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    Syrian War: News #19


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Jan 01, 2019 6:01 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Wait until you see actual proof, not words, because words are worth shit in these kinda matters.

    Words from official Trump's statement. The decision is done politically, miliary have to follow. Trump won't go back on its decision because if he does it will mean democrates, who want to keep US military in syria, won.

    Trustworthiness of Trump's words is not a huge matter about U.S. withdrawal, because the U.S. cannot do anything different. The situation in Syria is clear, the U.S. can delay but cannot deny the inevitable.

    But the main problem here is, we don't know what the U.S. will do to salvage whatever they can in Syria. Such actions may result in devastating effect, like the U.S. did in December 1972 when they murdered hundreds of Hanoi citizens.

    The U.S. and colleagues will officially recognize the inevitable, but only after they are defeated decisively like in Hanoi 1972.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:27 am

    Isos wrote:

    Has for the begging where are you getting that? from some twitter feeds, I have seen ditto from the kurds to make a statement like that true. no official statement or nothing has come from them.

    They went to moscow last week and there was an official call of kurds to SAA to replace US at turkish border.

    But the kurds won't let us in eh? Look so far nothing has changed on the ground and until it does do not talk like things are finished.

    You mix military and politic decisions. Trump said US go out of Syria, he can't go back on that because then he is done. You are still there because somehow the pentagone manage to keep win some time. And kurds don't believe you anymore since Trump sold them to turks.

    Wait until you see actual proof, not words, because words are worth shit in these kinda matters.

    Words from official Trump's statement. The decision is done politically, miliary have to follow. Trump won't go back on its decision because if he does it will mean democrates, who want to keep US military in syria, won.

    Actually, there was no official call from the kurds that was reported by someone on twitter and the kurds have gone to Moscow before and it's accomplished nothing.

    What Trump says and what he does are two totally different matters. Come on are you that naive? you should know better by now.

    Trump can easily reverse his decision and he will be fine, he will not be "done" you clearly don't know how our politics work.

    Talk is cheap actions are what matters, anyone with any sense knows that.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:57 pm

    Sam Heller
    ‏ @AbuJamajem
    9h9 hours ago

    Whatever impression Lindsey Graham got from President Trump, this doesn't signal a major new course correction or a "pause" of U.S. withdrawal. Pulling out "slowly" just means fixing U.S. withdrawal to a realistic timetable:

    Whatever, it looks like some kind of a withdrawal is going on

    Within Syria
    ‏ @WithinSyriaBlog
    2h2 hours ago

    Now the Syrian MoD said in an official statement that more than 400 Kurdish fighters have withdrawn to the the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.

    Also further south a map from a couple of days ago

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 DvwoBUWWsAAi192

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  nomadski Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:43 pm

    During WW2 , the allies jointly fought against the enemy . The enemy was the fascists and proxy forces . Here the enemy are the yanks . And all proxy forces . Both Syria and Turkey can advance to clear the yanks and all proxies together . Where they meet , they will shake hands and celebrate . Once yanks driven out , then all go home . Or not , as the case may be . But then Turkey the main player . They live next door !


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:15 pm

    Some interesting points in this, my highlights. Mind you I'm not sure what targets the French AF would have in NE Syria, SE yes.

    ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) - France’s defense minister on Tuesday said that it may be impossible to continue the fight against the Islamic State (IS) in Syria without the US, which recently announced its withdrawal from the war-torn country.

    “Rafales [French fighter jets] taking off. In less than an hour, they will be over northeastern Syria. We have a mission to complete against IS, we will carry it out up to its end,” France’s defense minister Florence Parly tweeted on Tuesday after a visit on Monday to French troops stationed in Jordan.

    According to Le Figaro, which reported from Jordan, Parly confirmed that “without the Americans, who carry out 90 percent of the strikes - plus their contribution in terms of intelligence, air-to-air refueling, and bombardment guidance - the mission could become quite complicated, almost impossible.”

    “Without them, it may not be obvious, realistic or effective,” she conceded.

    Hence, the minister reiterated, the coalition needs to “move quickly” to defeat IS.

    “We must make the best use of the time between now and an effective withdrawal of the Americans to complete the work,” she explained.

    Indeed, France has stated its intention to remain in regions liberated from IS as US president Donald Trump announced in December that he would withdraw troops from Syria. Many analysts fear that an early departure would create a security vacuum and undo the progress made against the jihadist group.

    “To coincide the departure of the Americans, if it materializes, with the complete defeat of the jihadists would obviously be an ideal scenario. But there are many unknowns in this race against time,” Parly concluded.

    On Dec. 23, President Emmanuel Macron expressed his disappointment with his American counterpart’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria.

    Officials have expressed concerns that the decision may put the coalition’s partners on the ground, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), in a dangerous position.

    The co-leaders of the Kurdish-backed Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), the SDF’s political branch, on Dec. 21 met with advisors to the French President.

    In the Netherlands, one government party has suggested it could be possible to form a ‘coalition of the willing,’ together with the UK and France, to replace US forces.

    However, experts doubt Europe would take such a decision, fearing Turkey, who is opposed to Western support for the Kurdish component of the SDF, could loosen its border security and open the corridor for refugees hoping to reach the European continent.

    Alternatively, the SDF has indicated it may work to strike a deal with Damascus, but so far, no agreement has been reached despite recent talks in Moscow.

    On Dec. 28, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the leading component of the SDF, called on the Syrian state to protect Manbij against a Turkish attack and to protect its borders. An attack on the Kurdish-administered regions, many fear, could affect the fight against IS, as was experienced last year when Turkey led an incursion into Afrin, redirecting the YPG’s efforts away from the Euphrates frontline.

    The YPG’s spokesperson, Nouri Mahmoud, told Kurdistan 24 on Monday that coalition countries would not be opposed to an agreement between the Syrian government and the SDF.

    If any agreement happens with the Syrian state, I don’t think it would be objected by any force, including any member of the coalition, even if the US leaves,” he argued.

    As of now, no coalition troop has left the northeast of Syria, Mahmoud affirmed, nor has any deal with Damascus been made.

    “But if it happens, any deployment of the Syrian state army will be according to international law. The Syrian state has the right to defend its land and people.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:30 pm

    This is a 6 or so year old Google Maps map showing the areas with a Kurdish element in the population, described as Kurdistan. Note their absence from the area of Syria east of the Euphrates. Wonder if they will go back home now the US is going?

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 KurdistanLives

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:44 pm

    Actually, there was no official call from the kurds that was reported by someone on twitter and the kurds have gone to Moscow before and it's accomplished nothing.

    But when the Kurds have talked to the Russians in the past that was when they thought the US had their back so they were speaking from what they thought was a position of strength.

    Without the US to defend them Assads forces and Turkeys forces are a real problem for them... the former less so than the latter... if they don't pick a new side then both these forces will be happy to whittle down their numbers to something they believe is more manageable...

    They might get a deal with Assad for semi autonomy, or at least not getting killed... I doubt they will get the same offer from Turkey.

    The real point as far as I am concerned is that the Russians will be making the obvious clear to the Kurds, and will be offering to talk to the Turks and Assad to try to sort it out without the need for anyone to get killed.... In other words unlike the US in the same position who would be dictating the future to all sides and probably ending up having to fight any side that does not accept their choice (ie the Taleban in Afghanistan), Russia is not dictating to anyone... they negotiate a solution so that everyone is as happy as possible... that is why Russia is getting so much more respect in the region than the US.

    There are plenty of Americans who would see the logic in the Russian approach, but the americans in power and with control at the moment respect only force and threats...

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:44 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Actually, there was no official call from the kurds that was reported by someone on twitter and the kurds have gone to Moscow before and it's accomplished nothing.

    But when the Kurds have talked to the Russians in the past that was when they thought the US had their back so they were speaking from what they thought was a position of strength.

    Without the US to defend them Assads forces and Turkeys forces are a real problem for them... the former less so than the latter... if they don't pick a new side then both these forces will be happy to whittle down their numbers to something they believe is more manageable...

    They might get a deal with Assad for semi autonomy, or at least not getting killed... I doubt they will get the same offer from Turkey.

    The real point as far as I am concerned is that the Russians will be making the obvious clear to the Kurds, and will be offering to talk to the Turks and Assad to try to sort it out without the need for anyone to get killed.... In other words unlike the US in the same position who would be dictating the future to all sides and probably ending up having to fight any side that does not accept their choice (ie the Taleban in Afghanistan), Russia is not dictating to anyone... they negotiate a solution so that everyone is as happy as possible... that is why Russia is getting so much more respect in the region than the US.

    There are plenty of Americans who would see the logic in the Russian approach, but the americans in power and with control at the moment respect only force and threats...

    Assad is still on the no autonomy stance, and he seems very against giving it to them. He has told them his rules, his way. So unless Putin forces that matter, I do not see it changing.

    That is still a better deal then what the turks will give them, Assad knows this he knows he doesn't need to give them what they want.

    They can either go back to life has before or they can have the turks start killing them in the thousands along with the SAA, Assad doesn't want to and really has no reason to offer them any type of autonomy.

    Depends on what you mean by respect and who you count has the region some people are happy with Russia others aren't. It's mostly at this point the other countries accept Assad isn't going anywhere so it's time to move on, The Russians do not really need to be there for talks. In the end, it won't change anything, I am sure Putin will want to have some involvement because that will be a good PR move.

    IF we pull out fully, The kurds have two choices and there is no debates for them.

    1. Get steamrolled by Turkey and Assad.
    2. Go back to Assad and avoid becoming rotting corpses.

    If they are smart they will talk with Assad and try and get what they can now, because if they wait for when the bullets start flying they will get zero.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:48 am

    JohninMK wrote:This is a 6 or so year old Google Maps map showing the areas with a Kurdish element in the population, described as Kurdistan. Note their absence from the area of Syria east of the Euphrates. Wonder if they will go back home now the US is going?

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 KurdistanLives

    Reality is Kurdistand never existed.. there was never an official  Nation called Kurdistan recognized ever by Europe
    or any other nation in the world.. The kurds there in that region were NOMADS.. who lived in high zones mountains (similar story with Chechens in RUssia) ,and lived from earth , from goats and chicken ,they never created a form of Government or organized or developed before ,and only began to organize and form a government with Europeans help ,as a potential asset against the nations in the zone.  They simply got trapped in the mountains ,when other powers ,expansion began to develop the zones they did not developed or organized.

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 1-This-is-a-map-of-Armenian-Empire-at-its-greatest-extent-during-the-reign-of-Tigranes-the-Great-e1488648681376

    So the Kurds nationalism and identity and nation , is similar to the Ukrainian one.. it is one artificially created..
    Ukrainians are Russians ,that forgot their past..after German invasion on Russia territory in world war 1.. and Kurds are Armenians that were converted to Islam.

    Muslim invasions in middle east pushed the Christians away of their lands , reduced Armenia to the size is today.
    by crucifying thousands of christians and took control over Syria and Jerusalem..  So is kind of funny
    how muslims first kicked CHristians from middle east and now they ask for CHristians help to restore law and
    order and defeat their own religion created terrorism.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:48 am

    What concerns me is the sovereignty of Syria after this, especially when Turkish proxy groups managed to get some footholds in Syrian lands. As history tell us, when Turkey managed to occupied some territories, it is very hard to plug them out. Northern Cyprus is a notable example.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:07 am

    higurashihougi wrote:What concerns me is the sovereignty of Syria after this, especially when Turkish proxy groups managed to get some footholds in Syrian lands. As history tell us, when Turkey managed to occupied some territories, it is very hard to plug them out. Northern Cyprus is a notable example.

    well it looks Trump is backtracking.. now is saying he never specified a time when to leave..

    It looks like Americans tried simply to test the waters and see if they could provoke Turkey and Syria/Russia start fighting each other after a simulated fake retreat.. or a very small limited one ,as it could be the case of Manbji.
    So officially Trump is saying he never told a timeframe for leaving.. not even 4 months.. only that he don't want
    to be there forever.. in Syria.. Looking at his earlier recent discourses .. including IRAQ surprise visit .. he
    spoke as if US troops were starting to leave.. and how he will fulfill his campaign promises.. of leaving Syria..
    Now Trump says wants to protect Kurds.. from Who ?  that don't want to leave them alone.. so how is he going
    to protect them , and full fill his promises at same time?  Turkey is not going anywhere ,and erdogan will not give away their plans to fight armed kurds..  Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any other nation have a chance to protect Kurds from Turkey.. So at least Trump tried ,but he is back at square one.. on the we will stay there for an unspecified time.. Only when Turkey start the invasion and fighting kurds , you will see US military to retreat..

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:28 am

    Breaking news. It is confirmed that Comrade Donald Trumpov is a NKVD intelligence officer who dedicate his life for the glory of Soviet Revolution pwnd pwnd pwnd

    The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there,” he said. “The problem is, it was a tough fight. And literally, they went bankrupt.”

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Airman Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:28 am

    Turkish Armed Forces' armoured military vehicles, personnel carriers and tanks are being dispatched from Kilis to support the units at the Syrian border, in Gaziantep, Turkey on January 04, 2019.

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 DwEjvH5UcAA4ECp

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:35 am

    Turkey army deploying of tanks around all kurds borders. will be a guarantee ..
    That the US military will start packing their soldiers away from Syria. they will not like to
    suffer a major embarrassment and defeat to Turkey soldiers.. because they can't afford to fight
    Turkey for kurdz and lose their most important ally in the mediterranean/blacksea zone to encircle Russia.

    In other news..

    New information is surfacing about the previous Israel attack..
    that Russia claims Israeli planes could not be engaged for fear it could hit civilian airliners
    that Israel could potentially use as a shield and were asked by Russia military to divert their flights ,in light of the Israel attack.

    So far it looks like the Israel previous attack ,was a bit more embarrassing for Israel ,and less humiliating
    for Syria than i expected.  it was not that bad.. that 2 missiles hit syria from 16 , when you get to know
    what happened to Israel..

    According to one Syrian citizen who is better informed of the incident.. he speak as if he was part
    of the defense operation of the nation..  That after Israel bombed Syria ,  the Syrian military
    fired 2 missiles at Israel , in response for the attack.. something not being reported anywhere..
    The israel military agree ,that Syria fired a missile and they intercepted it.. with no damages..
    however the Syrian army version is different.. They say ..they fired not one but two missiles..deep inside
    of Israel in retaliation.. one S-200 (used as a ground attack ) and one Toschka ballistic missile..
    The major big claim is that the OTR-21 Tochka that Syrian army fired at Israel.. it successfully strike
    an important city of Israel ,that  important technology buildings are located. So far Syrian army/citizens
    claims a major big explosion happened in Haifa city ,after the missile hit the target.  and Israel government
    declared a major big censorship of media , during the incident..  

    here is what the syrian citizen/syrian military posted on youtube...
    based on a video ,uploaded by someone about the israel attack.. he gave more details..
    that were not reported anywhere ,as if he was very sure of the information and he was part of Syrian military.

    look what the user @Mahmoud Al-Jammal
    told in a discussion post , after the video of the incident..

    Remember that both Israel and Syria both agree , Syrian military fired a missile into Israel..
    in retaliation of the attack of Israel airforce.. the disagreement is that instead of just 1 missile ,
    it was 2.. and the second one hit the intended target..

    by....@Mahmoud Al-Jammal
    3 days ago

    1- two passenger jets, one landing in Beirut airport, the other was landing in Damascus airport, this one was ordered to go to the reserve airport of Hmaimeem (just near the Russian base).
    2- We launched 1 SS-21 ballistic missile, and the other one is S-200 air defence missile, they couldn't destroy the SS-21, and it caused a huge explosion, the voice was heard in Lebanon and Jordan.
    3- They launched 16 air-surface missiles, 14 of which was shot down by Tor-m1 and Pantser.
    4- The main target (of Israel) was an Iranian jambo jet, they couldn't come near it.

    Love your work bro   Smile  Smile  Smile  Smile

    So come to think for a second about the official version of Israel..vs the official version of Russia..
    versus what is being reported in social media like twiiter ie..@ elintnews.. etc..
    If you connect the dots and try to figure out the most likely scenario..

    -There is widely reported by many sources that an IRANIAN civilian plane was landing
    in Damascus airport..
    -there are unconfirmed rumors of the Iranian military top general killed by israel..
    -Israel claimed they killed hezbolah leaders.. (hezbolah denied this) usually hezbolah
    announce their real casualties ,of their people.. even if embarrasing.. this time they deny this
    Israel claims..
    -Also saw reports on twiiter that the Iranian military plane landed in Syrian damascus airport AND
    and returned to IRAN safely..

    So the question to ask is .. why israel did not bombed the iranian plane?
    they could have used the excuse that iranian military "was about to transfer" of thermonuclear
    anti matter weapons of mass destruction to hezbolah . but the plane left to IRAN untouched..
    because it could fly back..

    When evaluating the entire thing.. it seems that the coincidence of the iranian plane in damascus
    airport ,at same time when israel bombed Syria on christmans ,was very likely that israel was seeking to destroy the iRANIAN plane.. but FAILED..  and this is what the Syrian citizen in youtube ,is saying.. the real target
    was the Iranian military plane but they failed..  

    and the Syrian man , who speak as if he is part of Syrian military ,, (virtually most males was manadtory to join the Syrian army) told that not only israel failed to bomb the iranian plane in damascus airport.. but that also Syrian
    military fired a Toschka missile at Israel (some sources say was Haifa city) , causing a major explosion there and that everyone in lebanon and Jordan knows this.. humiliating attack on israel..  

    If this information is correct.. of the Syrian man, it will be a close to a major failure ,the entire operation of Israel...
    Because Syria defeated almost all their missiles ,without using S-300s.. or any other long range air defense to hit Israel planes.. and after most of the intercepting the missiles ,they bombed Haifa city with a toscka ballistic missile
    and this is the reason why the censorship of all israel media by the military. So if information is true..
    Israel got a slap in the face , in the previous aggression on Syria ,which is a clear strong message
    for Israel. that Syria will not limit to defense only , if attacked.. that their buildings and city will be fair
    targets if Attack syria..and that will be using powerful ballistic missiles against their important buildings..
    this will be , a strong message for Israel.. that Syria will make it very expensive for Israel ...and can hit deep
    inside of israel any place..if attack Syria.. this new developments are important.. because means new rules of combat in action for Syria.. Syria will fight back Israel , if attacked and will not be limited to israel airforce only.
    but any place in israel territory will be fair target.

    Now i will not go as far as to say "Israel gave up" thats the title of the video.. in youtube.
    which is an extreme unfounded conclusion.. NATO and Israel ,even if their missiles
    intercepted ,they will have a lot of gain by doing it.. that is to learn to spot the signals
    of S-300s and other air defenses to better jam them.. also learn new tactics ,how
    to defeat Russia air defenses.. NATO military by now knows tomahawks missiles
    are useless to target Russia mainland.. and this knowledge was only possible
    after the attacks on Syria..with significantly inferior defenses and trained operators.
    So israel and/or NATO will try to find excuses to bomb Syria to test their missiles..
    and resistance to jamming to Russian air defenses.

    Israel media is now showing Israel new missiles/new tactics ,they have been working..
    they will basically saying ,israel airforce new tactics will be using ballistic missiles ,fired from
    planes ,that when descending , will free fall , from above towards their target.. This could be a
    challenge for Syria military to engage.. the best way to stop this attacks is not wait for it..and go to the
    offense.. first.. and not allow Israel airforce to come close and shoot their planes when positioning to bomb Syria. with S-300s air defenses. This is how long range defenses are supposed to be used.. keeping far away enemy
    planes.. but new rules of engagement from Russia will have to be authorized ,that are a step closer to total military confrontation between Russia and Israel.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:28 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Breaking news. It is confirmed that Comrade Donald Trumpov is a NKVD intelligence officer who dedicate his life for the glory of Soviet Revolution pwnd pwnd pwnd

    The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there,” he said. “The problem is, it was a tough fight. And literally, they went bankrupt.”

    Lol, he is so ill informed. Nah, it was Soviets who went there. And not because of terrorism, that came later with US interference. But yes, Soviets had right to do that. It was fruitless war.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:13 pm

    Moon of Alabama
    ‏ @MoonofA
    27m27 minutes ago
    Replying to @Souria4Syrians

    Its control of M4, M5 what HTS is seeking.
    a. for income
    b. as negotiation asset

    ‏ @Souria4Syrians
    41m41 minutes ago

    The importance of Ariha and Maraat Al Numan, which HTS (Nusra) is trying to capture in order to have complete dominance over Idlib, this comes after HTS captured most West Aleppo from Zinki (NLF) #Syria #Map

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:16 pm

    When the SAA make their move expect the 'gas attack' meme to reappear. The pullout must be stopped.

    Within Syria
    ‏ @WithinSyriaBlog
    58m58 minutes ago

    The SAA made several "unusual" and "serious" movements around Idlib during the last two days. Let's hope for the best.


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:19 pm

    JohninMK wrote:When the SAA make their move expect the 'gas attack' meme to reappear. The pullout must be stopped.

    Within Syria
    ‏ @WithinSyriaBlog
    58m58 minutes ago

    The SAA made several "unusual" and "serious" movements around Idlib during the last two days. Let's hope for the best.

    John agrees with John (if it is your real name JohninMk)  Very Happy

    John Bolton
    John Bolton
    There is no change to the US position against the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime - any further use will be met by a swift, strong response.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:28 pm

    Isos wrote:
    John agrees with John (if it is your real name JohninMk)  Very Happy

    John Bolton
    John Bolton
    There is no change to the US position against the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime - any further use will be met by a swift, strong response.
    Yes. I am John Laughing and I live in Milton Keynes!

    Just smell a rat when he keeps going on about chemical weapons.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  nomadski Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:16 pm

    @ vann7

    Good to hear no use of advanced s300 . Against Zionist attack . And use of SSBM instead . They will soon tire of this air attacks . The yanks should be ordered out or forced out  or both . The crucial decision to target their separatist kurd proxies , with deadly force ,  should come at a time when SAA forces have grown  to a superiority  of at least three to one or higher .  However if nationalist kurd  forces are being incorporated into  a Syrian union and constitution at a rapid rate , then no big offensive is needed . It is a question of numbers . And predictions .

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:22 pm

    First one of the top Kurd Generals told the US to go away the want to deal with the Russians and Damascus, now Erdogan refused to meet Bolton in Turkey yesterday. That's a slap in the face/diplomatic insult if I ever saw one.

    You'd think that the US would get the message.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:17 am

    ‏ @A7_Mirza
    2h2 hours ago

    #Hajin pocket military situation.
    According to a #SDF field commander, Sha'fah is fully captured and there is no #ISIS terrorist in Shafah.
    Clashes continue in Hawi Susah.
    HD map: …

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Dwf-ihXXcAA3HUm
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  par far Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:16 pm

    What do you guys think will happen in Idlib, following the recent events?


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    Post  JohninMK Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:10 pm

    It looks now as if HTS controls the whole of Idlib with a few bits added on. They now have the munitions, weapons etc so freely donated to the 'moderate' terrorists in Syria. This is the last chance for any kind of caliphate and they probably fancy their chances of fighting the SAA to a standstill, with plenty of civilians to use as hostages. There are also the 6-7? Turkish outposts now trapped and surrounded as the proxies they were defending have deserted them.

    I suppose its a question now of who strikes first and where. The SAA will probably want to wait until the SDF situation is sorted and ISIS in Deir is finally cleaned out whilst HTS will want to increase their territory before the SAA can move all their forces against them.

    What we need is a commenter who knows a bit more.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:02 am

    For some people can be confusing US policies in Syria...
    when Fight "ISIS" with one hand and helps ISIS with another..
    The thing is ,they can do both at same a way that don't neutralze their efforts to overthrow ASSAD and
    destroy Syria.. if for example they fight 200 useless ISIS fighters that the west sacrifice ..that they can agree to betray for public relations purposes while at same time provide weapons to 30,000 of the most combat capable ISIS fighters. all this is done to create confusion ,and that they can "proof" there is no alliance with terrorism ,
    since look.. over there .100 isis terrorist killed by them. while helping to evacuate thousands of them from an

    also  ISIS is a general term.. and they usually dont call themselves
    that way.. they have their own personal groups names and factions withing ISIS..
    Based on reports in social media twiiter about one Iraqui lawmaker complaining US military is redeploying [ISIS]
    to IRAQ to save them.. and others reports about Kurds fighting [ISIS].  That can be explained if Americans getting rid of the most useless factions of ISIS for their future planned conflicts.. For example The Chinesse faction of
    fighters inside of ISIS could be sacrificed if they feel , emulating the Syrian conflict in China muslim zone ,no longer will have a chance to work.. so they can be given to the kurds as target practice ,for their support and for public relations.  So Pentagon can use it as proof of "Fighting ISIS"..   and the factions the ISIS fighters  that Are with Russian citizenship ,european citizenship, American citizenship or from the borders  of Russia protected and evacuated to IRAQ..

    This NATO "fighting ISIS" reports can be enhanced ,by fake reports of NATO troops killed by them.. because if ISIS fight US and British soldiers.. then is this irrefutable  proof that Americans are not aiding ISIS and they are enemies instead?   You could have a case of the Deep state CIA backing ISIS and US Marines loyal to trump fighting them.  According to french journalist Thierry Meyssan  , the major weapons smuggler of ISIS , is the former CIA head during first Obama administration.. people need to understand how things are usually the Standard way of doing illegal things.. they Pentagon contract private people.. give money them and they do the dirty job.. if they are caught aiding terrorism.. Pentagon can say.. oh they retired from military , no longer work for us..  that way they can protect themselves in case a major internal investigation happen and a witch hunt done against any ISIS supporter..

    after 8 years of wars.. if there is anyone doubts of how complex is the war..(Turk sponsored some terrorist groups ,and then Saudi backed some other terror groups ,then Israel backed other groups ,Qatar backed Alnusra Alqaeda groups ,France backed the FSA.. the complexity was designed on purpose. So that Obama administration,British Government and france could hide their hands from aiding terrorism in Syria. by pointing fingers to others.. the CIA did it.. or it was SAudi Arabia who did it.. no.. it was Qatar , or it was private military contractors who aided terrorist. There is no confusion. all of them aided terrorist. and their interest and goals were different. The mistake ,in the failure of NATO mass scale terrorist war against Syria ,was not consequence of the complexity..
    but instead of Russia very effective military interference ,combined with brilliant diplomacy.. of Russia "De-Escalation zones.." ,basically forcing through force, different terror groups to be in same zone and wait for them
    to kill each other. Laughing or the divide and conquer.. old tactics ,but that always work.. that Russia called it..
    "Reconciliation program" , for fighters integrating into the civilian life.. (sounds good Very Happy ) and then causing major outrage on other terrorist groups ,because those that agree for reconciliation will be (temporarily ignored ) by Russia airforce bombs.. and so the bombing will be focused on other terror factions. causing major outrage and rivalry between them.. Very Happy

    Truly the most effective thing , Russia did to counter NATO terror war in Syria , was to use their Airforce and "reconcilation centers" to incite divisions ,and rivalry among terrorist groups and later just sit down relax and observe how they fight each other.. lol1 after some months of Infighting between them .. they will give up ,
    and want to return to civilian life. Smile So effective was Russia bomb-diplomacy tactics ,that Russia military even got
    intelligence from some terrorist groups to bomb the headquaters of other rival terrorist groups.. then they later ask the bombed terrorist information of their rivals ,in change for Russia airforce not bombing their positions. So this was clearing syria of terrorist ,not necessarily by territorial zones , but by political ,diplomatic sides instead ,to maximize the divisions and promote infighting between them. Cool

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