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    Alexei Navalny case


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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:46 pm

    Regular wrote:You are absolute clown.

    You don't understand, nor you try to understand Russian related issues objectively and you are emotional reactionary. Not to mention your stories about you being in Syria or having some inside info, that was absolute cringe..

    Don't think of us like we are gullible kids, you can sing your songs to Ultron.

    Clowns like him have been weened from birth on hate propaganda against Russians.   One of the core tropes of US-orchestrated propaganda
    is that Russians don't invent anything and Russia is a country that does not manufacture or produce anything.  In other words, that Russians
    are mentally inferior to Americans.   So naturally this troll clown comes here with an ubermenschen complex.   They are still running around
    with the retarded joke about the Soviet cell phone being too heavy to lift.   The morons don't know that it was Soviet materials science that
    helped make cell phones possible.   The clown can look up back issues of New Scientist for a reference.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:16 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Regular wrote:You are absolute clown.

    You don't understand, nor you try to understand Russian related issues objectively and you are emotional reactionary. Not to mention your stories about you being in Syria or having some inside info, that was absolute cringe..

    Don't think of us like we are gullible kids, you can sing your songs to Ultron.

    Clowns like him have been weened from birth on hate propaganda against Russians.   One of the core tropes of US-orchestrated propaganda
    is that Russians don't invent anything and Russia is a country that does not manufacture or produce anything.  In other words, that Russians
    are mentally inferior to Americans.   So naturally this troll clown comes here with an ubermenschen complex.   They are still running around
    with the retarded joke about the Soviet cell phone being too heavy to lift.   The morons don't know that it was Soviet materials science that
    helped make cell phones possible.   The clown can look up back issues of New Scientist for a reference.

    I don't hate Russia, I simply hold them to the same standards I would anyone else~

    Um I have never joked about Soviet cell phones on this site, but keep lying and making shit up. What a moron and a liar~.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:21 pm

    More from the western news front. This is not a solid story.

    Alexei Navalny has opened his US media campaign on Sunday with interviews on CBS Television and the New Yorker magazine. Wearing a new white shirt, he has also opened a new version of the attempted assassination.

    In Navalny’s fresh plot, he now says he was poisoned when he was putting on clothes in his hotel room in Tomsk, and then touched a water bottle. “We know that I was poisoned in the hotel because I — well, again, it’s just a pure speculation because no one knows what happened exactly — but I think that when I was, er, maybe put some clothes with this poison on me, I touched it with the hand [left hand], and then I sipped from the bottle [right hand]. So this nerve agent was not inside of the bottle but on the bottle.”

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  GarryB Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:04 am

    No, you are interested in a truth that fits your narrative and views nothing more, show me proof then the west was behind it. I am not even going to pretend on this, the truth on this forum is only welcome if it's pro-Russian.

    Their total over reaction tells me they are behind it... the fact that novachok has been identified as the weapon tells me they are behind it, the political mileage they are getting from this nothing story about a political nobody tells me the west is behind it.

    Loud and clear because no body else gives a fuck about this guy... except the western media...

    There is none, just theories. Sure it's possible the west was behind it just like it was possible the Russians did it.

    The Russians are not in a position to blow it up into such a circus... only the western media is doing that... and honestly it makes them look stupid.

    This is how the world works, if you want hard facts for one side then you are required to give them to the other side. It's not a one-way street where your personal bias and feelings are acceptable as evidence for the Russians but not the west.

    It is the west withholding evidence and at the same time demanding an investigation without that evidence... it has nothing to do with which side you believe right there it is stupid.

    I am not making some pro-western statement, rather common sense. Things go both ways, not just one.

    It is not common sense though, you are just speculating about why Russia might have done this for, but no evidence or proof that anything happened to begin with.

    Garry I know you can read, so stop trying to twist my words, either you are purposely doing this time and time again or you are a idiot.

    Of course... western ultimatum... you either agree with me or you are an idiot.... but what if you are the idiot... a useful idiot... doesn't that just make me the one with the common sense pointing out you are being used by western forces who want to smear Putin and Russia every chance they get to keep the EU and Russia apart...

    But isn't that weird though because I agree with their goals but not their methods... I think Russia should ignore the EU and the west and have nothing to do with them because they are damage goods and can only lead Russia astray... fuck the EU... with Russia they could be rich and powerful, but their leash is held by Washington and they like it that way... so the new multipolar future will have the west as one block led by the US as usual, and the rest of the world will either be on the US leash and doing as told or looking to another power centre for protection and goods and trade...

    That statement says the Russian have invested heavily into Nero agents since the Lenin and Stalin and none Stalin USSR days.

    As a chemical weapon for the battlefield to kill millions of enemy... not as some assassins weapon to murder one or two people that is just stupid.

    I do realize you are biased HOWEVER I do not consider you illiterate. The problem is I cannot bock you since your staff, I have grown tired of you trying to twist my words to fit your moronic points. Thi sis why i do not waste time responding to your posts in detail because all you do is try and manipulate words.

    I respond to all your points where relevant... you might notice I don't reply to all your posts or all your points... sometimes I agree, but mostly I reply to the really silly ones... so I guess for you I must reply to your posts a lot.... Hahahaha... little joke there.

    You are correct about the Albania part, however, the amount of countries that recognize it doesn't matter.

    Of course it doesn't normally... what matters is that the people who control the territory recognise it or not... so in 1992 Serbia didn't care about this referendum so it meant nothing.... in Crimea in the 1990s referendum Ukraine didn't recognise the referendums they had so they didn't matter either. In 2008 there was no referendum in Kosovo... there was a parlimentary vote... and the HATO occupiers and enforces essentially made it a fact on the ground... didn't matter who agreed or not, just like in Crimea in 2014 the people of the Crimea supported it and the Ukrainians were in no position to stop them so despite a lot of countries not agreeing with the Crimean referendum... the facts stand on the ground and you can whine and moan about legality but what it is is what it is.

    Very few countries consider Crimeans rerf legal and it wasn't nor was the Kosovo one.

    You talk about idiots.... an idiot is a person who talks about Crimean referendums and Kosovo referendums without recognising that the Crimean referendum took place and the people of the Crimea got to vote for their own future, while the Kosovo referendum was a parlimentary one where the people got no such choice and most of the Serbs had already been kicked out of the country and isolated.

    An idiot would say that was the same, but anyone else would say one was a real referendum and the other was a illegal coup... hint the coup was the one where a group of parlimentarians decided for the people instead of giving them the vote themselves... perhaps they didn't expect to get the numbers they needed to make it legal...

    HOWEVER, the standard you and the others set is because the people voted for it. It's completely legal, that same view extends to the 1991 Kosovo referendum.

    It would if a referendum was taken in 2008 when the declaration of independence was made, but it wasn't.

    Has I said some of you are biased hypocrites who will only recognize something when it aligns with your views.

    No bias at all. The Crimean people had about 3 referendums before the one they had where they left the Ukraine.... all the previous referendums ignored... Kosovo can't have their way after their first referendum, and they still have not had a second one... parlimentary referendums don't count.

    But if a referendum is the sole basis of for your excuses on what constitutes a valid action then you have no ground to stand on and argue about Kosovo, again if Crimea was legal so was Kosovo.

    No it wasn't. Kosovo was not a referendum in 2008 it was a declaration by a group of HATO installed stooges occupying Serbian land. Crimea was the word of the people by vote that was clear and simple and the results were clear and simple too.

    I don't hate Russia, I simply hold them to the same standards I would anyone else~

    So why bother mentioning Navalny.... the US murders 3,000 people a year with their murder bots, most of whom are likely not guilty of anything other than not doing what the US tells them to do. How many times did the CIA try to murder Castro or Osama Bin Laden or Gadaffi or Saddam or Chavez or Maduro... or certain Iranian Generals for that matter... American hands are dripping with blood... the Iranian General was particularly amusing because he probably did more to take out ISIS than the entire west managed... so much for Americas war of terror...

    In Navalny’s fresh plot, he now says he was poisoned when he was putting on clothes in his hotel room in Tomsk, and then touched a water bottle. “We know that I was poisoned in the hotel because I — well, again, it’s just a pure speculation because no one knows what happened exactly — but I think that when I was, er, maybe put some clothes with this poison on me, I touched it with the hand [left hand], and then I sipped from the bottle [right hand]. So this nerve agent was not inside of the bottle but on the bottle.”

    But traces of novachok were found days later on the Skripals and in hotels and all over the fucking place, so why didn't the Russians find it... and if it was on the outside of the fucking bottle how could they know without testing the bottle and if you are taking a bottle with you covered in a deadly nerve agent... did your friends that brought the bottle with you wear full Hazmat suits... did the Russians not ask for all the things you came in to contact with to test for residue as well... so your friends kept this bottle from the Russians but handed it over to the Germans without dying themselves...

    For fucks sake... SS you are lapping this shit up are you.... this is conclusive proof Putin is clearly guilty... or you are a moron... is that how the game works?

    I believe you said it wasn't a US operation because if it was he would be dead... I suspect there are a few western agents thinking this loser is making them look fucking stupid right now... maybe they will top him... maybe kill him with Beluga Caviar... then everyone will know it was the Russians right...

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  LMFS Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:35 am


    I am afraid a great post has been wasted on an undeserving guy and an undeserving topic, but otherwise than that congrats Smile

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:12 pm

    LMFS wrote:@GarryB:

    I am afraid a great post has been wasted on an undeserving guy and an undeserving topic, but otherwise than that congrats Smile

    He is pulling the usual loser spasm of doubling down on his lies about Kosovo. This is a clear pattern with yanquis and other brainwashed
    lemmings of the NATzO fake stream mass media. There is always some excuse and some spin that can turn plus into minus. Aldous Huxley
    would have recognized this as a totalitarian trait. Being irrationally convinced that "your" side is always right is abnormal.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:53 am

    The sad thing is that the bullshit he is repeating is what the general western public believes to be true.

    Scuds were the most dangerous weapons of war in the 1990s... in the 1980s it was the Exocet... the only thing that can stop a Scud is a Patriot...

    The really funny thing is that Putin is evil for trying to make Navalny really really sick to make him give up and leave Russia, but Bush and Obama and Trump are all Heroes for keeping Assange in prison after leaving a virtual prison in the embassy in the UK.

    Assange is not a Russian spy and had nothing to do with Russia... he is a journalist from Australia who posted juicy secrets of serious illegal activity and misconduct by countries around the world... including Russia... but his crime was revealing secrets about the dirty shit the US does round the world all the time... essentially he is a political prisoner of the west... he would be a free man if the only secrets he revealed were about Iran and North Korea and Russia and China... but he revealed the dirty secrets of the west so he is in jail... for being a journalist at at time when most journalists know how to copy and paste and sign their names in crayon on the bottom...

    The real problem with the west is no independent media.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Maximmmm Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:12 pm

    GarryB wrote:The sad thing is that the bullshit he is repeating is what the general western public believes to be true.

    Scuds were the most dangerous weapons of war in the 1990s... in the 1980s it was the Exocet... the only thing that can stop a Scud is a Patriot...

    The really funny thing is that Putin is evil for trying to make Navalny really really sick to make him give up and leave Russia, but Bush and Obama and Trump are all Heroes for keeping Assange in prison after leaving a virtual prison in the embassy in the UK.

    Assange is not a Russian spy and had nothing to do with Russia... he is a journalist from Australia who posted juicy secrets of serious illegal activity and misconduct by countries around the world... including Russia... but his crime was revealing secrets about the dirty shit the US does round the world all the time... essentially he is a political prisoner of the west... he would be a free man if the only secrets he revealed were about Iran and North Korea and Russia and China... but he revealed the dirty secrets of the west so he is in jail... for being a journalist at at time when most journalists know how to copy and paste and sign their names in crayon on the bottom...

    The real problem with the west is no independent media.

    I do have to say that living here, the Navalny thing has had much shorter legs than the Skripal stuff even. There was so much drama around the Skripals and those anglos can always put on a show, plus there was that unrelated person that died and the famous Russian tourists.
    This time people were like "huh, ok, bad Russia I guess" and moved on. Not what the organizers were hoping I'm sure, hence all the attempted media push.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:52 am

    You can push all you like but when the product is a dog... people can be that stupid, but they also get bored easily... there was not enough entertainment... who cares if one politician is trying to take out another politician... they do that everywhere... even though it is BS it is not even a good story when you don't know anything about the guy in danger and really don't care about him.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:40 pm

    If you think the Novichok fiasco has exhausted all absurdity, they're now saying the developers of the Sputnik vaccine are also behind Novichok. clown

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Maximmmm Sun Oct 25, 2020 12:12 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:If you think the Novichok fiasco has exhausted all absurdity, they're now saying the developers of the Sputnik vaccine are also behind Novichok. clown

    I just facepalmed when I saw that come up, didn't even bother reading about it.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:27 am

    Disappointing... surely they could have claimed the new vaccine was developed so quickly because it was done in a 5g environment on Huawei hardware stolen from western tech companies and that is why they did it so quick... ban the Russian vaccines, ban Huawei so US companies can fill those gaps and make more money... if only there was some way to blame Russian gas suppliers too so they could be sanctioned directly as well...

    Very sad.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:11 pm

    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1

    Navalny forgot he was in NATzO and not in Russia and knee-jerk smeared ex-chancellor Gerhard Schroeder as Putin's water boy.
    He was oblivious to the fact that in Russia he routinely gets away with hate speech that would put him behind bars in the "free"
    NATzO west.

    His smear has raised a storm of protest in Germany, especially from the grass roots. Even liberast media that routinely supports
    him had to pose a more critical pose. For example, raising Navalny's racist, homophobic statements. Ostashko calls this
    clown "Furher of the rubber duckies" most correctly. Navalny tried to gain traction politically in Russia by posing as a nationalist:

    1) It went nowhere, proving that Russians are not prone to the sort of ethnic-chauvinist hate exhibited routinely around the world.
    And also putting all the BS about homophobia in Russia in its place. Russians really are tolerant unlike NATzO posers.

    2) Shows that the NATzO west will violate its so-called humanitarian principles by supporting racist maggots seizing power. For
    NATzO the ends (whatever they are, but not the officially claimed ones) always justify the means.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Hole Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:59 pm

    The western values. If you look at what the west has done in the last centuries you can see that they got no values at all.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:53 pm

    Yeah, Navalny is back on track too about how he calls chief of Russia's intelligence agency stupid and clear hypocritical viewpoints of terrorism in the west vs Russia.

    I wish Navalny would have died. Wouldn't have to see his stupid, ugly looking troglodyte face again.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Nov 07, 2020 4:03 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Yeah, Navalny is back on track too about how he calls chief of Russia's intelligence agency stupid and clear hypocritical viewpoints of terrorism in the west vs Russia.

    I wish Navalny would have died.  Wouldn't have to see his stupid, ugly looking troglodyte face again.

    Martyrs are annoying, so not happening.
    Unless his handlers decide he'd be more useful as a martyr, oh now i get it, that's why he's so desperate for attention.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Nov 07, 2020 4:10 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Yeah, Navalny is back on track too about how he calls chief of Russia's intelligence agency stupid and clear hypocritical viewpoints of terrorism in the west vs Russia.

    I wish Navalny would have died.  Wouldn't have to see his stupid, ugly looking troglodyte face again.

    Martyrs are annoying, so not happening.
    Unless his handlers decide he'd be more useful as a martyr, oh now i get it, that's why he's so desperate for attention.

    the guy is desperate for attention.

    Its also funny, the liberals in Russia themselves are getting exposed left right and center regarding elections in the US. Everyone is calling them out about how silent they are regarding US election fraud and how some liberals were praising the US electoral system.

    It seems they are falling apart.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:04 am

    miketheterrible wrote:

    It seems they are falling apart.

    Good. A more deserving bunch of filthy comprador cunts one could not find. A pox on them all. May they die slowly in great pain.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:17 am

    miketheterrible wrote:...
    Its also funny, the liberals in Russia themselves are getting exposed left right and center regarding elections in the US. Everyone is calling them out about how silent they are regarding US election fraud and how some liberals were praising the US electoral system.

    It seems they are falling apart.

    Got links?

    I wouldn't mind some entertainment


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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:09 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:...
    Its also funny, the liberals in Russia themselves are getting exposed left right and center regarding elections in the US.  Everyone is calling them out about how silent they are regarding US election fraud and how some liberals were praising the US electoral system.

    It seems they are falling apart.

    Got links?

    I wouldn't mind some entertainment

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:36 am

    #Khodorkovsky, #Navalny and Co present their plan for #RegimeChange in Russia to European parliament and ask for EU approval, support and assistance.
    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 En2u_5UXcAcg57R?format=jpg&name=mediumAlexei Navalny case - Page 9 En2vAIvWEAAZe6e?format=jpg&name=mediumAlexei Navalny case - Page 9 En2vAW8W4AcUld3?format=jpg&name=largeAlexei Navalny case - Page 9 En2vAiAW8AEAIRF?format=jpg&name=large

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:59 am

    And Russia is supposed to engage the EU like a partner. The EU is a genocidal outfit with ambitions of total extermination of Russia.
    Time to stop feeding these sick f*cks.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:46 am

    It's funny how little is talked about it.

    But essentially they are all laughing at Navalny.

    Yeah, I agree that Russia should step up and state that EU parliament is interfering in Russia's politics and thus should be held accountable. Make it tough on them.

    But Russians and everyone else are laughing regarding this.

    Navalny is bankrupt from sounds of it and he faces lots of suite cases against him when he decides to return to Russia.

    Apparently everyone is now dumping Navalny and looking at Yashin as his replacement.

    Yashin wants to be head of the Parnus party which I should remind everyone, is the worst running party cause they vow to send Crimea back to Ukraine and to get Russia in NATO. So these guys don't hold a chance in hell

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Hole Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:51 am

    The EU parliament is not even taken seriously in Brussels. Sleep

    How many millions will these clowns receive?

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 9 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:05 pm

    This attendance for NoseCoke Navalny rivals that of his protest rallies. Embarassed  lol1  clown  pwnd
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