Jihad is happening because muslims are being indoctrinated by radical Islamic literature sponsored by Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar.
Saudi Arabia and UAE and Qatar are white western constructs... about 100 years ago these countries were being created by the UK and France to divvy up the known oil sources in the region... even today the western control of those countries is enormous, but they don't give a shit about terrorism... except against Israel which is why Iran is the way it is... which is seriously messed up because as far as terrorists go the Iranian supported nutters are probably the closest you could get to moderate nutters the west talks about when they refer to terrorists in Syria... the irony is that the moderate ones the west is talking about burn people alive and decapitate children... you know... the Saudi supported
.... in comparison the Iranian supported terrorists just want their land back that was taken from them by Israel.
When you are in the business of fighting someone to get land back you can't be a nice person... the Jews blew up and shot lots of innocent people to take the country of Israel in the first place... it is understandable that relatives of those people will shoot and bomb to get it back... you could call them freedom fighters or terrorists, but the head choppers in Syria can only be called terrorists by the way they treat the people...
The US and UK spreads Islamic terrorism across the world.
I am glad you admit that white people are responsible...
Majority of muslim radical groups find shelter in UK and Canada. Both these two governments also provide support to Islamic terrorism.
Not to mention destroy and corrupt their home countries and stir up radicalism to weaponise these people and then send them off to explode... that guy that killed that French teacher was Russian but he was radicalised in France...
No Christian group is carrying out any crusade anywhere in the world.
UK, US, France... you just agreed they were weaponising muslims... don't you think that is part of their crusade to create conflict between muslim states so they fight each other, or attack the west so the west can go in and bomb targets they want to bomb for completely different reasons... bomb that oil field so that when the smoke clears and the peace keeping forces get sent in you can get that contract to rebuild the oil well and pump oil making the profit yours instead of who owns it now.
There is no Christian equivalent of ISIS or Al-Qaeda who are going around beheading non Christians.
KKK and Nazis are often very religious Christians.... you can interpret all sorts of shit from the various bibles and make almost any claim you like...
Isolated, lone wolf incident. No concrete evidence to suggest any White supremacist group was involved.
So it is not terrorism if you don't get help? Interesting... and obviously wrong. BTW the US feds burned about 75 people to death in Waco... a large number of them were children... makes you wonder about which side was the terrorist really...
Whites are smart people with one of the highest IQ in the world.
White people don't have one IQ statistic that we share... we created IQ tests so it makes sense we should perform well when tested, but sometimes intelligence is not a single thing either. I visited a friend with another friend of mine. The friend I went with is a Vinyl layer... and a very good one... nice guy... very practical hands on sort of bloke. Not really interested in international affairs much. The guy we visited spent about 20 years at university... he liked the lifestyle and had a few goes at passing some papers... he ended up with degrees in accountancy and economics. When we arrived we noticed he had his hose sticking down the drain with the water running... we mentioned that to him and he said he couldn't turn the hose off so he just put it down the drain till he got time to go get some washers to fix it. My other friend simply reached into his van and got some tape and grabbed the hose and folded the rubber hose in half to stop the water flow and taped it up so it didn't keep leaking water. The hose had been running for three days.
On the face of it... two guys with university degrees, and one guy who didn't finish high school... you can talk about intelligence and smart... on that day two were intelligent but only one was smart... which I think makes him much smarter than the other two.
After seeing him do it it was the obvious thing to do but for three days my friend didn't think of that, and in the two minutes I knew what the situation was I didn't come up with a solution either.
We were all white by the way.
Also, we are a small minority. Just about 20% people in the world are White people. Orthodox Christians like us will never go around harming innocent people. It's not our culture.
Less than 20% of that group of white people around the world would be orthodox christians... but the remaining 80% of those white people are all sorts of religions including catholics and even muslims.
If you are trying to claim orthodox christains are pacifists I don't believe you... no christains are.... despite all the turn the other cheek stuff, and the do un to others as you would have done to you...
Even if you were, your white comrades in the west have been killing people in enormous numbers for centuries... whether directly with massacres or indirectly with pollution and neglect... I am sure testing nuclear weapons was much safer on Pacific Islands than it was in France or the US or UK...
Low IQ muslims who spend hours listening to jihadi lectures in mosques carry out far more violent attacks across the world.
Low IQ everyones are targeted by the US army recruitment officers because they are easy to get to sign... they know their military is full of rapists and bullies that just love a steady stream of low IQ people to abuse... sadly people will always take advantage of low IQ people.... but give America some credit... they are now making them president...
Did you even checked some statistics ?
I would expect if you added a category of non white "communist/socialist/radicals" it would be like 93% of the pie... be cause it would include the leftists and latinos and muslims and communists and others... it would be a pie with one slice of 7% Israeli extremists who they will monitor to see who the next US president will be and the rest of the pie is non white socialists...
See we are two of a kind. Muslims are racist too. During Haj first the Arabs are allowed to enter, then non Arab muslims and eventually Black Muslims.
Everyone is racist... a black man, when his daughter brings home a white dude that she says she loves and wants to marry... he is not going to be happy... the irony is that he would probably be happier that she was with a black man that beats her up occasionally than a white dude that treats her like a princess.
The real irony is that women want to be treated equal so a man beating a woman becomes not so black and white...
The biggest financiers and supporters of Islamic terrorism the world over are muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and UAE.
That make all their money selling oil to the west...
The west could say... dial it back... but half the time it is probably their idea.... hey... go attack Libya and Syria because they are stable productive countries that don't let us rape them of their oil like you do....
Almost all the major terrorist attacks in the last 3 decades including but not restricted to Moscow Theater attack, Beslan, Metrojet Flight, Boston bombing, Mumbai attacks were carried out by muslims.
Waco, US government building destroyed by Tim McVeight, Christchurch shooting rampage.... various shooting rampages in the west including the US, and UK...
Western attack on Serbia over Kosovo, Western invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and attacks against Libya and Syria, Crippling sanctions against Iran and Venezuela which most likely have cost the lives of many thousand people who could no longer get medication they needed or food or killed directly by unmanned drone... over 5 thousand people accidently killed in the crossfire there just with unmanned armed drones that are totally illegal under international law....
Sorry i have no intention to prove anything to you , you are already biased .
That is the problem... anyone who chatted on the internet for a short while with someone and suddenly said.... You are right and I am wrong... I will think about things completely differently now... well how likely is that to happen...