The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia has banned marriages of Muslims with adherents of other religions.
So what?
Most catholic families hate it when their children marry non catholics... and jews are not much different in some places where marriage needs approval and approval is withheld because the person getting married is not of the same faith whatever that might be.
Just means they will have a non muslim wedding... no big deal... might result in people changing religions I would think you would like this...
If I fell in love with someone who believed in a different fictional all powerful god but the leaders of my religion said I could not marry them I think I would probably marry them in law... a registrar marriage to make it legal and then wait for them to change the rules... or tell them to piss off I am marrying this person whether they like it or not... kick me out if you want.
But then most religions have rules regarding who can get married and when and how many partners you can have etc etc.
French still believe in this crap. Only first Chechen war had some rebels - second war seen same rebels from 1st war to align with Russia to fight terrorists. French still pedled term rebels during 2nd war and even during Beslan.
Not just the French... all of the west... Russia = bad guys, so anyone fighting the bad guys must be a good guy fighting for freedom.
Terrorism didn't even damage government. Never they tried to attack the institutions for some reason.
It is like Israel though... civilians are easier targets... government targets are generally too well protected, and can be seen as part of the problem in the total war against the west...
Yes, but terrorism is different as it targets solely the population, not the government.
That is not true... look at Microns reactions to the Yellow Jackets... he pretty much ignores them... they have been out on the streets protesting for a good part of 3 years now and are generally ignored by the French government, but two muslims brutally kill four people and Micron is all over it making speeches about democracy and freedom of speech and all sorts of bullshit he could care less about.
They didn't target the government but the government noticed.
Only few countries commemorate Beslan, France is not one of them.
France wants everyone to unite together against terrorists... but only the terrorists that attack the French directly... they will support and fund terrorists that kill Syrians and Russians... why should a Russian MMA fighter give a crap about the French when the French don't give a crap about Russians fighting terrorists France and the UK and US funded and helped create in the first place...
Also, French people now think that US won the WW2.
Well there you go... in 50 years time it will be the Russians that funded the terrorists in Syria and then send terrorists from all over africa and the middle east to spread death and destruction in Europe pretending to be migrants and refugees abusing the kindness and generosity of the EU... those Russian bastards... why can't they just embrace peace and love and democracy... like the west does...
I agree with most of your post, but this is what Ukrainian nazis are saying.
And why do you think they are saying that... who do you think they are sucking up to when they say that... who supports them now and whose favour to you think they are trying to earn?
If the EUs bitches and new recruits are saying that it is pretty clear that is what the EU wants and expects to hear from anyone trying to get a hold of a nipple to get on the gravy train...
Take a picture in Saint Petersburg and Vienna and you won't be able to tell much difference.. ok, there are more white people in Saint Petersburg.
You don't have to convince me... I can read a map... it is the EU that is writing Russia out of Europe...
This is silly law pushed by ADL type of organisations with Atlantic ties. It's sickening that one group claims a monopoly of victimhood, but it's Modus Operandi of them. They beat others and cry in pain. Just like Muslims and their fake sky god.
What happened was a genuine war crime and should be remembered in shame, but what they have done is worse... it is like using it as a perpetual get out of jail free card they whip out every time anyone looks at them sideways because they are doing some thing they know is wrong.
The sad thing is that they are essentially almost doing to the Palestinians what was done to them by about 1941 and they are heading down a path where they could end up doing much worse than the Germans did...
Just like genocide of Russians, these crimes against civilians can be used as a mockery.
The misuse of the memory of what happened... well your stats chart showing French public opinion shows how information is used to change views and opinions... effectively warping reality and substituting their own narrative...
Makes you wonder of course... if the US won WWII with D Day and managed to free the jews from their death camps then why did they then withdraw to the border between East and West Germany when hostilities stopped?
A bit like the conflict in Georgia on 8 8 8... if the Georgians were defending South Ossetia from a Russian invasion how did they manage to push the Russians back to allow them to shell the capital city of SO before being pushed back by the invading Russians... away from the capital and back into georgian territory?
That teacher is no hero, he was forgotten in a week like 200+ other recent victims.
His cartoon really backfired and I am pretty sure he didn't expect this reaction, but an opposite as he was friendly with muslim communities.
I doubt we will ever get the full story but the version I heard was that he asked all the muslim children to leave the room before he showed them so the kids who stayed and got upset have no one to blame but themselves.
What I would like to know is... why did he do it? Was it part of the curriculum and he was supposed to ask the muslim children to leave, or was it something he had found and wanted to discuss with his class... but either way if you ask someone to leave because they might be offended then why would you be surprised at being offended.
If a movie says there is nudity and you watch it and get offended because of the nudity who is the idiot? Should you being offended be any reason to ban the movie if you didn't listen and ignored the warnings?
Getting hit in the head for money doesn't attract smartest people, but his comment is typical of terrorist supporter. There was much sinister meaning behind it. Syrian terrorists like this type of rhetoric. Not to mention it spawned terrorist attack in Russia too.
He is entitled to his views... if you want to blame him for the terrorist attack then you also need to blame the reporter for sharing the story and the tv networks and social media that spread what he said so eagerly...
It's this generation mostly. Isis romanticism affected plenty of young people. Russian muslims were very sane and not reactionaries, but I am afraid they will need to grow out of it.
At university many years ago in an anthropology paper a lecturer put a newspaper editorial on the screen. It talked about the young people of today. They don't respect their elders. They use foul language. They are impulsive and lazy and don't want to work. They are always complaining and always bored and unable to amuse themselves and have no initiative. The story was published in an English newspaper... in the early 1700s.
Not much has changed...
Very true, people should follow less. Famous people are usually the most misleading ones.
They have more power than they realise and often are misquoted as well which can make things worse... that is when it is not a UK rag story that was made up by some smelly fat reporter than never leaves his desk and just makes shit up.
The Christian mentality of "praise be the meek for they should inherit the Earth" is alien to Islam.
I would have more respect for Christian religions if they practised what they preached... tolerance and turning the other cheek seems to be largely ignored, while and eye for an eye seems to be a favourite western foreign policy staple.
The Russian government should be doing this in Muslim majority areas.
Russian women were never oppressed like they were in the west, and education has always been important for men and women in Russia, and both men and women have had voting rights for some time now.
Fuck him. Nevertheless he's not a threat to Russian society or anything, he personally hasn't killed anybody or broke any laws, and hasn't incited to do so.
And this dumb bitch is only propogating stereotypes, Dagestanis are a very diverse set of people in world views and so on, met plenty enough in the army and it's like night and day with every person you meet.
If you bait a bull why then complain that he hurt you when he charged you?
Just because you are jabbing him with a sword every time he walks past and you keep waving that red piece of fabric and calling him rude words is no reason for him to attack you... or is it? Isn't that exactly why you are waving that red fabric around to get him to attack so you can stab him with the sword and then get you paycheck and sleep at night knowing he is the bad guy and you are just an ordinary stiff trying to earn a living....