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    Military budget of the Russian Federation


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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  Admin Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:58 pm


    Cumulative CONTRIBUTION TO THE SIZE OF A PARTICIPANT NIEs in 2010 increased to 184.8 thousand rubles

    «Military-Industrial Courier» already talked about some of the features and innovations of military budget-2009 ( «military» № 25). In particular, the dynamics of a meal allowance to military personnel, Pensions, Civil salaries. Today we continue this topic with only one reservation. Social article in this year will not be subject to revision, despite the impact of the global financial crisis. It has been stressed President Dmitry Medvedev and Premier Vladimir Putin. And this is what the remaining sections of the military budget, it is unlikely that who can guarantee that they would not be a slight correction.

    Feralnym law «On the Federal Budget for 2009 and the planned period 2010 and 2011 years» allocated the Ministry of Defense for housing 135.8 billion rubles., Including the construction and acquisition of permanent housing - 59.7 billion rubles. (for 2009-2010) for the construction of office accommodation - 76.1 billion rubles. (at 2009-2011gody).

    The construction of permanent housing with public utilities in 2009 provided 31.9 billion rubles. That will yield about 17.7 thousand apartments in 2010 - 27.8 billion rubles. (13,7 thousand apartments).

    For the construction of office accommodation for 2009 allocated 12.5 billion rubles. This will give about 4.2 thousand of office accommodation. In 2010, planned in the amount of 14.4 billion rubles. 6.5 thousand for the construction of office accommodation. The provision would provide needed housing in the transition to the future image of the Armed Forces.

    Budget allocations for the operation of a storage-mortgage system (INS) personnel housing provided in the following amounts: for 2009 - 18.2 billion rubles., 2010, nd - 18.9 billion rubles., For 2011 - 24.1 billion rub.

    The size of the cumulative contribution for a participant-funded mortgage system in 2009 increased to 168 thousand rubles. (2008 - 89.9 thousand rubles.).

    In 2010 and 2011 the cumulative amount of contribution is scheduled to increase to 184.8 and 200.4 thousand rubles. respectively. The volume of funds in 2010 and 2011 for the operation of the NII will be updated in the formation of the federal budget for the next planning period (2010-2012 years).

    The federal budget allocated and an increase from 1 January 2009 of cash compensation paid by the military for rentals (sublease) of accommodation, which in cities and regional centers will be 3600 rubles., In the settlements - 2700 rub., And in Moscow and St Petersburg - 15 000 rub.


    The federal budget for 2009 and for the plan period 2010-2011 in terms of expenditure on armaments and military equipment (R & D, procurement and maintenance) provides funding for three years, amounting to more than 1.5 trillion rubles.

    In general, work on streamlining the state defense order (CEG) has freed up 5.8 billion rubles. This provision is designed to increase the procurement and maintenance of weapons and military equipment.

    More than 80% of the funds allocated for the development of IWT directed at establishing the final designs. In this case, their share of total R & D up to 30%. This will continue the policy of concentration of funds for the completion of a major prospective samples to be re-by the Armed Forces.


    For logistical support in 2009 by 120.1 billion rubles., In the 2010-meters - 128.9 billion rubles. and in 2011 - 137.1 billion rubles. As part of ongoing work aimed at improving efficiency in the use of budgetary funds, an optimization of logistics. Recall that in order to improve efficiency in the use of state property, the maximum use of market economy, the preservation and development of scientific and industrial potential of organizations and enterprises of the Ministry of Defense 15 September 2008 was signed by the President of the Russian Federation № 1359 on the establishment of the Open Joint Stock Company «Oboronservis», 100% shares which will remain in federal ownership.

    Henceforth, all extrinsic functions of the Ministry of Defense logistics operations are transferred to this joint-stock company. It joined in his enterprise of the Ministry of Defense on nine areas: repair and maintenance of aviation equipment, repair of motor vehicles and armored vehicles, production and repair of military equipment, construction and operation of facilities, production of agricultural products for the needs of the Defense Ministry, the exploitation of energy, trade domestic services and catering, production printing products, hotel services.

    At the food budget allocations identified in 2009 in the amount of 27.2 billion rubles., 2010, nd - 31.4 billion rubles., For 2011 - 33.4 billion rubles. This will help to continue the process of transferring the functions of power civilian enterprises. On the provision of clothing in 2009 by 9.0 billion rubles. That would allow for the average needs of all categories of military field uniform current pattern, bedding, sanitation, management of property and special clothing, cleaning and maintenance supplies, laundry equipment and paper products . And also pay cash compensation to members of the armed forces in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation, 2006 № 390 «About providing clothing to the federal bodies of executive power, in which federal law provides for military service in time of peace».

    On payment of a special fuel, fuel and lubricants under the state defense order for 2009 budgetary provision is made in the amount of 58.4 billion rubles. Which basically allows for the purchase of spetstopliva and fuel to meet the needs of the Armed Forces in the oil products in 2009.

    Federal Program

    The Ministry of Defense is involved in every four federal target program (FTP), over 40% of the costs established in the program-target basis. In 2009, the Ministry of Defense provides for the implementation of the Federal Program 18 in 2010-m - 17 programs in 2011 - 11.

    On the implementation of laws on the federal budget for 2009 and for the plan period 2010-2011 by around 156 billion rubles.

    The largest allocations are federal programs «Global Navigation System» (2002-2010 years), «Development of a system-based Black Sea Fleet in the Russian Federation in the years 2005-2020», «Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia until 2013 year »,« The development of nuclear weapons complex of the Russian Federation for 2007-2010 and till 2015 ».

    Since 2009, taken to finance the new federal programs: «Improving the system of acquisition of non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the army, translated into military service under the contract, and transition to the acquisition of non-commissioned officers (elders), the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies as well as sailors Seafarers Navy soldiers performing military service under the contract (2009-2015 years) »;« The national system of chemical and biological security of the Russian Federation (2009-2013 years) »;« Antiterror (2009-2012 years) » .

    New Federal Program «Sergeant» has an investment focus in the first place need to provide troops in the service through the arrangement of housing and improving the quartering of about 137 thousand troops NCOs and other ranks.

    The program provides for the allocation for capital investments made: in 2009 - 25.99 billion rubles., 2010, nd - 16.2 billion rubles., For 2011 - 21.6 billion rubles.

    It seems that the federal budget for 2009 and the planned period 2010 and 2011 years of Russian Defense Ministry budgetary allocation would resolve by the Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - President of the Russian role in the defense and security.

    Vladimir Semenchenko

    Last edited by Vladimir79 on Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:27 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Russia to spend $15 bln on armed forces in 2010

    Post  sepheronx Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:54 pm

    MOSCOW, August 7 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will spend 470 billion rubles ($15 billion) on arms, equipment and maintenance of its Armed Forces in 2010, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Friday.

    He specifically mentioned advanced strategic missiles, warships, submarines, and Sukhoi warplanes.

    He told an inner Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that a draft defense order would be received by the Finance Ministry before August 20 and subsequently incorporated into the 2010 budget.

    Putin said that the 2010 state defense order would increase 1.2% on 2009, adding that was "one of the budget priorities."

    He identified the following priorities for the Armed Forces: "Maintenance and development of the nuclear capability and missile and space defense forces, providing troops with modern offensive weapons, as well as command and control, communication and intelligence systems, and strengthening military infrastructure in key strategic sectors."


    Confusing really. Didn't they say that the budget is (presumably) 40B? If so, then is this an additional 15B added? Or is it just 15B from the total 40B that is being spent on the armed forces?

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:10 am

    sepheronx wrote:

    Confusing really. Didn't they say that the budget is (presumably) 40B? If so, then is this an additional 15B added? Or is it just 15B from the total 40B that is being spent on the armed forces?

    You have to pay salaries, provide food, shelter, medical care, fuel, training... it isn't cheap since we have so many kontrakt soldiers and exercises.

    State defence orders are different from the national defence spending in the budget, which also includes soldiers' salaries and is publicly disclosed.

    The 2010 defence order plan should be ready by August 20. Putin said strategic nuclear forces, air defence, modern assault weaponry, intelligence, command and communication systems and military infrastructure were top priorities.

    Putin said the government would allocate up to 200 billion roubles ($6.41 billion) in 2010 to help fulfill long-term defence contracts jeopardized by the crisis.

    Putin also vowed to assign 124 billion roubles ($3.98 billion) to provide permanent housing for officers.

    "It will be difficult to do, having in mind the budget deficit and economic problems but we will do it," Putin said.
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty [b]Russia to spend $15 bln on armed forces in 2010[/b]

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:11 am

    Russia to spend $15 bln on armed forces in 2010
    RIA Novosti

    20:22 07/08/2009 MOSCOW, August 7 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will spend 470 billion rubles ($15 billion) on arms, equipment and maintenance of its Armed Forces in 2010, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Friday.

    He specifically mentioned advanced strategic missiles, warships, submarines, and Sukhoi warplanes.

    He told an inner Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that a draft defense order would be received by the Finance Ministry before August 20 and subsequently incorporated into the 2010 budget.

    Putin said that the 2010 state defense order would increase 1.2% on 2009, adding that was "one of the budget priorities."

    He identified the following priorities for the Armed Forces: "Maintenance and development of the nuclear capability and missile and space defense forces, providing troops with modern offensive weapons, as well as command and control, communication and intelligence systems, and strengthening military infrastructure in key strategic sectors."

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Russia's economic ability and necessity for new weapons

    Post  sepheronx Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:04 am

    I really really think it is stupid.

    I am reading on forums and looking through papers at work, and people always say the same thing.  When Russia announced plans for the PAK DA (even if the plans where out for a while), people are all like "yeah, well USA will build 10x the amount of 5th gen jets and blah blah blah".  But it isn't that, that gets my nickers in a twist.  It is when they say "Russia seems to be aggressive.  They don't need these weapons, they got nukes.  Mad I yell ya, will prevent war with them".  Then why is USA building such weapons?  Why should it be limited to USA only?

    Heck, If Russia's GDP budget for the military was higher (It is less then 3%), they could be funding tons of these programs and start building them in high numbers.  But no, they are not at war.  At that, their older arsenal of weapons are proven and worked in modern conflicts (see Georgia).  Most modern warfare will be done with either small countries with a proper lack of modern military, or terrorists.  Why does USA need B-2's and B-1's, and F-35's/22?  Don't know, but I think it is more like another game of "my penis is larger then yours".

    Another thing is when people are like "Russia cannot afford these weapons".  Who gives them the right to say if they can or cannot?  What backing?  Russia was funding and doing more during the 80's in military with a higher military budget but lower GDP overall (Soviet Union at this point was bankrupt, but still spending hundreds of billions on military).  Now how come Russia cannot afford it?  Because at current state, they are busy funding programs in their country for fabrication facilities, newer factories, and agriculture setup as well as infrastructure to be prepared for a new wave of GDP growth in new areas (technology, Agriculture, etc.).  Does this mean they should not be spending a lot on military?  Well, since the budget for the military is 40B, I don't see why they cannot higher it.  But since they have their sights on other things, then so be it.

    Development of these weapons are indeed expensive. But so is a lot of projects (good and bad) in R&D.  But when production comes out, Russia has always been the country that looks for both price and performance.  And that is why they are feared, cause they can build somewhat expensive equipment for cheap (at better quality then China).

    It is the development of new stealth everything and new long range bombers and alike that the USA produces that I see it opposite then what these Hutterite's think. I think it is USA (whom is running out of money), spending so much money on programs that are going to have a hundred units built and that is about it.  And they are meant for a cold war...war, but they are fighting insurgents?  Does that not sound Sabar rattling to you?  Does that not sound like as if USA is the aggressor, not Russia?

    But in the end, it is Russia who is playing it smart.  They are developing state of the art stealth war jets and bombers to replace their old inventory and to be prepared for an invasion.  But they know an Invasion is not coming, so they are building it in a smaller pace but still keeping a modernized force to fight off externally.  Because Russia knows that their nuclear weapons will prevent a war in their country.  They know that even if the USA develops stealth bombers and fighters, that Russia still has the capabilities to monitor airfields, use spy satellites to monitor positions, and have radar/IR tracking devices to pick up these bombers.  As long as they have a capabilities of taking these things out and spotting them early if they enter the country, then Russia is gold.  They don't need to be stupid and spend the money on a military that will never be used.  Instead, funding new programs and projects in the country, as well as developing new technology will make then further ahead then the USA.

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:06 pm

    sepheronx wrote: Why does USA need B-2's and B-1's, and F-35's/22? Don't know, but I think it is more like another game of "my penis is larger then yours".

    Obama seems to agree with you. He is cutting all those programmes. F-22 is dead, F-35 has been cut to 1,100, B-2 request had been stopped, B-1s are only getting upgrades. US bases in Japan and Europe are closing.

    Another thing is when people are like "Russia cannot afford these weapons". Who gives them the right to say if they can or cannot? What backing? Russia was funding and doing more during the 80's in military with a higher military budget but lower GDP overall (Soviet Union at this point was bankrupt, but still spending hundreds of billions on military). Now how come Russia cannot afford it? Because at current state, they are busy funding programs in their country for fabrication facilities, newer factories, and agriculture setup as well as infrastructure to be prepared for a new wave of GDP growth in new areas (technology, Agriculture, etc.). Does this mean they should not be spending a lot on military? Well, since the budget for the military is 40B, I don't see why they cannot higher it. But since they have their sights on other things, then so be it.

    Funding for the military is a must since we have such old equipments. Amerikans are too blind to see that we are not increasing actual numbers but decreasing and buying new equipment. It is the same argument with them and China. China is actually decreasing numbers for years but buying better and fewer. When anyone spends money on arms, Amerikan right gets pissed.

    It is the development of new stealth everything and new long range bombers and alike that the USA produces that I see it opposite then what these Hutterite's think. I think it is USA (whom is running out of money), spending so much money on programs that are going to have a hundred units built and that is about it. And they are meant for a cold war...war, but they are fighting insurgents? Does that not sound Sabar rattling to you? Does that not sound like as if USA is the aggressor, not Russia?

    The facts of arms procurement today are the same for US and Russia. These advanced technology units cost far more than in the Cold War when you could mass produce thousands of pieces when today you are lucky to get a couple hundred for the same price. US spends well over half a trillion a year and even they have to cut back procurement by 50%. Russia is only starting to rebuild after 15 years of procurement stagnation and it will be modest compared to US military. The problem is, Amerikans do not realise how broke they are. They run trillion dollar deficits while we have a balanced banque account.

    But in the end, it is Russia who is playing it smart. They are developing state of the art stealth war jets and bombers to replace their old inventory and to be prepared for an invasion. But they know an Invasion is not coming, so they are building it in a smaller pace but still keeping a modernized force to fight off externally. Because Russia knows that their nuclear weapons will prevent a war in their country. They know that even if the USA develops stealth bombers and fighters, that Russia still has the capabilities to monitor airfields, use spy satellites to monitor positions, and have radar/IR tracking devices to pick up these bombers. As long as they have a capabilities of taking these things out and spotting them early if they enter the country, then Russia is gold. They don't need to be stupid and spend the money on a military that will never be used. Instead, funding new programs and projects in the country, as well as developing new technology will make then further ahead then the USA.

    Our priority for developing hightech weapons is just as much for export as our own defence. Annual foreign sales reach well over $40 billion in hard currency. This is a very important sector of our economy and second only to oil/gaz in exports. As US weapons cost spiral out of control, we have to maintain our comparitive advantage in the industry. We are also trying to revitalise our civil aerospace as well becoming leader in nanotechnologies. We know there are some things we cannot compete with and will buy them abroad, but we must develop our comparative advantage in niche markets so we can develop our economy for the future. It is turning out that our main partner is France, and we will continue to work with them to develop products that are better than US.

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:04 pm

    This article illustrates some of the challenges we face.

    Putin asks pilots not to make stupid mistakes

    The Government considers the development of aerospace and space a priority and intends to send in these industries invested heavily. Instead, the state requires a program of financial rehabilitation.

    Development of aerospace and space - it is certainly a priority for us today, because it is the development of astronautics, aviation, we associate with its plans to diversify the economy, develop its high-tech component, "- said Putin, speaking at the opening of the International aerospace show MAKS -2009.

    Hundreds of billions in the air

    Russia Prime Minister recalled that since 2004 the volume of public finance has increased by 20 times, and this year for this purpose allocated 80 billion rubles - were used to purchase domestic aircraft and technical upgrading of production plants.

    "We intend to continue to send in aeronautics and astronautics major investment resources, create a truly competitive companies, able to conquer a niche market, to generate and mobilize resources for modernization and technical upgrading," - said Putin.

    In confirmation of the words head of Russia's government, at MAKS-2009 was signed two major contracts, which on the one hand allow to load aircraft factories and make the serial piece projects in civil aviation, on the other - to modernize military aviation.

    Two contract

    Within the MAKS-2009 State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)" (EBV) and JSC "Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC) signed a financing agreement for the supply of 70 civilian aircraft: AN-148, Tu-204 and IL-96 -400 for various airlines, including 6 of the AN-148-100V for STC "Russia" and 45 Tu-204SM and AN-148 for the airline Atlant-Soyuz.

    "This is not just an agreement of intent, this particular agreement", - said Vladimir Dmitriev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EBV adding that the bank has financed the construction of six AN-148 in the credit of the United Aircraft Corporation and their leases.

    According to Dmitriev, VEB is interested in supporting the supply of modern aircraft in the domestic market and in promoting it abroad. Discussions are underway contracts to supply aircraft to Iran, Syria and Cuba

    In parallel, it was announced the conclusion of a record contract with the Defense Ministry and the company "Sukhoi".

    Today concluded a record for contemporary Russia contract valued at more than 80 billion rubles a contract to supply fighter aircraft of Russia ", - said Vladimir Putin.

    The contract lasts up to 2015. Russia Air Force will receive 48 aircraft Su-35 fighters, 12 Su-27 fighters and four - Su-30.

    As Putin said, in previous years, the Air Force Russia received one-two-three, a maximum of six aircraft per year. In 2008, the situation was reversed and switch to long-term contracts.

    In the past year was awarded the contract for the construction of Russia's Air Force for 32 Su-32 to 40 billion rubles and 34 MiG-29 aircraft worth 17 billion rubles. "This will allow Russia to equip the latest technology the Air Force and load domestic airline," - said the Premier.

    Price stupid mistakes

    This gingerbread for pilots over - along with gifts industry representatives were present debriefing with a fairly rigid conclusions.

    "I would like to warn against the illusion that the state will indefinitely to cover losses, the company pulled out of the debt hole and fix errors management" - sends word Putin ITAR-TASS.

    The prime minister said the industry must operate in market conditions, although all are well aware that the situation is complex, and competitors in world markets have direct support from their governments. "But, first, no need to repeat other people's stupid mistakes, by the need to work effectively", - Putin said.

    As an illustrative example was chosen as the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), under the roof of which were collected all manufacturers of aviation equipment.

    Plane in the fifth generation

    The full project is given the means to create the fifth-generation combat aircraft. This project is a national priority that should be fully provided with the necessary resources.

    Work on the fifth-generation combat aircraft - the complex PAK FA (promising aviation complex tactical aviation) - this is one of our priorities, work on which should surely be given the necessary resources ", - said Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Zhukovsky on Tuesday.

    "The total debt of the KLA and its subsidiaries - about 119-120 billion rubles, with some 64 billion - a deficit that is not secured revenue or profit of enterprises", - said the prime minister.

    According to the Prime Minister of Russia, a number of contracts for the supply of aircraft KLA both domestically and abroad has brought some losses.

    In the company losses attributed to the fact that the bulk of dollar contract was concluded on the pre-crisis rate. There are objective difficulties in obtaining orders.

    Unlike military vehicles, which are government orders and demand abroad, civilian aircraft almost nobody is buying, because ridership is not increasing, but falls, says the head of analytical services agency AviaPort Oleg Panteleyev.

    And new civilian development in some of the KLA: SSJ 100, AN-148, Tu-204 and Tu-334 project for which deferred indefinitely.

    "I ask the KLA and the agencies involved a detailed analysis of this situation, to submit proposals that would prevent future recurrence of such errors," - said Vladimir Putin.

    Money for health

    However, the State is clearly not going to "cover up" aircraft bench and ready to support the industry budgetary financing in exchange for a program of recovery.

    "Just recently the government has decided - at the expense budget dokapitalizatsiyu Holding Company" Sukhoi "is allocated 3.2 billion rubles," - said the Premier. Federal funds of $ 15 billion will be allocated to the company RSK "MiG"

    At the same time, Vladimir Putin has instructed departments to prepare a profile program of financial rehabilitation sector.

    "Such a program should be made to the government within the next month, at most, one and a half months. During the remaining time in August and September to prepare the program and by October 1 to provide" - sends word Putin, RIA Novosti.

    Ivan Gidaspov

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  Turk1 Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:33 pm

    USA is the police force of the world as they are the only Hyper Power left. Russia can't do it so they have no right to it. When Russia spends several billion USD on military a year, then they can talk.

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  Jelena Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:58 pm

    Turk1 wrote:USA is the police force of the world as they are the only Hyper Power left. Russia can't do it so they have no right to it. When Russia spends several billion USD on military a year, then they can talk.

    Russia is spending the amount they can AFFORD while on the other hand, US is spending much more then they can stretch and it can work just some limited amount of time. May I remind you that US is literally bailed out by China so they can project their "power" few years more but keep in mind that someone needs to repay that debt sooner or later!
    Also, while completely brainlessly rush in the conflicts all around the globe, US is cutting on funds for education and other basic needs of their citizens!In 2000 US discretionary budget had 7% for education while today that percentage is 6.2% (educations and jobs together 6.9%)!!! And you call that "Hyper power" ?!?

    Military budget of the Russian Federation Us-taxes-2009
    Russian Patriot
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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:23 pm

    The Cold War never ended.. First the Harvard Plan and now Houston Plan since 1991..

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Army Modernization shameful slow

    Post  NationalRus Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:21 am

    Глава НИИ Минобороны считает недостаточными темпы перевооружения армии
    18:33 16/04/2010

    МОСКВА, 16 апр - РИА Новости. Переход российской армии к новому облику может оказаться под вопросом при существующих темпах перевооружения - не более 2% в год, заявил в пятницу директор 46-го научно-исследовательского института Минобороны РФ Василий Буренок.

    "Если количество закупаемого вооружения и военной техники в начале 90-х годов прошлого века ежегодно обеспечивало обновление 5%-7% имеющегося парка, то с 1991 по 2000 годы объем ассигнований на эти цели сократился более, чем в 50 раз", - сказал Буренок на "круглом столе" в рамках выставки "Армия и общество" в Манеже.

    По его словам, выделявшихся в эти годы денег хватало только на поддержание техники в исправном состоянии. "На протяжении ряда лет закупка нового вооружения вообще не производилась", - сказал директор НИИ.

    Чтобы обеспечить переход армии на новый облик, необходимо ежегодное поступление новой техники в пределах 9%, а для некоторых видов и родов вооруженных сил - до 11%, отметил Буренок.
    Обсуждение »

    Quick Translation of Major Points by me:

    Army Reequipment is going on with the speed of Reequiping by 2% a year, ther is only enough money given to support the army equipment and maintain it but NOT to buy new ones, the plans to reequip the army by 2020 to 70% needs a MINIMUM reequiping speed of some 9% and in some army parts even 11%.....

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:02 am

    Just because money is being spent doesn't mean factories instantly appear and stuff is automatically produced.
    It was my understanding that actual production of material will increase 2011-2012 after the factories have retooled and their workers are trained on the new tools and of course the required parts and raw materials are secured to start full scale production.

    There is no such thing as instant results, there will be problems and issues... but now that the money is actually moving there should be results.

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  NationalRus Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:55 pm

    No, the budget were cut by about 20 billion, the arms factorys nearly only produce for export and not for inland use becouse the minstary of defence is not buying anything, and the time period of the so caled "big army modernisation" is set back and back over and over, the first time thay said big modernisation will start by 2005, then the said themodernisation wil surly start buy 2007/08 then they said but now we will do it by 2009.. when we got too 2009 they said 2011 will be it....

    and by all this coruption is killing our army like the 14.000 bulletproof vest that were bought by a over price by a general which were maid from normal cloth material and the traumatic plates were just carton...

    Last edited by Russian Patriot on Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling of some words -nothing personal)

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  sepheronx Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:49 pm

    NationalRus wrote:No, the budget were cut by about 20 billion, the arms factorys nearly only produce for export and not for inland use becouse the minstary of defence is not buying anything, and the time period of the so caled "big army modernisation" is set back and back over and over, the first time thay said big modernisation will start by 2005, then the said themodernisation wil surly start buy 2007/08 then they said but now we will do it by 2009.. when we got too 2009 they said 2011 will be it....

    and by all this coruption is killing our army like the 14.000 bulletproof vest that were bought by a over price by a general which were maid from normal cloth material and the traumatic plates were just carton...

    If you are going to state it as a fact, please provide proof.

    Second of all, where is the budget cuts you talk of? And corruption is still alive, but it isn't like what you think it is. The concept of reform is to get rid of these generals.

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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Re: Military budget of the Russian Federation

    Post  NationalRus Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:37 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:No, the budget were cut by about 20 billion, the arms factorys nearly only produce for export and not for inland use becouse the minstary of defence is not buying anything, and the time period of the so caled "big army modernisation" is set back and back over and over, the first time thay said big modernisation will start by 2005, then the said themodernisation wil surly start buy 2007/08 then they said but now we will do it by 2009.. when we got too 2009 they said 2011 will be it....

    and by all this coruption is killing our army like the 14.000 bulletproof vest that were bought by a over price by a general which were maid from normal cloth material and the traumatic plates were just carton...

    If you are going to state it as a fact, please provide proof.

    Second of all, where is the budget cuts you talk of? And corruption is still alive, but it isn't like what you think it is. The concept of reform is to get rid of these generals.

    the budget was cut dramatic in compare to the planed budget befor the economic crisis, that the cancled the "start of the modernisation" abut 4 times is fact too, keep up with the news

    and how i think the corruption is? i don't know, it can be exaggerated huge, maybe smaller now then many others think.. surly smaller then in the 90's but all we can do on this issue is speculate then no one knows

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:35 am

    NationalRus wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:No, the budget were cut by about 20 billion, the arms factorys nearly only produce for export and not for inland use becouse the minstary of defence is not buying anything, and the time period of the so caled "big army modernisation" is set back and back over and over, the first time thay said big modernisation will start by 2005, then the said themodernisation wil surly start buy 2007/08 then they said but now we will do it by 2009.. when we got too 2009 they said 2011 will be it....

    and by all this coruption is killing our army like the 14.000 bulletproof vest that were bought by a over price by a general which were maid from normal cloth material and the traumatic plates were just carton...

    If you are going to state it as a fact, please provide proof.

    Second of all, where is the budget cuts you talk of? And corruption is still alive, but it isn't like what you think it is. The concept of reform is to get rid of these generals.

    the budget was cut dramatic in compare to the planed budget befor the economic crisis, that the cancled the "start of the modernisation" abut 4 times is fact too, keep up with the news

    and how i think the corruption is? i don't know, it can be exaggerated huge, maybe smaller now then many others think.. surly smaller then in the 90's but all we can do on this issue is speculate then no one knows

    Did you not read what I said before?


    Other then that, it is BS until proven right.

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    Post  Admin Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:34 am

    sepheronx wrote:

    Did you not read what I said before?


    Other then that, it is BS until proven right.

    Seph, its common knowledge the rearmament order has been pushed back for the last 5 years.

    The arms budget was cut almost 200 billion rubles in 2009 from the promised 1.4 trillion. In 2010 it has dropped to 1.1 trillion. Even more money goes from prospective procurement to social welfare of troops. Certainly important but not helping us modernise.

    As far as the fake body armour...

    Just because you don't follow Russian news, doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is common knowledge to Russians and when you are speaking to one you should be more polite. You are moderator on my forum which means you are to display a certain level of decorum. Not just say post a link or it is bull shit. There are nicer ways to ask for a link like... I am not aware of this, could you please provide a source. I am confident this will be the only time I say... watch your temper.

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:43 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:

    Did you not read what I said before?


    Other then that, it is BS until proven right.

    Seph, its common knowledge the rearmament order has been pushed back for the last 5 years.

    The arms budget was cut almost 200 billion rubles in 2009 from the promised 1.4 trillion. In 2010 it has dropped to 1.1 trillion. Even more money goes from prospective procurement to social welfare of troops. Certainly important but not helping us modernise.

    As far as the fake body armour...

    Just because you don't follow Russian news, doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is common knowledge to Russians and when you are speaking to one you should be more polite. You are moderator on my forum which means you are to display a certain level of decorum. Not just say post a link or it is bull shit. There are nicer ways to ask for a link like... I am not aware of this, could you please provide a source. I am confident this will be the only time I say... watch your temper.

    I never said that, but most people require credible sources before people start jumping the gun. Any loser in a forum and or blog can post anything.

    Thank you for the links though. Of course, I need to watch the temper, but when members start posting stuff without evidence, it is hard. After asking once, it becomes even more so problematic to keep silent.

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    Post  NationalRus Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:13 pm

    thanks vlad that you posted the links, i thought its not important on this issue becouse everybody knows it/should know who keep up with the news that have to do with the army

    Last edited by Russian Patriot on Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)
    Russian Patriot
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    Post  Russian Patriot Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:26 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:

    Did you not read what I said before?


    Other then that, it is BS until proven right.

    Seph, its common knowledge the rearmament order has been pushed back for the last 5 years.

    The arms budget was cut almost 200 billion rubles in 2009 from the promised 1.4 trillion. In 2010 it has dropped to 1.1 trillion. Even more money goes from prospective procurement to social welfare of troops. Certainly important but not helping us modernise.

    As far as the fake body armour...

    Just because you don't follow Russian news, doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is common knowledge to Russians and when you are speaking to one you should be more polite. You are moderator on my forum which means you are to display a certain level of decorum. Not just say post a link or it is bull shit. There are nicer ways to ask for a link like... I am not aware of this, could you please provide a source. I am confident this will be the only time I say... watch your temper.

    Vlad ,in my fellow Mod's defense, Sepheronx has a point , we have had this experiences before.

    And I am sure , Sepheronx didn't mean to be rude.

    There is a certain level of patience though.

    National Rus,I apologize from the staff for this incident.
    Note : Not all Mods are Russian , so next time please provide links to help them extend thier knowledge.

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    Post  Viktor Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:34 pm

    As I understand mainly from reading some blogs and ria news Medvedev has decided to deal with corruption and each year more and more officials (some hight ranking) is being prosecuted. So in time corruption lvl will fall althrow it can never be totaly destroyed.

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    Post  Admin Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:38 am

    Execution of the state defense order Russia in 2009

    The state defense order - total cost of the Defense Ministry for the repair and modernization of existing weapons and military technology (IWT) , to purchase new IWT , as well as to conduct research and development in the interests of the Russian Armed Forces.


    Unlike previous years , in 2009 more or less the exact amount of the state defense order (GOZ) Russia is unknown . Official statements on this subject vary widely , which is probably due to constant adjustments to the budget in accordance with the anti-crisis policy of the state (see Table 1) . In our assessment , the amount of GOZ -2009 was 500 billion rubles . , which roughly corresponds to the arithmetic mean of all publicly called numbers and the closest to recent statements made by officials . Given that the total military budget of Russia in 2009 was estimated 1.08 trillion rubles. , on re- spent 46% of all military spending . This is a 14 percentage point more than a year earlier, that suggests that the overall decline in Russia's military budget ( before the crisis, planned to spend 1.376 trillion rubles .) affected primarily the costs of the Army, but the GOZ .
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    Military budget of the Russian Federation Empty Russian state arms procurement program increased 'almost twofold' - official

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:01 am

    Russian state arms procurement program increased 'almost twofold' - official

    RIA Novosti

    15:42 19/07/2010

    FARNBOROUGH, July 19 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Defense Ministry has almost doubled allocations for the 2011-2020 state arms procurement program, a senior official said on Monday.

    Vladimir Popovkin, deputy defense minister for arms procurement, said that while the original allocations amounted to 13 trillion rubles, they would be raised to 20 trillion.

    Popovkin added that Russian would purchase up to one thousand helicopters of various types in the framework of the state arms procurement program.

    "The Vostok-2010 military exercises showed the need to use helicopters in combat conditions," he said, adding that "special emphasis will be laid on heavy transport helicopters."

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    Post  Austin Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:43 pm

    seems like massive funding for Russian Armed Forces

    Russian state arms procurement program to be significantly increased

    The Russian Defense Ministry has significantly increased allocations for the 2011-2020 state arms procurement program, a senior military official said on Monday.

    Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin, who is in charge of arms procurement, said that while the original allocations amounted to 13 trillion rubles ($426 billion), they would be raised to 20 trillion ($656 billion).

    BTW is this money for real ? Can they get such massive money in 10 years time ?

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:57 am

    BTW is this money for real ? Can they get such massive money in 10 years time ?


    The top figure of $656 billion is about as much as the US spends each year on "defence". Over a 10 year period from 2011 to 2020 that works out at just over $65 billion per year.

    Not really huge.

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