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    Venezuela crisis


    Will usa be successful in installing it's puppet

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:38 pm

    Kimppis wrote:

    Italy vetoed EU recognition of Venezuelan opposition leader Guaido – M5S source to RT

    LMAO if true. (Some) Europeans are acting independently for once, but funnily enough when that happens it goes against Aristide's "European interests". So Aristide, shouldn't you as a nationalist support the Five Star Movement anyway? But now they FULLY SUPPORT Maduro (atleast if you overreact and interpret these type of moves and statements like Aristide), so how do you make sense of that?

    This comment is great:
    Look for the EU to change the rules. Nobody tells Brussels what to do, except America of course.

    Italy will be sanctioned by The Masters of the Universe in 3... 2... 1...
    italy is a us colony since the 8 september 1943.

    We are not entitled to have indipendent foreign policy and we are often forced to accept decision against our own interest. It is true that many of our politicians are inept or bought by foreign nations, but I believe there were also several limits to our sovereignty, also concerning commercial matters, in the peace treaty of 1947.

    Within the EU the situation even got worse.


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:14 pm

    I wonder why don't the Yellow Vests nominate a President from their leaders affraid

    See if Trump et al. will support him/her.

    Micron should be sanctioned for brutally inhumanly savagely shooting the protesters at the eye attack attack EU should put an end to Micron brutal repressive regime blah blah blah bleh attack attack attack

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:04 pm

    AbdulhamidtheSecond wrote:None of the countries in EU control their politics themselves. If they reject an idea that does not serve Zionist agenda, they got punished.

    Yeah, and because of that France heavily supports the russian - german nordstream II pipeline and shields it against american attacks.

    It was France that led the counter attack against american tariffs and forced trump to move backwards.

    It is France now that leads the attacks against the UK and closed the EU lines which makes the UK crumble.

    It is France that actively counters the american sanctions against Cuba.

    And no, i dont support the M5S movement in Italy. They are socialist slime.

    As for democracy, countries liek Egypt are not ready for democracy.

    What happened back thenw as that Obama heavily supported the muslim brotherhood. France and Germany could not accept a muslim brotherhood government in Egypt and supported teh coup.

    Al-Sisi is a reasonable and rational leader. Those countries must be ruled with an iron grip.

    Nations have interests. France has, USA, has, Russia has and all others have as well.

    In some cases our interests overlap, in others they dont,.

    For France it is best, when Maduro goes. Its that simple.

    And today France and all other EU countries accepted the new Venezuela president and asked him to start a new election.

    IN next days aid will be brought through the colombian boarder into Venezuela against Maduro will. Since the red cross does it, Maduro cant do anything against it.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:14 pm

    For France it is best, when Maduro goes. Its that simple.
    How will Cuba, allegedly supported by France, survive w/o free/cheap Venezuela's oil that was coming there all these years?
    What is France's interest in ousting Maduro, besides showing solidarity with the US, the Lima Group, etc., that parroted them?

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:19 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    For France it is best, when Maduro goes. Its that simple.
    How will Cuba, allegedly supported by France, survive w/o free/cheap Venezuela's oil that was coming there all these years?
    What is France's interest in ousting Maduro, besides showing solidarity with the US, the Lima Group, etc., that parroted them?

    Venzuela oil is incredible low quality. It has a very high viscosity and can´t be used without heavily processing it. The oil Venezuela send to Cuba was refinded elsewhere before that. Mostly by french TOTAL SA.

    Maduro ran his country into the wall. They dont even bing enough oil up anymore. Agriculture collapsed. The country has already 4 million refugess that escaped to colombia and brazil. It has extreme crime and poverty.

    The current situation does not create a positive business environment for France. As french citizen you cant even travel there since its not safe.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:46 pm

    The oil Venezuela send to Cuba was refinded elsewhere before that. Mostly by french TOTAL SA.
    Ur sources, please? Even if true, will France provide Cuba with the same amounts of oil once Maduro is out? On that score, the French Cuba policy in inconsistent.

    If Cuba's regime is changed after the 1 in Venezuela, all that tourist infrastructure may get neglected &/ will become more expensive & less attractive for Westerners to use. Supporting a regime change in Venezuela so that the rich French like u can visit it safely isn't worth a single life, period!
    Agriculture collapsed.
    Even before Chavez, they were importing most of their food, so there's nothing to collapse.
    Agriculture in Venezuela accounts for approximately 4.4% of GDP, 7.3% of the labor force and at least one-fourth of Venezuela's land area. Venezuela exports rice, corn, fish, tropical fruit, coffee, pork and beef. The country is not self-sufficient in most areas of agriculture.

    Before oil was discovered there & started to be exported, they mostly exported coffee,etc. to buy all the needed food. After the oil production decreased &/ its prices dropped, they could import less food & other essentials. This already happened once in the past, also before Chavez:

    Also, the gov. subsidized stores for the poor were undermined by speculators who were getting it all cheap & then selling it a few blocks away for more.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:22 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : add video)
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:14 pm

    Experts Warn Ousting Maduro Without Violence Is Unlikely

    In Venezuela the destiny of the American empire is at stake

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:31 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:23 pm

    Russia Following ‘Syrian Playbook’ in Its Approach to Venezuela

    Venezuela & Russia have over 50% of all oil reserves, but the US + Venezuela have 85%. The stakes r very high!
    In the long run, Russia & China would benefit from the US sinking into another Vietnam-like quagmire. They can create problems for Colombia & Brazil to protect Maduro. Then, the US would have to intervene directly & getting its nose bloodied.
    Maduro, who remains in power, claims that US President Donald Trump’s administration “intends to turn my homeland into a ‘Vietnam war’ in Latin America,” and that if the US does “invade” then it will have “a Vietnam worse than they can imagine.” He also stated that Trump would leave the White House “stained with blood” if he deployed troops to Venezuela.

    Italian authorities are strongly opposed to interference in the affairs of Venezuela:

    US desire to shift the regime in Venezuela is doomed to failure

    From :
    Inside Trump's 'Cubanization' of America's Venezuela Policy
    Guaido's US Envoy Vows to Open Oil Deals, Restructure Debt
    UN Recognizes Only Maduro as Legitimate President
    Venezuela's Dueling Political Movements Each Push Elections
    Venezuela's Funds Transfer Blocked, Opposition Lawmaker Says
    Pope: Vatican Open to Mediating in Venezuela if Both Sides Ask
    As More Venezuelans Flee, the Crisis Pushes Deeper Into Colombia
    Russia Backs Talks Between Venezuela's Maduro and Opposition
    Backing Maduro could be costly for Moscow
    It would still be worth having a 2nd unsinkable a/c carrier in the Western Hemisphere! Btw, the Russian Chukotka Peninsula, across Alaska, is also east of the 180 meridian, so this hemisphere isn't only the US's turf! S/IRBMs can be sited there, aimed at Alaska & the US W. Coast.

    Unbeknownst to most Americans, Chavez was well loved by poor and working class Venezuelans for his extraordinary array of social programs that lifted millions out of poverty. Between 1996 and 2010, the level of extreme poverty plummeted from 40% to 7%. The government also substantially improved healthcare and education, cutting infant mortality by half, reducing the malnutrition rate from 21% to 5% of the population and eliminating illiteracy. These changes gave Venezuela the lowest level of inequality in the region, based on its Gini coefficient.
    Since Chavez’ death in 2013, Venezuela has descended into an economic crisis stemming from a combination of government mismanagement, corruption, sabotage and the precipitous fall in the price of oil. The oil industry provides 95% of Venezuela’s exports, so the first thing Venezuela needed when prices crashed in 2014 was international financing to cover huge shortfalls in the budgets of both the government and the national oil company. The strategic objective of US sanctions is to exacerbate the economic crisis by denying Venezuela access to the U.S.-dominated international financial system to roll over existing debt and obtain new financing.
    The blocking of Citgo’s funds in the US also deprives Venezuela of a billion dollars per year in revenue that it previously received from the export, refining and retail sale of gasoline to American drivers. Canadian economist Joe Emersberger has calculated that the new sanctions Trump unleashed in 2017 cost Venezuela $6 billion in just their first year. In sum, US sanctions are designed to “make the economy scream” in Venezuela, exactly as President Nixon described the goal of US sanctions against Chile after its people elected Salvador Allende in 1970.
    Alfred De Zayas visited Venezuela as a UN Rapporteur in 2017 and wrote an in-depth report for the UN. He criticized Venezuela’s dependence on oil, poor governance and corruption, but he found that “economic warfare” by the US and its allies were seriously exacerbating the crisis. “Modern-day economic sanctions and blockades are comparable with medieval sieges of towns,” De Zayas wrote. “Twenty-first century sanctions attempt to bring not just a town, but sovereign countries to their knees.” He recommended that the International Criminal Court should investigate US sanctions against Venezuela as crimes against humanity. In a recent interview with the Independent newspaper in the U.K., De Zayas reiterated that US sanctions are killing Venezuelans.
    Venezuela’s economy has shrunk by about half since 2014, the greatest contraction of a modern economy in peacetime. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the average Venezuelan lost an incredible 24 lb. in body weight in 2017.
    Mr. De Zayas’ successor as UN Rapporteur, Idriss Jazairy, issued a statement on January 31st, in which he condemned “coercion” by outside powers as a “violation of all norms of international law.” “Sanctions which can lead to starvation and medical shortages are not the answer to the crisis in Venezuela,” Mr. Jazairy said, “…precipitating an economic and humanitarian crisis…is not a foundation for the peaceful settlement of disputes.”
    While Venezuelans face poverty, preventable diseases, malnutrition and open threats of war by US officials, those same US officials and their corporate sponsors are looking at an almost irresistible gold mine if they can bring Venezuela to its knees: a fire sale of its oil industry to foreign oil companies and the privatization of many other sectors of its economy, from hydroelectric power plants to iron, aluminum and, yes, actual gold mines. This is not speculation. It is what the US’s new puppet, Juan Guaido, has reportedly promised his American backers if they can overthrow Venezuela’s elected government and install him in the presidential palace.
    Oil industry sources have reported that Guaido has “plans to introduce a new national hydrocarbons law that establishes flexible fiscal and contractual terms for projects adapted to oil prices and the oil investment cycle… A new hydrocarbons agency would be created to offer bidding rounds for projects in natural gas and conventional, heavy and extra-heavy crude.”
    The US government claims to be acting in the best interests of the Venezuelan people, but over 80 percent of Venezuelans, including many who don’t support Maduro, are opposed to the crippling economic sanctions, while 86% oppose US or international military intervention.
    This generation of Americans has already seen how our government’s endless sanctions, coups and wars have only left country after country mired in violence, poverty and chaos. As the results of these campaigns have become predictably catastrophic for the people of each country targeted, the American officials promoting and carrying them out have a higher and higher bar to meet as they try to answer the obvious question of an increasingly skeptical US and international public: “How is Venezuela (or Iran or North Korea) different from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and at least 63 other countries where US regime change operations have led only to long-lasting violence and chaos?”

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:58 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : add a quote)

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:36 am

    Juan Guaido will open up Venezuelan oil to foreign companies, his US envoy says

    An envoy to the US for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó has said the country’s oil reserves would be opened to foreign investors, bolstering suspicions that Washington’s support of Guaidó is oil-dependent.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  flamming_python Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:55 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    AbdulhamidtheSecond wrote:None of the countries in EU control their politics themselves. If they reject an idea that does not serve Zionist agenda, they got punished.

    Yeah, and because of that France heavily supports the russian - german nordstream II pipeline and shields it against american attacks.

    It was France that led the counter attack against american tariffs and forced trump to move backwards.

    It is France now that leads the attacks against the UK and closed the EU lines which makes the UK crumble.

    It is France that actively counters the american sanctions against Cuba.

    And no, i dont support the M5S movement in Italy. They are socialist slime.

    As for democracy, countries liek Egypt are not ready for democracy.

    What happened back thenw as that Obama heavily supported the muslim brotherhood. France and Germany could not accept a muslim brotherhood government in Egypt and supported teh coup.

    Al-Sisi is a reasonable and rational leader. Those countries must be ruled with an iron grip.

    Nations have interests. France has, USA, has, Russia has and all others have as well.

    In some cases our interests overlap, in others they dont,.

    For France it is best, when Maduro goes. Its that simple.

    And today France and all other EU countries accepted the new Venezuela president and asked him to start a new election.

    IN next days aid will be brought through the colombian boarder into Venezuela against Maduro will. Since the red cross does it, Maduro cant do anything against it.

    That's a respectable argument actually, have to admit.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:19 pm

    This Guido guy only has a couple weeks left before his 30 day period ends from his claim to presidency. Big chance is, he will face jail. This coup isn't working and thus why US is constantly resorting to cheap threats.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:05 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:This Guido guy only has a couple weeks left before his 30 day period ends from his claim to presidency.  Big chance is, he will face jail.  This coup isn't working and thus why US is constantly resorting to cheap threats.

    It's half working. People are fed up with Maduro. But they also know this guy works for CIA and they know very well what US are trying to do. They want a new president, they don't want this guy to be president as US try to sell it.

    Maduro should play nice and not use the force. Just prove that US are behind all this with evidences.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:14 pm

    Isos wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:This Guido guy only has a couple weeks left before his 30 day period ends from his claim to presidency.  Big chance is, he will face jail.  This coup isn't working and thus why US is constantly resorting to cheap threats.

    It's half working. People are fed up with Maduro. But they also know this guy works for CIA and they know very well what US are trying to do. They want a new president, they don't want this guy to be president as US try to sell it.

    Maduro should play nice and not use the force. Just prove that US are behind all this with evidences.

    Its not about USA. Maduro is finished. The people want his head.

    He lost legitimacy. Not just USA and all EU players deposed him. Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia as well.

    He is done.
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:18 pm

    Guys, do you think US would be daring enough to invade Venezuela?

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:20 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Guys, do you think US would be daring enough to invade Venezuela?

    Why should it? Time works for them. The people in Venezuela starve. Maduro is international dead.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:48 pm

    Maduro is finished. The people want his head.
    He lost legitimacy. Not just USA and all EU players deposed him. Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia as well.
    No, he's not deposed yet! Many other people, incl. the military, want him to stay. Those countries except Colombia, a long time de-facto US protectorate, were themselves "regime changed", so their toeing of the US line is not any more legitimate. Certainly the Argentinian Pope (& Ms of Catholics behind him) isn't 1 of them, & he offered mediation.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:11 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    Maduro is finished. The people want his head.
    He lost legitimacy. Not just USA and all EU players deposed him. Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia as well.
    No, he's not deposed yet! Many other people, incl. the military, want him to stay. Those countries except Colombia, a long time de-facto US protectorate, were themselves "regime changed", so their toeing of the US line is not any more legitimate. Certainly the Argentinian Pope (& Ms of Catholics behind him) isn't 1 of them, & he offered mediation.

    3 million refugees,

    collapsed economy

    extreme poverty

    Btw i´m catholic and i see the current pope as pathetic. He has no halt in the Vatican and is isolated.

    I ss a catholic can tell you that i would spit that leftist, socialist and globalist slime in the face.

    So yes, Maduro is done. He has no solution to better his countries situation. It gets worse and worse and he cant feed his people.

    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:38 pm

    If u r a true Catholic, then u should follow ur Pope- he's the link between u & ur God who put him in Vatican. He's an ethnic Italian & Italy blocked the EU recognition of that Guido scum.
    So yes, Maduro is done. He has no solution to better his countries situation.
    Others may help him, like they helped Assad. The bad situation was made worse by the US sanctions. Stalin, Mao & Kim also presided over famines but stayed in power for decades while helping each other & others in the 3rd World.

    Trump Hawks don’t Care about Democracy, they Want a Brutal Coup for Venezuelan Oil

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:54 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : add links)

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:13 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:If u r a true Catholic, then u should follow ur Pope- he's the link between u & ur God who put him in Vatican. He's an ethnic Italian & Italy blocked the EU recognition of that Guido scum.
    So yes, Maduro is done. He has no solution to better his countries situation.
    Others may help him, like they helped Assad. The bad situation was made worse by the US sanctions. Stalin, Mao & Kim also presided over famines but stayed in power for decades while helping each other & others in the 3rd World.

    Trump Hawks don’t Care about Democracy, they Want a Brutal Coup for Venezuelan Oil

    The sanctions were installed few weeks ago. Venezuela plunged into chaos years ago.

    And venezuela oil is worthless. USA already have full acess to it, infact they hold maduros regime alive artificial for years.

    Beside that you obviously are unaware of catholic history. Lots of popes got deposed and france even installed counter popes before.


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:28 pm

    So if all that oil is worthless, why is America even giving the country the time of day?

    Clearly it is the opposite of worthless... with US control of Venezuelan oil then America could control oil prices just by jacking up production in Venezuela... they could even sell it to themselves to force down the price and then store it for a rainy day...

    The Church even produced propaganda about how bad communism is, through three shepherd children in Fatima. Our Lady of Fatima proclaimed that communism was a horrible thing and that to defeat it, one must pray the rosary.

    Yeah, a church that turns nuns into sex slaves and prostitutes and supports the molesting of small boys... they even have an arrangement to send them to new hunting grounds when word gets out... a sex network for child molesting perverts... I wouldn't listen to the catholic church about anything...

    America likes to see central and south american countries dependent on them and when they look elsewhere they end up in the Shit... so it is not surprise they are promoting Guano as a new leader for Venezuela... never received a vote from the venezuelan public in his life but he is suddenly their best option?


    There are threads about Venezuela on this forum that go back years... Venezuela was going to collapse in 2012 too BTW... everything was falling from the sky... it is not rocket science and no matter how much our local monkey says it, it has nothing to do with communism... and everything to do with a country that depends on oil at a time when the price of oil is rather low.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:32 pm

    GarryB wrote:So if all that oil is worthless, why is America even giving the country the time of day?

    Clearly it is the opposite of worthless... with US control of Venezuelan oil then America could control oil prices just by jacking up production in Venezuela... they could even sell it to themselves to force down the price and then store it for a rainy day...

    The Church even produced propaganda about how bad communism is, through three shepherd children in Fatima. Our Lady of Fatima proclaimed that communism was a horrible thing and that to defeat it, one must pray the rosary.

    Yeah, a church that turns nuns into sex slaves and prostitutes and supports the molesting of small boys... they even have an arrangement to send them to new hunting grounds when word gets out... a sex network for child molesting perverts... I wouldn't listen to the catholic church about anything...

    America likes to see central and south american countries dependent on them and when they look elsewhere they end up in the Shit... so it is not surprise they are promoting Guano as a new leader for Venezuela... never received a vote from the venezuelan public in his life but he is suddenly their best option?


    There are threads about Venezuela on this forum that go back years... Venezuela was going to collapse in 2012 too BTW... everything was falling from the sky... it is not rocket science and no matter how much our local monkey says it, it has nothing to do with communism... and everything to do with a country that depends on oil at a time when the price of oil is rather low.

    Venezueala oil is the lowest quality on the market, needs extreme raffination and has the viscosity of tar. It only gets lucrative when oil prices are very high. They are low...

    Dude...USA already is with 90% market share the only customer of this shit. USA hekd maduro alive in the last years. The only facilities to utilize that shit are located in USA.

    This isnt about oil, its about influence in the region.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:24 pm

    This isnt about oil, its about influence in the region.

    It is certainly about influence too.... and US arrogance... the Russians and Chinese are getting too friendly with quite a few countries in Americas back yard and that is just not acceptable to them... they would rather destroy Venezuela than see it continue...

    And it is always about oil... America wouldn't care less about Assad... except there is oil in his country and he is friends with Russia and Iran...

    The US controls 90% of the Venezuelan oil sales because it considers it its back yard... if the US succeeds, the first thing Guano will do is privatise everything because foreign ownership of Venezuelan resources can only help the Venezuelan people...

    Just saw on this website a video posted by Vann showing venzuelans leaving venezuela... originally shown by CNN, but the russian news company that reviewed their video footage noticed they were all well dressed and none of them looked like they were starving, and the bags and trolleys they had were empty... some had children with them... and then it turns out that the Columbians offered them $30 US dollars per person in aide as refugees... so they crossed the border... did some shopping and then went home to Venezuela with their bags full... each of those kids they took over got them an extra $30 each...

    Wouldn't trust the western media to tell me the time of day... lying bastards.

    Would not be so bad if they were actually trying to help some poor people... but they are actually trying to help some very very rich people become even richer at the expense of poor people getting even poorer.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:07 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    This isnt about oil, its about influence in the region.

    It is certainly about influence too.... and US arrogance... the Russians and Chinese are getting too friendly with quite a few countries in Americas back yard and that is just not acceptable to them... they would rather destroy Venezuela than see it continue...

    And it is always about oil... America wouldn't care less about Assad... except there is oil in his country and he is friends with Russia and Iran...

    The US controls 90% of the Venezuelan oil sales because it considers it its back yard... if the US succeeds, the first thing Guano will do is privatise everything because foreign ownership of Venezuelan resources can only help the Venezuelan people...

    Just saw on this website a video posted by Vann showing venzuelans leaving venezuela... originally shown by CNN, but the russian news company that reviewed their video footage noticed they were all well dressed and none of them looked like they were starving, and the bags and trolleys they had were empty... some had children with them... and then it turns out that the Columbians offered them $30 US dollars per person in aide as refugees... so they crossed the border... did some shopping and then went home to Venezuela with their bags full... each of those kids they took over got them an extra $30 each...

    Wouldn't trust the western media to tell me the time of day... lying bastards.

    Would not be so bad if they were actually trying to help some poor people... but they are actually trying to help some very very rich people become even richer at the expense of poor people getting even poorer.

    Venezuela has no oil, it has tar.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  George1 Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:17 pm

    Aristide wrote:

    Venezuela has no oil, it has tar.

    are you crazy? Shocked

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:22 am

    ...well you could say that when the US sees oil in a weak vulnerable country it says Ta... (ie thank you)

    But only because the US is a giant oil tick on the arse of the planet...

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 14 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

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