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    PLA Air Force General News Thread:


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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:06 pm

    The Chinese Answer To The C-130J

    July 21, 2009: China has revived its effort to build a C-130J class transport. The Chinese Y-9 is a 77 ton Chinese designed aircraft that is back in development. Powered by four turboprops, it can carry 25 tons (or nine 108x88 inch pallets, or 132 paratroopers.) It will have a crew of four, a cruise speed of 650 kilometers an hour, and has a max ferry range of 7,800 kilometers. The initial Y-9 design effort began in 2001, but the manufacturer ran into personnel and quality control problems, and put the effort on hold after a few years.

    The Y-9 is basically a stretched version of the 61 ton Y-8F-200, which is, in turn, a Chinese copy, and upgrade, of the Russian An-12. Like the U.S. C-130, the An-12 was developed in the 1950s, and is still used by civilian cargo haulers all over the world. Some 1,200 An-12s were built (between 1957-73), compared to about a hundred 100 Y-8s (which began production in 1981). Nearly 2,300 C-130s have been built so far.

    China wants to reduce its dependence on Russia for transport aircraft, and has noted the success of the latest version of the C-130, the C-130J (a 79 ton aircraft with a crew of three, that can carry 33 tons of cargo, 8 pallets or 92 paratroopers.) The C-130J has a cruise speed of 644 kilometers an hour and max ferry range of 7,400 kilometers

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Chinese Strategic Aviation faces major hurdles

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:08 pm

    Chinese Strategic Aviation. To lose, to stay

    Speaking of technical cooperation with China, today very few people left "over" the ability of specialists from the country to copy everything. Perhaps it is this ability at some point allow Chinese, without fundamental research in a particular industry, so to speak, to stay afloat. Although there were parallel bulk purchases of, without which it simply can not do, such as aeronautical engineering. And yet, it's time to engage in independent development occurred. What is Chinese for that in current circumstances, to whom and why do benchmarks? The answer to these questions can demonstrate not only China but also Russia's aviation future.

    Aircraft China needs a lot of

    The fact that China is extremely important to everything that is connected with the aviation theme, no doubt. Large area, high demand for transport, as well as the big claims made aircraft is extremely relevant. In this regard, as the anecdote to those seen information that the Chinese private airline Spring Airlines intends to start selling "standing" tickets on their flights, which did not fail to inform the "Deutsche Welle". And though the company has just thirteen passenger aircraft, the trend, so to speak, obschekitayskogo scale, manifested here in the best - Celestial require increasing fleet of aircraft.

    There is technology, there is a conversation

    Nevertheless, the fact remains that China, despite a good start to copy the aircraft and even the licensed assembly does not have much experience in the design, creation and construction of heavy transport, and large passenger aircraft. Plus, pepper in the history of Chinese aviation adds a whole package of problems. If, in this context to speak of Russia as the successor of the Soviet Union, once generously supplying China in aviation, it is "due to" the history of the Chinese clone of the Su-27 is now not very much benefit China is seeking new technologies. While in the past year, the airline "Dry" and expressed readiness to cooperate with colleagues from China in the joint development of civilian aircraft, a breakthrough in the transfer of Russian technology to China that can not be named. The point is that, despite the initial arrangement of "Dry" with a number of Russian aircraft companies to develop SSJ-100, in the end few who have had to take part in a complete set of liner. That is, technologies that were both domestic and left without access to foreign markets. The result is, among other fairly serious reason, apparently, was the occasion for the Chinese frankly tepid reaction to the offer of cooperation.

    West, because of U.S. pressure to limit the export of military technology to China, also is not much promising side of technological cooperation. An example of this can be a problem with the equipment of a new transport aircraft Y8F-600 a sufficient number of US-Canadian PW150B engines with British propeller-R408. However, fairness should be noted that European companies do not forget about China than ever, even under the influence of the United States. Cases aviation is no exception. Only in June Concern Airbus has delivered into service its first aircraft, the assembly is fully Chinese. A-320 came down the conveyor in the city of Tianjin, where the first of its kind outside Europe aviakontserna production line, which this year plans to build five aircraft, as follows - 12. In addition, in February Airbus signed an agreement with the Chinese side of the building in the city of Harbin, the production of spare parts for Airbus.

    And yet, the Middle Kingdom, except promsborki and its subsequent domestication Western technology, seeks to create its own design hurt, because it is well understood - neither the Europeans nor the Americans are not going to have China involved in the process from beginning to end .

    Russia is always in the implications

    Experience with the Ukrainians in the Middle Kingdom is still the 90-ies on the entire range antonovskih machines, which became the PRC, as well as legally or illegally produced. Significant in this regard can be considered a contract for the joint development of aircraft Y8F600, which was signed in November 2002 in aviation exhibition AIRSHOW CHINA 2002, held in China's Zhuhai. In this project, the Ukrainian side acted as a partner for the division of risks. The aircraft was developed in China with the participation of leading specialists of "Antonov" in the overall design, aerodynamics, design and durability. In wind tunnel complex Antonov blow model aircraft.

    Followed, in December last, in 2008, it was announced that Ukraine and China will develop a military transport aircraft based on hapless Antonov 70, more than 70% of which paid for the creation of Russia, and thus belonged to her. The main difference to be in the form of replacement turbovintoventilyatornyh engines (TVVD) double turbojet. In addition, it is known that China has not asked for Russian participation in the project, which gives every reason to - the new aircraft will be complete copy of AN-70, and will be largely a new development. But there have to make a slight digression. Because if you build a new plane, then certainly with the new engines. And then by Russia, again not to go, because engines in China ... They do not yet learned. Example the recent acquisition of Chinese in Russia 240 D-30 engines to be used for upgrading the H-6K bombers of its own production (based on Soviet-designed Tu-16). Unlikely that this engine will be placed on a new civil aircraft. The point is that this engine does not meet European standards of noise that would not allow aircraft equipped to land in European airports. In short, what is bought, is a purely military products.

    As for Ukraine, it is on sale today for the main engines of the aircraft there. Aircraft engines Ukraine are largely developed, and repairs, which has been successful, for example, Luts'k Aircraft Plant Defense Ministry of Ukraine, actually "break" Russia overseas maintenance issues on the motors for the MiG-29 and others.

    In this regard, interesting point related to the desire of China back in 2007 at the MAKS-2007 air show in Russia to buy all technical and design documentation for the engine is 5 generation NC-93 for the main planes. So whatever one may say, but apparently, China, kooperiruyas with Ukraine, on any bets on Russian technology.

    Ukraine - a country where one can take

    As experts say, the reason for the PRC to look more closely, Ukraine has become a problem with the price of the order in Russia 38 IL-76. However, it is only a presumption, because Ukraine today is actually one of the few countries in the world, which has a closed production cycle in the aviation industry (in the first place - transport), starting from design to assembly of finished aircraft. So do not look to it China could not, by definition, already with 90's. If, in fact, the unique position of Ukraine allows to occupy key positions in the markets of third world. But only theoretically, because it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions, including the provision of government support for aviation, which is objectively lacking. As an example - the Ministry of Defense is not the first year can not be ordered for the two aircraft "Antonov". It would seem, are here any foreign buyer must be alert and ten times, all weighed before you throw oneself into the arms of it because, if the Ukrainians themselves do not buy their planes, it appears that these aircraft are not all right. Only China is not all it is made not just finished planes, give them technology and design. Airplanes, he himself will do. Of course, one could buy and all of this country's aviation industry, along with development, the benefit of money from the Chinese eat. Just who exactly would they? Local Ukrainian oligarchs and their patrons in the West still hopes to see Ukraine in NATO. Therefore, China remains the only viable option - adopt the technology and everything to do with myself. But it is a way of existence and is the most popular Chinese. So it all came into resonance.

    A unidirectional multi-Chinese aircraft industry

    Against this background, it seems logical to look statement news service Sina, made in June, that the first big major Chinese aircraft development up to the sky in 2014. Company to design and build large aircraft C-919 was officially established in China in May last year to eliminate the dependence of the Chinese aviarynka from western manufacturers. But in this case looks rather strange history with the creation of Airbus production line in China's Tianjin and the issuance of A-320 - a direct competitor of Chinese aviation term. Although the time before 2014 is sufficient and who knows what will happen to the European industry. Most likely, all will be strictly parallel - production of the European model, a purely mechanical drag myself to the Ukrainian technologies and, through the Ukraine, Russia's development. And there, quite possibly, with stocks in Tianjin goes something not quite similar to what was originally intended.

    New combination. Decide and survive

    In any case, it is clear that by 2014 the Middle Kingdom has decided to enter a new stage in the aircraft industry, so the occasional statement that Russia is losing the Chinese market can be considered more likely to stimulate alarmistskih attitudes towards vytorgovyvanie certain preferences within Russia itself. Yes, to some extent, Russia has reduced its influence in the aviation market in China. Only different in the present circumstances could not be just and it must be recognized. The point is that to participate in several projects in Russia aircraft objectively can not - neither the means nor the resources. Therefore, it is a place where really can work, where there is an opportunity to push their products and gaining a foothold on the markets. This project SSJ-100 could be considered the most competitive, even if it is designated to minimize the participation of Russian companies, even incorporated in the solutions are not always the best of what exists in Russia. Most importantly, as well as mechanically as the Celestial in their projects, Russia drag western organizations. What can be inferred that both Russia and China are concerned, in principle, the same problems. The difference is that Chinese want to grow up to the current level of technological development, and Russia to preserve what is possible. That is, at present in the relationship of the aircraft manufacturers actually played a new combination, shifting centers of gravity. And, not necessarily that Russia would be a loser, because she still did not play one against all. But it is now, at least, thanks to its resources, continues to remain afloat. No wonder, a number of Western firms aviation purposes, including the UK, are talking about a possible transfer of production in Russia. So, much will be decided not in the "Russia has lost the Chinese market or not lost", as applied to the phrase "whether or not Russia has maintained its level of development of aeronautical engineering, retained or not the ability to assimilate foreign experience." It is obvious that this approach will be crucial, and energy and all the rest, as they say, only help. Not for nothing is the Celestial continues to participate in the Russo-Chinese Sub-Commission on Cooperation in the field of civil aviation and civil aviation. Moreover, the participation is clearly not formal. So in June, through the work of the Sub-Commission the parties informed each other about the process of restructuring taking place in the aviation industry of Russia and China, the implementation of projects in the field of civil aviation and the measures taken by the governments of both countries to support the industry, and noted the opportunities for deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in this area.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty China tried to steal Su-27 Power Packs

    Post  Admin Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:17 pm

    Chinese tried to remove parts of Russia Su-27 under the guise of a pump

    Chinese tried to take out a piece of electrical equipment from Russia fighter Su-27 under the guise of water pump. That was reported by Interfax on Tuesday, July 28.

    As the agency's press-service Transbaikalian Customs, PRC citizen, was detained by Customs at the international road passes paragraph "Zabaikalsk-Manchuria." In the trunk of his car was found equipment used to provide power military aircraft SU-27.

    Reported that the Chinese businessman, fulfilling the request of a friend from Beijing, Russia has agreed to take out military equipment in two packages under the guise of Pumping. A citizen of the PRC at the same time said that knew nothing about the contents of his luggage.

    According to the interlocutor "Interfax", the specialists of engineering and aviation services of one of the military Chity confirmed that the removed parts are part of the complex units of Russian military aircraft and are a major source of electrical power to onboard equipment.

    Reported that customs authorities are to decide whether to institute criminal proceedings. Press Secretary Transbaikalian customs Yuliya Filippova in an interview with RIA Novosti noted that it was instituting proceedings under Part 2 of Article 188 the Criminal Code (smuggling). Sanction this Article provides for punishment up to seven years' imprisonment.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty China's PLA eyes future in space, air: air force commander

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:01 pm

      BEIJING, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- China will develop an air force with integrated capabilities for both offensive and defensive operations in space as well as in air, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force Commander Xu Qiliang said Sunday.

      Calling militarization in the space and in air "a threat to the mankind," Xu said China must develop a strong force in the two arenas in order to face challenges of that threat.

      "Only power could protect peace," the 59-year-old air force commander said in an interview with Xinhua, 10 days ahead of 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA air force.

      Superiority in space and in air would mean, to a certain extent, superiority over the land and the oceans, Xu said.

      "As the air force of a peace-loving country, we must forge our swords and shields in order to protect peace," he said.

      According to Xu, not only major air force powers in the world were currently eyeing space and air superiority, some developing countries were also changing their military strategies to gain upper ground in the two arenas.

      A country without adequate power would have no say when faced with challenges posed by the militarization in the space and air, he said.

      The PLA air force would improve its detection and early warning, air striking, anti-missile air defense, strategic delivery capabilities in order to effectively protect China's interests and help maintain regional and world peace, Xu said.

      Xu meanwhile stressed that the PLA air force was peace-oriented.

      "The Chinese people is a peace-loving people, and China is a responsible developing country which upholds a national defense policy that is defensive in nature," he said.

      A powerful PLA air force would protect China's sovereignty, safety and territorial integrity, and would play a major part in maintaining regional stability and world peace, he said.

      "The PLA air force will pose no threat to any other country," Xu said.

      This year marks the 60th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China. Its naval force was founded on April 23, 1949, and its air force on Nov. 11 that year.

      Previous report said the PLA air force would put its most advanced warplanes on display in the suburbs of Beijing in November, to mark its 60th founding anniversary.

      All the aircraft to be exhibited, including Kongjing-2000 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEWC) aircraft, J-11 fighters,H-6 bomber jets, and HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles, were made by China.

      Most of them were already included in the aircraft fly past during the National Day military parade on Oct. 1 this year in Beijing.

      In addition to aircraft display, an international military forum themed "harmonious skies" would also be held in Beijing later this month.

      More than 300 senior air force officers from China and more than 30 other countries are expected to attend the forum to mark the PLA air force's 60th anniversary

      "The PLA air force will continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with its foreign counterparts on an opener, more transparent, confident and practical basis," said Xu Qiliang.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  sepheronx Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:00 am

    If they are planning to place weapons in Space, it is against peace plans that both USA and Russia had during the Star Wars program in the 80's. If this comes to light from China, then that would mean USA and Russia would have to meet with weapon based systems in space as well, which then goes against previous areements.

    Lets just say, nothing good can be achieved. I understand China is trying to protect her own interests and such, but such systems could mean another arms race, which no country in this world can afford again.
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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:31 pm

    I don't think China is doing this for defense... the missiles are clearly a chip in poltical influence.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:26 pm

    If China starts putting weapons in space, we will just have to take them down. Twisted Evil

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:59 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:If China starts putting weapons in space, we will just have to take them down. Twisted Evil

    isnt Russia supposed to be China's ally? Laughing Seeing your twisted face doesn't makes me think so Twisted Evil

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:36 pm

    If you mean ally is in happy to take their money then yes. If you mean lifting a finger to save their arse, then no.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:45 pm

    Isn't it supposed to go in both senses?? xD But sooner or later Russia will have to face territorial problems with China, because of china's policy...

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:47 pm

    milky_candy_sugar wrote:Isn't it supposed to go in both senses?? xD But sooner or later Russia will have to face territorial problems with China, because of china's policy...

    Then we will have to nuke them. Problem solved.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:51 pm

    Alright Shocked Don't forget that Vietnam is right under Shocked i don't want to see nuclear clouds over my house Shocked

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:52 pm

    Don't worry, you will be at my house before that happens.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:55 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:Don't worry, you will be at my house before that happens.

    And that means? Shocked

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:58 pm

    It means you will told to get out of there before it happens.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:01 pm

    Wait a second i just saw a nuclear mushroom from my window *gets under computer desk* xD

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Stealthflanker Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:08 am

    talking about weapons at space reminds me of my longing on POLYUS program.... study

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  sepheronx Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:36 am

    milky_candy_sugar wrote:Isn't it supposed to go in both senses?? xD But sooner or later Russia will have to face territorial problems with China, because of china's policy...

    China would and will try to do stupid stuff regarding territorial issues, but I doubt they will with countries that they need resources from and a counry that is more then capable of blasting them to the stone age.

    More or less, China will find it feasible to deal with them professionaly rather then trying to overtake.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:43 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    milky_candy_sugar wrote:Isn't it supposed to go in both senses?? xD But sooner or later Russia will have to face territorial problems with China, because of china's policy...

    China would and will try to do stupid stuff regarding territorial issues, but I doubt they will with countries that they need resources from and a counry that is more then capable of blasting them to the stone age.

    More or less, China will find it feasible to deal with them professionaly rather then trying to overtake.

    I strongly doubt on that, India also have the capacities to blast China but they are still wanting that piece of land....
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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:48 pm

    Yeah, don't forget Damansky Island in 1969. The CCCP had the power to blast China then also and still China started the invasion. Although based on a treaty they were supposed get it anyway.

    Now Vladimir , we can't nuke them because if we even tried , thier space weapons will pinpoint the launch site. We might be able to launch one or two to Beijing but there are millions of them.

    And also don't forgot our own Far East is filled with Chinese from Kharabrovsk to Vladivostok . We need to strengthen border control and clean out Vladvostok from Spies and I don't mean all Chinese just the ones that spy.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:57 pm

    Russian Patriot wrote:Yeah, don't forget Damansky Island in 1969. The CCCP had the power to blast China then also and still China started the invasion. Although based on a treaty they were supposed get it anyway.

    During the CCCP, there was no treaty saying China got Damansky, it was not until 2008 that they got it.

    Now Vladimir , we can't nuke them because if we even tried , thier space weapons will pinpoint the launch site. We might be able to launch one or two to Beijing but there are millions of them.

    And what space weapons would those be? Those hunks of junk they call satellites? There are more than enough warheads to radiate every square inch of China, not to mention the world.

    And also don't forgot our own Far East is filled with Chinese from Kharabrovsk to Vladivostok . We need to strengthen border control and clean out Vladvostok from Spies and I don't mean all Chinese just the ones that spy.

    If there was even the threat of war, Chinese would be sent back in droves. The greatest threat to the Far East is the vast distance from European Russia. It takes a good while to get reinforced.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  sepheronx Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:44 pm

    Saying that China would attack Russia is stupid. And even if they did, they would not win. No matter how many J-10's and or Type 99 tanks they have. Their army is poorly equipped and they mass produce crap. At that, they would not know how to invade if their life depended on it. They are surrounded by enemies and if Russia would simply stand by for an attack and give up, I highly doubt that would happen. And even if China's junky satallites where able to spot launching sites, Russia's mobile launching units would be hard to track, at that, the SSBM's would be more then enough to send China back to the stone age.

    If there is one thing the Russian's know, is how to conduct warfare. China on the other hand required Canadian assistance in the second world war to protect them from Japan. Thats right, China was barely capable of defending itself.

    Don't get me wrong. China I bet has a great military. But invading a country whos country has been invaded multiple times and knows how to protect itself (and for sure has better/more equipment), will be able to suffice in combat easily. Even if China's army is 12M strong, does not stop the fact that is 12M that can be wiped out.

    Lets create a scenario. China attacks Siberia and trys to occupy it. Russia would then respond by launching a couple of missiles to Beijings way. Even if they self destruct over Beijing, it would knock out their electronics for days. China would be then vaulnerable to any possible attack. India would then get the OK to attack Tibet to regain control and any other land lost to China during the war in the 60's.

    China would be in a bad position. And those troops in Siberia would be wiped out pretty quickly from the RuAF.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Admin Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:37 am

    If conventional war broke out with Russia and China, the following would happen. Tu-160/95s would be launched hitting strategic targets deep inside China with Kh-555. 3 Gorges dam and 74 million people will be killed on day one. PLA national and regional HQ command nodes will be wiped out. Border radar stations, air bases and other high priority targets will be hit with Iskander and Tochka-U strikes. PACFLT will be out in full force sinking Chinese shipping and PLAN. Our submarines will have a field day. China's ASW is so shitty, we will have all their ports mined in a matter of days. Su-24s carrying Kh-59 and Kh-31 will be carrying out SEAD killing SAM sites. MiG-31s will be clearing the skies of any PLAAF fighters stupid enough to take off. The PLA advance into our territory will have all the bridges bombed cutting them off from retreat. VDV will be landed behind their lines cutting off supply and communications. When they face off against the army, Mi-28N/Mi-24PN/Su-25 will drop on their formations like a tonne of bricks. Not to mention Smerch MLRS will be firing anti-personell and Sensor fused bomblets. Russian tanks will all be armed with ATGMs outdistancing PLA armour by miles. We will have totally encircled two field armies before they can even reinforce them. With their surrender comes peace and a humiliating defeat for the CCP. All this will occur in a matter of weeks thanks to our rapid reaction brigades. If China still doesn't surrender, we may have to go nuklear as we don't have the forces for a protracted war. India would then have to step in as well as a little help from our Vietnamese friends. CIS states will send a few divisions to help. Biggest problem would be shipping troops from Europe but then China would be in little better position with their rail and highway nodes knocked out.

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Re: PLA Air Force General News Thread:

    Post  Jelena Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:29 am

    sepheronx wrote:Saying that China would attack Russia is stupid.

    I agree with you on that! Smile
    China is spreading their influence and stronger it's position in other way not by attacking on other strong countries.
    All territorial disputes between such a strong powers are not settling with armies these days. Wink

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    PLA Air Force General News Thread: Empty Chengdu J-20 Stealth Fighter:

    Post  Admin Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:57 am

    China made an official statement on the "fourth-generation fighter» J-XX

    PLA Air Force General News Thread: J-xx10

    Public Relations Department of the PLA Air Force has made a confirmation message that the "fourth-generation fighter J-XX» is developed on the basis of design fighter J-10. This statement was issued Xinhua News Agency and People's Liberation Army daily newspaper.

    This statement should put an end to all speculations about J-XX, which appeared after the interview with the PLA Air Force General Hye Veyronga (He Weirong), where he said that "the Chinese pilots in the next 8-10 years commit a jump to the most advanced fighters, which will have stealth technology.

    "Military balance". In the Chinese media often see confusion in the designation of generations of fighters. For example, a fifth-generation fighter F-22 and F-35 aircraft are often called the fourth generation. As for J-XX, then the speculation that it will be twin-engine version of the J-10. In our view, China (if the above quoted statement is really true), I decided to go towards the creation of a fighter in many ways (at least on aerodynamics), similar to the prototype IFI 1.44 OKB im. Mikoyan. What this assumption can be made conclusions?

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