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    Islamist threat in European countries


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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  HardHawk Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:16 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Call him a dictator? are you seriously implying he is not?

    How nice that according to you people Syria cannot have anything better than a bloody dictatorial family. Real damning analysis on the local population.

    Once again, stop trying to shift the topic onto Bush.

    Who drew the lines on the map creating the countries in the Middle East?

    Who hand picked the royal families in the region?

    Who is calling him a murderer... do you think no one dies in the west because of politics?

    Saudi Arabia is a much more despotic regime than Syria ever was... women don't even get the vote in SA now, yet in Syria... evil Assad has universal suffrage at 18 years old for men and women... what a bastard. In Saudi Arabia only men over the age of 21 can vote and women cannot even drive or walk outside alone without a male family chaperone.

    His only crime was nationalizing the oil industry in Syria and using a portion of that money to improve the living conditions of his people... sure he had palaces... but nothing like those in Saudi Arabia.

    You are making the classic western arrogant error... he is not up to western standards... hahahaha no one is.

    Karzai was picked for lots of reasons... few of which will keep him in power long... the US might as well shoot him in the back of his head before they leave... he is not tough enough to last.

    A naive question. All over the world the rulers of each country where they live in tents, or rented apartments? I dont think a person who rules a country, can be judged by his place of living as he need to uphold his country's status that he represent. And last I check Assad has been voted to his position by the people of his nation and is not the business of the western traitors of their own people and nations, to think they have a say and especially, do what they been doing the last 25 years. Simply destroying one nation after the other, with sole purpose to steal their resources and enslave them in the process, or eliminate them and replace them as they did, in all the nations they colonize.

    Soon they will receive, what is coming to them.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Charlie Hedbo attack case:

    Post  Regular Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:05 am

    Truth was revealed pirat
    Mike E
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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Mike E Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:11 am

    Hmm... Another conspiracy theory eh? Not judging but... 

    I want to see real evidence, reports within a week or two after an incident are always full of lies and propaganda. I'll refrain from forming an opinion until SCG or Colbert does a video on the subject.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  collegeboy16 Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:11 pm

    occam's razor, not even once...

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  George1 Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:44 am

    Charlie Hebdo Attack Investigator Commits Suicide: Reports

    Police commissioner, who had been investigating the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine committed suicide with his service gun on Thursday night.

    MOSCOW, January 11 (Sputnik) — Police commissioner Helric Fredou, who had been investigating the attack on the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, committed suicide in his office. The incident occurred in Limoges, the administrative capital of the Limousin region in west-central France, on Thursday night, local media France 3 reports.

    Helric Fredou, 45, suffered from depression and experienced burn out. Shortly before committing suicide, he met with the family of a victim of the Charlie Hebdo attack and killed himself preparing the report.

    Fredou began his career in 1997 as a police officer at the regional office of the judicial police of Versailles. Later he returned to Limoges, his hometown. Since 2012 he had been the deputy director of the regional police service.

    "We are all shocked. Nobody was ready for such developments", a representative of the local police union told reporters.

    On January 7, 2015, two gunmen burst into the editorial office of Charlie Hebdo magazine, known for issuing cartoons, ridiculing Islam. The attackers, later identified as brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, killed 12 people and injured 11, and escaped from the scene. Following two days of nationwide manhunt, the suspects were killed on Friday by French police some 20 miles northeast of Paris.

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    Post  George1 Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:49 am

    Thousands March in France to Show Solidarity After Paris Attacks

    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 1016753299

    More than 200,000 people demonstrated in France on Saturday showing their solidarity after three days of attacks in which 17 people died at the hands of extremists.

    MOSCOW, January 10 (Sputnik) – More than 200,000 people took to streets in France on Saturday to demonstrate their solidarity after terrorist attacks left 17 people dead in Paris, reports AFP.

    Some 80,000 people gathered in the southern city of Toulouse, 40,000 in southwest Pau, 30,000 in western Nantes, 23,000 in southeastern Nice, 22,000 in central Orleans, and 20,000 in eastern Besancon, according to estimate counts from local officials and AFP reporters.

    Tens of thousands of people, some holding up signs that read, "Je suis Charlie" – I am Charlie, marched during a rally along the sea front in the Mediterranean city of Nice.

    "Live together, free, equal and in solidarity," read the banner behind which at least 30,000 people marched in the western city of Nantes.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and US Attorney General Eric Holder, reports AFP.

    The Prime Ministers of Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands will also attend along with the presidents of Mali, Niger and Ukraine.

    Other leaders to join the French President include NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, president of the European Union Donald Tusk and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker.

    "This will be an extraordinary demonstration, which must show the power and the dignity of the French people who are going to proclaim their love of freedom and tolerance," French Prime Minister Manuel Valls told AFP.

    Hundreds of troops were deployed around the Paris, which is already on the highest possible alert. The French government further announced that all essential measures would be taken to guarantee the safety of those attending the demonstrations.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:14 pm

    Not to nitpick, but there are nowhere near 40,000 people in that photograph.   There aren't even 10,000 people in that photo.  
    Of course the photo could be cropped badly, but somehow I doubt it.

    These days one has to take crowd number claims with a ton of salt. It is routine to inflate them by about 10. This
    politically motivated exaggeration occurs routinely in the case of Russia and Ukraine. The news purveyors need to project
    the lie that everyone in France agrees with the obscene agitprop hate cartoons churned out by the Charlie Hebdo outfit.
    (They didn't just attack Islam, their routine target was Russia and Serbia, but of course not Ukraine). I think most French
    people do not support their political agenda. But most people are rightfully revolted by the terror atrocity perpetrated
    against the outfit.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Islamist threat in European nations

    Post  Vann7 Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:14 pm

    just see .. this..

    When Europe turns its back on its traditions , something else will replace it..

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  nemrod Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:11 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    ...Later Europe do not understand why Islam is taking control of their nations.
    In fact U seem to not understand what's really happenned in Europ, or generally in western world. And you think what extrem-right think- another group, that is  total compliant to what US empire expect- when you quote this problem.
    The fundamental problem in Europ, and overall, northern Hemisphere, is not islam, or any other religion. The problem is, western leaders did not deter not only immigration, but a massive migration of  populations from southern hemispher. The Multinationals are looking for chaos in southern countries, especially in Africa, and middle east countries, the purpose is also to take controll of huge ressources that are under the southern's hemispher subsoil, and make pressure on european salaries, because of a massive labour availlable. Moreover, you can notice in these countries, they  have a very low density, the best brain are fleeing their countries, and migrate into european countries. Once, this migration of populaitions is, the level of life of western countries population are dramatically dropping.

    Moreover, during the 60's when Europ needed labors, they could choose christian immigration, or even ethnic european origin populaitons, but they intentionally chose non ethnic, and non christian populations, why ?
    Because they wanted to replace original population by to "creating" a new kind of population like US's populations. As, the nationalism is forever the epic ennemy of globazition, and it occured only in homogeneous countries. To modify the etchnic composition of a country, you weak it, and you can controll it in more easiest way. The great grantees of this new implementation are at first the jews banks, protestants banks,  multinaitional companies, and the US empire, that is between the hands of the 12 banks of New York.
    Believe me, if there was another religion other Islam, they would choose too. Anyway in UK, there are other religions than Islam, as for example indouism, boudhism. But muslims has the strongest identity because of the nature of islam. Moreover, they realized that Islam is not compliant to their new world order, as at first most muslims are all, strongly against Israel 's existence, and Islam is against usury, against music -low mass culture-, against porn, and this religion is completly against  overconsumption, against gay-pride. Do not forget that US could not stay in Iraq, because of Islam resistance. US and western think tank are realizing that Islam is becoming  a real impediment to their great project of remodeling the world.
    As they could not create a kind of Vatican II council, US leaders are heading toward a new Islam 2.0.
    In summary the problem is not Islam or any other religion in Europe, the problem is the migration stream that is triggered in the goal to change the ethnic composition of all countries not only in Europe, but in the world.

    When Europe turns its back on its traditions , something else will replace it..

    It is funny  Very Happy . While this church is not converted into's castel,   or into any other things like that lol!  lol!  lol!.

    This is the society they dreamed 70 years ago, now it is done. Western think tanks had to think how to bring a new religion to atheist or secularist populations. The new religion of globalization is everything relating second world war.
    U can do whatever you want, U can mock whatever you want, you can think whatever you want, but do not ask questions about the second world war. If they tell you 10 millions died during the second world war, for any reasons, you will have to believe it, and do not ask questions, other than those authorized. You won't have to be curious, and do not mention any bad things relating what you were taught.

    Vladimir Putin became the worst west ennemy because he impemented a new russian society where most of russia back to orthodox church -this Church is against usury too- and are now no-compliant to the new world order. Putin implemented a coutry where muslims, christians could live in peace.
    Nowadays Putin is the worst ennemy of US empire, because he triggered the end of New World Order. This is why, the West is doing whatever he could to destroy Russia.

    Last edited by nemrod on Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Werewolf Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:52 pm

    The problem is not islam nor the migration stream, the problem is the government and their lobbyism with big corporations and especially US, to create cheap labour through out EU countries.

    IT is simple how it works, migrants that are barely speaking the language don't know much about laws and don't ask much in fear of getting send back, so this exact condition big companies want, because a stupid cheap worker won't ask for free days, for safety standards on his working place and will do more work for less money. This wasn't noticeble 5 or 10 years ago but today it is. Today you get pushed into jobs by working 8-14 hours a day for under 1000 euro without having the safety of being employeed but labouring as "zeitarbeiter". "Zeitarbeit or Leiharbeit" is nothing else but slavery, you have to work, are not allowed to ask for free days and if you do, the same will happen to you like it happened to me and my friend, you get fired the day after with a call saying you don't need to come back. This migration politics made by EU countries are only for one thing, destroying of domestic work labour that wants get paid fairly and to get cheap labour, that is also why TTIP is pushed through in all EU countries to declare what was planned for decades, making the vassal states true slaves.
    Hannibal Barca
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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:55 pm

    It totally futile though, Wereworf to succeed in creating this cheap labor.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  George1 Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:23 am

    London Mayor Says up to 4,000 Jihadists Threaten Britain

    Read more:

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  George1 Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:27 am

    Τake a look at this photo. It is from the center of Athens, Greece (my country). Muslim immigrants concentration.. This is a common view today in Athens in public spaces..

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:37 pm

    George1 wrote:Τake a look at this photo. It is from the center of Athens, Greece (my country). Muslim immigrants concentration.. This is a common view today in Athens in public spaces..

    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 494254

    ...Surprise, surprise, the Turks are at the center of it. Those imperialist Turkish c*nt's can let got that their Ottoman Empire was smashed to smithereens, so they have to constantly start problems with all their neighbors, to compensate for their micropenises.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  George1 Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:55 pm

    Kosovo can become corridor for radical Islam breaking into Europe — diplomat

    The ambassador said the European Union is not yet ready to solve the migrant problem

    MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Kosovo could become a corridor for radical Islam breaking into Europe since the European Union is not yet ready to solve the migrant problem, Serbian ambassador to Russia Slavenko Terzic said on Tuesday.

    "Most Islamists from the Balkans are fighting in the Middle East," the diplomat said. "Kosovo is an open corridor for penetration of radical Islam into Europe. It’s a pity that Europe was late in realising this," Terzic said. "As practice shows, Europe is not ready to settle this serious problem on its own," he said.

    Replying to a TASS question about migrant flows on the border with Serbia, the ambassador said "our republic cannot cope alone with the flow of migrants. This problem must be settled jointly."

    "It is necessary to exclude the cause of the influx of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa. All European countries must respect and protect their values," he added.
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:06 pm

    Europe just needs some harsh policy reversal -the leftist parties ruling Europe are doing everything they can in order to undermine Christianity and turn European society into a bland, ideology-less mass, ashamed over it's own existence.

    Once Christianity becomes strong again, Islamic moronism will become extinct... like in Latin America. They can't even create a foothold there.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Svyatoslavich Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:23 pm

    [quote="Walther von Oldenburg"
    Once Christianity becomes strong again, Islamic moronism will become extinct... like in Latin America. They can't even create a foothold there.[/quote]
    I wouldn't say that Christianity is strong in Latin America - not at least what I consider to be Christianity. Anyway, here in Buenos Aires the Saudis built a huge mosque in one of the nicest neighborhood of the city, in terrains donated in the 90's by the government. They offer free "education" for poor children in the slums, and one can only imagine what kind of education they receive. I also have a colleague at work who is a convert to Wahhabism and goes to this mosque. I have nothing at all against Muslims, but everything against Wahhabis. So slowly they are penetrating here too, it will take much more time due to the distance, but they are already doing it. And the local intelligence agency, which is a total joke, only cares about finding naughty secrets of political opponents.
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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:15 pm

    Well, in Western Europe despite billions of dollars pumped into the preaching business, number of converts to Islam is modest, mostly it's women converting after marrying Muslim guys.

    It's the youth from Muslim families (born as Muslims) that is under the influence of Wahhabism. And society is too weak willed to oppose them.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Genocide of Europe

    Post  Monarchist Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:27 pm


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    Post  medo Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:39 pm

    Are you surprised? This is the main goal of left liberal atlanticist. Why do you think the welcome all those migrants in Europe and impose homosexual indoctrination to Europeans?

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Monarchist Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:41 pm

    medo wrote:Are you surprised? This is the main goal of left liberal atlanticist. Why do you think the welcome all those migrants in Europe and impose homosexual indoctrination to Europeans?
    No, I'm not surprised. On of the goals of the NWO is to eradicate european nations, it's culture,traditions and moral values. Just sharing it for people to see.
    Even though I think it's too late and were pretty much doomed, european nationalists should all work together, especially in destroying EU.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:10 pm

    Monarchist wrote:
    medo wrote:Are you surprised? This is the main goal of left liberal atlanticist. Why do you think the welcome all those migrants in Europe and impose homosexual indoctrination to Europeans?
    No, I'm not surprised. On of the goals of the NWO is to eradicate european nations, it's culture,traditions and moral values. Just sharing it for people to see.
    Even though I think it's too late and were pretty much doomed, european nationalists should all work together, especially in destroying EU.

    I personally see no reason to be upset over this, neither should you TBH. I remember clearly when we were cluster-bombed in the name of "European civilization" so my plan is to sit back and enjoy the show. Sucks for innocent civilians but they all have right to vote and protest, whether or not they use it is up to them. Europe made it's bed.

    When we get attacked again we will just fight back solo like every countless times before, nothing new there.

    Don't get worked up over nothing.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  flamming_python Sun Nov 15, 2015 1:08 am

    I'm not one to go out on a limb defending 'European civilization' either. Quite frankly I'm just indifferent to it; historically it rarely did anything good for Russia and recent history with the Ukraine, Serbia and so on is just more affirmation of that.

    That said I think nationalist propaganda like the vid that Monarchist posted is way too alarmist and is full of BS. But what is real is the fear in Europe, and it seems that the nationalists are the only ones offering a solution; while the European government of the day prefer to stick to neo-liberal ideology and attempt to censor any dissenting opinions with accusations of racism and so on.

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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Rodinazombie Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:24 pm

    I work with lots of muslims, and ill tell you thst since the paris attacks, not one has expressed sympathy for the victims or disgust that people would do this in their name.

    Ill tell you some of the things i have heard though.

    One guys major complaint was that the tv is full of propaganda about muslims now after oaris

    Another two were talking about it the situation with me and one said 'i dont like isis, but....' At that point they started talking in their language so that i couldnt hear what was obviouslu something pro isis.

    Another blames it all on the west, and claimed that isis is or was a threat to nobody.

    Another reaction was that its the jews.

    A huge theme that runs through all of them is that they state that these people arent muslims, they dont represent islam, yet when anyone tries to attack these 'non muslims that dont represent islam' they are suddenly crying about how this is another attack on poor innocent muslims, part of the wests war against islam and side with the terrorists.

    This is just some of my personal experience, and these arent radical islamists, these are just normwl folk like me and you, but if this is the attitude of the normal muslim, then its no wonder why they have such fertile breeding ground. They are at best passive or indifferent to it, at worst many even support it.


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    Islamist threat in European countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Islamist threat in European countries

    Post  Vann7 Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:04 am

    The CNN imperial media defending Islam again.. with fake stories.

    Christians die in the thousands in Syria by their lovely islamic moderates and
    they report nothing.

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