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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Regular Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:29 pm

    Colour me shocked. It makes me sick to even think that I've liked Ukraine

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:32 pm

    macedonian wrote:OK, I know it's hard to say they just went FULL RETARD regarding the Ukrainian Government,
    but this is just straight out of Hitler's book:

    Ukraine's Land Agency give land to soldiers in the east for free
    Kyiv Post wrote:Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country in eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine.
    Kyiv Post

    So, now they're publicly stating they'll be ethnically cleansing the population, and give their land to loyal "settlers" and "warriors".
    Just when you think they can't sink any lower...they KEEP EFFIN' DELIVERING!

    Yes.. thats a full declaration of war on Civilians..
    For sure the European Union will remain silent or simply invent an excuse to justify it, to see a repeat of ISRAEL criminal actions , now by Kiev in eastern Ukraine. And about US ,they will justify anything they totally have zero morals ,values or dignity. You cannot have a cease of fire or any chance to ever any peace..when Kiev is legalizing the stealing of Donetsk republic Lands.. I don't think all that happens by coincidence..same with the throwing of firebombs on civilians.. simply Kiev is reading a Script ,the white house tells them to say..
    I predict Russia will lose the patience at some point.. and their interference in Ukraine will be different than Georgia ,not only they will push back the National Guard nazi army but also target iskander missiles directly on Kiev.. to decapitate their leadership to let them Know that NATO will NOT save them and Russia have the capabilities to decapitate their leadership.

    On a side note.. the land law will not work..It will be IMPOSSIBLE for the Neo Nazis and Kiev to really steal any land there..will stand not a chance to live in peace EVER so close to Russian borders with endless infiltrations of anti Nazis fighters. Any property their build in the east will be destroyed by Pro Russian forces.. and not many will move with their families to a never ending warzone. In the worse of cases , that let say the Rebels all defeated ,still there will be massive unrest.. with sabotage operations done here and there and counter offensives.
    In short the Neonazis will need to fight ALL Russia and millions around the world before they can steal any land in eastern Ukraine that does NOT belong to them. There will be no Palestine in DOnetsk and Lugansk, with massive Land stealing ,they could try it ,but Russia will never allow it. Probably the Land Law was made to maintain the unity of the army,that was not paid and to minimize defections for the internal fights.. But is not going to work.. Is a desperate Law ,legalizing the stealing of lands and will not help its army from collapsing.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  medo Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:44 pm

    macedonian wrote:OK, I know it's hard to say they just went FULL RETARD regarding the Ukrainian Government,
    but this is just straight out of Hitler's book:

    Ukraine's Land Agency give land to soldiers in the east for free
    Kyiv Post wrote:Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country in eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine.
    Kyiv Post

    So, now they're publicly stating they'll be ethnically cleansing the population, and give their land to loyal "settlers" and "warriors".
    Just when you think they can't sink any lower...they KEEP EFFIN' DELIVERING!

    There will be one little problem. Ukraine will not win in war.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  macedonian Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:46 pm

    Things are grimmer than thought...

    World on brink of open confrontation - CSTO head
    MOSCOW, June 16, /ITAR-TASS/. The world is on the verge of open confrontation, Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) Secretary-General Nikolai Bordyuzha said.
    TASS wrote:“In our opinion, the world is on the brink of open confrontation,” he said at a meeting between State Duma (lower house of Russian parliament) speaker Sergei Naryshkin and the heads of CSTO parliamentary delegations to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Monday, June 16.
    “Some countries are not even camouflaging their actions and openly interfering in the internal affairs of states, trying to manipulate the public opinion and put economic and financial pressure on their authorities and the population,” Bordyuzha said.
    TASS wrote:“Well tested technologies of colour revolutions are used to change the political course of states and bring pro-Western puppet regimes to power,” he said. “The classic example of such revolution was the unconstitutional coup in Ukraine that led basically to a civil war.”
    Apart from Ukraine, “challenges coming from Afghanistan, Middle and Near East countries that form a so-called arc of instability” remain a matter of real concern for the CSTO countries, Bordyuzha said.
    TASS wrote:“What made it peculiar was the strong political, economic and information pressure on Russia and other CSTO countries. Their strategic goals are practically not masked and call for further destabilisation in the post-Soviet region and disintegration of international collective institutions created here,” Bordyuzha said.
    He noted “clear coordination and unconditional bloc discipline during the implementation by the West of collective political tasks which sometimes run counter to international relations. The notorious double standards and unceremonious manipulation of facts have become a common tool for forming the public opinion about global processes”.
    TASS wrote:“Priority will be given to the strengthening of cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and with the People’s Republic of China on a bilateral basis,” Bordyuzha said.
    He also called for further development of relations between the CSTO and Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as Iran, “the influence of which in the region is indisputable, especially in the light of the Afghan factor”.

    Keep in mind, this is not some analyst saying this, but (CSTO) Secretary-General Nikolai Bordyuzha!!!
    And what he's saying is that the world is on a brink of war! Things are getting FAR TOO SERIOUS!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  macedonian Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:27 pm

    And just to spice things up, this b/tch surfaces again:

    Washington to decide about more sanctions against Russia – Assistant Secretary of State
    The US Administration intends to make a decision within 2-4 weeks about toughening sanctions against Russia due to differences about the situation in Ukraine, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland said.
    VoR wrote:She said that US President Barack Obama indicated to his colleagues at the G7 summit in Brussels early in June that Washington "is not going to wait for months" coming up with a decision if new punitive steps should be taken against Russia.
    The US is planning to make a decision to this effect "within 2-4 weeks", Nuland said speaking at the Marshall Foundation today.
    She stated that the US and EU have the same views on what is the next stage of anti-Russian sanctions should look like if they have to be used.
    As the US repeatedly warned in the past, there will be sanctions against entire sectors of the Russian economy, in particular, the energy and banking sectors, Victoria Nuland said. The US insists that the sanctions should result in preventing Russia from receiving "investment and next-generation technology," Nuland said.
    Voice of Russia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:45 pm

    Keep in mind, this is not some analyst saying this, but (CSTO) Secretary-General Nikolai Bordyuzha!!!
    And what he's saying is that the world is on a brink of war! Things are getting FAR TOO SERIOUS!

    I really welcome a world war 3..
    But Russia should not have to fight US and its Mafia allies alone. They should get a strong Alliance like Shangai Corporation organization + India + IRAN and warn United States that if they continue fueling the conflict in Ukraine ,that they will declare a war a ,FULL scale regional war against United States states military interest in the world ,that will only target military objectives.. IF Obama or NATO fuels the war in Ukraine ..and provide weapons to Kiev to kill more civilians. That is , the attack of all US military bases in Europe and Asia with the Aim to totally reduce to dust all their global expansionism and that no longer they will ever have the capability to lead any war anywhere in the world outside their main land. Very Happy   And for sure non invited Nations will also join to retaliate US interest.. Like North Korea for example will turn into Dust the US military bases in South korea but also Japan. Japan will stand not a chance to win a war vs North korea..with China backing their back.. US and its today called NATO major allies failed .

    I can assure you.. NO ONE.. NO ONE in the European Union will fight a world war to and risk their nations totally destroyed all that to please Obama and defend NAZIS In Ukraine that are bombing civilians women and children .  Cool  General of NATO the crock is all talk ,he is a Clown.. like Obama and he backed down in Syria in the moment of truth.. that a war looked imminent and Russia told they will not fight.. They will retreat even more if Russia this time warns with a world war and is backed with the Shangai Organization.

    I can assure you that US in such conditions of either support Ukraine nazis or face a world war 3.. he will be humiliated and isolated and will have to back down their TONE and a real Negotiation peaceful process in Ukraine will start with the full pressure of the European Union on Ukraine. they will have to byte the dust and become a legitimate democratic Government.

    The problem in the world have always been that the bad guys are very well organized..and the Victims not.  If Russia forms a Big alliance that shares the cost of the war in Ukraine with Russia.and also threatens with War NATO if they fuel the conflict.. the west will see they will end losing far more and will back down.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Zivo Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:58 pm

    macedonian wrote:Things are grimmer than thought...

    World on brink of open confrontation - CSTO head
    MOSCOW, June 16, /ITAR-TASS/. The world is on the verge of open confrontation, Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) Secretary-General Nikolai Bordyuzha said.
    TASS wrote:“In our opinion, the world is on the brink of open confrontation,” he said at a meeting between State Duma (lower house of Russian parliament) speaker Sergei Naryshkin and the heads of CSTO parliamentary delegations to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Monday, June 16.
    “Some countries are not even camouflaging their actions and openly interfering in the internal affairs of states, trying to manipulate the public opinion and put economic and financial pressure on their authorities and the population,” Bordyuzha said.
    TASS wrote:“Well tested technologies of colour revolutions are used to change the political course of states and bring pro-Western puppet regimes to power,” he said. “The classic example of such revolution was the unconstitutional coup in Ukraine that led basically to a civil war.”
    Apart from Ukraine, “challenges coming from Afghanistan, Middle and Near East countries that form a so-called arc of instability” remain a matter of real concern for the CSTO countries, Bordyuzha said.
    TASS wrote:“What made it peculiar was the strong political, economic and information pressure on Russia and other CSTO countries. Their strategic goals are practically not masked and call for further destabilisation in the post-Soviet region and disintegration of international collective institutions created here,” Bordyuzha said.
    He noted “clear coordination and unconditional bloc discipline during the implementation by the West of collective political tasks which sometimes run counter to international relations. The notorious double standards and unceremonious manipulation of facts have become a common tool for forming the public opinion about global processes”.
    TASS wrote:“Priority will be given to the strengthening of cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and with the People’s Republic of China on a bilateral basis,” Bordyuzha said.
    He also called for further development of relations between the CSTO and Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as Iran, “the influence of which in the region is indisputable, especially in the light of the Afghan factor”.

    Keep in mind, this is not some analyst saying this, but (CSTO) Secretary-General Nikolai Bordyuzha!!!
    And what he's saying is that the world is on a brink of war! Things are getting FAR TOO SERIOUS!

    Well, fuck.

    Usually language like this isn't uttered publicly, instead opting to remain diplomatically "polite". I don't like this at all.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  medo Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:00 pm

    I think Putin knows quite well, that the World is heading to nuclear WW3 and that is why it is most important, they don't fall in trap in Ukraine. Russia and China have to crash US economy first, than go in WW3.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  macedonian Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:44 pm

    Well, I found this:

    Urgent Appeal from Igor Strelkov, June 16, 2014

    Strelkov wrote:The enemy is engaged in massive bombardment of Kramatorsk, using howitzers at the Karachun Mount and in the vicinity of water purification facilities between Slavyansk and Kramatorsk (they have a stronghold there).

    There are numerous casualties and fires in the city. They are bombarding both the industrial sector and the residential neighborhoods. The population is in a state of panic – [to date,] Kramatorsk had not experienced such massive artillery shelling.

    What is more, militia objects have been spared – the strikes are not against them. Why, you ask? The answer is elementary – in order to force tens of thousands of refugees to flood into Russia. Genocide and ethnic cleansing in their purest form.

    I have decided to offer up to universal review a text from my personal correspondence (as appropriately amended). I ask that you distribute it. It is no longer possible to keep silent, hoping that someone “on the mainland” “comes to his senses.”

    As I have become accustomed to anticipate events several steps ahead, I am in a state of utter “prostration.” The observable destruction of the economy and the population I anticipated even a month and a half ago, and, in order to avoid it, called then for a peacekeeping intervention.

    It is now too late – peacekeepers will not be able to intervene without a battle. Now I am calling for the provision of IMMEDIATE AND WIDE-SCALE MILITARY ASSISTANCE. But no assistance has come.

    In a week or two (and possibly earlier) a substantial part of the military detachments of DPR and LPR may be completely routed. The reason is the insurmountable ratio in heavy weaponry …

    And when Donetsk and Lugansk are completely blocked and surrounded, like Slavyansk, the following question will rear its head – either Russia will:

    1) commit to intervention with full force (an intervention the Ukies are openly provoking); or,

    2) completely abandon Novorossiya (a possibility [the Ukies] are dearly hoping for).

    And I am not at all sure that this dilemma will be resolved via the first option. More likely than not, it will be the opposite.

    We can burn down even a hundreds APCs and kill even five thousand troops, but the overall balance of forces will hardly change. Well, for example, the [manpower] ratio will become 1 to 14 instead of 1 to 15

    Every day we are forced to relinquish another large settlement – we have neither the men nor the guns to defend them. At the same time, we have no ability to retake any of them – because we have nothing to match the Ukie’s heavy weaponry. All we can do is engage them in defence more or less successfully.

    So, what reason is there for optimism? From our own minor successes? They are purely tactical. And, meanwhile, we have long ago started losing the strategic engagement.

    I see open sabotage in the approach taken by the Russian officials at the highest-level in relation to Novorossiya. It shows in everything. I dare say that [this sabotage] is fully conscious. Otherwise, there is no explanation for the fact that DPR and LPR have yet to be recognized even de facto and that they receive no supplies of such badly needed weapons and equipment.

    Yes, Putin has effectively disavowed (and I wonder – at whose suggestion?) the pledges of standing ready to protect the Russian civilian population of Donbass. NO ALTERNATIVE WHATSOEVER HAS BEEN PROPOSED. If there is no military aid – the military defeat of DPR and LPR is inevitable.

    Whether [this defeat] comes a week earlier or a month later does not matter. The enemy will cut us off from the border and will methodically suffocate us, “cleansing” the territory in the process and, in one go, forcing out into Russia a million or two of utterly deprived and embittered refugees (I trust the consequences for the economy and the social sphere are obvious).

    And then, groups of “grateful oligarchs” will come to Putin with sorrowful faces and offer as their spokesperson the “great schemer” Surkov, who will explain, in a quiet and insinuating voice, that: “We did everything that we could, but these … these good-for-nothing Donetsk bandits themselves failed it all themselves, and we can give them no help without risking nuclear war … They punished themselves … It is not worth it to take a risk … We need to persevere … We will make everything right in time … It is possible to negotiate with Poroshenko … This is a tactical retreat … We are not ready to go to war … After all, we took Crimea, didn’t we? …” and so on and suchlike.

    What this will mean for our company – I know already. Most of us will perish, but that is not the issue – this uprising and all the victims will be in vain, and the “Russian Spring” will be eliminated at the root by the “Ukrainian Freeze.”

    And the next war, the war that we will not witness, will be on Russia’s territory – right after the “Moscow Maidan,” of course

    Seems legit, I've seen a video of it too, but can't find it ATM.
    Some strong and powerful words by Strelkov there. Wonder if it's real or all 'just part of the plan'.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  arpakola Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:59 pm

    medo wrote:I think Putin knows quite well, that the World is heading to nuclear WW3 and that is why it is most important, they don't fall in trap in Ukraine. Russia and China have to crash US economy first, than go in WW3.

    U have point but Ukrainian sheets must be f...ed
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:06 pm

    Well, surprise, surprise.

    The current "world war" started in a semiofficial sense around a quarter of century ago. It is just that it is still in its "phoney" phase, like when in the previous "world war", "Germany" and "Poland", as allies, occupied Czechoslovakia and then when "Germany" occupied its former ally Poland, basically the events before the 22 June 1941 event.

    The non-phoney phase of the current "world war" is yet to begin.

    I think this non-phoney phase can take as much as two decades from now to get completed. It would lead into a new world order.

    All of this is "planned" in a physical sense; there is no way to stop it.

    Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Firebird Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:26 pm

    If Russia set up sanctions against Uncle Sham ie America, the most Ru could lose is 15bn usd a year trade... Big deal!!

    America is so hated around the World.. it could increase its trade by 50bn usd a year straight away with those that hate America.

    Its clear that as soon as the Iraq and Afghan genocide were finishing, America's puppetmasters needed to cause another war. Or cause another justification for a mass of wasteful military spending. Just look how this "Iraq threat" appeared overnight.

    America is also trying to destroy Europe's relationship with Russia. Why? BEcause America is negotiating a free trade treaty with Europe. Even  tho most Europeans dont want to die from carcinogenic American GM foods, pesticides etc.

    America used to be  a massive dominant power in the West. Nowadays its not that important. Infact its often reviled these days. My own view of the place has utterly plummeted thro the floor.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:02 am

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 BqSIBKMCMAAvTGC

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  fragmachine Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:32 am

    When I saw those dickheads from RS, Lviv at Mariupol shooting and spraying Lviv shitheads on the walls only one thing came to my mind. Sort of gay meeting at their own illegal gay parade. You know, leather german hats and sleveless leather jackets, some of them pounding others in their "Hitler's moustache" as a sort of deviation...

    To pharaphase one of popular Polish football hooligans sentence and instead of putting there two of their former club enemies but real, notvisualised enemies of Novorussia-it would sound like:  Kijów i Lwów - pedałów dwóch! In english language it loses a bit: Kiev and Lviv -two pedals!

    It is worth noting that term "pedal" in polish language describes person who is homosexually oriented. One pedal on the one side of the bicycle is the same as the one on the other and thus the meaning...

    Ok I'm done with "homophobic hum" - but it is not me. You all see what are they doing on the west.

    BTW. If army will mobilize me and send to Slavyansk, where do I need to go to get me on the right side of the conflict?

    On a more serious note I don't see NATO responding to direct Russian intervention militarily. They already spew of BS about Russian forces being on Ukraine so does it make some fking difference? They will talk 'sanctions' that's all they can do.

    Wish you all good night and remember. Thruth will prevail!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  fragmachine Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:44 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 BqSIBKMCMAAvTGC

    To paraphrase: having enemies like these, who does need friends? Laughing 

    All about America's central "intelligence" agency 'preparing grounds' for their navy in Belarus  Laughing 

    I wonder what's next, can't wait Laughing 
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:22 am

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Vostok2

    THose look like very professional soldiers .what kind of manpads are those?

    They are from the Igla and Strela-2M family. The Iglas shown are without the grip-stock!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Regular Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:59 am

    Talking about WW3.. There is no chance for anyone to win it, but Russia is too vulnerable and doesn't have numerical or technological advantage. Nah, too much to loose over such shit country like Ukraine. 

    "pedal" in polish language describes person who is homosexually oriented.

    Haha, we have same saying too. Pedal=pedik.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:30 am

    It seems to me.. that the IRAQ war ,invasion of ISIL on one city of IRAQ , was created by the US and NATO allies to deviate the
    world attention from the new Operation Kiev was planning in the eastern Ukraine ,to literary turn away all the world attention from the ukraine war . The White House official Media.. CNN and most NATO popular propaganda ,like BBC ,France 24 are only reporting about IRAQ and Brazil and nothing about Ukraine.

    Still don't know why i feel ,this war is far from over ,that the Kiev operations are doomed to fail.. Ukraine will disband ,mark my words ,
    with Russia invading or not. you cannot maintain the control of a Nation without electricity , and everyone without a job. Police and the army
    will rebel first and Donetsk and Lugansk republics will be far from the problems of kiev.. A second Maidanut revolution will happen ,when they do not see their streets turning into Gold for having the EU association agreement.


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    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:17 am

    Regular wrote:Talking about WW3.. There is no chance for anyone to win it, but Russia is too vulnerable and doesn't have numerical or technological advantage. Nah, too much to loose over such shit country like Ukraine. 

    "pedal" in polish language describes person who is homosexually oriented.

    Haha, we have same saying too. Pedal=pedik.

    Vulnerable in which sense?  If they were, they would have been attacked long ago.

    Edit: sorry, angry man I can be.

    Point is, they (Russians, like Americans) have been preparing for a third world war for so long. To say they are vulnerable is a joke. in the end, all sides are vulnerable as both sides would end up as craters. What Russia has as an advantage is its not so densely populated areas and underground subway systems that are designed to accommodate a large population if in case of a nuclear strike, something that US does not have. Russia has the advantage of having many autonomous systems like tactical nukes and ICBM's that would be more than enough. I agree, they are nowhere near what they used to be, but in the end, what they have, can be more than enough for them in terms of defending themselves, and making it a nightmare for their enemy.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:50 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Regular wrote:Talking about WW3.. There is no chance for anyone to win it, but Russia is too vulnerable and doesn't have numerical or technological advantage. Nah, too much to loose over such shit country like Ukraine. 

    "pedal" in polish language describes person who is homosexually oriented.

    Haha, we have same saying too. Pedal=pedik.

    Vulnerable in which sense?  If they were, they would have been attacked long ago.

    If you have any proof, please share it.  Other than that, regular crap from Regular.

    Of course, Regular can never have any proof for his assertion, because his assertion is incorrect.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:02 am

    (Sarcasm) Nahhh... Russia is 100% safe from strategic nuclear attack because they have an ABM system... (/sarcasm)

    ...and why should they be... after all Bikini Atoll and the Marshall Islands aren't even safe...respect to Bikini Atoll... the Atoll that the skimpy beachware was named after...
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:02 am

    GarryB wrote:(Sarcasm) Nahhh... Russia is 100% safe from strategic nuclear attack because they have an ABM system... (/sarcasm)

    ...and why should they be... after all Bikini Atoll and the Marshall Islands aren't even safe...respect to Bikini Atoll... the Atoll that the skimpy beachware was named after...


    Did you observe those tests at the Bikini Atoll and the Marshall Islands?

    I am not referring to the tests involving the skimpy beachware; I know that beachware can be a potent weapon.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:30 am

    Wow ..just wow..
    What i just read is stunning...
    Have you seen how in TV magicians performs acts of magic ,with one hand but keep another hidden ,so you don't see
    the real Trick.. ?  Well folks.. Its appears a proxy world war 3 have began..but not in UKRAINE ..but in IRAQ..
    VOltaire NET.. even though they have been at times wrong ,they have done many good Hits ..
    They are saying NATO is attacking IRAQ...   ISIL = NATO private military army ,they are well armed ,trained by israel and well equipped , they even have pilots ,They are lead by Israel apparently but also France ,UK ,and US  and they enter through TUrkey or from their base in Syria ,that also came from Turkey and IRAQ should NOT allow United States or any NATO country to "Help " them because what they will do is to help ISIL to take more territory in IRAQ.. their Numbers are estimated to be in the 60,000. They are NATO mercenaries from European Nations, and probably many of them are not even JIhadist.. just soldiers of fortune. They have captured by "coincidence" LOTS of American weapons , APCs ,perhaps Tanks and equipment and their logistics provided by NATO and communications too.  
    Their goal is the split of IRAQ in 3 parts and the creation of Kurdistan..basically get all the Oil fields under one single Territory a Kurdish Puppet NATO controlled territoryand steal all the Oil Fields of IRAQ ,Syria and with luck take parts of IRAN.

    The Ukraine war in the east.. the luring of Russia into Ukraine could be a distraction.. So Russia does not sabotage NATO invasion of IRAQ
    ,where their troops operate under the name of ISIL and keep Russia Busy fighting Ukrainians.  Of course Ukraine is also part of the price..
    make no mistake , but the speed at which ISIL took half of IRAQ in just 3 days cannot be possible by simple terrorist with RPGs.. They don't bother looting civilians or raping womens.. they want to conquer the capital fast before IRAN or Russia sabotage their plans.

    the Report is on several languages you can pick the language under the date .. but the English version is not ready yet.. it will be.. there is several languages..  I think this one is the Russian version..

    and here is one of the ways NATO plans to partition the middle east..

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 1-4593-2-4af09

    However the map is not set in Stone could have changed ,specially Turkey side for being a loyal NATO member.
    Im sure that Russia is aware of what is happening in IRAQ ,that full participation of NATO in a near direct scale invasion using private mercenaries and even NATO armored vehicles.. And IRAQ should not allow any NATO nation to enter its country to "Help".
    The president Maliki is being attacked by NATO and contrary to Syria they are well trained NATO special forces and well equipped ,and right now only Syria is helping with its Mig 29 planes and others . albeit they have not finished to clear all the terrorist in their own side either..
    This ladies and gentlemens probably is the beguining of world war 3..  and the Ukraine conflict even though it is a target too , have been a distraction to keep Busy Russia looking to the wrong side.   If they create Kurdistan,NATO will officially will have an Ukraine in the middle east ,that is a Failed Nation they absolutely do not care ,to use a battle field to attack IRAN but also Syria that is a failed country that NATO can arm to the teeth with all kind of weapons and later Restart again the Syrian war but now they fully armed by NATO "in a legitimate way" and under the protection of NATO.. means that NATO can use their own army to defend them.  

    So this is probably the reason why the CSTO leader told the world is on the eve of an Open World Confrontation. Because they already know the injustice they are doing to IRAQ.  I knew always NATO wanted to break not only Syria ,IRAQ and IRAN ,all of them for not being puppet states of US and Israel. What is new to me.. is the level of participation of NATO ,that was so direct ,the report claims that contrary to Syria that they used any loser who could scream Alahh wakbar and gave them weapons ..with a few proffessionals from time to time..
    The war in IRAQ is apparently NATO without uniforms.. and many not even are Jihadist ,but special forces from private military groups.
    This is one of the reason they don't scream much in their uploaded videos ,they are not real muslins . but NATO private mercenaries a significant part of them..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:41 am; edited 1 time in total
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:39 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    Wow ..just wow..
    What i just read is stunning...
    Have you seen how in TV magicians performs acts of magic ,with one hand but keep another hidden ,so you don't see
    the real Trick.. ?  Well folks.. Its appears a proxy world war 3 have began..but not in UKRAINE ..but in IRAQ..
    VOltaire NET.. even though they have been at times wrong ,they have done many good Hits ..
    They are saying NATO is attacking IRAQ...   ISIL = NATO private military army ,they are well armed ,trained by israel and well equipped , they even have pilots ,They are lead by Israel apparently but also France ,UK ,and US  and they enter through TUrkey or from their base in Syria ,that also came from Turkey and IRAQ should NOT allow United States or any NATO country to "Help " them because what they will do is to help ISIL to take more territory in IRAQ.. their Numbers are estimated to be in the 60,000. They are NATO mercenaries from European Nations, and probably many of them are not even JIhadist.. just soldiers of fortune. They have captured by "coincidence" LOTS of American weapons , APCs ,perhaps Tanks and equipment and their logistics provided by NATO and communications too.  
    Their goal is the split of IRAQ in 3 parts and the creation of Kurdistan..basically get all the Oil fields under one single Territory a Kurdish Puppet NATO controlled territoryand steal all the Oil Fields of IRAQ ,Syria and with luck take parts of IRAN.

    The Ukraine war in the east.. the luring of Russia into Ukraine could be a distraction.. So Russia does not sabotage NATO invasion of IRAQ
    ,where their troops operate under the name of ISIL and keep Russia Busy fighting Ukrainians.  Of course Ukraine is also part of the price..
    make no mistake , but the speed at which ISIL took half of IRAQ in just 3 days cannot be possible by simple terrorist with RPGs.. They don't bother looting civilians or raping womens.. they want to conquer the capital fast before IRAN or Russia sabotage their plans.

    the Report is on several languages you can pick the language under the date .. but the English version is not ready yet.. it will be.. there is several languages..  I think this one is the Russian version..

    Im sure that Russia is aware of what is happening in IRAQ ,that full participation of NATO in a near direct scale invasion using private mercenaries and even NATO armored vehicles.. And IRAQ should not allow any NATO nation to enter its country to "Help".
    The president Maliki is being attacked by NATO and contrary to Syria they are well trained NATO special forces and well equipped ,and right now only Syria is helping with its Mig 29 planes and others . albeit they have not finished to clear all the terrorist in their own side either..
    This ladies and gentlemens probably is the beguining of world war 3..  and the Ukraine conflict even though it is a target too , have been a distraction to keep Busy Russia looking to the wrong side.   If they create Kurdistan,NATO will officially will have an Ukraine in the middle east ,that is a Failed Nation they absolutely do not care ,to use a battle field to attack IRAN but also Syria that is a failed country that NATO can arm to the teeth with all kind of weapons and later Restart again the Syrian war but now they fully armed by NATO "in a legitimate way" and under the protection of NATO.. means that NATO can use their own army to defend them.  

    So this is probably the reason why the CSTO leader told the world is on the eve of an Open World Confrontation. Because they already know What NATO is doing to IRAQ.

    Obviously you don't read other people's posts.

    Also there is an Iraq thread. May be we should start a "world war" thread, or do we have one already?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #5

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:45 am

    [quote="Morpheus Eberhardt"]
    Vann7 wrote:
    Obviously you don't read other people's posts.

    Also there is an Iraq thread. May be we should start a "world war" thread, or do we have one already?

    It is relevant to Ukraine.. because the weapons of ISIL are all provided by Ukraine  Wink 
    The NeoNazis in Ukraine will be the official Weapons manufacturers of  NATO terrorist proxy wars against Russia and its
    allies in the world. And Turkey is the  Alqaeda and ISIL Command Center of their Operations in the middle east..
    The world war began already by NATO , with Syria was a soft war ,with IRAQ is a direct one..but undercover.. And for sure
    Russia and its allies is aware of that.. NATO private contractors are leading the terrorist fight against IRAQ partition the country and will not be surprising if Israel special forces are also there.

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