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    Russian Railways: News


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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:52 am

    The arctic port development was all about saving europe and asia money with transport between the two regions being faster and cheaper and safer (no pirates)... but when Europe is a hostile enemy... why make exports to Europe cheaper?

    Russia expanding transport capacity to Asia can then be turned into trade between Russia and Asia and perhaps down to Iran and the Middle East, perhaps across to Africa.

    Why bother boosting trade to Europe if they are going to be such censored to Russia.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  ALAMO Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:59 am

    The arctic port development was all about saving europe and asia money with transport between the two regions being faster and cheaper and safer (no pirates)... but when Europe is a hostile enemy... why make exports to Europe cheaper?

    Because it is a Chinese export to Europe.

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    Post  kvs Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:12 pm

    The slow down is not a permanent state and China is already starting to exert pressure on oil prices.   We live in a resource-starved
    world.   The idea that Russia will not be able to sell these resources and use them itself is not well grounded.   Also, transport
    is not just for resources, it is also for people.   The current set-up requires absurd detours that extend the trip distance by 3-4 times.
    Sure, they can all fly to the nearest city and not worry about ground transport.   We could also all be living in mansions.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:24 am

    The trade was between Asia and the EU but Russia was going to benefit with traffic taking goods both ways with ports for breaks and repairs and also collecting materials from the far east and far north and putting them directly on a ship to where ever needs to go... China wasn't paying for rail lines and port upgrades... Russia was... this is for Russia... if the EU doesn't want cheaper trade with the billions of consumers in Asia then Russia does not need to cooperate... currently the North Sea route goes through Russian territorial waters so ships sailing through would want to be on good terms with Russia.

    If the EU wants to go with the US Russia can oblige and let them, Russia does not need to assist trade between the EU and Asia if it is not profitable for them to do so.

    As the west keeps escalating things then relations can only get worse... I don't think Russia would invade or attack HATO states that do not pose an immediate threat to Russia but they don't have to keep selling oil and gas to them either... the west has picked its side you would imagine listening to the US or Britain or Poland, but I think a few countries don't see things in quite such black and white terms... like Hungary who depend on Russian energy now and in the future regards to gas and oil and nuclear power..., while being essentially the only gas line going to Europe that does not go through Kiev makes Turkey very much interested in staying neutral and not rocking the boat.

    Turkey is already under sanctions from its own allies in the west which must colour its world view too.

    Friends like that...

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  Kiko Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:53 am

    The Germans helped Russia bring the "Swallow" (Lastochka) to perfection, by Olga Samofalova for VZGLYAD. 03.30.2023.

    The departure of Siemens from Russia last year called into question the possibility of producing the Lastochka electric train. However, Russia was able to make completely domestic trains, which will be put on rails in the second half of the year. This means that passengers in Moscow, Sochi and other regions of the country will continue to travel in modern comfortable Lastochkas. How did Russia manage to completely replace imported components in Lastochka trains in just a year?

    Trains "Lastochka" will become completely domestic, and Russian Railways will be able to buy them. Purchase volumes were halved, however, after Siemens left Russia in March 2022, the question was generally about a complete cessation of supplies.

    Now the German concern will not be needed to continue the production of these trains. “Deliveries of a completely Russian DC train are planned for the second half of this year, and the delivery of dual-system trains is planned for 2025,” said Oleg Belozerov, head of Russian Railways. For understanding: dual-system traction allows you to use not only current from the network, but also use batteries for autonomous operation.

    According to Belozerov, the collective West deliberately interferes with the normal operation of Russian Railways, for example, the EU Council declared passenger trains for Russian citizens as luxury goods, so their supply and use are blocked by discriminatory acts.

    Earlier, Andrey Vasiliev, Deputy General Director for the Development of Urban Transport at Transmashholding, said that in 2023 the level of localization of Lastochka would be 99%. True, he spoke about the first quarter, now the deadline has shifted to the second half of 2023. However, this is still a very short period, because Siemens announced its withdrawal from Russia just a year ago.

    How did Russia manage to completely replace imported components in Lastochka trains in such a short time? The history of this train is indicative. In the 2000s, the wear and tear of the rolling stock was critical. And Russian Railways turned to the German concern for help, which has already seriously settled in our country. In 2010, Sinara - Transport Machines (STM) signed a contract with a German concern, and since 2013 Lastochki and other freight locomotives have been produced at the Ural plant. The Lastochka was built on the Siemens Desiro platform specifically for Russian railways. And already by the opening of the Olympics in Sochi, these modern high-speed electric trains began to run. Now "Lastochka" runs in 30 regions of Russia, mainly on suburban passenger lines, and even on the international route Moscow - Minsk. These trains run from Moscow to Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk, as well as to significant cities in the Krasnodar Territory. "Swallows" began to walk around the MCD. In Moscow alone, tens of millions of passengers use these trains.

    In the 2000s, the creation of a joint venture was a logical decision. Russia did not have its own technologies and experience in creating such comfortable trains. Designing from scratch required significantly more time, money and resources.

    Cooperation with the Germans greatly facilitated and speeded up the task. Siemens AG as a whole has become the main supplier of modern German trains for Russia. At the same time, initially it was not about importing ready-made trains, but about creating their production on Russian territory, not to mention the fact that a separate product was technically created specifically for the Russian gauge and needs. And even then, in 2014, domestic manufacturers were involved in the project. The first trains produced in 2014 already had a production localization level of 62%. That is, imported parts accounted for less than half. A year later, the share of domestic components increased to 80%.

    “From the very beginning of the project, it was said that these electric trains would eventually become domestically produced, that they would have more Russian components,” says Dmitry Baranov, a leading expert at Finam Management. Work on the localization of components was carried out all the time. As an example, the expert cites how the PSO group of companies (Chelyabinsk) launched the production of aluminum-composite heating elements ZEBRA-EVO 300, which are used in Lastochka and other rolling stock. And the TAYRA Novosibirsk Power Engineering Plant began to produce a completely localized cooling unit for Lastochka, which was originally supplied by a foreign company.

    A difficult problem was the traction motor, which continued to be imported. The heart of a machine is always the most difficult element to design and manufacture.

    However, work on creating its own engine for such trains in Russia was also carried out before 2022. And this probably played an important role in the fact that it was possible to create a completely domestic Lastochka in such a short time after the German concern left the market.

    It was reported that the Perm enterprise Novomet (Rosnano's portfolio company) would create a domestic electric motor, including for the Lastochka line of high-speed electric trains. Because this company, back in 2021, on its own initiative, developed a basic model of a traction motor and tested it. The only thing left to do was to adapt the engine to railway components, taking into account the norms and regulations, and conduct a full range of tests.

    “Sinara, together with Ural Locomotives, is now able to continue producing Lastochkas with a localization of more than 90% with a Russian traction drive. Completely Russian Lastochkas, of course, will not be called that, and there is an opportunity to improve the design both outside - the head part, and inside: Russian Railways has made great strides in the ergonomics of new cars, ”says Alexander Timofeev, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.

    The emergence of completely domestic Lastochkas in the second half of 2023 means that the West has not been able to paralyze the Russian railway network in Russia, and it is huge. This story is an example of when the sanctions were a great motivator to bring the matter of replacing imports in Lastochka to the end.

    We are talking about the localization of Lastochka by 99%, and the remaining 1% is an electronic database. And here Russia really has problems. There are manufacturing enterprises, but they are very few, and there is still a technological gap, and it takes a lot of money to overcome it, not to mention time. Perhaps China and re-export through third countries can help here. “Part of the components for this train can probably be purchased in other countries, but it is possible that their production can also be established in Russia, if such a goal is set,” says Baranov.

    Russian Railways plans to purchase Lastochka passenger electric trains for 67.5 billion rubles in 2023-2025. In particular, in 2023 Russian Railways is waiting for 23 five-car electric trains, that is, 115 cars. This was discussed in the September materials for the draft adjusted investment program of Russian Railways for three years. Prior to this, Russian Railways wanted to purchase 160 cars of the Lastochka electric trains.

    As production develops, Russia can offer its new product for export to neighboring countries, where there is the same railway gauge as in Russia.

    “Continued production of Lastochka will make it possible to offer trains to other countries in a space of 1520 mm, which meets the task of increasing the export of complex products and will contribute to the development of technologies in Russia,” says Baranov.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:51 am

    I used to think Russia should have cooperated with China over electric and high speed trains because China has a lot of experience but also is not so prone to putting sanctions on Russia, but now I see that producing German trains means now they are sanctioned Russia can develop their own trains on the German base and can take ownership of the design for their own use and needs without worrying about the company they learned from getting upset about them using their technology and designs.

    Those new solid state batteries they were working on will be excellent for such trains to retain charge at very cold temperatures and allow high speed charging too... this is all good for Russia, investing in electric motors of this power will be useful in a range of fields... I hope they are cooperating with companies making electric buses and electric trucks as well as electric ships...

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  owais.usmani Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:32 pm

    The Russian-Indian consortium Transmashholding won the tender for the production and supply of 120 passenger electric trains (1920 cars) to India. The amount of the transaction is $ 1.7 billion, and this is the largest foreign order in the Russian railway engineering. Only the contract with the Russian Federal Passenger Company is larger than him. He offered the lowest price – 1.2 billion rupees ($ 14.5 million) for one train.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:02 am

    Good news.

    Regarding the work and money Russia has spent on their north sea route for shipping goods from Asia to Europe, that money is not wasted because all the development can continue and Russia can use the infrastructure to ship resources in the far north and far east to the entire world via their northern and far eastern ports, and opening up those regions would be good for the country too.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Apr 10, 2023 3:09 pm

    Deal of the century! Russia overtook Siemens and the French (Alstom) in the fight for India, 04.10.2023.

    Russia has won a record tender for the supply of high-tech engineering products to India - 120 passenger electric trains. In the competitive struggle, we outperformed the world giants — the German Siemens, the French Alstom, and the Swiss Stadler.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:14 am

    Because it is a Chinese export to Europe.

    I would add that Russia makes money from shipping along the northern trade route it is creating, and it has no reason to do anything not very nice to China over this, they were fair and are fair, whereas the west is trying to damage Russia so trade and shipping going from Asia to Europe will get normal fees and priority transit, while goods going from Europe to Asia will get quadruple fees and often delays... if there are issues with traffic then traffic heading to the west will always get priority.

    The sort of shit the west has been doing to the rest of the world for decades.

    It will mean cheap exports to Europe for Asian countries, but more expensive for Europe to Asia... probably to the point that some will prefer the extra two weeks it takes to go the current route.

    Russian waters Russian rules.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  Kiko Mon Apr 24, 2023 1:34 pm

    Transpnevmatika started serial production of disc brake systems, 04.24.2023.

    Transpnevmatika has started serial production of disc brake systems in the Nizhny Novgorod region for the import-substituted analogue of Lastochka — electric trains with the working name Vostok, as well as for Ivolga 3.0 electric trains, which will be launched on the new lines of the Moscow Central Diameters MCD-3 and MCD-4.

    The Industrial Development Fund (IDF) provided the enterprise with funds for the creation of a new production facility. The total investment in the acquisition of high-tech equipment for the production of disc brake systems exceeded 572 million rubles, of which 199 million rubles were provided in the form of soft loans by the federal FRP and 30 million rubles by the regional Fund for Industrial Development and Venture Investments.

    “Transpnevmatika is celebrating its 170th anniversary in 2023. With so much experience, we are constantly developing and introducing new products into production. Over the past few years, the plant, within the framework of the import substitution program and with the help of IDF loans, has developed brake equipment for the import-substituted analogue of Lastochka, Ivolga 3.0 electric trains, passenger cars of long-distance trains and Moscow-2020 metro cars. Now we are working on a disc brake system for the Sapsan high-speed train,” said Vladimir Batenkov, General Director of JSC Transpnevmatika.

    The company plans to annually produce 1,800 sets of disc brake systems, which will be supplied for warranty and service maintenance of various modifications of the Lastochka electric trains already in operation, as well as the installation of these components on new electric trains of the ES104 series, an import-substituted analogue of the Lastochka under the working name Vostok. The assembly of a prototype of a completely Russian high-speed electric train is being carried out at Ural Locomotives, its launch on the country's railways is scheduled before the end of this year. The produced volume of sets is enough to equip up to 180 cars of these types per year.

    The enterprise will also annually produce 2,100 sets of disc brake systems for new Ivolga 3.0 electric trains, which are produced by the borrower of the federal FRP, the Tver Carriage Works (TVZ), which is part of Transmashholding. This volume is enough to equip up to 264 wagons per year. "Ivolga 3.0" is the latest development of domestic designers, one of the most high-tech in the world. The electric train is designed to operate in the mode of constant acceleration or deceleration on urban routes with short distances between stations. In 2023, as part of a large comprehensive rolling stock renewal program, the supply of 20 electric trains, including Ivolga 3.0 for the new Moscow Central Diameters, was financed by VEB.RF.

    The systems developed by the designers of Transpnevmatika consist of a brake block and axle and wheel brake discs. They are intended for installation on electric train cars with a design speed of more than 140 km/h. The brake system and its components can be operated at temperatures from -50°С to +45°С, the service life, subject to timely maintenance, can reach 40 years from the date of commissioning.

    In the process of creating new disc brake systems, 7 of the company's own patented technical solutions were used, more than 80% of the components of the final product are produced in-house. Localization of production was brought to 100%, purchasing the remaining 20% ​​of components from domestic manufacturers.

    Earlier, using the equipment purchased with the support of the federal and regional FRP, Transpnevmatika launched the production of the Lastochka disc brake system for electric trains manufactured by Ural Locomotives and the disc brake system for EP20 Olimp mainline locomotives manufactured by another borrower of the federal FRP - Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant.

    As part of the organization of new production facilities, 65 highly productive jobs were created at the enterprise.

    In 2023, Transpnevmatika approved a new federal loan for the development and production of a domestic disc brake system for locomotive-hauled high-speed passenger cars, including double-deck ones. Investments in the new project will amount to 281 million rubles, including 218.2 million rubles in the form of a concessional IDF loan. 17 highly productive jobs will be created.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  franco Sat May 13, 2023 1:59 pm

    The main work was completed on 10 of the 19 assigned objects

    MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. During the reconstruction of the eastern section of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM), the Railway Troops of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation completed 4.3 million cubic meters of gas from April 2021 to early May 2023. m earthworks. This was reported to TASS by the head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant-General Oleg Kosenkov.

    "In 2022, the main work was completed at 10 of the 19 assigned sites, the total amount of excavation work performed amounted to more than 3.3 million cubic meters. In 2023, it is planned to complete the construction of the road bed embankment at the remaining nine sites. As of the beginning of May , the volume of earthworks performed amounted to 1,035 thousand cubic meters. In addition, 5 km of rail and sleeper grids have already been laid and 12 sets of turnouts have been built," Kosenkov said.

    According to him, over 1,800 people were involved in the work, including 1,300 from the Railway Troops, more than 1,100 pieces of equipment. All work is being carried out in full accordance with the schedule, Kosenkov added.

    Earlier it was reported that the troops were involved in the reconstruction of the Ulak-Fevralsk BAM section with a length of 340 km. The general recalled that with the adoption by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the decision to involve the Railway Troops in the performance of tasks at the reconstruction facilities of the BAM, it became possible to use units of the four military districts for their intended purpose "in conditions as close as possible to combat."

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    Post  JohninMK Sun May 14, 2023 12:30 pm

    Railway tracks fully repaired. Probably better than new Very Happy

    Repair of the Crimean bridge is fully completed.

    The Ministry of Transport announced that traffic is open on the second railway track.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:22 am

    The plant in the Urals showed the first completely Russian Lastochka ("Swallow")., 06.30.2023.

    The plant in the Urals showed the first completely Russian "Swallow".

    The Ural Locomotives plant built the first completely Russian electric train Lastochka, its photo was published by Vitaly Brekson, the first deputy general director for technological policy of the enterprise, on the social network.

    The train stands on the street on the tracks for dynamic tests. Painted in red, black and grey. It has the Russian Railways logo and the inscription "ES104-001". The numbers "001" mean the first train.

    As Brekson wrote, dynamic tests have begun, RIA Novosti reports.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  xeno Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:38 am

    Actually it is a modified version judging by its look("sharp" instead of original "round").

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    Post  Kiko Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:37 am

    Russia agreed to build 120 electric trains for India, by Dmitry Zubarev for VZGLYAD. 07.25.2023.

    Transmashholding and Indian Rail Vikas Nigam Limited agreed to produce 120 long-distance electric trains.

    Transmashholding and a subsidiary of Indian Railways, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), signed a shareholder agreement, the Russian holding said in a statement.

    As Vedomosti writes  with reference to a TMH report , the agreement provides for the creation of a joint venture Kinet Railway Solutions ltd, which will implement a project involving the supply and subsequent maintenance of Vande Bharat trains for the needs of Indian railways. At the same time, the Indian side will own 25%, the Russian side - 75% of the joint venture being created.

    According to the newspaper, TMH and RVNL received the right to produce 120 16-car long-distance electric trains with Vande Bharat sleepers for $1.7 billion as a result of the Indian Railways tender.

    Electric trains must be produced in India in the city of Latour within five years from the date of signing the contract. Subsequent service maintenance of equipment should be carried out within 35 years. The next step in the implementation of the project should be the signing of a contract with Indian Railways.

    Earlier, Russia for the first time entered the top three largest trading partners of India: the trade turnover of the countries for the first five months of this year reached $27.1 billion.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:26 pm

    Note sure of the timescales quoted but this is serious civil engineering to be proud of.

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    Post  flamming_python Fri Jul 28, 2023 4:40 pm

    xeno wrote:Actually it is a modified version judging by its look("sharp" instead of original "round").

    Wasn't claimed to be otherwise

    It's just that the pre-SMO Lastochkas were still import-dependent for around 20% of their parts (this proportion was decreasing every year), and were also serviced by Siemen's subsidiaries

    Whereas the new version of the Lastochka (called the Vostok it seems) seems to be 100% domestic and is serviced only by Russian firms

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    Post  franco Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:22 pm

    The batch is planned to be used as part of special trains for transporting personnel and property

    MOSCOW, November 9. /TASS/. Uralvagonzavod (UVZ, part of the concern is part of Rostec) has manufactured a batch of universal covered cars with sliding doors, model 11-5225-01, for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In the modern history of the enterprise, this is the first batch of such products for the military department, the concern’s press service told TASS.

    “The batch of covered cars model 11-5225-01 is planned to be used as part of special trains for transporting personnel and property. Therefore, at the request of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the product was equipped with non-removable equipment for installing berths and gun teeth, and was equipped with ventilation hatches in the side walls necessary for transportation of people. In addition, the car is equipped with furnace sections for installing additional heating equipment and platforms for their maintenance," the press service said.

    UVZ clarified that the model 11-5225-01 car on a standard 18-100 bogie was developed by design engineers of the Ural Carriage Design Bureau. "Uralvagonzavod" is the only enterprise that has agreed to produce covered cars for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, taking into account all our wishes regarding the configuration. After inspecting the cars, there were no comments about them. The products were manufactured with high quality and on time,” the press service quotes the head of the operational department of the 37th separate railway brigade, Captain Alexander Zubkov.

    According to the acting Deputy General Director for Civil Products of the UVZ Concern Andrey Abakumov, a covered carriage with sliding doors is a fundamentally new product for the enterprise. “The development of this type of car in production has further expanded the competence of the enterprise. Thanks to the effectiveness of this product, today it is already in high demand. We are open to cooperation in this segment,” he noted.

    On October 11, Uralvagonzavod turned 87 years old. Concern "Uralvagonzavod" is one of the world leaders in the armored vehicles segment, the only developer and manufacturer of armored weapons and equipment in Russia, and a leader in the Russian railway equipment market. The concern's perimeter includes production enterprises, design bureaus, and research institutes. These are well-known developers and manufacturers of rolling stock, tanks and other equipment in Russia and the world.

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    Post  franco Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:18 pm

    Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov said that by 2030 the carrying capacity of the Eastern railway range will reach 210 million tons. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti .

    According to Belousov, in 2024 the transport capacity of the landfill will reach 180 million tons.

    “The most in demand now and the most in short supply in terms of transportation capacity is the eastern direction, this is the BAM - Transsib. We are now planning how to increase the transportation capacity of this route in order to meet the needs of the national economy,” Belousov said.

    It is reported that the ultimate goal of the development of the landfill will be to increase its carrying capacity to 255 million tons.

    Prior to this, Putin instructed to ensure the development of the Eastern railway range.

    It was reported that in 2024 the main work on the second stage of the expansion of the Eastern test site should be completed. The third stage involves the development of the infrastructure of the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways, as well as the West Siberian railway. After its completion, the carrying capacity at the Eastern site should increase to 255 million tons by 2032.

    Earlier, the economist told which transport corridors will help strengthen foreign trade relations of the Russian Federation.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  JohninMK Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:30 pm

    If this is for real, Russia's response, (like for like?) will be interesting. (also posted in Ukraine thread)

    Unconfirmed Reports of Train Attack on Key Russia-China Route

    Thanks for sharing: @beerlovingguy

    Unverified sources suggest that Ukrainians targeted a freight train on a vital railway line between Russia and China. The operation, allegedly planned by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), was said to occur in the North Muisky Tunnel in Buryatia during the night of November 29-30.

    Details of the Incident:
    Deep in Russian Territory: The North Muisky Tunnel, spanning over 15 km beneath the North Muisky Mountains, is a critical part of the Baikal–Amur Mainline, north of Mongolia.

    Explosions Reported: Sources from the "Kyiv Post" claim that four explosions took place within the tunnel as a train passed through. The route, crucial for Russian military supplies, was reported blocked after the incident.

    Current Status: The tunnel is impassable, and Russian authorities acknowledge a train fire. Security services and workers are on-site attempting repairs. The extent of the damage remains unknown.

    Official Responses:
    Silence from SBU: The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has officially refrained from commenting on the matter.

    Russian Confirmation:  Russian media officially report the incident, indicating that on November 29 at 22:18, a freight train caught fire in the tunnel. The cause, according to the Russian channel Baza on Telegram, was a fuel tanker, but the exact reason remains undisclosed.

    No Casualties Officially Confirmed: Russian authorities state that no individuals were harmed in the fire. Reports from "Ukrainska Pravda" suggest SBU involvement in the four tunnel explosions. The portal alleges that the SBU orchestrated the attack.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  Hole Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:44 pm

    The route, crucial for Russian military supplies
    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  lancelot Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:16 pm

    Hole wrote:
    The route, crucial for Russian military supplies
    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1
    Yeah no kidding. The Baikal-Amur Mainline is basically used for transporting Siberian coal to China. Claiming it is crucial for Russian military supplies is just plain bullshit.

    Most valuable cargo that goes by train between European Russia and Asia either uses the Trans-Siberian Railway or goes through Kazakhstan.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:53 am

    Which now makes commercial trains targets, which is going to hurt Kiev this coming winter... damn they are stupid.

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    Russian Railways: News - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Railways: News

    Post  Hole Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:20 pm

    Another one of those stories where the Nazis claim responsibility for something and stupid Telegram channels believing it.

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