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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Islamist threat in European countries


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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Vann7 Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:12 am

    George1 wrote:Τake a look at this photo. It is from the center of Athens, Greece (my country). Muslim immigrants concentration.. This is a common view today in Athens in public spaces..

    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 494254

    I can assure you George.. that nothing of that happens by coincidence.

    Muslins Do have a real agenda

    They deserve credit for its persistence into change the entire world into its fake religion.
    The key word here is..  Attention.  Muslins wants to get European people attention to Islam.
    they do all that activities in public places ,and this is why they want womens covered hair.. with special clothing that only muslins use. Why their Muslins mosquest have very tall columns?


    They want their mosques taller than any building to get people attention..
    Muslins are promoting Islam 24 hours a day ,365 days in the year.. They want to turn greece into a muslin country and any other European and christian nation..One way they do it is with migration, this is why normal europeans have 1-3 children.. muslins have 7-9 or more.. all this is done to populate the world with more muslins..because their fake religion demands to convert the entire world into islam.  Erdogan himself have said that Democracy is the train ,that muslins will use to convert Europeans to Islam.. Because Democracy allows freedom of expression and freedom of religion , Muslins take advantage of it.. But in Muslins countries.. vast majority of them is illegal to convert to christianity for any muslin.. is death sentence or jail.. Muslins are very intolerant to christian religion and will do anything they can to destroy it.

    In Russia kadirov wants laws to allow them to marry several women. why they want this?
    to instead of having 7-9 children.. they want 20 or 30. to repopulate Russia of Muslins.
    Muslins regardless of nationality they all have a hidden agenda to convert all christian by any means to Islam. and they do not mix or adapt to other culture in defense of theirs. they live in their own special communities ,instead of living in the same neighborhoods with other religions and they have their own muslins courts. Best way for greece to counter This is to expose Islam for what it is.. an extremist religion.. and not tolerate the repression of womens or sharia courts. not allow womens to cover its face..ban it.. and not allow muslins to occupy streets..
    force muslins to practice its religion only in private places. only inside its mosques and not outside.. any open air activity only seek to promote their islam.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:32 am

    When was the last time people have heard of 1,000 muslins organized well planned sexual
    attack/rape on 100 European Girls? as was the colongne attack.  And this is done while they the muslins are not in any place in power in germany. What will have happened if they had guns and germany was on a civil war and had no government? it will have been millions.

    here is the wrong wrong way to handle the facts ...

    Yet unfortunately like all political independent commentators cowards , that are the vast majority in Internet media sites ,They still have the tunnel vision to claim..  

    it must be underscored that the perverted perpetrators are not representatives of true Islam

    and that is the problem ladies and gentleman right there.. Even political "experts ",
    that are popular for doing reports in Saker or Russian Insider or RT. They all are part of the
    problem..  because the fact is that..


    Since humanity and intelligent life exist in this planet ,this have been true and will continue to be.  You cannot solve a problem unless you propertly identify what is causing the problem.
    and political commentators by defending Islam are precisely helping the problem to continue.
    The problem is ISLAM.  Not "radical Islam". but ISLAM.  Islam on its own is very radical religion
    on its essence and its own prophet violent too..and it is only naturally born Good people ,with good intentions ,that knew nothing else but Islam ,what makes Islam to pass as a "peaceful religion" but is not.

    here is the correct way to report the Problem of rapes in Europe.
    with the truth. and nothing but the truth.

    The truth is not an offense , it simply is the way it is. the truth. people that do not like
    the truth ,that cannot handle it ,can choose to look the other way and continue to live like a zombie. "Radical Islam"/Terrorism is just the natural effect of the most intolerant muslins. most intolerant version of an already Intolerant religion that is nothing than a Fascist religion ,that try to impose with force its will on every one else. Any muslin any Muslin Nation in the middle east or Asia , or Africa ,that say no longer believe in Islam or that muhhamed is not any messenger of any God or any prophet and that you will convert to Christianity.. and in 95% of the times you will be either jailed or killed by that Muslin nation.  So called moderate muslins have zero tolerance for freedom of religion in their own nation for any natural born muslin. and they only tolerate it on minorities of other ethnic groups as it is in "moderate IRAN" that jews and armenians are allowed to practice its religion as long do it in secret and private places. Countries that consider not only acceptable the use of violence and beating of a women in some cases as if it was its own property but that also promotes it.

    Islam is the problem and US and its major allies fully understand the big holes with Islam
    and they use muslins as a weapon ,by helping muslins to get what they want ,which is turn every country in the world into their fake religion.

    So effectively the American Government is using Islam to attack Europe ,and to keep them
    obedient colonies of the empire and not make any close relation or political ,economical or military alliance with Russia.  Imagine that.. a political ,military and economic and technology alliance of Germany ,Italy and France with most other European nations with Russia,( with the exception of the usual rusophobic countries like Poland and Baltics and Ukraine )? Something like that will be truly be devastating for NATO organization to continue to exist and not only that. Devastating for the future of US economy and its dollars ,because most Europe in combination with Russia and China can truly create a new world order ,a real world of justice and order , that do not include United States there. So this is the reason why the problem of Islam in Europe. The US government not only help muslin terrorist to be more efficient with terrorism , but they also help the other extreme side..the Nazis to fight them . the goal  is to create conditions for nation to split in half and never have Europeans united. The solution to this is Europeans fully understand American Imperialism IS THE PROBLEM and they delaying
    any alliance with Russia ,and that the Weapons US use to create violence in Europe is called Islam.

    It is not an exaggeration to say ,that Russia is saving the world ,in Syria . Because if ISIS
    or any other monkey terrorist group capture it. then IRAQ will be next and all Oil fields in middle east will be at the service of terrorism. So hundred of millions of muslins radicals will be recruited/created and brainwashed with the money of Billions dollars earned with Oil. and then you will have Muslins are the proxy warriors of Americans Empire,to keep in check any nation
    not loyal to them. American ,but also Israel policy is to spread Islam in all the world without control ,because those savages have extreme addiction for control and manipulation of others
    ,by force. Islam problem is that is a very intolerant religion ,with others believes system..and
    cannot coexist or adapt in a society or culture that promote freedom and respect of others.

    Reports like this..

    needs to be reported in every major school ,university and media in the world.
    Islam and muhhamed needs to be exposed as the fraud it is. Is a sick religion for confused
    people ,that have been deceived by its Government authorities or American neocons money
    to get people fall in that trap.

    This is the way to expose Islam..with crude facts..  Take the bull by the horns without
    any political correctness or fear of being called "Racist" ,even though Islam is not a religion. lol
    Any attempt to defense Islam is doomed to fail with well informed people what the religion really is. Only people who have not read every thing what Islam prophet says ,can say Islam
    is "peaceful" ,but this is pure ignorance of what peace and freedom really is.

    Take for example the Son of Hamas and former Muslin ,who was member of Hamas
    (a terrorist organization) that attack Israel. (and even worse terrorist state) have said about Islam. He have read the entire Quran and knows everything there is to know about it. and why is a fraud . his mission have been to awaken muslins about the dangerous trap of Islam.


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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:23 am

    flamming_python wrote:I'm not one to go out on a limb defending 'European civilization' either. Quite frankly I'm just indifferent to it; historically it rarely did anything good for Russia and recent history with the Ukraine, Serbia and so on is just more affirmation of that.

    That said I think nationalist propaganda like the vid that Monarchist posted is way too alarmist and is full of BS. But what is real is the fear in Europe, and it seems that the nationalists are the only ones offering a solution; while the European government of the day prefer to stick to neo-liberal ideology and attempt to censor any dissenting opinions with accusations of racism and so on.
    Alarmist or not, I am afraid it's becoming true.
    And nationalism is dead in Europe. But there is still some radical shit or weird inbred nationalism. Love for Your heritage, culture, preservation of traditions is tossed away towards embracing diversity. Hell people living in Soviet union tried to preserve their identity by creating something new, remembering whats forgotten.

    Well Russia is European civilization no matter what anyone says. It has big share in European culture, but not in Asian or Middle Eastern. From science, music, theater and literature, all of it's rooted into European heritage. Russia seems to be remaining last bastion of it.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Kazaak Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:01 am

    George1 wrote:Kosovo can become corridor for radical Islam breaking into Europe — diplomat

    Kosovo is will never become center of islamist in Blakan, and by that it will never be actually important in Europian islamisation, real problem lies in Bosnia and Rashka territory in Serbia. That is real meating point of islamists on balkan as from there they go to every part of Europe easy, especially after Serbian surrender to immigrants. Now its just matter of time when will islamist from Bosnia and Rashka will start official insurgency and destabilaze whole reagion. After that only total war on balkan will stay: Croatia will enter Voyvodina to ensure its independance, most likelly with Hungary if Hungary manage to delay migrant crysis;Greece will fall in disary and turkish demonstrations, simlar will most likely be for bulgaria as well; Montenegro will stay under Croatian influence and Bosnia,Albania and R. of Kosovo will enter in serbian teitores as they r mostlly now populated by muslims becouse white plague in Serbia.
    Basicly Kosovo is just mare pawn in games to come, nothing important. I forgot to mention that albanian muslims r not compatible with current flaw of immigrants so they wont stay long on albanian territories.

    Regular wrote:Well Russia is European civilization no matter what anyone says. It has big share in European culture, but not in Asian or Middle Eastern. From science, music, theater and literature, all of it's rooted into European heritage. Russia seems to be remaining last bastion of it.

    Russia is part of eastern orthodox civilisation, its separated from western tho only two civilisations compatible with each others are those two. No matter how similar they are they are still different civilisations.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:45 am

    I see several solutions to the Islamist problem at least in Germany.

    1. Divide and rule variant I. Bring several milion Shias or Ultraorthodox Jews into Germany and then artificially fuel tensions between them and Sunnis. Let each party create armed militias and well, watch the carnage. Two birds killed with one stone. In less radical version, don't let the parties carry arms but use them against each other.

    Can you imagine...? Every time Sunni Islamists organize a demonstration, a counterdemonstration starts heading towards them, shouting "Ya Ali! Ya Zaynab!"... simply beautiful.

    2. Divide and rule variant II. Try to cause as many divisions within Sunni population as possible.

    3. Forced assimilation.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty What happened in Germany is good for Russian Army.

    Post  kingodthequeens Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:13 pm

    Germany and others are killing themselves.
    No one can save them.

    German Green Party politician Stefanie von Berg giving a speech in which she celebrates the fact that mass migration will bring an end to German majority populations in cities within a few decades.
    “I hold that in 20, 30 years there will no longer be (German) majority in our city. this is a good thing!”

    With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations.

    We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote.
    -- Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens.

    white population was about 1/3 of the world population, now it is about 10%.
    In 1900 Europe had a quarter of the world's population, and three times that of Africa; by 2050 Europe is predicted to have just 7 per cent of the world population, and a third that of Africa.

    East Europe must stand with Russia if they want to protect themselves.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  kingodthequeens Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:22 pm

    “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration, it could turn into Africa.

    We need support from the European Union to stop this army trying to get across from Libya, which is their entry point.

    At the moment there is a dangerous level of immigration from Africa into Europe and we don’t know what will happen.

    We don’t know if Europe will remain an advanced and cohesive continent or if it will be destroyed by this barbarian invasion. We have to imagine that this could happen but before it does we need to work together.”
    Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya.

    “When I go around in America and I see the bulk of the white people, they do not feel oppressed; they feel powerless [. . .] and we understand the psychological genocide that they have already inflicted upon their own people”
    John Trundell, Native American Author.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  George1 Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:27 pm

    Read the rules and introduce yourself first please

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Werewolf Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:33 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I see several solutions to the Islamist problem at least in Germany.

    1. Divide and rule variant I. Bring several milion Shias or Ultraorthodox Jews into Germany and then artificially fuel tensions between them and Sunnis. Let each party create armed militias and well, watch the carnage. Two birds killed with one stone. In less radical version, don't let the parties carry arms but use them against each other.

    Can you imagine...? Every time Sunni Islamists organize a demonstration, a counterdemonstration starts heading towards them, shouting "Ya Ali! Ya Zaynab!"... simply beautiful.

    2. Divide and rule variant II. Try to cause as many divisions within Sunni population as possible.

    3. Forced assimilation.

    Listen to the words of an insane.

    I did not know that some brains have an expiration date.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:02 pm

    Very Happy U dont like Orthodox Jews and Sunnis punchin' one another on the streets? Bro, my ideas are insane but they have a chance of WORKING... As a half measure maybe but WORKING...
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:41 pm

    Ok... Ideas 1 and 3 are insane - but idea no. 2 is actually a fairy rational and harmless postulate - and the general method has been used for millenia by various powers to weaken political opposition and paralyze it without having to physically fight it.

    What do you do to successfully fight Islamists? You try to stir disunity and cause as many internal conflicts among them as possible. Make it so that instead of 4-5 major organizations there are 40-50 minor ones, constantly quarelling with each other, with limited financial resources and unable to undertake any significant actions.

    I don't see why an European intel agency should not do this. And it hardly harms anyone.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  kingodthequeens Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:25 am

    Europe is already finished.
    The governments in  Europe are Judas governments.

    1) Rotherham, UK
    For 16 years UK government covered up a large pakistani paedophile ring in Rotherham, where they victimised almost exclusively white British girls, tortured them, raped them, and threatened them with death if they told anybody. Fathers went to rescue their daughters from this abuse, and they got arrested for doing so, not the abusers. People who tried to bring these cases to light were labelled racist and they tried to throw them in jail. There were 1400 reported  cases in Rotherham, and cases just like this are coming out all over the country.

    2) Sweden - Price Of 'Multiculturalism'

    Now Sweden is the capital of rapists in EU.
    Violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1472%. Sweden .

    A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reached the conclusion that immigrants from North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) were 23 times as likely to commit rape as Swedish men.

    A new trend reached Sweden with full force over the past few decades: gang rape — virtually unknown before in Swedish criminal history. The number of gang rapes increased spectacularly between 1995 and 2006. Since then no studies of them have been undertaken.

    3) Europe’s Rape Epidemic, Norway

    In Norway, recent statistics revealed that almost 100 per cent of violent street-rapes committed in the capital city of Oslo were committed by “non-western” immigrants.  It’s a similar story in Denmark, where the majority of rapes are committed by immigrants, usually Muslim.

    4) Plus, Muslim leader blames women for sex attacks ,  Australia

    Sheik Hilali said: "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?

    He told The Australian the message he intended to convey was: "If a woman who shows herself off, she is to blame ... but a man should be able to control himself". He said if a woman is "covered and respectful" she "demands respect from a man". "But when she is cheap, she throws herself at the man and cheapens herself."

    Sheik al-Hilali suggested that a group of Muslim men recently jailed for many years for gang rapes were not entirely to blame.
    Taj_El-Din_Hilaly,  wiki

    5) 16 years old girl Bibi, Wilhailm --Merkel, You are destroying Germany.  

    Ukraine will not want to be a member of EU at all.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:05 am

    Funny how it is all we have to work together when it is immigrants invading Europe... amusing how we are all white people then... brothers even... facing the unwashed tide of coloured people who don't think like we do.

    Europe was keen to kill Gadaffi and bomb Libya and wanted to bomb Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan too.

    They had their fingers in the pie in Egypt as well.

    If the EU is such a wonderful powerful rich but peaceful democratic centre of civilisation then let the unwashed masses move there and enjoy living in the lands of milk and honey too.

    Twisted Evil
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:43 am

    You would make fewer diabolic smiles if one of your female family members was attacked with acid because she dared to to go ourside without a burqa.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  kingodthequeens Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:50 pm

    GarryB wrote:Funny how it is all we have to work together when it is immigrants invading Europe... amusing how we are all white people then... brothers even... facing the unwashed tide of coloured people who don't think like we do.

    Europe was keen to kill Gadaffi and bomb Libya and wanted to bomb Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan too.

    They had their fingers in the pie in Egypt as well.

    If the EU is such a wonderful powerful rich but peaceful democratic centre of civilisation then let the unwashed masses move there and enjoy living in the lands of milk and honey too.

    Twisted Evil

    you said: “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”

    ― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order


    Have a look at the facts. Samuel P. Huntington knows nothing about cultures at all.

    1) Mongols killed 1/4 of  the world population.
    Mongols killed 50% of Chinese.
    genghis khan's law, killing a chinese = killing a donkey,
    sorry to mention this.
    2) Pol Pot killed 1/3 of  people in his country.

    3) Japan killed at least 30 million Chinese and other east Asian in WWII.
    USA and Russia saved china.
    Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia
    Manila massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    4)) China defeated Taiwanese aboriginals
    Chinese in Taiwan ate and traded in the flesh of Taiwanese aboriginals.
    Cannibalism, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    5) In Africa, in 1994,  in 100 days, an estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed.

    Rwandan Genocide ,  Wikipedia,

    6) The horrible Chinese law  (Till the early 1900's)

    A) Killing  a person, and killing all relatives of the person,
    and killing all relatives of all relatives of the person...
    It is called the execution of 9  degrees of kinship.
    Nine familial exterminations - Wikipedia

    B) Chopping people  into at least 1000 pieces.
    Slow slicing - Wikipedia

    7) Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

    Sacrifice of captives; gladiatorial fighters; dances of the priest wearing the skin of the flayed victims.
    Human sacrifice in Aztec culture, Wikipedia,

    8.) Bride burning in India
    Bride burning or bride-burning is a form of domestic violence practiced in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and other countries located on or around the Indian subcontinent (but not Sri Lanka). A category of dowry death.

    In 2012, 8,233 dowry death cases were reported across India. This means a bride was burned every 90 minutes.

    Bride burning, Wikipedia,
    Dowry death, Wikipedia

    9) The Arabic gang-rape 'Taharrush' phenomenon
    Taharrush jamai is the sexual assault of women in public by large groups of men.
    Taharrush gamea, From Wikipedia,

    10)The percentage of African American serial killers is 40.3%, in USA.
    Serial killer - Wikipedia

     43% of murders committed in the US were committed by blacks
    Blacks make up about 12% of the population of the US.
    ---- FBI Uniform Crime reports. 2010-2014:

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:25 pm

    Do not quote wikishmedia the shill site is no credible source for anything relevant on this forum. That is by the way a forum rule which you ignore to read.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:33 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Do not quote wikishmedia the shill site is no credible source for anything relevant on this forum. That is by the way a you are forum rule which you ignore to read.
    You are 100% right. The Mongols never killed anyone. They never actually existed. Laughing

    Genghis Khan was invented by Jews to distract the masses' atention away from the crimes of Anglo-Zionist elite.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:48 pm

    I don't quite understand fanatical aggression against wikipedia. Wikipedia is unreliable but only when it comes to so called "hotly   contested" topics -"maybe 1% of all topics are "contested". When it comes to other topics, reliability of wikipedia is comparable to the best academic publications.

    Last edited by Walther von Oldenburg on Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:59 pm

    Another retarded comment by the zionazi that has so far nothing else contributed to this forum but to inflammatory comments.

    Become usefull or refrain from commenting if you can not even make an argument based on facts.

    That is very well known and documented that wikishmedia has no relevance on history (is always written by winner or those with agenda look at entire Ukraine history), politically all you need to know about wikipedia's level of credibility is go up and read german and english version of pussy riot and the anti  gay propaganda law all written and highly moderated by US paid shills to keep any actual and factual information away and keep the Pentagon's version as the cover for it. Economically you do not even need to be educated to see that economy is manipulated with entire branches and rating agencies that are working only and soley for the interest of the FED to manipulate markets, currencies and broad available information.

    That is the reason why wikishmedia is not allowed to be used as a source, because it is written by unknown people with unknown agenda's with lot of cititation needed marks or right our hogus bogus sources and just because some "source" is used like Buisness Insider does not make the claim true, it is still a highly politicized claim and often right out propaganda without any facts.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:02 pm

    Devastation caused by Mongol invasions or brutality of pre-1911 Chinese criminal law are not contested topics. Both of them are documented in their respective countries in copious primary and secondary sources.

    Not all of history is prone to the same bias. Recent history is the most prone to political manipulation - so I wouldn't expect a good article about i.e. the war in Libya from wikipedia. But the further in the past you go, the less bias there is about history. Ancient and medieval history is completely apolitical. Renaissance and early modern history are marginally more biased. History of other civilizations narrated by modern Western historians can also be trusted in everything except a few hot spots (like the Opium wars for the British). So you may take a book about Qing Dynasty law written by an American and one written by a Chinese - and both of them would not differ much.

    Sometimes credit was given by historians when none was due - take the persistent myth of Islamic Golden Age.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:38 pm

    The entire WW2 is biase to the very core so don't use non arguments to portray shitty wikishittia as some credible source for that. The further past it goes the more biased are the history that has been written. Today we know more about what happened in the current past than what happened a century ago that is a no brainer except someone believes that countries had no intentions to lie and manipulate news  in the past. You are either hidding your garbage very well or you are genuinley dimwitted.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  kingodthequeens Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:38 am

    Werewolf wrote:Do not quote wikishmedia the shill site is no credible source for anything relevant on this forum. That is by the way a forum rule which you ignore to read.

    The basic facts listed in wiki are almost 100% correct.


    Manchus ruled china for 300 years till 1911.
    Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia

    In WWII, Japan took the Chinese capital and lost only 2000 soldiers.
    Battle of Nanking - Wikipedia

    if you say wiki is wrong about these basic facts, then you have to prove it.
    what you said is against the basic knowledge.

    Last edited by kingodthequeens on Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  kingodthequeens Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:43 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I don't quite understand fanatical aggression against wikipedia. Wikipedia is unreliable but only when it comes to so called "hotly   contested" topics -"maybe 1% of all topics are "contested". When it comes to other topics, reliability of wikipedia is comparable to the best academic publications.

    Yes, The basic facts listed in wiki are almost 100% correct.


    1) Manchus ruled china for 300 years till 1911.
    Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia

    2) In WWII, Japan took the Chinese capital and lost only 2000 soldiers.
    Battle of Nanking - Wikipedia

    3)Chinese were enslaved by mongol, manchu, xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen empires.
    Just before mongol, jurchen was the master of china for about 100 years.

    Jurchen defeated china and took two chinese kings as slaves.
    Men of chinese royal family were sold into slavery in exchange for horses with a ratio of ten men for one horse.
    Jingkang Incident - Wikipedia

    if anyone says wiki is wrong about these basic facts, then he/she has to prove it.
    what the person said is against the basic knowledge.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:48 pm

    I am no mod but you are breaking forum rules repeatedly and is wideley spread and known that wikishmedia is not reliable and i have not to proof anything, that is a forum rule, if you want to be part of it adopt to rules like rest of us does or some mod will give you warning at some point and you already had a rough start.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 4 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:52 pm

    What precisely do you disagree with? Do you disagre  that the Manchus ruled China until 1911? IF yes, then when did their rule end? 1910? 1900? 1826? Or maybe the Qing dynasyy never existed?

    DO you disagree that Mongols killed millions of Chinese people? If yes, then how many did they kill?

    Last but not least, you criticize wikipedia for not being reliable but never post examples of sources that are. Are academic publications a good source? If not, then what is?

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