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par far
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    2020 Beirut explosions

    par far

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  par far Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:34 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Isos wrote:It's not the first time to happen. It happened in France, in Texas and now Lebanon.

    China also suffered lot of chemical explosion in the past years.

    Russia also had lot of them.

    Those things are explosives. No need to be a ginius to know that the more you stock the bigger the explosion will be.

    They happen every several years:

    Ammonium Nitrate is responsible for the worlds largest non nuclear explosions and this is just the latest

    To see this was horrendous. This was 1/3rd of the Hiroshima bomb. The city of Beirut is destroyed and the people are angry at their government.

    President Macron is in Beirut now and people shout at him that France should topple the lebanese regime. Its a bizarre thing to see

    It is not bizarre, Lebanon has been a target for NATO and Israel and the puppet Macron is just doing what he is told. The empire is setting up things for a regime change in Lebanon. It is going to get very bloody in Lebanon, let's just say that France's Lebanese population is going to grow a lot.

    The best thing Lebanon should do right now is unite and not fall for the traps set by the west. Lebanon should turn to Russia, Iran and China for help because the west is trying to trap them.

    There were the attacks in Iran, this incident in Lebanon, the fire in UAE and the fire in Saudi Arabia, these events are happening in a suspicious manner and at the same time, it is like someone is trying cause disruption in Muslim countries and try to hurt their food supplies.

    Iran? Iran is the reason that lebanon collapsed. The mullah shithole regime and its hezbollah nazis. 2 years ago Hassan Nasrallah joked in TV, that they should fire rockets to Haifa harbor, where many ammonium nitrate stocks were placed. He joked how many israeli could be killed.

    Guess he doesnt laugh now, when one of his depots went up.

    If it were not for Hezbollah and Iran, Lebanon would have been another Palestine. You talk about Nasrallah joking, what about the Israeli soldiers, that call Palestinians animals?

    What proof do you have that these depots belonged to Hezbollah or are you just making shit up like the west media.

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    par far

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  par far Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:36 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    kvs wrote:More proof by assertion from the troll from France.

    Iran was in no way responsible for any of Lebanon's problems.   Israel was front and center in meddling in Lebanon, including setting
    up the occupation of the southern part of the country.    Hezbollah is specifically the result of this occupation and succeeded in
    driving Israeli occupants out.   So to this day the Israelis are foaming at the mouth about "terrorists".   One man's freedom fighter
    is another man's terrorist.

    You are also full of sh*t about the warehouse.   It has no connection to Hezbollah and Iran.   They do not need primitive explosives
    like US militias to stage government building bombings.   They have access to actual modern weapons.   If they only used NH4NO3
    they would not have been kicking Israeli ass all over the countryside in 2006.

    This explosion was planned for years.   The set up was the scam to park the NH4NO3 load in Beirut since supposedly it could not
    be delivered to Mozambique.   This is a classic spy operation that sets up the crime and covers the tracks at the same time.
    Here we also have a corrupt Russian who is a resident of Cyprus acting like the fall guy.   So there is value added propaganda
    from "a Russian is at fault".   The Mossad has a lot of Russian assets and is clearly using them.

    Here you can see your "hero" Nasrallah in 2016 praising, that ammonium nitrate is his "atombomb" and he want use it to destroy the city of Haifa.

    Btw in Beirut the people are boiling and want the heads of Hezbollah, which is the only positive of this misery

    Where are you hearing that people in Lebanon want the heads of Hezbollah? From your fake west news  channels? You are complete idiot if you think that Hezbollah is responsible for misery or you are an Israeli troll.

    Hezbollah played a big role in keeping Israel out of Southern Lebanon, had it not been for Hezbollah, Israel would have occupied large parts of Lebanon. Also Hezbollah played a role, along with Iran, Russia and Syria killing the ISIS fuckers that west set upon the Middle East. If it were not for those Countries and the Organizations, more ISIS goat fuckers, would have went to western countries like France.

    From the looks of it you are a Israeli troll.

    These people are responsible for the misery.


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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  nomadski Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:09 pm

    Not so fast. An explosion by fire alone is possible. But only in confined spaces, where entire mass is uniformly heated in closed system . Under these conditions of relative confinement and closed system conditions , an open low temp fire spreading and engulfing the mass, will take several hours to a few days to lead to a runaway reaction or exothermic detonation. In Beirut, the detonation happened after about fifteen minutes of fire in adjacent building. I guess they could not wait for fire brigade to put out fire. It was good enough to go! In this case evidence exists that fire was confined and far away from second storage area. Not even on fire. Look at Johninmk post of Hejazi video. So this most common cause is ruled out. Even if fire spread to second building, which it did not, then the entire mass was not at uniform temperature. So even if side closest to fire exploded. Then we should see asymmetric shape. Not symmetric shape of direct hit.

    The detonation by missile seems plausible. Although I think that blast wave gets cold and pushes material away too fast to initiate full decomposition of entire mass. But even if it did, then the yeild of explosion and type of explosion, can not produce a 3.3 seismic event. Only a Nuke can do that. Plus some other factors that also fit.

    Yes science explains that the detonator was also the Explosive with right seismic fingerprint. All we need to fully confirm is soil sample analysis. If not kept secret.

    The size of 1 kiloton TNT equivilant, is compatible with similar Nuke explosions and related size of Richter scale, I posted earlier. The maximum energy transfer by chemical detonation could be no more than 300 Ton TNT and not 1 kiloton.  So a Nuke warhead similar to w25 was used.

    Edit : Replaced steady state conditions with closed system conditions.

    Last edited by nomadski on Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  Stealthflanker Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:58 pm

    nomadski wrote:Not so fast. An explosion by fire alone is possible. But only in confined spaces, where entire mass is uniformly heated in steady state conditions. Under these conditions of relative confinement and steady state conditions, an open low temp fire spreading and engulfing the mass, will take several hours to a few days to lead to a runaway reaction or exothermic detonation. In Beirut, the detonation happened after about fifteen minutes of fire in adjacent building. I guess they could not wait for fire brigade to put out fire. It was good enough to go! In this case evidence exists that fire was confined and far away from second storage area. Not even on fire. Look at Johninmk post of Hejazi video. So this most common cause is ruled out. Even if fire spread to second building, which it did not, then the entire mass was not at uniform temperature. So even if side closest to fire exploded. Then we should see asymmetric shape. Not symmetric shape of direct hit.

    The detonation by missile seems plausible. Although I think that blast wave gets cold and pushes material away too fast to initiate full decomposition of entire mass. But even if it did, then the yeild of explosion and type of explosion, can not produce a 3.3 seismic event. Only a Nuke can do that. Plus some other factors that also fit.

    Yes science explains that the detonator was also the Explosive with right seismic fingerprint. All we need to fully confirm is soil sample analysis. If not kept secret.

    The size of 1 kiloton TNT equivilant, is compatible with similar Nuke explosions and related size of Richter scale, I posted earlier. The maximum energy transfer by chemical detonation could be no more than 300 Ton TNT and not 1 kiloton.  So a Nuke warhead similar to w25 was used.

    The mathematical equation to approximate magnitude of explosion from its seisimic wave is not secret. Based on your link... This is what i found by implementing several equations from several different papers.

    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Seismic-strength

    You can get anywhere between 14 Ton to 100 Ton of yield. Which is pretty conventional.

    The estimate of 1 Kiloton of yield came from simple multiplication between 2750 Ton of Ammonium Nitrate stored there with value of TNT equivalent you can find in Wikipedia which is 0.42. So you get about 1.1 Kt. Guys from ArmsControlWonk however came with perhaps the most based estimate as it based on the company that actually made those Ammonium nitrate. His result was no more than 400 Ton of yield.


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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  Isos Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:53 pm

    The president of Lebanon said it may be a missile or just an incident.

    If it is a missile they should be able to find some pieces around the port. Possible but very hard to find however.

    Also I doubt Israel had any reason to blow it up. Hezbollah can't use it as a weapon. There was like 2000 tons. Using small warheads with this chemical is less powerfull than military explosive they already use in their rockets. Moving all the 2000 tons inside Israel is impossible so the story about "Hezbollah's nuks" is fantasy.

    The weather is hot. People in Lebanon can't even eat normally since everything is 10 times more expensive than usually. People are weaker and do their job less effectively. Maybe someone made a mistake there and it happened.

    And they knew very well this storage was dangerous and could explode at any moment. Autorities didn't do their job for years.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  nomadski Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:03 pm

    Thanks for your post. I leave it for others to check the maths. But what I can say, is that the USGS, initial post, indicated that no chemical explosive will leave a seismic footprint. I suppose this not to be entirely right. I think they meant the shape of seismograph. But from my previous guesstimation and quick algebra, if this blast produced a 3.3 on Richter scale and it was Nuclear, then the Nuclear yield was from 1 to 3 kiloton.

    But if we are to assume a conventional blast, and that it is detectable as your post indicates and not as USGS indicates. Then the energy equivilant calculated by previous post is 300 tons. And manufacturer 400 tons. But USGS estimation therefore of 1.1 kiloton is extreme and out of range. Strange that wiki should make this error. Are they not talking to manufacturer? Or listening to Trump? Who says no one can tell what this explosion was! Maybe seismograph knows 3.3 = 1 kt. Nuclear. So yeild changed to conform?

    As a quick summary, I can say that the entire seismograph tracings should be studied by qualified scientist in this field, should reveal what combination of explosions caused the tracings. What disguised what. Since both conventional explosions of this size, and Nuclear explosions may cause similar effects. But qualified people, should be able to determine. Do you have seismograph of event?Compared to other pure conventional blast, recorded in Soviet times. Maybe even we can compare. Or any Iranian Geologist? Also can Iran obtain  sample of sites for analysis ? Did Russia obtain sample?

    @ ISOS

    What if this happened in Russia? Will people be not ready for truth either? Like in Iran where continuous inaction and cover up is only adding to attacks?

    Last edited by nomadski on Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:29 pm

    No nuke was used....the largest conventional weapon on earth is a Russian FOAB with about 45 tons of TNT it would not be capable of that type of damage.

    There are no such things as a clean nuclear weapon if a nuke gets used you will find clear and simple signs in minutes of it being used. To even entertain that possibility which is beyond farfetched is just out there

    There is ZERO evidence such silly conspiracy theory a nuclear warhead was used. There were no missiles, AGAIN and I love how people wanna brush this off looking for whatever silly excuse they can find.

    Dozens and dozens of videos where watched, every frame was looked at no one saw anything that was remotely a missile. So unless someone invented invisible missiles, that is also a BS theory.


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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  Isos Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:49 pm

    That's a civilian port. Anyone could have gone there and put a bag of explosives and let it explode.

    It could also be the government. They are corrupted to last one and the crisis is destroying all of them. With this accident they will get help and maybe that will work against the economic crisis and they will keep their power.

    They are only ones benefiting from that accident.

    What if this happened in Russia? Will people be not ready for truth either? Like in Iran where continuous inaction and cover up is only adding to attacks?

    It happened plenty if times. In Russia, in USA , Europe, China, Iran... Accidents are accidents. The geopolitical situation push some people to think its a sabotage and in every "big" event they see the start of a war.

    What is Iran covering up ? Accident because they are not serious in their work like the downing of a civilian plane taking off from their main airport or Israeli attacks for which there is no proof it happened ?

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  nomadski Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:13 pm

    @ SeigSoloyov

    Well you may be right. There may be no clean nukes. But only small Nukes. Used in a way not to release too much radiation. And until environment is not tested, then we do not know. Do we? After Nuke blast in Nevada, soldiers used to walk on the site with devices. Seemingly without ill effect. Because most of it had dispersed. And who is going to notice a few hundred more Cancers among the covid dead?  The point is that we may never know. For political reasons. So we can not simply say it did not happen. Until proof. Has anyone gone round Beirut, testing fro radiation?  Or are they all silly for trying?

    @ ISOS

    I understand your position. Russia will not take sides. Nor will others, not involved. It is for those affected and involved to declare. If they wanted. I think I have done enough here, to open possibility.

    As further note : If it is true that a 1 kt Nuke produces 3.3. It is very funny that a 14 ton conventional produces a 3.3. It does not add up.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:23 pm

    nomadski wrote:@ SeigSoloyov

    Well you may be right. There may be no clean nukes. But only small Nukes. Used in a way not to release too much radiation. And until environment is not tested, then we do not know. Do we? After Nuke blast in Nevada, soldiers used to walk on the site with devices. Seemingly without ill effect. Because most of it had dispersed. And who is going to notice a few hundred more Cancers among the covid dead?  The point is that we may never know. For political reasons. So we can not simply say it did not happen. Until proof. Has anyone gone round Beirut, testing fro radiation?  Or are they all silly for trying?

    There are sensors all over the world, that can detect radioactivity in the air and more. very complex and impossible to fool, if a nuke was used particles would have been in the air and it would have tripped the sensors. Even a "Small" Nuclear weapon would make things light up like a las vegas strip.

    Hell back when the Soviets had their nuclear disaster sensors as far as the UK we going off and the soviets denied and denied for weeks until they came clean about it and before someone gets butthurt, this is just an example nothing more.

    Independent groups have access to such sensors and no one anywhere in the world has noticed anything abnormal with them.

    So no, we know 100 percent a Nuclear Weapon wasn't used.

    They left the stuff in an open warhourse, they STACKED IT in a big pile which is a HUGE NO NO, they ignored every safety measure in the book for years and it finally bit them in the ass, it was a colossal display of humanity stupidity nothing more. Those who where in charge of the port should be executed frankly.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  nomadski Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:32 pm

    Any evidence? Will people dare to declare?   Did they declare in cold War? Or keep quiet?  How many years before Nuke veterans could prove?  When dying of cancers? Show me one case, when they say, no increased radiation. Especially in area. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:41 pm

    nomadski wrote:Any evidence? Will people dare to declare?   Did they declare in cold War? Or keep quiet?  How many years before Nuke veterans could prove?  When dying of cancers? Show me one case, when they say, no increased radiation. Especially in area. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    Yes, there is evidence, do you think If someone used a Nuclear weapon. People would stay quiet.....come on you can't be serious. Iran has such sensors and if the Israeli's used a nuke they would be blasting that news everywhere they could. No one again noticed anything on any sensors.

    Show me one case where they said there was a spike in radiation in relation to the release of Nuclear weapons if you think otherwise.

    Nuclear experts have also noted

    "that the explosion lacked two hallmarks of a nuclear detonation: a blinding white flash and a thermal pulse, or surge of heat, which would otherwise start fires all over the area and severely burn people's skin"

    Btw blast-wave clouds, known to weapons researchers as a "Wilson Cloud," are made when humid air gets compressed and causes the water in it to condense. They aren't unique to nuclear bombs.

    Below is a video showing the detonation of a rocket-propelled "Davy Crockett" nuclear weapon, which exploded with a force equivalent to about 20 tons of TNT. The Davy Crockett was one-tenth as strong as the Beirut explosion but had a distinctive flash that's missing from Tuesday's blast. Not to mention the nuke would have completely killed all electronics off near it in a second if one went off by hey lets ignore that fact to.

    So I hope you can realize the idea a nuke was used is just utter nonsense.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  Stealthflanker Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:15 pm

    nomadski wrote:Any evidence? Will people dare to declare?   Did they declare in cold War? Or keep quiet?  How many years before Nuke veterans could prove?  When dying of cancers? Show me one case, when they say, no increased radiation. Especially in area. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    There is someone actually do the debunking. You can even ask him on twitter.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  nomadski Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:12 am

    @ SeigSoloyov

    "..... Yes, there is evidence, do you think If someone used a Nuclear weapon. People would stay quiet.....come on you can't be serious......."

    I do think that. And I think USA and Russia and China know. But consider it regional affair. Not cencerning them. Lavrov comment recently about not using nukes, and Russia will respond to non Nuke attack. At this time very significant. Trump comment that it is some kind of Bomb, but nobody can ( should) tell what caused. Also important.

    "....... No one again noticed anything on any sensors......"

    The only reliable sensors, would have to belong to injured or affected party. I am not sure Iran or Lebanon possess these sensors. There is obviously a news blackout and disinformation campaign on Internet. Very severe form of debunking.

    ".... Show me one case where they said there was a spike in radiation in relation to the release of Nuclear weapons if you think otherwise....."

    During cold War, and hundreds of atmospheric tests and health hazards. The public was kept in the dark. Only forty years later, made public, by abnormal cancers. Difficult to hide.  Scientists would only declare spikes, after overt tests or accidents. They could not hide. Like Chernobyl.

    "...... that the explosion lacked two hallmarks of a nuclear detonation: a blinding white flash and a thermal pulse, or surge of heat, which would otherwise start fires all over the area and severely burn people's skin"........

    Not if explosion was underground, by Earth penetrator. Footage exists that shows bright flash, prior to fireball.

    Roll back to flash before orange fireball. Engulfs building uniformly.

    ".... Not to mention the nuke would have completely killed all electronics off near it in a second if one went off by hey lets ignore that fact to....."

    The Davy Crocket plume looks very similar, the way it rises vertically. Does not mushroom too much. This one is bigger. But you are right about EMP.  I am not nuclear expert. But if they can make a bomb dirty, then they can make bomb cleaner. If they can make bomb give more EMP, then they can make it to give less EMP. It is advanced design. Dail a yield?

    Also for EMP :

    "...... This field displacement mechanism is the same mechanism that may operate to produce the EMP from an underground burst. The expansion of the debris is here limited to a few metres and the signal is therefore small, but it may be detectable at short ranges. However, it has been observed that the elecromagnetic signal from an explosion carried out at about 20 m below the ground surface was not detectable, even at very close distances [1]. This is probably because of the very large attenuation incurred in propagating through rock and soil...... "

    Last edited by nomadski on Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:02 am; edited 7 times in total

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  Isos Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:15 am

    Video taken by a guy on a jetski off the coast. You can see the colours of the explosion pretty well.

    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Screen27

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Aug 08, 2020 1:15 pm

    The explosion was underground...? Okay you are looking for any excuse in the book and are looking for any excuse to state a nuke was used.

    Yes the USSR hid the fact from its citizens but you LITERALLY just ignored what I said, THE USSR may have lied but the world knew from day 1. What the USSR told its citizens has literally nothing to do with what I said.

    We know what caused it, a fire spread to the pile and due to the way they were piled upon each other it lead to the explosion.

    There was no white flash if you are trying to say there is one, then there is no talking to you as you are lying to make up false facts. Nuclear experts from all sides of the world, did not make any claim it was a Nuclear detonation.

    No nuke was used period, there is zero evidence. The explosion did not fit the signs of a warhead, there is no radiation, every expert in the world agrees there was no nuke, no sensors where tripped anywhere in the world.

    There isn't an ounce of proof a Nuclear warhead was used but if you wanna believe in that fantasy, that's nothing I can help.


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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:35 pm


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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:28 pm

    The claim that the warehouse storing the NH4NO3 offloaded by the Cypriot Russian's ship belongs to Hezbollah is an example
    of the low grade NATzO propaganda by which NATzO sheeple live.

    1) Even it was, how does that prove Hezbollah's malice towards Lebanon? Guilt by association much.

    2) Why would Hezbollah store the NH4NO3 it supposedly needs for its "terror" without actually using it.
    When is it doing its terror? If it was using it for such purposes it would have distributed it elsewhere.

    3) And this incident undermines the current political balance in Lebanon in favour of Israel-NATzO supported
    elements. So we have the usual western schizophrenia about Russians and all others who do not bend the
    knee to NATzO imperialists undermining themselves like total morons but then being the biggest threat ever.

    It is the NATzO west that is run by demented deciders and the biggest threat to humanity. Bleating about
    how much NATzO loves human rights is a transparent fig leaf for its imperial agenda.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:59 pm

    The riots have started. Big step to mission accomplished.


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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:21 pm

    kvs wrote:

    The riots have started.   Big step to mission accomplished.

    People are rightfully pissed because of a huge fuck up done by their government it is only natural they would lash out at the ones who where in charge of preventing shit like this.

    There is no US or Israeli operation to overthrow the government, simply people pissed off at their government.

    Blame it on whoever you want, facts say you are wrong. There isn't a thread of proof it was done on purpose.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:38 am

    Are you saying the US or Israel would never do such a thing?

    The fact that they have done a lot of stuff far worse than this... many of the surprise fires and explosions in Iran and Syria are because of Israel and the US and their proxy terrorist groups...

    I don't think it is likely, but it certainly is not impossible either... that is their shit.... that is what they do... probably their simplest and cheapest regime change ever... a UAV flew over a day before the explosion and dropped a small detonator with a timer into a pile of explosive material sitting out in the open... x number of hours later... boom.  They might be able to locate the centre of the explosion but there would be nothing left... no evidence of anything at all...

    The irony is that there are probably dozens of trains and ships and buildings around america with this sort of shit stored that Al Quada could target just as easily once they know where to look...

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  nomadski Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:45 am

    They did not need to drop the A-bomb on Japan. But they did it because they wanted to. To see the effects. It may not have been the last time they used Nukes, till now. Iraq was another example. We still do not know if Nukes was used or not for sure. In fact that possibility exists. Since abnormal cancer rates and birth defects exist. DU weapons were used. And  large explosions were picked up or traced. In the absence of proper survey, to distinguish fission products, then we can not rule out possibility.

    Since I am, myself as diabolical as any other. I have thought how one might hide a Nuke attack. I thought about a buried device in Earthquake zone, surrounded by mini explosives and set off by a nearby Earthquake. The tracings would be completely camouflaged. No proof.

    But the more I think about this event, the more I think it could be a Nuke. Not because they needed to. But because they wanted to. This procedure would mask all traces of blast. A shallow penetrating device, or something placed in basement, will not show large flash. The flash is upwards, enough to start chemical process efficiently. Little EMP. Or pointing upwards. Signature of blast completely hidden by chemical reaction. Especially if similar in size. The superheated glowing plume, hidden by gases. No radiation burns, because shielded by the pit, radiation pointing upwards.

    The residual radiation, being carried away, by vast chemical cloud. Very little falling to Earth. And of course an order for men in white to shut up as before. But this will not exclude possibility of a clean weapon being used. Such as a pure or near pure fusion weapon of small yeild.

    But Since this is only theory, I will hold my peace, as long as there is no radiation detected. But then biggest probability of ordinary charge being used remain. The idea of a fire causing this is very remote. Or impossible. Given the exact circumstances.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  medo Sun Aug 09, 2020 4:45 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:The explosion was underground...? Okay you are looking for any excuse in the book and are looking for any excuse to state a nuke was used.

    Yes the USSR hid the fact from its citizens but you LITERALLY just ignored what I said, THE USSR may have lied but the world knew from day 1. What the USSR told its citizens has literally nothing to do with what I said.

    We know what caused it, a fire spread to the pile and due to the way they were piled upon each other it lead to the explosion.

    There was no white flash if you are trying to say there is one, then there is no talking to you as you are lying to make up false facts. Nuclear experts from all sides of the world, did not make any claim it was a Nuclear detonation.

    No nuke was used period, there is zero evidence. The explosion did not fit the signs of a warhead, there is no radiation, every expert in the world agrees there was no nuke, no sensors where tripped anywhere in the world.

    There isn't an ounce of proof a Nuclear warhead was used but if you wanna believe in that fantasy, that's nothing I can help.

    I don't think anyone said it was a nuke. It was just comparing the strength of explosion of 2700 t of fertilizer, which is equivalent of around 400 tons of TNT, what is like small 0,4 kT nuke. But modern journalism quickly pick such comparison as nuclear strike and now we read a lot of nonsense.

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:47 am

    medo wrote:I don't think anyone said it was a nuke....

    They did:

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    2020 Beirut explosions - Page 3 Empty Re: 2020 Beirut explosions

    Post  Hole Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:55 am

    By all propability it was an accident. The real disgusting thing is that the western regimes don´t let an accident or a natural disaster go unused. There minions are always there to start riots and bring puppets into power.

    One of the most corrupt european politicians flying in, undermining real resue efforts with his unnecessary presence and then claiming that no money will g to corrupt people... angry sniper

    All this rioters blaming the current PM, Hezbollah, Iran... only the guy that was in charge while the freighter docked, the cargo was put into the warehouse and stored there for years wasn´t blamed at all. If you want to clean up Lebanon then start with Hariri and all the other western puppets.

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