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    Syrian War: News #17


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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:29 am

    Aristide wrote:
    Im ethnic Algerian camel-humper. And what do you want tell me? That we still slitting childrens throats and raping our enemies goats like 100 years ago? We live in 1018 and refuse to progress like the evolutionary more developed peoples who don't live in sandy wastelands . We expect others to degenerate as well. Some civilization is not accepted anymore.  

    Can people pls stop quoting the rabid nonsense from the Moorish fake-frog wife-beating bacon-dodger?  Repeating his Wahabbi-inspired hatred simply defeats the purpose of being able to block out the foreign pathogens that try to infect this forum...  angry

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:58 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:... bacon-dodger....

    Bacon-dodger​... lol1

    I am so keeping this one for future use, thank you! Cool

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Airman Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:13 am

    As far as ı know, Pechora-2М and Buk-M1 are capable of shot down cruise missiles but what about S-200 and Kvadrat(Kub) systems? These are capable of shot down cruise missiles?

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Vann7 Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:53 am

    Airman wrote:As far as ı know, Pechora-2М and Buk-M1 are capable of shot down cruise missiles but what about S-200 and Kvadrat(Kub) systems? These are capable of shot down cruise missiles?

    You can use S-200 ,S-300 to shot down cruise missiles too.. but is overkill.. Not economically practical.
    Is like using a cruise missile to destroy a single nobody terrorist. Long range air defenses are more ideal against Combat Planes at long distance. and because of its size.. even though the speed is very fast.. they can't do a quick turn to chase a missile as fast as short size missiles.. That said the most ideal Air defenses against Cruise missiles or Air to ground missiles are Pantsirs1 -S1 .

    They can operate in passive mode ,without warning enemy of its radars.. just only detecting Infra Red signals (heat)
    of the missiles.. at large distances.. and they are highly on the move ,so it will be a pain for NATO combat planes to defeat a pantsir if move all the time.. and can hide anywhere. it have 12 missiles with 25km distance and a dual gatlin gun ,as a second layer defense in case the missiles miss. So you use S-400 for long range distance planes.. and Pantsir to protect the S-400 from missiles fired at it.. so they work well in pairs.. but you can use them solo too..
    In my opinion they are much better more useful than S-400s. because of how mobile they are.. and shutdown everything..  The disadvantage of Pantsir is the short range of interception.. only ~25km.  This will not be a problem
    if you deploy them near your country borders.. and S-400s deep inside your country.. So Pantsirs are ideal to Ambush low flying planes or cruise missiles.

    TOR defenses are the competition of pantsirs from Another Russian company, apparently more advanced ..
    made by the same company that makes S-400s .notice in the end of video how fast they move ,while launching
    missiles.. those will be very complicate to defeat too.. for its very high mobility.

    Tors seems to be faster bigger missiles ,for fast ballistic missiles but can be used against planes too.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:31 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Airbornewolf Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:24 am

    Aristide wrote:This propaganda here is amusing. Very Happy

    just curious, you ever intend to join the French Millitary?. or they did not want you even for logistics?.

    All i see is a lot of worthless taunting and posturing without anything put foward to base it on. Even worse, you are an disgrace to the French Millitary you say you admire.

    Perhaps go ask a few French afghanistan veterans what they feel about their experiences?. and be sure to ask about the Americans and their involvement in the Kabul 2008 Ambush where France lost over 10 guys and dozens more mutilated for life.

    I am well aware this respone is most likely a waste of time. I wanted to put this out here for everyone to read. Because as an Western European, i do not want to be associated with you and your rediculous statements. On this forum, there are former millitary veterans from a number of countries including eastern europe and Russia. People i can get very well along with and share opinions,thoughts and information.

    while short-sighted people like you and the rest of the mainstream media are just kicking and screaming against something they do not even comprehend the consequences off. Is an actual confrontation with Russia you are hoping for?. If so, i really hope you are on the frontline and endure the true horror of war. altough, it seems taking selfies from behnd an  computer account is more your preffered method of communication.

    you are totally oblivious of the legacy of what western millitary's left behind, the truth behind the interventions by the west. How Serbian pilots took off with half-working aircraft to defend their country. How Serbs improvised and shot down an F-117 as soon it opened is bomb bay. how NATO laid waste to an Serb Hospital.  Hell, .... you do not even know how much Crimea means to Russia and its people. its in a sense an Millitary Holy Ground, Russia, in multiple wars never surrendered it and fought to defend it to the last man multiple times. its dirt is entrenched with the blood of soldiers.

    You do not understand that, but i do. it is called Honour.

    And you really have none of that in any bone in your body.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:30 am

    I have a book of French War Heroes around here somewhere. I'll send it to you, mind you it is rather small. Only having a female teenager and an Italian in it.

    I appreciate what you are trying to do... return insults, and I don't believe I am saying this as a mod, but please make insults to this frog dick personal and don't colour all of France with the same brush... some French people are actually nice... there are a few on this board that show common sense and most of all respect for others.

    Russia deployed no means to prevent this action and they had weeks to do so.

    Are you suggesting a few weeks would have made all of Syria immune to a NATO attack?

    I would say ask the serbs and they would say if NATO attacks and does not hit anything of value who gives a shit if they declare victory... only a fool tells the executioner that he missed and your head is still attached... have another go.

    Oh incase anyone is wondering the rebels seized no ground during this, they tried but they failed.

    Glad to hear it... it would be standard US procedure to tell them to rise up and strike while they are distracted... they did the same just after desert storm finished to get the majority shia to overthrow saddam... hoping for a freebee... ie the locals overthrow saddam so the US doesn't have to... of course they gave them no support and when small groups rose up heeding the call, saddam crushed them brutally... and the US didn't understand why they weren't helping the later US invasion...

    If Syria gets S-300PMU2 or V4 as a result of the attacks, I forsee the same press/internet zombies protesting about it and calling in strikes.

    They might want to call for air strikes but they run the risk that they start shooting down foreign aircraft over their occupied territory in retaliation...

    I don't think they want that sort of escalation...

    We do not run away. We said we dont allow chemical attacks. There was a chemical attack and we have prove that assad did it. We destroyed the chemical facilities. That was our goal and this goal was achieved.

    Where are the bodies, where are the injured? You didn't have any proof it even happened and you attacked before the OPCW could even go in an examine the area... how many of those cruise missiles had chemicals to simulate the residue of a chem attack? Planting evidence? Destroying evidence that the west built any plant capable of making any chemical weapons they might have...

    Russia wants that we accept Crimean occupation. Thats what matters for Russia.

    Russia likely does not give a fuck what France thinks about the Crimea... just like I am sure France does not care about what Russia thinks about all of Frances little colonies around the world. I doubt the Crimea have lost any sleep over France not being happy they are part of Russia again.

    They use Syria in this game to make our nations do concessions in a deal.

    No... you CNN fed idiot... the help Syria fight islamist terrorists supported by Israel and Saudi Arabia and the US because if they succeeded in Syria they would likely move to the Caucasus next and continue their little war of Islam in Russia.

    Russia could fight in Syria and help the Syrians fight these assholes with the help of Iran and even Turkey, or they could wait till they came to Russia and fight them on home soil alone.

    Your leader is nothing more then one of our dogs that is all. He will bark when we say and he will walk when we say.

    Sad thing is he is just a little french poodle... useless for a fight... an Alsation (German Shepherd... Merkel) would have been a better choice but Alsations are excellent attack dogs and loyal friends but they aren't stupid like Poodles or Bulldogs... May... you stupid ugly little bitch.

    Assad would happily trade that with East Ghouta/Douma.

    Assad didn't get the choice... the Americans probably knew about that facility because they probably built it... now I suspect they will want to rebuild it... for US dollars of course...

    Not sure, one truck carries 12 missiles right? Looks like they fired 6 at once! Can Pantsir fire that many at once? Anyone knows?

    Pantsir-S1 can track three targets at one time and guide three missiles with its radar and guide one other missile with optical tracking (autotracking), so it can engage 4 targets at one time. I was under the impression it could launch two missiles at each target tracked, which would make 8 missiles in the air per vehicle at one time but I am not so sure that is true and would certainly be rather wasteful. At least 4 missiles in the air at a time against four targets... possibly 8 missiles against four targets.

    These missiles have a very high average speed so it would only be against critical targets you would do this...

    Normally a battery has 6-8 launcher vehicles... so that would be 24 to 32 targets engaged at once with 24 to 64 missiles at once depending on number combinations...

    Pantsir missiles use command guidance and are relatively cheap and can be used in enormous numbers without being too expensive. Later models have excellent precision but even the old model missiles are good.

    Your problem here is that i´m not on Russias side.

    Glad you are not on Russias side... what would they need a racist piece of shit like you to turn your nose up at them?

    The best strategy i see for France is to play both sides and get the best out of it.

    Yes, be a coward and change sides when it suits... everyone notices that you know... we are not stupid.

    Nice. We can help them build a new one.

    You would only overcharge them anyway.

    I´m from southern france. That what mediterranean people look like.

    So you look black but you hate coloured people... classic...

    Nice, did she visit France? I hope she liked it. I was not aware it was easy for Russians. Thank you for teaching me.

    Aren't you afraid that Russians might invade your pristine country and pollute it with their lack of culture?

    Of course all those African migrants would probably increase the average IQ in most areas of France...

    This propaganda here is amusing.

    The information from SeigSoloyvov could be called propaganda... but he is on the US side literally...

    Fucking stupid Uh'murikkkanz....

    Not stupid at all... if they actually hit something there would be problems of escalation... if they didn't launch anything there would be problems for them too... the winners here are the people who make missiles who are making money hand over fist...

    Wonder what schools in the US could do with the sort of money each of those 100+ missiles cost...

    As far as ı know, Pechora-2М and Buk-M1 are capable of shot down cruise missiles but what about S-200 and Kvadrat(Kub) systems? These are capable of shot down cruise missiles?

    The upgraded versions would be ideal for the purpose as their large size and low manouver performance make them less than ideal for more manouverable targets like fighterplanes...

    For targets like JSTARS or AWACS or bomber types as well as cruise missiles they are actually rather good choices to save better missiles for more difficult targets.

    You can use S-200 ,S-300 to shot down cruise missiles too.. but is overkill.. Not economically practical.

    Lots of very old missiles are ideal for using up on cruise missile attacks as they are already paid for and are preventing the introduction of newer more modern missiles. Use them up on simple targets like cruise missiles (note I said simple... not easy) with a good chance of a kill and save more capable missiles for more difficult targets.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  auslander Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:33 am

    If you lads will quit talking to that troll, he'll eventually go away. He's not French, he's American. He made a couple serious mistakes when he first arrived and I wasted some minutes conversing with it. When he made the mistakes, one in particular, he instantly went on cosmic ignore, in other words blocked.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:54 am

    Good point... suggest you all put the troll on ignore.

    Unfortunately I can't put anyone on ignore, so I will just ignore him manually.

    So back on topic... Trump now has wider support because he is such a bloody hero, but their media will still find some angle to attack him because he is not their Hilary...

    For Syria, they will treat this as a victory, so it is now on to the next thorn to be blunted and destroyed...

    Perhaps Russia can start looking at secret US bases in Syria that have been problems protected by secret agreements and start dealing to those now... I am sure Iran will be happy to cooperate in that direction...

    Eventually if they want to clear Syria of scum they are going to have to deal with the Americans eventually anyway... this is a good excuse to start.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  medo Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:32 am

    Airman wrote:As far as ı know, Pechora-2М and Buk-M1 are capable of shot down cruise missiles but what about S-200 and Kvadrat(Kub) systems? These are capable of shot down cruise missiles?

    Kub or Kvadrat in export version is capable to shot down cruise missiles, specially if it is upgraded. Osa is also capable to do this job. S-200 is not meant for this job, it is designed to shot down big targets in high altitude at very long distance. But it have powerful radars with far longer range than others, so it could detect those targets far enough and give exact locations with its big powerful tracking radar. I would say the main Russian upgrade and modernization of Syrian air defense was in integration inside IADS, that all batteries and complexes share target informations through data links and command posts. Old original SAM batteries many times work independently without outside target informations, what quite reduce its capabilities in working against massive strikes. Russia also invest a lot in training of Syrian air defense crews and this massive missile attack was a good test, what is the result of Rusian work and they did excellent work here. They succesfuly upgrade and modernize Syrian AD and they well trained Syrian AD crews to effectively work in IADS. For now Syrian IADS mostly work with older complexes, but when they will have enough S-300, Buk and Pantsir complexes to form a backbone of Syrian IADS, that Syria will have the best air defense in the Middle east. This war and Russian instructors will transform Syrian army from typical arabic army into effective european army. After this war Syrian army will be no joke, specially if it will be leaded by competent commanders like general Suheil Al Hassan.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Godric Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:51 am

    GarryB wrote:Good point... suggest you all put the troll on ignore.

    Unfortunately I can't put anyone on ignore, so I will just ignore him manually.

    So back on topic... Trump now has wider support because he is such a bloody hero, but their media will still find some angle to attack him because he is not their Hilary...

    For Syria, they will treat this as a victory, so it is now on to the next thorn to be blunted and destroyed...

    Perhaps Russia can start looking at secret US bases in Syria that have been problems protected by secret agreements and start dealing to those now... I am sure Iran will be happy to cooperate in that direction...

    Eventually if they want to clear Syria of scum they are going to have to deal with the Americans eventually anyway... this is a good excuse to start.

    Trump is talking about more airstrikes against Syria

    Donald Trump declares US 'locked and loaded' for more strikes on Syria

    The US is “locked and loaded” for further strikes against Bashar al-Assad, Donald Trump said last night, as military chiefs acknowledged that the Syrian dictator retained an ability to carry out chemical attacks on his people.

    After a series of raids on chemical weapons facilities in Syria by Britain, the US and France in the early hours of yesterday, Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, told an emergency meeting of the Security Council that the US president would launch another intervention “if the Syrian regime uses this poison gas again”.

    British politicians and diplomats adopted a more cautious tone about the possibility of involvement in further action, although Whitehall sources said the mission had sent a “strong message” that the UK would not tolerate the use of chemical weapons.

    Today Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, says that Britain had a duty to act to prevent other states concluding that Assad “got away with it” and using chemical weapons themselves.

    Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, he states that the UK was “standing up for principle and for civilised values” against Assad’s “barbarism”.

    “Unless we act there is a risk of moral contamination, a coarsening and corruption of what we have until now thought to be acceptable,” he writes.

    Three suspected chemical weapons facilities were hit at 2am yesterday by 105 US, British and French missiles in an operation set in motion at 10.30pm on Friday in a telephone call between Gavin Williamson, the Defence Secretary, and his counterparts in Paris and Washington DC.

    etc etc etc

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  KiloGolf Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:25 am


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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  lulldapull Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:06 pm

    guys something that bugs me about this whole situation in Syria is a very peculiar issue.

    Trump and his thugs launch 103 tomahawks on Syrian targets. both Iran and Russia combined have tens of thousands of SRMB/ MRBM/ Cruise missiles.........yet none are launched against hundreds of potential targets including marshaling yards, warehouses, weapons depots, training centers, known dual use military/ para military sites, and ofcourse covert CIA/ MIT/ Mossad facilities, within Syria!

    How strange!......Is this to say we are scared of the consequences, of perhaps escalation?......I am just baffled! The gloves should really come off now, as the other side doesn't give a fukk! They happy to gas their own proxies.......fukkin hell, we still want to play nice I guess.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Isos Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:13 pm

    lulldapull wrote:guys something that bugs me about this whole situation in Syria is a very peculiar issue.

    Trump and his thugs launch 103 tomahawks on Syrian targets. both Iran and Russia combined have tens of thousands of SRMB/ MRBM/ Cruise missiles.........yet none are launched against hundreds of potential targets including marshaling yards, warehouses, weapons depots, training centers, known dual use military/ para military sites, and ofcourse covert CIA/ MIT/ Mossad facilities, within Syria!

    How strange!......Is this to say we are scared of the consequences, of perhaps escalation?......I am just baffled! The gloves should really come off now, as the other side doesn't give a fukk! They happy to gas their own proxies.......fukkin hell, we still want to play nice I guess.

    Neither Iran nor Russia want an escalation. They have everything they need for dealing with terrorists. Iran's ballistic program is used against them by USA now that they have a deal on nuclear. That's why they don't use them.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  KiloGolf Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:20 pm

    lulldapull wrote:guys something that bugs me about this whole situation in Syria is a very peculiar issue.

    Trump and his thugs launch 103 tomahawks on Syrian targets. both Iran and Russia combined have tens of thousands of SRMB/ MRBM/ Cruise missiles.........yet none are launched against hundreds of potential targets including marshaling yards, warehouses, weapons depots, training centers, known dual use military/ para military sites, and ofcourse covert CIA/ MIT/ Mossad facilities, within Syria!

    How strange!......Is this to say we are scared of the consequences, of perhaps escalation?......I am just baffled! The gloves should really come off now, as the other side doesn't give a fukk! They happy to gas their own proxies.......fukkin hell, we still want to play nice I guess.

    SAA and friends have been winning 3+ years straight. Why mess that up for 6 buildings, an empty bunker or two and parking lot?

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  lulldapull Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:48 pm

    kilogolf/ Isos.......yes what you say is true, but we have to play hard to win. We can end this quick, but no......we must suffer!

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Aristide Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:53 pm

    Regular wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Oh? that's cute.

    Coming from a guy who blamed Assad with the same propaganda. I know for a fact Assad didn't carry out the attack.

    You know something tells me if I looked you into you, your a refugee. You lack knowledge a common french person would have.

    I've seen you talk in other threads, you weren't born in France. I suspect when this war broke out you immigrated there and eventually gained citizenship.

    So be quiet, I suspect you are a Syrian who fled the country years and years ago. Your a mere disgrace didn't fight for your country.

    A coward talking to me about propaganda that's cute.

    I blame Assad for nothing. He doesnt even matter. We blow some sand people up. Its intra EU thing. France positions itself as military leader of the EU. Thats the goal. Bombing the shit out of muzzies is a bonus. You should read Machiavelli.

    I dont even believe Assad did this, but it doesent matter. Its useful for us. EU media praise our action. Thats what matters.

    Your problem is, that you follow a specific dogma. You believe i want a specific action because some specific event. Thats wrong. I want that France shows its military force and bombing syria is free game.
    Ok, now you are being realistic.
    You must understand that Russia didn't try to obstruct your forces due to Syria not being worth escallation. Russia still needs this their port and presence in Syria and this why it will protect it's interests as it can.

    Im fully aware of Russias interests in Tartus and this game can be played in a way both sides profit.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  starman Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:54 pm

    Isos wrote:There are some people saying a big explosion occured in a Iranian base in Syria. They saw airplanes there. It could be Israel.

    Where was that?

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:55 pm

    Just a reminder that the US/Kurds possession of the oil/gas fields does not give them the ability to significantly exploit them without using the Government's pipelines, unless they use road tankers.

    Anyone know if the pumps on oil/gas pipelines can reverse the flow i.e. run backwards?

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Syria_Oil_Gas_580px

    Last edited by JohninMK on Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:56 pm

    starman wrote:
    Isos wrote:There are some people saying a big explosion occured in a Iranian base in Syria. They saw airplanes there. It could be Israel.

    Where was that?

    Keep up mate. Check out posts 129/148 above Smile

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Isos Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:00 pm

    Can someone identify this ? I just found on a french forum

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Mi10

    Someone said it could be this, which suggests mig-25 were used to intercept missiles.

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 R2410
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:09 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Just a reminder that the US/Kurds possession of the oil/gas fields does not give them the ability to significantly exploit them without using the Government's pipelines, unless they use road tankers.

    Anyone know if the pumps on oil/gas pipelines can reverse the flow i.e. run backwards?

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Syria_Oil_Gas_580px

    Absolutely not! In pipes, flow comes from the source of the flow itself. No production, no pressure to enforce the flow.
    Reversing a pipeline flow is as impossible as reversing electric flow from your home back to the hydro-plant....

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Apr 15, 2018 2:27 pm

    lulldapull wrote:kilogolf/ Isos.......yes what you say is true, but we have to play hard to win. We can end this quick, but no......we must suffer!

    Only thing that had to be endured this time was constant media noise and autistic screeching from random idiots but we all shared that particular burden with you

    No casualties, no wounded, not even any vehicles lost

    Couple of empty buildings are not even worth anti-air missiles Syria fired to intercept the cruise missiles, had they known what targets actually were they wouldn't have even bothered with opening fire


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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  KiloGolf Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:27 pm

    Isos wrote:Can someone identify this ? I just found on a french forum

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Mi10

    Someone said it could be this, which suggests mig-25 were used to intercept missiles.

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 R2410

    Yeah but that missile seems to have the red cover on it.. Shocked

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Isos Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:32 pm

    Yeah but that missile seems to have the red cover on it.. Shocked

    Well it would meant they hit an airbase which didn't happen according to them and to russian who said they intercepted all the missiles.

    If they really targeted the airbase like russian said but really thought the missiles were intercepted and lied by saying no airbase was targeted just to don't admit loses. Then ot is a proof they lied and that syrian really destroyed their missiles.

    And I don't think it is a protection the red thing but a part of the missiles for aerodynamics.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  lycantrop Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:02 pm

    nothing unexpected, but i will share it nevertheless

    US not to pull out troops from Syria until goals accomplished - UN envoy Haley

    Next goal is expecting next "chemical attacks" from "the monster","the dictator" Assad

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