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    Syrian War: News #20


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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Syrian War: News #20

    Post  JohninMK Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:49 am

    crod wrote:Think the Kurds are about to learn a very painful lesson in trusting the US.
    Maybe but their leaders now probably have Swiss bank accounts stuffed with $ for services rendered.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  nomadski Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:55 am

    The democratic national elements in Kurdish areas, have now a better chance of joining Central government and Russia and Iran to form a Republic. Some extremists still hold on to dream of separate Kurdistan. These will be still supported by yank. And will probably carry on with the fight. The Turks will try to return refugees to this area. Only that many will not want to return yet. The Rats will be looking for a home. They may be put in a cage by Turks. Who will try to pretend they are Siberian hamsters. I am going to sit and watch the show for a while....


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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:45 pm

    Turkey will annex northern Syria after populating northern Syria with Turkish citizens. Turkey has very high unemployment rate. Lots of Turks go to northern Syria to settle new lives with new resources.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  zorobabel Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:56 pm

    Trump is clearly throwing a bone to Erdogan after Turkey's recent overtures to Russia. Both Putin and Erdogan are clever enough to know the game and how it is being played -- Trump, probably not. Only question is how the Kurds will respond and if this can somehow help the Syrian government expand control.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:24 pm

    zorobabel wrote:Trump is clearly throwing a bone to Erdogan after Turkey's recent overtures to Russia. Both Putin and Erdogan are clever enough to know the game and how it is being played -- Trump, probably not. Only question is how the Kurds will respond and if this can somehow help the Syrian government expand control.

    Erdogan is visiting the WH next week. I think it will be like this:

    Erdogan gives Trump S-400.

    Trump gives Erdogan Patriot 3.

    F-35 delivery to Turkey resumes.

    Putin gets played.

    Invasion of Syria is Erdogan's first step rebuilding Ottoman empire. Ottoman empire is on Russia's doorstep. It is threat to Russia, not so much the US. NATO is NATO after all.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:26 pm

    Erdogan may become enboldened to invade Damascus. I don't see Russia attacking Turkish military in Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Vann7 Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:26 pm

    zorobabel wrote:Trump is clearly throwing a bone to Erdogan after Turkey's recent overtures to Russia. Both Putin and Erdogan are clever enough to know the game and how it is being played -- Trump, probably not. Only question is how the Kurds will respond and if this can somehow help the Syrian government expand control.

    This is not a bone.. But total backstabbing of the Kurds.. Laughing

    Where are the "Experts" now saying that Russia was betraying Syria with the kurds ?  
    I was saying for years.. that Kurds Kurdistant project ,is something that could not be sustained..
    that is a project Doomed to Fail... Not every "country/region or city" can be Independent..
    Landlocked territories can't be Independent ever.. specially if they need help to trade with the outside world
    with the nation they reject..  The only way Kurds could achieve independence is that Russia abandon Syria and Kurds becomes terrorist and over run damascus and disband the Syrian Government.. So it was very clear
    to me ,from the very start...After Russia took Aleppo and Damascus and cleared the border with Israel..
    and secure a passway to IRAQ..  and began to reverse Reverse little by little All terrorist gain.. somewhere in 2017.. and more importantly after Russia managed to find some common interest with Turkey.. It was clear to me that Kurds future was doomed..

    So what i will do , if i was Assad.. Let Turkey take all kurds zones.. Americans can't control Turkey and Erdogan will have plenty of reasons to stop their adventures in Syria after they secure Kurdistan..and take control of it..  It will be a calculated lost for Syria ,but Syria lost those zones anyway soon americans step in kurdistan and deployed bases..   IDLIB also was a hostile enclave to Damascus before the war.. the most fertile zone for a SUNISTAN in all Syria.. was also hostile to Syria from the start..  So if Assad capture IDLIB.. all those Sunnis sympathetic to Alqaeda ,will be used by Americans or Turkey to destabilize Syria again..

    So Kurdistand and IDLIB was like a cancer.. in a feet and a hand. so better get rid of it.. and save your life. is nothing at all that you can't replace or workaround.. losing all east of eufrates to Turkey means no longer have to finance and  feed 10% of the Syrian population.. that was a 5th COlumn and never integrated in the society and that Israel and US controlled..

    So this is what Russia and Syria should do.. Let Turkey take Kurds zones or even IDLIB too.. nearly all north of Syria.. and Russia pressure Turkey (US will do it too) so they don't target Civilians.. women and children.. So this will put and end to Israel greater middle est project.. that had Kurds (and ISIS playing a major role in helping Israel destroy Syria) and kurds that flee into Syrian army controlled zone DISARMED!!! and explained clearly all the new rules ,that if they stay , they need to resign to their kurdistant dream.. that is an impossible one.. and abandon their demands for autonomy in the zone they deploy in Syria.. KURDS need to be remembered at all times.. that it was their GREED of stealing lands from Syria ,that not even them claimed theirs.. ever.. and backstabbing on Syria and alliance with Americans ,what destroyed their future.
    Turkey invasion in Kurds zones with Syria abstention from fighting them ,will collapse all Kurdistan project at once , not only kurds zones in Syria ,but also the ones in IRAQ and IRAN.. The kurds will realize more clearly than ever that if Syria kurdistant is lost , their project will be over forever.. and then IRAQ will finally get rid of the Kurdistan danger to them and IRAN too..

    Later Turkey economy will be drained fighting insurrection , ie.. Think in Chechen style guerrilla fights..
    with US providing weapons to them.. and Erdogan popularity sinked , lose elections.. and then a new government emerge in Turkey one day ,that will fully restore relations with Damascus and pull back their
    army from Syria in full and allowing Syria government to retake all north Syria without firing a bullet.  Cool

    So  Russia still have a lot of possibilities ,very good ones.. through diplomacy with Turkey ,to help Syria recover
    its territories all the way to Turkey border.. meanwhile Russia can continue griding Alqaeda in IDLIB ,bombing them.. that is also part of the benefits..  So from Russia point of view , as long Turkey and Syria don't fight each other.. the war is over for them.. and is good enough for them.. let Turkey disarm the kurds and later Syria army will retake it back without fighting with a new administration. And i want to repeat there is very real possibilities of this happening.. Since US will want to continue having influence with kurds if they ever want to defeat IRAN ,will need a very strong kurds army..and so weapons from Israel ,SAudi Arabia and US to kurds will continue flowing one way or another.. But this time they will have to use those weapons to attempt to kick Turkey army from their zones..  So Syria Government should remain arms crossed and let them face the consequences of their actions..

    This is also super interesting ,extremely intersting for US future foreign policy ,because will send a message
    to all those "freedom fighters" around the world ,that the CIA helps.. and all those opposition to Governments
    that Washington support.. like in ultra nationalist in Ukraine ,like Venezuela anti government factions ,like Hong Kong protesters.. that US will not blink an eye to betray them ,whenever it counters their interest..

    There will be not many Pentagon Generals ,that will want US to start a war on Turkey.. not because they can't win ,but because Turkey is very important choke point that NATO needs to contain Russia navy in black sea
    in case of war..  So they will want to keep doors open to have Turkey in NATO and remove erdogan in a coup..

    Now Kurds are saying that are ready to negotiate for protection with damascus.. but is too late for them.. Laughing

    i predicted this.. one of the biggest losers in the entire war of Syria will be.. from top to less...

    1)Israel is the biggest loser ..greatest middle east project over and now Syria stronger than ever.
      with superior better armed army.. and S-300s.. lol1
    2)KURDS... they lost their entire land forever.. they will live now in a Turkey occupied land.. and will have to Disarm.. i predict Kurds leaders that created this disaster for them , will be not very popular and Kurds society in public with their own hands..
    3)Syria .. will lose and win... lose in terms of the destruction of their country and sacrifices in half a million casualties ,to  retake their nation.. and win in terms of getting
    rid of the kurds 5th column and Sunni extremist forever.. Long term it will be good for Syria peace.. as long they follow Russia government advices..
    4)US warmonger elites ..the Syrian conflict will create major problems for US image in the world.. and send a real negative message to all right wing idiots ,who believe Americans can solve their development and economic problems..
    It will make the Right wing retards like in Ukraine , Hong Kong protesters or Venezuela to think twice ,before trusting in US.. if they betray the Kurds.. then they can be betrayed too..  Wink

    If US choose to stand with Kurds.. it will lose Turkey forever..and put erdogan in hands not only of Russia
    but of IRAN too.. lol1  So they will try to BRIBE Erdogan with a lot of money for delaying its operation
    (to give them time to organize a coup against him)  Smile

    So Indeed historians in the future.. the Syrian war will be the most important subject to learn for anyone in advanced curses in University ..studying international should be a mandatory class and as an example of a Brilliant diplomacy execution.. Because as bad is Putin ,in nation development. and influencing the west away of US system.. he also deserve credit in diplomacy for Syria ,is the only thing he can do well diplomacy.. because it was a master chess check mate move ,what he pulled there on Americans. in Syria...US anti Russian policy in Syria is doomed no matter which decisions they take..they doomed..  Laughing

    Interestingly Erdogan threats to invade North Syria ,helps Trump policy of removing their troops..  lol1
    Because the most foolish thing the Pentagon can do is start a war against turkey.. a war they can't win
    in an acceptable way for US economy .. best thing to do ,for Trump is pull out.. and try to end the wars in all middle east.. and pull out from Ukraine too and venezuela ..this will make him more popular and help him get reelected. If Edogan had any brains.. he will restore relations with Syria in full and help them to recover all north of Syria.. Because Turkey can significantly help Syria security in their north border.. and Syria at same time can help Turkey security if helped to control Kurds zones. This will create an major axis from IRAN to Damascus to Turkey .. and Major Anti Israel ,Anti NATO zone.. and US can't fight Turkey effectively if Erdogan get real close to Russia. and neither can isolate Turkey.. since Europe economy do major business there and constructive relations with Turkey is also important for Europe security to keep middle east refugees out...

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:31 pm

    First Ottoman air strikes started

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:32 pm

    As true for Kurds, Assad should not expect Russia to defend him in case of Erdogan invasion of Damascus. Russia won't attack Turkish military in Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:36 pm

    Erdogan is a mad dog. He is modern day Hitler. He will die like Hitler.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Isos Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:41 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    crod wrote:Think the Kurds are about to learn a very painful lesson in trusting the US.
    Maybe but their leaders now probably have Swiss bank accounts stuffed with $ for services rendered.

    Doubtfull. They were never in position to negociate anything with the US and were puppets. Their leaders had the choice to obey or be removed.

    As true for Kurds, Assad should not expect Russia to defend him in case of Erdogan invasion of Damascus. Russia won't attack Turkish military in Syria.

    After the su-24 shooting Russia destroyed turkmens from north west that were directly under turks control. Turks did nothing and will never do. Now they are destroying their new puppet around idlib and SAA also shells turkish position every time they start thinking about going over the red line.

    The next war will be over Cyprus and Erdogan will never be ready for it. He lost Nato and EU support. Russia will never help him for that and will use the occasion to destroy Turkey with EU before Erdogan starts thinking about nuclear weapons. In the same time SAA will retake the east of Syria.

    I already said US will leave the area because Kurds are not a source of money at all and not worth stoping totally their relations with turkey. Trump said they stop helping them because they can't make money on them.

    Syrian war is over. Now it will be Turkish war.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:45 pm

    Isos wrote:Syrian war is over. Now it will be Turkish war.

    Correct. It will end with Erdogan taking a bullet to his head, by Turkish resistance.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  George1 Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:15 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    Isos wrote:Syrian war is over. Now it will be Turkish war.

    Correct. It will end with Erdogan taking a bullet to his head, by Turkish resistance.
    Kurdish resistance

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Vann7 Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:58 pm

    George1 wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    Isos wrote:Syrian war is over. Now it will be Turkish war.

    Correct. It will end with Erdogan taking a bullet to his head, by Turkish resistance.
    Kurdish resistance

    Kurds are doomed..  Look how easy Turkey took control of the kurds zone in western north Syria..
    The so called professional Kurds army that everyone was praising could not handle a small Turk invasion ,
    even when Americans provided them weapons.. So it will be a massacre of so called "Syrian democratic forces"
    as The Kurds call them..

    There is no way US can stop Turkey or help Kurds , without a direct confrontation with Turkey army..
    So is very  highly unlikely US will sacrifice Turkey moving in full in the arms of Russia and Iran, for defending kurds.  You will see how those Kurds start fleeing to Syrian controlled zones and disarming... they had no other choice.. Syrian army and Russia will not shoot down Turkey planes.. and will remain neutral in that fight..
    to pay the kurds with exactly the same coin ,they did ,when ISIS and Alqaeda was attacking Syria Kurds did nothing.. , to help Syria , but the other way.. the kurds took advantage of it , allowed ISIS and Alqaeda to take control of cities and later Kurds move to those positions with very little or no fight.. since the Alqaeda and ISIS are under US control.. In RAQQA american evacuated ISIS leaders in hellicopters.. and allowed the others to relocate in other zones..  and lets not forget how ISIS was stealing the oil of Syria ,and trucks of ISIS ,freely traveling through Kurds zones.. So Kurds were complicit in ISIS smugling oil away of Syria. Kurds leaders ,are major traitors of Syria and they all should be arrested , as soon they flee in Syrian army controlled sones.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 08, 2019 5:04 am

    Erdogan is visiting the WH next week. I think it will be like this:

    Erdogan gives Trump S-400.

    Trump gives Erdogan Patriot 3.

    F-35 delivery to Turkey resumes.

    Putin gets played.

    Invasion of Syria is Erdogan's first step rebuilding Ottoman empire. Ottoman empire is on Russia's doorstep. It is threat to Russia, not so much the US. NATO is NATO after all.

    After seeing the performance of Patriot in Saudi Arabia does anyone even want Patriot any more?

    BTW Patriot 3 is dedicated to ABM use... like a mini THAAD, and would be totally useless against any drone or cruise missile attack anyway.

    Putin might get screwed by Erdogan, but he would have been a fool to not do what he has done because the potential reward is worth the risk.

    Erdogan wont trust trump too much... this time next year trump might be packing his bags, or simply ripping up any agreement he had with anyone.

    He has stated goals of withdrawing US troops, which sounds like he is not sticking around in Syria or Afghanistan... he is basically sticking everyone with the bill and running away.

    Erdogan is better off with agreements with Russia and Iran and Assad than with anything Trump puts his little cross to.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Viktor Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:17 am

    ultimatewarrior wrote:Turkey will annex northern Syria after populating northern Syria with Turkish citizens. Turkey has very high unemployment rate. Lots of Turks go to northern Syria to settle new lives with new resources.

    If no other means should exist I think you would be right. Erdogan would create buffer zone between Syrian Kurds and Turkish Kurds by "anexing" northern Syria but since we have Astana format where as far as I know members involved confirmed and obliged themselves to preserve Syrian territorial unity any such Turkish action can only last until Kurds succumb to Syrian government authority meaning Syrian Army instead of Kurdish one stands and guards the border making the separation between the Kurds just as same as the Turkish intent to impose now by means of military action.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  flamming_python Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:41 am

    Didn't take them long
    Iraqi Kurdistan appeals to Russia to support Syrian Kurds

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:07 am

    Erdogan is getting the best of both worlds from Russia and the US. Both Russia and the US want to use Turkey against the other, sort of like what Britain and USSR both wanted to use Germany against the other in the 1930s. Appeasing a monster is a bad decision.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:09 am

    George1 wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    Isos wrote:Syrian war is over. Now it will be Turkish war.

    Correct. It will end with Erdogan taking a bullet to his head, by Turkish resistance.
    Kurdish resistance

    Turkish resistance. There are those in Turkey who want to make Turkey a democracy again.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:10 am

    Viktor wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:Turkey will annex northern Syria after populating northern Syria with Turkish citizens. Turkey has very high unemployment rate. Lots of Turks go to northern Syria to settle new lives with new resources.

    If no other means should exist I think you would be right. Erdogan would create buffer zone between Syrian Kurds and Turkish Kurds by "anexing" northern Syria but since we have Astana format where as far as I know members involved confirmed and obliged themselves to preserve Syrian territorial unity any such Turkish action can only last until Kurds succumb to Syrian government authority meaning Syrian Army instead of Kurdish one stands and guards the border making the separation between the Kurds just as same as the Turkish intent to impose now by means of military action.

    Soft annexation, not hard annexation. Sort of like what Russia did to eastern Ukraine. How can you take back your land when it is populated with foreign citizens? Answers. You can't.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:12 am

    Northern Syria is only the beginning. Erdogan's end goal is rebuilding Ottoman empire. Conquest of Damascus. He did say he will pray in the Umayyad mosque. Russia won't help Assad fight Turkish army if Turkish army invades Damascus. This is what happens when you become dependent on someone.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  George1 Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:15 am

    flamming_python wrote:Didn't take them long
    Iraqi Kurdistan appeals to Russia to support Syrian Kurds

    Turkish action will unite all kurds against Turkish army

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:28 am

    Putin got played by NATO. Erdogan is going to give S-400 to Trump in exchange for Patriot 3. Erdogan gets Patriot 3 and F-35 and Trump gets S-400.

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:46 am

    flamming_python wrote:Didn't take them long
    Iraqi Kurdistan appeals to Russia to support Syrian Kurds
    Iraqi Kurdistan supporting Syrian Kurds? Call me skeptical, Barzani (Iraqi Kurd leader) is a notorious Turkish puppet.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #20 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  par far Tue Oct 08, 2019 7:43 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:Putin got played by NATO. Erdogan is going to give S-400 to Trump in exchange for Patriot 3. Erdogan gets Patriot 3 and F-35 and Trump gets S-400.

    Why are you posting Twitter links here, there is another thread for them.

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