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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?


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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:13 pm

    See we are two of a kind. Muslims are racist too. During Haj first the Arabs are allowed to enter, then non Arab muslims and eventually Black Muslims.

    The biggest financiers and supporters of Islamic terrorism the world over are muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and UAE. Almost all the major terrorist attacks in the last 3 decades including but not restricted to Moscow Theater attack, Beslan, Metrojet Flight, Boston bombing, Mumbai attacks were carried out by muslims.

    No that's wrong . The percentage for each country was already limited by 1000 person per every one million . This decision was agreed by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation on 1988 .

    ِThat's why in 2017 there were 221,000 indonesians (not Arabs) who came to Haj ,then 179,000 pakistani (not Arabs ) , 170,000 Indians (not Arabs ), 128,000 bangladeshi (not Arabs ) , 95,000 Nigerians (not Arabs and black ) , then Iran ,Turkey ,Egypt ,Algeria ,Morroco ,,etc .

    So you can see Arabs are the lowest here ,actually the black non Arabs sometimes are in high numbers .

    Sorry i have no intention to prove anything to you , you are already biased .

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:35 am

    Jihad is happening because muslims are being indoctrinated by radical Islamic literature sponsored by Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar.

    Saudi Arabia and UAE and Qatar are white western constructs... about 100 years ago these countries were being created by the UK and France to divvy up the known oil sources in the region... even today the western control of those countries is enormous, but they don't give a shit about terrorism... except against Israel which is why Iran is the way it is... which is seriously messed up because as far as terrorists go the Iranian supported nutters are probably the closest you could get to moderate nutters the west talks about when they refer to terrorists in Syria... the irony is that the moderate ones the west is talking about burn people alive and decapitate children... you know... the Saudi supported censored .... in comparison the Iranian supported terrorists just want their land back that was taken from them by Israel.

    When you are in the business of fighting someone to get land back you can't be a nice person... the Jews blew up and shot lots of innocent people to take the country of Israel in the first place... it is understandable that relatives of those people will shoot and bomb to get it back... you could call them freedom fighters or terrorists, but the head choppers in Syria can only be called terrorists by the way they treat the people...

    The US and UK spreads Islamic terrorism across the world.

    I am glad you admit that white people are responsible...

    Majority of muslim radical groups find shelter in UK and Canada. Both these two governments also provide support to Islamic terrorism.

    Not to mention destroy and corrupt their home countries and stir up radicalism to weaponise these people and then send them off to explode... that guy that killed that French teacher was Russian but he was radicalised in France...

    No Christian group is carrying out any crusade anywhere in the world.

    UK, US, France... you just agreed they were weaponising muslims... don't you think that is part of their crusade to create conflict between muslim states so they fight each other, or attack the west so the west can go in and bomb targets they want to bomb for completely different reasons... bomb that oil field so that when the smoke clears and the peace keeping forces get sent in you can get that contract to rebuild the oil well and pump oil making the profit yours instead of who owns it now.

    There is no Christian equivalent of ISIS or Al-Qaeda who are going around beheading non Christians.

    KKK and Nazis are often very religious Christians.... you can interpret all sorts of shit from the various bibles and make almost any claim you like...

    Isolated, lone wolf incident. No concrete evidence to suggest any White supremacist group was involved.

    So it is not terrorism if you don't get help? Interesting... and obviously wrong. BTW the US feds burned about 75 people to death in Waco... a large number of them were children... makes you wonder about which side was the terrorist really...

    Whites are smart people with one of the highest IQ in the world.

    White people don't have one IQ statistic that we share... we created IQ tests so it makes sense we should perform well when tested, but sometimes intelligence is not a single thing either. I visited a friend with another friend of mine. The friend I went with is a Vinyl layer... and a very good one... nice guy... very practical hands on sort of bloke. Not really interested in international affairs much. The guy we visited spent about 20 years at university... he liked the lifestyle and had a few goes at passing some papers... he ended up with degrees in accountancy and economics. When we arrived we noticed he had his hose sticking down the drain with the water running... we mentioned that to him and he said he couldn't turn the hose off so he just put it down the drain till he got time to go get some washers to fix it. My other friend simply reached into his van and got some tape and grabbed the hose and folded the rubber hose in half to stop the water flow and taped it up so it didn't keep leaking water. The hose had been running for three days.

    On the face of it... two guys with university degrees, and one guy who didn't finish high school... you can talk about intelligence and smart... on that day two were intelligent but only one was smart... which I think makes him much smarter than the other two.

    After seeing him do it it was the obvious thing to do but for three days my friend didn't think of that, and in the two minutes I knew what the situation was I didn't come up with a solution either.

    We were all white by the way.

    Also, we are a small minority. Just about 20% people in the world are White people. Orthodox Christians like us will never go around harming innocent people. It's not our culture.

    Less than 20% of that group of white people around the world would be orthodox christians... but the remaining 80% of those white people are all sorts of religions including catholics and even muslims.

    If you are trying to claim orthodox christains are pacifists I don't believe you... no christains are.... despite all the turn the other cheek stuff, and the do un to others as you would have done to you...

    Even if you were, your white comrades in the west have been killing people in enormous numbers for centuries... whether directly with massacres or indirectly with pollution and neglect... I am sure testing nuclear weapons was much safer on Pacific Islands than it was in France or the US or UK...

    Low IQ muslims who spend hours listening to jihadi lectures in mosques carry out far more violent attacks across the world.

    Low IQ everyones are targeted by the US army recruitment officers because they are easy to get to sign... they know their military is full of rapists and bullies that just love a steady stream of low IQ people to abuse... sadly people will always take advantage of low IQ people.... but give America some credit... they are now making them president...

    Did you even checked some statistics ?

    I would expect if you added a category of non white "communist/socialist/radicals" it would be like 93% of the pie... be cause it would include the leftists and latinos and muslims and communists and others... it would be a pie with one slice of 7% Israeli extremists who they will monitor to see who the next US president will be and the rest of the pie is non white socialists...

    See we are two of a kind. Muslims are racist too. During Haj first the Arabs are allowed to enter, then non Arab muslims and eventually Black Muslims.

    Everyone is racist... a black man, when his daughter brings home a white dude that she says she loves and wants to marry... he is not going to be happy... the irony is that he would probably be happier that she was with a black man that beats her up occasionally than a white dude that treats her like a princess.

    The real irony is that women want to be treated equal so a man beating a woman becomes not so black and white... Twisted Evil

    The biggest financiers and supporters of Islamic terrorism the world over are muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and UAE.

    That make all their money selling oil to the west...

    The west could say... dial it back... but half the time it is probably their idea.... hey... go attack Libya and Syria because they are stable productive countries that don't let us rape them of their oil like you do....

    Almost all the major terrorist attacks in the last 3 decades including but not restricted to Moscow Theater attack, Beslan, Metrojet Flight, Boston bombing, Mumbai attacks were carried out by muslims.

    Waco, US government building destroyed by Tim McVeight, Christchurch shooting rampage.... various shooting rampages in the west including the US, and UK...

    Western attack on Serbia over Kosovo, Western invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and attacks against Libya and Syria, Crippling sanctions against Iran and Venezuela which most likely have cost the lives of many thousand people who could no longer get medication they needed or food or killed directly by unmanned drone... over 5 thousand people accidently killed in the crossfire there just with unmanned armed drones that are totally illegal under international law....

    Sorry i have no intention to prove anything to you , you are already biased .

    That is the problem... anyone who chatted on the internet for a short while with someone and suddenly said.... You are right and I am wrong... I will think about things completely differently now... well how likely is that to happen...

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Sujoy Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:34 pm

    The nefarious role being played by the House of Windsor in creating various types of extremist groups around the world should not be overlooked. Islamic extremism is also a creation of the UK's royal family. Before WWII, this family discovered Nazism and used it to create divisions around the world now they are promoting Islamic extremism with the help of conduits like the Deep State - CIA, MI5, NSA, FBI, global multinational banks, think tanks etc.

    Almost all the countries across Asia (including India, China Middle East ) Russia, EU, Africa, Latin America and US are remotely controlled by the House of Windsor by rigging elections and the banking system and thereafter installing their trojans. Notice that the universal payment mechanism called SWIFT is still based in the UK.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Some One Who Gets It

    Post  calripson Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:17 am

    Sujoy wrote:The nefarious role being played by the House of Windsor in creating various types of extremist groups around the world should not be overlooked. Islamic extremism is also a creation of the UK's royal family. Before WWII, this family discovered Nazism and used it to create divisions around the world now they are promoting Islamic extremism with the help of conduits like the Deep State -  CIA, MI5, NSA, FBI, global multinational banks, think tanks etc.

    Almost all the countries across Asia (including India, China Middle East ) Russia, EU, Africa, Latin America and US are remotely controlled by the House of Windsor by rigging elections and the banking system and thereafter installing their trojans. Notice that the universal payment mechanism called SWIFT is still based in the UK.

    Very few people understand how the world is really run and you my friend are a lot closer to the mark than most.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:20 am

    jhelb wrote:Whites are smart people with one of the highest IQ in the world....

    Oh yeah, definitely. We got some quantum physicist over here lol1

    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSQXmUg3tt26EGAUUFsRg2Ay9L9xFCjrC4Fmg&usqp=CAU

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:04 am

    The house of Windsor couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel...

    Oh yeah, definitely. We got some quantum physicist over here

    Exactly... the white supremacists who think because the average IQ of whites is higher than other ethnic groups means all white people are smarter and by direct example showing the opposite...

    That photo reminds me of the old joke... "Jed... why we got to live next door to your parents... Mary Lou... they is your parents too yah know...."

    And of course ... a tornado like a Kentucky divorce... either way someone is losing a trailer...

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  Sujoy Thu Oct 29, 2020 11:20 am

    GarryB wrote:The house of Windsor couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel...
    5 bucks says you are wrong

    House of Windsor organized Nazism and Communism. Who were the original Nazis? Germans are blamed for it but it was the royal family that created the concept of Nazism. Marx discovered all his discredited theories sitting not in Germany but in UK.

    House of Windsor's support to Islamic extremism goes back to the days when they created artificial Islamic republics like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

    Military operations were no longer cost effective so the House of Windsor devised strategies to destabilize every country in the world economically and politically. Keeping these countries in continuous turmoil means they can extract maximum resources - both men and material from these countries. The "Deep State" of every country is a representative of the royal family.

    By rigging the banking and political system the royal family is able to install their puppets in every country from super powers like Russia and US to developing countries across Asia and Africa. Putin opposes UK only to the extent he is allowed to. In case of african and asia countries like India when our/their leaders are asked to bend they crawl.

    Almost every single economic offender finds a safe haven in UK courtesy the royal family. These fugitives siphon of billions from their countries and park them in financial institutions in UK and UK offshore bases where the royal family is a major stakeholder.  Islamic extremists can be found across UK. Islamic terrorism is pressure tactics used by the royal family to continue exerting pressure on various governments.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:47 pm

    GarryB wrote:The house of Windsor couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel...

    Oh yeah, definitely. We got some quantum physicist over here

    Exactly... the white supremacists who think because the average IQ of whites is higher than other ethnic groups means all white people are smarter and by direct example showing the opposite...

    That photo reminds me of the old joke... "Jed... why we got to live next door to your parents... Mary Lou... they is your parents too yah know...."

    And of course ... a tornado like a Kentucky divorce... either way someone is losing a trailer...

    IQ is a BS metric. Supposedly orientals are higher than white who are higher than the non-whites other than orientals. This basically reflects
    cultural conditioning and not brain function. The stratification is directly linked to the grubbing for education level. Some people are not obsessed
    with getting a higher education degree. That does not mean that they are retarded.

    The human brain is a learning system. That means, by definition, that it is a moving target. IQ attempts to measure intelligence
    as if it is intrinsic like mass. This is obviously BS. And the BS gets worse when you find out that IQ tests use culturally specific
    constructs as metrics. So these tests are not only useless, they are biased. In this regard the SJWs are correct since IQ tests
    originate in the bad old days of imperial and white chauvinism over the lesser colonials.

    BTW, I do know about the military history of IQ tests which were designed to weed out dangerous incompetents. But that is not
    what they were used for later outside of their specific military application.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty But Their Bankers Sure Could

    Post  calripson Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:43 pm

    GarryB wrote:The house of Windsor couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel...

    Oh yeah, definitely. We got some quantum physicist over here

    Exactly... the white supremacists who think because the average IQ of whites is higher than other ethnic groups means all white people are smarter and by direct example showing the opposite...

    That photo reminds me of the old joke... "Jed... why we got to live next door to your parents... Mary Lou... they is your parents too yah know...."

    And of course ... a tornado like a Kentucky divorce... either way someone is losing a trailer...

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:49 am

    House of Windsor organized Nazism and Communism.

    They might have assisted, but they were literally powerless in the EU... which is why they are leaving it, and they have little say in HATO because the US runs that.... and pretty soon the EU are going to stop doing their financial business in a non EU location like London... and so they will be even less influential.

    Who were the original Nazis? Germans are blamed for it but it was the royal family that created the concept of Nazism. Marx discovered all his discredited theories sitting not in Germany but in UK.

    Not believable. They are bastards, but you give them way too much credit.

    House of Windsor's support to Islamic extremism goes back to the days when they created artificial Islamic republics like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

    Western white rich elites have been in bed with the lowest whores on the planet, but they always scrub up before making public appearances.

    Military operations were no longer cost effective so the House of Windsor devised strategies to destabilize every country in the world economically and politically.

    All white western countries try to destabilise and divide their enemies... some with more success than others...

    Keeping these countries in continuous turmoil means they can extract maximum resources - both men and material from these countries. The "Deep State" of every country is a representative of the royal family.

    Deep State is just people with money... royal families wouldn't even register these days because most of the British royal families wealth is tied up in land with the bonus that she does not have to pay any tax... but most rich people find ways to not pay tax anyway.

    By rigging the banking and political system the royal family is able to install their puppets in every country from super powers like Russia and US to developing countries across Asia and Africa. Putin opposes UK only to the extent he is allowed to. In case of african and asia countries like India when our/their leaders are asked to bend they crawl.

    That is just silly... the UK and US would do everything they possibly could to get Putin out and anyone in.... Putins current position shows how impotent they really are.

    Almost every single economic offender finds a safe haven in UK courtesy the royal family.

    Yeah... I call bollocks again... the fact of the matter is that if you have a large amount of money in your bank most countries would be happy to take you and they wont ask the British Royal Family for permission either.

    These fugitives siphon of billions from their countries and park them in financial institutions in UK and UK offshore bases where the royal family is a major stakeholder.

    The British Royal Families wealth does not come from foreign billionaires buying english football teams... it comes from land ownership...

    Islamic extremists can be found across UK. Islamic terrorism is pressure tactics used by the royal family to continue exerting pressure on various governments.

    The Queen of England has almost zero political power... she does not even vote... their influence world wide is grossly overrated...

    So they hold goofy parties... big deal?

    Do you think parties the very very rich and very very powerful would be just like a party held in your average persons house?

    Who cares?

    Epstein showed what sort of deviant depraved shit those assholes get up to... normal alcohol and cheesy finger food are not enough to get billionaires going... they need cocaine and all sorts of mind altering shit so of course their parties are going to be mental.

    I would think the UK would be in much better shape if the house of Windsor ruled the planet or even if they just had a real say in things... the reality is they are largely ignored and even in the US where they think they have control the number of countries not taking up their new subscription of invasions and cool aide is increasing every year....

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  jhelb Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:04 pm

    A muslim terrorist beheaded a woman in Nice, France. She was one of three people killed at the city's Notre-Dame church.

    In response to this killing, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad says Muslims have the right to kill others.

    I wonder what our forum's Islam experts who have been defending Islam's barbarity has to say about this incident and the statement of Mahatir Mohammad.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  kvs Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:43 pm

    jhelb wrote:A muslim terrorist beheaded a woman in Nice, France. She was one of three people killed at the city's Notre-Dame church.

    In response to this killing, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad says Muslims have the right to kill others.

    I wonder what our forum's Islam experts who have been defending Islam's barbarity has to say about this incident and the statement of Mahatir Mohammad.

    Since I never defended Islamic barbarity and think it is a serious issue tied to the intolerant nature of this religion, I will chime in.
    These terrorists are the foreign policy chickens coming home to roost in the safety of PC inanity. All of these terrorist incidents
    in the EU involve so-called refugees which includes economic migrants who use the refugee process to get into a cushier life.
    The radicalization of Islam is the direct result of western meddling over the last 100 years. This includes the British Saudi Arabia
    project that has been taken over by the USA. This US protectorate is not only the biggest exporter and sponsor of terrorism it
    is also the main source of brainwashing of millions through the corrupt teachings of Wahabbism in madrassas.

    As for the Malaysian clown, he can go it eat shit. Pig shit. The 70 year old woman was not some oppressor of Muslims. Since
    she wasn't, that implies that he believes that all whites (a racist construct itself) are somehow guilty of Muslim problems and
    deserve capital punishment. I really wish that the propaganda about Putin offing his "opponents" was a real thing so that someone
    could arrange to have Mahatir Mohamad sent to his 72 male virgins in the afterlife.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Oct 30, 2020 5:31 pm

    Mahatir and  Erdogan are members of the Muslims Brotherhood group ,such groups are protected by UK and US .

    In Egypt it's classified as a terror group just like what Russia did .

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:37 pm

    This is going to get a lot worse, here in Canada, Muslims just scare me. We cannot arm ourselves because of the laws in Canada, I am very worried about the safety of my kids, my family and myself.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:39 pm

    jhelb wrote:A muslim terrorist beheaded a woman in Nice, France. She was one of three people killed at the city's Notre-Dame church.

    In response to this killing, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad says Muslims have the right to kill others.

    I wonder what our forum's Islam experts who have been defending Islam's barbarity has to say about this incident and the statement of Mahatir Mohammad.

    If the Muslims have that right, than other people have the right to defend themselves.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:05 pm

    par far wrote:
    jhelb wrote:A muslim terrorist beheaded a woman in Nice, France. She was one of three people killed at the city's Notre-Dame church.

    In response to this killing, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad says Muslims have the right to kill others.

    I wonder what our forum's Islam experts who have been defending Islam's barbarity has to say about this incident and the statement of Mahatir Mohammad.

    If the Muslims have that right, than other people have the right to defend themselves.


    it is like the age old adage:

    “To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”

    In this case, it is both Muslims and Jews. Even Jews these days are questioned and criticized. Yet muslims seem to have the west in total fear that criticizing them warrants execution. And that muslims all over not only condemn France over Macrons words, many even say that death is a logical punishment for it, just shows you the mentality of these people.

    I too fear for my kids, my wife and myself here in Canada. We pander to islamists and they know they have the power over us here.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  PhSt Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:17 pm

    Relax folks! Mahathir already clarified his recent remark as being "Taken out of context" Laughing Laughing Laughing

    So when a Muslims says “Muslims have a right to be angry and kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past”., what it actually means is "Islam is Peace"

    Typical Muslim BULLSHlTERRY

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  LMFS Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:50 pm

    Taking wahabi crazes for the whole of Islam is like believing all white people are Nazis. This is pure BS and things will end up very bad if we keep on baiting on such obvious lies and falsifications. Any society needs to deprive violent, fanatic and criminal elements of the space and support to thrive, independent on the religion. And that starts of curse by avoiding massive injections of money, normally form abroad, to turn hate and genocide into a way of living like it is done with the neonazis in Ukraine or the takfiri in Islamic countries. Every culture produces its own brand of demons and always when ruling classes need chaos unleashed. As always, following the money is the way to understand things.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:02 pm

    LMFS wrote:Taking wahabi crazes for the whole of Islam is like believing all white people are Nazis. This is pure BS and things will end up very bad if we keep on baiting on such obvious lies and falsifications. Any society needs to deprive violent, fanatic and criminal elements of the space and support to thrive, independent on the religion. And that starts of curse by avoiding massive injections of money, normally form abroad, to turn hate and genocide into a way of living like it is done with the neonazis in Ukraine or the takfiri in Islamic countries. Every culture produces its own brand of demons and always when ruling classes need chaos unleashed. As always, following the money is the way to understand things.

    Dude, give it up.

    Islamic terrorism is everywhere, wherever they are.

    When you have pissed off the Buddhists enough for them to become violent against you, then you got a problem.

    Muslims complain about: Buddhists Extremists, Christian Extremists, Hindu Extremists, nearly every other religion Extremists.

    What is the common denominator in all of this?

    Of course there are Muslims who are good and try to distance themselves from this issue. But because they are considered a quiet majority, many end up just leaving the religion altogether. Ex Muslim is a phrase being pushed around these days and they have one of if not the highest amount of people leaving their belief.

    Only way out of this is to reform their religion, openly denounce the killing of others especially in free speech (cannot kill someone over mohammed pictures). No matter how much it offends them, they are open to criticism like everyone else.

    At this point in time, they will gain more enemies than not simply due to their aggressive behavior against free speech.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  LMFS Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:51 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Dude, give it up.

    Islamic terrorism is everywhere, wherever they are.

    When you have pissed off the Buddhists enough for them to become violent against you, then you got a problem.

    Muslims complain about: Buddhists Extremists, Christian Extremists, Hindu Extremists, nearly every other religion Extremists.

    What is the common denominator in all of this?

    Of course there are Muslims who are good and try to distance themselves from this issue.  But because they are considered a quiet majority, many end up just leaving the religion altogether.  Ex Muslim is a phrase being pushed around these days and they have one of if not the highest amount of people leaving their belief.

    Only way out of this is to reform their religion, openly denounce the killing of others especially in free speech (cannot kill someone over mohammed pictures).  No matter how much it offends them, they are open to criticism like everyone else.

    At this point in time, they will gain more enemies than not simply due to their aggressive behavior against free speech.

    I cannot give it up, since this is a serious misconception of serious consequences. My point is that violence is not a religious element but a quite practical one, have you researched what different Muslim scholars may say about those drawings and if they justify killing someone? If you have no perspectives in life and are offered money to do shit somewhere under whatever excuse, well, there are chances some people that would otherwise become regular criminals will follow that path. If you multiply that by hundreds of millions of young guys, you have a serious army. So the problem is the political use of religious violence, mainly by Western actors BTW.

    Saying Islam is intrinsically more violent, given there are dozens of different currents within it, and given how many thousands of peaceful Muslim people have been killed by these takfiris, is adding insult to injury, sorry but this needs to be said. It just shows how ignorant we Westerners are about anything alien to our culture.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  jhelb Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:06 pm

    par far wrote:If the Muslims have that right, than other people have the right to defend themselves.
    Easier said than done. These muslim fanatics are supported not just by various Middle Eastern countries but also by US, UK and Israel who provide them critical information necessary to carry out terrorist attacks. Several Islamic terrorist groups are supported by political parties in UK and Canada.

    There should be a complete ban in Russia on the entry of muslims and people who practice those other backward and violent eastern religions.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:11 pm

    LMFS wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Dude, give it up.

    Islamic terrorism is everywhere, wherever they are.

    When you have pissed off the Buddhists enough for them to become violent against you, then you got a problem.

    Muslims complain about: Buddhists Extremists, Christian Extremists, Hindu Extremists, nearly every other religion Extremists.

    What is the common denominator in all of this?

    Of course there are Muslims who are good and try to distance themselves from this issue.  But because they are considered a quiet majority, many end up just leaving the religion altogether.  Ex Muslim is a phrase being pushed around these days and they have one of if not the highest amount of people leaving their belief.

    Only way out of this is to reform their religion, openly denounce the killing of others especially in free speech (cannot kill someone over mohammed pictures).  No matter how much it offends them, they are open to criticism like everyone else.

    At this point in time, they will gain more enemies than not simply due to their aggressive behavior against free speech.

    I cannot give it up, since this is a serious misconception of serious consequences. My point is that violence is not a religious element but a quite practical one, have you researched what different Muslim scholars may say about those drawings and if they justify killing someone? If you have no perspectives in life and are offered money to do shit somewhere under whatever excuse, well, there are chances some people that would otherwise become regular criminals will follow that path. If you multiply that by hundreds of millions of young guys, you have a serious army. So the problem is the political use of religious violence, mainly by Western actors BTW.

    Saying Islam is intrinsically more violent, given there are dozens of different currents within it, and given how many thousands of peaceful Muslim people have been killed by these takfiris, is adding insult to injury, sorry but this needs to be said. It just shows how ignorant we Westerners are about anything alien to our culture.

    What do you think Mohammed was?  He was a warlord.  One who married his daughter in law and screwed a 9 year old.

    This is who they follow.

    There is no reasoning with these people.  I face that myself with an Egyptian who couldn't figure out the hypocracy for something basic like how a man can have 4 wives but a wife cannot have more than 1 husband or an Algerian who is dead certain that evil Serbs deserved to die and their churches burned by foreign fighters from Pakistan who was "defending their muslim brothers".

    There was a recent attack by a Jihadist in Tatarstan part of Russia.

    They are not compatible with us.  Their only form of respect is respecting those who show strength and force.  Hence why Russia, whom still struggles with terrorism, can keep things in check - by showing rather strong, tough strength.
    Pacifist just end up getting stabbed or the rope by these people.

    Only way they can integrate is if they either denounce their belief or at least start openly preaching, condemning and pushing for integration in other countries rather than having their braindead followers try to push their ideology and "culture" into the host country.

    The shit they pull in India is beyond acceptable.  It is downright disgusting.

    Beslan?  What about that?  They went after children directly and intentionally for fucks sakes.

    Hopefully things will change and they end up stopping this little crusade of theirs. But only way to do that is to cut the head of the snake - Erdogan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysian leaders, etc.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:46 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    par far wrote:
    jhelb wrote:A muslim terrorist beheaded a woman in Nice, France. She was one of three people killed at the city's Notre-Dame church.

    In response to this killing, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad says Muslims have the right to kill others.

    I wonder what our forum's Islam experts who have been defending Islam's barbarity has to say about this incident and the statement of Mahatir Mohammad.

    If the Muslims have that right, than other people have the right to defend themselves.


    it is like the age old adage:

    “To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”

    In this case, it is both Muslims and Jews.  Even Jews these days are questioned and criticized.  Yet muslims seem to have the west in total fear that criticizing them warrants execution.  And that muslims all over not only condemn France over Macrons words, many even say that death is a logical punishment for it, just shows you the mentality of these people.

    I too fear for my kids, my wife and myself here in Canada.  We pander to islamists and they know they have the power over us here.

    The laws are in Canada are made in a way where the victim cannot defend themselves.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  par far Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:48 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    par far wrote:
    jhelb wrote:A muslim terrorist beheaded a woman in Nice, France. She was one of three people killed at the city's Notre-Dame church.

    In response to this killing, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad says Muslims have the right to kill others.

    I wonder what our forum's Islam experts who have been defending Islam's barbarity has to say about this incident and the statement of Mahatir Mohammad.

    If the Muslims have that right, than other people have the right to defend themselves.


    it is like the age old adage:

    “To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”

    In this case, it is both Muslims and Jews.  Even Jews these days are questioned and criticized.  Yet muslims seem to have the west in total fear that criticizing them warrants execution.  And that muslims all over not only condemn France over Macrons words, many even say that death is a logical punishment for it, just shows you the mentality of these people.

    I too fear for my kids, my wife and myself here in Canada.  We pander to islamists and they know they have the power over us here.

    I don't think that Muslims rule over the west Mike, they just useful idiots for the bankers in the west. Muslims and Islam is used to keep people in fear. The Muslims do a very good job of this.

    The laws are in Canada are made in a way where the victim cannot defend themselves.

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    Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia? - Page 2 Empty Re: Will the Muslims that live in Russia cause problems for Russia?

    Post  LMFS Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:19 am

    miketheterrible wrote:There is no reasoning with these people.

    This is a gross generalization, sorry for stating the obvious. Christians some centuries ago were burning scientists alive or sending everyone to god when they took a rebellious territory. It is the culture and the interpretation, and not the religion that makes the difference.

    They are not compatible with us.

    This may be true in certain cases, when there are too strong cultural differences between two communities in particular. I am not a proponent of multiculturalism, since it does not make things easier.

    Hopefully things will change and they end up stopping this little crusade of theirs.  But only way to do that is to cut the head of the snake - Erdogan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysian leaders, etc.

    I think in terms of "crusades" you are overlooking literally millions of Muslims being killed and their entire countries being destroyed by the West and their agents in the last decades.

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