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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement


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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  eehnie Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:30 pm


    Between the thousants o contracts that the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense signed always there is a number that can fail by different reasons.

    Obviously not all the contracts in course are known, but between the contracts publicly kown, there are some contracts that I see the weakest by several reasons related to the low technological level of the products, related to the foreign origin of the technologies and/or related to the potential redundancies between products.

    As consequence, I think these are the contracts that would be in my opinion the most likely to be not completed by cancellation:

    - DA42: Delivery to the Russian Armed Forces cancelled, likely failed in tests.

    - An-140: Production stopped in Russia, until now 9/11 units delivered.
    - L-410: Production stopped, until now 13/18 units delivered.

    The factories involved would need stronger products to produce under the orders of the Russian Armed Forces.


    Many times is difficult to know if the news of the media on future plans have a real basis or not. In this part of the comment will be included some comments about media news related to plans of weak technical nature.

    As consequence of their weak technical nature, these plans, if real, are the most likely to be modified:

    - Be-200:

    - SPG-9:
    - Be-6/12:

    The introduction of a new maritime patrol aircraft of the old mold would not make sense when a new model of maritime patrol based on unmanned technologies is emerging. The combination of new UAVs of different size based in every combat ship with the future Tu-PAK-DA and the rest of the modern strategic bombers would mean a much more modern solution for the role. The Be-200 and the Be-42 A-40 make sense for maritime patrol aircrafts to export.

    The Be-6/12 and the SPG-9 are both weapons are in line for fast exhaustion of the less modern material by help to Syria. Even, the plan about the SPG-9 would be talking about a return. A new modern man-portable weapon of 76mm can emerge, while the (M)T-12 can help to minimize the effects of potential shortage of SPG-9 in Syria.

    The factories involved would need stronger products to produce under the orders of the Russian Armed Forces.

    Last edited by eehnie on Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:04 pm

    POLYGON MULINO / Nizhny Novgorod Region /, November 14. / Tass /. More than 4,000 units of combat vehicles were delivered to Russian troops in 2018, Lieutenant-General Alexander Shevchenko, head of the Main Automobile and Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry, told reporters on Wednesday.

    "In 2018, about 4 thousand units of armored weapons and equipment (armored vehicles) were sent to the Armed Forces of Russia, including automobiles, more than 3 thousand units were commissioned. The total share of modern armored vehicles in the army increased from 29% in the past up to 31% in this year, of motor vehicles - from 54% to 59%, ”said Shevchenko.

    He noted that more than 180 tanks, about 300 infantry fighting vehicles and 250 armored personnel carriers were received by the troops this year.

    "Compared to 2017, the share of modern models of armored personnel carriers in units of constant readiness increased from 46% to 59%," Shevchenko added.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  marcellogo Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:18 pm

    franco wrote:POLYGON MULINO / Nizhny Novgorod Region /, November 14. / Tass /. More than 4,000 units of combat vehicles were delivered to Russian troops in 2018, Lieutenant-General Alexander Shevchenko, head of the Main Automobile and Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry, told reporters on Wednesday.

    "In 2018, about 4 thousand units of armored weapons and equipment (armored vehicles) were sent to the Armed Forces of Russia, including automobiles, more than 3 thousand units were commissioned. The total share of modern armored vehicles in the army increased from 29% in the past up to 31% in this year, of motor vehicles - from 54% to 59%, ”said Shevchenko.

    He noted that more than 180 tanks, about 300 infantry fighting vehicles and 250 armored personnel carriers were received by the troops this year.

    "Compared to 2017, the share of modern models of armored personnel carriers in units of constant readiness increased from 46% to 59%," Shevchenko added.

    Yes but what percentage of them pertain to 2018-2027 and what to the 2011-2020 armament program?

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:54 am

    They are the same thing. The Russians use a 10 year planning system, which after 5 years they review what they have accomplished and update with any found changes needed, into the next 10 year plan. And then in 5 years it is upgraded again into a new 10 year plan.

    Normally this would have been done in 2016 but was put on hold 2 years to see the effects of sanctions, oil prices and economic downturn.

    Very flexible planning with the ability to adapt to all changes.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:23 pm

    Putin: 2018 serial production of military equipment was allocated 1.5 trillion rubles

    Hmm.  That is $11B less than needed per year for 2027.  Wonder what is going on?  That isn't enough for the agreed SAP2027 program.

    The wording though seems odd. It doesn't say that 1.5T rubles were used to purchase weapons, but for serial production of weapons. So I am assuming this is 1.5T rubles for defense companies to get production of their products running?

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:14 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Putin: 2018 serial production of military equipment was allocated 1.5 trillion rubles

    Hmm.  That is $11B less than needed per year for 2027.  Wonder what is going on?  That isn't enough for the agreed SAP2027 program.

    The wording though seems odd.  It doesn't say that 1.5T rubles were used to purchase weapons, but for serial production of weapons.  So I am assuming this is 1.5T rubles for defense companies to get production of their products running?

    My take is 1.5T out of the 2.8T budget for the year will be spent on acquiring new or upgraded weapons and military equipment.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:20 am

    franco wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Putin: 2018 serial production of military equipment was allocated 1.5 trillion rubles

    Hmm.  That is $11B less than needed per year for 2027.  Wonder what is going on?  That isn't enough for the agreed SAP2027 program.

    The wording though seems odd.  It doesn't say that 1.5T rubles were used to purchase weapons, but for serial production of weapons.  So I am assuming this is 1.5T rubles for defense companies to get production of their products running?

    My take is 1.5T out of the 2.8T budget for the year will be spent on acquiring new or upgraded weapons and military equipment.

    Then that means they already breaking allotted amount approved for 2018-2027 which is roughly 2.1T rubles per year on procurement since it's 19T rubles till 2027.

    Re-read the article then. And explain this part

    "This year, the Defense Ministry allocated significant resources for the creation and mass production of weapons and military equipment: a total of almost 1.5 trillion rubles," Putin said.

    That doesn't state procurement. That sounds more like R&D to manufacturing.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:27 pm

    - I understand your point on the first part of the article but I believe that it has more to do with translation and to whom he was speaking (MIC)
    - Still stick to the 1.5T out of 2.8T hypothesis.
    - How do you get 19T over 10 years to equal 2.1T?

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:09 pm

    franco wrote:- I understand your point on the first part of the article but I believe that it has more to do with translation and to whom he was speaking (MIC)
    - Still stick to the 1.5T out of 2.8T hypothesis.
    - How do you get 19T over 10 years to equal 2.1T?

    Think about it.

    SAP is now from 2018 to 2027. That is 9 years. 19T rubles divide by 9 (for the 9 years) is 2.1T per year. So if allotted amount is 19T for procurement, then that is exactly how much they are to spend per year in procurement.

    I went through multiple source all pointing to same thing, and same with translator. He specifically mentions about creation and manufacturing of the systems.

    So that doesn't sound like procurement.

    Unless he is saying that at least 600B rubles is being stolen/funneled out? Do you believe that? Or is the agreed amount all horseshit and they don't even bother to follow the SAP program for even the first year the agreement is signed? Then what was the point of it in first place?

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  Hole Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:56 pm

    The SAP includes 2027, so it is 10 years = 1,9 Trill. Rubles a year.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:53 pm

    Possibly but I heard it was a total of 9 years. So if 10 years then they are 400B rubles off then. Possibly waiting to transfer it over to next year or when certain devices are ready

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  Hole Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:36 pm

    Maybe some equipment planned for this year will arrive only next year and be paid then.

    The strength of the russian way of procurement is some flexibility. You can´t spend the money this year then use it next year. It´s not like "you have to spend 2% of your GDP" as in NATO.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  eehnie Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:14 pm


    In order to complete the preview of what we can see in the following years, it is necessary to talk about unmanned technologies and their applications. Some important details:

    1.- Unmanned technologies are in development, are not mature technologies. At this point:
    - There is not still a clear consensus about the definition of the goals that can be achieved with the use of unmanned technologies.
    - There is not still a clear consensus about the best lines of investigation to reach the goals pursued.

    As consequence:
    - There are multiple projects under developpment under multiple lines of investigation.
    - There is a fast succession of prototypes that introduce new improvements.
    - In most of the cases the projects are not achieving a level good enough to succeed.

    All it makes not possible to apply to the development of unmanned technologies the same criteria than for the rest of the armament in the refered to:
    - Defenition of the key projects.
    - Avoid redundant projects.

    This are the reasons of why the reference to unmanned technologies in the comment opening this topic is minimal.

    2.- Unmanned technologies allow to break the limits of the human capabilities. This is one of the main advantages of unmanned technologies. They allow to reach to areas where the uman presence is very difficult to achieve, like the space or deep waters. Also allow to reach results with small mechanical developments not compatible with human dimmenssions.

    3.- Unmanned technologies can allow to avoid human loses in combat situations with their application to defense related developments. Sometimes with the use of unmanned auxiliary developments in support of manned platforms, other times by the replacement of manned platforms by unmanned platforms.

    The replacement of manned platforms by unmanned platforms can be done by two ways:
    - Creation of new unmmaned platforms.
    - Robotization of manned platforms.

    In overall terms this second way is cheaper and more effective if applied well.

    4.- Unmanned technologies allways emerge by the low technological end. Basically simple mechanical developments have lower requirements on unmanned control in order to achieve a right performance. Despite to be very advanced technologies, is easier to achieve good results with the application of unmanned control to simple mechanical developments than with their application to complex mechanica developments.

    This have important consequences in the refered to the replacement of manned platforms by unmanned platforms.

    Unmanned Sea Vehicles: Likely military applications in Russia

    1.- Use of unmanned platforms to break human limits: There are two likely ways:
    - The use of small unmanned submarines designed as components of bigger manned platforms to reach deep waters seems very likely.
    - The lower speed of the projectiles moving by the water allow to use unmanned technologies (poseidon projectile, smart torpedoes, smart sea mines) to achieve a guided ammunition effect.

    2.- Robotization of manned combat platforms: In this case the robotization of complete ships with all its armament and auxiliary systems seems unlikely. Very difficult.

    Unmanned Land Vehicles: Likely military applications in Russia

    1.- Use of unmanned platforms to break human limits: In this case there is one main way:
    - The use of small unmanned platforms.

    2.- Robotization of manned combat platforms: In the refered to land warfare, the less armoured platforms are the most vulnerable. It is necessary to take into account that makes not sense to work on the robotization of armament with planned exhaustion by 2030, because the material can be exhausted by the time of the achivement of good results. It means, the most likely armament to apply robotization technologies would be:

    BMP-97 (4x4 and 6x6)

    The robotization of better armoured platforms and platforms which armour protection can be raised by the replacement of the tractor elements by better armoured ones, is significantly less useful and likely.

    The potential of robotization for the Russian Airborne Troops and the Russian Army is really strong, specially for the Russian Airborne Troops.

    Unmanned Air Vehicles: Likely military applications in Russia

    1.- Use of unmanned platforms to break human limits: There are two likely ways:
    - The use of unmanned technologies at very high altitudes is habitually used to operate in the space.
    - The use of small unmanned platforms.

    2.- Robotization of manned combat platforms: In the refered to air warfare, the low speed subsonic platforms are the most vulnerable. Again is necessary to take into account that makes not sense to work on the robotization of armament with planned exhaustion by 2030, because the material can be exhausted by the time of the achivement of good results. It means the most likely manned combat aircrafts to apply robotization technologies would be:


    In overall terms, there is an important work to improve the speed of the helicopters, This work work very likely will have a positive use in the civil use of helicopters, and in the military use of helicopters as auxiliary aircrafts, but in the refered to the use of helicopters as combat aircrafts the results will not be enough to avoid the need of robotization of the entire concept. It makes combat helicopters the most likely concept of armament to be robotized in the following years.

    3. Use of unmanned platforms for reduction of costs and danger: The main way would be:
    - The use of unmanned air platforms with features below the level of the manned supersonic platforms help to reduce the costs and the danger of human loses in the combat operations at subsonic speed.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Sun Dec 16, 2018 1:08 pm

    According to the general, the armed forces of the Russian Federation for this year received 35 new types of weapons and equipment, another 21 samples completed state tests. In addition, at present, the Russian army is conducting tests of another 290 samples of new weapons and equipment, he added, but did not disclose the names of specific samples, which are expected to arrive in the Russian armed forces in the near future.

    According to 21 models of weapons and equipment, only yesterday and the day before yesterday they reported that they had completed state tests, according to 290 samples of weapons ... we are working on tests and are also entering the end

    In total, in 2018, more than 5,000 units of new military equipment entered the Russian armed forces, Bulgakov reported. All equipment was introduced to the troops, personnel was prepared for its operation. In addition, over 8 million "items of clothing and equipment", more than 700 thousand tons of food and 2.5 million tons of fuel were delivered to the troops.

    To date, the coefficient of serviceability of equipment in the Russian army is 94%, the general added.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:12 pm

    In 2018, the Ministry of Defense of Russia carried out all the activities on state defense order.

    In general, the equipment of the army and navy with modern weapons reached 61.5%. It is expected that by the end of 2020 this figure will be increased to 70%.

    The task set in 2017 to reach 82% of modern strategic nuclear forces has been completed.

    All types and types of troops developed in a balanced way, in accordance with the adopted plans and the new State Armaments Program were equipped with modern models of weapons and equipment.

    Ground troops

    The level of modern weapons brought up to 48.3%.
    2200 new and upgraded samples were received.

    Among the deliveries of armored weapons and equipment are BTR-82A armored personnel carriers, T-72B3 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles BMP-3 and BMP-2M. The troops began to receive new tanks with increased protection of the T-72B3M. So, the 20th combined army in the Bryansk region received 20 cars.

    In April of this year, it was officially announced the adoption of the Terminator tank support vehicles (BMPT). It was reported that the first batch of ten units entered the Central Military District, where military tests would be held on the basis of a tank division, and in 2019 BMPT there will be involved in the exercises for the first time.

    The troops received more than 380 units of the automobile and about 740 units of special equipment. Among them - armored vehicles "Tigr", armored "KamAZ" "Mustang". For the first time, the Typhoon-K armored vehicles arrived in the special forces unit in Siberia. The party of Arctic all-terrain vehicles entered service with a separate motorized rifle brigade of the Northern Fleet.

    Ground units received more than 230 units of military air defense and about 370 units of missile and artillery weapons . Among them are the Buk-MZ and Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems, the Chrysanthem-S self-propelled anti-tank missile systems, the Nona-SVK artillery, the Tornado-G and Tornado-S rocket launchers. “(With increased performance in range and shooting accuracy and an extended nomenclature of high-performance rockets). The first production batch of the Tor-M2DT arctic anti-aircraft missile system was handed over to the RF Ministry of Defense.

    From the beginning of the year, two large-capacity battalions were created, namely, the 2S4 Tulip self-propelled mortar division in the Orenburg Region and the 2S7M Malka self-propelled gun division in the Kemerovo Region. Also, one artillery brigade was re-equipped with modernized self-propelled howitzers 2S19M2 "Msta-S".

    In the summer, it was reported about the delivery of Iskander-M operational-tactical complexes to the 448th missile brigade in Kursk by the end of the year. This unit remained the only one in the army, armed with the complexes of the previous generation "Tochka-U".

    The troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection were replenished with TOS-1A "Solntsek" heavy flame-thrower systems, as well as military specialists from the Western Military District received the UTM-80M special handling vehicle.

    The Peresvet laser complexes, which began in 2017, took over experimental combat duty.

    The automated control system of the Armed Forces was improved as a priority. The units were also equipped with the new Argus PRP-4A mobile reconnaissance points intended for reconnaissance and artillery fire control. Important facilities and military vehicles were equipped with small-sized electronic warfare stations (EW) Lesochek, modern radar stations for firing positions of mortar launchers 1L271 Aistenok were received. In addition, ground parts and connections received:

    multi-purpose trucks of high throughput Ural-4320-0811-31;
    complexes of special means of observation - laser instruments reconnaissance LPR-4;
    reconnaissance radar 1L277 "Sobolyatnik" and 1L111 "Fara-BP";
    optical-electronic observation complexes "Irony";
    Strelets reconnaissance, control and communications complexes, the sixth generation Azart radio stations;
    the Acacia-M mobile command and control system for the troops, the Shower and Legend satellite communication stations.

    “Due to deliveries in the current year more than 31 thousand units of communication equipment, the level of equipment with modern means of control has increased in the troops to the planned figure of 66%,” said Sergey Shoigu at the annual meeting.

    Actively received troops and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including the Orlan-10, Eleron-3 and Tachyon. Their number in the Armed Forces exceeded 2,100 units. A separate unit of unmanned aircraft formed in a motorized infantry unit in Tuva.

    At the beginning of the year it became known that the Ministry of Defense adopted the AK-12 assault rifles (for the Ground Forces, the Marines of the Navy and the Airborne Forces) and the AK-15 (for special forces). It was reported that the military would receive the first batch by the end of the year.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:15 pm

    Aerospace Forces (VKS)

    The share of modern weapons brought to the planned figure of this year - 74%.
    126 modern aircraft and helicopters, nine spacecrafts, 120 units of air defense equipment were delivered.

    Undoubtedly, the fighter jets of the “4 ++” MiG-35 generation , which began to be mastered by the crews of the State Flight Test Center of the Russian Defense Ministry in Akhtubinsk, became a novelty of this year.

    In early December, the Ministry of Defense received a batch of Su-35S aircraft, including the hundredth hundredth fighter jet. Aviation units were replenished with Su-34 front-line bombers, Su-30SM and Su-27SM3 multi-role fighters, Su-25SM3 attack aircraft and MiG-31BM long-range interceptors.

    On the experimental combat duty are high-precision hypersonic aircraft missile systems "Dagger". They carried out 89 flights to patrol the waters of the Black and Caspian Seas.

    Another serial upgraded A-50U long-range radar detection aircraft with improved characteristics of the radio-technical complex was also transferred.

    Ten combat training aircraft Yak-130 entered service with a squadron of the training base of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots.

    Aviation strategic nuclear forces were replenished with modernized aircraft - one Tu-160 and four Tu-95MS. “In November, the strategic missile carrier Tu-160 successfully completed the launch of twelve X-101 air-launched cruise missiles at the Pemba test site located above the Arctic Circle,” Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at the annual meeting of the ministry. In addition, after repair, long-range aircraft received another Tu-22M3 bomber-carrying bomber.

    Military aviation transport in Ivanovo received several new Il-76MD-90A transport aircraft. Also after the upgrade , the first serial Il-76MD-M transport aircraft was transferred .

    Army aviation VKS replenished with helicopters Ka-52 "Alligator" , Mi-8AMTSH / MTPR / MTV-5-1 and Mi-24P "Crocodile".

    As for air defense technology, the troops were traditionally armed with the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile-gun systems and the Triumph S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems (ZRS). Air defense systems have taken up duty in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Volga region, the Crimea and the Kaliningrad region, and also covered the western borders of the country in the Leningrad region. It was reported on the adoption of the S-400 long-range anti-aircraft guided missile 40N6, the range of which is up to 380 km.

    The upgraded radar stations (radar) of medium (Gamma-C1M) and high (Nebo-UM) heights were put on combat duty in the Samara, Voronezh and Novosibirsk regions. Also among the received radars are “Sky-U”, “Casta-2-2”, “Podlet-K1”, “BBO” and P-18R (in Kamchatka). Radio-technical troops of the Central Military District received seven sets of automation equipment "Basement" according to the state defense order.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:18 pm


    The equipment exceeded the planned figures and amounted to 62.3%.
    14 ships and combat boats, 11 support ships were taken.

    More than 50% of the equipment in the composition of the forces of the Northern Fleet - modern designs. At the beginning of the year, the first ship arrived for complex actions in the Arctic, the icebreaker of Project 21180 “Ilya Muromets”. In April, the fleet logged into the logistics support vessel of the Elbrus project 23120. In the summer, the Admiral Gorshkov, the lead frigate of Project 22350 with guided missile weapons (Onyx and Caliber cruise missiles, the Polimen Redut anti-aircraft missile system), was included in the Navy's combat strength. There will be four such powerful ships of the far sea zone.

    In June , the St. Andrew’s flag was raised on the first large landing ship (project 11711), designed and built in the newest history of Russia, the “Ivan Gren”.

    The Black Sea Fleet included small rocket ships of the project 21631 (“Buyan-M”) “Orekhovo-Zuyevo” and “Vyshniy Volochek”, a reconnaissance ship (communications vessel) of the project 18280 “Ivan Hurs”. At the beginning of the summer, the completion of tests of the “Buk-2190” off-shore tug project 04690 “Volchok” was reported.

    The composition of the Baltic Fleet replenished:

    the head small rocket ship of the project 22800 (code "Karakurt") "Mytishchi", equipped with a complex "Caliber";
    patrol boat "Raptor";
    launch boat of the project 1388NZ "Cormorant" "KSV-2168".

    Another “Raptor” became part of the Caspian Flotilla. By the way, the first combat landing craft appeared at a separate engineering brigade in Bashkiria.

    The units of the Navy were replenished with four coastal missile systems "Ball" and "Bastion".

    The Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet) has been replenished with a new tugboat RB-2186. In addition, it was reported that before the end of the year, the rescue forces will include three boats of projects 23040 (hydrographic) and 23370M. From this year, the corvette of the project 20380 “Loud” will also be part of the fleet.

    In July, the Ministry of Defense reported that in the first half of the year, the Navy received 49 cruise missiles of operational and tactical purpose, the Caliber and four anti-ship missiles. Also in October, the fleet included a pilot vessel of the project 11982 “Ladoga”, designed to test special technical equipment and participate in search and rescue operations.

    In addition, the Navy will also include the first newest patrol ship of the project 22160 “Vasily Bykov”, capable of performing tasks to counter threats to the country's security in the far sea zone, including in the pirate-dangerous areas of the World Ocean.

    The naval aviation of the fleet was also updated. Thus, in November, the repaired long-range anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142MK was handed over, in June - the multi-purpose Su-30SM fighter jets. The upgraded Ka-27M helicopters for the search and detection of submarines received the Baltic Fleet and Pacific Fleet. Until 2020, naval aviation will receive about 50 such vehicles. The air bases in Primorye and Kamchatka have received upgraded Ka-29 ship-based helicopters.

    Only this year, as part of the re-equipment program for modern types of equipment, more than 100 BTR-82A units have received units of the Marine Corps of the Caspian Flotilla. It was reported that fully equipped with these armored vehicles of the Pacific Fleet compound in Primorye and Kamchatka.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:22 pm

    Airborne troops

    The share of modern samples is 63.7%.

    More than 300 basic types of weapons, military and special equipment, and over 11 thousand sets of equipment for landing personnel, weapons and cargoes were delivered. T-72BZ, BMD-4M, BTR-RD and D-30 howitzers entered the troops. Thus, in February, the Pskov airborne unit received a battalion set of the latest armored vehicles - the BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles and the BTR-MDM Rakushka tracked armored personnel carriers.

    The 98th Airborne Division armed with new planning, reconnaissance and control modules. As noted, this technique allows you to fully automate the fire control system - from the head of the air defense system to the anti-aircraft gunner. The Ivanovo division received the first divisional set of the new automated air defense control system Barnaul-T, which was built on the BTR-MDM Rakushka tracked base and can parachute into the Bakhcha-UDS system from military transport aircraft. By the way, in the summer it was reported about the completion of successful state tests of “Bakhchi” and its serial deliveries to the troops by the end of the year (31 sets).

    Also, the paratroopers received at the disposal of the compounds more than 30 modernized mortar complexes of the caliber of 120 mm 2S12A "Sledge" and 82 mm of 2B25 "Gall".

    Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN)

    This year, the rearmament of the Yars strategic complexes ( a modification of the Topol-M missile) of the mobile base in the Irkutsk and Yoshkar-Ola missile formations continued. Fully equipped with them Tagil and Novosibirsk missile compounds.

    Kozelsk missile compound (deployed in the Kaluga region) was the first in the Strategic Missile Forces, where in 2018 began retooling on the "Yarsy" mine-based. In December, the first regiment took up combat duty. From 1982 to the present, the UR-100NU missiles have been in service with this compound.

    Also, in parts of the strategic forces, robotic complexes and drones, new communications, engineering equipment, and electronic warfare are being received.

    According to the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda , the Strategic Missile Forces received nine intercontinental ballistic missiles, nine autonomous launchers, four mobile command posts, 17 machines and six combat duty support units.

    So, besides “Yars”, the divisions of the Tagil division received: the Foliage remote demining machine, an engineering support and camouflage machine, the Typhoon-M combat anti-sabotage machine and the ARS-14KM auto-pouring station.

    It was also reported that domestic highly mobile modular chassis, created as part of the Platform-O development work, including for the Topol-M and Yars complexes, will be adopted . The capabilities of this tractor were demonstrated at the exhibition “Army-2018”. Currently used Belarusian multi-axle chassis.

    Engineering troops

    For the troops, 13 modern models, more than 570 units of equipment and more than 15 thousand ammunition were developed and put into service.

    In November, the first six state-of-the-art armored demining machines, the BMR-3MA, and the engineering vehicles, the IMR-3M, were delivered. The equipment is based on the T-90A tank. As part of the implementation of the state contract, which was signed in 2016, 13 units of IMR-3M were transferred, two of them to a separate brigade in Bashkortostan. In addition, a multi-purpose mechanized set of operational deployment of temporary roads was adopted for supply.

    At the beginning of the year, the party of the new special equipment received a connection in the Khabarovsk Territory. Thus, military engineers began operating a set of heavy mechanized bridge TMM-3M2 (on the chassis of the KamAZ vehicle) and BMR-3MA. Such a technique helps, among other things, to eliminate the consequences of the rampant of the elements in the Far East, for example, in the case of a flood.

    Supplies to the Eastern and Central Military Districts of the Uran-6 robotic demining complex, successfully tested in Syria, were actively going. May 9, he was first shown at the Victory Parade in Moscow.

    The sappers of the Western and Central military districts received a new robot-sapper "Cobra-1600", designed for remote disposal of explosive devices. The engineering division of the Far East has received a batch of Korshun non-contact mine detectors.

    Military engineers in the Smolensk and Voronezh regions received mobile demining installations UR-83P installed on KamAZ-5350 cars.

    In July, the Ministry of Defense announced plans to adopt a military crane KMV-10K for the mechanization of loading and unloading and installation work with dangerous goods. It was also said about conducting state tests with the subsequent acceptance for the supply of a new drilling and impact machine BOOM-2.

    Equipment military bases

    The 201st military base deployed in Tajikistan — Russia's largest military facility outside of its borders — this year received a variety of state-of-the-art EW equipment. Thus, the units for the first time armed with the Silok complexes (to combat unmanned aerial vehicles) and Borisoglebsk-2 (to suppress mobile satellite communication systems and radio navigation systems, detect, locate and suppress radio networks). In addition, the Garmon radar stations of the air defense system were supplied. It was also reported that five BMP-2Ms were delivered to the base this year (a modification with the Berezhok combat module, which increases the combat capabilities of the vehicle by four times), which, in accordance with the state defense order plan, will replace outdated samples of existing equipment.

    Another Russian object abroad - the 102nd air base in Armenia - was replenished with two light front-line MiG-29 fighters. In August, it was reported about the supply of upgraded Su-25SM attack aircraft to the Kant air base in Kyrgyzstan by the end of the year.

    The share of the latest models of weapons and equipment at a military base in Abkhazia has reached 70%. The servicemen received about ten of the latest Sobolyatnik portable radar stations, which are multifunctional artillery reconnaissance tools and are capable of detecting small objects at a distance of tens of kilometers.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  Hole Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:33 am

    Great work, Franco! thumbsup respekt

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  eehnie Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:33 pm

    About the 2B25 mortar of 82mm, it seems that all the news have origin in a Janes report.

    For me not enough to give credit to the new of the procurement.

    I did not saw other news emerging independently in the Russian media about a procurement or about test of this weapon in Syria.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:22 am

    I agree with Eehnie... Janes as a source is a bit like CNN or the BBC as a source I am afraid... except for Seans articles of course... Smile

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  franco Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:34 pm

    New equipment in the army in 2018

    Armored vehicles

    According to the contracts concluded in 2018, the start of deliveries of the platform of the new generation “Armata”, as well as the newest modification of the T-90 tanks is expected in the coming year, last year our army continued to receive modernized T-72, BMP-2, and BMD- 4 and BTR-82 new construction
    In total, in 2018, according to the Ministry of Defense data, 184 units of tanks, 290 units of infantry fighting vehicles / D and 241 units of armored personnel carriers were received. The tanks transferred to the army are mainly the last modification of the T-72B3M (T-72B3 sample 2016). The main differences from the previous modification are the new 2A46M-5-01 gun, an improved fire control system (the Multiservice Sosna-U multichannel sights, the upgraded TKN-3 sights with the Dubl system, and the TVN-5 night binocular observation devices are installed ), boosted engine in 1130 hp, automatic transmission. Also significantly increased the survivability of the machine through the installation of new dynamic protection modules "Relic" and hinged lattice screens. It is reliably known that batches of T-72B3M tanks of 10–20 vehicles each entered service with the 20th Army of the Western District, 49th Army of the Southern District, as well as the Kazan Higher Tank Command Red Banner School (9 units) and the Omsk Automobile and Armored Engineering Institute (3 units) .
    In addition, new parts are being formed by transferring tanks from storage. For example, in the Kaliningrad region, 11th tank regiment were formed, which received T-72B arcs. 1985
    The infantry combat vehicle BMP-2M, which comes into service, is equipped with an updated weapon system, including a 30-mm automatic cannon, a 7.62-mm machine gun, anti-tank guided missile launchers and an automatic grenade launcher. Significantly improved aiming and surveillance devices, increased opportunities for the actions of the crew at night. The new radio station R-168-25U-2 with a secret connection increases protection against interception and decryption of radio data, and also has a high resistance to interference. With these infantry fighting vehicles, the Taman motorized rifle division deployed in the Moscow region was completely re-equipped. This year, the division received a few dozen of these machines. In the central military district, batches of 6-8 BMP-2M were transferred to the 74th motorized rifle brigade and the 90th tank division.
    The BTR-82 armored personnel carriers this year mainly received re-equipment of the marines. So, these machines are fully equipped Pacific Fleet Marine Corps. In addition, in the Dagestan, the Caspian Flotilla formed 177th marine regiment, for which industry supplied about 70 new BTR-82. Part of it is armed with BTR-82A armored personnel carriers (about 100 armored personnel carriers), 120-mm self-propelled artillery guns 2S9 "Nona" 91 division), 122 mm howitzers D-30 (1st division), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) "Eleron" and " Orlan. In addition, a batch of 20 BTR-82A received the district training center of the Central Military District, stationed in the Sverdlovsk region. He also completed re-equipment on new cars.
    76th Pskov Airborne Division received the fifth battalion of the latest armored vehicles - the BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles and the BTR-MDM tracked armored personnel carriers. The airborne assault units of the 11th separate airborne assault brigade of the Airborne Forces deployed in Buryatia received a company kit of 16 Lynx armored vehicles to perform special tasks.
    Two special forces brigades were also received: a batch of 14 armored vehicles "Typhoon-K" with a remotely controlled combat module replenished the fleet of combat vehicles of the Novosibirsk special forces brigade, the special forces brigade deployed in the Samara region received a batch of 15 "Typhoons". In addition, the newest KamAZ 53949 armored vehicle “Typhoon” entered the 10th Special Forces Brigade of the Southern Military District for trial operation. "Typhoon" has smaller dimensions in comparison with the existing equipment (Typhoon-K) and other characteristics. Inside its armored corps there are ten seats for the crew and landing force: four (including the commander and driver seats) are facing forward along the way, the rest six are located in the aft troop compartment, at the sides. The payload of the machine is 2 tons.


    The development of rocket and artillery troops can be divided into 2 areas: 1) this is the development of brigade and divisional artillery of motorized rifle and tank forces and 2) the development of reinforcement artillery brigades.
    In the first direction, the transfer of artillery systems to the formed motorized rifle brigades and divisions continued. Thus, in the 30th motorized rifle brigade of the 2nd Guards Combined Arms Army of the Central Military District received 15 units of Tornado-G multiple rocket launcher systems, and about 20 units of the modernized Mortar Forces of the Sledge entered the armament of 150 motorized rifle divisions of the Southern Military District.
    The artillery division 55 of the mountain motorized rifle brigade of the Central Military District was re-equipped with 120-mm self-propelled guns "Nona-SVK". The Nona-SVK guns, the most effective in mountainous terrain, are designed to destroy targets at a distance of up to 12.5 km. They are capable of firing with adjustable projectiles with a probability of hitting 0.8–0.9 from closed positions and direct fire. It is possible to shoot all kinds of 120 mm min, including foreign production. A separate unit of unmanned aircraft was also formed as part of the artillery division, which was armed with the Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle systems (UAVs) designed to detect enemy command posts from radio emissions within a radius of up to 120 km, as well as short-range aerial reconnaissance and observation complexes Aileron-3 ″, capable of exploration in all weather conditions.
    But the main attention, as far as it can be understood, the Ministry of Defense is currently devoting to the formation of new artillery brigades, as well as to increasing the capabilities of existing ones. With the beginning of the 2018 school year, two high-powered battalions were introduced into the state of artillery brigades, namely, the 240-mm self-propelled mortar of the 2S4 Tulip in the Orenburg region and the 203-mm self-propelled gun of the 2S7M Malka (12 units) in Kemerovo area. Also, during the course of 2018, 236 artillery brigades were re-equipped with modern weapons, namely, the MTA-B towed howitzers 2A65 were replaced with the Msta-S modernized 2S19M2. The artillery of this brigade received Shturm anti-tank missile systems. The 58th Army of the Southern Military District, deployed in the North Caucasus, received more than 30 advanced 152-mm self-propelled artillery mounts 2S19M2 "Msta-S" (SAU "Msta-S). Also, in all artillery divisions, they began to form units of UAVs. The companies armed with the UAV Orlan-10 and Eleron appeared in the 227th artillery brigade of the Southern Military District and the artillery formations of the Central Military District. In the past year, the gunners of the Central Military District received the Aistenok radar complexes and the Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles. UAVs provide air reconnaissance and target detection, as well as real-time adjustment of artillery fire at maximum ranges - up to 40 kilometers.
    In addition, 18 units of military equipment entered the Saratov military training center (artillery): five Acacia self-propelled howitzers, four Msta-B towed howitzers, six Hyacinth self-propelled guns and two Hyacinth towed guns -B ". The training center was also equipped with a SNAR-10 mobile radar reconnaissance station. The 631st combat training center (artillery) is the only place in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for training junior specialists for artillery units. It annually for the troops prepare more than 1 thousand soldiers and sergeants. The Penza branch of the Military Academy of Material and Technical Support (MTO) received a launcher and transport-loading machine of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile complex (PTRK).

    Army Air Defense

    In the 20th motorized rifle brigade of the Southern Military District, the Tunguska-M1 new anti-aircraft cannon-missile system (ZPRK) entered service.
    The air defense missile battalion of the 19th motorized rifle brigade of the Southern Military District adopted the newest Tor-M2 air defense system.
    In addition, the first serial batch of the TOR-M2DT anti-aircraft missile system was transferred to the 726th training center of the military air defense system Yeisk (Krasnodar Territory). According to the state defense order, the manufacturer supplied the Russian Defense Ministry a division of combat vehicles. Tor-M2DT is an arctic version of the Tor-M2 complex installed on DT-30M two-link track-type conveyors. Combat vehicles of the air defense missile system have a unique maneuverability, can overcome ditches, swim, do not lose their performance in more than 50 degrees of frost. They are able to hit targets a few seconds after their detection.

    Air Force and Air Defense

    Western Military District

    In the Western Military District this year, the 159th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, based in the Republic of Karelia, was completely re-equipped with new fighters. This year, he received the last batch of 6 cars, so there are 24 Su-35S fighters in service with this unit. The rearmament of the 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 105th Mixed Aviation Division at Khalino (Kursk) airfield from MiG-29 airplanes to Su-30SM fighters continues, and this year the regiment received 12 new aircraft. In addition, two units of the Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopters entered the helicopter regiment of the Western Military District, formed in December last year, stationed in the Smolensk Region.

    Southern Military District

    The aviation of the Southern Military District this year received mainly modernized aircraft. Thus, the assault aviation of the Southern Military District was replenished with 9 of the latest modernized Su-25SM3. The aircraft arrived in the 960th Assault Aviation Regiment, based on the Kuban. A couple of fourth-generation multi-role fighters, the MiG-29, arrived at the Russian Erebuni aviation military base in Armenia. And the 3rd Guards Fighter Regiment in the Krasnodar Territory received 4 new modernized Su-27SM3 fighters. The Aviation Training Base in Kushchevskaya (Krasnodar Territory) KVVAUL named after AK Serov received 10 Yak-130 training aircraft, thus becoming the third training aviation base that received these combat training aircraft after training air bases of the same KVVAUL in Borisoglebsk and Armavir. In addition, at the end of May 2018, the An-148 transport aircraft was transferred to the 30th Separate Transport Mixed Aviation Regiment. The helicopter units of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army received at least 6 Ka-52 attack helicopters (4 vehicles - the 55th separate helicopter regiment in the Krasnodar Territory and 2 vehicles to the 16th Army Aviation Brigade). In addition, the Mi-8AMTSH “Terminator” multi-purpose helicopters also entered the Rostov brigade. The Crimean air defense system was significantly strengthened due to the deployment of two new regiments of the S-400 air defense system.

    Central Military District

    This year, new aircraft finally began to receive and the central district. All 12 Su-34 aircraft built by the NAZ on the state defense order in 2018 were sent to re-equip the 2nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 14th Smolensk Red Banner Army Air Force and Air Defense, stationed at the Shagol airfield (Chelyabinsk), previously equipped with Su-24M2 front-line bombers. In addition, this part received a modernized reconnaissance aircraft Su-24MR. The 712th Fighter Aviation Regiment in the Krasnoyarsk Territory received the next 6 MiG-31 fighters after upgrading at an aviation enterprise in the Tver Region. Due to the modern on-board radio-electronic equipment and weapons of the new generation, the efficiency of the MiG-31BM in comparison with the MiG-31 has increased almost three times. The MiG-31BM supersonic fighter is designed for long-term patrols and combat high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, strategic bombers and low-flying targets. The aircraft is able to simultaneously hit 6 and accompany up to 10 air targets. The last two An-148-100E aircraft entered the 390th separate mixed transport aviation regiment stationed at the Koltsovo airfield in the Sverdlovsk region. Significant changes occurred in the organization of army aviation; in the district, 17th Army Aviation brigade was formed on the basis of the 48th air base. This brigade consists of 3 squadrons of Mi-8 helicopters and a squadron of shock Mi-24Ps. The Army Aviation Base near Novosibirsk was reorganized into a 337th helicopter regiment, including a Mi-24P squadron and 2 squadrons of multi-purpose helicopters. 511th anti-aircraft missile regiment (Engels, Saratov region) was re-equipped on the S-400 air defense system.

    Eastern Military District

    In this district, the supply of equipment was the most modest. It is known that the aviation aviation regiment deployed in Primorye received 5 new Mi-8AMTSH helicopter and one Mi8AMTSH-V helicopters. In the Khabarovsk Territory, servicemen of an anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Eastern Military District launched a combat duty on the new S-400 anti-aircraft missile system (ZRS).

    Also in 2018, after the modernization of the VKS of Russia was completed, one Tu-160 strategic bomber, four Tu-95MSM strategic bomber, and one A-50U radar patrol aircraft were handed over.

    Naval Aviation

    The two Su-30SM fighter planes delivered by the Aviation Plant under the state order for the 2018 Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy arrived to the assault regiment of the 72nd Baltic Fleet Aviation Air Base. Also, the first modernized Ka-27M helicopter arrived at the air base of the Baltic Fleet naval aviation in the Kaliningrad region.


    This year the Navy received 6 new warships and one landing ship. First, our famous “long-term building” was finally accepted into the fleet, the lead frigate of project 22350, “Admiral Gorshkov”. In addition, the northern fleet was replenished with one more no less legendary ship in the circles of landing ship. This is the BDK 11711 "Ivan Gren“. The Baltic Fleet also received the lead ship of the new project, the IRC pr. 22800, "Mytishchi". Another lead ship, the patrol ship, Project 22160 Vasily Bykov, added to the Black Sea Fleet. In addition, 2 of the Project 21631, Orekhovo-Zuyevo and Vyshniy Volochek were included in the Black Sea Fleet. And the Pacific Fleet received the corvette Ave. 20380 "Loud". This is the second ship of this project of the Far East building. If the first corvette was built for 11 years, then it was run in just 6. In addition, one Raptor boat received the Baltic Fleet, and one such boat, the Caspian Flotilla.

    On the ships of the auxiliary fleet:

    The Northern Fleet received (again the lead) logistic support vessel (MSTO) “Elbrus” of project 23120, which, by the way, had already managed to visit the Arctic expedition this year. "Elbrus" has a diving complex with a pressure chamber to provide deep-sea diving. The Arc4 ice-class hull is designed to overcome ice 0.6 m thick. The vessel has all the conditions for normal crew work and rest in the Arctic: sauna, pool, gym, comfortable cabins with individual sanitary blocks. Thanks to the A1 automation class, shipless service is ensured on the ship. The fleet also included a crane SPK-53150 of the project 02690. The cranes of the project 02690 are designed to carry out all types of lifting work, loading of cargo (ammunition, explosives) on surface ships, submarines and ships, including nuclear military supplies and ballistic missiles as well as regular cargo. For the execution of works on weaving of the chains of fastening of floating moorings, installation and shooting of raid equipment, transportation of goods on the upper deck.

    The Baltic Fleet received the pilot vessel Ladoga of project 11982. The vessel is intended for research and oceanographic work and participation in search and rescue operations. The equipment includes a diving complex (pressure chamber), an uninhabited submersible Gavia, an uninhabited underwater vehicle “ Marlin-RT ”and an uninhabited underwater vehicle“ Marlin-350. ”As well as a 1000-ton communication boat of the project 1388NZ“ Baklan ”KSV-2168.

    The Black Sea Fleet received the average reconnaissance ship Ivan Hurs. The main mission of the ship is to provide communications and fleet management, conducting electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare. And the rescue tug "Captain Guriev" project 22870. The vessel is intended to assist emergency ships (vessels) and rescue personnel; towing ships; extinguishing fires in emergency vessels and onshore facilities. It has the capacity to keep emergency ships afloat and perform complex diving works at depths of up to 60 meters. In addition, the vessel can perform tasks for the collection of petroleum products from the surface of the sea, as well as conduct search and survey work. As well as the Black Sea Fleet included a raid tug "BUK-2190.

    The Pacific Fleet received a tugboat RB-2186 of project 16609.

    The Strategic Missile Forces received nine intercontinental ballistic missiles, nine autonomous launchers, four mobile command posts, 17 vehicles and six combat duty support units.

    The orbital constellation of the VKS was replenished on 7 satellites - 2 satellites of the Glonass navigation system, 2 Blagovest communication satellites, 1 Lotos radio intelligence satellite, 1 Rodnik communications satellite and 1 experimental device.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:36 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Tsavo Lion wrote:I think they'll order more A-100s, as its a more capable & user friendly system. Upgrading more to much inferior A-50U may not be worth it, otherwise why invest in the A-100? So, time will tell!

    They have invested in su-57 and mig-35 too and orders are very low no matter what poeple here will say about "plans". But not just that. They order older planes with modernizations to do what su-57 is design to do. With armata its the same issue for the army.

    Money is what limits Russian army. They are not soviet union anymore to replace lot of hardwares by brand new ones in couple of years.

    A-50 will stay for another decade for sure.

    You once again show excessive lack of knowledge.

    Su-57 isn't ready yet. Type 30 engines are not finished. And there is constant works on Armata - working on new active protection system, adjustments for cannon, etc.

    If you keep up with this, you will understand that Russia cannot really wait for these as it will take some few more time. While a huge portion of the airforce is obselete.

    But why do I bother wasting my time explaining this? It is rather basic info.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  Isos Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:24 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    Tsavo Lion wrote:I think they'll order more A-100s, as its a more capable & user friendly system. Upgrading more to much inferior A-50U may not be worth it, otherwise why invest in the A-100? So, time will tell!

    They have invested in su-57 and mig-35 too and orders are very low no matter what poeple here will say about "plans". But not just that. They order older planes with modernizations to do what su-57 is design to do. With armata its the same issue for the army.

    Money is what limits Russian army. They are not soviet union anymore to replace lot of hardwares by brand new ones in couple of years.

    A-50 will stay for another decade for sure.

    You once again show excessive lack of knowledge.

    Su-57 isn't ready yet.  Type 30 engines are not finished.  And there is constant works on Armata - working on new active protection system, adjustments for cannon, etc.

    If you keep up with this, you will understand that Russia cannot really wait for these as it will take some few more time.  While a huge portion of the airforce is obselete.

    But why do I bother wasting my time explaining this?  It is rather basic info.

    15 years that they develop new things but still didn't buy anything new in bug numbers but upgrade lot of old hardware. S-400 being an exeption.

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    SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement - Page 6 Empty Re: SAP 2018-2027 - Arms Procurement

    Post  flamming_python Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:47 am

    Isos wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    Tsavo Lion wrote:I think they'll order more A-100s, as its a more capable & user friendly system. Upgrading more to much inferior A-50U may not be worth it, otherwise why invest in the A-100? So, time will tell!

    They have invested in su-57 and mig-35 too and orders are very low no matter what poeple here will say about "plans". But not just that. They order older planes with modernizations to do what su-57 is design to do. With armata its the same issue for the army.

    Money is what limits Russian army. They are not soviet union anymore to replace lot of hardwares by brand new ones in couple of years.

    A-50 will stay for another decade for sure.

    You once again show excessive lack of knowledge.

    Su-57 isn't ready yet.  Type 30 engines are not finished.  And there is constant works on Armata - working on new active protection system, adjustments for cannon, etc.

    If you keep up with this, you will understand that Russia cannot really wait for these as it will take some few more time.  While a huge portion of the airforce is obselete.

    But why do I bother wasting my time explaining this?  It is rather basic info.

    15 years that they develop new things but still didn't buy anything new in bug numbers but upgrade lot of old hardware. S-400 being an exeption.

    That's baloney

    T-90As, Su-30SMs, Grigorovich class, Buyan/Buyan-M class, Karakurt class, Mi-8M variants, Iskander-Ms, Buk-M1-2s/M2s/M3s, Mi-28Ns, Su-34s, BTR-82As, BMP-3s, BMD-4Ms/BTR-MDMs, Pantsir-S1s, GAZ Tigrs, Bastion-Ps, Yak-130s, Su-35Ss, Improved Kilos

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