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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems


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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  Cyberspec Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:00 am

    Dubai Airshow 2013: KNIRTI displays new Su-35 EW package

    Russia's Kaluga Scientific Research Institute for Radio Technology (KNIRTI) debuted a model of its newest electronic warfare (EW) system, destined for the Sukhoi Su-35, at the Dubai Airshow 2013.

    The system, designated L-265M10-02, is a modernised version of the L-175VE Khibiny jammer installed on the Su-32/34 intermediate-range bomber. KNIRTI representatives explained to International Defence Review that the new jammer is more modular than the previous model. "In this newer variant, the centreline pod is optional and the aircraft can provide for its own self-protection with just the two wingtip pods."

    However, the addition of a centreline pod can enable the host aircraft to serve as an escort jammer, working in accord with other systems built into the aircraft's tail 'stinger'.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty EW/ELINT aircrafts

    Post  medo Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:40 pm

    Russian air defense really invest a lot in new ELINT / ECM capabilities as well as in early warning capabilities. I hope they will also buy more of their airborne equivalents.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Re: Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  sepheronx Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:55 pm

    medo wrote:Russian air defense really invest a lot in new ELINT / ECM capabilities as well as in early warning capabilities. I hope they will also buy more of their airborne equivalents.

    Currently they are working on A-100 which will of course be the new AWACS, and should be powered by the new Il-476. Although surprised they didnt aim for Il-96.

    As for EW systems for airborn, look at Su-34. As well, all aircraft are supposed to receive certain amount of EW/ECM/ECCM systems.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Re: Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  CaptainPakistan Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:33 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    medo wrote:Russian air defense really invest a lot in new ELINT / ECM capabilities as well as in early warning capabilities. I hope they will also buy more of their airborne equivalents.

    Currently they are working on A-100 which will of course be the new AWACS, and should be powered by the new Il-476.  Although surprised they didnt aim for Il-96.

    As for EW systems for airborn, look at Su-34. As well, all aircraft are supposed to receive certain amount of EW/ECM/ECCM systems.

    Their EW isnt up to scratch. Look at loses over Georgia. They need decades more to make something viable and workable.

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    Post  medo Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:17 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    medo wrote:Russian air defense really invest a lot in new ELINT / ECM capabilities as well as in early warning capabilities. I hope they will also buy more of their airborne equivalents.

    Currently they are working on A-100 which will of course be the new AWACS, and should be powered by the new Il-476.  Although surprised they didnt aim for Il-96.

    As for EW systems for airborn, look at Su-34. As well, all aircraft are supposed to receive certain amount of EW/ECM/ECCM systems.

    Su-34 is good strike platform, but I have in mind bigger planes for strategical ELINT and ECM missions as well as command posts, based on larger planes. They will need to replace similar planes based on old Il-18.

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    Post  Viktor Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:56 pm

    medo wrote:Su-34 is good strike platform, but I have in mind bigger planes for strategical ELINT and ECM missions as well as command posts, based on larger planes. They will need to replace similar planes based on old Il-18.

    Tu-214R = Russian version of the western Rivet Joint and J-STARS. Than you have modernized A-50 and A-100 that sepheronx mentioned.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Airborne Defense Suites for helicopters/aircrafts

    Post  TR1 Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:55 am

    I will have some time tommorow, I will translate it.

    New EW Mi-8MTPR-1 is being developed.

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    Post  Cyberspec Thu May 22, 2014 12:54 pm


    16.05.2014 ADS 'Talisman' has been included in the passport for the operational trainer 'Yak-130' (ЯК-130). The Yak-130 will be fitted only with the latest modifications of ADS 'Talisman', providing and maintaining the aircraft protection against radar and electro-optical guided missiles. With the help of ADS, the aircraft will feature and realize the 'electronic stealth' mode.




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    Post  medo Thu May 22, 2014 2:56 pm

    It is interesting, that Talisman ECM pod also include MAWS sensors,what is big improvement for MiG-29 and Su-25.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Russian Military Unveils Revolutionary Electronic Warfare System

    Post  George1 Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:46 pm

    Russian Military Unveils Revolutionary Electronic Warfare System

    Russia's new Richag-AV radar and sonar jamming system can be mounted on helicopters, ships and other military equipment to jam potential adversaries' weapons systems from distances of several hundred kilometers away; it has been hailed by developers as having no analogue anywhere in the world.

    At a presentation for journalists in Kazan on Wednesday, Russian radio-electronics firm Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) announced that it is handing over the first batch of a new helicopter-mounted electronic warfare system known as the 'Richag-AV' to the armed forces.

    The Richag-AV system, mounted on the Mi-8MTPR1 (a variant of the Mi-8MTB5-1 helicopter) is said to have no global equivalent. Its electronic countermeasures system is designed to jam radar, sonar and other detection systems in the aims of defending aircraft, helicopters, drones, ground and naval forces against air-to-air and surface-to-air defense systems within a radius of several hundred kilometers. It can be mounted on units from any branch of the armed forces, including helicopters and airplanes, as well as ground and ship-based forces.

    The Mi8-MTPR1-based Richag-AV platform, using multi-beam antenna arrays with DRFM technology, is designed to actively jam and thus 'blind' radar systems in order to defend against radio-electronic guided weapons systems. In a combat situation, the system would operate as part of an aviation shock attack group aimed at breaking through virtually any defense system, blinding everything up to and including the US MIM-104 'Patriot' anti-aircraft missile system.

    Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Primary function: Collect terrestrial, space en- vironment and Earth surface data. Dimensions: Approximately 14 ft. long. Weight: 2,545 lbs., includ- ing 592-pound sensor payload.

    Rossiyskaya Gazeta explained that in addition to working as a signal jamming system, Richag-AV is capable of carrying out radar-based intelligence gathering, which involves the finding of foreign sources of electromagnetic radiation. With an onboard database on different types of military installations, the system is capable of quickly determining the type of target, thus allowing it to jam it effectively.

    Reporters in Kazan were informed that the Russian armed forces received three Mi-8MTPR-1 helicopters equipped with the Richag-Av on Wednesday, and will receive a total of 18 such systems by October 2016, at a total cost of 11.5 billion rubles ($186 million).

    The system's predecessor, the 'Smalta' jamming system, was developed back in the 1970s, and featured a 100 km radius; in its own time the system was considered among the most effective in the world. Alongside the Richag-AV, the Russian military is presently being equipped with other electronic warfare systems, including the L-175B Hibini air and 1L269 Krasuha-2 and 1L267 Moskva-1 ground-based electronic warfare systems.

    KRET is Russia's largest radio-electronic industrial holding; it was created in 2009. The company is involved in the development and production of radio-electronic equipment in the civil and military aviation sphere, as well as air-based radar systems, electronic warfare systems, and a variety of precision instrumentation.

    Read more:

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Re: Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  TheArmenian Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:50 am

    And here is the RICHAG-AB and the VITEBSK:


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    Post  George1 Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:34 pm

    KRET to deliver the latest EW suites to Russian armed forces
    Russian Aviaton » Tuesday March 17, 2015 15:39 MSK

    Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (KRET) has completed preparation of three Mi-8-MTPR1 helicopters (it is a Mi-8MTV-5-1 helicopter with the unique Rychag-AV jammer station installed) for delivery to Russian armed forces. This system protects aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, ground vehicles, and ships from air attacks and enemy air defense systems within a radius of several hundred kilometers, KRET’s press-service reports.

    “In 2014 KRET successfully fulfilled the state defense order under long-term contracts with Russian Ministry of Defense, - KRET CEO Nikolai Kolesov said. This year the concern continues timely deliveries of cutting-edge products in key areas”.

    The Rychag-AV jammer station can completely “blind” the enemy within a radius of several hundred kilometers. Moreover, the Rychag system has a database of different military equipment, which allows it to define the type of target and choose the most efficient type of interference. The new Rychag-AV stations are based on multi-beam antenna arrays. The station uses DRFM (Digital Radio Frequency Memory) technology, which ensures stable signal reception and radar jamming throughout the station’s range, KRET explained.

    The system’s components are produced in Russia and it is a unique one (has no analogues). The station offers a great versatility, as it can be installed on helicopters and aircraft as well as static facilities or moving vehicles, including ships. A predecessor of this new helicopter system, the Smalt jammer station designed for protection of groups of aircraft, was developed in the 1970s. The station was located in a UAZ trailer and had a range of only 100 km.

    The latest helicopter Mi-8MTPR-1 is designed for reconnaissance and suppression of radio-electronic systems designed for controlling enemy troops as well as enemy weapons (air defense systems, artillery, anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft artillery systems, and fighters), KRET added.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Re: Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  Mindstorm Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:25 pm

    New EW defense system with spec. "orders of magnitude" greater than domestic "Витебск" , at now integrated in almost all ground attack fixed and rotary wing Aircraft, is in development by КРЭТ.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Re: Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  2SPOOKY4U Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:38 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:
    New EW defense system with spec. "orders of magnitude" greater than domestic "Витебск" , at now integrated in almost all ground attack fixed and rotary wing Aircraft, is in development by КРЭТ.

    Now we know why Mi-28 has artificially maintained at such a state, devoid of devices like these.

    System commonality with PAK-FA anyone?

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Re: Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:31 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:
    New EW defense system with spec. "orders of magnitude" greater than domestic "Витебск" , at now integrated in almost all ground attack fixed and rotary wing Aircraft, is in development by КРЭТ.

    I wonder if it's one of the early-model photonic based systems?

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    Post  Berkut Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:35 pm

    2SPOOKY4U wrote:System commonality with PAK-FA anyone?

    lol no. PAK-FA will have Himalaya.

    Wonder if the Mi-26T2 prototype is now fitted with Vitebsk?

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems 170196

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty New EW defense system with spec. "orders of magnitude" greater than domestic "Витебск"

    Post  2SPOOKY4U Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:09 pm

    Berkut wrote:
    2SPOOKY4U wrote:System commonality with PAK-FA anyone?

    lol no. PAK-FA will have Himalaya.

    No shit, I mean the laser suppression system.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Re: Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems

    Post  George1 Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:24 pm

    KRET passed the Defense Ministry complex electronic warfare to protect the transport aircraft The army and the military-industrial complex

    To equip this system is planned already facing armed Aerospace Forces IL-76, IL-78, AN-72, AN-124, as well as advanced transport aircraft Il-112V IL-76 IL-76

    December 25th. / TASS /. Concern "Radio-electronic technology" (KRET, is a state corporation "Rostec") passed the first batch of Russian military transport aircraft adapted for complex electronic warfare (EW), a family of "Vitebsk". This was announced by First Deputy General Director Igor Nasenkov concern.
    "The new modification" Vitebsk ", which is just beginning to enter the army, will be installed on board aircraft and helicopters transport aircraft," - said Nasenkov.
    He noted that it is planned to equip the system was already in service with the air and space forces of Russia IL-76, IL-78, AN-72, AN-124, as well as advanced transport aircraft Il-112V. In addition, the complex EW installed on board transport helicopters Mi-8 and Mi-26.
    "This program will allow in the short term to significantly increase the combat stability of transport aircraft videoconferencing Russia", - added Nasenkov.
    Complex "Vitebsk" is already equipped with attack helicopters Ka-52, Mi-28, Su-25, the transport-combat helicopters Mi-8 MTV and Mi-8AMTSh. It is designed to protect aircraft from antiaircraft missiles with infrared, radar or a combination of homing. This system allows you to track the launch of a radius of several hundred kilometers from the aircraft and "take away" from the target missile.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Vitebsk ECM

    Post  George1 Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:51 pm

    Russia to upgrade helicopter protection system based on Syrian experience

    The helicopter protection system Vitebsk will be upgraded by 2018

    MOSCOW, March 29. /TASS/. The helicopter protection system Vitebsk will be upgraded by next year on the basis of its performance in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.

    "The Defense Ministry has made a decision to further upgrade the army aviation’s protection system Vitebsk. The counter-terrorist campaign in Syria has allowed for accumulating the necessary experience of using this onboard protection system in real action. A decision has been made in favor of a profound upgrade of the Vitebsk system to make it capable of protecting helicopters from any current or future anti-aircraft systems of foreign manufacture," the Defense Ministry said.

    Research and development will be completed by 2018. The upgraded system will begin to be installed on army helicopters after government certification tests.

    "The Vitebsk system has vast room for improvement. It will be upgraded, its range of frequencies expanded and range enhanced to guarantee better protection for all aircraft from guided missiles and shoulder-launched rockets," he said.

    The digitalized individual protection system Vitebsk creates optical and radio-electronic jamming. Its first consignments were delivered in 2015.


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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Khibiny, is it 25-30 percent or 25-30 times???

    Post  jfb Mon May 15, 2017 5:02 pm

    sorry if I cannot post the full url since I'm a new member and it's not authorized, but I'll try to separate them:
    Can any russian speaker help me to sort this; Here ( sputniknews dot com, sub page /military/201705131053579633-russia-electronic-warfare-systems-production/) it is said:
    "The Khibiny is a small torpedo-shaped container which is mounted on the wingtips of aircraft and increases the survival rate of the planes by 25-30 percent."

    But here ( deagel dot com, sub page /Protection-Systems/Khibiny_a002981001.aspx ) it is said:
    "According to KRET corporation the Khibiny increases the aircraft's survivability by 25-30 times."

    Which one is true? My guess is it would be the manufacturer webpage in russian but my knowledge of russian is very primitive for the moment.

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    Post  George1 Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:28 am

    MOSCOW, June 16. /TASS/. Russia’s Radio-Electronic Technologies Group (KRET), part of the state hi-tech corporation Rostec, is at the final stage of developing the most advanced defensive aids system Khibiny-U, Adviser to the KRET first deputy CEO Vladimir Mikheyev told TASS on Friday.


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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Russian aircraft electronic countermeasures (ECM) systems

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 18, 2017 6:44 am

    Actually, now that I think about it a little I remember a mention of a new version of a jamming version of the Tu-22M3 that was tested in the Mid-1990s but failed in competition with a much larger system based on the Il-76. Apparently the larger aircraft and the extra engines allowed more power takeoff for the jammers, making them much more powerful and longer ranged.

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Airborne Defense Suites for helicopters/aircrafts

    Post  George1 Sun May 06, 2018 2:19 am

    Seems that Su-34s w/ 47th Separate Mixed Aviation Reg.(OSAP) received L700 (codename: Tarantul) Khibiny EW suites:

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Upgraded Khibiny EW complexes

    Post  George1 Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:56 pm

    Upgraded Khibiny EW complexes join air units in course of modernisation and re-equipment programme

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    Airborne Electronic Warfare/Defence systems Empty Recon version of An-140-100

    Post  Hole Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:03 pm

    Recon version of An-140-100 fitted with self-protection system.

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