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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)


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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  AMCXXL Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:28 am

    George1 wrote:The 120th mixed aviation regiment will receive the Su-34 bombers in addition to the Su-30SM fighters

    Pff… other speculation of the blog "altyn73" ???
    As the next year when said a squadron of Su-34 would go to Shatalovo after Khurba ??? or when he said Millerovo will receive Su-35 after Uglovaya ??
    The regiments will be formed with two squadrons in long term. Mixed regimets with 3 sqadrons should be split to get new regiments.
    The case of Morozovsk was diferent because received the squadron projected for Monchegorsk when 98 SAP was trasfered to North Fleet and this would be provisional.

    For the moment Su-34 is for Chelyabisnk this year and the next, and with that 4º SU34 regiment is completed the replacement of previous existing Su-24 regiments and fulfill the last order of 2012 for 92 Su-34
    So for more Su-34 is necesary a new order and these new airplanes for the 2020

    In adition two mixed regiments Su-24M-Su24MR have been raised on the basis of two recon. squadrons in Marinovka and Shatalovo, so is previsible this two units will be the last ones in replace the Su-24 with Su-34

    The other two recon. squadrons are in Chelyabinsk and Varfolomeyevka (Primorie Krai) and could be used for new mixed regiments Su-24M-SU-24MR, at least one in the Far East that could be attached to the Navy for get a new Army of VVS i PVO in the Pacific that in long term would be replaced by Su-30SM

    The question of the next unit of Su-34 could have relation with the base of Domna, but this is diferent to say 120th will have a definitive mixed composition , just after split the regiment and rebuild the 266th !!!

    Until 10 years ago there were two Su-24 regiments near Domna, in Bada (313th)and Dzhida (2th, transfered to Chelyabinsk) in adition of 266th and 120th.
    In the past there was the 23º Air Army of VVS (Frontal Aviation) in Transbaikal Military District with near a dozen of regiments
    It would be logical to base the next regiment of Su-34 in the Transbaikal area again, better than have a second Su-34 in the Far East without any Su-30SM regiment. This second would have not sense.

    Then, may be reasonable to send Su-34 to Domna that is the only base available in Transbaikalia region in this moment.
    In fact bases like Domna can base a complete division
    Step airbase looks in overhaul.,115.4334732,947m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
    So when 266th go to Step, Domna can home other Su-34 regiment without any problem after Chelyabisk (about 2020) and later, relocate the Su-34 regiment to Bada . in the middle of the way betwewn Domna (Chita) and Ulan-Ude, when this other base receive overhaul
    With three regiments (Su-30,Su-34 and Su-25) could be formed a new división of 11th Army VVSiPVO in the Transbaikal área with HQ in Domna-Chita that also have a anti-aircraft regiment as coverage

    About the other nonsenses that say that blog, of course 31th or 14th will not receive Su-34
    31th is close to 559th, in fact are parts of the same división, that already Works togther, and only 10 mimutes flight of distance.
    And 14th also is near 47th (15 min), if west receive more Su-34 will go to Voronezh temporally or Shatalovo when the Su-24 be replaced for Su-34

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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  franco Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:37 pm

    I'm not even sure that article says Su-34 going to the 120th... translation issues perhaps?

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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  jaguar_br Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:43 pm

    AMCXXL wrote:
    [url=]Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 12167310

    The old soviet bases are ofen used in maneouvers and deployments, thare are a lot of bases with runways availables
    In the last years, since the rise of Artic Joint Command , RuAF is increasing the fligths and is improving and modernizing the Artic facilities
    The matter is there are few photos of warplanes in these places

    This issue brings me a old question... Since they are cheap and simple to build, why RuAF tends not to deploy aircraft shelters in it bases?

    In recent years RuAF have buying great numbers of new and upgraded fighters/bombers... so would be better for them to the new aircraft be parked protected from sun and bad weather conditions.

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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  franco Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:46 pm

    jaguar_br wrote:
    AMCXXL wrote:
    [url=]Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 12167310

    The old soviet bases are ofen used in maneouvers and deployments, thare are a lot of bases with runways availables
    In the last years, since the rise of Artic Joint Command , RuAF is increasing the fligths and is improving and modernizing the Artic facilities
    The matter is there are few photos of warplanes in these places

    This issue brings me a old question... Since they are cheap and simple to build, why RuAF tends not to deploy aircraft shelters in it bases?

    In recent years RuAF have buying great numbers of new and upgraded fighters/bombers... so would be better for them to the new aircraft be parked protected from sun and bad weather conditions.

    They have been, however the effort in this area has been to upgrade the runways first.

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    Post  George1 Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:30 pm

    21st mixed aviation division was formed

    According to the newspaper "Izvestiya" in the material of Roman Kretsul and Alexei Ramma "Dagger" division: the most powerful air connection in the Russian Federation is deployed ", the 21st mixed aviation division was formed in the 14th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Central Military District.

    The main forces included in the newly formed air division are two regiments, whose fleet consists of high-altitude all-weather MiG-31BM interceptor fighters. They are based in Perm and the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are no other similar regiments in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - only separate squadrons of the MiG-31BM that are part of other units.

    The third regiment of the 21st division is located in the village of Shagol near Chelyabinsk, its fleet consists of Su-34 multipurpose fighter-bombers.

    Comment bmpd. Thus, with the formation of the 21st mixed aviation division as part of the 14th Smolensk Red Banner Army Air Force and Air Defense of the Central Military District, the transition from the organization system in the form of air bases to the former system of organization in the form of aviation regiments was finally completed and divisions (in other associations of the Air Force / VKS this process, which has been going on since 2013, was completed much earlier). Until very recently, the reconstructed aviation regiments of the 14th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense continued to submit to the 6980th Guards Orsha Red Banner Order of Suvorov air base with control in Shagol (Chelyabinsk), which, as you can see, was eventually reorganized into the 21st division .

    The 21st mixed aviation division with control in Shagol (Chelyabinsk) thus included the 712th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (Kansk airfield, Krasnoyarsk Territory) and the 764th Fighter Aviation Regiment (Bolshoe Savino airfield, Perm) equipped with modernized fighters interceptors of the MiG-31BM, as well as the 2nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment (Shagol airfield, Chelyabinsk), one squadron of which is equipped with new Su-34 front-line bombers, and two other squadrons with Front-line bombers Su-34.

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:41 pm

    That is a rather interesting combination - MiG-31BM's and Su-34's.

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    Post  Hole Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:25 pm

    Heavyweights. Very Happy

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:24 am

    This issue brings me a old question... Since they are cheap and simple to build, why RuAF tends not to deploy aircraft shelters in it bases?

    If that amount of snow fell on a cheap and simple to build aircraft shelter it would not only crush the shelter but likely also damage the aircraft when it all came down...

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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:04 am

    GarryB wrote:
    This issue brings me a old question... Since they are cheap and simple to build, why RuAF tends not to deploy aircraft shelters in it bases?

    If that amount of snow fell on a cheap and simple to build aircraft shelter it would not only crush the shelter but likely also damage the aircraft when it all came down...

    A good compromise could be the idea of using 3D printed concrete structures, may'be throw in some corrosion resistant steel frames. It may not be as sturdy as traditional shelters, but should be dirt-cheap, fast to create as well as cheap, quick and simple to maintain.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:34 am

    But the problem is that with a light structure to cover the aircraft... as the snow builds up it gets heavier and when it is too heavy it collapses the structure so a lot of weight and structure then fall on the aircraft... doing much more damage than just getting buried in snow would cause...

    If you are going to build a shelter it makes sense to have proper heavy construction shelters with concrete and dirt roof structures that protect from all sorts of things and make for a much more comfortable environment around the aircraft for maintenance and storage.

    It will cost a lot more but in an arctic region I suspect pilots and crew will appreciate not having to de ice the plane... ice outside the shelter can be blown clear with one of those trucks with jet engines on the back that they use for decontaminating large objects and also clearing large amounts of snow and ice....

    In places where it does not snow then lighter structures are quick and cheap and easy and make a lot of sense though...

    It may not be as sturdy as traditional shelters, but should be dirt-cheap, fast to create as well as cheap, quick and simple to maintain.

    Sensible design would allow the snow to just fall off and not build up to dangerous weight levels...

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    Post  medo Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:56 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    This issue brings me a old question... Since they are cheap and simple to build, why RuAF tends not to deploy aircraft shelters in it bases?

    If that amount of snow fell on a cheap and simple to build aircraft shelter it would not only crush the shelter but likely also damage the aircraft when it all came down...

    Not realy. Aircraft shelters could be simply made from iron structure and metal roof plates. Shelter will not crush if the roof is made at high angle, that snow could easily slipping from the roof, but need enough space around shelter for the snow from the roof. You will not make flat roof in such environment.

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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  franco Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:22 pm

    More reorganization of the Air units in the Central Military District;
    The Army Aviation unit at Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) becomes the 337th Army Aviation Regiment.
    The Army Aviation Unit at Kamensk-Uralsky becomes the (17th) Army Aviation Brigade.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:42 am

    Not realy. Aircraft shelters could be simply made from iron structure and metal roof plates. Shelter will not crush if the roof is made at high angle, that snow could easily slipping from the roof, but need enough space around shelter for the snow from the roof. You will not make flat roof in such environment.

    How do you design an aircraft shelter with a high roof angle?

    The point would be you want more than a dozen side by side, but you want it to be quite deep and joined at the back so you can move from aircraft to aircraft, but you want some serious walls... with a couple of metres of earth thick each to stop a bomb blowing up all your planes by smashing through thin walls.

    You could have a steep roof side to side to have a peak in the centre for tall tail structures, so the sides don't need to be as high I suppose, but you would need to be careful to ensure that every aircraft likely to be stationed there can fit without making them enormous cathedral like structures...

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    Post  medo Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:43 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Not realy. Aircraft shelters could be simply made from iron structure and metal roof plates. Shelter will not crush if the roof is made at high angle, that snow could easily slipping from the roof, but need enough space around shelter for the snow from the roof. You will not make flat roof in such environment.

    How do you design an aircraft shelter with a high roof angle?

    The point would be you want more than a dozen side by side, but you want it to be quite deep and joined at the back so you can move from aircraft to aircraft, but you want some serious walls... with a couple of metres of earth thick each to stop a bomb blowing up all your planes by smashing through thin walls.

    You could have a steep roof side to side to have a peak in the centre for tall tail structures, so the sides don't need to be as high I suppose, but you would need to be careful to ensure that every aircraft likely to be stationed there can fit without making them enormous cathedral like structures...

    The easiest way is to make a roof, which is in the front side higher than in the back side and all the snow fall from the roof on the back side of shelter. Simple and effective. The rest protection you do with walls and doors.

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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  AMCXXL Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:51 am
    Russia has strengthened the air group fighter regiment near Kaliningrad

    Moscow. February 2. INTERFAX.RU - Russia has reinforced a military grouping in the Kaliningrad region with a fighter air regiment in response to the buildup of NATO forces in the Baltic Sea region, a source familiar with the situation told Interfax on Saturday.

    "A fighter air regiment has been formed as part of the naval aviation unit of the Baltic Fleet (BF), which is armed with Su-27 aircraft, ”he said.
    According to the interlocutor of the agency, the assault air regiment formed earlier is also part of the said compound.
    As the press service of the Baltic Fleet reported earlier, the other day "pilots of a fighter regiment of a naval aviation unit of the Baltic Fleet in the Kaliningrad region worked on piloting techniques and elements of air combat on Su-27 airplanes

    Other  regiment restored   thumbsup    cheers   welcome   russia

    The news doesn´t mention it, but we can suppose that on the basis of Su-27P fighter squadron of the 72º Air Base will be added another squadron of Su-27 fighters to restore the historical regiment 689 GvIAP

    Currently, in Besovets there is a full squadron of unused Su-27SM fighters after rearming the regiment with Su-35, so it is possible that these planes move to Kaliningrad

    The news also refers that the 4th OMShAP (regiment of naval assault) was already restored one year ago, although the squadron of Su-30SM, which only has 8 machines, still needs to be completed. It is likely to be completed during 2019 with another 4 Su-30SM

    Then the 72º Air Base (brigade size) will become a división size unit with:
    -Figther Regiment with Su-27SM & Su-27P (689 IAP)
    -Naval Assault Regiment with Su-30SM & Su-24M (4 OMShAP)
    -Transport Squadron with Tu-134 , An-26 & Mi-8
    -Attack Helicopter Squadron with Mi-24P
    -Shiporne Helicopter Squadron with Ka-27PL/PS and Ka-29
    6 Su-34 bombers will enter the air regiment in the Chelyabinsk region in 2019

    CHELYABINSK, February 2. / TASS /. Six Su-34 fighter-bombers will be received by the state defense order as part of the Central Military District Aviation Regiment (CVO) in the Chelyabinsk Region until the end of 2019. This was reported to the journalists on Saturday by the commander of the mixed aviation regiment, Colonel Andrei Yermakov.

    At the moment, the formation of the second squadron of the Su-34 has begun as part of our regiment. Since 2018, 18 units of new equipment have been received, until the end of 2019 it is planned to receive six more Su-34s,” said Ermakov.

    On February 2, the Aviation Regiment was awarded the Order of Suvorov for the participation of Chelyabinsk pilots in operations in the Syrian Arab Republic.
    Earlier it was reported that in 2018, the Su-34 fighter-bombers entered the Central Military District for the first time. The first in the district squadron of similar modern aircraft was formed.

    The Chelyabinsk regiment will complete its complement of Su-34 during 2019 with 6 airplanes more of the 10 pending to hand over this year. Probably the other 4 will go to Lipetslk that today only has eight)

    The Su-24M stop to fly in Chelabinsk one yer ago and the airplanes were retired from this airbase before the Su-34 arrived in september
    Only the squadron of Su-24MR remains ath the regiment,61.2913702,217m/data=!3m1!1e3

    With this will be 4 regiments of Su-34, one each Military District , with 10 squadrons: Lípetsk(1) , Vorónezh (2) , Marozovsk (3) , Khurba (2) and Chelyabnsk (2)

    About the remaining Su-24 in the VKS, today there are only 2 Su-24M squadrons in active: Gvardeysloye-Simferpol  and Marinvoka
    Also there are 4 Su-24MR squadrons, one each mlitary district (Shatalovo, Marinovka, Chelyabinsk and Varfolomeyevka)

    It was annonced to raise other composite regiments, in Shatalovo with the unused Su-24 from other bases, but for the moment that has not happened
    Is possibe one new regiment will be raised in 2020/2021 when more Su-34 will be contracted, and for that there are not interest in deploy more Su-24M squadrons only for one or two years
    The total strength of Su-34 should reach 16 squadrons (including Lipetsk), which is the number of squadrons that there are today adding Su-34 and Su-24

    A lot of Su-24 have been decomissioned and stored at Dimitrevka-Chebenki,55.5460264,506m/data=!3m1!1e3
    Other are in the storage area of ARZ 514,34.4051536,186m/data=!3m1!1e3
    In addition, several dozen have been recycled and scrapped in recent years

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Feb 03, 2019 1:50 pm

    AMCXXL wrote:...A lot of Su-24 have been decomissioned and stored at Dimitrevka-Chebenki,55.5460264,506m/data=!3m1!1e3
    Other are in the storage area of ARZ 514,34.4051536,186m/data=!3m1!1e3
    In addition, several dozen have been recycled and scrapped in recent years

    Like I said, Su-24 are getting retired and replaced by Su-34.

    Syria was a nice send-off.


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    Post  AMCXXL Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:45 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    AMCXXL wrote:...A lot of Su-24 have been decomissioned and stored at Dimitrevka-Chebenki,55.5460264,506m/data=!3m1!1e3
    Other are in the storage area of ARZ 514,34.4051536,186m/data=!3m1!1e3
    In addition, several dozen have been recycled and scrapped in recent years

    Like I said, Su-24 are getting retired and replaced by Su-34.

    Syria was a nice send-off.

    Su-24 will still be active for about 5 years given the delivery rate of Su-34 and Su-30

    In the VKS there are 6 squadrons of Su-24M/MR so can be 6 years since now including 2019: until about 2024
    In the Navy there are 4 squadrons, but the rate of delivey of Su-30SM have been lower until now, probably since 2020 will be one squadron by year and the Su-24 will be totally replaced in 2023

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    Post  George1 Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:10 pm

    AMCXXL wrote:
    About the remaining Su-24 in the VKS, today there are only 2 Su-24M squadrons in active: Gvardeysloye-Simferpol  and Marinvoka
    Also there are 4 Su-24MR squadrons, one each mlitary district (Shatalovo, Marinovka, Chelyabinsk and Varfolomeyevka)

    It was annonced to raise other composite regiments, in Shatalovo with the unused Su-24 from other bases, but for the moment that has not happened
    Is possibe one new regiment will be raised in 2020/2021 when more Su-34 will be contracted, and for that there are not interest in deploy more Su-24M squadrons only for one or two years
    The total strength of Su-34 should reach 16 squadrons (including Lipetsk), which is the number of squadrons that there are today adding Su-34 and Su-24

    A lot of Su-24 have been decomissioned and stored at Dimitrevka-Chebenki,55.5460264,506m/data=!3m1!1e3
    Other are in the storage area of ARZ 514,34.4051536,186m/data=!3m1!1e3
    In addition, several dozen have been recycled and scrapped in recent years

    so how many Su-24Ms and Su-24MRs are in active service now?

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    Post  Hole Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:28 pm

    All is going according to plan. sunny

    Kaliningrad needs more attack helicopters. Are there any plans known to deliver Mi-28N or Ka-52 helicopters?


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    Post  miketheterrible Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:31 pm

    while this is a good move, I would hope they start at least tarping the aircraft or storing it so some can be used in the future.

    Or at least transfer some to Syrian Airforce, cause they are in desperate need of aircraft.

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    Post  Hole Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:14 pm

    True. Or send a few to Iran.

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    Post  George1 Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:25 pm

    More details

    In 2002, the regiment was redeployed from the Nivenskoye airfield to the Chkalovsk airfield (25 km to the north). On March 1, 2010, in the course of reforming according to the “New Look”, the 689th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment was disbanded and became a fighter squadron as part of the 7054th Naval Aviation Base of the Navy. From June 2011, the fighter squadron was part of the 7th Air Group of the 7000th Air Base of the 1st Command of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Western Military District, but in December 2014 it was again incorporated into the 72nd Naval Aviation Base of the Baltic Fleet, which united all aviation formations in the Kaliningrad region. Since 2012, in connection with the repair of the airfield Chkalovsk, the fighter squadron is based along with the main forces of the 72nd air base at the airfield Chernyakhovsk.

    since 1989, armed with the 689th regiment, and then the squadron are Su-27 fighters. According to the known data, in 2018, the fighter squadron of the 72nd airbase contained ten Su-27 fighter jets (red side numbers from 90 to 99) and three Su-27UB (red side numbers from 100 to 102 ") In January 2019, the redeployment of the restored 689th regiment began to re-equip its Su-27 fighter jets, which were released during the re-equipment of the squadron of the 790th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 6th Leningrad Red Banner Air Force of the 105th Mixed Aviation Division equipped with the Su-27 and air defense of the Western Military District, stationed at the Khotilovo airfield in the Tver region, on new Su-35S fighters. Thus, the restored 689th regiment, located on the “front lines” with the NATO bloc, will be equipped with outdated un-modernized Su-27 fighter jets. Although previously it was announced about plans to re-equip the restored regiment to Su-27SM and Su-35S fighters, however, with regard to the Su-35S, this is unlikely to happen in the next few years.

    According to the available information, simultaneously with the restoration of the 689th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, the second former Native Regiment of the Kaliningrad Aviation Group, the 4th Separate Guards Naval Assault Novgorod-Klaipeda Red Banner Aviation Marshal Aviation Marshal regiment, was restored. Borzov Naval Aviation of the Baltic Fleet, also disbanded in 2010, relegated to the status of an assault aviation squadron, repeating the organizational zigzags of the fighter squadron from the former 689th regiment. The 4th regiment was eventually restored from the assault squadron of the 72nd Naval Aviation Base (at the end of 2018, the squadron consisted of up to 14 Su-24M aircraft and eight new Su-30SM).

    Judging by the official reports of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as of January 2019, the 72nd Naval Aviation Base of the Baltic Fleet continued to exist, and both of the restored aviation regiments (4th and 689th) are included in its structure. It can be assumed that in the future, the 72nd airbase will be reorganized into an aviation division.

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    Post  AMCXXL Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:58 pm

    George1 wrote:

    so how many Su-24Ms and Su-24MRs are in active service now?

    The count could be easy: 10 squadrons are 120 airplanes. also half a dozen in Lípetsk , probaby a few in Syria and perhaps several still in usa in Khurba, because probably Will be formed other mixed regiment SU-24/SU-24M in east district or Pacific Fleet
    In total , the theory is about 140 as much , +/-90 (40-45 M+48 MR) in the VKS and 48 (30 M+18 MR) in the Navy

    But in fact not all squadrons have 12 airplanes in active, as Shatalovo or Kaliningrad

    Also the Su-24MR of Monchegorsk seems not to fly.
    While the Su-24M squadron of Monchegorsk is very active and have just received the Navy signs ("MA-BMF" and st. Andew Flag) , the Su-24MR squadron dont have been reapinted with the Navy colours and don´t seems fly since last year, probably will be replaced soon by one Su-30SM squadron and pilots probably are training now with Su-30SM waiting 2020.

    In the last satellite image of Shatalovo there are a squadron of 8 Su-34 form other regiments,32.4834934,222m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
    Probably a new squadron id training for receive Su-34 next year, is the only location available in this moment for more Su-34 next year


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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  AMCXXL Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:09 pm

    George1 wrote:

    Thus, the restored 689th regiment, located on the “front lines” with the NATO bloc, will be equipped with outdated un-modernized Su-27 fighter jets. Although previously it was announced about plans to re-equip the restored regiment to Su-27SM and Su-35S fighters, however, with regard to the Su-35S, this is unlikely to happen in the next few years.

    The regiment 689 could have been placed in Belarus. However at the end Lukashenko prefered to buy Su-30SM instead
    The airplanes announced were Su-27SM(3), and probably could be true at the end
    If Krymsk receives Su-35S after 2020 , then the Su-27SM(3) of Krymsk could be transfered to the Navy for replace the Su-27P
    I think VKS prefer get all Su-35 as posible and transfer the older models

    The 4th regiment was eventually restored from the assault squadron of the 72nd Naval Aviation Base (at the end of 2018, the squadron consisted of up to 14 Su-24M aircraft and eight new Su-30SM)

    This is not true.
    In Chernyakhovsk there are some Su-24M in and out the shelters but only 10 are in active in last years and have RF-registration (01-09 and 61)
    Also one of them crashed in Siria one year ago and is not known of have been replaced , so for the moment only there are 9 in Su-24M service

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    Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment) - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) bases (Locations, units & equipment)

    Post  AMCXXL Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:54 pm

    More Regiments to be restored   thumbsup

    MURMANSK REGION / February 5 / B-PORT - Two MiG-31 interceptor squadrons will be deployed in the Murmansk region at the Monchegorsk airfield. In the future, it is planned to form an aviation regiment on their basis, according to Izvestia.

    The Defense Ministry decided to deploy two squadrons of the MiG-31 of the Northern Fleet at the airfield of Monchegorsk until the end of 2019. In the future, the question of creating a new aviation regiment on the basis of these units will be considered.

    The 174th Guards Fighter Pechengsky Red Banner Aviation Regiment named after Boris Safonov, which has a rich history, will probably be revived, said military expert Dmitry Boltenkov.

    “Previously, in the North there was the 458th Fighter Aviation Regiment, which included the MiG-31. The fighters were based in the Kotlas region of the Arkhangelsk region. But in 2009 the regiment was disbanded and a squadron was created at its base. It was included in the 98th Separate Mixed Aviation Regiment, stationed in the Murmansk region at the Monchegorsk airfield, ”said Dmitry Boltenkov.

    Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Defense will resume patrolling the airspace of the North Pole, and at the end of last year in the Arctic earned the newest radar "Resonance-N".

    There is already one MiG-31BM squadron at Moncegorsk since 2010-2011 , relocated from Kotlas 458 IAP , closed in 2009 the first regimemt to receive MiG-31BM (about 4 machines in 2009)
    Totay there are about 10 machines after transfer several to Khotilovo

    In one year will receive more MiG-31, it is not clear of BM or MiG-31K , because it is not clear how many MiG-31BM remain for modernization
    Probably the first squadron will be completed with BM and the second could be MiG-31K, very good for the Navy

    The regiment 174 IAP was based in Monchegorsk until 2001.
    174 IAP had MiG-31 since 1983 to 2001 and MiG-25 before 1983
    Probably this could be the unit restored, and the 98 SAP keep the Su-24 to be replaced , probably   by Su-30SM in one of two years

    Previously was announced the squadron of Yelizovo will be replaced by modernized MiG-31BSm, still pending of transfer
    Probably Yelizovo squadron also will be upgraded to regiment in 2020, restoring 865 IAP

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