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    European Union: Discussion Thread


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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Austin Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:51 am

    Looking at these numbers countries like Germany ( 212 % ) , France ( 269 % ) , England ( 481 % ) have so high external Debt to GDP Ratio and even Public Debt Ratio approaching 90 % ... compared that to US for 101 % for external Debt to GDP and 79 % for Public Debt.

    why are these European countries even solvent and how do they survive such high exterday debt 200 % more than GDP and How does the Euro survive ?

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:14 am

    It doesn't, they milk the cow as much as they can before it's send to the slaughterhouse.
    The debts of those countries are mainly for the central banks and a minor part for actual foreign countries and credits/loans.

    The Euroes maxim is what Bart Simpson  said: "live fast, die young and leave a big fat corspe".

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Austin Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:56 am

    So does that mean we will see a demise of Euro soon ?

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty why are these European countries even solvent and how do they survive such high exterday debt 200 % more than GDP and How does the Euro survive ?

    Post  Werewolf Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:19 am

    You can bet on that.
    The Euro was designed to die and to take as much as possible in the euro zone with it.

    Germany which is advertised as the "Gold-fairy" of the EU zone is the most broken bitch among euro countries, 9mln jobless and groing but are covered up to under 5 mln, the unemployed are covered up here in germany like in most euro zone with timejobs, which pay less for same work in most times even for more hours than you get paid, also i worked for a year in such conditions, you are out if you even dare to ask if you can take a few days of your yearly 25 free days you have. Due this fucked up time jobs the govt. is cutting itself off from lot of taxes which we would pay for the same work with normal payments.

    The current problem is the older generations stupid as hell even more naive than back in WW2 nazi regime watching 2 state propaganda chanels and believe every single shit of merkel and schäuble the little Mr. Bribe Wheelchair Charlie, that we can do it, we can safe the euro.

    It will take about 10 years to max 20 years and this old generation is happily gun which represents the absolute majority of the voters for this disgusting parties and their disgusting puddle regime to Brussels and Washington.

    As soon merkel isn't the representing saddlechloth all this propaganda shit of we will safe the shit euro will go back.

    10-20 years but i am even more optimistic you will see significant changes in next 5+ years.

    Euro was designed to fail and later the exact same banksters will come up with a new unified currency to do the same shit and more the people struggle the more happier they will be that someone (banks) found a solution for their problem (banks).

    People are stupid and can't even remember what happened 10 years, especially western people are dumb and becoming dumber.
    Same lies iraq as in the current conflicts and they still believe this lies, it will be always the same.

    I am pretty sure the average IQ of entire humanity is lower than any animals average IQ of the collective, a few smart people can't fight the collective stupidity.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  medo Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:30 pm

    Surging mistrust of the euro during Europe’s debt crisis fed a campaign to bring Germany’s entire $141 billion gold reserve home from New York and London. Now, after politics shifted in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition, the government has concluded that stashing half its bullion abroad is prudent after all.

    “The Americans are taking good care of our gold,” Norbert Barthle, the budget spokesman for Merkel’s Christian Democratic bloc in parliament, said in an interview. “Objectively, there’s absolutely no reason for mistrust.”

    In other words, reading between the lines, this show, that there is no more German gold reserves in US FED reserves. It seems they sell it all. I wonder, when will China reveal, how much gold reserves they actually have.

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    Post  macedonian Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:37 pm

    I thought it was an 'open secret' by now.
    Read about it yesterday, and had a good laugh about pathetic the Germans look right now, eh?

    Hope the recent developments in Austria (South Stream) have something to do with this, as that would mean that the Krouts are abandoning their pro-American position...Fingers crossed, as they say...
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:29 pm

    I want the members that have personal experience from Soviet Union or Warsaw pact to confirm if this hole situation reminds them the early '80s

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:13 pm

    I really hope that enough people here in Germany will wake up among those please Bundeswehr and sieze Rammstein AFB of the US in Germany, capture Nuclear weapons and take americans hostage, and force US to give german Gold back with interest but keep the nuclear weapons to assure that no american ever will step a foot on German soil again.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:40 pm

    Werewolf wrote:I really hope that enough people here in Germany will wake up among those please Bundeswehr and sieze Rammstein AFB of the US in Germany, capture Nuclear weapons and take americans hostage, and force US to give german Gold back with interest but keep the nuclear weapons to assure that no american ever will step a foot on German soil again.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread De_Gaulle-OWI

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:13 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:I really hope that enough people here in Germany will wake up among those please Bundeswehr and sieze Rammstein AFB of the US in Germany, capture Nuclear weapons and take americans hostage, and force US to give german Gold back with interest but keep the nuclear weapons to assure that no american ever will step a foot on German soil again.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread De_Gaulle-OWI


    European Union: Discussion Thread Funes102

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Sagging European Economy

    Post  Kyo Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:52 pm

    Europe's 500bn Euro plan to save itself from economic ruin

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    Post  Kyo Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:56 pm

    What's happening in Switzerland:

    Paul Krugman - NY Times wrote:OK, arrived in Hong Kong, and IT is working a lot better. So let me weigh in a bit more on the Swiss miss. Basically, my take is the same as Brad DeLong’s: what we have here is a central bank that let itself be bullied by the balance sheet bugaboo brigade.

    The way to think about the franc peg, I’d argue, is to view currency intervention as essentially a form of quantitative easing. What we mean by QE is open-market operations in which the central bank buys stuff other than the usual purchases of short-term government debt. This could be long-term assets, it could be private-sector debt, or it could be foreign securities. Obviously the channels of influence depend to some extent on which route you choose, although remember that the Fed was accused of waging currency war when it was only purchasing domestic assets, and the main clear effect of Abenomics so far has run through the exchange rate. But the main point is to think of any kind of non-Treasury-bill open market operation as a form of QE.

    This in turn helps us put the explicit exchange rate target into the right slot: it was about making QE effective through commitment, so that you got the maximum impact on expectations. Actually, the success of the currency program suggests that other central banks might want to try things like setting a ceiling on some long-term interest rate.

    But back to Switzerland: they had a policy that was working, so why did they stop? And the answer, Brad and I both suspect, is that the SNB, like the Fed, faced constant pressure from finance types saying “Your balance sheet is too big! Debasement! Inflation! Unnatural monetary acts! Francisco d’Anconia!” But unlike the Fed, the SNB lacked the intellectual self-confidence (and perhaps the institutional strength, seeing as how it’s partially privately owned) to stand up to that pressure.

    The irony is that having been bullied into worrying about its own profitability, which is not what central banks should do, the SNB ended up imposing huge losses on itself. But that’s neither here nor there for Swiss national interests. The main thing is that the credibility essential to getting traction at the zero lower bound has been dissipated for Switzerland, and damaged for everyone else.

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    Post  Kyo Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:53 pm

    Gold prices likely to rise if ECB introduces quantitative easing

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    Post  Kyo Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:06 pm

    Greek bonds won't be among the securities monetized by the ECB

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    Post  Kyo Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:01 pm

    Oil prices fall, Gold hits peak, Euro under pressure ahead of ECB meeting

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    Post  Kyo Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:07 pm

    ECB announces milestone 1.14TN Euro 'easy money' programme

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    Post  Kyo Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:43 pm

    Record deflation in eurozone

    Consumer prices in the eurozone fell by 0.6 percent in January due to lower energy prices and global uncertainty. It’s the biggest fall since the currency zone was established.

    Last month eurozone deflation was 0.2 percent, which is the first time since the outbreak of the financial crisis of 2009, according to the ‘flash estimate’ by Eurostat.

    The current level of deflation in the eurozone is the largest since July 2009, when the prices also fell 0.6 percent which was the biggest fall since the euro was introduced in 1999. Analysts polled by Bloomberg say they expected an average of 0.5 percent in January.

    European Union: Discussion Thread 43457687

    The biggest drop was in energy costs which fell 8.9 percent as a result of lower oil prices. The cost of food, alcohol and tobacco decreased 0.1 percent. At the same time the cost of various services rose by one percent.

    The report comes a day after Germany announced deflation for the first time since 2009. Consumer prices in German declined by 0.3 percent in January year-on-year.

    European financial institutions are making every effort to curb the economic downturn in the region and reach an inflation target of 2 percent. The ECB has taken the unprecedented step and started a €1.14 trillion program of ‘quantitative easing’ (QE) designed to bring down deflation and provide the banks with money. The program will run until September 2016 and involve buying bonds from EU member states.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  George1 Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:20 am

    Over 1,5 Mln Europeans Sign Petition Against TTIP

    European Union: Discussion Thread 1019000237

    More than 1.5 million Europeans have signed a petition to prevent EU from entering a secretive trade alliance with the United States. TTIP - a real economic partnership between the United States and the European Union or another American plan for global domination?

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — More than 1.5 million people in Europe have signed a petition to prevent the European Union from entering in to a secretive trade alliance with the United States, activists say.

    The Self-Organized European Citizens' Initiative, the group behind the petition, claims the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is "a threat to democracy, the environment, consumers and labor standards."

    The TTIP is a trade deal between the European Union and the United States intended, in part, to limit the legal consequences of entity actors in their global economic conduct.

    According to the campaigners, the TTIP, currently being negotiated without ordinary government oversight, is specifically designed to overtly benefit corporations, not citizens.

    The activists urged the European Union not to ratify a similar deal currently in negotiation with Canada.

    A recent study conducted by the US Tufts University showed that ratification of the TTIP is likely to lead to the loss of up to 600,000 jobs in the European Union.

    France could be among the worst-hit nations, with each French worker losing $5,800 of income potential annually.

    The campaigners intend to continue collecting signatures and donations through October 2015, according to the group's website.

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    Post  ahmedfire Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:13 pm

    What is the problem ?

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    Post  George1 Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:19 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:What is the problem ?

    A recent study conducted by the US Tufts University showed that ratification of the TTIP is likely to lead to the loss of up to 600,000 jobs in the European Union.

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    Post  Kyo Mon May 25, 2015 2:54 am

    The Fast-Track Trap of Trans-Atlantic Trade

    The so-called ‘fast-track' legislation limits Congress' ability to tweak the opaque details of Obama's trade deals with East Asia and the EU, allowing them to vote only yes or no on the entire package as a whole. The Administration is urging Congress to push the bill through so that the President can supposedly be in a stronger position to negotiate with his foreign counterparts. The real reason for the hurried rush, however, is that the US wants to jam the secretive trade package through before the election season heats up next year, and also before the EU public wakes up to the fact that the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is in fact a very unbalanced and neo-colonial deal for the continent.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Post-communist states are robbing the EU.

    Post  Locky Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:11 pm

    They are rather wily guys, all of them in Kiev and Riga and Vilius and Warsaw! Look how Poles do it
    beforeitsnews.c o m /international/2015/08/
    poland-lacking-confidence-in-iran-wants-more-money-for-anti-missile-system-2487512.h t m l
    They just use Iran or Russia or other as some scarecrows and deadly threat to their security to get financial and other aid from Brussels. Why should we bow to those tricks?

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:15 pm

    Locky wrote:They are rather wily guys, all of them in Kiev and Riga and Vilius and Warsaw! Look how Poles do it
    beforeitsnews.c o m /international/2015/08/
    poland-lacking-confidence-in-iran-wants-more-money-for-anti-missile-system-2487512.h t m l
    They just use Iran or Russia or other as some scarecrows and deadly threat to their security to get financial and other aid from Brussels. Why should we bow to those tricks?

    Because, US will demand it. US wants the bases in Poland to be closer to Russia and to stir more trouble for Belarus. Simple as that.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:12 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    Locky wrote:They are rather wily guys, all of them in Kiev and Riga and Vilius and Warsaw! Look how Poles do it
    beforeitsnews.c o m /international/2015/08/
    poland-lacking-confidence-in-iran-wants-more-money-for-anti-missile-system-2487512.h t m l
    They just use Iran or Russia or other as some scarecrows and deadly threat to their security to get financial and other aid from Brussels. Why should we bow to those tricks?

    Because, US will demand it.  US wants the bases in Poland to be closer to Russia and to stir more trouble for Belarus.  Simple as that.

    The poles are poled to be so russophobic that they just become like americans, brainless, ready to poke the bear, while being completley unarmed and unprepared.

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    European Union: Discussion Thread Empty Re: European Union: Discussion Thread

    Post  Godric Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:36 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Locky wrote:They are rather wily guys, all of them in Kiev and Riga and Vilius and Warsaw! Look how Poles do it
    beforeitsnews.c o m /international/2015/08/
    poland-lacking-confidence-in-iran-wants-more-money-for-anti-missile-system-2487512.h t m l
    They just use Iran or Russia or other as some scarecrows and deadly threat to their security to get financial and other aid from Brussels. Why should we bow to those tricks?

    Because, US will demand it.  US wants the bases in Poland to be closer to Russia and to stir more trouble for Belarus.  Simple as that.

    The poles are poled to be so russophobic that they just become like americans, brainless, ready to poke the bear, while being completley unarmed and unprepared.

    the problem with Poles is they hate everyone that aren't Catholic a lot of eastern European countries have the exact same retarded problem

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