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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)


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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:48 pm

    Hahahaha... Ukraine is winning because they destroy three Russian artillery platforms for every one of their own that they lose... what a load of horse shit... they even admit that their assessment is based on the video footage posted on line of artillery being destroyed... wow... there is no cure for stupid.

    It also goes on about western guided shells but does not mention Russia has better weapons in much larger quantities.

    It seems they would be winning if they just had more artillery shells... what a crock of shit.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Sep 09, 2023 2:07 pm

    Threat of More Chip Curbs Spurs Warnings on China Innovation pwnd

    September 8, 2023

    The chief of one of the world’s biggest chip equipment-makers, ASML, said isolating China completely will ‘force’ the country to ramp up innovation pwnd pwnd pwnd

    The Netherlands started implementing fresh chip export restrictions targeting China, from last week, a move largely seen as a response to lobbying by the United States, which is working to hobble Beijing’s military and technological capabilities.

    Wennink noted he wasn’t expecting much revenue impact on ASML, Europe’s most valuable semiconductor company, from the restrictions. However, he expressed a fear that the Dutch government may implement fresh export controls, at Washington’s “insistence”.

    Wennink also noted that China’s ability to innovate, and do so quickly, was already evidenced by the country’s increasing prowess in the electric vehicle (EV) market.

    “In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are faster, faster and more focused. We are too complacent,” Wennink told Nieuwsuur.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Threat of More Chip Curbs Spurs Warnings on China Innovation

    Post  kvs Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:29 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:

    Threat of More Chip Curbs Spurs Warnings on China Innovation pwnd

    No shit Sherlock. These arrogant morons were too busy wanking in supremacist delusion to consider that the "untermenschen" may not
    be so low. Their contempt for Russia, and China, maps perfectly onto the mindset of the Reich during the 1930s. The same racist retardation and
    self-aggrandizement with claims of exceptionalism and peak civilization. I expect that the NATzO west will be surprised when Russia
    introduces its own EUV fabrication equipment in the near future. China appears to have reached this stage already. Tough luck for
    AMSL and NATzO.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Nov 19, 2023 8:43 am

    US efforts to strangle the Chinese economy are not working. Western ‘experts’ continue their never-ending message that China is close to a debt collapse; China’s property market is imploding; and above all, China’s previous phenomenal growth is now over and the economy since COVID is grinding to a halt and will end up like Japan, stagnating in a sea of debt.

    And yes, overall debt in the capitalist sector has rocketed. Now the government will be forced to liquidate many of these developers and/or ‘restructure’ their operations with state money. But this does not mean China is about to have deflationary crash. China’s net debt to GDP ratio (debt burden) is only 12% of the average in the G7 economies. The state holds huge financial assets; so it can easily manage this property slump.

    The point is that the Xi leadership no longer trust the Western-educated economists in the People’s Bank to regulate the private sector – the bank is a fortress of neo-classical pro-market economics. CP leaders still stop short of bringing these speculative financial and real estate speculators into public ownership (no doubt some leaders have personal links).

    The Chinese economy is not diving into a recession. The IMF has just forecast that China’s real GDP will rise by 5.4% this year – and that’s an upgrade from its previous forecast. The housing market may be struggling, but productive industrial construction is booming. China has already built enough solar panel factories to meet all demand in the world. It has built enough auto factories to make every car sold in China, Europe and the US. By the end of next year, it will have built in just five years as many petrochemical factories that Europe and the rest of Asia have now. And take hi-speed rail and infrastructure projects. Back in the US, Biden makes much of his infrastructure program after decades of decline and neglect in US transportation facilities. But that’s nothing to the rapid expansion of hi-speed rail and other transport projects that now have linked up the vast expanse of China’s regions. Compare this to the state of infrastructure in the San Francisco area as Xi visits.

    Ah, but you see, China’s economy is seriously ‘imbalanced’. There is ‘too much’ investment in such projects and not enough handouts to the people to spend on consumer goods like I-phones or services like tourism and restaurants. I have pointed out the nonsense of this view on several occasions. China’s growth has been based on a high rate of productive investment. High investment does not mean low consumption growth – on the contrary, investment leads to more production, more jobs and then more incomes and consumption. China’s supposedly low consumption ratio to GDP compared to the highly successful Western capitalist economies is accompanied by a much faster growth in household spending. Indeed, retail sales rose 7.6% yoy in October – not suggesting an entirely weak consumer. China’s workers may not have any say in what their government does, but nevertheless, their wages are still rising faster than anywhere else in Asia.

    And those wage rises are not being eaten away by inflation as has happened in the last few years in the rest of the G20 economies. China’s inflation rate is near zero while inflation, despite recent falls, in the US and Europe is several times higher – indeed US workers have seen prices rise by 17% since COVID.

    And if Biden is hoping that the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan will lead to a victory for the pro-independence candidate from the Democrat party, then he could be in for a surprise. It seems that the two anti-independence, pro-China parties, the Kuomintang and People’s Party, are planning to run a single candidate for the presidency and current polls show that such a candidate would win. So that could mean a pro-China president in Taiwan next year.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty US efforts to strangle the Chinese economy are not working.

    Post  lancelot Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:10 am

    those wage rises are not being eaten away by inflation as has happened in the last few years in the rest of the G20 economies. China’s inflation rate is near zero while inflation, despite recent falls, in the US and Europe is several times higher – indeed US workers have seen prices rise by 17% since COVID.

    China didn't give people handouts during COVID-19 like the US did. They didn't print money like mad either. That's why there's deflation in China right now.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  Kiko Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:12 pm

    How America’s top spymaster sees the world and why it’s so disappointing, by Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany working at Koç University, Istanbul, on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, the history of World War II, the cultural Cold War, and the politics of memory, for RT. 04.04.2024.

    The CIA head’s vision for the future of America’s ongoing confrontation with Russia is depressingly shortsighted.

    William J. Burns has published a long piece in Foreign Affairs under the title 'Spycraft and Statecraft. Transforming the CIA for an Age of Competition'. This is an essay likely to be read with great attention, maybe even parsed, not only by an American elite audience, but also abroad, in, say, Moscow, Beijing, and New Delhi, for several reasons. Burns is, of course, the head of the CIA as well as an acknowledged heavyweight of US geopolitics – in the state and deep-state versions.

    Few publications rival Foreign Affairs’ cachet as a US establishment forum and mouthpiece. While Burns’ peg is a plea to appreciate the importance of human intelligence agents, his agenda is much broader: In effect, what he has released is a set of strategic policy recommendations, embedded in a global tour d’horizon. And, last but not least, Burns is, of course, not the sole author. Even if he should have penned every line himself, this is a programmatic declaration from a powerful faction of the American “siloviki,” the men (and women) wielding the still gargantuan hard power of the US empire.

    By the way, whether he has noticed or not, Burns’ intervention cannot but bring to mind another intelligent spy chief loyally serving a declining empire. Yury Andropov, former head of the KGB (and then, for a brief period, the whole Soviet Union) would have agreed with his CIA counterpart on the importance of “human assets,” especially in an age of technological progress, and he would also have appreciated the expansive sweep of Burns’ vision. Indeed, with Burns putting himself so front-and-center, one cannot help but wonder if he is not also, tentatively, preparing the ground for reaching for the presidency one day. After all, in the US, George Bush senior famously went from head of the CIA to head of it all, too.

    There is no doubt that this CIA director is a smart and experienced man principally capable of realism, unlike all too many others in the current American elite. Famously, he warned in 2008, when serving as ambassador to Moscow, that “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin).” That makes the glaring flaws in this big-picture survey all the more remarkable.

    Burns is, obviously, correct when he observes that the US – and the world as a whole – is facing a historically rare moment of “profound” change in the global order. And – with one exception which we will return to – it would be unproductive, perhaps even a little churlish, to quibble over his ideologically biased terminology. His mislabeling of Russia as “revanchist,” for instance, has a petty ring to it. “Resurgent” would be a more civil as well as more truthful term, capturing the fact that the country is simply returning to its normal international minimum status (for at least the last three hundred years), namely that of a second-to-none great power.

    Yet Burns’ agenda is more important than his terminology. While it may be complex, parts of it are as clear as can be: He is eager (perhaps desperate) to prevent Washington from ending its massive aid for Ukraine – a battle he is likely to lose. In the Middle East, he wants to focus Western aggression on Iran. He may get his will there, but that won’t be a winning strategy because, in part thanks to multipolar trend setters, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, Iran’s escape from the isolation that the US has long imposed on it is already inevitable.

    Regarding China, Burns’ real target is a competing faction of American hawks, namely those who argue that, bluntly put, Washington should write off its losses in Ukraine and concentrate all its firepower on China. Burns wants to persuade his readers that the US can have both its big fight against China and its proxy war against Russia.

    He is also engaged in a massive act of CIA boosterism, clearly aiming to increase the clout of the already inordinately powerful state-within-a-state he happens to run himself. And last but not least, the spy-in-chief has unearthed one of the oldest tricks in the subversion and destabilization playbook: Announcing loudly that his CIA is on a recruiting spree in Russia, he seeks to promote a little paranoia in Moscow. Good luck attempting to pull that one on the country that gave us the term “agentura.” Moreover, after the horrific terror attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow, it is fair to assume that Burns regrets having boasted about the CIA expanding its “work” in Russia. Not a good look, not at all.

    What matters more, though, than his verbal sallies and his intriguingly straightforward, even blunt aims, are three astonishingly crude errors: First, Burns insists on reading the emerging outcome of the war in Ukraine as a “failure on many levels,” for Russia, revealing its, as he believes, economic, political, and military weakness. Yet, as the acknowledged American economist James K. Galbraith has recently reiterated, the West’s economic war on Russia has backfired. The Russian economy is now stronger, more resilient, and independent of the West than never before.

    As to the military, Burns for instance, gleefully counts the tanks that Russia has lost and fails to note the ones it is building at a rapid rate not matched anywhere inside NATO. In general, he fails to mention just how worried scores of Western experts have come to be, realizing that Moscow is overseeing a massive and effective expansion of military production. A curious oversight for an intelligence professional. He also seems to miss just how desperate Ukraine’s situation has become on the ground.

    And politics – really? The man who serves Joe Biden, most likely soon to be replaced by Donald Trump, is spotting lack of popularity and fragility in Moscow, and his key piece of evidence is Prigozhin and his doomed mutiny? This part of Burns’ article is so detached from reality that one wonders if this is still the same person reporting on Russian red lines in 2008. The larger point he cannot grasp is that, historically, Russia has a pattern of starting wars on the wrong foot – to then learn, mobilize, focus, and win.

    Burns’ second severe mistake is his argument that, ultimately, only China can pose a serious challenge to the US. This is staggeringly shortsighted for two reasons: First, Russia has just shown that it can defeat the West in a proxy war. Once that victory will be complete, a declining but still important part of the American empire, NATO/EU-Europe will have to deal with the after-effects (no, not Russian invasion, but political backlash, fracturing, and instability). If Burns thinks that blowback in Europe is no serious threat to US interests, one can only envy his nonchalance.

    Secondly, his entire premise is perfectly misguided: It makes no sense to divide the Russian and the Chinese potentials analytically because they are now closely linked in reality. It is, among other things, exactly a US attempt to knock out Russia first to then deal with China that has just failed. Instead, their partnership has become more solid.

    And error number three is, perhaps, even odder: As mentioned above, Burns’ language is a curious hybrid between an analytical and an intemperate idiom. A sophisticated reader can only wince in vicarious embarrassment at hearing a CIA director complain of others’ “brutish” behavior. What’s worse: the tub-thumping or the stones-and-glasshouse cringe? Mostly, though, this does not matter.

    Yet there is one case where these fits of verbal coarseness betray something even worse than rhetorical bravado: Describing Hamas’ 7 October assault as “butchery,” Burns finds nothing but an “intense ground campaign” on Israel’s side. Let’s set aside that this expression is a despicable euphemism, when much of the world rightly sees a genocide taking place in Gaza, with US support. It also bespeaks an astounding failure of the strategic imagination: In the same essay, Burns notes correctly that the weight of the Global South is increasing, and that, in essence, the great powers will have to compete for allegiances that are no longer, as he puts is, “monogamous.” Good luck then putting America’s bizarre come-what-may loyalty to Israel first. A CIA director at least should still be able to distinguish between the national interests of his own country and the demands of Tel Aviv.

    Burns’ multipronged strike in the realm of elite public debate leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. It is genuinely disappointing to see so much heavy-handed rhetoric and such basic errors of analysis from one of the less deluded members of the American establishment. It is also puzzling. Burns is not amateurish like Antony Blinken or a fanatic without self-awareness, such as Victoria Nuland. Yet here he is, putting his name to a text that often seems sloppy and transparent in its simple and short-sighted motivations. Has the US establishment decayed so badly that even its best and brightest now come across as sadly unimpressive?

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:25 am

    Just an indication of the degradation in the west where someone either doesn't know what they are talking about, or can't say it at the risk of being banished from the gravy train.

    As time goes by either the US will wake up from the American dream or they will remain sleeping as the world moves on without them.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  PhSt Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:56 am

    Targeting Chinese chips, US to push Dutch on ASML service contracts

    WASHINGTON, April 4 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's administration plans to press the Netherlands next week to stop its top chipmaking equipment maker ASML from servicing some tools in China, two people familiar with the matter said, as the U.S. leans on allies in its bid to hobble Beijing's tech sector.

    Alan Estevez, the U.S. export policy chief, is scheduled to meet in the Netherlands next Monday with officials from the Dutch government and ASML Holding NV (ASML.AS), opens new tab to discuss the servicing contracts, the people said.

    Washington may also be seeking to add to a list of Chinese chipmaking factories restricted from receiving Dutch equipment as part of the discussions, one of the people said.

    I'm not a semiconductor expert, but it seems there are actually Three core elements in chip development and production

    • Design
    • Fabrication plant
    • Tools

    So both Russia and China have access to a great pool of engineers to work on chip designs, this part seems to be the easiest for both countries
    China is ahead in the construction of Fabrication plants, but if the Tools that you need in these Fabs are Outsourced from countries that can be blackmailed by your adversaries, then it presents a clear problem.

    Both countries need to strive to be Self sufficient in all three areas to limit NATO's ability to sabotage their work

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  lancelot Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:11 am

    PhSt wrote:I'm not a semiconductor expert, but it seems there are actually Three core elements in chip development and production
    • Design
    • Fabrication plant
    • Tools

    So both Russia and China have access to a great pool of engineers to work on chip designs, this part seems to be the easiest for both countries
    China is ahead in the construction of Fabrication plants, but if the Tools that you need in these Fabs are Outsourced from countries that can be blackmailed by your adversaries, then it presents a clear problem.

    Both countries need to strive to be Self sufficient in all three areas to limit NATO's ability to sabotage their work
    The Chinese are pretty close to being self-sufficient in being able to make the tool types they need. But it will take time to ramp up production. They have several leading edge tool companies: Naura, ACM Research are basically the Chinese equivalents of US company Applied Materials or Japanese company TEL. The Chinese also have a couple of lithography companies. The largest being a company called SMEE.

    Materials are another problem since a large chunk of the semiconductor grade chemicals used by China are still imported. Wafers are not a problem. China has the world's largest solar industry and they can churn out silicon crystal easily.

    China has a lot of mechanical engineering talent. Their electrical engineers are also quite good. Their chemical industry is under a massive growth spurt right now. Material engineering is rapidly reaching Western levels. I still think they are behind Russia in the hard sciences however.

    The US might try to put China into a tiny little box as much as they want to. But I doubt the Chinese will be contained. Their semiconductor industry has evolved too much already. They also have possibly the world's largest single market for semiconductors.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:56 am

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 21, 2024 1:10 am

    lancelot wrote:
    The US might try to put China into a tiny little box as much as they want to. But I doubt the Chinese will be contained. Their semiconductor industry has evolved too much already. They also have possibly the world's largest single market for semiconductors.

    The pull of a huge market will make manufacturers attempting to supply it go to all kinds of lengths to do so. Grey markets rule OK! Very Happy

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  Kiko Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:45 pm

    'FT', now say it without crying: The West, 'on fire' because its imperialism is falling, its blackmail is increasing, by Javier Benítez for Sputnik.Latamnews. 06.08.2024.

    The Financial Times warns that the conflict in Ukraine has repercussions that transcend that country. According to the outlet, while the situation on the battlefield is adverse, many of Russia's neighbors are weighing their options. Thus, it warns that the current crisis in Georgia, although its roots are local, is a symptom of this broader trend.

    Europe is in serious trouble, and the Financial Times is well aware of this

    In a kind of catharsis, the newspaper cannot help but show its indignation from an imperialist perspective. Thus, it explains that the Georgian government aspires to join a club of countries that could be called the Eurasian chapter of International Illiberalism.

    He notes that "this club," as he calls it, "includes the Central Asian states, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Serbia and Hungary." "Having maintained a barrier between Russia and the West since 2022, its members are now leaning more towards Moscow. The leaders of these countries believe in a multipolar world, not a multilateral one. They do not believe in an international legal order or the post-1989 consensus on liberalism and human rights. They align themselves with Russia in the global culture war and speak the language of family values, writes the Financial Times practically in a sea of tears.

    In this context, the US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller announced the imposition of visa restrictions against several dozen Georgian nationals. This first batch of such sanctions against Georgia is directed against members of the ruling Georgian Dream party, parliamentarians, law enforcement officials, and private citizens.

    "This includes persons responsible and immediate relatives of those responsible for or complicit in undermining democracy in Georgia, for example, through the violation of the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, violent attacks on peaceful protesters, intimidation of civil society representatives and deliberate dissemination of disinformation at the direction of the Georgian government," Miller said at a press conference.

    But what in hell is this virulent editorial in the Financial Times about, or the US sanctions against members and relatives of the Georgian Dream Party of Prime Minister Irakli Kobajidze?
    There are two answers to this question.

    The first answer is that this week the Transparency of Foreign Influence Law came into force in Georgia — after the Parliament lifted the veto imposed by President Salome Zurabishvili, who responds to the interests of the US and the EU — popularly known as the foreign agents law, which obliges non-governmental organizations and media that receive more than 20% of their income from other countries to register with a registry of entities that serve external interests. The law has been criticized by the US and the EU, because their infiltrated organizations in the country would be exposed. A law that, on the other hand, is based on the US FARA Law of 1938.

    And the second answer is that also this week, Georgian Dream presented in Parliament a legislative package focused on the protection of family values and minors, which, among other purposes, seeks to ban LGBT propaganda and gay marriage.
    "Imagine an electoral campaign, like the one that is coming up in Georgia, and suddenly all the media that are with Salome Zurabishvili, all the apparatus that supports her, from communications, civil society organizations - NGOs -, that all had the ’little' trademark of a foreign agent. That is the key to the issue," warns Dr. Enrique Refoyo, an international analyst.

    "Just imagine that election campaign, that new presidency that has to come. Imagine that the Georgian Dream party presents a candidate and its media does not have that 'brand', but those of the pro-Western president [Salome Zurabishvili] do. So, the Georgian voter is already going to notice that. It's not that certain organizations are banned, they are simply found out, which is what hurts them [the West and its media] the most.

    That is, to show that you support this person [Salome Zurabishvili] because she is 'your' candidate. She is not the Georgian candidate, she is the candidate of the West, she is 'their' intermediary, she is a foreign agent. Let the Georgians vote whatever they want. If they want to vote for a foreign agent, let them do so, but let them know effectively that he is a foreign agent," Refoyo emphasizes.

    Yandex Translate from Spanish.

    Last edited by Kiko on Sat Jun 08, 2024 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 08, 2024 7:05 pm

    LGBTXYZ grooming is a big deal since it is the only way that these freak minorities can puff up their numbers. Con children into sexual orientation before puberty
    and subject them to genital mutilation. Then the identity politics maggots can claim that 30% of the population is part of the freak club instead of its actual number
    which is under 3%.

    Laws that combat this grooming are intrinsically democratic and moral.

    The woke rot is a central element of the new cold war. I guess exporting freedom and democracy (LOL) is no longer enough since most of the world has gone down
    that route already (in many instances better than the NATzO west). So the imperial worms need a new religion to spread. Sodomite degeneracy looks to be their
    choice, likely because it fits their rotten essence.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:22 am

    In this context, the US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller announced the imposition of visa restrictions against several dozen Georgian nationals. This first batch of such sanctions against Georgia is directed against members of the ruling Georgian Dream party, parliamentarians, law enforcement officials, and private citizens.

    Hahaha... that is going to make these people in power love the US and the EU and the west in general... there is no way this could possibly backfire and turn more Georgians against the west, even the ones that were friendly to the west because they fear sanctions being imposed on them too.

    Because sanctions have always been the wests most effective tool to impose their will.

    And of course you can bet that the people targeted were for reasons other than those stated... because western rivals want access to their assets or to steal stuff from them and these sanctions make it easier...

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    Post  Kiko Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:13 pm

    Mtavari announced Georgia's plans to restore diplomatic relations with Russia, 06.11.2024.

    Mtavari: Georgian authorities are preparing to restore diplomatic relations with Russia.

    At the same time, the channel’s interlocutors from the Georgian side, “close to the Kremlin,” say that the ruling Georgian Dream denies plans to open the Georgian Embassy in Moscow.

    The governments of Georgia and Russia are actively working on the issue of restoring diplomatic relations; the selection of employees for the Georgian embassy in Moscow has already begun, the Mtavari Arkhi TV channel claims, citing sources.

    The channel’s interlocutors from the Georgian side, “close to the Kremlin,” say that the ruling Georgian Dream party denies these plans. Representatives of the Georgian government call the dissemination of any information about the opening of an embassy in Moscow unfounded, the material says.

    Tbilisi broke off diplomatic relations with Moscow in September 2008, after which Russia carried out an operation to “enforce peace” and also recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent states.

    The interests of Russia and Georgia have since been represented by the Swiss embassies in Moscow and Tbilisi.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:46 pm

    Russia believes in Big Meaning, by Andrey Polonsky for VZGLYAD. 06.14.2024.

    The ideology of Russia’s opponents is built on one single basic principle – the total denial of the Greater Meaning for man. And the Great Meaning of Russia evokes special rejection, even to the point of gnashing of teeth.

    Long ago, St. John Chrysostom said: “I persecute not by deed, but by word, not a heretic, but a heresy; I do not turn away a person, but I hate error and want to attract the erring one to myself.”

    This is fundamentally contrary to the Western point of view, expressed with utmost fury in the famous “Hammer of the Witches”: “To destroy heresy, it is necessary to destroy heretics.”

    And now, when we increasingly remember contradictions rather than commonality with the Western world, this contrast is worth keeping in mind almost in the first place.

    In our tradition - despite the fact that concrete history knows a lot of the most diverse and exotic details - we are doomed to fight not with people, but with ideas. This is not only Christianly humane, but also eminently true in any view that combines past, present and future. People come and go, but ideas survive generations. At the same time, it is well known and proven in a thousand examples that pressure and persecution of specific ideologists and bearers of errors - no matter how tough and fair it may seem to contemporaries - only increases the popularity of the most bizarre ideology among descendants.

    Of course, these days, during the existential confrontation with the Western world, we are forced to fight and limit the capabilities of Russia’s direct enemies. During any war, the most important condition for victory is the stability of the rear. A little over a century ago, Russia missed out on victories in two of its most important military clashes precisely because of the unrest behind the active army and the almost free work of enemy agitators in the rear.

    But still, the real ideological confrontation begins where we primarily mean not the people who blurted out, recorded and reposted something disgusting, but the ideas and ideology that they represent and most often thoughtlessly relay.

    The most curious thing is that the entire set of values ​​with which the enemy operates is quite simple to understand. In our conditions, it goes back to two sources.

    The first is the tastes, preferences and mental stamps of Soviet and post-Soviet education, almost entirely collected in a certain metropolitan stratum and practically absent outside the megacities. In this unsympathetic cocktail, 19th-century Westernism turns into simple prejudice: “they have a normal life, but we have a bad one.” And opposition to any government, no matter what it does, also inherited from the century before last, turns into a denial of Russia’s experience in principle. Both in its monarchical and revolutionary versions.

    In such a system, knowledge, and even more so love for real national history, for the “father’s tombs,” and even for the Russian space itself and the people inhabiting it, is not provided for and is not encouraged. The feeling of self – “I live without feeling the country beneath me” – has been replicated in hundreds of thousands of copies.

    And the second source of all this obscenity is the ideology of modern Western consumer, post-Christian civilization. This system of thought, in its consistent nihilism, does not see anything interesting or attractive outside of biological existence. An individual person here almost dissolves in the chain consumer - money - product - money - consumer; for him there is no experience of history and previous generations, only reports of economic growth, PR technologies and marketing networks.

    In principle, there are no hopes there, except for the hope of eating more, getting more, seeing more, before using all the bonuses from high-quality medical insurance and going to bed in a pre-purchased grave in a prestigious cemetery.

    In principle, the entire ideology of the enemy - from “democratic values” in the American style to home-grown cardboard pacifism - is built on one single basic principle - the total denial of the Great Meaning, for the sake of which it is worth sacrificing oneself, wishing prosperity to the Fatherland, rebelling against the “natural” laws of money circulation. The big meaning of history is denied (“everything goes from nowhere to nowhere, continuous “contingency”), the big meaning of gender differences (why do we need children?), the big meaning of human vocation, origin and destiny (“check and abolish your privileges”).

    And the Great Meaning of Russia evokes special rejection, even to the point of gnashing of teeth. During the perestroika years, the poetess Tatyana Shcherbina even published a special article in one of the Baltic magazines, where she foamed at the lips and argued that our country has no special meaning: no, it never has and cannot be.

    The current subverters of Russian culture have also focused on similar topics. At the same time, they are not even working out a “training manual,” as they say nowadays, they are working out deep traumas of the subconscious. For any chain, consumer – money – product, the Big Meaning is destructive, since it brings longing for the lost Divine image in man.

    Russia is inseparable from the Big Meaning; without it, our country, ourselves, our culture simply does not exist. We are fighting for a meaningful universe, for a view of things and a social world for which we can live and die. Otherwise, what is a person for? Indeed, a completely unnecessary load on the ground...

    In the current existential conflict and the associated global ideological confrontation, we have strong arguments. We defend our history and our view of the future, which has fundamental meaning.

    We can feel sorry for our ideological opponents and hope (although most likely these hopes are in vain) that their brains will become enlightened. But only until they supply weapons that kill our people. At this point, any ideological polemic stops.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:05 pm

    Europe is doomed to war, by Victoria Nikiforova for RiaNovosti. 07.01.2024.

    In Western publications on the occasion of the July NATO summit (their official-cheerful tone inevitably reminds of Soviet editorials “towards the CPSU Congress”) the contours of the alliance’s new military strategy are clearly visible.
    Despite all the howling about the integrity and cohesion of the bloc, the alliance today has essentially split into untermenschen and ubermensch. The inferior citizens of European countries will have to become cannon fodder on the eastern front, and the conflict is going to be managed by supermen from Washington, with the active yapping of supermen from London . It is very characteristic that the 75th anniversary of the alliance will be celebrated in Washington - it is from here that the management of all processes will come.

    The latest manual in the Pentagon's military analysis publication tells how it will be. "There is no safe haven," the headline reads. "NATO must prepare for war at home."

    Out of politeness, the text mentions the USA and Canada , but the main burden of the war must be borne by the people of Europe. They are reminded of the third article of the NATO charter - according to this paragraph, the members of the alliance must take all measures for their own defense. It is characteristic that the author decided not to mention the fifth article.

    "Are they as stupid as this table?" President Putin responded to the suggestion that Russia was planning to attack NATO. However, the alliance's leadership benefits from this nonsense - it will make Europe look like an innocent victim and legitimize its attack on Russia.

    And preparations are underway for the attack. What is happening today in the Old World is painfully reminiscent of what was happening on the continent in the 1930s. In the same way, the Anglo-Saxons “Weimarized” Europe, destroying its economy first with coronavirus lockdowns, then with anti-Russian sanctions.

    Anti-Russian hysteria is being whipped up in exactly the same way - its intensity has already reached the level of the anti-Soviet propaganda of the 1930s. Under the sensitive guidance of the Anglo-Saxons, exactly the same geopolitical axis of evil is being created - from the very same countries that practiced fascism en masse ninety years ago. Joint military exercises near the island of Hokkaido have just been announced . Check out the list of participants: Germany , Spain , Japan ... Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    Society is being pumped up and mobilized, military production is being accelerated. For the first time in many years, European countries are thinking about, for example, equipping all important infrastructure facilities and industrial enterprises with missile defence.

    There is only one difference - in today's Europe there is no new Hitler, but, in essence, why do they need him? Modern technologies of inciting fear and hatred, as well as controlling the human masses, easily make it possible to do without the main villain. The process will be led by invisible Hitlers from overseas, and the fooled Hans and Zbysheks will go into battle, who by that time will have been deprived of their human appearance, turning into obedient biorobots.

    The Europeans have been putting off the moment when they would have to get involved in the global slaughter until the last minute, but at the NATO anniversary summit they will be reminded that they will not be able to wriggle out of it. They had hoped that they would be able to destroy and plunder Russia with the help of Ukraine , but Ukraine broke down. Well, the Anglo-Saxons quickly, on their knees, cobbled together a new Ukraine from Europe - it's time for the Hans and Zbysheks to go into the meat grinder.

    Have Europeans really lost all fear? No, there are still reasonable people there - and in fair numbers. They are trying to push right-wing parties into power that advocate peace in Ukraine, putting a spoke in the wheels of the inexorably spinning flywheel of a global war.

    The results of a recent survey in European countries on the topic of the coming big war are typical. More than half of the British, for example, are confident that within the next five years their country will enter a world war. However, no one is eager to go to the front.

    Among British youth aged 18 to 24, only 29% agreed to defend Britain from invasion . Parents who would be ready to send their sons to war turned out to be about 25%.

    On average, 32% of the population in European countries agreed to fight - and here we must take into account that among these people there are many women and pensioners, who are not threatened by the front under any circumstances. Even in Germany, where the head of the Ministry of Defense Pistorius speaks out louder than Goebbels and demands the return of compulsory conscription, 59% of young people are categorically against this idea.

    Because everyone understands perfectly well: Europe has already lost to Russia long before the official start. It is pure suicide to get into a protracted war with a half-dead defense industry that produces shells costing more than eight thousand euros each. It is madness, without a modern missile defense system, to yap at a nuclear superpower that has a full range of supersonic and hypersonic products. What kind of big war is there with such a population density as in Europe? There won’t even be a need for nuclear weapons there. It seems that European youth understands military situations better than pensioners.

    The Russian leadership made a truly royal proposal to this Europe, which had not lost the remnants of its reason - to integrate into a unified system of Eurasian security and thereby save itself from collective suicide. Expel the American military from the continent following the example of African countries , roll back NATO to the borders of 1991 and conclude normal agreements with Russia that suit everyone. Only this will guarantee peace on the continent for generations to come.

    Well, for a better understanding of the prospects, the Russian president was ordered to resume the production of medium- and shorter-range missiles. Enough to reach all European capitals, if anything.

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    Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions) - Page 17 Empty Re: Cold War II_(US-West vs Russia/China tensions)

    Post  kvs Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:36 pm

    No way should these NATzO f*ckers be allowed any conventional war breathing room. Any move, nuke 'em. Enough of Russia will survive and there
    will not be any "nuclear winter" BS. By contrast, the rotten NATzO societies will not be able to handle the damage. The U-ropean component will
    disappear since there is not enough carrying capacity of the small amount of land on which they sit. America and Kanada will be better situated in this
    regard, like Russia, but the social rot will drive them lower than Russia.

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