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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:41 pm

    There is no civil war in Turkey YET... it's a low-level insurgency. PKK has no more than 10,000 fighters while Turkish army has 600,000 active personel and with the technological advantage it possesses it can keep Kurds in check using a fraction of that force.

    This insurgency has potential to become a major civil war - with PKK military experience their force would grow exponentially once Russia starts sending military equipment... just look at how easily they organized an effective fighting force (YPG) from nothing basically.
    par far

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  par far Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:03 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:There is no civil war in Turkey YET... it's a low-level insurgency. PKK has no more than 10,000 fighters while Turkish army has 600,000 active personel and with the technological advantage it possesses it can keep Kurds in check using a fraction of that force.

    This insurgency has potential to become a major civil war - with PKK military experience their force would grow exponentially once Russia starts sending military equipment... just look at how easily they organized an effective fighting force (YPG) from nothing basically.

    I think that Russia is playing their hand slow, Russia is waiting to see how much damage Turkey does to their interests(in Syria, Ukraine, Crimea and elsewhere), if Russia thinks that it is too much damage, then they will start arming the PKK. I just wish that Russia would start arming right now but we will need to wait.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:56 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:There is no civil war in turkey. Evrything is fine here. Infact we plan our holidays right now.


    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 07-minister


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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  x_54_u43 Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:51 am

    Mustafa wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:There is no civil war in turkey. Evrything is fine here. Infact we plan our holidays right now.


    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 07-minister

    lol big words from a serbian. Did you visit Kosovo recently?

    I´m getting bored from all those folks we used to have as slaves.

    Been to Balkans, Caucasus, Arabia, Syria, Iran, Greece, Crimea, etc... recently? Razz

    Ask those in Kosovo about their expectation in life in foreseeable future, you will find them a bit nervous due to something up North. Twisted Evil    

    Those "slaves" took on entire NATO with you in it all by themselves an we are still here. You turkish inbreds could not even dream of kicking that much ass. Shot down one plane and got so scared shitless that you went running to big daddy 10 minutes later.

    Enjoy your last decade rectum lover.

    turkish inbreds? My grandmother is greek, my other grandmother turkish. One grandfather turkish and other assyrian origin. With all due respect but the ottoman empire was not serbs are. Just look at your square heads.

    funny fact is, that 99% of turks are plain and simple islamisized byzanthians. But you? What are you guys? Some isolated 3rd world country that evryone uses as waste bin.

    Oh yes, Turkish inbreds

    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Global10

    How many extra appendages do you have, Mehmed?

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  mack8 Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:41 am

    KSA and Pakistan take the "top prize" though. How fitting. Laughing
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:00 am

    Mustafa wrote:Blah, blah, blah, ...

    btw how is Beslan doing nowadays?


    Over the last few weeks it was fully acceptable for the forum members to have a bit of fun at user Mustafa's expense; however, the above statement means that this user needs to receive a permanent ban. Via this assertion of his (its?), he has admitted that he is a terrorist that likes to kill innocent children.

    As an aside, however, it was very interesting, even though fully expected, that as an employee of the Turkish regime, Mustafa had no shame regarding the Turkish airforce having been grounded due to them being petrified of the Russian ultimatum to them, while KoTeMoRe's observations regarding Mustafa's use of anabolic steroids and their well-known side-effects have hit the right chord and has gotten him totally unraveled.

    Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:06 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  onwiththewar Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:27 am

    Apparently the fighting in Turkey is quite serious.

    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 LiveLeak-dot-com-03d_1451759692-07_1451760197

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    More info re: Turkish Inbreeding

    A rough estimate shows that close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred: In Pakistan, 70 percent of all marriages are between first cousins (so-called "consanguinity") and in Turkey the amount is between 25-30 percent (Jyllands-Posten, 27/2 2009 More stillbirths among immigrants"

    Now I have witnessed a live Turkish inbreed in our forum in Mustafa. How exciting.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:39 am

    Mustafa, some members(I was among them as well as I was and still pissed at Your leadership) trolled You and insulted Your country/people, but common show some grace and fuck up cause Beslan remark was really out of place.
    Instead of fighting on internet, better update situation on Turkish Syrian border.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:48 am

    You do realize that Iran hates kurds even more as turkey does and when you support the kurds you make iran your enemy?

    That is strange because we hear of Turkish forces crossing borders to kill Kurds but we don't hear much about Iran doing the same... you would think the US and the west would have long ago exploited that weakness in Iran to get the Kurds to rise up and challenge the leadership of that country... yet they do not seem to have done that.

    Beside that we welcome a kurd uprising it gives us the possibility to clean out.

    Yeah... that always works... I mean look at how successful Hitler was in dealing with the Jews in europe...

    Putin already addressed the Turks that Russia is not looking for a fight with the Turkish people, only their current government.

    The problem is that the Turkish people including the chap who is here at the moment are not so likely to listen to Putin and more likely to listen to Erdogan... so no matter what Putin says I don't think Erdogan will be satisfied to make it Russia vs him on his own... he will make it Turkey and if possible NATO vs Russia.

    It crossed illegally our airspace. It got shot down. Until now no russian jet has crossed our airspace again. So the message was delivered.

    There is no evidence the aircraft ever entered Turkish air space, there is clear evidence and an admission it was shot down by turkish fighters and there has been no apology or regret over the murder of one of the crew and indeed a member of the rescue party.

    The message delivered was that Turkey is on the side of the terrorists and oil smugglers.

    Russia got the message and have adjusted their tactics and procedures accordingly... SAMS are in place and all bombers will now have armed escorts to deal with any other aircraft interfering with Russian bombers.

    It really bothers me how retarded some internet warriors are here. 90% of you guys are obese video game nerds and you think you can talk about war / peace. If we stood infront each other i doubt i wouldn´t even notice you guys as individual persons.

    The really funny thing is that you come to a forum run by an ex VDV soldier with all sorts of people on here including people from serbia who fought off NATO for a couple of months pretty much on their own and you say the above quote about them... and on another thread you say:

    The albanians fucked you up good. Kosovo is the best humilation in the last decade.

    And then with a bit of class you mention Beslan...

    btw how is Beslan doing nowadays?

    You think the deaths of children is an acceptable comeback.

    I am a very patient and understanding person, but I also have a role on this forum of keeping the peace.

    I banned you before for a couple of days because you could not play well with others, and to be honest I felt a little guilty because I felt you had the right to an opinion and to express that opinion without insult or fear of insult.

    It is however clear that nothing has changed and you still don't play well with others here... you don't contribute anything I can see as being useful other than a head in the mud differing opinion and abuse. Much of that abuse is returned in kind leading to arguments rather than discussions, and while it takes two to tango I am banning you.

    This was not because members have asked on the forum for you to be banned... this is not a democracy.

    This is my decision because you bring nothing of value and are disruptive in that you use abuse to demean the groups others belong to rather than just personal abuse.

    Might come as a shock but I don't care if you don't like one Serb or one Russian but if you come to a forum with lots of serbs and lots of Russians and start abusing them all as a group, then you are clearly not very intelligent.

    BTW if you had taken the time to read some older posts I have mentioned the respect I have for the Turkish people. As a New Zealander I know the honour you have treated our dead at Gallipoli and from other conflicts. It is sad to meet a Turk who so quickly forgets honour and respect so I have no problem banning you right now... Goodbye.

    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:00 am

    I think, as users like Mustafa are not civilians and instead are employees of the Turkish Gestapo, an IP ban followed by a "content-based" ban is a minimum requirement for dealing with them. By a "content-based" ban I mean if a "new" user talks like "Mustafa" and is sensitive to any talks about the well-known side-effects of the anabolic steroids, then it is "Mustafa" and should receive an immediate permanent ban.

    Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:38 pm

    Dude on roids, 100 percent. Vascularity of muscles says it. Still pretty meh for his age as his natural testosterone should be enough to maintain similar gains.
    Then again I'm myself a user of anabolic steroids after my back injury started to cripple me, but difference is I could be Mustafas dad. I have steroids administered by professional and it's pharma grade, str8 out of NHS, not some turkish/pakistan UG lab. (jelly iphone boy?)
    Whatever sides he will be getting it won't affect his posting, he is genuine insecure narcissist. Haha, he tried to earn respect here with his phone and muscles, what a kid, come to Serbia, Russia or any EE country and You will be dropped like a blanket.
    Thanks for ban Garry, just seen him calling dead pilot an idiot. Good riddance.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  OminousSpudd Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:46 pm

    Regular wrote:(jelly iphone boy?)
    GarryB wrote:This is not a democracy
    Hell yeah. Every time Garry reiterates this, he reiterates why he's the best active admin for this forum.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:02 am

    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 CYoqOE3WwAE06SG
    Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha  1h1 hour ago
    Large explosion hits the police HQ in #Diyarbakır #Amed #Turkey

    Bit of an escalation, maybe a politeness meter will come handy soon.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:18 am

    KiloGolf wrote:Bit of an escalation, maybe a politeness meter will come handy soon.

    I think, a politeness meter would have been handy for the last several weeks already. A lie-detector would also be nice in conjunction with any announcements that are made by "Turkey".

    Edit: No a lie-detector wouldn't be required; it is already known that no announcement by "Turkey" can include any truth.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  KiloGolf Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:32 pm

    Oh look, Turkey's going the North Korea way.


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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  HUNTER VZLA Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:30 pm

    Situation in Kurdish majority city of Cizre in Turkey

    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 CZVdeYKWAAEVame

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  VladimirSahin Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:10 pm

    That's Turkey's justification on doing that to buildings when there is maybe 4 or 5 militants in the area. Their real goal is to **** up the Kurds as a revenge for the war they have been having against the PKK. Funny how Turkish ***s complain that Assad does that to buildings whenever the war in Syria is about 10,000 times more intense.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Werewolf Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:12 pm

    The jewish way.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  HUNTER VZLA Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:42 am


    Kurdish majority city of Sur Turkey

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Zivo Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:08 am

    This is really bad, Turkish goons killing more civilians. Graphic


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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  VladimirSahin Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:53 pm

    Turkish fucks!!! Today is my birthday, I'm making some wishes after this video.

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  George1 Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:40 am

    BREAKING: Turkish state TV claim to have killed 60 in an assault on a building in cizre.

    Kurds claim the 60 dead are wounded civilians that have been trapped in a basement. More information when available.


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    Post  George1 Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:45 pm

    Turkish Army Kills 27 PKK Militants in Southeast of Country

    The Turkish Armed Forces killed 27 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the military operation in the country's southeast, according to the Turkish General Staff.

    ANKARA (Sputnik) — A total of 27 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) were killed by the Turkish army in 24 hours of a counter-terrorist operation in the country's southeast, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement Friday.

    "Sixteen terrorists were killed in [the Sirnak Province's town of] Cizre and 24 bodies of [militants] killed earlier were found. Five terrorists were destroyed in Sura and six in the Hakkari Province," the statement read.

    Turkey's Interior Minister Efkan Ala said Thursday that Turkish security forces had finalized the anti-terrorist operation in the mainly Kurdish town of Cizre.

    According to the Turkish General Staff, over 900 Kurdish militants have been killed in counter-terrorism operations since mid-December. Kurdish activists, in turn, argue that most of the dead were civilian victims.

    The security situation in Turkey deteriorated in mid-2015, when two Turkish policemen were killed by the PKK, which led Ankara to launch a military campaign against the group.

    Read more:

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    Post  George1 Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:55 am

    Turkish Army Shelling Kurdish Barracks in Northern Syria - Source

    Read more:

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    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 Empty Re: Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict

    Post  Dima Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:35 pm

    Some old memories....

    Lina Arabi ‏@LinaArabii  19 hours ago
    Meeting in #Damascus, Feb 25th, 1993, from left to right Mullazem Omar, Abdullah Öcalan, Kurdo K. & Jalal Talabani.
    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 CbXjk4NXEAEFRjv

    Abdullah Öcalan at a training camp for Kurdish fighters, #Damascus, #Syria, 1998.
    Kurdish [PKK,YPG]–Turkish conflict - Page 6 CbXhghxWcAACebj

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