"Laika-VMF": pauseNavykorabel.ru
The fact that Russia is designing nuclear submarines of the 5th generation, as far as the author knows, was first reported by Commander-in-Chief of the Navy V. Chirkov in March 2015. Later, what was said was veiledly confirmed in the annual report of the SPMBM "Malahit" for the same year - as "the implementation of research to justify the appearance of a promising order for a new project, indicated in the" Long-term program of military shipbuilding until 2050 ".
In August 2016, Malachite General Director V. Dorofeev announced the conclusion of a state contract for the development of a new generation multi-purpose submarine , and in April 2018, the completion of its preliminary project in the previous month. According to the annual report of the SPMBM for 2019, during the reporting period, the research work "Huska" and "Huska-Malachite" (that's right - "Huska", not "Husky", as some media write) was completed to ensure the creation of ships of the 5th generation .
In addition, based on the results of the research work, a state contract was concluded for the implementation of the Laika-VMF R&D. As part of the named R&D, as stated in the report for 2020, the bureau developed a draft design of a new submarine (link 6, p. 6). The report for 2021 was not published, however, in mid-2022, the fate of the project became clear.
![5th gen Husky-class nuclear submarine - Page 7 24209010](https://i.servimg.com/u/f39/20/39/71/38/24209010.jpg)
Simplified scheme of a multi-purpose submarine (APKR) pr. Laika (Marine collection, No. 7/2022)
In the journal "Sea Collection" No. 7 for 2022, an article by Commander-in-Chief of the Navy N. Evmenov "Operational and tactical requirements for fifth-generation submarines" was published, which states that in Russia "scientific and technical groundwork for promising submarines began to form during the development of the preliminary project of the multi-purpose submarine of the "Laika" project. The project provides for an increase in strike capabilities relative to the 4th generation submarine of the Yasen-M project, while maintaining optimal dimensions and improving driving characteristics. This will allow the use of submarines in various environmental conditions and in all areas of the World Ocean .
It is assumed that the submarine will have increased self-defense capabilities, low noise level, be the carrier of advanced weapons systems, including various RTK, PTZ and GPA, which will significantly increase its combat stability. [NB] The technical proposals and studies received as a result of the preliminary project showed high risks of project implementation, which did not allow moving on to the creation of a new generation ship on time, so it was decided to postpone the start of technical design to the next program period"
Commenting on the above quote, in addition to deciphering some abbreviations (RTK - robotic complex, PTZ - anti-torpedo protection, GPA - hydroacoustic countermeasures), it is necessary to clarify the preliminary project and the program period. According to the regulatory documents, the preliminary project (like R&D) precedes the R&D, on its basis the TTZ for the R&D is developed (in other words, it is done in order to justify the possibility of implementing the requirements of the TTZ in the future). R&D, in turn, begins with a draft design, then comes a technical design, a working design (RKD), the construction of the lead ship (which is a prototype of the VT product), its state tests and, finally, the approval of the RKD for serial construction (with the assignment of the letter "O1"). Since the reports of "Malachite" include a state contract for R & D with the code "Laika-VMF" and the development of a preliminary design, the "high risks" that the commander-in-chief writes about were revealed not as a result of the preliminary project, but in the process of preliminary design. It can be assumed that some additional research was required to ensure the development work of Laika-VMF or its components, or it was decided to make changes to the TTZ and re-develop several versions of the draft design, which is generally a common thing.
It is easy to guess that the "next program period" in the article under consideration means the next state armaments program, which should replace the current SAP 2018-2027. According to the rules, the SAP should be developed for 10 years and revised after half of its validity period, i.e. after 5 years. In practice, however, this rule was almost never followed. Thus, the SAP 2011-2020 was to be restarted in 2016, but for a number of reasons (mainly due to the events of 2014 - the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, the fall in hydrocarbon prices and the instability of the national currency) this happened two years later.
Prior to the start of the SMO, it was planned to adopt a new state armament program next year for the period 2024-2033. . Now no one can guarantee that its start will not shift to the right, which is primarily due to the need to review the needs of the Armed Forces in weapons and military equipment, taking into account a detailed understanding of the experience of military operations in Ukraine. Let's hope that the hypothetical shift in the timing of the SAP will be minimal (one, maximum two years), and the development of a technical project for a 5th generation nuclear submarine cruiser will begin no later than 2025-2026.
However, we don't need to be in a hurry. 885M ("Yasen-M") is an excellent project, which, among other things, is evidenced by at least the fact that in the process of evolution of the Virginia on the Block V modification, the Americans came to an identical surface displacement and the location of most of the missile weapons, in other words - took our boat as a role model. By and large, we can build "Yasen" for a very long time, making minor changes (improvements) to the project and gradually bringing the number of nuclear multi-purpose submarine forces of the Russian Navy to an acceptable level (say, 2x6 submarines in the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet), and when the time comes, we will begin to smoothly replace them on the slipways and in the fleets with "Laikas". In conclusion, a few words about the performance characteristics of the latter. According to the available data (see photo at the end of the post), with a displacement of 11340 tons (I'm sure it's underwater), their Dboost will be the same as that of the 885M (according to the author - 9200 tons), the speed will be higher (35 vs 31 knots) . The diagram from the "Naval Collection" behind the OVU probably shows 2x5 UVP, which equalizes their missile ammunition with the "Virginia" mod. V (40 missiles). Compared to Yasen, the number of TAs or torpedo tubes is less (2x3 versus 2x5), but in front of the OVU there is something similar to the UVP for anti-torpedoes, GPA and RTK devices (*)
The scheme given in the "Sea Collection" is not clear, so some things can only be guessed at. So, the number of UVP for attack missiles behind the OVU (cutting fence) can be from 2x4, if you count on the top, to 2x5, if you count on the bottom. An increase in the ammunition load of one UVP from 4 to 5 missiles is hardly possible, and since the commander-in-chief writes about an increase in the strike capabilities of the anti-aircraft missile system, it is reasonable to assume that the number of UVPs will be increased from 8 to 10. In addition, the author has no information about technical solutions related with the placement of anti-torpedoes, GPA and RTK devices in vertical launchers located inside the pressure hull.
However, for the first two types of products, such a launch method (it doesn’t matter, up or down) has the same obvious advantage as SAMs - the ability to turn towards the attacking weapon (in our case, torpedoes), which distinguishes it favorably from on-board deployment Launcher inside or outside the PC when the starboard launcher cannot be used to repel an attack from the port side and vice versa. With the length of the UVP close to the diameter of the PC, in each launch shaft (pipe) it will be possible to place several ammunition with self-exit or with a pneumatic or hydromechanical launch system (as, for example, in the German IDAS boat missiles).