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Walther von Oldenburg
par far
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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:10 am

    Muslim MMA fighters like Khabib really disappointed me and many Russians online when they supported terrorist attack in France.

    Why does he owe France any love... one of the attacks in France was by a Russian citizen who fled Russias oppression... which is western secret code for he or his parents were terrorists and he fled the country to evade justice... being a Chechen Khabib would know better than anyone how the west treated the terrorists in Chechnia as freedom fighters... the same way they treat terrorists in Syria and other places as either terrorists (that oppose them) or freedom fighters (because they think they can use them to overthrow someone who is not cooperating.

    The wars in Syria and Libya which France actively supported have killed a hell of a lot more innocent people than France has lost in the last 30 years to terrorism... or should I say blowback.

    Look at my response above too... it seems going into another country to murder people with bombs is suddenly not OK like it was when France did it here in New Zealand in the 1980s. Try looking up the Rainbow Warrior...

    I think Russia still has to keep an eye on muslims in Russia for maybe another decade until post ISIS romanticism fades out.

    Russia needs to make sure its growth and development includes all parts of their society and population and that everyone benefits everywhere and not just in Moscow and St Petersberg.

    Most muslims support the terrorists, that is why they did not condemn the attacks in France but they condemned France.

    I am not Muslim and I think France is suffering a tiny amount compared to the suffering they have created in other countries...

    When he faced Conor McGregor, there was a soccer match in Moscow between the Moscow team and a Dagestani team. And the crowd was chanting McGregor, McGregor, McGregor.

    That is just fans of the Moscow team trying to wind up the Dagestani team... that means very little.

    I've just read an article claiming that by 2030 Muslims will make up 30% of the population in Russia and may make up 50% by 2050.

    It's a bit worrying.

    Yeah, and with the economic growth 80% of those muslims will be Chinese... the problem with growth patterns is that some times they do surge but usually for very specific reasons and those reasons often change over time.

    A bacteria in a petris dish doubles in number every hour... on paper if that continued for a year you would end up with a mass of bacteria the weight of the planet... but the reality is that they stop doubling in number when they get to the edge of the dish and run out of food and space and never get above a few grammes in weight.

    Your article is looking at the growth rates but nothing else...

    Well, the West got exactly what it deserved by hosting criminal Islamists who fled retribution from Russia. And Russia warned about possible consequences back then.

    The west believes something very stupid... the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Which of course leads them to friendly relations with nutcases that are far worse than the Russians have ever been.

    A better interpretation would be the enemy of my enemy is someone I can use to hurt my enemy... but they can just as easily end up hurting me too... Osama Bin Laden springs to mind... and of course Al Quada in Syria are good while Al Quada in Afghanistan and indeed New York are bad...

    I assumed the number of Muslims in Russia is already closer to 20%. Which would make growth to 30% until 2030-35 not impossible with high migration.

    Why would you assume high migration?

    It was 7% in 2010. 10 years it didn't rise by 13%>

    Yes... the west does not like letting the facts get in the way of good propaganda....

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Regular Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:51 am

    No ones France any love, but why would they worship a terrorist and belittle victims..

    Russians have no love for Makron, but no one showed such sentiment.. Plenty of Russian sportsmen condemned Khabib.

    He and few other Muslim MMA fighters who have privilege to fight under Russian flag wrote:

    "We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts."

    This is not compatible with Russian values at all. I can't wait for atheism to take over in that region like it did after first and second chechen wars.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:54 pm

    Regular wrote:No ones France any love, but why would they worship a terrorist and belittle victims..

    Russians have no love for Makron, but no one showed such sentiment.. Plenty of Russian sportsmen condemned Khabib.

    He and few other Muslim MMA fighters who have privilege to fight under Russian flag wrote:

    "We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts."

    This is not compatible with Russian values at all. I can't wait for atheism to take over in that region like it did after first and second chechen wars.

    That statement by Khabib is pure lip service. He has a special place in Hell waiting for him. And that is not some Christian Hell.
    Every terrorist claims he loves Allah and his Prophet. But they also make decisions in lieu of Allah which makes them blasphemers.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:42 pm

    Khabib didn't support the terrorist action but he heavly attacked Macron .

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  flamming_python Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:40 am

    Regular wrote:No ones France any love, but why would they worship a terrorist and belittle victims..

    Russians have no love for Makron, but no one showed such sentiment.. Plenty of Russian sportsmen condemned Khabib.

    He and few other Muslim MMA fighters who have privilege to fight under Russian flag wrote:

    "We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts."

    This is not compatible with Russian values at all. I can't wait for atheism to take over in that region like it did after first and second chechen wars.

    Modern Russia doesn't have any values.

    So what is Khabib breaking precisely? This is not a critique, I'm just saying. What are Russia's values anyway?

    He's not acting like much of a Christian? Well yeah.

    Actually he's an Islamist and had a towel over his fiance's head at their wedding. But whatever, never liked him much anyway.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:16 am

    You are confusing values with ideology. Ideology is only good for gulags and perpetual wars like with the USA. It has nothing to
    do with real values of which Russia has plenty.


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:15 am

    No ones France any love, but why would they worship a terrorist and belittle victims..

    I am not calling these terrorists freedom fighters, like France called Chechen rebels that murdered a hell of a lot more people that these losers did.

    As I said in my early post... the real problem I have with these terrorist attacks is that it is innocent French people who suffer for the decisions made in other parts of French society that never have to suffer such attacks or problems.

    Just the same as in Syria and Libya and Iraq... countries that used to have stability and peace and structure till the west decided to break them in the hopes that when things settled they would have more say... they do this everywhere... ranging from election meddling to invasions and cruise missile attacks...

    No one is worshipping terrorists here... it is just a little amusing when there is blowback... would be like a terrorist bombing in Saudi Arabia for example...

    Russians have no love for Makron, but no one showed such sentiment.. Plenty of Russian sportsmen condemned Khabib.

    For WWII celebrations and remembrance ceremonies Putin was not invited... you honestly think Russia could care about France... Russia is currently under all sorts of EU sanctions which France voted for to stifle growth and development in Russia... to punish Russia for all sorts of alleged crimes... where was the sympathy from France in the Moscow theatre siege, or Beslan... is the Eiffel tower lit up with Russian flag colours to remember those dates?

    Russia is not part of Europe and never will be.

    "We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts."

    This is not compatible with Russian values at all. I can't wait for atheism to take over in that region like it did after first and second chechen wars.

    They are entitled to their beliefs. How are they different from the French claiming the right to be offensive to anyone they please because they think it is funny...

    You have the right to freedom of speech, but walk up to a guy in a pub and tell him his mother is a whore... if you wake up... will you complain that you have freedom of speech and can say anything you like?

    But of course you can't can you. If you go into a bank and shout this is a hold up and everyone should get down on the floor I really don't think the police when they arrive will get that you didn't actually want to rob the bank... you were just using your right to freedom of speech.

    Or at a huge stadium with a big game going... you start yelling there a bomb and people panic and stampede and 10 people get killed because they fell over and couldn't get up... but that is only freedom of speech isn't it?

    So with those examples can we agree that even with laws regarding freedom of speech that there are things you can't say and you shouldn't say.

    Most EU countries have laws regarding anti semitism to the point where you can't deny the holocaust happened. How is that... the jewish influence is so pervasive that you wont need to ask which holocaust I am talking about... there was plenty of genocide inflicted on many groups over the last few hundred years but the holocaust is now reserved for jews killed during WWII by the nazis.

    Technically you could use the word to describe what happened during the fire bombing of Dresden or many other German and Japanese cities, but it is only ever used in the west for killing jews in WWII... yeah... they sound like they are in the victim seat...

    Khabib didn't support the terrorist action but he heavly attacked Macron .

    It is interesting that a few idiots attack people in the name of this or that, but when someone says what the French were doing was provocative and the only reasons these attacks took place was because inflamatory material was produced and shown, I would ask why these idiots who over reacted and attacked people in such a brutal way get all the blame, but the people waving the red flag they know upsets some people are ignored as being part of the problem.

    One teacher was brutally murdered so showing children cartoons obviously was totally worth it... he is now a national hero, but the people in the other church AFAIK didn't actually do anything to warrant being attacked and killed except for where they were and misdirected anger.

    The fact that people want to point to people like an MMA fighter and say he is just as bad as the people who did these violent criminal acts is just ignorant.

    You don't even seem to be listening to what he is actually saying.

    And I would say a lot of muslims are just as ignorant and not ready to listen to any other opinions either.

    Perhaps that explains why things are the way they are.

    Putin does not say who he wishes to win the US presidential election, because he says it is not his decision.

    I think the world would be a much better place if people could sometimes learn to mind their own business and keep their opinions and views to themselves.

    Would you think your favourite actor coming out and saying he thinks Trump is cool is important information you need to know?

    MMA fighters and actors and other people who happen to be famous should keep their traps shut most of the time because the influence their words have is out of proportion with their understanding of the situation and the world.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:53 pm

    I agree such people should shut the fuck up and actually i don't like some of his reactions .

    But i know the words he used and he didn't support the terrorist attack.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Regular Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:17 am

    Well.. what do you know..

    The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia has banned marriages of Muslims with adherents of other religions.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:36 am

    We will see if that's an actual thing or fake news.

    If it isn't, expect there to be angry voices.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Regular Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:33 am

    GarryB wrote:

    I am not calling these terrorists freedom fighters, like France called Chechen rebels that murdered a hell of a lot more people that these losers did

    French still believe in this crap. Only first Chechen war had some rebels - second war seen same rebels from 1st war to align with Russia to fight terrorists. French still pedled term rebels during 2nd war and even during Beslan.

    GarryB wrote: As I said in my early post... the real problem I have with these terrorist attacks is that it is innocent French people who suffer for the decisions made in other parts of French society that never have to suffer such attacks or problems.
    Well, you can differentiate - it's not like civilians have say what French media or gov do, look at Yellow protests - French gov doesn't flinch.. also, plenty of people who get in a harm way are tourists as well..
    Terrorism didn't even damage government. Never they tried to attack the institutions for some reason.

    GarryB wrote:Just the same as in Syria and Libya and Iraq... countries that used to have stability and peace and structure till the west decided to break them in the hopes that when things settled they would have more say... they do this everywhere... ranging from election meddling to invasions and cruise missile attacks...

    Yes, but terrorism is different as it targets solely the population, not the government.

    GarryB wrote:For WWII celebrations and remembrance ceremonies Putin was not invited... you honestly think Russia could care about France... Russia is currently under all sorts of EU sanctions which France voted for to stifle growth and development in Russia... to punish Russia for all sorts of alleged crimes... where was the sympathy from France in the Moscow theatre siege, or Beslan... is the Eiffel tower lit up with Russian flag colours to remember those dates?
    Only few countries commemorate Beslan, France is not one of them.

    Also, French people now think that US won the WW2.
    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 A10

    [Quate]Russia is not part of Europe and never will be.[/quote]

    I agree with most of your post, but this is what Ukrainian nazis are saying.

    Russia is more European than Asian and I would even say more European than Brits.
    They are not Americanised like most of westerns.


    Take a picture in Saint Petersburg and Vienna and you won't be able to tell much difference.. ok, there are more white people in Saint Petersburg.

    Russians in Vladivostok are more European than curry slurping Brits and would know more about the continent and it's history than any American. Russians mentally are very close to Poles, especially in the countryside (poles do much more mental gymnastics, nationalists do like Russia deep down, but need the US and EU money to stay afloat. Buy they copy Russian internal politics to the letter)

    e]Most EU countries have laws regarding anti semitism to the point where you can't deny the holocaust happened. How is that... the jewish influence is so pervasive that you wont need to ask which holocaust I am talking about... there was plenty of genocide inflicted on many groups over the last few hundred years but the holocaust is now reserved for jews killed during WWII by the nazis.
    This is silly law pushed by ADL type of organisations with Atlantic ties. It's sickening that one group claims a monopoly of victimhood, but it's Modus Operandi of them. They beat others and cry in pain. Just like Muslims and their fake sky god.

    Technically you could use the word to describe what happened during the fire bombing of Dresden or many other German  and Japanese cities, but it is only ever used in the west for killing jews in WWII... yeah... they sound like they are in the victim seat...

    Just like genocide of Russians, these crimes against civilians can be used as a mockery.

    One teacher was brutally murdered so showing children cartoons obviously was totally worth it... he is now a national hero, but the people in the other church AFAIK didn't actually do anything to warrant being attacked and killed except for where they were and misdirected anger.
    That teacher is no hero, he was forgotten in a week like 200+ other recent victims.

    His cartoon really backfired and I am pretty sure he didn't expect this reaction, but an opposite as he was friendly with muslim communities.

    The fact that people want to point to people like an MMA fighter and say he is just as bad as the people who did these violent criminal acts is just ignorant.

    You don't even seem to be listening to what he is actually saying.

    Getting hit in the head for money doesn't attract smartest people, but his comment is typical of terrorist supporter. There was much sinister meaning behind it. Syrian terrorists like this type of rhetoric. Not to mention it spawned terrorist attack in Russia too.

    And I would say a lot of muslims are just as ignorant and not ready to listen to any other opinions either.
    It's this generation mostly. Isis romanticism affected plenty of young people. Russian muslims were very sane and not reactionaries, but I am afraid they will need to grow out of it.

    MMA fighters and actors and other people who happen to be famous should keep their traps shut most of the time because the influence their words have is out of proportion with their understanding of the situation and the world.

    Very true, people should follow less. Famous people are usually the most misleading ones.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  flamming_python Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:13 pm

    Regular wrote:Well.. what do you know..

    The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia has banned marriages of Muslims with adherents of other religions.

    Completely meaningless

    More Muslims in Russia are secular than religious, and religion is not a factor for them in inter-ethnic marriages

    As for the religious ones, they don't marry outside their faith already, they don't need some spiritual administration to tell them that.

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    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Nov 11, 2020 4:54 pm

    Who guys need to understand how the world works from Islamic POV.

    Sharia dictates killing those who insult the Prophet because that's what the Prophet himself did. People who insult him are creating Fitna, they are oppressors who create chaos and slander unto face of Allah. Going against Sharia is an admission than man-made laws are better than Allah's law and that is a form of polytheism (Shirk)

    The Christian mentality of "praise be the meek for they should inherit the Earth" is alien to Islam.

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    par far

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:15 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:If you wanna slow down any population growth than all you need to do is:

    A) Empower the Women, Careers and Education have always led to fertility decline.

    B) Welfare and more Welfare, also a great way cut the dependence on Men and move it towards the Government.

    C) Give Women the Vote, so that the above 2 happen regardless over time.

    The Russian government should be doing this in Muslim majority areas.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:37 pm

    At least some one has the courage to speak the truth.

    "“The thing that he incites violence is really scary,” Sevastyanova told R-Sport.

    “I’m totally against it. This is not right to put it mildly. We live in a very unstable world, we have an unstable situation right now with people going through hard times. Why does he incite violence? Especially now when on the contrary we should stay together helping each other, but not killing each other. I think his actions were dictated by his temperament. They live in accordance with rules inherent to their culture,” she added."

    Very true.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  flamming_python Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:16 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Who guys need to understand how the world works from Islamic POV.

    Sharia dictates killing those who insult the Prophet because that's what the Prophet himself did. People who insult him are creating Fitna, they are oppressors who create chaos and slander unto face of Allah. Going against Sharia is an admission than man-made laws are better than Allah's law and that is a form of polytheism (Shirk)

    The Christian mentality of "praise be the meek for they should inherit the Earth" is alien to Islam.

    Sharia will meet OMON pretty quickly if they try that

    Having said that, no-one insults Islam officially in Russia or in mass-media. No point in creating problems if there is no need for them.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  flamming_python Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:20 pm

    par far wrote:At least some one has the courage to speak the truth.

    "“The thing that he incites violence is really scary,” Sevastyanova told R-Sport.

    “I’m totally against it. This is not right to put it mildly. We live in a very unstable world, we have an unstable situation right now with people going through hard times. Why does he incite violence? Especially now when on the contrary we should stay together helping each other, but not killing each other. I think his actions were dictated by his temperament. They live in accordance with rules inherent to their culture,” she added."

    Very true.

    He is an Islamist and doesn't represent all Dagestanis

    Fuck him. Nevertheless he's not a threat to Russian society or anything, he personally hasn't killed anybody or broke any laws, and hasn't incited to do so.

    And this dumb bitch is only propogating stereotypes, Dagestanis are a very diverse set of people in world views and so on, met plenty enough in the army and it's like night and day with every person you meet.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:04 pm

    The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia has banned marriages of Muslims with adherents of other religions.

    So what?

    Most catholic families hate it when their children marry non catholics... and jews are not much different in some places where marriage needs approval and approval is withheld because the person getting married is not of the same faith whatever that might be.

    Just means they will have a non muslim wedding... no big deal... might result in people changing religions I would think you would like this...

    If I fell in love with someone who believed in a different fictional all powerful god but the leaders of my religion said I could not marry them I think I would probably marry them in law... a registrar marriage to make it legal and then wait for them to change the rules... or tell them to piss off I am marrying this person whether they like it or not... kick me out if you want.

    But then most religions have rules regarding who can get married and when and how many partners you can have etc etc.

    French still believe in this crap. Only first Chechen war had some rebels - second war seen same rebels from 1st war to align with Russia to fight terrorists. French still pedled term rebels during 2nd war and even during Beslan.

    Not just the French... all of the west... Russia = bad guys, so anyone fighting the bad guys must be a good guy fighting for freedom.

    Terrorism didn't even damage government. Never they tried to attack the institutions for some reason.

    It is like Israel though... civilians are easier targets... government targets are generally too well protected, and can be seen as part of the problem in the total war against the west...

    Yes, but terrorism is different as it targets solely the population, not the government.

    That is not true... look at Microns reactions to the Yellow Jackets... he pretty much ignores them... they have been out on the streets protesting for a good part of 3 years now and are generally ignored by the French government, but two muslims brutally kill four people and Micron is all over it making speeches about democracy and freedom of speech and all sorts of bullshit he could care less about.

    They didn't target the government but the government noticed.

    Only few countries commemorate Beslan, France is not one of them.

    France wants everyone to unite together against terrorists... but only the terrorists that attack the French directly... they will support and fund terrorists that kill Syrians and Russians... why should a Russian MMA fighter give a crap about the French when the French don't give a crap about Russians fighting terrorists France and the UK and US funded and helped create in the first place...

    Also, French people now think that US won the WW2.

    Well there you go... in 50 years time it will be the Russians that funded the terrorists in Syria and then send terrorists from all over africa and the middle east to spread death and destruction in Europe pretending to be migrants and refugees abusing the kindness and generosity of the EU... those Russian bastards... why can't they just embrace peace and love and democracy... like the west does... Rolling Eyes

    I agree with most of your post, but this is what Ukrainian nazis are saying.

    And why do you think they are saying that... who do you think they are sucking up to when they say that... who supports them now and whose favour to you think they are trying to earn?

    If the EUs bitches and new recruits are saying that it is pretty clear that is what the EU wants and expects to hear from anyone trying to get a hold of a nipple to get on the gravy train...

    Take a picture in Saint Petersburg and Vienna and you won't be able to tell much difference.. ok, there are more white people in Saint Petersburg.

    You don't have to convince me... I can read a map... it is the EU that is writing Russia out of Europe...

    This is silly law pushed by ADL type of organisations with Atlantic ties. It's sickening that one group claims a monopoly of victimhood, but it's Modus Operandi of them. They beat others and cry in pain. Just like Muslims and their fake sky god.

    What happened was a genuine war crime and should be remembered in shame, but what they have done is worse... it is like using it as a perpetual get out of jail free card they whip out every time anyone looks at them sideways because they are doing some thing they know is wrong.

    The sad thing is that they are essentially almost doing to the Palestinians what was done to them by about 1941 and they are heading down a path where they could end up doing much worse than the Germans did...

    Just like genocide of Russians, these crimes against civilians can be used as a mockery.

    The misuse of the memory of what happened... well your stats chart showing French public opinion shows how information is used to change views and opinions... effectively warping reality and substituting their own narrative...

    Makes you wonder of course... if the US won WWII with D Day and managed to free the jews from their death camps then why did they then withdraw to the border between East and West Germany when hostilities stopped?

    A bit like the conflict in Georgia on 8 8 8... if the Georgians were defending South Ossetia from a Russian invasion how did they manage to push the Russians back to allow them to shell the capital city of SO before being pushed back by the invading Russians... away from the capital and back into georgian territory?

    That teacher is no hero, he was forgotten in a week like 200+ other recent victims.

    His cartoon really backfired and I am pretty sure he didn't expect this reaction, but an opposite as he was friendly with muslim communities.

    I doubt we will ever get the full story but the version I heard was that he asked all the muslim children to leave the room before he showed them so the kids who stayed and got upset have no one to blame but themselves.

    What I would like to know is... why did he do it? Was it part of the curriculum and he was supposed to ask the muslim children to leave, or was it something he had found and wanted to discuss with his class... but either way if you ask someone to leave because they might be offended then why would you be surprised at being offended.

    If a movie says there is nudity and you watch it and get offended because of the nudity who is the idiot? Should you being offended be any reason to ban the movie if you didn't listen and ignored the warnings?

    Getting hit in the head for money doesn't attract smartest people, but his comment is typical of terrorist supporter. There was much sinister meaning behind it. Syrian terrorists like this type of rhetoric. Not to mention it spawned terrorist attack in Russia too.

    He is entitled to his views... if you want to blame him for the terrorist attack then you also need to blame the reporter for sharing the story and the tv networks and social media that spread what he said so eagerly...

    It's this generation mostly. Isis romanticism affected plenty of young people. Russian muslims were very sane and not reactionaries, but I am afraid they will need to grow out of it.

    At university many years ago in an anthropology paper a lecturer put a newspaper editorial on the screen. It talked about the young people of today. They don't respect their elders. They use foul language. They are impulsive and lazy and don't want to work. They are always complaining and always bored and unable to amuse themselves and have no initiative. The story was published in an English newspaper... in the early 1700s.

    Not much has changed...

    Very true, people should follow less. Famous people are usually the most misleading ones.

    They have more power than they realise and often are misquoted as well which can make things worse... that is when it is not a UK rag story that was made up by some smelly fat reporter than never leaves his desk and just makes shit up.

    The Christian mentality of "praise be the meek for they should inherit the Earth" is alien to Islam.

    I would have more respect for Christian religions if they practised what they preached... tolerance and turning the other cheek seems to be largely ignored, while and eye for an eye seems to be a favourite western foreign policy staple.

    The Russian government should be doing this in Muslim majority areas.

    Russian women were never oppressed like they were in the west, and education has always been important for men and women in Russia, and both men and women have had voting rights for some time now.

    Fuck him. Nevertheless he's not a threat to Russian society or anything, he personally hasn't killed anybody or broke any laws, and hasn't incited to do so.

    And this dumb bitch is only propogating stereotypes, Dagestanis are a very diverse set of people in world views and so on, met plenty enough in the army and it's like night and day with every person you meet.

    If you bait a bull why then complain that he hurt you when he charged you?

    Just because you are jabbing him with a sword every time he walks past and you keep waving that red piece of fabric and calling him rude words is no reason for him to attack you... or is it? Isn't that exactly why you are waving that red fabric around to get him to attack so you can stab him with the sword and then get you paycheck and sleep at night knowing he is the bad guy and you are just an ordinary stiff trying to earn a living....

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  PhSt Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:42 pm

    I found this youtuber who visited both Chechnya and Dagestan. It looks like Muslims in Dagestan (and the rest of the north Cucasus) are more secular than in Chechnya, you can see by the way the women dress in Dagestan where very few wear headscarves compared to Chechnya.



    What I find annoying are the comments in the videos referring to Chechnya and Dagestan as "Countries" and completely ignorant about the fact that these regions are part of Russia. I have a feeling that these insinuations are actually encouraged by NATO propagandists as part of their campaign to support secessionist sentiments in Russia.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:39 pm

    Indeed. There has been a deliberate policy to carve Russia up into manageable pieces for well over 100 years.

    But the west is the case of throwing stones while living in a glass house. We see the frothing paranoia in Spain
    about Putin supporting Catalan independence in "nefarious ways". The usual rabid lies and hypocrisy from the


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:51 pm

    kvs wrote:Indeed.  There has been a deliberate policy to carve Russia up into manageable pieces for well over 100 years.  

    But the west is the case of throwing stones while living in a glass house.   We see the frothing paranoia in Spain
    about Putin supporting Catalan independence in "nefarious ways".    The usual rabid lies and hypocrisy from the

    What? You didn't see VVP's 10,000 soldier regiment to ensure Catalan Independence?  Wink Don Quixote was smiling from heavens up above! lol1
    Since 2014 that was probably the most ridiculous agitprop we've seen yet, only followed by the claim that Sputnik V is related to Novichok. pwnd

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:54 pm

    I noticed it too in comments section but there seems to be a considerable amount of wierd wording.

    They say country but not in the sense of country as separate but also mention that they are southern Russia.

    Wording is fucked but it is similar to how they say "this or that country" within Canada or USA.


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  flamming_python Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:56 pm

    PhSt wrote:
    What I find annoying are the comments in the videos referring to Chechnya and Dagestan as "Countries" and completely ignorant about the fact that these regions are part of Russia. I have a feeling that these insinuations are actually encouraged by NATO propagandists as part of their campaign to support secessionist sentiments in Russia.

    Who cares? russia

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  flamming_python Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:57 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:I noticed it too in comments section but there seems to be a considerable amount of wierd wording.

    They say country but not in the sense of country as separate but also mention that they are southern Russia.

    Wording is fucked but it is similar to how they say "this or that country" within Canada or USA.  

    This is pretty much it. Actual seperatists in Dagestan are rare but they are proud of their own republic and traditions. In practice Dagestan like Chechnya pretty much is ruled by its own people not those sent from Moscow and everyone is fine with this arrangement. When Moscow does send someone there (like now with Vasilyev) it's because they failed to get their own shit together themselves.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 5 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Nov 13, 2020 5:00 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:I noticed it too in comments section but there seems to be a considerable amount of wierd wording.

    They say country but not in the sense of country as separate but also mention that they are southern Russia.

    Wording is fucked but it is similar to how they say "this or that country" within Canada or USA.  

    This is pretty much it. Actual seperatists in Dagestan are rare but they are proud of their own republic and traditions. In practice Dagestan like Chechnya pretty much is ruled by its own people not those sent from Moscow and everyone is fine with this arrangement. When Moscow does send someone there (like now with Vasilyev) it's because they failed to get their own shit together themselves.

    Daegestan and Ingushetia are the two regions where they had one of the highest in wanting to stay part of Russia back in the early 90's. In current times, they are also some of the most patriotic to Russia next to Chechnya where they all vote heavy for a heavy handed government in Moscow.

    They seem to at least love their home country Russia. And yes, they love their region of Russia and well, that is good for them.

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