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    Arctic rush


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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  medo Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:48 am

    В ближайшее время многие российские аэродромы в Арктике станут всесезонными. Они будут в состоянии принимать самолеты всех типов, в том числе и ракетоносцы.

    Об этом рассказал начальник морской авиации ВМФ РФ генерал-майор Игорь Кожин газете "Красная звезда". Как заметил Герой России, это актуально именно сегодня, потому что активно расширяется иностранное военное присутствие в Арктике, наращиваются его масштабы и активизируется разведывательная и учебно-боевая деятельность НАТО.

    Поэтому морская авиация ВМФ России не только увеличила группировку в Арктике, она отрабатывает тактические приемы. Успешно действует как на открытых водных пространствах, так и подо льдом. Все делается для того, чтобы летчик, находясь в воздухе, имел возможность полностью владеть ситуацией.

    Что касается самих аэродромов, то продолжается развитие их инфраструктуры и реконструкция на островах архипелагов Новая Земля, Новосибирские острова и Земля Франца-Иосифа. Последний - самый северный аэродром России.

    - Мы отработали практически все аэродромы, находящиеся в арктической зоне, совершаем полеты туда и обратно. Подготовили везде авиационные комендатуры. Стоит отметить, что в ближайшие годы большинство российских аэродромов в Арктике смогут принимать самолеты всех типов и во все сезоны, - отметил генерал-майор Игорь Кожин.

    In the near future, many Russian airfields in the Arctic will become all-season. They will be able to receive all types of aircraft, including missile carriers.

    This was told by the head of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy, Major General Igor Kozhin, to the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. As the Hero of Russia noted, this is relevant today, because the foreign military presence in the Arctic is actively expanding, its scale is increasing, and NATO reconnaissance and combat training activities are becoming more active.

    Therefore, naval aviation of the Russian Navy has not only increased its grouping in the Arctic, it is working out tactical techniques. Successfully acts both on open water spaces, and under ice. Everything is done to ensure that the pilot, being in the air, had the opportunity to fully control the situation.

    As for the airfields themselves, the development of their infrastructure and reconstruction on the islands of the Novaya Zemlya archipelagoes, the Novosibirsk islands and Franz Josef Land continues. The latter is the most northern airfield of Russia.

    - We have worked almost all the airfields located in the Arctic zone, fly back and forth. Prepared everywhere aviation commandant's offices. It is worth noting that in the coming years, the majority of Russian airfields in the Arctic will be able to receive aircraft of all types and in all seasons, - said Major General Igor Kozhin.

    Russian NAVY will soon received rebuilded Arctic air bases on Arctic islands, which will be whole year operational. They are becoming more and more important, because of increased NATO activities in region. MiG-31BM is high speed, high altitude interceptor, so NAVY will need deeply modernized Su-33 for other tasks to do from those islands, like over the sea patrols, intercepting and ID of intruding planes and ships, supporting of arctic brigades operating there, etc.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:49 pm

    Russia Claims Total Military Superiority in the Arctic

    Turkey has the Bosporus, Egypt has the Suez Canal, Panama has its Canal, Nicaragua & Thailand may get theirs, with tolls charged in all of them, & Russia has the NSR. Fair & square!

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    Post  George1 Sat Mar 23, 2019 11:02 am

    Russia’s 45 scientists to study Arctic seas on board Mikhail Somov research vessel

    The scientists will conduct complex studies of the Russian Arctic’s seas

    ARKHANGELSK, March 22. /TASS/. About 45 experts on board the Mikhail Somov vessel will study conditions of the Arctic seas and will analyze climate changes in the Arctic at the second stage of the Trans Arctic 2019 expedition between May 15 and June 10, Head of the Northern Hydrometeorology and Environment Department Roman Yershov told TASS.

    One of the tasks under the Science National Project is to build up steadily the number of sea expeditions to 250 by 2024. The Trans Arctic expedition will have four stages. It will finish in autumn, 2019. The scientists will conduct complex studies of the Russian Arctic’s seas. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev inked an order to allocate almost 870 million rubles ($13 million) for the studies.

    "The expedition on board the Mikhail Somov will feature 45 scientists and 40 crew members," the expert said. "The expedition is organized jointly by the Department, the Arctic and Antarctic Studies Institute, the Northern Arctic Federal University, the Typhoon Scientific and Production Association (in Obninsk), the Marine Heritage Association, the Central Aerology Observatory, the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution Studies, the Laverov Federal Research Center for the Arctic Complex Studies, and others."

    The main task is to monitor the marine and coastal ecosystems in the changing climate and to receive up-to-date information on the marine ecosystem’s conditions. The ship will depart from Arkhangelsk, to take the expedition to the White, Barents and Kara Seas.

    "The Mikhail Somov is ready for the set tasks, all necessary conditions are offered onboard: there will be labs and necessary equipment," he said, adding "the crew, of course, is ready."

    According to objectives of the Science National Project, by 2024 Russia should be among five leading countries in scientific research and works. The country should offer attractive conditions for work in Russia both for foreign experts and for young promising researchers. The country will build up financing for scientific research.


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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Wed Apr 03, 2019 8:16 am

    pity is not final decision but still a good beginning russia russia russia

    UN Sub-Commission recognized part of the Arctic as a continuation of Russia

    The UN Sub-Commission recognized the geological affiliation of part of the Arctic to the continuation of the continental shelf of Russia. This was stated by the head of Rosnedra Yevgeny Kiselev.

    According to Interfax, at sessions of the UN Subcommittee, materials were prepared as part of the work carried out by Rosnedra and the Ministry of Environment, which will make it possible at the 49th session of the subcommission to make "an important decision for Russia."

    “The sub-commission declared the geological affiliation of the territories, which we include in the extended borders of the continental shelf, to the structures of the continuation of the shelf and the continent of the Russian Federation. This is the most important statement, which to some extent determines the success of our application, ”Kiselev said.

    In 2015, Russia submitted an application to the UN to expand the boundaries of the continental shelf in the Arctic, which will increase its area by 1.2 million km.

    According to him, there were technical issues related to the substantiation of morphology on specific elements of the Russian application. Kiselelev added that within the next 2-3 sessions these issues will be resolved. ■
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:07 am

    Now it should be called "Arctic Fox"!

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:40 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Construction of platform "North Pole" started

    Scientific platform, moves into position and stays there while water freezes around it. Operates independently for 2 years.

    Arctic rush - Page 12 6347076_original

    I spoke too soon back then (or translator fudged up, can't remember) but now it's officially laid down:

    Arctic rush - Page 12 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8xLzMvMTMwMTU1NDg4NDQ3Nl9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD0xMTg5NTg=

    Arctic rush - Page 12 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8zLzYvMzY3MTU1NDg4NDU1NV9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD0xMTg5NTg=


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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:15 am

    Interesting idea.

    In the computer game STALKER there are concrete structures designed for science labs that are carried by helo and dropped at locations with fences built around them and crates with supplies left nearby to support scientific operations.

    I also remember seeing barge like structures of similar purpose to this ship that is sent to various locations and left to operate for long periods in inhospitable places that acts as a base of operations and to contain equipment and vehicles and personel that can be used for the survey/operation.

    Looks rather cool to me and should make longer term ops more comfortable and more efficient and self sufficient.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:17 am

    Below the water line they could have equipment for divers and underwater vehicles for experiments beneath the ice as well as surface transport that could be lowered and recovered by those big cranes, and of course airborne UAVs and balloons for testing the air and sample collection etc etc

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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  Austin Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:06 am

    Putin says Arctic has 13 Billion Tons of Oil and 95 Trillion Cubic Meters of Natural Gas , Look at the reaction of Swedish PM sitting besides him when Putin quotes this figures


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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  flamming_python Sun Apr 14, 2019 3:17 pm

    Austin wrote:Putin says Arctic has 13 Billion Tons of Oil and 95 Trillion Cubic Meters of Natural Gas , Look at the reaction of Swedish PM sitting besides him when Putin quotes this figures

    It's the Finnish PM
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:09 pm

    Arctic - to cooperate or confront?

    NATO is the North Atlantic, not Arctic, Treaty Organisation; they should & better respect Russia's concerns for their own good!

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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:11 am

    NATO is a military organisation created to confront the Soviet Union and now confronting Russia.... regarding the northern sea route it is through Russian territorial waters and NATO is not really in any position to do anything about it...

    Much like Russia when it came to Serbia and Kosovo and the US when it came to South Ossetia and Abkhazia and Georgia.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:02 am

    GarryB wrote:..regarding the northern sea route it is through Russian territorial waters and NATO is not really in any position to do anything about it...
    Part of it is in the international waters, but as the article said, Russia claims it as a historical route, + they claim a big continental shelf area the UN is set to approve, so it'll be within their EEZ.

    When Moscow should wait for provocations from Washington on the Northern Sea Route
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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:44 pm

    Arctic - to cooperate or confront?
    The region is gradually turning into an arena of collision of geopolitical interests of different countries of the world.

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    Post  GarryB Wed May 01, 2019 2:53 am

    America does not recognise any EEZ except their own... it does not matter if part of the north sea route is in international waters or not... a direct flight across the continent of the United States of America is partly in international air space... at the start and at the end... do you think anyone trying to fly over the US could do so without a reaction?

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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  verkhoturye51 Wed May 01, 2019 7:55 am

    Arctic - to cooperate or confront?
    The region is gradually turning into an arena of collision of geopolitical interests of different countries of the world.

    The US will employ submarines in the Arctic. I like this idea. Better than surface ships that need to rely on icebreakers and have a limited range.

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    Post  GarryB Wed May 01, 2019 10:01 am

    They are hardly going to be able to do very much with only a submarine presence...
    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri May 03, 2019 7:30 pm

    Pentagon warns on risk of Chinese submarines in Arctic

    IMO, they won't be sending their SSBNs there unless the VMF will help to protect them, & communication under ice may be a problem. The US West coast is within range of SLBMs from the SC Sea.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu May 09, 2019 10:41 pm

    The United States declared the Arctic line of its defense

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    Post  kvs Fri May 10, 2019 7:19 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Pentagon warns on risk of Chinese submarines in Arctic

    IMO, they won't be sending their SSBNs there unless the VMF will help to protect them, & communication under ice may be a problem. The US West coast is within range of SLBMs from the SC Sea.

    Who gave the US and its minions ownership of the Arctic Ocean?

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    Post  kvs Fri May 10, 2019 7:23 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:The United States declared the Arctic line of its defense

    Pompeo the blowhard tried to paint Russia securing its sovereignty over its Arctic waters as some sort of threat to "free shipping".
    Americans are pathological liars and con-artists. They need saps to believe their fake "do gooder" routine so that they can spread
    their imperialism.

    Pompeo needs to first have the US build a few ice breakers before pumping America's "rights" to Russia's EEZ.

    BTW, the North-East passage is through Russia's EEZ since that is the part of the Arctic Ocean that is ice free the longest. Without
    Russian icebreaker support there would be no shipping through the North-East passage. Pompeo can go and shove himself and
    rest of Yankistan up his bottomless anus.

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    Post  Viktor Sat May 11, 2019 3:34 am

    kvs wrote:
    Tsavo Lion wrote:The United States declared the Arctic line of its defense

    Pompeo the blowhard tried to paint Russia securing its sovereignty over its Arctic waters as some sort of threat to "free shipping".  
    Americans are pathological liars and con-artists.   They need saps to believe their fake "do gooder" routine so that they can spread
    their imperialism.    

    Pompeo needs to first have the US build a few ice breakers before pumping America's "rights" to Russia's EEZ.  

    BTW, the North-East passage is through Russia's EEZ since that is the part of the Arctic Ocean that is ice free the longest.   Without
    Russian icebreaker support there would be no shipping through the North-East passage.   Pompeo can go and shove himself and
    rest of Yankistan up his bottomless anus.  

    the same way by democrats Putin was described as a threat to the democracy in Russia. To address to the position of the President of RF in such manner means total disrespect for Russian institutions and intellectual elites it also means retaining the position of the God of some sort from which you view on all others from above.
    I would rather say their talk is meaningless.

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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  medo Wed May 15, 2019 12:29 pm

    Теплоход «Капитан Данилкин», действующий в интересах Северного флота, доставил более 8,3 тысяч тонн груза на остров Земля Александры архипелага Земля Франца-Иосифа. Большая часть груза — это бетонные плиты для строительства всесезонного аэродрома рядом с самой северной российской военной базой «Арктический трилистник».

    Сегодня судно встало у припая и приступило к разгрузке, которая продлится несколько дней. Нынешний рейс для теплохода «Капитан Данилкин» — третий. В общей сложности он доставил на остров более 25 тысяч тонн стройматериалов за текущую навигацию.

    Завоз стройматериалов, топлива и других полезных грузов для обеспечения объектов Северного флота на архипелаге Земля Франца-Иосифа осуществляется зафрахтованными судами Северного и Мурманского морских пароходств из портов Архангельска и Мурманска.

    Cargo ship kapitan Danilkin bring the third cargo of construction material to Zemlya Franz Joseph island, mostly concrete plates for new airbase.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu May 16, 2019 8:03 pm

    Year-round use of the whole NSR is predicted by 2035:

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    Arctic rush - Page 12 Empty Re: Arctic rush

    Post  kvs Thu May 16, 2019 8:42 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Year-round use of the whole NSR is predicted by 2035:

    American imperialists know that the thaw is in progress and I would say that 2035 is a bit on the pessimistic side. The ice volume
    decline is dramatic:

    Arctic rush - Page 12 BPIOMASIceVolumeAprSepCurrent

    September ice will be totally gone by 2030. And the late winter (maximum) ice volume will be half of what it is today. This
    means that the shipping season without ice-breaker support will be at least 4 months long. All the thick multi-year ice will
    be completely gone by 2030. Progressively the ice thickness will get smaller and smaller so that ice-breaker free travel
    will be possible for most of the year after 2060.

    America with its one functional ice breaker thinks that it will be patrolling Russian EEZ waters. Lunatics. The North-East
    passage is not the same thing as the South China Sea conflict. The ice free waters will always be closest to the Russian
    Arctic coast. So ships will be traveling in Russian territorial waters (not only the EEZ). America has not f*cking business
    in these waters. Russia needs to make sure US warships don't pull any Kerch Strait type stunts.

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