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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  crod Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:49 am

    One picture on the bbc news site shows what appears to be a field supposedly where a missile fell. What I found interesting/strange was the lack of a crater or any significant damage at all - I’ve done more damage with my rake in the yard, it surely couldn’t be from a missile?
    Also, it appears to be well away from anything significant unless the airbase is directly behind the cameraman.

    Fars is claiming 80 killed with many more injured...

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:53 am

    A boeing civilian plane crashed in Iran. Maybe related to the events. All passengers dead. RIP.

    BNO News
    BREAKING: Plane which crashed near Tehran was carrying 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedes, 4 Afghanis, 3 Germans, and 3 Britons - official

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:58 am

    Well, looks like there was some agreements behind this attack to have 0 deads.

    1) don't trust US. Wait for proof. Yesterday they claimed iraqi casualities.
    2) That means Iran will probably assasinate a top ranking general in the next weeks.

    In the next few days we will have sat images probably.

    Michael Tanchum
    US CENTCOM: 15 missiles; 4 failed; 1 hit Erbil Airport; 10 hit al-Asad base.

    Pentagon: No American casualties.

    Iraq gov't: No Iraqi casualties

    Current lull is an opportunity for de-escalation

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:00 am

    Anyone knows if US has patriots in Iraq ?

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:30 am

    Twitterati and MSM were immediately reporting no US casualties before the dust had even settled. It's clearly an out so that the US can save face if they chose to take it on the chin. Even if there were dead US servicemen it's unlikely it will ever be admitted.

    It's 10% physical action, 90% theater.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  crod Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:33 am

    Isos wrote:Well, looks like there was some agreements behind this attack to have 0 deads.

    1) don't trust US. Wait for proof. Yesterday they claimed iraqi casualities.
    2) That means Iran will probably assasinate a top ranking general in the next weeks.

    In the next few days we will have sat images probably.

    Michael Tanchum
    US CENTCOM: 15 missiles; 4 failed; 1 hit Erbil Airport; 10 hit al-Asad base.

    Pentagon:  No American casualties.

    Iraq gov't:  No Iraqi casualties

    Current lull is an opportunity for de-escalation

    Jeepers that’s nearly a quarter failed, is that normal can anyone say?
    Looks like one airport will have zero damage at all. Al-asad base might have more. We need satellite imagery.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Arrow Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:34 am

    Iran wanted to save face, so it gave our society this theater. 1 to 0 for the US.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:47 am

    Aldin 🇧🇦
    33 min
    Iraqis confirming that they were notified before Iranian missile strikes and they were informed that strikes will be limited to US bases.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  jhelb Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:51 am

    nomadski wrote:The Iranians have said publicly that they aim to evict Yanks from region. It  is necessary to remove them from region. To secure a safe living and trading space. That this action was a slap in the face. And not the revenge they have been talking about. It looks like the Iraqi were warned to leave air bases. So that is why no  casualties. However it is necessary to evict Yanks quickly. Within two years.

    No Yankee casualty either. Clearly, Iran was just demonstrating a capability and not targeting Yankees.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:53 am

    crod wrote:
    Jeepers that’s nearly a quarter failed, is that normal can anyone say?
    Looks like one airport will have zero damage at all. Al-asad base might have more. We need satellite imagery.

    Does it matter? The US didn't have air defences at one of their critical airbases capable of shooting them down.

    That is the message the rest of the Gulf will take from this.

    No doubt the Russian SAM sales teams are in for an excellent 2020.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:06 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    crod wrote:
    Jeepers that’s nearly a quarter failed, is that normal can anyone say?
    Looks like one airport will have zero damage at all. Al-asad base might have more. We need satellite imagery.

    Does it matter? The US didn't have air defences at one of their critical airbases capable of shooting them down.

    That is the message the rest of the Gulf will take from this.

    No doubt the Russian SAM sales teams are in for an excellent 2020.

    Iran proved to be able to have a deadly precision with its missiles when it attacked saudi arabia.

    They could have very likely targeted those bomb shelters or used cruise missile that wouldn't have been detected and not give any notification to iraqi in order to maximize dead number.

    They are not stupid they don't want a full war that would lead to the destruction of Ayatollahs and their regime. The attack was made in order to prevent escalation.

    When it comes to suleimani I maintain that he was a threat to Ayatollahs. He had the support of many soldiers and could have overthrown them. I wouldn't be surprised if Ayatollah gave him to US and US let Iran answer with no deads on both side,  there was no other iranian killed, all the other were Suleimani's friends, no US dead, no iraqi dead, no Iranian dead.

    The fact that most of top heads of chiite militias came in iran was to praise the Ayatollah because they were praising too much Suleimani.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Dima Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:51 pm

    One of the best discussion I saw, even the words and terms used by the guest. This discussion was just after the strike on Gen happened.


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Dima Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:07 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:Twitterati and MSM were immediately reporting no US casualties before the dust had even settled. It's clearly an out so that the US can save face if they chose to take it on the chin. Even if there were dead US servicemen it's unlikely it will ever be admitted.

    It's 10% physical action, 90% theater.  
    Most important thing in this strike - Iran showed its resolve to strike back. This in itself sends a clear message with a deterrent value.
    Regardless of how many casualty, murica got the message that Iran will retaliate if its hurt.
    If US strikes again, Iran will retaliate....

    What Russia and China needs to understand here is, any blow that US gets is good for them. So help the entity that have the resolve to face the devil.

    crod wrote:Jeepers that’s nearly a quarter failed, is that normal can anyone say?
    Looks like one airport will have zero damage at all. Al-asad base might have more. We need satellite imagery.
    This strike basically took wind out of the sail of the experts whose usual narrative were that Russian missiles are not accurate. And based on that, they used to claim Iranian or North Korean missiles are even worse..

    But this strike (regardless of how many casualties) shows the missiles were accurate (even by US standards, out of 14, 10 hit their base), so that makes the Russian missiles, which are far more advanced, even more accurate.

    JohninMK wrote:Does it matter? The US didn't have air defences at one of their critical airbases capable of shooting them down.

    That is the message the rest of the Gulf will take from this.

    No doubt the Russian SAM sales teams are in for an excellent 2020
    They thought the Iranians didn't have the balls to retaliate and were bluffing. (particularly after very threatening tweets from DT)
    So probably never bothered to place any additional AD systems in the base OR as usual, their air defence simply failed.

    The important message that all across in that region got from thie missile strike is simple & clear - Iran have the resolve to strike back.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  nomadski Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:27 pm

    Disagree. Iran did not show resolve by this symbolic strike. It is not just about murder of Soliemani. It is much more than that. Iran is facing starvation and collapse, like Yemen. The political establishment from early on, fell into hands of the wealthy elite. The religious elite turned their backs to the revolutionary groups. These were eliminated. Now we have a Liberal elite in power, but it is constrained in it's overt  actions by the  prevailing ideas of revolution and their desire for dominance by the Yanks, can not be fully realised. They carried out this theatre as an  insult to memory of the dead General. And they still plan to drag Iran into defeat by inaction and procrastination and lies and servitude to the  Yanks. The foreign minister said that this " action", concluded the retaliation ! Sure the liberals will drag Iran into endless talks, while Iran collapses. And starves. And they get more people on the streets. And replace the leadership with a more convinient one. What a good plan. What a good option.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:50 pm

    There’s a sort of dark comedy to the entire Iranian response. After much shaking of fists & promises of dire revenge...they’ve killed 40 or so of their own people at the general’s funeral and shot down a commercial airliner carrying their own people. US dead: 0.
    Quote Tweet
    The Spectator Index
    · 8h
    BREAKING: Iranian news agency says no signs of any survivors after Ukraine International Flight 752, carrying over 170 people, crashed outside Tehran.



    Anyway, while Occam's Razor applies, and we know neither country wants full-scale war, one must never forget that deception is a key part of any military planning

    I see a couple of extra possibilities here

    1. The strike did cause US casualties. In this case, the US is trying to get the Iranians to lower their guard, by demonstrating that they do not acknowledge those deaths and all's good, when Iran in fact knows that it has caused them. In this case a US retaliation will happen very soon. Of course the deception in this case is unlikely to work.

    2. The US is telling the truth and no US troops were killed. In this case both Iran's and the US's statements may just be words, designed to lull the other side into a false sense of security. Iran's revenge isn't done yet and the real damage will be made by pro-Iranian militias in Iran despite what they say about de-escalation, while the US in turn knows this and also has plans to strike Iran anyway, not willing to turn the other cheek on Iran's attack on its military bases. Again, neither side is likely to fall for the other's talk of peace in any case.

    Now on the other hand if everything is as it appears on face value, Iran and the US are both willing to deescalate, and the Iranian attack was all smoke and mirrors agreed upon or otherwise given notice of via some mediator like Oman or Qatar or whatever, then this presents a problem.
    Not because it didn't cause a huge war in the Middle East of course. But simply the fact that this will only strengthen the US's sense of impunity and invincibility. And sooner or later they may try to pull some such stunt with a nation whose missiles do the job or otherwise have the resolve to use them to inflict maximum damage.
    Iran's people will also realize this stunt for what it was and it will cause a lot instability inside Iran.
    The only thing that can save this situation is if the US now withdraws from Iraq as part of whatever secret deal they brokered.

    Isos wrote:
    Aldin 🇧🇦
    33 min
    Iraqis confirming that they were notified before Iranian missile strikes and they were informed that strikes will be limited to US bases.

    In other words the US was informed in advance too by the Iranians.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:09 pm

    Dima wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:....

    ...What a moron!...

    Fuck off fanboy

    Your jihadi clowns pussied out and agreed to do a song and dance routine to Uncle Sam's music and now whole world knows about it

    They might as well had "Donnie Entertainment Production" stenciled on those rockets

    USA stays in charge while sheep in Iran get to have some cheap entertainment to make them think they aren't property of both USA and Ayatollah and his crew

    Show goes on, 40 years and counting


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:54 pm

    Add to this that only a dozen of missiles were launched. It was more a warning than anything else.

    Amichai Stein
    50 min
    #BREAKING: US officials saying that Iran intentionally missed US troops at bases

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:23 pm

    Isos wrote:...#BREAKING: US officials saying that Iran intentionally missed US troops at bases

    flamming_python wrote:Where's PapaDragoon now

    He'll be in for a rude awakening. Iran did what Serbia didn't.

    Now that I am awake I became completely aware of my past mistakes

    So on behalf of myself and my country I would like to fully and openly admit that Serbia never done anything even remotely as humiliating as this Razz

    Iran definitely did what Serbia never could or would lol1


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:26 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Isos wrote:...#BREAKING: US officials saying that Iran intentionally missed US troops at bases

    flamming_python wrote:Where's PapaDragoon now

    He'll be in for a rude awakening. Iran did what Serbia didn't.

    Now that I am awake I became completely aware of my past mistakes

    So on behalf of myself and my country I would like to fully and openly admit that Serbia never done anything even remotely as humiliating as this   lol1

    Iran definitely did what Serbia never could or would  Razz

    Well it's not over. Iranian officials said they will answer not just in one attack but many. And it was said after the missile were launch. Iran is preparing something more nasty but not military related.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:33 pm

    flamming_python wrote:...In other words the US was informed in advance too by the Iranians.
    Isos wrote:Well it's not over. Iranian officials said they will answer not just in one attack but many. And it was said after the missile were launch. Iran is preparing something more nasty but not military related.

    Oh yes of course, it would be idiotic to just stop here when everyone knows what pile of pussy clowns Iranians are

    They need some more theater and kabuki shows under assumption that world will stop thinking of them as a laughing stock (spoiler: they won't)

    We could see some more comedy shows once they get the go ahead from Optimus Trump and not a second sooner

    After all you don't start a comedy show without clearing things first with your sole owner and manager Razz


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Hole Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:42 pm

    Main point is that the self-declared BEST MILITARY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE couldn´t do nothing to stop a few short-range ballistic missiles from hitting the bases they occupied illegaly. Or is someone here really so stupid to believe that the muricans trusted the iranians to miss any building with soldiers inside?

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:46 pm

    Hole wrote:Main point is that the self-declared BEST MILITARY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE couldn´t do nothing to stop a few short-range ballistic missiles from hitting the bases they occupied illegaly. Or is someone here really so stupid to believe that the muricans trusted the iranians to miss any building with soldiers inside?

    I think there is too much macho posturing in this thread. The mere act of attacking a US base in Iraq by Iran is unprecedented. Posters here make it look like
    no big deal. So list all the other such cases over the last 100 years. I am waiting to see what the US response will be. That is the real event we should
    be waiting to see develop. Being an empire it needs to enforce the obedience of the world and thus it will either act or won't. Maybe all the posters who
    are fixated on who "little" Iran did should instead focus on how "much" the yanquis will do.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:58 pm

    Hole wrote:Main point is that the self-declared BEST MILITARY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE couldn´t do nothing to stop a few short-range ballistic missiles from hitting the bases they occupied illegaly. Or is someone here really so stupid to believe that the muricans trusted the iranians to miss any building with soldiers inside?

    Why would they bother stopping stuff that wasn't even going after them?

    And Americans definitely trusted that Iranians would not be stupid enough to even touch a single US trooper

    Basically same old same old, nothing changes, Iranians roll over as always

    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 SSCJdZg

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:13 pm

    Impacts on al assad base

    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Enxoyk10

    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Enxoqz10

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 2 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:21 pm

    Impressive accuracy

    But what matters are the cojones, more than anything else.

    If Iran is going to lie down and pretend to be dead over this affair, it's done in the region. The Middle East respects strength. No matter what atrocities or violations the US carries out, it will get away with them and continue to dominate the politics of other countries, so long as it continues to prove that it wears the trousers in any relationship with anyone.

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