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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  The-thing-next-door Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:57 am

    If anyone has been keeping up with this could they please explain what is going on? Will we get to enjoy a small contained nuclear civil war this december?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:19 pm

    The Democrat Party has been pulling out all the stops to seize power since 2016. It is clear now that bulk of the US fake stream
    media is firmly allied to one party and one party only. CNN has been in full bore anti-Trump propaganda mode for the last 4 years.
    The term Trump Derangement Syndrome has been used and it is spot on as with the term Putin Derangement Syndrome.

    What this political fight is really about is the future of US imperialism and economy. The D. Party are hard core globalists
    of the "humanitarian" bombing variety and plan to keep on pushing the US empire to the whole planet. The problem is that
    globalism is dying from natural causes. This includes the progressive development of under-developed countries and we
    see this in the case of Bolivia where a coup that should have stuck came unglued in months. Slowly this process is
    choking the US Empire by liberating its colonies.

    Then we have the cheap energy problem. Even though everyone and his dog has written off peak oil (and peak cheap fossil fuels)
    off, it is an actual fact. Global oil production has been stalled for the last 15 years. The touted growth of oil production in the
    USA which has been offsetting declines around the world is not going to give us 50-100 years of easy living. There are clear signs
    already that the second wave of oil production in the USA from non-conventional sources (Bakken, East Texas) has peaked.
    Saudi Arabia is on some metastable branch. It will undergo the same fate as Oman with the Yibal oil field when the inverse
    emulsion regime (oil flowing through the rock matrix via water drive will flip into water flowing with oil droplets getting trapped
    when about 50% of the oil is extracted from the reservoirs in this region) hits the mother of all oil fields, Ghawar. Covid-19 is
    not the source of the world's economic problems. As of 2008 we have entered a period of global economic instability that is
    tied to lack of cheap oil. Even $40 oil is not cheap considering that $5 oil as there when the globalists were making all their
    plans. And $40 oil reflects economic crisis and not intrinsic worth. If the world economy starts rapidly expanding expect oil
    prices to shoot up to near $100 fast. (So we have a sort of governor effect producing a glass lid on the global economy.)

    Trump represents the faction of the US elites that have read the writing on the wall and want to repatriate offshored production
    home and disentangle from "humanitarian" imperial meddling. No matter how one may dislike Trump, he clearly did not escalate
    the Syria crisis like Obummer and Hitlery. If Hitlery was elected she would actually have tried to confront Russia in Syria.
    Trump sent in some half-assed Tomahawk salvos and did not try to launch a 1999 Kosovo style attack on Syria like Obummer
    tried in 2013. In a way, the D. Party accusations of Trump being Putin's agent are "right" since Trump is not prepared to start
    WWIII to pursue the imperial delusions of the Demorat Party. If you pay attention you will see that the UK has been trying
    to instigate the US to confront Russia with its novichoke BS and was central to the anti-Trump campaign with the MI6 fabrication
    known as the Steele report.

    Trump may be a US exceptionalist, but he is more grounded in reality than the Demorat lunatics.

    Another prime factor in the current US crisis is the emergence of SJW hysteria. The child centered learning and cultural
    Trotskyism chickens have come home to roost. A lot of the insane opposition to Trump reflects the rabid intolerance of
    SJW lynch mobs who do not believe in dissent. These so-called leftists are freaks who are obsessed with witch hunting
    anyone who says that child gender surgery is not OK and who does not believe in their PC identity politics BS. They actually
    elevate LGBTXYZ above the vast majority and in Ontario, Canada, we have a law that makes it a crime to use Mr. or Mrs. to
    address some freak who thinks they are unicorn-kin or dragon-kin or some tranny who believes they are a woman. Even if
    they do not advertise their proclivities (I guess normal people are supposed to guess which freak species they are). The whole
    BLM-Antifa spasm is grotesque since there have been dozens of black victims of rioting, looting mobs who use the death of blacks
    in from police actions (shooting or restraint as with George Floyd) as a pretext to engage in violence. A woman who said
    that "all lives matter" was murdered on the spot in one of the US cities by these zealots. Others who do not bend the knee
    have been murdered as well in Seattle and elsewhere. The Demorats are using this hysteria that their MSM allies are instigating
    and later whitewashing to generate public action against Trump.

    BTW, Trump was a lifelong Democrat and ran on the Republican ticket because the Democratic Party has left the sanity
    reservation. Calling him a racist is pure BS. I have been following his career since the 1980s (hard not to since he was
    a celebrity) and racism was never mentioned until 2016. Either he is the all time great at hiding it, or the accusation is
    cheap political smear.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:22 am

    They are stuck in their own lie spiral... it was the democrats that refuse to accept the result of elections... remember the riots and not my president signs when Trump won after Hills was so sure it was going to be a walk over... well now the mainstream media who support the democrats are now talking about... what if he loses and wont leave office... in other words what if the Russians act like the Americans.... sorry... what if the republicans act like the democrats and start poisoning their enemies in the UK or annex countries or start coloured revolutions in countries whose leadership are not whores to the big US companies... and sell them oil or essential minerals cheaply...

    I very much doubt there could be a proper civil war like they created in Syria or Libya... what are the democrats going to use... they hate guns...

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  franco Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:05 pm

    Today Dumb versus Dumber in an epic showdown on that big hit show Psycho's are US.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  LMFS Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:21 pm

    kvs wrote:Trump may be a US exceptionalist, but he is more grounded in reality than the Demorat lunatics.

    Yes, US has reached the point where national industrial elites and globalist financial ones get in conflict since the imperial pie has no more portions to be shared. Further using the US as the imperial host will kill it, and the local industrial elites are therefore reacting, even if they are every bit as immoral as their opponents and being used by Zionism too. I would say they should have most of the population on their side, but the brainwash job and subsequent cognitive dissonance in America is so absolute that both sides' political positions are cringe worthy by now. Financial elites are smarter and have better means of propaganda, but they are screwing the country so badly they may not win this one. We will see, but the conflict resulting from none of the sides conceding defeat can have enormous effects in all of us, that is for sure.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:59 pm

    LMFS wrote:
    kvs wrote:Trump may be a US exceptionalist, but he is more grounded in reality than the Demorat lunatics.

    Yes, US has reached the point where national industrial elites and globalist financial ones get in conflict since the imperial pie has no more portions to be shared. Further using the US as the imperial host will kill it, and the local industrial elites are therefore reacting, even if they are every bit as immoral as their opponents and being used by Zionism too. I would say they should have most of the population on their side, but the brainwash job and subsequent cognitive dissonance in America is so absolute that both sides' political positions are cringe worthy by now. Financial elites are smarter and have better means of propaganda, but they are screwing the country so badly they may not win this one. We will see, but the conflict resulting from none of the sides conceding defeat can have enormous effects in all of us, that is for sure.

    It is interesting how the philosophy one lives by affects one's life. All these parasites end up eating themselves in the end. There is never
    enough host meat for them and they only thing they know or want is to eat more, figuratively speaking. I think that US catabolic decline
    is poetic justice like it is in the case of all the other Russia hating countries that should really focus on their own problems before spewing
    hate and baying for blood.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  LMFS Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:15 pm

    "US catabolic decline", what a perfect name respekt
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:11 pm

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Maximmmm Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:41 pm

    Any of you guys made bets or bets with friends?
    I got one going for some booze, same as last time.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Hole Tue Nov 03, 2020 9:08 pm

    I hope they only use tactical nuces in their new civil war. Twisted Evil
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:24 am

    There will be no civil war.

    The Democrats do hold more densely populated areas but they do not form any coherent geographic area. The Republicans hold nearly all food producing regions and the US Army is dominated by Republicans.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:06 pm

    The Demorats are stealing the election:


    Total number of registered voters: 3,129,000

    Total number of votes cast: 3,239,920

    Transparent and massive fraud. No chirping about meddling in the election, eh. But Putin's votes are not legitimate.

    The west is such a rotten, smelly toilet.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  JohninMK Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:10 pm

    kvs wrote:The Demorats are stealing the election:


    Total number of registered voters: 3,129,000

    Total number of votes cast:  3,239,920

    Transparent and massive fraud.  No chirping about meddling in the election, eh.   But Putin's votes are not legitimate.

    The west is such a rotten, smelly toilet.

    Fake news. This is a really ugly rumor being spread. It is not accurate. Still even an 88% turnout is a bit suspicious Shocked

    The State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:11 pm

    Russia needs to start mobilizing for WWIII. The Demorat lunatics think that they will cakewalk all over it.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:27 pm

    Fake news my ass.

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? El_LS2UXEAI7yFW?format=jpg&name=small


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:13 pm

    kvs wrote:Russia needs to start mobilizing for WWIII.   The Demorat lunatics think that they will cakewalk all over it.

    This is what I am thinking. Democrats will push for war with Russia. A nuclear power.

    But then they may not be that stupid. Who knows.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  franco Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:15 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    kvs wrote:The Demorats are stealing the election:


    Total number of registered voters: 3,129,000

    Total number of votes cast:  3,239,920

    Transparent and massive fraud.  No chirping about meddling in the election, eh.   But Putin's votes are not legitimate.

    The west is such a rotten, smelly toilet.

    Fake news. This is a really ugly rumor being spread. It is not accurate. Still even an 88% turnout is a bit suspicious  Shocked

    The State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.

    The Republicans are demanding a recount in this state and perhaps others as well. There does appear to be questionable happenings for sure.
    Suspect No Rolling Eyes

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  franco Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:17 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:Russia needs to start mobilizing for WWIII.   The Demorat lunatics think that they will cakewalk all over it.

    This is what I am thinking.  Democrats will push for war with Russia.  A nuclear power.

    But then they may not be that stupid.  Who knows.

    Actually appears that Ukraine may be in play for these duties...

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:19 pm

    Wisconsin is a corrupt backwater.   In 2004 there was fraud in favour of W. Bush Jr. and I got this information not just from a media
    source but second hand.   Various counties make all sort of absurd "clerical errors" like just happened in Michigan where a zero
    was added at the end of a vote count.   I guess factors of 10 do not matter and are simply fractional roundoff Rolling Eyes

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:23 pm

    Note that Biden practically foams at the mouth when he designates Russia as America's existential enemy. Trump has to
    play this US "foreign threat" game but chooses China as a target. He also did not start a hate campaign over the recent
    Navalny hoax. Some Demorat president would have turned it into an international crisis.

    There is no legacy of severe demonization of China like with Russia in the USA. So when Trump targets China that does not
    move us to WWIII and his aim at China revolves around economic issues. Biden's Russia hate is some sort of fucking crusade
    of extermination.

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    Walther von Oldenburg

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:30 pm

    Guys are you sure Democrats are so warlike?

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:33 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Guys are you sure Democrats are so warlike?

    Does Sarajevo mean anything to you?

    franco wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:Russia needs to start mobilizing for WWIII.   The Demorat lunatics think that they will cakewalk all over it.

    This is what I am thinking.  Democrats will push for war with Russia.  A nuclear power.

    But then they may not be that stupid.  Who knows.

    Actually appears that Ukraine may be in play for these duties...

    What, as in Ukraine may be forced to start a war?

    kvs wrote:Note that Biden practically foams at the mouth when he designates Russia as America's existential enemy.   Trump has to
    play this US "foreign threat" game but chooses China as a target.   He also did not start a hate campaign over the recent
    Navalny hoax.   Some Demorat president would have turned it into an international crisis.  

    There is no legacy of severe demonization of China like with Russia in the USA.   So when Trump targets China that does not
    move us to WWIII and his aim at China revolves around economic issues.   Biden's Russia hate is some sort of fucking crusade
    of extermination.  

    This is why Russian government will have to be ready to defend its nation and people against the United States.
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    Walther von Oldenburg

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:36 pm

    Explain. I know that Democrats started the interventions against Serbia in 1995 and 1999.

    But Republicans started Afghanistan and Iraq.

    I am now following that closely what both of them are saying.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:40 pm

    franco wrote:...The Republicans are demanding a recount in this state and perhaps others as well. There does appear to be questionable happenings for sure.
    Suspect No Rolling Eyes  

    This is textbook East Europe

    Trust me I have seen these shenanigans first hand, Clinton Cartel really hates not being in charge

    It's quite interesting to watch color revolution in USA of all places Cool

    Good news is that after this they will be so divided and at each other's throats that they will be less able to make any big damage outside regardless of who wins thumbsup

    kvs wrote:...There is no legacy of severe demonization of China like with Russia in the USA. So when Trump targets China that does not move us to WWIII and his aim at China revolves around economic issues. Biden's Russia hate is some sort of fucking crusade of extermination. ...

    Biden and Democrats are funded by Chinese and Arabs/Iranians and they enforce their interests

    They will want to switch to working with China as before and to do that they need a good bogeyman as a distraction (Russia)

    And Chincoms would love nothing more than to throw Russia under the bus and go back to the good old setup (they know that their military is shit and that any attempt to stand up to USA would be suicide)

    Good thing is that over last 4 years the SJW crew has gone on a frenzy about Hong Kong and Ughur ''concentration camps'' to such extent that any attempt at rapprochement with China now would trigger massive backlash which they can't afford

    This is a very positive outcome pwnd

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  franco Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:41 pm

    If Porkie and gang are back in control, another full assault on Donbas would not be out of the question along with action against Crimea to provoke the bear.

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