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    Syrian War: News #17


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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  BKP Sat May 12, 2018 4:45 pm

    kvs wrote:The problem Russia has is that it is too weak.   So it tries to dance with the US and its minions which pisses off the Iranians.   But the
    Iranians need to get a grip and realize that escalation is not in their best interests either.   But all of these ME regimes have a similar
    hysterical behaviour pattern.

    You know, I think I'm actually admiring Russia's modus operandi more and more as this campaign progresses. Russia is steadily and consistently guiding the situation into the new reality. Which is, the continuity of the Syrian society and its secular state will be preserved. Russia's position will be secured. The terrorist proxy assault has failed and is in its death throes. Harassing attacks by air grow steadily less effective, until...

    The Russians didn't go in just flat-out guns blazing as some would seem to prefer. This likely would've produced a wider conflict with consequences impossible to foresee. Instead they used a steady and relentless one-two punch of restrained force combined with effective diplomacy. And it's working. Writing on the wall says that all will be red except for the 1/3 that's east of the Euphrates. Then, at that point, It'll be just all too obvious that what's going on in that area is simple foreign occupation.

    Russia has taken a couple on the chin doing things this way, but the wider conflict which could've undone success in achieving the actual goals has so far been avoided. Where others are decrying "weakness" I'm seeing discipline. I do sometimes get the impression that this point is not lost on foreign observers. And, in the meantime, Russia gets to test out a shit-load of new weapons in case it all takes a seriously bad turn.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  auslander Sat May 12, 2018 4:56 pm

    BKP wrote:

    You know, I think I'm actually admiring Russia's modus operandi more and more as this campaign progresses. Russia is steadily and consistently guiding the situation into the new reality. Which is, the continuity of the Syrian society and its secular state will be preserved. Russia's position will be secured. The terrorist proxy assault has failed and is in its death throes. Harassing attacks by air grow steadily less effective, until...

    The Russians didn't go in just flat-out guns blazing as some would seem to prefer. This likely would've produced a wider conflict with consequences impossible to foresee. Instead they used a steady and relentless one-two punch of restrained force combined with effective diplomacy. And it's working. Writing on the wall says that all will be red except for the 1/3 that's east of the Euphrates. Then, at that point, It'll be just all too obvious that what's going on in that area is simple foreign occupation.

    Russia has taken a couple on the chin doing things this way, but the wider conflict which could've undone success in achieving the actual goals has so far been avoided. Where others are decrying "weakness" I'm seeing discipline. I do sometimes get the impression that this point is not lost on foreign observers. And, in the meantime, Russia gets to test out a shit-load of new weapons in case it all takes a seriously bad turn.

    Very well said and IMHO spot on. You should hear the screams about VVP and Mother on another blog I frequent, albeit a lot of the screams are from an inundation of patent trolls. Like here.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  BKP Sat May 12, 2018 5:15 pm

    auslander wrote:Very well said and IMHO spot on. You should hear the screams about VVP and Mother on another blog I frequent, albeit a lot of the screams are from an inundation of patent trolls. Like here.

    Yes, thanks. And that's why every day I thank the god I don't believe in that it's VVP's hand on the wheel and not that of some forum maniac.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  nomadski Sat May 12, 2018 5:20 pm


    What about the east of Syria ? You wonder what should be done ? Should the army rest ? Should we wait for an international solution ? I lie , if I said I know . It depends on so many variables . But I would like to see a united Syria . I think that a two track policy needs to be adopted , as regards eastern Syria . Both carrots and sticks . The separatist Kurds are arming . Supported by yank and Co . Their force is increasing . But so is that of SAA . We have to predict a force assessment . And at some point the Kurd separatist forces and allied yank occupiers may prove a more superior force to SAA and allies . Let's call this a break even point . Past this point then , they can not be militarily defeated . So a war in the east should not at all be allowed to be delayed to reach this point .

    On the carrots front , the Syrian government should at all times keep doors open for all democratic Kurds to join with and form central government . But kurdish Democrats who are separatists must be excluded . Rome was not built in a day . Most human achievements have taken place , not by one giant leap , but by many small steps . That is what the Syrian government can do in the east . For example having agreement with some Kurds on freedom of movement of civilians across the river . To allow trade . Joint patrol of border against ISIS traffic . Many small steps .


    Really it is upto usraelis to publish . If they want . But they won't . Because the reality is too bad to mention . And they can not act on this politically damaging incident . I assure you that missiles were fired . And if they had missed , then the usraelis would have been the first ones to display empty crater . Without body parts .

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Regular Sat May 12, 2018 6:44 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Even if you are black unless you really tight with the guy you called that, they will kill you over that in certain areas of the states.

    If that guy said that to a dude in the Bronx for example he would be in a body bag in 2 hours at most and that is not a joke or an exaggeration.

    Rolling Eyes If you are white and big enough guy you can get away with it no problem. Your fear would be police arresting you for racial attacks. But maybe you are right and we should treat niggers as insane irattional pitbuls. But what is this has to do with Syria? pirat

    Now on topic, what will happennig if Israel would start target any AD system they encounter with saturated stadoff weapons. Is it possible for them to knock out entire Syrian airdefence? And why it's not being done?

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  KiloGolf Sat May 12, 2018 6:55 pm

    Regular wrote:But maybe you are right and we should treat niggers as insane irattional pitbuls.

    Is the forum infected by some sort of racism-inducing virus? the fvk Question

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  JohninMK Sat May 12, 2018 7:19 pm

    Regular wrote: But what is this has to do with Syria? pirat
    Nothing, its just part of the fallout of one person here calling another a "nigger" and how insulting that was. Hopefully Garry will sort it out.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  JohninMK Sat May 12, 2018 7:32 pm

    Isos wrote:I ask again because no answers last time. Does anyone have seen iranian missiles launched on israeli ? Any picture of damage or some parts of missiles on the ground ? On twiter or other website ? The impact maybe ?

    There are tens or warships there from different countries, did they pick up them on radar ? That's pathetic that so much countries are gonna lie for israel.

    I suppose Israeli army would have shown them if they really existed to show that Iran really lunched them. Or maybe they are waiting those that US have bring at UN last time ...
    There appears to be a total blackout imposed by the Israeli censor on anything related to rocket or missile damage. Unlike many other countries the Israelis seem to have their social media under control or people just don't post the stuff.

    I would think it highly unlikely that any photos or video would be released by any military observing what was going on. They don't lie, they just keep quiet about what they know which is after all a military secret.

    There is no evidence or claim by either Syria or Iran that Iran related troops fired anything, the SAA said it was them. It is Israel who is trying to stir things by blaming everything on the Iranians and by doing so it can, whilst saying they are hitting Iranian assets, go for Syrian ones.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Isos Sat May 12, 2018 7:44 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Isos wrote:I ask again because no answers last time. Does anyone have seen iranian missiles launched on israeli ? Any picture of damage or some parts of missiles on the ground ? On twiter or other website ? The impact maybe ?

    There are tens or warships there from different countries, did they pick up them on radar ? That's pathetic that so much countries are gonna lie for israel.

    I suppose Israeli army would have shown them if they really existed to show that Iran really lunched them. Or maybe they are waiting those that US have bring at UN last time ...
    There appears to be a total blackout imposed by the Israeli censor on anything related to rocket or missile damage. Unlike many other countries the Israelis seem to have their social media under control or people just don't post the stuff.

    I would think it highly unlikely that any photos or video would be released by any military observing what was going on. They don't lie, they just keep quiet about what they know which is after all a military secret.

    There is no evidence or claim by either Syria or Iran that Iran related troops fired anything, the SAA said it was them. It is Israel who is trying to stir things by blaming everything on the Iranians and by doing so it can, whilst saying they are hitting Iranian assets, go for Syrian ones.

    Didn't they post a video of the iranian drone last time ?

    In my opinion if they had been attacked by 20 iranian missiles they would have shown the proofs. I mean it's been 40-50 years they say Iran will attack them why not show the proof now that it "happened".

    It's not a military secret at all since they said there was 20 missiles and they intercepted 4 while the rest didn't hit anything but the ground. They could show like russian MoD did, some parts of the missiles.

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    Location : There must be full de-nazification

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Regular Sat May 12, 2018 7:59 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Regular wrote:But maybe you are right and we should treat niggers as insane irattional pitbuls.

    Is the forum infected by some sort of racism-inducing virus? the fvk Question
    Well, yes I am racist, but I do consider white race to be underdogs compared to asians, so I don't have superiority complex. I am worried about our heritage, future of my children and whole society. My comment was to mock people who think blacks would instantly kill you. They are humans too and not all of them would have to have guts to confront you for a word, not to mention kill you. Blacks in Russia are nothing like the ones in Europe. There are no BS ghettos like in USA, most of them are students with high IQ, responsible people.
    I wasn't racist until Merkels generalplan ost v2  happened. Have first hand experience with refugees(pro fsa/isis idiots), people with other race and etc. Also, nigger is not offensive word for eastern europeans (my age atleast, not millenials) as we never owned blacks as slaves. It doesn't carry negative cannotations. We own them nothing, no respect, no nothing. Same goes to jews. Russians and those supportive Russian cause are generally realistic towards gender, race as we don't need to wrap ourselves in political correctness cabbage and jump into melting pot.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Isos Sat May 12, 2018 8:30 pm

    US fighting ISIS scratch dunno

    Al-Masdar News
    #US-led Coalition strikes 2 Syrian villages, up to 17 civilians killed - reports (link: #Syria

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Guest Sat May 12, 2018 8:40 pm

    lulldapull wrote:scroll back and read what that monkey nigger 'papa dragon' says about Iran.........

    A refugee gypsy nigger like him commenting about Iran is a new low here.

    JohninMK wrote:
    lulldapull wrote:Some of us are getting tired of total bullshit here regarding Iran. Monkey's living in refugee camps shouldn't even be allowed to comment. They know fuck all.  
    Perhaps you could be more specific?

    Papa is Serbian. Suspect

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  KiloGolf Sat May 12, 2018 9:13 pm

    Militarov wrote:Papa is Serbian. Suspect

    PS. just had to do it

    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  Guest Sat May 12, 2018 9:24 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    PS. just had to do it


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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat May 12, 2018 9:25 pm

    Russia has nothing to gain from being on good terms with Israel, unlike what papadragoy would like you to believe. For all the times Russia destroyed weapons deals in the midde east for the sake of Israel what did it get? More jew funded jihadis and more color revolutions. The Israel lobby in Russia are parasitic scum lower than a mushy piece of dogshit on a street on a rainy day and Russian siloviks and communists should get into power to remove these parasites ASAP. On the other hand being a close ally with Iran means more military and economic cooperation, something Israel never offered. A strong Iran means weaker gulf monarchies which means the weakening of the petrodollar and US geopolitical prestige(dont kid yourselves, america and israel are proud of bullying countries like Russia into submission, they have long ago thrown away the facade of diplomacy) but all these jew compromisers here dont understand it.

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    Syrian War: News #17 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #17

    Post  GarryB Sun May 13, 2018 1:04 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    lulldapull wrote:This nigger here won't respond to this.......I put his niggardly ass in the spotlight when I asked him the question .....where would his supposed russian ass be in Syria, if it wasn't for Iran? which he says I am already 2000 miles from

    niggers like him are not worth responding to.

    No sure if you are aware but in English, unless you are black, calling someone a 'nigger' is a very serious insult. Quite possibly getting you banned on here.

    Even if you are black unless you really tight with the guy you called that, they will kill you over that in certain areas of the states.

    If that guy said that to a dude in the Bronx for example he would be in a body bag in 2 hours at most and that is not a joke or an exaggeration.

    Except that this is a white guy calling a white guy nigger... I am white and I really would not care about being called a nigger... there is no depth of offense there... no history.

    He seems to be rather upset and is no doubt trying to offend... quite normal in arguments, though no acceptable for discussions.

    PS. You're an antisemitic, racist. Shame on you.

    Calling an Iranian antisemetic is like calling an american anti communist isn't it?

    It would be in everyone's favor if Syria and Lebanon sat down with Israel and sort their issues out. Kick out HzB militancy and completely kick out any Iranian influence.

    But hang on if the justification for chucking out the HzB is to get rid of the militaristic nutters wouldn't that mean the Israelis would have to leave too?

    The issue is that Israel is occupying Syrian land.

    If the answer is that Israel took it by force fair and square what they are saying is that any land can be taken by force... is that really in their interests?

    Remember that S-300 range is 250km to 300km.. So S-200 range can be way higher than S-300 system..
    as much as S-400s.

    Flight range is only a small part of it... an air defence with gaps will lead to those gaps being exploited... the S-300 protects high and medium altitude threats and targets out to long range, but it can hit a much wider range of higher performance targets than the S-200 can.

    Plus how many ready to fire missiles in an S-200 battery and how many in an S-300 battery? How fast can either relocate in an emergency?

    The problem Russia has is that it is too weak. So it tries to dance with the US and its minions which pisses off the Iranians.

    Russia is playing a game... confronting Israel or the US directly would be a good excuse for the US with Israeli support to send in a much bigger ground force and solve the problem the way they always love to do.

    The game Russia is playing keeps that from happening and if you haven't noticed Syria is winning... and that is the thing Russia is thinking about.

    This is not about standing up to Israel or the US and chest thumping... this is about restoring Syrian territory to Syrian control... and killing as many ISIS as they can... because when this is over what is left of ISIS will want to go home to Russia and eastern europe and the west... who wants that?

    BTW perhaps people should read the posts of Mindstorm and also BKP... they don't post much, but when they do it is worth reading and understanding...

    Nothing, its just part of the fallout of one person here calling another a "nigger" and how insulting that was. Hopefully Garry will sort it out.

    A three day ban for the instigator is the start... if it continues there will be other actions taken...

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