will be no dearth of money for R AND D as well as the procution line
    If PAK FAG was started at the same time America started its ATC ( advance technology aircraft ) then it would already been in service .T-50 will me miles ahead from raptor plus also cheaper
    i would like to ask WILL T-50 feature plasma stealth

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Admin Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:50 am

    AJSINGH wrote:
    i would like to ask WILL T-50 feature plasma stealth

    They are working on plasma wing which would partially reduce RCS. It would reduce the need for non-stealthy control surfaces as the flow can be used to aid in maneuvering and whatever plasma is on the them will absord radiant energy. Full plasma stealth is not likely to come for a very long time.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty PAK FA to take-off in December

    Post  Admin Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:27 pm

    Excerpt from interview with Saturn CEO Ilya Federov...

    How are things going with the tender for its development? As is now co-operation is built on this engine, and that you are on it doing?- You ask me as a deputy general director of RBC or as general director of "Saturn"? - And how you prefer to answer? - I'm going to both vectors. First, it is no secret that the plane should take off in December. No problems with the engine, which will now be placed on the aircraft PAK FA, assembled in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, no.He engines already provided. I assure you, this is a new good motor.

    Now we speak with you about the engine of the next-generation aircraft PAK FA. Today go NIRy on component parts of the engine. They are at an advanced stage.They perform not only the "Saturn", they perform "Salute", very successfully, I must say, do other companies JDC, including "Klimov", for example. But basically - "Saturn". This is something that we have identified the customer.If we talk about when there will be competition that will be at the competition, of course, I have some idea, but this is the case of the customer.

    Since my arrival here, "Saturn" behaves with the customer very carefully.There is a measure of responsibility of the customer - the Air Force and Deputy Secretary of Defense for weapons - which will determine the timing, conduct of the contest, and participants, in accordance with the law.At the tactical-technical task of development works will be shown all the parameters of the engine in accordance with the guests, and the timing of its establishment, the number of supplied engines. So I answer this question is highly incorrect. Maybe I do not know everything - the customer has his own thoughts.If we talk about our competitors, the competitor JDC one - it works "Salute". Others simply do not exist in Russia is no more, all included in the JDC. Well, there are still Omsk and Kazan, but their engine-- this is non-core business. So the question is not for me, unfortunately.- That is, in this case, the competition will not "Saturn", and the JDC? JDC with co-operatives, led by a "Saturn"? Previously, because at the tender out "Saturn" and "Salute". - Again an incorrect question. The fact is that those involved in the competition - defined by the customer, in accordance with the license, which is in an enterprise.The customer is obliged to invite all the competition. Whether satisfies these requirements Klimov plant? Probably. Whether satisfies these requirements "Salute"? Probably. Whether satisfies these requirements Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Motor"? Also satisfies. Perm Aviadvigatel? Of course, unsatisfactory.And it meets these requirements, a purely formal, even Samara plant, Kuznetsovsk Bureau, together with "engine-builders? Also satisfies. That I will simply explain the meaning. And the customer in accordance with the law is obliged to give them all an invitation to the competition.Here he will give anyone - and he will participate. If the customer does not do so, it can be challenged. Another question - my vision problems. How this is done, in what co-operation - well, of course, I imagine as the program director of the JDC, but not by the customer.I told everyone, and I repeat a thousand times that any one company the whole engine PAK FA in the form, as we see it, today it is difficult to do.

    Today is my idea, as program director, as head of Saturn is that Saturn may be a parent company and the lead CB development engine.Personal opinion again, as the director of "Saturn", which today PAK FA, we all moved on to the engine, because undoubtedly aware that the preliminary design of PAK FA is selected saturnovskim engine, and it is no secret. But we do not reject the participation of other enterprises JDC.There are laboratory facilities KB behalf Kuznetsova, a brilliant work on thrust vector control and some other automatics have Klimova, there are very good practices used to fan a "Salute". Money will it be a bit actually. And in co-operation we can make the engine in time, which will be written in the TTZ.Technical problems for the creation of this engine does not exist. There are problems in funding.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  DrofEvil Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:04 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:Excerpt from interview with Saturn CEO Ilya Federov...

    How are things going with the tender for its development? As is now co-operation is built on this engine, and that you are on it doing?- You ask me as a deputy general director of RBC or as general director of "Saturn"? - And how you prefer to answer? - I'm going to both vectors. First, it is no secret that the plane should take off in December. No problems with the engine, which will now be placed on the aircraft PAK FA, assembled in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, no.He engines already provided. I assure you, this is a new good motor.

    Now we speak with you about the engine of the next-generation aircraft PAK FA. Today go NIRy on component parts of the engine. They are at an advanced stage.They perform not only the "Saturn", they perform "Salute", very successfully, I must say, do other companies JDC, including "Klimov", for example. But basically - "Saturn". This is something that we have identified the customer.If we talk about when there will be competition that will be at the competition, of course, I have some idea, but this is the case of the customer.

    Since my arrival here, "Saturn" behaves with the customer very carefully.There is a measure of responsibility of the customer - the Air Force and Deputy Secretary of Defense for weapons - which will determine the timing, conduct of the contest, and participants, in accordance with the law.At the tactical-technical task of development works will be shown all the parameters of the engine in accordance with the guests, and the timing of its establishment, the number of supplied engines. So I answer this question is highly incorrect. Maybe I do not know everything - the customer has his own thoughts.If we talk about our competitors, the competitor JDC one - it works "Salute". Others simply do not exist in Russia is no more, all included in the JDC. Well, there are still Omsk and Kazan, but their engine-- this is non-core business. So the question is not for me, unfortunately.- That is, in this case, the competition will not "Saturn", and the JDC? JDC with co-operatives, led by a "Saturn"? Previously, because at the tender out "Saturn" and "Salute". - Again an incorrect question. The fact is that those involved in the competition - defined by the customer, in accordance with the license, which is in an enterprise.The customer is obliged to invite all the competition. Whether satisfies these requirements Klimov plant? Probably. Whether satisfies these requirements "Salute"? Probably. Whether satisfies these requirements Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Motor"? Also satisfies. Perm Aviadvigatel? Of course, unsatisfactory.And it meets these requirements, a purely formal, even Samara plant, Kuznetsovsk Bureau, together with "engine-builders? Also satisfies. That I will simply explain the meaning. And the customer in accordance with the law is obliged to give them all an invitation to the competition.Here he will give anyone - and he will participate. If the customer does not do so, it can be challenged. Another question - my vision problems. How this is done, in what co-operation - well, of course, I imagine as the program director of the JDC, but not by the customer.I told everyone, and I repeat a thousand times that any one company the whole engine PAK FA in the form, as we see it, today it is difficult to do.

    Today is my idea, as program director, as head of Saturn is that Saturn may be a parent company and the lead CB development engine.Personal opinion again, as the director of "Saturn", which today PAK FA, we all moved on to the engine, because undoubtedly aware that the preliminary design of PAK FA is selected saturnovskim engine, and it is no secret. But we do not reject the participation of other enterprises JDC.There are laboratory facilities KB behalf Kuznetsova, a brilliant work on thrust vector control and some other automatics have Klimova, there are very good practices used to fan a "Salute". Money will it be a bit actually. And in co-operation we can make the engine in time, which will be written in the TTZ.Technical problems for the creation of this engine does not exist. There are problems in funding.

    Are we talking here about the AL-41 engine and did I understand correctly that the plane will fly in December? If yes to both then it will be wonderful but I will stay conservative with expectations. I am starting to believe that Pogosyan us a sadist. lol!

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Admin Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:09 am

    We are talking item 117S which is prototype engines for PAK FA, also used in production model of Su-35BM.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  DrofEvil Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:46 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:We are talking item 117S which is prototype engines for PAK FA, also used in production model of Su-35BM.

    Darn it. If they are going with the 117S that means the technical problems with the AL-41 have not been worked out. That is just unfortunate to say the least. The 117S is derived from AL-31 series engines but the grand daddy of the Russian engine world is/was supposed to be AL-41 originally developed for the Mig 1.44. Maybe going forward once the bugs are fixed this engine will power the PAK-FA

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    Post  Admin Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:23 pm

    There is nothing to be damned. 117S was always supposed to be the prototype engine. Be thankful that came out since they were considering using AL-31F. A totally new engine between Ufa and Saturn will be made with 17.5 tonnes of thrust. That was always the plan.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Admin Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:27 am

    First flight of the T-50 will be held in Zhukovsky before the New Year

    Just a short time left before the start of flight testing of fighter T 50. This is the most mysterious and most anticipated military aircraft project Russia in recent years. Heavy multifunctional fifth generation fighter aircraft developed by Yakovlev Design Bureau. PO Sukhoi.

    He created the program "Prospective complex Frontal Aviation" - PAK FA, so often called himself a plane. The appearance and technical characteristics of fighter aircraft are now the military secret. Nevertheless, something already known, and the rest you can invent. So, what will the future "master of heaven" - T-50? For a long time about how the car will look, nothing was known. But now, on the basis of several semi-official figures and some official statements can be understood as follows. The appearance of the aircraft would be very unusual.

    T-50 is a heavy twin-engine fighter aircraft with maximum takeoff weight of approximately 32-35 tons. It has a variable sweep delta wing and a large area. Wing loading is less than its overseas rivals F-22A Raptor. This, together with other aerodynamic properties allow it to surpass the maneuverability "Raptor". It is not only in the wing, but in an integral arrangement of aircraft in general, when the fuselage also creates a lifting force. Most modern fighters are forced to reach supersonic speeds include afterburner, several times faster than wasting fuel. The new aircraft will be able to fly at supersonic speeds without the inclusion of Afterburner - the so-called supersonic cruising. Now this can only ultrafast MiG-31 and American F-22A and F-35. This is an important quality allows the fighter to go faster than the line interception, quickly change the position for the attack, covering large areas quickly leave the battle, or to break away from the enemy, without risking to remain without fuel ahead of time.

    T-50 will be hardly noticeable to the enemy radar. It has two keels small area set with the break to reduce radar visibility. The shape of the nose, cockpit, air intakes, stabilizers, too, would reduce the visibility of the aircraft.

    To be slight, the plane should carry arms in the inner compartments. For this task the designers seem to have coped well - T-50 has at least 2 large storage compartments range air-to-air ": very large-scale, large and medium-range (they can be used for bombs), and compartments for missiles near the air battle. If you perform a combat mission low profile is required, the weapon can be placed on the external suspension, including adjustable, bombs and guided missiles. The combat load the aircraft with the deployment of weapons within the reach up to 2,5 m, and the total - 7 tons. Range without refueling is not yet known, but it should be nothing less than the new Su-35C - 3,6-4 thousand kilometers.

    However, to determine the appearance of T-50 has only relatively. Statements by officials are often very contradictory. Although one can not exclude deliberate disinformation competitors and adversaries. The combat effectiveness of the T-50 depends on the "stuffing" almost more than on the aerodynamics.

    This is particularly the engines. The first flying prototype equipped with two engines of production NPO Saturn. In the future, are likely to be tested and the development MNPP "Salute". Their engines are already being installed on the Su-35C. This is a modern powerful engine with variable vserakursnym thrust vector. Serial car will have a completely new engine design which is now. In the conduct of air combat these engines provide the T-50 extremely high thrust-weight ratio. Management will be fully digital, integrated into the overall control of the aircraft.

    There will also be included and a set of weapon control aircraft. It will become a powerful on-board radar (radar) with the active phased array created NIIP them. Tikhomirov. Radar antenna will have approximately 1,500 units with total capacity of about 20 kW. Prototype antenna has already demonstrated at MAKS-2009. With the help of the aircraft can detect targets at ranges of over 400 km (for large targets), both accompanied by up to 60 air targets and fire at once to 16.

    Of course, just 60 goals to fire the aircraft can not, he would convey these neighbors who can fly with the radar switched off. To do this it will be installed multi-channel system of information exchange.

    T-50 will be equipped with a new set of electronic surveillance and control, which is able to detect the enemy, not including the radar and demaskiruyas, and "crush" the enemy's interference. All this will allow him to see everything around him, attacking in different directions, while often remain invisible. Judging from the cockpit of Su-35C, which worked through part zadumok for a new car, to fight in the T-50 pilot to be comfortable. All information will be displayed on the large color LCD screen, display on the windshield and helmet display and sighting system.

    First and foremost important for a fighter missiles air-to-air missiles. T-50 missiles will be armed with extra high-range (420 km), able to turn the plane in the "flying C-400". Inside, he will be able to carry them at least 2 pcs., From the outside - more. This missile is ideally suited for the interception of critical and hard targets. Also new aircraft arm the missiles with ranges of 120 and 230 km. For melee fighter will have a new highly maneuverable missile with thermal homing head. This will give her an exceptional opportunity to capture even missiles. These missiles are being developed and will appear in the series in 2014. On the inside of the suspension will be up to 12 pcs. and more at external location. Not forgotten, and weapons to destroy ground targets - Radar, antiship missiles, bombs adjustable with different guidance systems. Will and air gun, 30 mm, which can destroy the enemy in melee burst of 3-5 rounds with high accuracy. At the moment, completed the first flying prototype, built several boards installation party. The first flight will take place in Zhukovsky quite soon - before the New Year.

    The tests will last a long time, almost five years, and only in 2015 the first production T 50 will go on air, first for military trials, and then drill a squadron. Overall, the Air Force of Russia are interested in buying 450 to 600 of these machines. To release a T-50 will be in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and at dozens of allied enterprises in the country. These aircraft will replace the 2025 obsolete by the time the MiG-29 and Su-27. Planned and changed the deck for new aircraft carriers.

    Irina Makarova based on military publications

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    Post  Viktor Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:09 am

    Well hope this is true and final .. so our agony of waiting can end in great pleasure. Very Happy

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:14 am

    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Pakfaknappo

    LOL, someone is going to get fired for that.
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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Russian Patriot Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:37 pm

    Russia could start 5th generation fighter tests by yearend

    RIA Novosti


    MOSCOW, December 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russia could start tests of its fifth-generation fighter in late 2009 or early 2010, a deputy prime minister said on Wednesday.

    "We are not making any New Year presents, but flight tests will start in the very near future," said Sergei Ivanov, who oversees the defense sectors of industry.

    He said on December 8 the trials would begin in 2010.

    Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin has said the fighter, which has been under development since the 1990s, will enter service with the Air Force in 2015.

    Russia's only known fifth-generation project is Sukhoi's PAK FA and the current prototype is the T-50. It is designed to compete with the U.S. F-22 Raptor (so far the world's only fifth-generation fighter aircraft) and F-35 Lightning II, but has yet to take to the skies.

    The T-50's maiden flight has been repeatedly postponed since early 2007 for unspecified reasons.

    However, in August 2009, Russian Air Force Chief Alexander Zelin said that there were problems with the engines and research was ongoing.

    The PAK FA is believed to possess advanced avionics, stealth capability, a ferry range of 4,000 to 5,500 km, and endurance of 3.3 hrs; it is armed with next-generation air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, and has two 30-mm cannons.
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    Post  Russian Patriot Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:04 pm

    Russian 5th-generation fighter to make maiden flight on Friday
    RIA Novosti


    MOSCOW, January 28 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is set to hold the first test of its futuristic fifth-generation fighter jet on Friday, a source at the country's largest aircraft producer said on Thursday.

    "The [test] flight was initially scheduled for Thursday, but has been postponed," the source at the Gagarin KNAAPO company, a subsidiary of aircraft holding Sukhoi, said.

    Russia's only known fifth-generation project is Sukhoi's PAK FA and the current prototype is the T-50. It is designed to compete with the U.S. F-22 Raptor, so far the world's only fifth-generation fighter, and the F-35 Lightning II, but has yet to take to the skies.

    Speaking at a news conference later on Thursday, the chief of the Russian state-controlled arms exporter Rosoboronexport said India remained Russia's sole partner in the project.

    "We [Russia and India] are working to build the fifth-generation aircraft," Anatoly Isaikin said.

    Russia has been developing its newest fighter since the 1990s. The country's top military officials earlier said the stealth fighter jet with a range of up to 5,500 km would enter service with the Air Force in 2015.

    India, which has a long history of defense relations with Russia, joined the project after signing an agreement in October 2007. But the two nations are still in talks to finalize the contract.

    India's Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) was reported to be seeking a 25% share in design and development in the project. It has also sought to modify Sukhoi's single-seat prototype into the twin-seat fighter India's Air Force wants.

    Russia accounts for around 70% of India's weapons inventory. HAL has license-produced Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighters, cooperated in the development of the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile, and plans to work on a joint multirole transport aircraft.

    Defense ties have strained, however, over the fifth-generation fighter program and the rising cost of refurbishing the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov for the Indian navy.

    The PAK FA is to be armed with next-generation air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, and has two 30-mm cannons.

    The first prototype of the jet was already tested on the runway of the aircraft plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Russia's Far East. The test pilot made two runs on the airstrip, during which the brakes were applied several times.

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty PAK FA photos.

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:08 am

    It has finally arrived. Thank god, it isn't vaporware. I was starting to think that Russia should have just gone with the Mig-1.42 design and further it.
    Remind you though, this is an early prototype of the 5th gen jet. Chances of it having some characteristic changes are high. The engines used where only the 4th gen, and other technical equipment where probably that of older gen. This is an airframe test, to show that the characteristics of stealth design and materials that will work for the future aircraft.

    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Img9631
    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Img9630m
    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Img9629he

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    PAK FA, T-50: News #1 Empty Re: PAK FA, T-50: News #1

    Post  Jelena Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:01 pm

    Few more videos:

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