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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict:


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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  elconquistador Tue May 11, 2021 10:00 pm

    New TV address by Netanyahu couple of minutes ago

    'We will continue the attack on Gaza with full force'

    Defense minister Benny Gantz: 'This is only the beginning'

    It could be that the Israelis are willfully letting this conflict escalate in order to draw the USA back in now that this Administration is showing clear signs of disengaging with Iran and lessening support for the Netanyahu clique in general

    As in give the AIPAC et al. lobby the necessary ammunition to morally oblige the US to take a more hard line stance on Iran and halt the US' current (half-assed) withdrawal from the Mid East.

    That's just spitballing though


    Something that flies under the radar regularly : settler violence against Palestinians

    Couple of days ago two Palestinians were lynched in Lod

    Similar things are happening now

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  flamming_python Tue May 11, 2021 11:30 pm

    Gotta love these zios shilling themselves up

    Jewish Space Lasers

    No dear, it's just a short-range missile defence system. And doesn't particularly help either, your leaders would have been better off with something like 57mm proximity fused rounds or EW means like that Russian army system for remote detonation of incoming rockets.

    Lod has been lost control of, its mayor has been begging for reinforcements on TV

    Earlier a Israeli Arab mob ripped down the Israeli flag from the central square in Lod and put the Palestinian flag in its place

    Told you guys shit was getting real this time

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  flamming_python Tue May 11, 2021 11:42 pm

    Arab protest in Jaffa violently repressed by the police earlier today

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  crod Tue May 11, 2021 11:49 pm

    The Jews apparently are not responding to Egypt’s call for de-escalation meetings.
    A lot of Palestinian blood about to be spilt, mostly civilian too I would say.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  elconquistador Wed May 12, 2021 12:51 am

    Israel Palestina conflict on the streets of New York

    Soon in every Western European capital. The pro Palestina crowd already showed up in the thousands in London today

    Was actually by accident an onlooker when a pro Israel and pro Palestina demo were held a couple of years back in a European capital with a historically large Jewish population (now surpassed x10 by the muzzies)

    1 to 20 attendance (in favor for pro Palestina) . Pro Israel side had to be cordoned off by police. Lots of insults, sieh heil salutes, calls for violence, hyped up arab/Berber types

    Very nasty environment

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 12, 2021 1:44 am

    Israeli Arab mob on streets in Lod

    They've armed themselves too it seems

    Lots of cars burning there

    Synagogue burning in Lod

    And the Arabs are celebrating taking control in Lod
    Apparently many Jewish residents are being evacuated. Israeli police reinforcements are on their way there.
    Jewish restaurant set ablaze in Acre
    In Ramalla an Israeli Jewish mob targets Arab taxi drivers
    Continuing clashes in Jerusalem
    Riots in Qalansawe

    Riots hitting Acre and Haifa now.

    In case people are missing the significance of the Arab uprising in Lod, raising the Palestinian flag and them taking control there if only temporarily; those Arabs have been Israeli citizens since 1948 essentially and have been included in Israel's core lands

    If they are rising up, then anyone can and everyone will; not just Gaza where Hamas and Islamic Jihad are based; but the West Bank with the Fatah party there on shaky legs. Jerusalem, Acre, Haifa, Jaffa. Everywhere.

    And there where local leaders are accustomed to appeasing Israel or suing for peace under American mediation, can suddenly find their legitimacy revoked by their own people if they don't join the struggle. This also includes neighboring countries - Lebanon, Jordan in particular.
    Egypt is probably stable enough to stay out of this mess and limit its actions to strong language. Syria will go lock-step with Iran as will Hezbollah of course; their actions we can't guess at yet. Perhaps they will make a move if Israel draws forces south to the Gaza Strip and especially the West Bank where it has huge amounts of settlements to protect.

    Pro-Palestinian rallies in Tyre (Lebanon)
    And Beirut

    Israeli society itself is divided, and not just along the traditional Muslim-Jewish lines. Much of the Israeli population is liberal and has been making efforts at reaching out to the Israeli Arabs and building a common society with them, and over the past years this has been increasingly successful as the Arabs have reciprocated.
    A coalition of Israeli parties, including a couple of Israeli Arab ones, were poised to form a coalition against Netanyahu and depose him at the upcoming elections.
    And much of that society is genuinely horrified at how Netanyahu and his party have mobilized ultranationalists and extremists, started evicting Arabs from their homes, and then ordered the police to storm the Al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan, terrorizing its worshipers in full view of the world. The airstrike that killed several Palestinian kids a few days later didn't help matters. Those Arab homes in East Jerusalem haven't been touched even after Israel took that territory following the Six Day War.
    It had the precise effect Netanyahu counted on. At least in the beggining, now that riots are enveloping Israel, he must be realizing that he overplayed his hand.

    And now confidence in the Iron Dome system is broken too. Israel has not faced such internal turmoil and a loss of cohesion and moral confidence in a long time, while the Palestinians have not been invigorated to rise up with such fervor for a long time.

    Netanyahu will act to mobilize the Jewish population in 'self-defence', and he will succeed, but they themselves know perfectly well that it was their own leader that pounded the beehive.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  elconquistador Wed May 12, 2021 1:50 am

    Netanyahu might use this situation to proclaim a state of national emergency and use those powers to cement his own position

    Many leaders worldwide are still drunk on the unparalleled Covid1984 powertrip.

    EDIT: it's also important to acknowledge the changing face of Israeli society and how it affects events like these

    Orthodox Jewish communities have the highest birthrate of the world (yes higher than countries like Mali and Somalia). They have become from basically extinct post WW2 (that's why they have the exemplary status and can study in the yeshiva all day, Israel in the 40s and 50s had a shortage of rabbis) to accounting for 25 percent of Israel's elementary school kids

    Liberal secular Jews are really fighting a losing battle here, it's probably also the reason why they teamed up with the Arabs


    Military hardware transported to the Gazan border. Still don't see them going in for ground invasion. Not because they don't want to, but because it could cost them very dearly

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  crod Wed May 12, 2021 2:26 am

    I hope to christ not, at least a thousand civilians will perish 2006 Lebanon style.

    How prepared are Hamas for such a battle, I truly have no idea but could they inflict the same losses like Hez did in 2006?

    The civilian cost is going to be horrifying. He stoked this up the less then a week after the opposition is afforded the opportunity to form a government. The guy is a frigging psychopath.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  crod Wed May 12, 2021 2:32 am

    Also, who amongst the spineless Arab nations has the bottle to rip up the new peace accord with israel??? I'll be found wanting is my guess...

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 12, 2021 2:36 am

    I doubt they'd go into Gaza

    They must be quickly realizing that the biggest threat is not the rocket attacks, but the collapse of the inter-ethnic social contract at home and the anarchy that's breaking out.

    To enter Gaza is to overextend themselves. Who will enforce security in the mixed Arab-Jewish towns, in the West Bank settlements, not to mention in the north of the country in case Hezbollah mounts a campaign?

    Israeli Jews being evacuated from Acre

    What's the point in protecting your population from rocket attacks, if you can't even protect them from attacks on the ground across your territory?

    Last edited by flamming_python on Wed May 12, 2021 4:58 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 12, 2021 2:38 am

    crod wrote:Also, who amongst the spineless Arab nations has the bottle to rip up the new peace accord with israel??? I'll be found wanting is my guess...

    They're all collaborators with Israel against Iran. At Washington's behest of course

    Well naturally except Syria. Lebanon is too internally weak to count either way, Hezbollah excepted.

    Egypt has it's own thing going, they're prioritizing their own interests and tensions with Turkey so I doubt they'd be involved.

    Algeria, Morocco, too far away to care.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  lancelot Wed May 12, 2021 2:51 am

    But muh F-35.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  elconquistador Wed May 12, 2021 3:23 am


    In the latest barrage on Tel Aviv over 350 rockets were counted.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  elconquistador Wed May 12, 2021 3:24 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    crod wrote:Also, who amongst the spineless Arab nations has the bottle to rip up the new peace accord with israel??? I'll be found wanting is my guess...

    They're all collaborators with Israel against Iran. At Washington's behest of course

    Well naturally except Syria. Lebanon is too internally weak to count either way, Hezbollah excepted.

    Egypt has it's own thing going, they're prioritizing their own interests and tensions with Turkey so I doubt they'd be involved.

    Algeria, Morocco, too far away to care.

    So far the strongest statements from within the Muslim world (outside of the Axis od Resistance) have been from Erdo and Ramzan Kadyrov. Maybe Imran Khan too

    None of these people are going to do anything, it's just for domestic consumption

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    Rasisuki Nebia
    Rasisuki Nebia

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Rasisuki Nebia Wed May 12, 2021 4:45 am

    The Arabs are spineless cowards and this includes the Turks, This whole situation is sad but nothing new, Netanyahu is gonna be out the door and he's desperate, the Current US admin doesn't like him and the people in Israel are getting sick and tired of him, mobilizing the right wing support is his best shot now .

    That said think it would be a mistake to call this whole debacle "fighting", it's a one-sided slaughter pretty much, these Rockets pose no really threat to the populace in Israel, the Palestinian death toll will keep on rising and by a month of fighting things will go back to the way they were .

    Edit: of course the best bet for the Armed groups in Gaza is to target industrial areas and critical infrastructure with saturation attacks although these rockets are low tech and do little to no damage most of the time.

    Last edited by Rasisuki Nebia on Wed May 12, 2021 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  bitcointrader70 Wed May 12, 2021 4:51 am

    **** any jew bootlickers. Israel is not Russia’s friend. Best thing is for Jews and ragheads to kill each other. Russia comes out the winner.

    That iron dome system is pretty impressive though. Works pretty well it seems like.

    Russia needs to steal it and improve pantsir off it.

    Remember when Israel used Russia’s spy plane for cover and all those Russians died?

    Russia’s response should have been a 30 kalibr salute at the airfields those planes launched from.

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    Rasisuki Nebia
    Rasisuki Nebia

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Rasisuki Nebia Wed May 12, 2021 5:07 am

    bitcointrader70 wrote:**** any jew bootlickers. Israel is not Russia’s friend. Best thing is for Jews and ragheads to kill each other. Russia comes out the winner.

    That iron dome system is pretty impressive though. Works pretty well it seems like.

    Russia needs to steal it and improve pantsir off it.

    Remember when Israel used Russia’s spy plane for cover and all those Russians died?

    Russia’s response should have been a 30 kalibr salute at the airfields those planes launched from.

    These Palestinian rockets aren't that sophisticated, they're slow and follow a very predictable trajectory, the iron dome is optimized to face this kind of primitive rocketry and it shows, this is nothing to the extent Russian systems faced, thinking Russia needing to steal this tech is amusing, then again the US has helped israel in making and funding the iron dome, and they bought it themselves so it must be better than what they have i suppose Very Happy

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  bitcointrader70 Wed May 12, 2021 5:43 am

    Rasisuki Nebia wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:**** any jew bootlickers. Israel is not Russia’s friend. Best thing is for Jews and ragheads to kill each other. Russia comes out the winner.

    That iron dome system is pretty impressive though. Works pretty well it seems like.

    Russia needs to steal it and improve pantsir off it.

    Remember when Israel used Russia’s spy plane for cover and all those Russians died?

    Russia’s response should have been a 30 kalibr salute at the airfields those planes launched from.

    These Palestinian rockets aren't that sophisticated, they're slow and follow a very predictable trajectory, the iron dome is optimized to face this kind of primitive rocketry and it shows, this is nothing to the extent Russian systems faced, thinking Russia needing to steal this tech is amusing, then again the US has helped israel in making and funding the iron dome, and they bought it themselves so it must be better than what they have i suppose  Very Happy

    Sorry but pantsir is a dud compared to Iron dome. And yeah Russia needs a mass launch system like iron dome. Maybe a pantsir with an extra truck just to store missiles.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Tingsay Wed May 12, 2021 7:48 am

    bitcointrader70 wrote:
    Rasisuki Nebia wrote:
    bitcointrader70 wrote:**** any jew bootlickers. Israel is not Russia’s friend. Best thing is for Jews and ragheads to kill each other. Russia comes out the winner.

    That iron dome system is pretty impressive though. Works pretty well it seems like.

    Russia needs to steal it and improve pantsir off it.

    Remember when Israel used Russia’s spy plane for cover and all those Russians died?

    Russia’s response should have been a 30 kalibr salute at the airfields those planes launched from.

    These Palestinian rockets aren't that sophisticated, they're slow and follow a very predictable trajectory, the iron dome is optimized to face this kind of primitive rocketry and it shows, this is nothing to the extent Russian systems faced, thinking Russia needing to steal this tech is amusing, then again the US has helped israel in making and funding the iron dome, and they bought it themselves so it must be better than what they have i suppose  Very Happy

    Sorry but pantsir is a dud compared to Iron dome. And yeah Russia needs a mass launch system like iron dome. Maybe a pantsir with an extra truck just to store missiles.

    First off Iron Dome is specifically designed as C-RAM ( Counter Rocket Artillery and Mortar), Pantsir is more all around self-propelled anti aircraft(SPAAG). So the specialized C-RAM is going to be more effective against well.. rockets. duh
    A bit of an apples to oranges.

    Iron Dome has seen the most action of any short ranged air defense in the past 20 years therefore it is the most studied. Findings range from 32 to 75% effective. Israel's own studies, not surprisingly, is on the higher end and a bit shockingly, US ones are on the lower ends.
    Thing with short ranged air defense, against munitions and drones, is that everybody seems to be struggling. So far there's really nothing out there that's actually impressive and if there are, they are not in hotzones like ME to show for it.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  elconquistador Thu May 13, 2021 8:20 am

    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 E1pugv10

    I still don't believe it will happen, but more noise is coming out now
    Rasisuki Nebia
    Rasisuki Nebia

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Rasisuki Nebia Thu May 13, 2021 9:21 am

    elconquistador wrote:Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 E1pugv10

    I still don't believe it will happen, but more noise is coming out now

    I don't know if a ground invasion is imminent it, all depends on how far Hamas and friends can hold, but if Palestinians armed groups start using more powerful weaponry Israel will flatten Gaza and a ground invasion is likely, the Israeli army finally started using artillery yesterday, and are going after every commander on sight, everything is monitored and spies on the ground are reporting every move.

    I read in some Israeli media that the iron dome is gonna start prioritizing Tel-Aviv, maybe they're starting to run low on interceptor missiles, but i highly doubt it as israel is probably prepared to face Hezbollah who probably has more than 150K+ rockets/missiles by now and news about them running low are kind of hard to believe just after 2-3 days of rocket attacks.

    Palestinian military factions did say they used their old rockets from their stocks and will start using new ones , who knows what they have in store, but the Israeli response isn't going to be pretty .

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  nero Thu May 13, 2021 6:52 pm

    There are more rumors of a ground invasion of Gaza by the IDF.

    The rocket attacks are pretty much non-stop now.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Kriva Thu May 13, 2021 8:06 pm

    Why on earth they do not target Dimona ?
    Keep an eye on wind and when the direction is right strike it otherwise they are not going get anywhere with these random strikes.
    70 years and counting got them nowhere so something new needs to be done.

    Call me whatever you want but nothing is going to change by striking occupied cities.

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  Yugo90 Thu May 13, 2021 9:28 pm

    IDF is just to strong for them...unfortunately they can never beat them. Because Israel is technologically too advanced and well armed. So if US supports them they can do whatever they want...for every jew civilian or military they kill 50 to 100 palestinians...sad true...

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    Israeli–Palestinian conflict: - Page 11 Empty Re: Israeli–Palestinian conflict:

    Post  bitcointrader70 Thu May 13, 2021 10:04 pm

    Kriva wrote:Why on earth they do not target Dimona ?
    Keep an eye on wind and when the direction is right strike it otherwise they are not going get anywhere with these random strikes.
    70 years and counting got them nowhere so something new needs to be done.

    Call me whatever you want but nothing is going to change by striking occupied cities.

    Jeez why doesn’t Russia just nuke Israel Europe and the US? It would solve 90% of Russia’s problems.

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