GarryB Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:33 pm
I rather doubt Turkey wants to keep parts of Syria, they just don't want a kurdish autonomous region to be created as that will give Kurds in Turkey and Iraq and Iran ideas... Turkey will go in and fight the kurds... most of the western ISIS supporters are in Kurdish jails... so they might get released, or traded, or bombed by Turkey... who cares which to be honest... not Syria or Russias problem really, and I suspect the EU would be happy if Turkey just bombed those jails and killed them all there which would really nicely solve their problems.
Once Turkey has cleaned up the Kurds, or equally gets a bloody nose from them, the Russia can hold talks about Assad retaking the areas with Russian and Iranian support perhaps with the promise of getting rid of the problem of the Kurds for Turkey... they keep going on about him wanting to recreate the ottoman empire, but then these are the same sources that claim Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union and take back eastern europe which is clearly also bollocks.
Trump might end up being able to say he pulled the US out of Syria and Afghanistan and reduced numbers in Iraq and of course manage to corner and contain Iran again (american delusion of course) and stop them getting nuclear weapons, and of course still in talks with rocket man in NK.
I think pulling US troops out of two serious conflict zones will get him more votes than any wall or other shit he could possibly pull out of a hat between now and their next election cycle.