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Walther von Oldenburg
par far
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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    par far

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  par far Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:02 pm

    "After 15 years of Chavism -under Hugo Chavez and now under Nicolas Maduro – Venezuela is dying. The country holding the largest proven oil reserves on the planet is now a nation in deep social crisis".
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:52 am

    That was destined to happen.

    Ezperiments are OK when done in laboratories, not good if the fate of entire country depends on them. And Venezuela's economic experiment is a through failure.

    Generous subsidies for the poor are of little importance if the whole system is damaged.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  George1 Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:10 am

    Venezuela also spent too much in aiding other countries GDP, like Nicaragua and Cuba. And it was an ideological policy clearly, no actual benefit for Venezuela.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  George1 Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:42 pm

    Maduro Announces Gasoline Price Increase, Venezuelan Bolivar Devaluation

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced an increase in the price of gasoline in the country and the devaluation of the national currency.

    MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) – The price of gasoline will go up from $0.01 per liter to $0.95 per liter starting from February 19. The Venezuelan bolivar will weaken from 6.3 to 10 bolivars per dollar, according to Maduro.

    "This new system will have to ensure two things: the payment of what is invested in the production of hydrocarbon in addition to the healthy functioning of PDVSA [state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela oil and gas company]," Maduro said as quoted by NTN24 on Wednesday.

    In January, Maduro declared an economic emergency in Venezuela. The announcement came two days after Venezuela’s oil price dropped to $24 a barrel, the lowest mark in 12 years. Up to 96 percent of Venezuela’s budget depends on oil revenues.

    Maduro accepted partial blame for the economic situation in the country in an address to the National Economic Council, stressing that Venezuela needs to replace all sources of income from oil with other sources.

    Public discontent with Maduro’s government has been growing in Venezuela amid grave economic problems, largely contributing to the victory of the opposition MUD (Democratic Unity Roundtable) group in the December 2015 parliamentary elections.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  George1 Mon May 09, 2016 4:09 pm

    Economy has failed..

    Venezuela declares a 2-day workweek because of dire energy shortages

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 09, 2016 4:15 pm

    Yup their situation is dire

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  sepheronx Mon May 09, 2016 8:06 pm

    Sad. It really isn't rocket science to fix their issue. But oh well.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  Svyatoslavich Tue May 10, 2016 9:01 am

    The cause is simple: Latin American populism. Here the poor person is considered a victim of society, while anyone from middle class and above is privileged. So the solution is to squeeze everything from middle and high classes through taxes, and give lot of aids to poor people who then won't care about studying or getting a job. And then everything crashes. As a solution we elect rightist ideologists (as Argentina has just done) who sell everything to foreign investors, get a lot of external debts, asks for help from the IMF and the World Bank, and everything crashes again. And the pendulum never stops oscillating between those two failed ideologies.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  George1 Tue May 10, 2016 11:54 am

    Ι think in Venezuela case that the critical point it was that revenues from oil past years didn't used to expand other sectors of economy and invest in sectors that can antagonize other countries in Americas (for example universities and medical centers)

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  sepheronx Tue May 10, 2016 11:58 am

    Agreed with George.

    While I do not fully endorse the concept of Austerity, there should have been at least some Austerity. All this defense spending for a small country like Venezuela while important, shouldn't have been overtly induldged too much (new multipurpose aircrafts like Su-30M series, Chinese K-8 jet trainers, newer comm equipment, etc was important but not those old T-72 tanks and various other APC's). Money should have been diverted to produce pulp plants, recycling depots, expansion of agriculture sector and canning industry (very important), Universities and medical institutes who do research and development, and possibly on tourism. Lets face it, venezuela is a beautiful country and with the devaluation of the Bolivar, they could get some real good money with tourism. And products sold like alcohol and such would be well sought after.

    But seems they just blew it all when they had the chance to thrive.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  Svyatoslavich Tue May 10, 2016 7:08 pm

    Also true. But Chavez believed that oil would reach 200 dollars per barrel and his country would live of oil rent like Saudi Arabia. It is shocking that Venezuela, which has lots of fertile lands, imports most of its food from neighbor Colombia.
    On the other hand, a good amount of money was invested in not so useful programs like developing a national satellite. Clear case of twisted priorities: invest first in most basic and critical stuff like producing your own food (it is not that Venezuela is a desert), and then slowly but surely start industrializing the country and in a few decades a local developed and produced satellite can be feasible.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue May 10, 2016 7:13 pm

    Svyatoslavich wrote:Also true. But Chavez believed that oil would reach 200 dollars per barrel and his country would live of oil rent like Saudi Arabia. It is shocking that Venezuela, which has lots of fertile lands, imports most of its food from neighbor Colombia.
    On the other hand, a good amount of money was invested in not so useful programs like developing a national satellite. Clear case of twisted priorities: invest first in most basic and critical stuff like producing your own food (it is not that Venezuela is a desert), and then slowly but surely start industrializing the country and in a few decades a local developed and produced satellite can be feasible.


    More like every Venezuelan governement since the early XXth century.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue May 10, 2016 11:55 pm

    Puerto Rico has the exact polar opposite economic policies that were enacted in Venezuela, and how that turned out for the Puerto Ricans you may ask? Well...


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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  George1 Wed May 11, 2016 2:54 am

    what i am afraid more is that without Venezuela's cheap oil same problems might appear in Cuba and Nicaragua

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  George1 Sat May 14, 2016 4:53 pm

    Economic Emergency Extended for Three More Months in Venezuela

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has extended the economic state of emergency in the country for three more months.

    MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) – Maduro declared an economic emergency in Venezuela in January. The announcement came two days after Venezuela’s oil price dropped to $24 a barrel, the lowest mark in 12 years. Up to 96 percent of Venezuela’s budget depends on oil revenues.

    "I will proceed to sign…a new decree…that would allow us during the months of May, June, July…to recover the productive capacity of the country," Maduro said on national radio and television on Friday, as quoted by RCN Radio.

    Maduro accepted partial blame for the economic situation in the country in an address to the National Economic Council, stressing that Venezuela needs to replace all sources of income from oil with other sources.

    The initial economic emergency decree was valid for 60 days. It was subsequently extended for two more months in March.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  NationalRus Tue May 24, 2016 8:58 pm

    Venezuela is FEELING THE BERN Smile

    i predict they have about 3 months left TOPS till total and utter collapse


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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  George1 Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:47 am

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced that over 80 percent of the country’s budget is now non-reliant on oil and will be formed with domestic taxes.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  Airman Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:10 pm

    Venezuela economy minister visits Ankara to negotiate petrol trade

    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Thumbs_b_c_1763d667ca88547f19d58d588f9626fe

    Venezuela's economy minister Tuesday visited the Turkish capital Ankara to discuss trade relations between the two countries, with a focus on petroleum.

    "We are interested in Venezuela's entire production of petroleum products, petrochemicals and petroleum coke," said Turkey's Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci at the meeting.

    "We want to meet Turkey's needs [from that supply]."

    Zeybekci met with his Venezuelan counterpart Simon Zerpa as part of an ongoing process to develop trade relations in line with goals set by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who met most recently on Oct. 6.

    Tuesday's talks marked the third meeting in 45 days between the leaders of the two countries.

    Zeybekci stressed that Turkey and Venezuela hope to expand commercial relations as much as possible in the first months of the new year to reach trade goals by the end of 2018.

    "We promise we can come [to an agreement] quickly," said the minister. "By the end of January, the trade will be determined. [We will identify] what products we will buy, what the exchange will be, what we forecast for future trade volume."

    "Our mutual trade volume has increased 100 percent during the 10-month period of this year, and at the beginning of 2018 we will produce a big picture [of future trade relations]," Zeybekci added, saying that he and Zerpa plan to meet again before the end of January.

    Zerpa said Turkey and Venezuela are working to sign a second agreement on commercial relations.

    "We want to establish a strategic partnership between the two countries that will last for the next hundred years," he said, adding that petroleum products made up the bulk of negotiations.

    Zerpa also noted the importance of the deal in relation to Venezuela's efforts to revitalize its economy amid its ongoing foreign debt restructure.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  Isos Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:27 am

    We could see soon su-30 in action. Will be funny against Super tucanos, kfir and useless gripens.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  Vann7 Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:26 am

    CNN was caught with pants down ,in a fake report about venezuela.. lol1

    a nice catchup by Vesti News.. Laughing
    Basically the so called Refugees moving from Venezuela to Colombia ,were in reality
    tourist of fortune ,that were crossing the border to get paid $30 dollars by Americans "humanitarian mission"
    and they go shooping in colombia and return with bags full of stuff.. they get.. and none of them
    looks starving at all. or concerned about returning to a "repressive evil government" ..

    This needs to be reported in every media outlet in the world.. how western disinformation
    how far can go.. to demonize nations.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:26 am

    now this is it... the final nail in the coffin of GUaido..
    The 2 hundred Military defeactors who join the calls of Guaido and cross the border...
    have been abandon in Colombia . lol1    They are calling for help ,because
    now the Colombia government is demanding them to leave their temporary setup bases..
    And they will be officially homeless in a couple of days.. can't enter in Venezuela ,because
    will be arrested and in Colombia they have no family and will be homeless..  lol1 lol1

    This is the worse Coup ever in the history of US.. they could not have hired a worse
    leader than Guaido..  Pence was furious when Guaido failed to convince National Guard to
    abandon MAduro..  200 defectors from 200,000 strong armed forces.. is about 0.01% of defectors.
    virtually zero..   This week the fate of Guaido will be clear ..because he called for massive
    protest nation wide.. and if nobody follows ,it will be the end of his Circus.. and if
    The military that defected , if left on the streets homeless.. in Colombia , then never again
    any other military will defect.. knowing will be abandon by the Right.. to their luck.. lol1

    The defectors are angry with Guaido for leaving them , in colombia.. and not having where to go. lol Laughing

    is in spanish , but pictures alone speak .. they are upset with Guaido for abandoning them..  
    and not having where to Go ,since the colombian government is telling them through some
    official papers from colombia governent that they showing.. that they needs to go..from
    that shelter.. so not even food and a shelter.. for them..that they have a couple of days more
    only left.. and need to go .. So the defectors who wanted to overthrow Maduro are now abandoned
    by the oppossition.. Laughing


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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:22 am

    Isos wrote:

    We could see soon su-30 in action. Will be funny against Super tucanos, kfir and useless gripens.

    They won't do anything cause if there is even the threat of military force for serious, then China and Russia may move in, which then those piss ant nations won't attempt for sure. Maduro has not asked it yet.

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  JohninMK Tue Aug 06, 2019 8:58 pm

    Here we go, the US tightens the screws. Next a sea blockade?

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 07, 2019 9:36 am

    Looking back through this thread it is interesting to see how often members here thought Venezuela was a dead duck and that its economy was about to collapse... even in 2016... since then billions of dollars of gold and assets have been stolen (seized and re-purposed to support the Venezuelan opposition) and they still seem to not be supporting this American led coup... I think the important point here is that any real coup for this minority of people sponsored by the rich in the US who want control of their enormous oil reserves are going to have to put into power a seriously repressive regime to control the population and get them to accept they will remain poor while those in power are going to get very very rich... and probably ultimately leave to live in the US or UK...

    But western media hide the truth and continue with the war drums for moral reasons to save the majority from a real chance at a better future...

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    Venezuela Εconomic Situation Empty Re: Venezuela Εconomic Situation

    Post  flamming_python Thu Aug 08, 2019 10:07 pm

    GarryB wrote:Looking back through this thread it is interesting to see how often members here thought Venezuela was a dead duck and that its economy was about to collapse... even in 2016... since then billions of dollars of gold and assets have been stolen (seized and re-purposed to support the Venezuelan opposition) and they still seem to not be supporting this American led coup... I think the important point here is that any real coup for this minority of people sponsored by the rich in the US who want control of their enormous oil reserves are going to have to put into power a seriously repressive regime to control the population and get them to accept they will remain poor while those in power are going to get very very rich... and probably ultimately leave to live in the US or UK...

    But western media hide the truth and continue with the war drums for moral reasons to save the majority from a real chance at a better future...

    It's a black hole either way.

    And the chavistas could been way smarter. What they've built is not the way to build socialism.

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