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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)


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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:15 pm

    Who’s the world’s sole imperial power – the country with one overseas military base or the one with 750?

    The Guardian thinks China is building a global empire and that American imperialism is somehow over. Yet, with the latter stationing its military in more than 80 countries around the globe, the facts state otherwise.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  LMFS Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:26 pm

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  LMFS Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:15 pm

    2021-the year of Russia without war

    Rostislav Ishchenko
    30.12.2021, 08:55Exclusive

    Russia has lived another year without a war. Counting from 2014, this is already the eighth year, but if we count from 2008, when the United States first tried to organize an "Afghanistan" for Russia in Georgia on the near approaches, it is already the fourteenth year

    During this time, Russia has grown stronger, armed itself, formed an informal but very effective alliance with China, implemented most of the import substitution program, and redirected a significant part of its critical exports from Europe to Asia.

    The transformation is far from complete. Russia has militarily defeated all potential opponents without a war: in terms of modern weapons, they are at least 10 years behind Moscow (the closest pursuers), or even twenty or thirty years (those who still hope to create something similar), and most of them are forever (simply because they do not even conduct research in the field of hypersound and deep-sea attack drones, not to mention designing promising models of such weapons).

    But the Americans are still trying to draw with Russia economically. No longer hoping to break the self-sufficient Russian economy, they are trying to marginalize Russia and its few allies and keep most of the planet under their economic control. Since they cannot beat Moscow in the purely economic sphere — as already mentioned, the Russian economy is self-sufficient and is capable not only of producing everything necessary under the conditions of a total American blockade, but also of displacing American products from world markets — the economic war against Russia had to be waged by non-economic methods.

    More than once, the US plans described by us and not by us were simple and effective: to organize a relatively large regional conflict involving Russia and those of its allies who are not sorry for it, to declare Moscow an incompetent aggressor, and to organize a political and economic blockade of it with the support of the still remaining majority on the world stage (see voting in the UN General Assembly on resolutions condemning Russia for something). Thus, the United States planned to keep more than two-thirds of the world's states under its control, abandoning in favor of Russia and China what was already lost, as well as what they could seize during the regional war provoked by the United States.

    The territorial increments of Moscow and Beijing as a result of the war could not be large — the available resource base and the need to invest in the development of existing territories did not allow us to master too large acquisitions. So the United States expected to go into economic isolation, getting off with little (and someone else's) blood, with a good piece of the planet to boot. If for the American state this only prolonged the agony, then the current elites could count on the safety margin of the current American system to be enough for their lives.

    Perhaps, if the question had been put squarely ten years ago, Russia would have agreed to such a division of the world. It was unprofitable for it and led to serious financial and economic losses for two or three decades (the time of the agony of the American empire and the first, most difficult stage of the recovery period after its fall). But in the end, during the lifetime of both the current and the next generation, the United States still suffered a world-historic geopolitical defeat.

    However, over the past decade and a half since the beginning of the open confrontation, Russia has seriously strengthened militarily. As far as I understand, this year it was decided that starting a game of raising the stakes by Moscow (so far only the West has raised them first, Russia has exclusively accepted the challenge) will be more productive and less resource-intensive than agreeing that before its final death, the United States will ruin 2/3 of the planet to the state of Ukraine (which will then need to be restored).

    In any case, in the spring of this year, the West was faced with an unexpectedly sharp response from Russia to traditional provocations in Ukraine. For some time, the West believed that Moscow was bluffing and the situation was teetering on the verge of nuclear war. The military danger peaked in May, but by the beginning of June, the West had come to its senses, realized that it was not being trifled with, and switched to a strategy of negotiating about nothing, delaying time and trying to develop an effective response to Russia's geopolitical innovation.

    At the same time, attempts to organize a large-scale conflict on the borders of Russia, in which Moscow's participation would have become inevitable, have intensified. The range of provocations expanded and by August included not only Ukraine, but also Belarus. If successful, the United States was ready to set fire to the entire arc: from the Baltic to the Black Sea and then through Transcaucasia to the Caspian Sea.

    The Kremlin's response was a December ultimatum. The stakes were raised again. The United States was offered no options to accept the Russian proposal or prepare for the worst. Initially, Washington reacted to this threat quite calmly, hoping that the" worst " would begin in Ukraine, which the United States is quite happy with. But the subsequent statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the Kremlin, as well as demonstrative tests of new weapons (including the Zircon hypersonic missile), clearly intended not for war with Ukraine or any other Eastern European Burkina Faso, but clearly aimed at nullifying the US military power, showed that Moscow's threats are only secondarily related to Eastern European American vassals and protectorates, first of all,

    Russia does not plan to wage a protracted war with serfs, it threatens its masters. Motivation for this behavior statedPeskov in an interviewSolovyov: "We have been deceived for twenty years." In fact, they cheated for longer, all thirty or even forty years, but it seems that the current Russian government does not turn to hoary antiquity, but relies only on relations with the West, which were built during the reign of the current president.

    Now, according to the Kremlin's logic, since we, naive and gullible, have been deceived for twenty years, then we need to win back the situation for the period before the beginning of these deceptions. The Russian Foreign Ministry in its ultimatum outlined the situation as of 1997 as a line to which the West must retreat in order for Russia to agree that justice has been restored and its vital interests are not under immediate threat.

    This is the answer not only to the United States, but also to all those who were puzzled to ask how it turns out that they, so smart (and the whole world with them) see that Russia is being deceived, and only the naive Kremlin does not notice. I've always said that if you can't get the cheater to return to his original position (and punish him at the same time), then it's better to pretend that you don't see the deception and gather forces to restore justice later. Otherwise, the cries of the deceived but helpless will look comical and only further undermine their prestige.

    Russia bided its time, gathered its forces, and "saw" the deception. Now she demands to return everything as it was, threatening the deceiver with violence. It is no coincidence that Moscow constantly emphasizes that there are Western contingents on the territories of Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. After all, you can not capture Kiev and Vilnius, but simply strike, and not necessarily even with your own hands, at Western military personnel located in these territories (you never know where any "partisans" may appear).

    Then the West will face a dilemma: squeak, cry, but suffer losses or threaten war with a militarily superior nuclear power in response to the actions of unidentified partisans in the territories of third countries.

    Yes, you never know what other damage can be inflicted on "friends and partners", so that it seems that it is necessary to answer, and there is no one to answer, and it is terrible to attack Russia — it is not for nothing that Moscow checked the reaction of the West to the threat of a full-scale conflict with the potential use of all types of available weapons,

    The West then "blinked", as a result, the entire second half of 2021 passed under the sign of Russian dominance, and with it the whole year became the year of the Russian diplomatic offensive.

    It is easy to understand that the West will not just accept this situation. In 2022, he will try to take revenge for the diplomatic defeats of 2021. The first attempt will be made as early as January-the United States has previously proposed holding an expert-level meeting to discuss Russian proposals as early as January 12 and no later than the 20th of the same month. Their main task will be to get out from under the pressure of the Russian ultimatum and return to the traditional scheme of negotiations without result.
    I wonder what move Russia has prepared for this case?

    It should be understood that the Kremlin's position is also not so simple. The point of raising the stakes is not to unleash a nuclear war, but to prevent even a regional conflict, forcing the United States to continue to fight in a bad world, but in which the Americans are losing faster and do not have a good option for action.

    Therefore, next year Russia will try to continue its victorious march along the razor's edge, and the United States will again try to lead it astray.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  LMFS Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:48 pm

    Leaders of Russia, China, US, UK, France adopt joint statement on preventing nuclear war

    Interesting development. Apparently signed under initiative from Russia

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    Post  kvs Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:15 pm

    Indonesia bans coal exports in January on domestic power worries

    The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (ICMA) called on the energy minister to revoke the export ban, saying in a statement the policy was "taken hastily without being discussed with business players".

    The widespread export ban may disrupt monthly coal production volumes of around 38 million to 40 million tonnes, said ICMA chairman Pandu Sjahrir. In recent years, Indonesia has exported about 30 million tonnes of coal in the month of January.

    The association said it was also concerned about potential disputes with buyers if coal producers declared force majeure for not being able to deliver coal exports.

    "Ships sailing to Indonesian waters will also experience conditions of uncertainty and this would affect Indonesia's reputation and reliability as world's coal supplier," Sjahrir said.

    Indonesia is a US stooge state. This has been the case after the US engineered the bloody coup during the 1960s.
    This move with the coal is clearly an attempt to disrupt China.

    1) Covid has not affected coal mining output in the country

    2) Why would the power plants be short of coal? This is a tropical country where there is basically no weather change aside from
    the monsoon cycle. According to an Indonesian acquaintance of mine, they introduced a weather report on TV which was then
    removed since it had basically no value.

    Yet another engineered shortage to push the Reset agenda.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  lancelot Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:31 pm

    There is plenty of coal in China proper and they can import from Mongolia, Russia, and North Korea if they need to.

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    Post  lyle6 Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:48 am

    kvs wrote:
    2) Why would the power plants be short of coal?  This is a tropical country where there is basically no weather change aside from
    the monsoon cycle.   According to an Indonesian acquaintance of mine, they introduced a weather report on TV which was then
    removed since it had basically no value.  
    We might not require heating but the entire day almost everyone would have air conditioners turned on, which between the reduced thermal efficiency from the ambient temperature and the copper losses puts a massive strain on the electricity demand. If you can't afford A/C you get a fan, or better yet, go to the mall, which are everywhere even in the provinces nowadays.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:39 am

    lyle6 wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    2) Why would the power plants be short of coal?  This is a tropical country where there is basically no weather change aside from
    the monsoon cycle.   According to an Indonesian acquaintance of mine, they introduced a weather report on TV which was then
    removed since it had basically no value.  
    We might not require heating but the entire day almost everyone would have air conditioners turned on, which between the reduced thermal efficiency from the ambient temperature and the copper losses puts a massive strain on the electricity demand. If you can't afford A/C you get a fan, or better yet, go to the mall, which are everywhere even in the provinces nowadays.

    The good ole' "I went to the store just for the air conditioning!" lmao, yes yes I know I've been guilty of doing that lol!

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:30 am

    lyle6 wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    2) Why would the power plants be short of coal?  This is a tropical country where there is basically no weather change aside from
    the monsoon cycle.   According to an Indonesian acquaintance of mine, they introduced a weather report on TV which was then
    removed since it had basically no value.  
    We might not require heating but the entire day almost everyone would have air conditioners turned on, which between the reduced thermal efficiency from the ambient temperature and the copper losses puts a massive strain on the electricity demand. If you can't afford A/C you get a fan, or better yet, go to the mall, which are everywhere even in the provinces nowadays.

    My point was about the change in weather driving a change in coal use. In Europe there are severe cold spells that spike the demand
    for fossil fuels. Heat waves and blocking events do the same thing as we saw last summer when the wind power dropped because
    of reduced winds. The weather in the tropics dos not fluctuate like this. Hurricanes and typhoons are another question but Indonesian
    coal supply was not disrupted by typhoons.
    par far

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  par far Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:37 am

    kvs wrote:

    Indonesia bans coal exports in January on domestic power worries

    The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (ICMA) called on the energy minister to revoke the export ban, saying in a statement the policy was "taken hastily without being discussed with business players".

    The widespread export ban may disrupt monthly coal production volumes of around 38 million to 40 million tonnes, said ICMA chairman Pandu Sjahrir. In recent years, Indonesia has exported about 30 million tonnes of coal in the month of January.

    The association said it was also concerned about potential disputes with buyers if coal producers declared force majeure for not being able to deliver coal exports.

    "Ships sailing to Indonesian waters will also experience conditions of uncertainty and this would affect Indonesia's reputation and reliability as world's coal supplier," Sjahrir said.

    Indonesia is a US stooge state.   This has been the case after the US engineered the bloody coup during the 1960s.
    This move with the coal is clearly an attempt to disrupt China.  

    1) Covid has not affected coal mining output in the country

    2) Why would the power plants be short of coal?  This is a tropical country where there is basically no weather change aside from
    the monsoon cycle.   According to an Indonesian acquaintance of mine, they introduced a weather report on TV which was then
    removed since it had basically no value.  

    Yet another engineered shortage to push the Reset agenda.

    Great opportunity for Russia and Donbass.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  andalusia Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:44 am

    What is the opinion about Lithuania standing up to China? The President doesn't want Chinese smartphones sold in his country because of possible censorship.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:20 am

    A Chihuahua barking at a lion.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:56 am

    "What are the motives?" ...
    Geee ...
    Let me enlight them: the masters told them to do so Laughing

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty What is the opinion about Lithuania standing up to China

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:53 am

    The US does not like Huawei products because there are no back doors the US can use to spy on users... that is the real reason the US wants the west to ban their 5 g technology roll out.

    It is all about the US wanting to stop a competitor that has 5g technology before US companies... it would undermine US ability to spy on western customers, so they make the opposite claim.... Huawei products likely contain spyware that allows the Chinese government to spy on the western customers.

    You know... the opposite of reality... buy our inferior technology that we use to spy on you because their superior technology might be used to spy on you but will work better than our slower crap that is proven to be used by us to spy on you.

    Lithuania is likely being used as a litmus test to see how China will respond to this western sanctions and anti free trade bullshit.

    Lets see how it works before we consider doing the same.

    Throw an eastern european country under the bus like they threw Canada and Australia under the bus... for kidnapping that Huawei chick in the case of Canada and cost Australia billions in sales of coal and other raw materials because we got Australia to criticise Chinas treatment of Muslims... hilarious considering the way Australia and Canada and the US have treated their native populations of course... the abuse, kidnapping and brain washing an outright theft of land and resources...

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 11, 2022 10:17 am

    Good analysis of the negotiations with the Americans over a new security treaty. It is clear that the Americans and
    their minions are not grasping how serious things are. They think that Putin is posturing to secure his "tyranny".
    They also do not appreciate that the scope is not Ukraine.

    Russia's response will not involve recognition of the independence of the LNR and DNR in the Donbass. Russia is
    invested in the Minsk Agreement and does not consider breaking it. Giving NATzO and the Kiev regime an out
    does not serve Russia's interests. But as demonstrated in Kazakhstan, Russia will fight Washington and minion
    regime change efforts in the former space. This implies Russia will engage in counter regime change operations
    itself. Again, this is evident in the case of Kazakhastan with the "demotion" of Nazarbaev. Now Toakaev is fully
    in charge. However, Russia will not try to regime change the west.

    The interviewer points out that the west is unable to engage in any security discussion with Russia since everything
    is hysterically charged. So if the optics are not conforming to NATzO narratives, there can be no "surrender" on these

    Russia is prepared to engage a military response and that is why it is giving NATzO a chance to avoid such a response.
    We do not know what specific reaction will come from Russia, but it will be quick and unexpected.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  andalusia Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:10 am

    This is interesting:

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    Post  kvs Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:24 am

    Russia is dumping the OSCE. Earlier it booted this NATzO proxy from the border between Russia and the LDNR. Now
    it has officially state that it will not discuss any security issues in the frame of this organization. The OSCE is
    amorphous and does not have international legal weight. We already have the UN.

    The OSCE has been engaged in anti-Russian propaganda operations as it was against Serbia in 1999 and acts
    as spy agency for NATzO sponsored outfits like the UCK in Kosovo and the Kiev regime in the Donbass. I recall
    some clown comment in a Youtube thread by a NATzO drone that there was no OSCE report on Kiev regime
    shelling of civilians. That's NATzO tards for you, living in a propaganda and censorship bubble.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:53 am

    This is interesting

    They have been helping terrorists for some time now...

    Sometimes on both sides of a conflict when they change sides... when the Soviets were in Afghanistan they helped the Northern Alliance, but after the Soviets left and the NA ended up fighting the Taliban, the NA became the enemy, but then of course the Taliban helped OBL and got banished to the naughty step... and everyone who was fighting the Taliban got help...

    Russia is dumping the OSCE.

    About time.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:39 am

    kvs wrote:

    Indonesia bans coal exports in January on domestic power worries

    The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (ICMA) called on the energy minister to revoke the export ban, saying in a statement the policy was "taken hastily without being discussed with business players".

    The widespread export ban may disrupt monthly coal production volumes of around 38 million to 40 million tonnes, said ICMA chairman Pandu Sjahrir. In recent years, Indonesia has exported about 30 million tonnes of coal in the month of January.

    The association said it was also concerned about potential disputes with buyers if coal producers declared force majeure for not being able to deliver coal exports.

    "Ships sailing to Indonesian waters will also experience conditions of uncertainty and this would affect Indonesia's reputation and reliability as world's coal supplier," Sjahrir said.

    Indonesia is a US stooge state.   This has been the case after the US engineered the bloody coup during the 1960s.
    This move with the coal is clearly an attempt to disrupt China.  

    1) Covid has not affected coal mining output in the country

    2) Why would the power plants be short of coal?  This is a tropical country where there is basically no weather change aside from
    the monsoon cycle.   According to an Indonesian acquaintance of mine, they introduced a weather report on TV which was then
    removed since it had basically no value.  

    Yet another engineered shortage to push the Reset agenda.

    Fits in with it declining Su-35 purchases

    Now that the world is dividing along bipolar lines the Indonesians made their choice. Probably another elite in power there with bank accounts in Switzerland, kids in British boarding schools and snazzy apartments abroad that they don't want to lose.

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    Post  George1 Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:00 pm

    Russia to make serious political decisions, if US reply is disappointing — senior diplomat

    Lavrov reiterates Russia’s demand for NATO to stop expanding at meeting with Blinken

    Belarus’ Lukashenko warns West against attacking Union State

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 25, 2022 1:22 pm


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    Post  Hole Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:36 pm

    Not Taiwan airspace. These so-called "air defence zone" is international airspace according to international law.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:42 pm

    Listening to various social media "pundits" from the US and the west, the amount of delusion about Russia is incredible.
    They think that Russia today is much weaker than the USSR.   A lot of this comes from the ludicrous nominal GDP comparisons
    trotted in the mass media and parroted in the echo chamber.   The USSR may have had twice the population, but aside from
    the utility, second rate, of this as cannon fodder in some WWII style conflict, it was dead weight.   Russia does not need this
    base level GDP.   The GDP it needs to be a military superpower is already there and has replaced all of the pieces that were
    "offshored" to Ukraine and other SSRs.  Modern war is not like WWII.  We are in the missile era.   The V-2 was an irrelevant
    side show so it is not true that the 1940s were comparable.   Ignoring nuclear escalation, Russia has sufficient conventional
    military capability to take on all of NATzO.   But it will use tactical nukes to make sure that NATzO's advantage in meat does
    not go anywhere.  

    Of course, the war has to get started for the truth to reveal itself.   What would be better is if the inanity in the west and
    especially the USA about their military and economic superiority was tempered by some basic facts.   Unfortunately, the
    people in these countries are in the tiny information box maintained by their fake stream mass media.   Like the CBC which
    jerks off about Putin "talking himself into a corner".

    Any modern pseudo conventional war will not last four years of frontline back and forth. It will either escalate to nuclear and
    be over fast or it will be over fast from missile strikes on similar targets with conventional means. Nuclear warheads are not
    mandatory to destroy industry. Factories and transport infrastructure can be obliterated with conventional missile strikes
    including ICBMs. Given the vastly more rapid progression of economic resource degradation, nuclear escalation is basically

    There is a potential for prolonged skirmish type confrontation where localized engagements occur and then there is a standoff.
    But this is not like WWII.

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    Post  kvs Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:45 am

    Russia was fully aware that the US and its minions would not take the security proposals seriously. The
    point of the exercise was to get rid of future propaganda about how Russia unilaterally instigated aggression.
    Even if this BS will be the story in the minds of NATzO sheeple, people around the world are not likely to
    buy into it.

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    Post  Hole Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:51 am

    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 12 Fklczg10

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